Military Units
Will Present
Annual Dance
Riflemen To Perform;
Achievement Medals
To Be Awarded
Michigan militar will march
forth from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Fri-
day in the Union Ballroom when
it holds its annual formal dance.
The event was begun back in
1918 by the ROTC and NROTC
units, but it was discontinued dur-
ing the war.
A * * *
IT WAS REVIVED again after
the war, and is now an annual
dance sponsored by the ROTC
units of the army, navy, air force
and marines.
The dance is traditionally
based on a military theme, and
decorations are designed to car-
ry out this idea.
Pershing rifle men, complete
with white helmets, spats and
gloves, will collect tickets from
couples at a military sentry box.
* * *
take on a military atmosphere as
insignias of the four branches of
service are displayed under a false
ceiling of maize and blue.
"On the high seas" will be
the theme carried out in the
small ballroom. Decorations
will be designed to convey the
idea of a ship.
Musical background for the
dance will be furnished by Paul
LaVoie and his orchestra. LaVoie,
No Corsages
The committee for Military
Ball has announced that no
corsages are to be worn.
who is orchestra leader for sta-
tion WJR in Detroit, is well-
known for his versatile and pleas-
ing musical style.
INTERMISSION entertainment
will be furnished by the Pershing
1 riflemen, who will present an ex-
hibition in precision use of the
Medals of achievement will be
awarded during intermission to
the highest ranking man in
each service-army, navy ma-
rine and air force. The riflemen
will act as a guard of honor to
these men.
Tickets may be purchased at
North Ball, Administration Build-
ing or from committee members.
A limited number are available to
the public.
"Men, not in uniform, who are
attending the dance, are tonwear]
tuxedos," said Tson, general
League Positions Obtained by Procedure
Of Petitioning and Interviewing for Offices
Petitioning for W AA Positions
To End; Interviews Will Begin
Many Available Jobs Include Membership
On Executive Board, Managerships of Clubs
(Editor's Note-This is the first in
a series of articles on petitioning for
League Positions.)
T h e process f o r obtaining
League jobs of all kinds is through
petitioning to and interviewing in
front of the interviewing and
nominating committee of the
The first step in writing a peti-
tion is to find out all the duties
involved in the job. These are
listed in the League Lowdown and
in the Presidents' Reports. Fur-
ther information may be obtained
from the person now holding the
position or from any member of
the interviewing committee.
chairman of interviewing and no-
minating committee, "Perhaps the
best source of information con-
cerning any League position is
the .Presidents' Reports."
Every person who has ever
held a League position has
written a report at the end of
her term, explaining what she
has done during the year and
giving any suggestions for im-
provement which she may con-
sider important.
After becoming thoroughly fa-
miliar with the job she would like
to have, the petitioner should
think of any improvements which
she would make if chosen for the
* * *
AFTER THIS information has
been written in rough draft form,
the copy to be turned-in may be
typed. The first page of every
petition consists of a standard
form which may be picked-up at
the Undergraduate Office of the
League any time during petition-
This form provides space for
the name, class, grade-point
average and former activities of
the petitioner. The rest of the
petition consists of a listing of
the duties of the office involved,
suggested improvements and
constructive criticism.
The body of the petition may
be in either outline form or writ-
ten out. The important point, is
that it should convey, as clearly
and concisely as possible, the
meaning and intentions of the
mitted to the interviewing and
nominating committee, the peti-
tioner should sign up for an inter-
During an interview, the pe-
titioner is asked to tell the du-
ties of the office, what improve-
ments she would inaugurate (if
any) and if she has any con-
structive criticism to offer.
The interview follows the same
pattern as the petition. If the
committee feels that any points
in the petition have not been ex-
plained enough they will ask
questions on those points.
* * *
thing, though," said one member
of the committee. "If the inter-
viewee wants to explain more
thoroughly what she said in her
petition, add more information or
clarify her opinions, she should
feel free to do so."
The important thing to re-
member about the interview,
say members of the interview-
ing commtitee, is that the com-
mittee members are just talking
to the interviewee to find out
her opinions and views.
"If you know the duties of your
job and what you would like to
see done in it, there is no reason
to be nervous during an inter-
view," said Miss Breon.
Senior, junior, sophomore and
freshman positions are announced
during Installation Night, which
will be held in May this year.
Senior petitioning is now com-
pleted and petitioning for junior
positions by sophomore women
will continue until 5 p.m. Friday.
At that time, the petitions will be
due in the Undergraduate Office
of the League.
Students Slate
Union-League . .
Mid-week relief from studying
will be offered from 7 to 10 p.m.
tomorrow in the Union in the sec-
ond of a series of entertainment
programs sponsored jointly by the
League and Union.
With dancing in the TerraceE
Room and bridge and Canasta
games in the small ballroom, the1
event will be held every other<
week in the Union until later in
the semester when the program
will change its location to the
There will be no admissionr
charge for couples attending the
WAA ...
A co-recreational program based
on competitive teams and leagues
will begin Friday night at the
Intramural Building.
Volleyball, badminton and bowl-
ing are the activities which will
be organized Friday, and others,
such as paddleball, squash, golf,
tennis, swimming and gymnastics,
may be added to the group sports
Students entering the program
will be divided into leagues, with
four men and four women on each
volleyball team, two men and two
women on each bowling team and
mixed doubles teams for badmin-
Questionnaires have been sent
to all the residences for sugges-
tions concerning the program.
Buy and Sell
Thru Daily Classifieds
--Daily-Malcolm Shatz
COOKINGOUT-Members of the WAA Camp Counselors' Club
have taken advantage of the few sunny spring days to practice
their fire-building and cooking techniques. The coeds are Mary
Ellen Hastie, Nancy Fitch, club manager, and Jean Carson. All
women interested in the club are asked to attend the meeting at
7:30 p.m. today at Barbour Gymnasium. Experience in camping
is not necessary.
Waves Seek Coed Volunteers
Lt. Nancy H. Pillon will be in
An A r b o r Wednesday and
Thursday to recruit senior women
for the Waves.
She will speak at a group meet-
ing at 4 P.M., Wed., in Rm. 4051
Administration Bldg.
Although the meeting is for wo-
men who will graduate in June,
others may attend to learn about
opportunities for positions
the Waves in the future.
Coed Caenc/ar
JGP CAST -- All members will
meet for combined rehearsals ac-
cording to the following schedule:
Act 1, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. tomorrow;
Act 3, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Thursday;
Acts 1 and 3, 1 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Saturday. There will be no re-
hearsals Friday or Saturday night.
Sunday's schedule will 'be an-
* . .
JGP USHERING - Two meet-
ings have been scheduled for jun-
ior women interested in ushering.
One will be Wed. at 5:00 p.m. and
the other at 4:00 p.m. on Thurs.
Those who are interested should
attend one of these meetings.
Ina Sussman, chairman of the
ushering committee, has an-
nounced that a large number of
coeds have turned in postcards
indicating that they are interest-
ed, although they cannot attend
the meetings, but they have for-
gotten to include their names on
the postcards. Miss Sussan would
like- these women to contact her
at once.
' * * *
-There will be a meeting at 5
p.m. today in the League. The
room number will be posted.
joining the Waves after gradua-
tion this June, may arrange for
an interview with Lt. Pillon by
calling the Bureau of Appoint-
ments. Lt. Pillon will interview
these women from 8 a.m. to 4:30
p.m. Thurs. at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration
Women may apply for Line
Commissions, Supply Commis-
sions or Medical Service Corps
Commissions. A bachelors de-
gree is required for Line Com-
missions. A. Bachelors degree
with a major in mathematics,
economics or business adminis-
tration is required for Supply
Commissions. Applicants 'for
Medical Service Corps Commis-
sions must have a degree in op-
tometry, pharmacy or an allied
medical science.
To qualify for positions in the
Waves, women must be 21 to 25
years old at the time appointed
(July 1), a graduate of an accre-
dited college or university, phy-
sically qualified with weight ac-
cording to standards for height
and age and a native born citizen
of the United States or'a natur-
alized citizen for a period of at
least ten years.
* * *
THEY MUST also establish
mental, moral and professional
fitness and aptitude for naval
service, be unmarried at the time
of appointment and must have
no children under 18 yearshold
regardless of legal custody.
In the qualifications for the
Medical Service Corps, the age
limit is extended from 21 to 30
years old.
In the Line Corps, duties con-
sist of jobs in personnel, public
relations, training, publications,
intelligence and communication.
Duties in the Supply Corps
have to do w i t h disbursing,
supply, commissary and account-
Petitions for WAA positions are
due at 5 p.m. today in the Under-
graduate Office of the League.
Interviews will be held by the
senior members of the board from
3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow through Fri-
day and also Monday.
* * *
mores and juniors may petition
for all positions with the excep-
tion of president which must be
held by a senior who has had
one year of experience on the
Executive B o a r d positions
open are: president, vice presi-
dent in charge of special proj-
ects, vice-president in charge
of student relations, co-recrea-
tion chairman, secretary, treas-
urer, A.F.C.W. representative,
participation manager, dormi-
tory, sorority, and league house
managers, general publicity and
Daily publicity.
Other seats on the Board are
held by sports club managers.
tioning for club manager positions
do not necessarily need to have
experience or ability in the sport,
but rather an understanding of
the purpose of the club, enthusi-
asm plus organizational ability.
Petitioners need not have
been sport club members in
their chosen field, but ability
and club membership will be
taken into consideration. Lead-
ership ability, ideas for the club
and potentialities for active
WAA Board participation will
be major factors in choosing
women for the positions.
Sport manager positions in-
clude archery, badminton, basket-
ball, bowling, camp counselors,
fencing, golf, coaches and offi-
cials, field hockey and michifish.
sitions are rifle, softball, tennis,
riding and speedball-soccer plus
the co-recreational positions nam-
ed in Sunday's Daily.
Prospective WAA Board mem-
bers may obtain various infor-
mation to aid them in writing
petitions. Courses a r e the
League Lowdown, the WAA con-
Kappa Alpha Theta
Alumnae Will Sponsor
Bake Sale Saturday
The Alumnae Club of Kappa
Alpha Theta is sponsoring a bake
sale from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sat-
urday at 209 S. Fourth Ave.
Chairman of the sale is Mrs.
Terry Kirkpatrick. Cakes, cook-
ies, pies, and candy will be in-
cluded in the goods to be sold.
Mahogany Calf
- /v fv
stitution contained in t h e
League Lowdown, the Presi-
dent's Reports available in the
League Undergraduate > Office
and the WAA reports and scrap-
book available in Rm. 2 of the
Interviewees will be expected to
be able to explain their petition
and may bring to the interview
additional features or suggestions
that they have not included in
their petitions. They will also be
expected to have a general know-
ledge of WAA activities and proj-
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Read Daily Classifieds
* * * *
Coed Engagements Revealed
Summer Courses
University of Madrid
Study and Travel
A rare opportunity to enjoy mem-
orable experiences in learning and
living! For students, teachers,
others yet to discover fascinating,
historical Spain. Courses include
Spanish language, art and culture.
Interesting recreational program
For details, write now to
500 Fifth Ave., New York 18, N.Y.
John son-Boyer
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson
of Ann Arbor have announced the
engagement of their daughter,
Barbara Louise, to William Hurst
Boyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mit-
chell Boyer of Toronto, Canada.
Miss Johnson is majoring in
sociology and is a sophomore in
the literary school.
Mr. Boyer is a graduate student
in the School of Music. He is a
member of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
and Pi Kappa Lambda, music
honorary society.
The wedding will take place in
* * *
Announcement was made re-
cently at a sorority dinner of the
betrothal of Mary Jo Scott,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
T. Scott of Detroit, to William D.
Keeler, son of Mr. and Mrs. War-
ren A. Ferguson of Dayton, O.
Miss Scott, a junior in educa-
tion school, is affiliated with Kap-
pa Delta sorority.
Mr. Keeler, a member of Alpha
Tau Omega, is a junior in the lit-
erary college.
No date has been set for the
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Ray E. Fuller of
Des Moines, Iowa, have announced
the engagement of their daugh-
ter, Patricia, to Philip H. Rhodes,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip L.
Rhodes of Pelham Manor, New
Miss Fuller is a graduate of
Pine Manor Junior College in
Wellesley, Mass. She is now a
junior in the literary School.
Mr. Rhodes received his B.A.
from Harvard University and is
now a special student in naval ar-
chitecture here at the University.
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