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March 06, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-03-06

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M obiliation

Football Polls

THE EMERGENCY mobilization program,
vital for preserving our security and
containing communism is being neglected
in favor of a return to "normalcy." Where-
ever we look there are new evidences of a
general sliding back into the comfortable
quietus of the old homestead. Even the
"business as usual" sign is getting a new
coat of paint.
For example, prices, despite the theor-
etical freeze, are steadily rising to new
heights. Labor, calling itself a "mother-
less child," has returned to its old stand-
by, the walkout, and has deserted the de-
fense mobilization program. Constant
group pressures of "no draft for these
'uns" has caused delay and confusion in
the attempt to create a much needed
fighting force.
And the height of laxity has been reached
in the Great Debate, a loquacious attempt to
return to isolationism. It has descended in-
to the question of congressional vs. presiden-
tial rights, and has become the lowest form
of human activity, the creation of a political
campaign issue where none exists.
The conclusion to be drawn from this
current situation is that we have begun the
return to four non-constructive modes of
behavior: extreme optimism, selfishness,
shortsightedness and procrastination.
We are again optimistic about our ability
to lick anyone, anywhere, anytime. We are
once more selfish in placing our personal
and individual desires foremost. We are
again shortsighted as to the actual needs of
living in a world two months from now. We
are still procrastinators in that we put off
for tomorrow what should have been done
Our mobilization efforts fluctuate with
the amount of fear we have instilled in us
by DRAMATIC world events. Today's laxity
would never have occurred last December.
The retreat in Korea threw our shoulders
forward in united and determined effort.
But a see-saw continuation of the same
battle has relaxed us into our easy chairs.
When our newspaper headlines are big,
black and bold, so are we. When the head-
line type gets smaller, we shrink with it.
Our main fault is that either we do not
realize our position as one of the two pow-
ers in the world or we do not see the serious-
ness of Russia's threat to world peace. We
lack a sense of responsibility to meet not
only the problems of our numerous, depen-
dent allies but even the problems of our
own cduntry.
The day when the cold war turns into
an armed world-wide struggle might well
be prevented by able diplomacy and eco-
nomic aid, but most of all by preparedness
to meet any and all alternatives.
Preparation for war is costly in money,
in lives and in individual plans. But war
without preparation will be'far more expen-

(Editor's Note-The following letter, although
exceeding the usual 300 word limit Is, being
printed here because the writer is in a position
to present a viewpoint which The Daily feels
should be aired.)
To the Editors of The Michigan Daily, the
Faculty and student body of the University
of Michigan:
I shall be well on my way out of the
country, so whether it is ever published or
not is a matter of small concern to me. How-
ever, I do feel that it would merely be a mat-
ter of fair dealing to print this and inject
a little truth into the stories that have
caused so much trouble to Bob McQuire and
The cry is put forth by the editors that
it is the duty of The Michigan Daily to pre-
sent the news to the public whatever it may
be at whatever price. Were these men work-
ing on a Hearst tabloid, the policy would be
appropriate; however, they are not running
a newspaper of Hearst caliber and their sal-
ary and circulation are not dependent on
sensationalism. It is my belief that a certain
desire for justce, evident in the more mature
students of recent years, should commit the
present Daily Staff to a certain sense of re-
sponsibility to the University, which they are
fortunate enough to attend and to their
fellow students, who are after all fellow stu-
dents. The conditions that exist on this
campus concerning gambling, football pools,
sexual deviation, and all other topics The
Michigan Daily is considering "exposes" of,
are no better or no worse than exist on any
other university campus in any other com-
munity. Were the students concerned inter-
ested, as they claim, with cleaning up the
campus, I believe a moral obligation to print
the truth would have been far more success-.
ful than the unsubstantiated sensationalism
which they employed.
That The Daily articles contained a mini-
mum of truth and were merely a series of
unsubstantiate charges can now be brought
to light in view of the fact that the case
is now offcially closed. The "ring" consisted
of Robert McQuire and myself, not a group
of hoodlums who sit over newspapers figur-
ing out ways to take advantage of unsus-
pecting students. The gross weekly receipts
approached a maximum pf $400 per week
and not the $2000-$2500 per week that was
so freely thrown around. The entire project
was locally run by students with absolutely
no connection with my alleged bosses, "Al
Capone, Frank Erickson, and Costello." The
very fact thatat the end of six weeks opera-
tion I w'as behind $100 is evidence enough
that the entire project was a sporting propo-
sition and nobody was being "taken advant-
age of." I imagine that the gangster influ-
ences which were supposed to have invaded
the campus were directly attributable to me.
It is quite evident that my 3% years as a
flying officer in the Navy and my subsequent
five years at the University which have led
to my receiving my Masters degree in Engi-
neering were merely a blind to hide my ne-
farious gambling activities on campus which
this semester 'cost me $100 PLUS. As for
the discussion of the corruption of The
Daily's fictitious "baby bookie," I can assure
you that neither McGuire or myself have the
slightest idea who or what was referred to.
The Daily's charges that in substance called
the police stupid for being unaware of the
"widespread gambling on campus" Was as
immature as could possibly be expected from
a youngster whose experiences with life has
obviously been very limited. The police of
Ann Arbor are in truth a' very intelligent
organization, having a sense of values which
immediately accepted the proper perspective
of my "crime."
Frankly, and my friends know this, when
the three artcles were published, they were
so flagrantly erroneous that I took them as
a joke. Only when I realized that the
charges were so fantastic as to create na-
tion-wide interest did I become concerned
and of course, by then it was too late.
The very fact that the four men, the prose-

cuting attorney, the probation officer, the
investigating officer, and the University of-
ficial concerned, who were more familiar
with the case than anybody else, recom-
mended, in the pre-sentence investigation, a
fine and costs with no probation and no jail
sentence as sufficient penalty, is evidence
enough that the situation was properly eval-
uated by minds far more mature than those
of The Daily staff. That the presiding judge
saw fit to overrule the recommendations of
these four qualified men is corroboration of
his notorious state-wide reputation of tough-
ness where gambing and liquor are concern-
ed rather than an indication of universal
agreement with The Michigan Daily.
In leaving, I want to say in all honesty
that, try as I might, I can not feel like the
criminal that the punishment was intended
for. I shall undoubtedly continue to indulge
in all minor vices, moderately, as I have in
the past; I feel no moral shame for anything
I have done; I have never been accused of
dishonesty by anyone I have ever dealt with
and I have done nothing to be ashamed of
in this matter or any other. I am leaving
school, not because I withdrew, which even
to the last was consistent with The Michi-
gan Daily's misrepresentation of the truth,
but rather I have achieved my educational
objective, namely, my Masters degree in
Engineering and I have accepted a position
as an engineer with a consultant firm en-
gaged in the construction of airports.
This letter hase hnn' read h Rnhrt Mc-

THE DAILY'S publication of a series of
stories revealing the operation of two
football gambling card systems on campus
last fall aroused a hue and cry equaling
that stirred up by even the most turbulent
controversies of recent years.
While the majority of the student body
undoubtedly indulgently accepted the
stories with mingled Interest and humor,
there was a considerable group of stu-
dents who were enraged at some out-
side agitators destroying their opportun-
ity to squander a few bucks on a little
game of chance. Through it all, however,
neither the opportunity nor the necessity
to comment editorially on the matter pre-
sented itself to Daily editors.
In today's Daily, however, in an adjacent
column, there appears a letter from Lee Se-
tomer, one of two students who served ten
day jail sentences for heading the football
pools. While Mr. Setoryier in all his right-
eous wrath probably has some valid criti-
cisms of The Daily's news-writing, he makes
some rather sweeping statements which bear
closer scrutiny.
"* *
MR. SETOMER charges The Daily with
"Hearstian" sensationalism in its pub-
lication of the gambling stories. In retro-
spect, he may be at least partially correct.
In an attempt to inject additional read-
ability into the stories, we may have over-
written them. I cannot agree, however, that
the publication of the stories was in itself
sensational. We were merely reporting an
illegal practice which had escaped the no-
tice of the local authorities.
Mr. Setomer implies, however, that The
Daily editors habitually print all of the
stories which are called to their attention,
regardless of their nature or the effect that
such publication will have on the commun-
ity. In this he is completely wrong; During
the course of the year we have not reported
the existance of several situations because
of their nature or the possible reactions to
their revelation. And several of these stories
would have been far more "sensational" than
Mr. Setomer's football pools.
Mr. Setomer points out that "condi-
tions that exist on this campus concern-
ing gambling, football pools and all other
topics The Michigan Daily is considering
'exposes' of, are no better or no worse
than exist on any other university in any
other community." In this he is probably
correct. If my neighbor's backyard is a
niess, however, it is hardly sufficient jus-
tification for leaving mine in the same
Mr. Setomer then accuses The Daily of
misrepresenting the truth in exposing his
little pastime. He asserts that his entire
"project" was locally run. It should be
pointed out, however, that less than a month
before our st'ories appeared, a similar "pro-
ject" was uncovered on the Northwestern
campus which we understand employed the
same type of cards which Mr. Setomer cir-
* * *
AS FOR Mr. Setomer's claim that the
gross take from his "sporting proposi-
tion" never exceeded $400, we were (and
still are) convinced that the gross receipts
were much higher. These estimates were
(and are) based on the reports of several of
Mr. Setomer's associates.
If by some chance Mr. Setomer is cor-
rect, however, and our stories were "Fla-
grantly erroneous," we can only point out
that a man of Mr. Setomer's wide ex-
perience with life should have been able
to pick out a more profitable "sporting
Mr. Setomer is correct when he points out
that University officials and the investigat-
ing officers (for whom we too have respect)
recommended a fine and costs and no jail
sentence. They did not, however, recommend
that the case be dismissed for lack of evi-

The Daily editors certainly were not out
on a righteous crusade or out to "get"
any particular students. We sincerely felt
that a situation existed which should
have been reported. a
As for Mr. Setomer, we can only wish him
success in his engineering career and in his
pursuit of "all the minor vices."

"Let's Just Try Not To Notice Him"
wba r~t : r
NO!!b2 /8t-1

tetter4, TO THE EDITOR
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


McGee Case.

. .

To' the Editor:



*'l~W A5~J-. g

Washington MerryGoRound


WILLIE McGEE is in jail, in,
Mississippi. .
Willie McGee is waiting to die
on March 20.
Willie McGee made the mistake
of being born a Negro.
Five years ago Willie McGee
was sentencedato death on a
charge of rape, but few of the
actual circumstances of the case
are known. Really, the facts are
irrelevant. This is just another
of those tired Negro cases that
come up so often in the South.
What is remarkable about the
case is that after five long years
Willie still hasn't been permitted
to meet his almost certain doom.
It has been only the strenuous
abjections of the Communist Par-
ty and the Civil Rights Congress
that have prevented his death
four times already, but now a new
date has been set for the execu-
tion. If it succeeds the American
public will undoubtedly write a
quiet post-mortum, while finding
some way to blame his death on
the Communists, whose motives in
the case were doubtful.
But the existence of this Com-
munist stigma does not deny the
fact of our own negligence. The
Communists have made our ne-
glect a subject for propaganda
because, we are blind to our own
Most Americans have lost the
ability to be objective on this
point. Can there be a Democracy
without objectivity or impartial-
ity? I think not.
The principle involved in this
case is that Willie McGee has not
been treated impartially. In the
South, as here, a white man is
considered innocent until proven
guilty. With a Negro it is just
the opposite. We have a basic
interest in this case, because each
travesty of justice makes it more
likely that it could happen again.
It could happen to us!
Willie McGee made the mistake
of being born a Negro, and he
could not help that mistake.
We would make a mistake if we
permitted Willie McGee to die
unjustly, but we can prevent that.
-Robert B. Bentley
McGee Case.. .
To the Editor:

of this as I am that murder or
lying is wrong.
But, I also believe that there is
a proximate norm of morality,
conscience which, because of cir-
cumstances, might be at a vari-
ance with the natural law. I know
that it is wrong to act contrary
to this proximate norm of con-
science. Therefore, if Robert J.
Lapham, '52E, honestly believes,
according to his conscience, that
it is wrong for him to bear arms
for his country, he is obligated to
refrain from becoming a member
of any unit of our armed forces.
It is subjectively impossible for
him to perform any contract which
requires for performance, training:
and serving in the armed forces.
Even a freshman law student
can tell you that where perform-
ance of a contract becomes im-
possible through no fault of either
party, performance is excused.
Certainly the conversion to con-
scientious objection, in good faith,
cannot be said to be a wilful,
wanton, malicious or negligent act.
Consequently, I say that Robert
J. Lapham, '52E, acted in an ethi-
cal, legal and moral manner, that
'Robert J. Lapham, '52E, could not
possibly have violated any Chris-
tian code of ethics, that the only
ethical code which Robert J. Lap-
ham, '52E, could possibly have vi-
olated, was a code which says,
"when you promise to do some-
thing, but your conscience tells
you later that it is wrong, do it
anyhow; better that you act sin-
fully than inconsistently."
If this is the code of the School
of Engineering of the University
of Michigan, its yours and you
are welcome to it. This is my first
year at Michigan but I am cer-
tain that its standards are higher
than this.
If I" wrong the School of Engi-
neering, if Robert J. Lapham
acted in bad faith and not accord-
ing to his true conscience, I apolo-
gize to that School and propose
that the lad be forbidden from
entering Michigan again.
But I think that I have done
the School of Engineering no in-
-James R. Holway, Jr., '53L
* * *




--Leonard Greenbaum

i ,I
STANBUL--This is the city where Europe and Asia meet. From
where I sit pecking away at this battered typewriter, I can' look
down at that most famous, most coveted of all waterways-the Bos-
porus. Across it scurry little ferry boats carrying the evening com-
puter traffic between Asia and Europe. Alongside it are the oriate
palaces of the King of Egypt, of Empress Eugenie, wife of Napoleon,
and the potentates who have passed on. In Bosporus also are anchor-
ed steamers of the world's far flung shipping lanes, Italian vessels
that ply the Mediterranean, Rumanian ships that cannot reach the
world except through this narrow strait, and ships that fly the ham-
mer and sickle of Soviet Russia.
Looking down at this most important waterway in the world and
shipping anchored on its bosom, you can understand why Russia has
fought thirteen wars to control it. For without this narrow neck of
water, reaching down from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean, Rus-
sian ships and the Russian navy are bottled up. So also too is the
shipping of such satellite states as Bulgaria, Hungaria, Rumania and
to some extent Czechoslovakia. You can also understand why all Am-
erican ambassadors of Near East countries met in this city last week
to consider rumors, which have filled European chanceries, that this
spring may be X-day and that Russia may choose 1951 to move before'
General Eisenhower can get started rearming Europe. If the Russians
should move there is just one part of the world economically as im-
portant to the Kremlin as Germany's iron and steel, namely the Bos-
porus and Mideast oil that lies beyond.,
ALMOST EVERY Pan American plane arriving here from New York,
recently has dumped more bulldozer and construction men into
Turkey. They have come to rush work on the biggest network of air
bases this part of the world has ever seen; air bases that will form a
ring around southern Russia. These air bases are one answer to re-
ports that the Spring of 1951 may be Kremlin's X-day at Adana. In
flat southern Turkey there is being built one of the biggest B-36
bases east of Maine.
In other parts of Turkey, smaller fighter strips are being
readied. In Cyprus, just off the coast of Turkey, the United States
has one of its most important listening posts, all too well known
to Russians for they have already tried to sabotage it. Across in
North Africa are other U.S. air bases all within striking dis-
tance of the Russian's big industrial cities, all ringed to backstop
any attack on this key spot where Europe and Asia meet.
NOTE: For more than a year ,bulldozers, brought to Turkey by:
J. G. White Engineering Company, rusted in Istanbul Harbor, due to
internal wrangling between Turkish customs bureau and Turkish pub-
lic works department as to whether the American company doing
business for the Turkish government should pay customs duty to
another branch of the same government. For the past year however
-with red tape severed things really hummed.
MOST IMPORTANT thing the American public has to consider re-
garding sending further aid or troops to Europe is whether they
will get real support from our sometimes half-hearted allies. If Europe
hasn't the will to fight, all the men and all the guns we send will
avail nothing. I have taken considerable pains to get the answer to
this question and when it comes to Turkey an answer is unequivocal.
Turkey has fought 13 wars with Russia during the past 300 years,
wars that lasted a total of 56 years. In fact Turkey has spent one out
of every six years fighting Russia and she has never surrendered.
You can write it down in the book therefore that Turkey will be our
staunchest ally in any showdown with Russia.
The Turkish army is tough, well-trained, reasonably well-equipped
and while it can't stand off the entire Red army, it will make good
account of itself. United States officers have been working with Turk-
ish officers and they function as a team. In brief the so-called Tru-
man Doctrine, which Harry Truman had nerve to put across in early
1947, when a lot of people weren't worried about Russia, is paying real


TO ALL THOSE who have followed with
sympathetic interest the Chicago Sym-
phony Orchestra's devious career during the
last few years, Sunday evening's concert un-
der yet another new conductor seemed an
important event. The orchestra, always an
outstanding ensemble of its kind, has had
hard sledding since the death of Frederick
Stock; a veritable procession of fine con-
ductors has brightened the outlook for a
season or two, but no one has managed to
settle into the job with any' degree of per-
manency. After the sadly short-lived car-
eer of Rodzinski, and the two seasons of
guest conductfors which have followed it, the
appearance of Rafael Kubelik 'seems an oc-
casion of considerable import. Judging by
Sunday's performance, I should say that a
lengthy tenure for Mr. Kubelik is devoutly
to be wished.
At thirty-six, Mr. Kubelik is, I believe, the
youngest conductor of a major symphony
orchestra. In the particular situation at
hand, this is of tremendous advantage to
him, for it gives him not only the necessary
time, but the vigor and courage to quiet in-
ternal strife, arbitrate with external fac-
tions, and work the orchestra into a co-
ordinated and tightly-knit ensemble.
His awareness of the twentieth century
and its music was evidenced not only by
his programming of Barber and Hinde-
mith, but by his perceptive interpretation
of them. We can never grow to under-
stand and enjoy this music unless we hear
it, and it is significant, I think, that this
young man wants to play (and plays so
well) the work of his contemporaries. If
he can continue to present the modern
music of modern American composers, he
will add laurels to his orchestra's crown
and render, as well,.a real service to the
cause of modern music.
But of course neither Mr. Kubelik's age
nor his interest in the twentieth century
would matter very much if he were not a
talented conductor. He is very talented--
musical, intelligent and inspired to a high
degree. He has a keen interest in detail,
coupled with' an amazing breadth of com-
prehension; he combines studied effects with
refreshing spontaniety; he achieves indivi-
dual colcr interest, yet maintains an over-
all tonal beauty. Perhaps most impressive
were his sense of line, the vitality of his
rhythmic effects, and his complete com-
mand of the situation at all times.

A COUPLE of weeks ago seven
Negroes were executed on a
flimsy charge of rapesin Virginia,
a state where no white man has
ever been executed for that crime.
About the same time seven con-
victed Nazi war criminals, respon-
sible for the mass murders of
thousands of innocent men and
women were given a military re-
prieve. This is not the kind of
American justice we want to show
to the peoples of the world.
We can help stop this trend
toward such racist, fascist ideol-
ogy in America by protesting the
pending execution of Willie Mc-
.ee. Willie, a Negro worker, is
sentenced to die March 20 be-
cause of a cle rly framed-up rape
charge. The main testimony,
coming from the victim herself,
is practically worthless, and is
certainly no ground for convic-
tion. Witnesses have vouched that
Willie was in a town 30 miles
away at the time of the alleged
crime. Again it is significant that
in Mississippi no white man has
ever been executed for rape.
Willie will be saved from death
only if enough protest can be rais-
ed against this "legal crime" to
bring about a stay of execution.
It is the responsibility of the
student body to see that this pro-
test is raised in Ann Arbor.
-Stephen Smale
Lary Abramson
Vincent Guiliano
Arthur Rose
* * *

Student Players...
To the Editor:
CONTRARY TO any opinions
Mr. Dave Thomas might hold
pertaining to a "mortal blow"
dealt by The Daily reviewer to
the Student Players' production
"Hanlon Won't Go," I wish to
proclaim to Mr. Thomas (and the
campus at large) that the popular
Broadway musical "Finian's Rain-
bow" will open at Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre on April 19 under
the auspices of the Student Play-
-Burt Sapowitch
Producer, Student Players
r d4wn 'yt


,r ,



Looking Back

"THE PRESENT condition of the Navy is
deplorable," former Secretary of the
Navy George Meyer said. "If war should be
declared tomorrow, our Navy would be ab-
solutely impotent to check an invasion of
our coasts."
* * *
THE FIRST real battle on the lend-lease
bill flared up in the Senate with admin-
istration leaders opposing an amendment
that grants no new authority for sending
American troops outside the Western Hem-
* * *
.A major battle between British and Ger-
man troops at Salonika, Greece, key to Eu-
rope's back door, seemed imminent as both

THIS MAY BE why underground intelligence reaching Near Eastern Ethics . .
chancelleries is seething with reports that Moscow is hatching a
scheme to go into Iran this Spring, then continue down. through oil To the Editor:
rich Iraq to Arabia. This would bypass but box Turkey in rather than THE School of Engineering has
tangle with the tough Turkish army. This detour may be the strategy managed to illustrate clearly
the Kremlin will follow. their complete lack of understand-
Iran today is so meek it could be taken in two weeks. How- ing of anything which they can-
ever Moscow might not even need to use military force. Stalin not calculate on the almighty slide
has been wooing Iran so successfully of late with trade conces- rule. Of course I mean their in-
sions, wedding presents and peaceful protestations that the Voice justice in the case of Robert J.
of America is banned while the Voice of Moscow blares forth in Lapham, '52E.
Iran unhindered. The latest Russian strategy is to entice Iran- in an absolute norm of morality
ians to nationalize their oil fields, then retain Russian advisers which is embodied in what we call
and thus by peaceful penetration, if possible, to take over the oil the natural law. Moreover, I be-
fields. lieve and know that there is noth-
Oil is one commodity without which no army can fight, without ing in this natural law which con-
which naval vessels cannot move, without which airplanes cannot : demns defense of country by force
get off the ground. Russia today is short of oil. When and if she moves of arms. Therefore I am certain
into Iran, that should be the tipoff of serious things to come. that the idea of conscientious ob-
(Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) jection is wrong. I am as certain

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications,
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown............Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger............City Editor
Roma Lipsky........Editorial Director
Dave Thomas.........Feature Editor
Janet Watts.......A....Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan.......... Associate Editor
James Gregory........ Associate lditor
Bill Connolly.........,Sporth Editor
Bob Sandell.... Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton... . Associate Sports Editor
Barbara .lans........Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels........Business Manager
Waiter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible. ...Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau......Finance Manager
Bob Miller.......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-244
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches crediteo to it-or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
AU rights of republication of all other
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier. $6.00; by mal, $7.00.









Can't you just
forget about it,

Bornaby!...Could your Fairy
Godfather just sit back and
withhold the benefits of his

No! I'll see the case through, m'boy! Through
every court in the land! Regardless of obstacles!

Regardless of ANY obstar e



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