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TH M C TG N DA T : .Wauara"Laa LaaarasaY nim'RLL'M' n, AOW
Needed: Judicial Ref orm
THE RECENT $358,290 research grant to
the University by the National Founda-
tion for Infantile Paralysis should be ap-
plauded by all loyal supporters of the Uni-
versity. It is probably true that such grants
do draw many of the University's most
talented faculty men from the classroom
into the laboratory. It is equally true that
most of the grants stipulate the particular
research which is to be financed by the
grants, depriving the University of its
ability to channel its research programs in-
to the fields which it deems most important
or best suited to its equipment and person-
THE CASE OF Robert Stacy vs. the state
of Michigan is a classic example of a
basic failing in our democratic judicial
The failing lies not in the efficiency of
the system, but in the structure of human
values upon which it is supposedly
grounded. As far as ordinary judicial pro-
cedure goes, Robert Stacy was given com-
pletely just treatment. Everything went
§trictly according to form, from the time
he was arrested to the time he was found
guilty by the jury. He was treated just
exactly like any other criminal.
The only trouble is that Robert Stacy
was not a criminal until he had been
found guilty. Moreover, and this is perhaps
most important, he was in a state of ex-
treme mental disturbance, particularly
when he was arrested. Stacy did not have
the ordinary loss of values common to most
criminals. From any viewpoint, the whole
case shows that he was mentally-ill in some
degree either when he set the fire (if he did),
or when he confessed to setting it.
In this fumbling attempt at justice, our
legal system has succeeded only in showing
itself to be incapable of dealing fairly with
such cases. The courts recognize a man who
is physically ill and treat him as such, but
fail completely to be just to mentally dis-
turbed persons.
As a community of observing individuals,
we are for a good part responsible for the
way our judicial system operates. For our
own well-being, we ask that it deliver honest
justice to those who are to be tried under
There is no provision in our court system
for a defendant to be anything but sane or
insane. His trial may hinge on his mental
condition, but he must be either completely
insane or perfectly normal. Although psy-
chiatrists recognize all degrees and types
of mental health, under our existing system
of law courts cannot. There are many cases,
Stacy's among them, which are impossible to
judge honestly under these conditions.
If we venture to call ourselves humani-
tarian in any sense, we should refuse to
be so complacent about the forced in-
accuracies of our tradition-bound judicial
system. If justice is our goal, the present
court system should be changed to per-
mit justice in all cases.
The courts would do well to work more
closely with qualified psychiatrists in an
effort to make the judicial structure in-
dividually operative. A case should not have
to be forced around a law; the law should
be adaptable to a person's individual case.
If this is achieved even in a small way, per-
sons lilk Robert Stacy may get the sensi-
tive treatment which they need.
-Chuck Elliott.
to the
while these factors may tend t
the value of many research grants
are several other factors which
them of tremendous importance
* e
FIRST, they enable the University to pur-
chase considerable equipment which can
often be used for research programs other
than the one originally stipulated in the
In addition, most of the research grants
such as that made by the Polio Foundation
cover not only the purcase of equipment and
the salaries of the personnel involved, but
they also usually provide funds for over-
head, use of building space, utility costs,
and amortization of building equipment.
In most cases these indirect costs would
have to have been, by the University itself
if the research grants did not cover them.
SECOND, the research grants enable the
University to retain many of its most
talented staff members who are being con-
stantly sought after by other educational
institutions. Since the University in recent
years has been unable to obtain an adequate
appropriation from the State Legislature,
endowment funds and grants-in-aid are of
great importance in maintaining a staff of
the highest calibre.
And while it is true that the faculty
members who are assigned to the research
projects may not be able to devote their
full time to classroom instruction, they
often find time to handle one or two
classes in conjunction with their research
At the same time such research work en-
ables faculty members to enrich their
knowledge and background and undoubtedly
enables to improve their instructing tech-
niques. Meanwhile, the University, with its
own funds, is able to hire additional faculty
members to handle the bulk of the teaching
load in the interim.
FINALLY, the research grants often pro-
vide the opportunity for talented stu-
dents to participate in the research pro-
jects in conjunction with their classroom
The importance of such an opportunity
should not be under estimated, since re-
search work is an important adjunct to
purely academic study-an adjunct which
the University with its limited funds would
be unable to provide without the assistance
of the research grants.
It certainly would be more desirable if
the agencies and foundations making re-
search grants would allow the University
to use the funds as it thinks best. But at
the same time we should recognize the
value of any and all grant§ to the Univer-
sity and the student body.
And most important, we must not lose
sight of the tremendous contributions that
a research project such as that being spon-
sored by the Polio Foundation can make
to the entire community-a contribution
which the University has a responsibility to
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
group because he doesn't measure
the correct number of inches in
height. The slightest study of the
emotive meaning of words in our
American culture will readily ex-
pose the absurdity of Herhusky's
But still the questionremains
-why should we worry about the
discriminatory regulations? Every-
one knows that their abolishment
will not throw the doors of fra-
ternity and sorority houses open
to, among others, Jews and Neg-
roes. As a matter of fact, I can
think of many purely pragmatical
reasons why they should remain.
Having minority groups that we
can discriminate against at will
adds considerable zest of the life
of the average gentile. We can
use them to point out our own su-
periority, since very few of our
friends will question the fact, and
consequently we need never bother
ourselves about proving it... .
On the other hand, there is just
one reason why we perhaps ought
to abolish t h e discriminatory
clauses, even though, due to the
deviated character of human be-
ings, it will probably produce lit-
tle immediate tangible good. One
of our more admirable contempo-
raries in a recent play, "Cocktail
Party" wrote about two different
types of people which I suppose
you could talk about roughly as
the "few" and the "many." The
latter type profess belief in. cer-
tain ideals, but live for the mostj
part a purely pragmatical exist-
ence in which they are motivated
by social pressures. Everyone who
is anyone approves of ther andE
considers them wise, for their bur-t
den in life is to occasionally 'com-
promise their own personal plea-e
sures and meet the guests at at
cocktail party which due to somef
collateral matter, they really don't
want to attend. Then there are ther
"few" who are actually motivat-
ed by the ideals which all,
even the guests at the "cock-
tail party", profess to believe in. In
the play, this group is characteriz-
ed by the heroine, a nurse who
for some reason goes off to a des-
ert island and gets herself cruci-
fied for trying to help a bunch of
murderous savages who are go-
ing to die anyway.
Somehow, after becoming ac-d
quainted with the play one felt
that the ability to live with and
idea without rationalizing withI
your conscitnce and wandering offI
to join a "cocktail party" was at
thing of no inconsequental merit.
It might even represent an advance
in moral culture for the "degree
of civilization which a people has
reached, no doubt is marked by
ability to do as they would be
done by." For this reason alone,
intangible as it may be, I hope
that the anti-discrimination law is
passed, even if banning fraterni-
ties and sororities is necessary to .
do so.- t
-Ben Schwendener t
0 40,
not covered by the amount of the
grant in aid. The National Foun-
dation for Infantile Paralysis has
made available to the University
sufficient funds to cover substan-
tially all of the indirect expenses
incurred by the University in ad-
ministering grants from that
Foundation. iThe funds made
available are sufficient to cover
the normal operating expenses of
building space, such as utilities,
depreciation of building and
equipment costs, general adminis-
tration and use of ,library "costs,
and an amount to offset the loss
of interest on funds invested in
the building and equipment used
in connection with the work spon-
sored by the Foundation.
It should also be pointed out
that the University's salary sche-
dules apply equally to the research
faculty and other personnel on
research grants as well as to the
teaching faculty.
Since it was implied in the edi-
torial that polio grants are a part
of Medical School research, it is
to be noted that the polio grant at
this University is a part of the
work of the School of Public
-W. K. Pierpont
Reply to Pick . .
To the Editor:
OF THE "inhospitable" dorm
of the University of Michigan
feel called upon to answer Mr.
Pick's rather emotional outburst.
We are indeed sorry that Mr. Pick
should have had to undergo such
a traumatic experience, and, fur-
thermore, we realize that the emo-
tional strain this experience caus-
ed could easily have resulted in
the complete distortion of simple
facts. Yet this does not excuse, or
justify, extremely personal, com-
mentaries about someone whom he
barely knows.
-Pat Patsloff,
President of Mosher Hall
-Mickey Sager,
Vice-President of Mosher Hall
Justice .
To the Editors:
FOR SHEER logic of thought and.
clarity of expression I have sel-
dom read the equal of Mr. Charles
Elliott's editorial on the Stacy ver-
dict which appeared this morning.
I congratulate both him and the'
Daily for this conspicuous service
to the cause of justice.
-Warren E. Blake
Professor of the Greek
Language and Literature
To the Editor:
RE: Connable's Editorial on
In The Michigan Daily for 20
December, 1950 appears an edi-
orial concerning Michigan's elec-
ion recount. Mr. Connable etates
that ". .'. the election was down-
right revolting." And he further
States that "The propaganda po-
tential of the Michigan mess is
tremendous . .
But on the other hand, Mr. Con-
able, did you ever hear of Joe
Stalin demanding a recount?
-LewisR. Williams, Jr. '51L
r .
IT WAS JUST eighteen years ago this week
that the Washington Merry-Go-Round
began to whirl-somewhat shakily at first-
in six newspapers.
Today it is published in something ever
600, including such distant subscribers as
the Nippon Times, the Rome Daily Ameri-
can, the San Salvador La Prensa and the
Sao Paulo Folha Da Manha. We are espe-
cially proud to call attention to the 18thT
anniversary of the Merry-Go-Round in view
of some of the outstanding news beats
scored by Drew Pearson during the pasi
twelve months.
It was just a year ago this week, for
instance, that one of his biggest stories
culminated with the conviction of Con-
gressman J., Parnell Thomas for accept-
ing salary kickbacks. It was alsotjust a
year ago that John Maragon, the old
Kansas City friend of President Truman,
whom Pearson exposed three years ago,
was indicted, and later convicted for
And it was on December 22 that Pearson
published a story which was destined to
become one of the most controversial sub-
jects of debate in the nation during the year
"Most important backstage debate over
U.S. foreign policy now involves Formosa,"
Pearson's story began. "General Mac-
Arthur has sent a triple-urgent cable,
urging that Formosa be occupied by U.S.
troops for Japan."
This story, picked up three weeks later by
all the American press, still highlights Sen-
ate and State Department debate, and cul-
minated in President Truman's famous tele-
gram to MacArthur withdrawing his VFW
statement on Formosa.
Pearson, wrote back to Truman: "I am not
a Brutus and neither do I consider you to
be a Caesar."
The year 1950 also witnessed the voters
of Oklahoma taking to heart the care-
fully documented columns Pearson wrote
over a period of three years regarding the
cotton, lard and egg speculations of Sen.
Elmer Thomas, Democrat, of Oklahoma.
Though Thomas called Pearson a liar,
the voters of Oklahoma had the final
word as to who was right.
One of the Merry-Go-Round's income-
tax stories written a year ago this week had
a sensational aftermath. Pearson had told,
on Dec. 16, 1949, how two Alabama business-
men, Joseph Mitchell and Sam Ripps, had
made more than a million dollars selling
GI jewelry to army PX's during the war
and cheated the government out of about
half a million dollars of income taxes. He
alsorevealed that when the tax case was
under investigation, they had paid $12,00
to Ben Leader of Birmingham, Ala., former
law partner of U.S. Attorney John Hill,
who was supposed to try the case. The
case was then dropped. However, after
Pearson published further sensational de-
tails regarding Mitchell and Ripps, the case
was placed before a Federal Grand Jury
and the two men are now serving prison
In another sensational tax-fraud expose
Pearson told how a group of
Revenue collectors in New York
cepted bribes from taxpayers. He
named William A. Ganey, John A.
Anthony V. Fiscella and Thomas
Jr., as those who shook down1
payers, but he gave the amounts
and the names of the victims. As
had ac-
not only
the tax-
a result,
Hinsdale Dress .
To the Editor:
ting its information fro
round about sources, has com
pletely missed the boat in it
item on Hinsdale's Thursday nigh
dress. We were not protesting t
the staff against the dress regu
laitons, but instead were havin
clean, harmless fun. It migh
make more interesting news fromn
The Daily's standpoint to say tha
we were protesting, but since w
are not against present regula
tions, we ask The Daily to correc
the impression given, and t
please refrain in the future print
ing, as facts, impressions based o
hearsay and guesses made b
members of The Daily staff.
-Bill Hoffmeyer,
For the Men of Hinsdale.
(Editor's Note: The story in ques-
tion was telephoned in by a regu-
lar member of The Dailys report-
ing staff. This reporter, a compe-
tent lad, reported the story in good
faith,tand it was published as he
reported it.)
Salaries .
To the Editor:
IN YESTERDAY'S article re the
salary raise for U. of M. em-
ployees you mentioned that "the
increase took in everyone from the
lowliest janitor to Pres. Ruthven
I wish to inquire what it is that
is lowly about a janitor? I do
not feel that there exists any such
caste system in this institution
which would place any of the non-
academic employees in an inferior
category. My personal contacts
with the janitors here have led me
to believe that they are just as
good as I am, and thus the term
"lowly" would in no case be appli-
-R. W. Reed
* * *
Draft .
To the Editor:
THE PLAN presented to General
Hershey in regard to deferring
"bright" students in essential
lines has, I believe, overwhelming
merit. The intent of such defer-
ment is clear. It is to supply the
nation with the increased produc-
tive capacity and efficiency which
will result from continued educa-
tion of those students who are
capable of assuming leadership.
The plan finds its justification
in the fact that the United States
is building up its military poten-
tial, either to fight a war and win
it, or to avoid a war by a show of
strength. This buildup requires
more than just an army, it re-
quires an alert, modern and flex-
ible productive capacity. Allowing
some students now in training to
finish school is a fine means of
continuing the supply of such
brains as the nation will need to
reach its objective.
However, merely deferring those
students already in college is not
enough, if such deferment is jus-
tified on the grounds of national
interest as defined above.
To insure a continuing supply of
trained brains for the nation,
looking to the future in terms of
more than five years, the govern-
ment should also see that intelli-
gent, capable, and eager high-
school graduates, who for econo-
mic reasons would not normally
have a chance to go to college, are
assisted. This is the appropriate
necessary time to institute a pro
gram of federal aid to capabl
- students seeking a higher educa
n tion. If it is in the national in.
- terest to defer students now i
s college because of our establishe
t goal of self-protection, it is a
o much in the national interest t
- make sure that that supply oj
g trained brains continues long af.
t ter those now in college are con-
n tributing their skills to the service
t of the country. The only way I
e can see of making sure that the
- best use is made of our nation's
t intellectual potential, is for the
o government to assist those whc
- have the ability, but not the
n means, to develop that ability for
y the survival and growth of the
-Al Blumrosen, '53L.
* *D *
To the Editors:
AT LAST-from among the doz-
ens of juvenile letters con-
cerning bias clauses and discrimi-
nation, comes one sensible and
mature idea from Mr. R. L. Her-
In Saturday's Daily Herhusky
E makes clear a very important and
practical point, and resolves the
entire question of discrimination.
In Ann Arbor there simply is no
serious problem of discrimination,
so why waste a lot of valuable
time and energy trying to find a
It seems to me that the many
self appointed "saviours of soci-
ety" on this campus, could, if
they are truly sincere about doing
something beneficial for someone
else, spend their time and energy
' on rolling bandages and donating
-R. M. Clark
g' * *
Bias Clauses .
To the Editor:
T WOULD appear evident from
following the comments in the
letters to the editor column that
most of the arguments have been
against the anti-discrimination
clause currently being proposed by
the student legislature. Most of
these arguments have been valid
arguments too. Valid, that is, in
that they clearly show a normal
human being's tendency to wiggle,
squirm and rationalize when he
is forced to put the democratic
principles which he professes to
believe in to a test. Now this busi-
ness of putting one to the Lest
of his principles is admittedly a
terrifying thing. As the staunch old
New England Presbyterian said to
a young Jew who asked to marry
his daughter, "You're doing an aw-
ful thing, young fellow... .you're
putting an old man to the test of
his principles." Fortunately, in the
book from which I take the quo-
tation, "The Young Lions", by Irv-
ing Shaw, the old man's prinel-
ples were deeply seated and he
stuck by them. Others amongst
us do the more human thing. We
make up an argument like -me
Herhusky did in Saturday morn-,
ing's edition. Herhusky says, in ef-
fect, that barring one from social
institutions on the basis of color
and religion (which even a man
like Herhusky would have to admit
is what the fraternity and sorority2
regulations do) is really no differ-
ent than barring one from a sociali
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Mao's Terms
THE RED CHINESE mission to the United
Nations has been able to wrap up its
policies in a smothering quantity of ora-
tory, Chinese and Russian. Moreover, since
the Mao regime need be neither consistent
nor truthful, the pronouncements of its
agents cannot be taken at face value. But
the only conclusion that can be drawn from
the public utterances of General Wu Hsiu-
chuan and the Peking government is that
their minimum terms for a conclusion to the
Korean fighting have very little to do with
Korea. The Communists are, rather, using
the military situation in the peninsula to
blackjack their way into the U. N. and to
gain Formosa-which would otherwise be"
beyond their reach. A wholly Communist
Korea seems to be considered by Mao as an
attractive by-product rather than the main
goal of his strategy.
However. by resorting to force, blatant
and unashamed, to gain entrance to an or-
ganization pledged to abolish war, the Chi-
nese Communists have placed their case on
the same immoral basis that the North Ko-
reans used to attain Korean unity.
-New York Herald-Tribune.
PEARSON'S OTHER notable news beats
during the current year have ranged
from exposing the shortage of wool for mili-
tary uniforms to a sensational expose of the
Mafia and a revelation of a series of income-
tax scandals which led, to various con-
victions and collecting millions of extra
dollars for the U.S. treasury. The Merry-
Go-Round series on the big gambling rac-
kets and crime in American cities was also
credited by Senator Kefauver as being in
large part responsible for the passage of
his Senate Crime Investigation resolution.
This series, published between January
13 and February 14, dug up sensational
racketeering developments in Chicago,
Kansas City, Los Angeles and Miami, in-
cluding the pitch that Frankie Costello
was making to try to reach the White
House through some of the friends of the
unwitting Maj. Gen. Harry Vaughan.
Pearson told how three years ago he had
collected certain underworld revelations
from Jimmy Regan, then head of the racing
wire, and turned these facts over to the
Justice Department-but with no results in
the way of prosecution. Regan later was
Pearson also told how U.S. internal reve-
nue agent William Berket had been stymied
by politics in northern California in his
attempts to prosecute top gamblers-spe-
cifically Emilio Georgetti and Al Gionotti.
Later Berket resigned and the Kefauver
committee made headlines with the same
Among. other Merry-Go-Round exposes
was that of the Joe Sicca narcotics ring in
California, the big payoffs to Jimmy Sulli-
van, Sheriff of Dade County, Fla., and the
payoffs made to Earl Sheriff of Prince
Georges County, Md., almost in the shadow
of the nation's capital. Sheriff has now
pleaded guilty, while Sullivan is under in-
come-tax investigation.
IT WAS last January that President Tru-
the four above-mentioned have now been
sentenced to from 18 months to five years in
a federal penitentiary.
AMONG OTHER big racketeers exposed
by Pearson were Vaughn Cannon, Ashe-
ville, N. C., whose operations the Merry-Go-
Round exposed on May 20, and who is now
under indictment; also "Nig" Rutkin,
famous New Jersey bootlegger, whose ac-
tivities Pearson revealed on March 17 and
who has now been sentenced to prison for
income-tax evasion.
On August 31, Pearson wrote a, sensa-
tional story regarding Maj. Gen. Orvil
Anderson, commander of the Air War
College, Maxwell Air Base, Montgomery,
Ala., accusing the general of "staging a
series of lectures in which a preventive
war is urged openly." Next day General
Anderson, in attempting to deny Pear-
son's story, admitted it, and, a few hours
later, he was suspended.
Most startling news of the election cam-
paign was publication of Lt. Gov. Joe Han-
ley's letter indicating that his debts would
be paid off by Dewey forces as a result of
his withdrawal from the race for governor
of New York. This amazing letter was pub-
lished in the general press on October 16.
However, on September 13, Pearson had
published the exact terms of the Hanley-
Dewey deal, together with various exclu-
sive details regarding their negotiations.
PEARSON ALSO went to bat, apparently.
with success, on behalf of U.S. combat
troops in Korea. On October 21, he pointed
out that infantrymen could no longer collect
$10 extra per month which they received
during World War II, though airmen and
submarine men still draw their combat
The army has now taken this up and
promises to reinstate the combat bonuses
for ground troops in action in Korea.
On October 16 Pearson published a story
revealing that the "Munitions Board per-
mitted the nation's wool supply to dwindle
so low . . . that the government is now
Xmas Reading . .
To the Editor:
UNCONFIRMED but highly re-
liable sources available -to the
undersigned reveal that current at-
tacks on Daily movie critics may
be paying off.
One of your reviewers, who has
been writing about movies since
September, was seen carrying ten,
repeat, ten books on the subject of
movies from the general library.
The titles are:
1. The Film
2. Film Form
3. The film Sense
4. Film Techniques
5. Experiment in the Film
6. For Film Goers Only
7. The Rise of the American
8. The Art of the Film
9. Art in Cinema
10. How to Appreciate Motion
They may not have any effect
but they are a hopeful sign of a
happy new year for us movie go-
ing readers.
* Merry Xmas
-Al Blumrosen
-D. Eugene McNeil
* * *
Research Grants .
To the Editor:
IN THURSDAY'S (December 21,
1950) Michigan Daily, the edi-
torial entitled "Research Grants"
pointed out some of the basic
problems involved in the adminis-
tration of research grants by the
University with funds provided by
outside sponsors. It is encourag-
ing to report that there is a grow-
ing awareness of these problems
aon the patof sponsoring agencies
as well as the universities involv-
ed and there is a definite tenden-
cy toward providing indirect
funds for expenses.E
It is unfortunate that the edi-
torial used as its example the re-
cent grant from the National:
Foundation for Infantile Paraly-
sis since that Foundation has tak-
en a very fine attitude toward the
indirect expenses of research work 3
-Lewis at R.aWllasyr.'1
Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown............Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger.........City:Editor
Roma' Lipsky ........ Editorial Director'
Dave Thomas...... Feature Eidtor
Janet Watts............Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan........Associate Editor
James Gregory......Associate Editor
Bill Connolly.......... Sports Editor
Bob Sandell....Associate Sports ditor
Bill Brenton.... Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans......... Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels..........Business Manager
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible....Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau....... Finance Manager
Carl Breitkreitz.... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches creditea to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other'
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00: 'by mail, $7.00.
I -
indirect expenses of research work
Mom ... My Fairy Godfather said it was
all right . So I told him what you're
giving Pop for a Christmas present...
r .
And Mr. O'Malley thinks
everything's all right-
D. .A
Ellen, what's the matter
with Sarnaby? He started
to fell me something and
then ha wan uas nn ,.
barnaby, ! ve been thinking-)
How can I pour at tea from
your mother's silver service
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