Season's reetins; appy Holidays to Eve
See Page 2
Latest Deadline in the State
49 {
Ships Fire
Rockets at
Red Hordes
Enemy Grouping
Near Beachhead
TOKYO-(P)--U.S rocket fir-
ing ships yesterday blazed into ac-
tion off Hungnam, indicating the
Communist hordes are closing in
on that last tiny Allied beachhead
in northeast Korea.
The deadly rocket ships joined
the defense of a steadily shrinking
perimeter into which the 60,000-
man U.S. 10th Corps withdrew.
* * *
further identified. (During the last
war, tank landing ships and de-
stroyers were equipped with roc-
ket launchers which fired rockets
in banks or layers.)
Since Dec. 14 a military black-
out has covered the 10th Corps
withdrawal. (At that time, Mos-
cow radio quoted the North Ko-
rean Red command as saying
the corps was going aboard
ships for evacuation.)
A delayed dispatch disclosed to-
day that U.S. Army Engineers
Wednesday blew up the last bridge
link to the beachhead-a 1,500-
foot long steel and concrete struc-
ture three miles west of Hungnam.
It had linked the port with the
now abandoned Yonpo airfield.
* * s
reported Thursday theysaw Com-
munist troops moving toward the
beachhead through Chigyong, six
miles west of Yonpo.
Quiet prevailed in the north-
* east after American forces
smashed back the strongest Chi-
nese and Korean Red attack
thus far on the shrunken Hung-
nam beachhead.
General MacArthur's headquar-
ters meanwhile reported American
casualties in Korean between Nov.
24 and Dec. 12 were 11,964. Other
United Nations casualties, not
counting South Korean Republi-
cans, raised the figure for that
period to 12,975.
* s
partment figures, this indicated
total American casualties for the
war have exceeded 42,000. Thirty
per cent of these losses in dead,
wounded and missing thus were
suffered in 19 days after the Chi-
nese Communists threw their hun-
dreds of thousands of troops into
an offensive which MacArthur has
described as an entirely new and
undeclared war.
U.S. Solidarity
With European
Nations Voiced
By The Associated Press
President Truman proclaimed
United States solidarity w i t h
Western Europe yesterday and ap-
peared to turn down Herbert Hoo-
ver's plan for American defenses
primarily on the oceans and key
The President said the unity of
Western Europe and the North
Atlantic community is "vital" to
their mutual security.
Meanwhile, West German Chan-
cellor Konrad Adenauer announc-
ed "there ha been a big step for-
ward" in plans to include West
German forces in the West's pro-
jected 1,000,000-man defense force
against Communist aggression.
A communique said that the
high commissioners of the_ United
States, Britain and France had
agreed to place their relations with
West Germany "to an increasing
degree on a contractual basis."
* This implied a sweeping away of
occupation controls in return for
German participation in the de-
fense of Europe.
MSC Granted
Dow Chemical
Grants $100,000
Total Phoenix Project Pledges
Boosted to 3 Million by Donation
The Dow Chemical Co., of Midland, will grant $100,000 to the
Phoenix Project, President Alexander G. Ruthven has announced.
Dow president Leland I. Doan explained that half of the sum
will be available after June 1, 1951, and the remainder the following
*' * *
INCLUDING THE NEW PLEDGE, Phoenix officials said that to-
tal donations have nearly reached the three million dollar mark. The
Project's goal is $6,500,000.
Of this figure, student Phoenix drive directors, now totaling
On Thr
ads Agree
Wage Pact
Ban on Sale
Of '51 Cars
.Lifted byGM
DETROIT-(AP)-Yielding to a
government price rollback edict,
General Motors yesterday lifted its
ban on sale of new iodel Chevro-
let, Pontiac and Cadillac automo-
It agreed to sell them at 1950
model prices.
* s *
up final returns of the campus
campaign, announced that stu-
dent pledges amount to $146,000.
In outlining its gift, Dow attach-
ed no strings to the use of the
* * .*
the move as recognition of the vi-
tal importance of unfettered basic
research. "We salute them for
their faith in the ultimate useful-
ness of fundamental investigation
carried on in university laborato-
. +
He added that the grant con-
firmed that the University is on
the right track in devoting its
research efforts to finding con-
structive applications of atomic
THE WORLD'S biggest car pro- energy.
ducer slapped on the embargo last "The Un tywlsthe Dow
Monday in protest against an or- niversity wi use w
der 48 hours earlier by the Eco- grant to finance research studies
nomic Stabilization Agency Ireez- along varied lines in many scien-
ing uto rics attheDec. 1 level. itific fields," he said.
Ing auto prices at the DThe grant is the third large one
nie wh ch had a nouncedopa- to Phoenix from industry in the
boostswhich51hadenounce prie past two weeks. GM contributed
boosts on 1951 models since the $1,500,000 for the establishment of
first o this month, raisng tags an Institute of Industrial Health.
"something less than five per And Nash-Kelvinator equaled the
cent." But it was the only one Dow gift for study in food and
to use a sales ban to fight the metal preservation.
first price freeze in any indus-m
Ford, Chrysler and Nash also "il on Sees
had raised prices since Dec. 1. Ford
and Nash, like the three GM di- To
visions, had put its new models Tou Production
on sale. Chrysler, like GM's Buickl
and Oldsmobile divisions, had not oods
yet put the 1951's in dealer hands. Of
* * *
SINCE LAST Saturday's car WASHINGTON - (R) - Mo-
price freeze, GM appealed to the bilization Director Charles E. Wil-
ESA to modify its order. The ESA son predicted yesterday that 50 to
rejected the appeal. 100 per cent more war material
GM still insisted yesterday will roll off U.S. production lines
that its 1951 models were "sub- in 1951 than "in the first big year
stantially improved" over this after Pearl Harbor."
year's models. Testifying before a Senate-
But the company -said that "af- House committee, Wilson declared
ter careful examination of the or- the United States is in "far better
der," it decided that "it is neces- condition" from a production
sary to consider them (the 1951's) standpoint now than it was on the
counterpart models of our 1950 eve of World War II.
lines within the meaning of the Appearing with Wilson, Econo-
order of the ESA." mic Stabilizer Alan Valentine said
GM even went beyond Ford and his agency intends to "stabilize"
Nash in going along with the or- wages in the auto industry to go
der by Economic Stabilization chief along with the recent mandatory
Alan Valentine. It asked its thou- rollback in new car prices to Dec.
sands of dealers to rebate-the dif- 1 levels.
ference between the old and pro- Valentine also reported that the
posed new list prices to all cus- Economic Stabilization Adminis-
tomers who took delivery on the tration is now "working on meat
new models at the higher prices. prices."
Senate OK's
Seek Agreement
In House Parlayl
ate swiftly approved yesterday a
$19,973,062,938 emergency defense
The bill had picked up $2,163,-
758,514 after passing the House.
A Senate-House conference quick-
ly was arranged for today to ad-
just differences and get 'the huge
arms measure to President Tru-
man. Quick agreement was expect-
The measure, which will finance
part of the nation's preparedness
program, cleared the Senate by
voice, vote less than two hours af-
ter it convened.
* * *
JUST BEFORE acting on it, the
Senate passed without debate a
bill authorizing the armed forces
to carry out $1,600,000,000 of con-
struction, some of it so secret that
its nature was not even disclosed
to the legislators.
Again acting swiftly, the Sen-
ate approved by voice vote a bill
requested by Mr. Truman to re-
vive his wartime powers of al-
tering defense contracts to ex-
pedite production. The House
has not acted.
He also asked authority to cre-
ate, transfer and abolish emergen-
cy agencies but Republican Sena-I
tors won a delay on this in com-
mittee in order to have another
look at it.
The $19,973,062,938 money bill,
hurried through the House last
Friday, was requested by Mr. Tru-
man right after the Chinese Com-
munist attack in Korea suddenly
created a grave world situation.i
* * *
THE ARMY will get more than
$9,000,000,000, the Air Force more
than $4,600,000,000 and the Navy
just under $3,000,000,000.
The Senate added $240,000,000
to funds for the Atomic Energy:
Commission to speed up its pro-
duction of atomic bombs and de-
velop other lethal weapons. This
boosted new atomic funds above1
the billion mark compa1-ed with
$840,000,000 allowed by the House.
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Prospect for
dollar corporation excess profits
quick action on a multi-billioni
tax lessened yesterday as a house-i
Senate conference committee fail-1
ed in its first effort to reach a
compromise on the legislation.
* * *
NEW YORK-Al (Sbnny Boy)
West, 21-year-old Washington,<
D.C., boxer, died at 6:59 p.m.t
yesterday some 22 hours after
he was knocked out at St. Nich-
olas Arena.
* * *
Rosenberg yesterday won Senate
confirmation as Assistant Secre-
tary of Defense after a committee
reported that charges of Commu-
Living Costs
To Determine
Plan May Cost
Rails $131 Million
roads and four big unibns agreed
yesterday to a three-year pact.
settling a long wage dilrpute.
The agreement raises wages of
300,000 engineers, firemen, con-
ductors and trainmen, retroactive
to Oct. 1, and calls for future ad-
justments as living costs rise or
* * *
THIS PROVISION for flexible
wages-reached utnder the eyes
of U.S. officials-could set a pat-
tern for government wage policy
under the mobilization program.
- The White House announced
the peace plan after a night-
long 26-hour conference. A
railroad official estimated the
agreement will; cost $131,000,-
000 a year.
The possible effect on passenger
and freight rates was not indi-
cated. These are controlled by
the Interstate Commerce Commis-
sion. Rate hikes, however have
often followed wages raises in the
* * *
-Daily-Roger Reinke
STICK-'EM-UP-Three Ann Arbor youngsters try out a few of the toys in a Main street store's
toy department. The antics of the grade school set in selecting their presents and experimenting
with the displays causes a 'two week nightmare for store personnel. With these three, as others,
.nu;y guns have a greater attraction than six-shooters.
* * *
ren Irk Students JamHihways
Christmas cheer may be spread-,
ing across the world, but it's wear-
ing a little thin in some down-
town toy departments.
With the wonderous spirit of
Christmas added to their natural
curiosity, children wreck hovoc
with toy displays, and the result
of their behavior is leaving local
store personnel weak.
* * * -
As Yule Vacationt Begins
Several thousand students jam-
med highways, trains and airlines
yesterday-jumping the gun on
Christmas vacation-and an even
greater number is scheduled to
pull out today.
When the big trek is completed
only a few hundred students will
remain in Ann Arbor.
THE EXODUS, which began in.
Presidential Decree
According to Amelia Gordon,
salesgirl in a downtown five and Dye Locates
ten cent store's toy department, D -a
guns are the favorite article of the in
grade school "shoppers." She has Bra Tu or
more gun battles in front of her
counter than Hopalong Cassidy CHICAGO-(P)-A painless and
has in any of his reels. quick radioactive dye test that re-
Parents are just as bad as the veals whether you have a brain
kids in some cases, Miss Gordon tumor and then virtually pin-
testified, especially with electric points its location was reported
trains. "You'd think all fathers by medical, researchers yesterday.
were ex-engineers the way they The dye has a special attrac-
play with those things." tion to tumors. Injected into a
The elders aren't just interested vein, the dye makes them radio-
in trains, of course. One hefty ma- active. They can be found and
tron shifted a large bundle of pac- located precisely by scanning the
kages into one arm to expertly skull with a radioactivity-detect-
weight and twirl a long-barreled ing Geiger counter.
six-shooter. The researchers, from North-
* * * western University, said the find-
The costliest hours for "shrink- ing also may point the way to new
age" as the management 'chooses types of brain' surgical instru-
to call damage to merchandise, are ments-devices that cut and de-
at noon, late in the afternoon, and tect radioactivity simultaneously.
Saturdays, according to Ken Amos, Dr. Loyal Davis, of the North-
assistant manager. western medical staff, said the
"The worst objects for shrink- dye test has been around 95 per
age are plastic toys and the me- cent accurate-far better than
chanical ones with springs," he other known tumor - detecting
commented, "everyone has to try methods they tried.
"It's hard enough to keep. the T "WT LJTC rpjji T
a trickle Wednesday, became a
steadily mounting stream yester-
Most students had already
purchased their tickets and
travel agencies and ticket clerks
breathed a sigh of relief as
the queues at their desks began
to lessen. -
But as the ticket clerks relaxed,
the railroads, airlines' and bus
lines braced for the in-the-flesh
result of the front-office opera-
RAILROADS were adding extra
equipment 'on almost all lines
steadily since Wednesday night
and scheduled several extra trains
to New York and Chicago for to-
day. Part of these will carry the
650 students on Vulcan-sponsored
vacation-bound trains.
Airline -flights were being
added by the score, many at the
special air-coach rates. Despite
the extra planes, some students
had to resort to the rails or
buses because air reservations to
certain key cities were still in
short supply.
To many students, going dgome
for Christmas was only the firstl
leg of the long journey to Pasa-
dena. Rose Bowl bound students
generally intended to leave for the
coast just after Christmas day,
either driving cars or. riding on
the Wolverine Club Rose Bowl
Special. More than 250 have made
reservations to fly to Pasadena
the day before the game.
Meanwhile, in Ann Arbor, most
classes, or at least those not tak-
ing exams, reported attendance
generally off a quarter to a third.
made to release the railroads from
legal control by the Army. They
were taken over Aug. 26 to halt
a strike of trainmen and conduc-
Sixteen other rail unions still
have wage demands pending.
However, John R. Steelman,
presidential assistant, said he
would check whether they even
considered striking, apparently
with a view to releasing govern-
ment control.
Yesterday's agreement, worked
out under pressure of the national
emergency decreed last Saturday
by President Truman, carries these
terms for the Brotherhoods of
Locomotive Firemen and Engine-
men, Locomotive Engineers, Rail-
road Trainmen, E and Order of
Railway Conductors:
FOR 120,000 yardmen-a retro
active increase of 23 cents an hour
with another two cents Jan.,1 and
adjustments geared to living costs.
These are provided for each three
months beginning next April 1 at
the rate of one cent an hour for
each rise or fall of one point in
the government's consumer price
For 180,000 road service work-
ers - a retroactive.increase of
five cents an hour, another five
cents Jan. 1 and the same cost
of living arrangement.
The agreement carried the pos-
sibility of another future raise.
One of the major items in the
four unions' demands was for a
40-hour week for yard workers,
with the same pay they now get
for 48 hours.
This was settled by acceptance
in principle, but the 40-hour
schedule is held up until,at least
Jan. 1, 1952. At that time the
manpower situation will be ap-
praised. If the 40-hour week is
instituted then, the yard workers
will get an additional four cents
an hour.
nist affiiionagainst her were kids who are alone in line, com- , n 'W .111T
unfounded. plained Amos, "but the ones with
+ 'their parents are often worse. I c e t
MOSCO - sSoviethdRussi tik tey get satisfacton out of
MSO -SoitRsi thnthygtstsatouofmarked the '71st birthday of seeing junior disassemble some toy c e t
Prime Minister Stalin yesterday in a matter of seconds.
without an announcement of "Some of these kids can talk University scientist
Stalin Peace Prizes, which were their folks into buying almost any- the possibilities of a
expected to be awarded for the thing," another sales girl said. reaching the moon, ai
first time. They may look small, but they're their opinion.
A decree on Stalin's 70th really sharp when it comes to aet- rThev agreea it will
I IIl n I
ists Disagree on Satellite Trip
, discussing
re divided in
he amcom-!
Mathematicians agreed the takeoffs and landings involved
trip through space is theoretical- waste "unbelievable" amounts of
ly possible. They have been in fuel. Rather than carry so much
agreement on this for several fuel, he said, it becomes neces-
decades. according to Prof. C. L. sary to find fuels with a great
E .