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September 27, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-09-27

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A lcoholism in America

"Hand Me Some More Of Those Olive Branches"

Dean B ursley
Bursley, the University's first Dean
of Students, has saddened all who knew
him during the more than 50 years he
was associated with the University.
When he died unexpectedly three
weeks ago of a heart ailment at the
age of 73, he left behind him a long
record of service to the student body,
the University and the community.
For 26 years until his retirement in
1947 he was Dean of Students and
served on numerous student governing
boards where his generosity, warmth and
capacity for hard work gained him the
friendship and respect of hundreds of
University students.
As a professor of engineering he was a
highly-regarded member of his profes-
sion, serving with the army ordnance
during the first world war and later as
a reserve officer. He also interested him-
self in local politics and was a member of
the Ann Arbor City Council from 1925-29.
Dean Bursley first came to the Univer-
sity in 1895 as a student. After taking his
degree and spending four years In pri-
vate business, he returned to the en-
gineering college as an instructor.
By 1947 he had risen to the rank of
full professor and after his war ser-
vice, returned to the campus to fill
the newly-created post of Dean of Stu-
dents-the first position of Its kind in
the country.
When he went on retirement furlough
in 1947 he was appointed Dean Emeritus
of Students and Professor Emeritus of
mechanical engineering by the Board of
-The Editors.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.,

ABOUT a month ago, many people were
angered by a report that the G.I's in
Korea had been temporarily denied one of
the few pleasures available to them-a daily
ration of cold, foaming, diluted 3.2 beer.
Local indignation throughout the coun-
try led to quick federal action. But no
sooner had the issue been settled than
the temperance groups presented evi-
dence indicating an alarming increase in
the number of chronic alcoholics in Amer-
Specific figures showed:
1. The approximate number of alcoholics
in the United States has risen to 1,000,000
(the figure reported by the Catholic Total
Abstinence Union at its recent meeting in
New York.) Actually, however, the number
is much higher because police are reluctant
to arrest women when drunk.
2. In addition to the million alcoholics,
there are 3,000,000 "problem drinkers" close
to the medical classification of alcoholic.
3. The number of traffic deaths due to
drunken drivers-a growing percentage of
them young people-is higher this year than
ever before.
Groups actively fighting alcoholism warn
that they are at a loss as to what effective
methods can be used to halt the growing
national disease. Many of their reform pro-
grams are practically useless, as is the pass-
ing of a resolution asking bar owners to
"discourage the presence of women at 4he
bar." Also ineffective are petitions request-
ing4he military for "sane liquor regulations
and personal supervision and example of
officers." The very fact that such paper-
programs must be used proves that alcoho-
ism has reached a dangerous point.
Those in favor of beer rations for the
G.I. advance strong arguments, protesting
that to deny the G.I. a can of beer is prud-
ish and picayunish. Besides, runs the argu-
ment, the beer is often diluted and is sup-
posed to cost less to transport to ,Korea
than water.
In seeking a solution to the problem of
alcoholism, two facts are plain. First, it
has clearly been shown in the past that a

Washington Merry- -Go-Round

WASHINGTON-It was probably not love
of Louey Johnson so much as appre-
hension of the hard-hitting Senate watch-
dog committee that brought the abrupt re-
sig nation of Hubert E. Howard as chair-
man of the Munitions Board.
Only a few insiders know it, but the
mittee was all set to put Howard onthe
hot coals for pushing the sale of govern-
ment-owned synthetic rubber plants. He
was scheduled to appear befor Sen. Lyn-
don Johnson's watchdogs.at 10 a.m., Tues-
day, when he suddenly resigned Monday
The committee's first report scorched
Howard and his munitions board for lack
of "a firm aggressivce" rubber program.
What the report does not reveal is that
when Chairman Lyndon Johnson was mov-
ing heaven and earth behind the scenes to
stop the sale of a synthetic rubber plant at
Akron, Howard was urging its sale.
A project of friendship for Korea in mem-
ory of a gallant General who died in action
will be the theme of a reunion of U.S. vete-
rans of the Korean war.
The U.S. armed forces in Korea associa-
tion, composed of the 200,000 G.I.'s who
served in the Korean occupation, with gather
at Fort Meade, Md., October 7, at which
time a plan will be launched to help edu-
cate the children of Americans who died
fighting in Korea, plus Korean students who
want to study in this country. The scholar-
ships will be dedicated to the late Maj. Gen.
William Dean.
* * *
One congressman who can always get in
to see the President, even in these busy days,
is forthright Andy Biemiller of Wisconsin.
Truman is genuinely fond of the Wisconsin
iberal, who has been a tower of strength
in fair deal battles.
The fact that this has won him the bitter
opposition of the big lobbies, including the
American Medical Association, is a matter
of pride to Biemiller.
"I'm glad they're fighting me," he told
Truman the other day. "It keeps me on my
toes. When the A.M.A. and those other pres-
sure groups let up on me it's a sign I'm
slipping in my responsibilities to the people
I represent. I've been fighting the lobbies
since 1937 and they're out to get me again
this year."
"Well, Andy, I can go you one better,"
grinned the President. "I've been fighting
the same lobbies since 1920, when I was a
county judge in Missouri. In those days it
was practically impossible to get into a hos-
pital in my section unless you could lay $200
on the line.
"I finally was able to get a big hospital
built in the county, where people in need
were assured proper medical care, but I had
to fight the doctors' lobby to do it. I intend
to rarry n that fiTht, with your help. Andy.

on the senate schedule, the rules provided
that it could not pass without unanimous
consent. This was requested by Tennessee's
junior Senator Estes Kefauver and was just
.about to be grante(l. But suddenly Nebraska's
Senator Kenneth Wherry broke in, explain-
ing he had no objections but wanted an ex-
planation of the bill first.
Wiley offered to make the explanation and
got all wound up in 'his own oratory.
Kefauver pulled at Wiley's coattail a couple
of times to shut him up, but the Wisconsin
Senator boomed on and on.
His speechmaking finally woke up the Sen-
ate's grandpa, McKellar of Tennessee, who
had been dozing in his seat. Disturbed, he
grumpily began whispering around to find
out what was going on, learned that
Kefauver was behind the bill. That was
enough. Aid to thousands of children made
no difference. McKellar hates Kefauver so
ferociously that he won't even allow his staff
to mention Kefauver's name.
So, after Wiley's eloquent speech, Mc-
Kellar snorted: "I am compelled to object
and I do object."
The stunned Wiley explained that the
children's aid bill had already been ap-
proved in principle by McKellar's own ap-
propriations committee. But the surly Sen-
ator from Tennessee mumbled that his com-
mittee had been given the "run-around."
Then, in a tone indicating he didn't wish to
discuss it any further, he rasped again: "I
am compelled to object."
That ended it. There will be no aid to
children despite the huge amounts of food
stored in our caves and warehouses.
* , *
Sen. Hubert Humphrey, the Minnesota
firebrand,uruefully confessed recentlythe
greatest temptation of a freshman lawmaker.
"You come to the capitol all full of vim
and new ideas the people back home gave
you," Humphrey said. "Then, the first
thing you know you are worrying about as
much over what your fellow Senators think
about you as your program. The Senate is
such a small body, it gets to be very impor-
tant to have Senator Zilch greet you with a
smile and a friendly word."
He told of one experience a few weeks
ago. He left Washington depressed and tired
by Senatorial pressures.
"My wife and I just got in our car and
drove around through Minnesota for a
week," he recalled. "It was the most wonder-
ful vacation I've ever had-the fresh, natur-
al response of neighbors after the suspicions
of Washington.
"I think the best way to strengthen Demo-
cracy," said Senator Humphrey, "would be
to require congressmen to visit their coi-
stituencies at least once a month. I found
out the pressures and problems that really
determine votes in Washington often don't
amount to a tinker's damn among the peo-

return of prohibition would not work. Sec-
ond, the social problems of any nation will
increase during a war and the reconstruc-
tion period that follows. Alcoholism is an-
other of the small but important threads
in the general pattern of social mores that
are bound to be strained and loosened a bit.
In making a final decision on policy,
the important question is this: What cum-
ulative effect 'will a policy of beer ration
for the G.I. have in the long run?
For instance, while the troops can drink
water instead of beer, how many of them
will choose to do so? Suppose a few G.I.'s
don't drink their share but give it to an-
other, how much is the efficiency of that
soldier reduced at a time when his life may
depend on split second timing? Many sol-
diers drink only to find a temporary escape
from combat jitters. But when the draft is
over, will the discharged G.I. use the beer
ration habit as a means of adjustment to
peacetime life?
If the problem were only one of sending
beer to the G.I's in Korea, the answer could
definitely be yes. But when this single policy
is related to the undeniable fact of increas-
ing alcoholism among the country's popula-
tion, there is justifiable reason, for strongly
opposing such action.
-Bob Solt
The Netes
AP Foreign Affairs Analyst
THE "UNOFFICIAL" diplomats have put
the official diplomats on the spot again,
providing the Russians with a new vehicle
for their peace offensive.
From time to time for five years well-
meaning individuals and organizations
have asked the Russians if they were
agreeable to certain nice things which ev-
eryone thinks would help toward peace.
The Russians always say they surely are.
Then the official diplomats are faced with
the necessity of offsetting the resultant pro-
paganda without appearing themselves to
be opposed to peace.
DEAN ACHESON told the Russians and
the world six months ago what was
needed for peace-treaties with Austria,
Germany and Japan; an end to the So-
viet use of force and threats of force in in-
ternational affairs; an end to Soviet ob-
struction in the UN; Soviet agreement on
the UN plan for atomic control; an end to
Soviet efforts to undermine other govern-
ments, mistreatment of foreign diplomats
and distortion of western motives in propa-
ganda and diplomacy. Joseph Stalin, Jacob
Malik and Andrei Vishinsky never said yes
to that.
Their answer was to create a new and
worse deadlock over Austria; to unleash
military force in international affairs in
Korea and then to attempt to obstruct
UN action on the ase; to redouble the
drafting of labor for the uranium mines;
to seek to undermine the governments of
Yugoslavia, Iran, South Korea, Indo-
China and Tibet in particular, and all the
rest of the world in general.
But when a Baltimor-e group, apparently
sincere but still pretty close to the line of
the "Stockholm" peace appeals, submits its
list, Malik, presumably after conferring with
Moscow, is quick to say yes.
RUSSIA, MALIK SAYS, would be glad to
agree not to be the first to use the atom-
ic bomb; favors general disarmament and
outlawry of atomic weapons under a UN
control system; would like a top-level U.S.-
Soviet conference; and favors free exchange
of ideas and information between the coun-
But he doesn't say how. He doesn't say
Russia will quit jamming the Voice of
America to permit free information. He
doesn't say that regardless of what agree-
ment Russia might make, she could let a
satellite drop the first bombs just as she has

used a satellite to make her first post-1945
war. He doesn't say that Russia will accept
the terms for atomic agreement which a
large majority of UN members has agreed
are fair. He doesn't say that Russia's word
given at any top-level conference would be
any better than heretofore, or that Rus-
sian intent, the whole root of the matter,
has changed.
Russia has carried her policy so far
now tlat no one could depend upon the
results of any negotiations. It will take
acts for her to clean the slate.
In the meantime, over the years she has
used the Willkies, the Stassenis, the Quakers,
the inquiring newspapermen and now the
Baltimore group to keep on muddying the
But she gave her real answers to Acheson.
The Role of Disenters
DISENTERS have played more than one
role in history. At various times, at var-
ious places, and on issues big and little,
they have been responsible for confusion,
division and discontent. And for progress.
Your true prophets have always been dis-
senters, Heretics have often been gravely
in error. Nevertheless, as I am not the first
man to observe, the heretic has always been
the growing point in society. When he is
repressed by force society stagnates. A
verile society follows its true prophets and
._ - I .....,_ ,4 .. ,.t ...-. n «.. 4u _ 41 .

(Continued from Page 3) 1
register the occasion and place,
and, if out of town, the complete
No telephone calls may be re-
ceived or sent after 11 p.m. or such
time as the switchboard closes.
All local calls must be limited to
five minutes. No outgoing long
distance calls may be made after
11 p.m. without special arrange-
ment with the house president or
the Resident Director. In case of
emergency, incoming long dis-
tance calls may be received after
11 p.m.
Quiet hours shall be fixed by
the individual houses, and their
enforcement shall be supervised by
the house president and the Judi-
ciary Council.
Callings hours for men are Mon.
day through Friday at 1 p.m. Sat-
urday and Sunday, the hours are
decided by the individual house.
Closing hours are: Sunday, 11
p.m.; Monday through Thursday,
10:30 p.m.; Friday and Saturday,
12:30 a.m.
Girls who attend the following
events must be in the house one-
half hour after the termination of
the event:
1. Functions approved for late
permission by the Committee of
Student Affairs or the Dean of
2. Choral Union Concerts, May
Festival Concerts, Oratorical As-
sociation Lectures, and Athletic
3. Play production performances
and other functions in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Any student who finds that she
may be more than thirty minutes
late after the regular closing hour
or more than 15 minutes late after
a late permission shall notify her
Resident Director of her expected
lateness and probable time of re-
turn to the house.
Any girl who violates the house
rules and is brought before the
Judiciary Council may be placed
on social probation.
Office of the Dean of Women
Judiciary Council
Approved student sponsored so-
cial events for the coming week-
September 29, 1950:
Alpha Delta P, Angell House-
Lloyd House, Betsy Barbour-Mich-
igan House, Cong. Disciples, Evang.
and Ref. Guild, Kappa Nu, Kappa
Sigma, Women's Physical Educa-
tion Club.
September 30, 1950:
Acacia, Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha
Epsilon Pi, Alpha Kappa Kappa,
Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Sigma
Phi, Anderson House, Chicago
House, Chi Phi, Delta Chi, Delta
Sigma Delta, Delta Sigma Pi.
Delta Tau Delta, Delta Upsilon,
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Michigan
Christian Fellowship, Phi Delta
Phi, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa
Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa
Tau, Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Sigma
Delta, Phi Sigma Kappa, Psi Up-
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma
Alpha Mu, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi
Epsilon, Theta Chi, Theta Xi, Tri-
angle, Victor Vaughan House, Zeta
Beta Tau.
October 1, 1950:
Alpha Rho Chi, Phi Delta Phi.



I History, will meet on Wed., Sept.
27, 4 p.m., in the Clements Li-
English 31, section 6, (Prof. Ev-
erett) will meet MWF at 9 in Rm.
3231 AH.
English 201 will meet MWF at 9
in Room 2219 AH.
History 171, American Founda-
tion: Engl. Colonies in Amer.,
1607-1763, will meet in 110 Tap-
pan Hall.
History 181, American Econo-
mic History to 1865, will meet in
225 Angell Hall.
Sports Instruction for Women:
Women students who have com-
pleted their physical education
requirement may elect physical
education classes on Tuesday and
Wednesday mornings, Sept. 26
and 27, in Barbour Gymnasium.
D o e t o r a l Examination for
Awadh Kishore Prasad Sinha,
Psychology; thesis: "Experimen-
tal Induction of Anxiety by Con-
ditions of Uncertainty," Thurs.,
Sept. 28, 3121 Natural Science
Bldg., 10 a.m. Chairman, C. R.
Physical Chemistry Seminar:
Wed., Sept. 27, 4:07 p.m. Rm. 2308
Chemistry. Professor F. O. Koenig
of Stanford University will dis-
cuss "The Relation Between Sur-
face TensionrandCurvature." All
interested graduate. students are
Freshman Health Lectures for
Men: It is a University require-'
ment that all entering Freshmen,'
including veterans, attend a ser-
ies of lectures on Personal and
Community Health and pass an
examination on the content of
these lectures. Transfer students
with freshman standing (less than
30 hrs. credit) are also required'to
take the course unless they have
had a similar course elsewhere
which has been accredited here.'
Upperclassmen who were here
as freshmen and who did not ful-
fill the requirements are request-
ed to do so this term.
The lectures will be given in
the Natural Science Auditorium
at 4, 5, and 7:30 p.m. as follows:

Acheson's UN Proposal
NEW YORK-Nobody can tell yet what the U. N. Assembly will do
eventually about Secretary of State Dean Acheson's bold proposal
that the Assembly clothe itself with power to act promptly to chal-
lenge future aggression, and with its own armed forces.
But submission of this plan in the present world crisis has
served to dramatize a basic weakness in the U. N. which sooner or
or later must be repaired if it is to fulfill its ordained mission and
This is, of course, the veto power granted to the Big Five mem-
bers of the U.N. Security Council, the executive branch of the world
organization, which thus far has been exercised chiefly and with
monotonous repetition by Soviet Russia to hamstring the top agency
of the U.N.
* * * *
THE SECURITY Council was able to act in the Korean crisis only
because of the absence of Russia-which had abstained from the
proceedings in a prolonged walk-out, unluckily for her own purposes.
But she is back again and, in event of another aventure through her
satellites as in Korea, she would be able to check by veto any such
U.N. action as the quick challenge to the North Korean Communist
This confronted us with the dilemma which the Truman ad-
ministration resolved for itself with the plan to give the General
Assembly, the legislative body, the power to act, since there is no
veto in the assembly. This is a function which, under the U.N.
charter, is entirely legal procedure, if unusual. Our government
finally decided, for the salvation of the U.N. and for our own
protection and that of the other free nations of the world, that
it was time for unusual measures.
As far as we are concerned, too, it is grounded in cold war and
grim necessity. The North Korean aggression, sudden and without
warning, opened our eyes to the apparent new strategy of Soviet Rus-
sia, which was to strike through satellites at vulnerable points under
the disguise of "civil wars" or "local conflicts," and with no expense
to herself. We are bearing the burden of the U.N's Korean challenge
almost alone. But, for obvious reasons, we can't keep on doing that
and it is essential that other nations must contribute substantially in
anoher such emergency, far beyond the scale of the low bits and
pieces in Korea. For that, the international army embodied in the
Acheson proposal would meet the need.
Such an army-an international police force, it was called-was
authorized by the U.N. charter, but has never been established, mainly
because of the obstruction of Russia in protracted and fruitless ne-
gotiations ever since creation of the world organization.
OUR PLAN has provoked some hard thinking here, as it was de-
signed to do. It has brought the free nations of the world right
smack up against the realities. It is a challenge from us-the arsenal
and the banker-in which we say to the other free nations, in effect,
that if they mean business, it's time to show it or, idiomatically:
"Put up or shut up."
It is, likewise, a challenge to our effective allies on the Big
Five in the Security Council-Great Britain and France-on the
veto principle, itself. Nationalist China, the other of the Big Five,
sits figuratively now in an uncertain and immobilized status, chal-
lenged by Communist China for her seat on the council and with
nothing but nominal authority.
It must be remembered that all of the Big Five, including us, have
clung up to now to the veto principle in the Security Council, through
our government suggested modifications in its application long ago,
about which nothing ever has been done. Those of us who were at
San Francisco when the U.N. charter was being written can recall
how a delegation of senators rushed out there to insist on the veto
and to warn that, without that right reserved to us, the U.N. charter
could not be ratified by the senate.
SECRETARY Acheson's proposal is then, too, a challenge to those
who have been complaining about Russia's continual use of the
veto to show their sincerity now by going along with his plan for
action through the Assembly, where no veto is possible.
For this proposal to act now in the assembly without the veto
-if we are consistent-must necessarily be only a preliminary step
to going all the way eventually to revise the U.N's executive
branch, the security council, so that it can function as it was sup-
posed to'function. That is the long-range situation which we must
face if the U.N. is to survive.
The Acheson proposal should stimulate those, including organi-
zations and many members of Congress, who have been agitating,for
revision of the United Nations to strengthen it and to whom, up to
now, the State Department has given little encouragement.
Necessity is the mother of invention-and progress.
(Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)




Lecture No. Day
1 Mon.
2 Tues.
3 Wed.
4 Thurs.
5 Mon.
6 Tues.
7 (Final Exam) Wed.

Sept. 25
Sept. 26
Sept. 27
Sept. 28
Oct. 2
Oct. 3
Oct. 4

social worker and poet, will speak
at a luncheon at the Methodist
Church, Thursday noon. Reserva-
tions accepted at Lane Hall up
to Wednesday noon.
Art Print Library: Students
may continue to sign for pictures
today at Alumni Memorial Hall in
the North Gallery, from 8-12, 1-5.
After today for information come
to 510 Administration.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon. Busi-
ness meeting, Wed., Sept. 27; 12:15
p.m. Rm. 3056, Natural Science
Bldg. Election of officers.
Senior and Graduate Students
in Aeronautical Engineering, Phy-
sics and Mathematics: You are in-
vited to attend the lecture by Dr.
Max M. Munk of the Naval Ord-
nance Laboratory, "Some Aspects
of the Turbulence Problem," 3 p.-
m., 1042 E. Engineering Bldg.
U. of M. Women's Glee Club
tryouts: Wed., Sept. 27; Thurs.,
Sept. 28, at 4 to 5; also Wed.,
Sept. 27, at 7 to 9 p.m.
Young Progressives of America:
Executive board meeting, 4:15 p.-
m., Michigan Union to make plans
for first membership meeting.
Young Democrats: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Union. Plans for cam-
paign and campus activities.
Delta Sigma Pi, Professional
Business Administration Frater-
nity: Business meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Chapter House, 1212 Hill.
(continued on Page 5),


You may attend at any of the
above hours. Enrollment will take
place at the first lecture. Please
note that attendance is required.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will open
his series of fall programs at 7:15
p.m. Thurs., Sept. 28. The recital
will include University of Michi-
gan songs, instrumental selections
by Scarlatti, C.P.E. Bach, Corel-
li and Schubert:, Carnival of the
Bells by James Lawson, and vari-
ations on a group of British folk
Events Today
Dr. Toyohiko Kawaga, Japanese'

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and rnaged by students of
the Universitydf Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications..
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown......... Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger..... City Editor
Roma Lipsky....... Editorial Director
Dave Thomas......... Feature Editor
Janet Watts ....... ..Associate Editor
Bill Connoily.... Sports Editor
Bob Sandelln.. Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton .:. Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans ........ Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels.......Business Manager
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Donna Cady ...... Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau...... Finance Manager
Carl Breitkreitz .. Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press isexclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication- of all other
mattersherein are also reserved.
Entered at the Past Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.

7 1


, ,

Academic Notices
History 323, Seminar in English



Just got back, Barnaby,
from a lovely vacation-

Oh, Gus and I found
ourselves somewhat at
sea for a bit. But soon


Ah, yes. Thank you. As
1 was saying, your old
Fairy Godfather calmly


And, as that very ship just then
happened to be bearing down on
us, Gus and I clambered aboard.

Note-Actually Senator Humphrey h
shown more independence regarding t




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