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September 27, 1950 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1950-09-27

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Charles Blocks Louis' Comeback

Title Bid Tonight
Television To Hurt Bout's
ear Flag Gate at Yankee Stadium

A.e ense Predominates
In Late Gridiron Drills

Yanks Split Pair With Nats, N

A sturdy defense has been the
Michigan key to football success
in. the last three years.
For that reason Bennie Ooster-
baan has shifted emphasis away
from offense during this last week
of preparations for the season in-
augural against Michigan State
* * *
HE PROBABLY ponders with
nostalgia the rock-ribbed units
which doled out only 53 points to
opposing elevens in 1947 and 44
in 1948.
Last year the enemy got to
Michigan for 85 markers, caus-
ing the Wolverines to slip back
into a tie for the Western Con-
ference crown. Oosterbaan hopes
the trend will not continue.
Yesterday . Michigan reserves
simulated some of the plays which
the Spartans may employ this
weekend. The defensive unit will
expect State's backs to run from
both the single wing and 'T' for-
GRADJATION losses from last
ContMiue Work
Freshman football has swung
into high gear with 125 enthusias-
tic candidates working out daily
at Ferry Field.
Under the capable tutelage of
Michigan's versatile coach, Wally
Weber, future Wolverine gridmen
are busily engaged in mastering
the fundamentals of Michigan
style football.
SINCE THE squad has had only
two practice sessions, Weber is re-
Iuctant to single out any promis-
ing material at this early date.
The chief mentor has indi-
cated the expected results of
this year's team, however, by cit-
ing that "the bulk of the squad
alone should produce some good
Thus the trend is reversed from
last season's team since the 1949
frosh edition was topheavy with

year's squad struck mainly at the
defensive platoon, and may force
the Wolverines to follow a general
trend among the nation's major
clubs in modifying the two-team
Flankmen Harry Allis and Oz-
zie Clark may be called upon to
work both offense and defense
along with Captain Al Wahl at
guard. Leo Koceski is expected
to serve on pass defense in the
Michigan secondary as well as
to carry his usual offensive bur-
den at right half.
Ftom an offensive point of view,
the probable starting lineups for
Saturday will include Allis and
Clark at the ends, John Hess and
Wahl beside them at tackle, Al
Jackson and Tom Kelsey in the
guard slots and John Padjen at
the pivot.
* * *
Padjen, formerly a guard, has
had considerable experience with
There will be an important
meeting of the 'M' Club at 7:30
p.m. tomorrow in the club-
-Jeff Knight.
the reserves and currently appears
to have earned the nod from Oos-
terbaan as starting center.
The backfield, of course, will
have Chuck Ortmann and Ko-
ceski at half, Don Dufek the
fullback, and Bill Putich, who
played 13 minutes last fall, at
Tony Momsen and Roger Zat-
koff will probably be the line-
backing duo, and Don Peterson
should team up with Koceski in
the secondary in front of Lowell
Perry, fleet sophomore, who has
a good chance to crack the de-
fensive lineup at the safety posi-
Physically the team is in good
condition with the exception -of
Dick Strozewski who will not be
available against the Spartans. In
last Saturday's scrimmage Wahl
sustained a cut eyebrow which,
sidelined him temporarily but he
is ready again.
Coach Biggie Munn of Michigan
State allowed his charges to take
things easy yesterday at East

NEW YORK-With a split of
their doubleheader with the Wash-
ington Senators yesterday, the
New York Yankees reached the
magic number of two wins or two
Detroit Tigers or Boston Red Sox
defeats to 'grab their third pen-
nant in four years.
Both games with the Nats were
slugfests, the latter taking the first
11-9 and the Yankees coming )ack
to win the nightcap 10-7.
The Bronx Bombers have four
games on the road remaining on
their slate, two in Philadelphia
and two in Boston.

'checks defense

I , ,



Major League Standings

W- L Pet.
New York 96 54 .640
Detroit 92 57 .617
Boston Si 57 .615.
Cleveland 89 61 .591
Washington 65 84 .436
Chicago 58 91 .389
St. Louis 57 92 .383
Philadelphia 50 101 .331

f k it


St. L

idelphia 90
klyn 84
on 81
York 80
.ouis 73
nnati 631
ago 631
burgh 55

L Pet.
58 .608
62 .575
65 .555
68 .546
78 .500
84 .429
85 .426
94 .369


Topping the Bombers offensive
fireworks in their 10-7 victory were
left fielder Gene Woodling and
squat shortstop Phil Rizzuto with
four safeties in five trips to the
Former Brownie Tom Fenick
was credited with his ninth suc-
cess of the campaign.
* * *
DETROIT -- Detroit kept its
faint pennant hopes alive yester-
day, coming from behind to gain
an even break in their double-
header with St. Louis. George
Kell's double with the bases load-
ed in the eighth inning climaxed a
four run rally that gave the Tigers
a 5-3 victory after the Browns had
won the opener 3-1.
BOSTON -- Ace reliefer Jim
Konstanty failed in his record-
breaking 71st relief job yesterday
but his Philadelphia Phillies ral-
lied to whip Boston, 8-7. Blix Don-
nelly stopped the Braves after
Konstanty blew a lead in the
seventh inning.
The uphill victory reduced the
Phils clinching combination to
three and mathematically elimi-
nated third-placen Boston. Any
pairing of three Phil wins or
Brooklyn defeats will nail down
a National league pennant for
If the Phils win the bunting, it
will be their first since 1915.
The Phils youthffzl sensation,
Bubba Church, will make his re-
turn to the mound today against
the New York Giants.
A few weeks ago Church was
the victim of an unfortunate ac-
cident when an enemy batsman
conked him on'the face with a

vicious liner. The rookie was sent
to the medics for facial repairs.
BROOKLYN-The . Brooklyn.
Dodgers won the New York inter-
borough title, making it 12 out of
22 in defeating the. Giants today,
Gil Hodges featured a five-run
first by hitting his 31st round-
tripper with two mates aboard.
Starter and loser Larry Jansen
Managers of independent
athletic teams and anyone in-
terested in forming such teamf
should meet in the lobby of the
Sports Building at 7:30 to-
-Earl Riskey
gave up the five runs on four hits.
Wes Westrum and Don Mueller hit
circuit clouts off Ralph Branca.
LATE baseball yet to come.
CLEVELAND-Al Rosen smack-
ed his 37th home run of the sea-
son last night helping the Cleve-
land Indians beat the Chicago
White Sox, 2-0.
It was the 18th win of the sea-
son for pitcher Early Wynn who
gave up six hits.
Wynn was in trouble in the
ninth inning when Eddie Robin-
son and Gus Zernial singled. But
after Luke Appling sacrificed, the
pitcher struck out pinch hitters
Gordon Goldsberry and Marvin
* * *
ST. LOUIS -- The Cincinnati
Reds defeated the St. Louis Car-
dinals, 7-2, in a game which was
called at the end of the seventh
inning because of rain last night.

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-Joe Louis and Ez-
zard Charles, their hard training
finished, exercised only lightly at
their camps yesterday and were
reported ready and rearing for to-
night's heavyweight title fight at
Yankee Stadium.
The ticket sale did not spurt
and the promoters were resigned
to a gross gate of under $200,000.
This would be, roughly, $62,000
less than was paid to see Willie
Pep lose his featherweight toga
to Sandy Saddler three weeks ag6.
* * *
IT IS NOT that the name of
Joe Louis has lost its magnetic
quality. The great fighter who
held his title for nearly 12 years
before he retired 18 months ago
still is the greatest individual at-
traction in any branch of sports.
But the word has been spread
by every medium available that
Joe and Eazard will fight be-
fore the television cameras and
it has had a distressing effect
upon the box office.
Louis' effort to become the first
heavyweight in history to regain
the big title will be screened in
the homes and taverns of 32 prin-
cipal cities. One estimate, per-
haps not too far off, is that an
audience of 20 million will watch
the two men.
* * *
AS FOR THE result of tomor-
row night's 15-rounder, the guess-
ing still is wide open. A majority
of the assembled newspaper ex-
perts favor the 36-year-old Louis
to win back his title, to starch
Charles, the N.B.A. recognized

champion, "the first time he hits
him good."
But more than a few pick
Charles-not only writers, but
managers of fighters and others
who have had to be more than
a little alert to make their liv-
ing from the devious game.
The odds remained a steady 2-
to-1 against Charles in man-to-
man betting-what little there
was. It was said that 5 to 1 could
be obtained against Charles'
chances of winning by a knockout.
EZZARD, HIMSELF, gave out a
fiery statement in which he de-
clared that the odds were ridicu-
lous and that "I expect to score a
Candidates for the varsity
tennis team should report to
the varsity courts at 3 p.m. to-
day. Freshman aspirants
please meet there at 3 p.m. to-
-Bill Murphy,
technical knockout no later than
the 12th round. Joe can be chop-
ped up like any other old guy."
Louis, who looked somewhat
terrific in his final three work-
outs, reiterated that he expects
to stop the Cincinnati fighter,
just as he chilled 22 of the 25
men who challenged him while
he held the title.
There is not much doubt in any-
one's mind that Joe can turn the
lights out for Ez if he catches him
good-and early. The early part
is important. The longer it goes,
the better Charles' chances of

Washington 11-7, New York 9-10
St. Louis 3=3, Detroit 1-5
Cleveland 2, Chicago 0
New ,York at Philadelphia-
Lopat (18-8) vs. Wyse (9-14) or
Hooper (14-10)
St. Louis at Detroit - Starr
(7-5) vs. Houtteman (19-12).
Chicago at Cleveland (night)
Pierce ( 11-16) vs. Wynn (17-8).
Washington at Boston (2)--
Marrero (5-10) and Bearden
(3-8) vs. Nixon (8-5) and Dob-
son (15-9).,

Cincinnati 7, St. Louis 2
Philadelphia 8, Boston 7
Brooklyn 8, New York 4
Boston at Brooklyn (2)-Sain
(19-13) and Spahn (21-16) vs.
Newcombe (19-10) and Bank-
head (7-4).
Philadelphia at New York (2)
-Roberts (19-10) and Church
(8-5) vs. learn (10-4) and Kos-
lo (12-15).
Pittsburgh at Chicago-Werle
(8-15) vs. Klippstein (2-9).
Cincinnati at St. Louis (night)




414, 00 O- --
auO CaotpuS
Surf-oxford button-down collar with the soft roll
(the college man's staple diet). A "Manhattan," of course.

(Continued from Page 2)
authorities and duly constituted
governmental security agencies.
For procedures and regulations
relating to student sponsored ac-
tivities, officers are referred to
University Regulations Concern-
ing Student Affairs, Conduct, and
Discipline available in the Office
of Student Affairs.
Choral Union members who par-
ticipated in the last May Festival,
and who had good attendance rec-
ords, may re-enroll at the offices
of the University Musical Society
immediately-without tryout.
New candidates may make ap-
pointments for auditions at' the
same office.
The Chorus will participate in
two performances of Handel's
"Messiah" in December, mnder
Lester McCoy; and in two of the
May Festival concerts with' the
Philadelphia Orchestra under the
direction of Thor Johnson.
Open houses for the Michigan
State game'are authorized in of-
ficially organized student resi-
dences on Sat., Sept. 30, between

11:30 a.m.and 1:30 p.m. for pre-
game functions and between 5 and
7 p.m. for post-game functions.
No registration of these functions
is necessary provided they are
confined to the hours indicated.
Fraternities not operating houses
are requested to call at the Office
of Student Affairs, 1020 Adminis-
tration Bldg., for membership
forms for registration for the cur-
rent semester.
Group late permissions and mid-
week overnight permissions are to
be obtained by one student desig-
nated by the group. Forms for
these permissions have been sent
to department heads and should
be returned to the Office of the
Dean of Women four days prior
to the event. A responsible student
then gives the individual permis-
sion to the students participating
who in turn records them with
their director.
Law School Admission Test: Ap-
plication blanks for the Nov. 18
administration of the Law School
Admission Test are now available
at 110 Rackham Bldg. Application

blanks are due at Princeton, N.J.
not later than Nov. 8, 1950.
Medical College Admission Test:
Application blanks for the Nov.
6 administration of the Medical
College Admission Test are now'
available at 110 Rackham Bldg.
Application blanks are due at
Princeton, N.J. not later than Oct.
23. 1950.
Graduate Record Examinations:
Application blanks for the Oct. 27
and 28 administrations of the
Graduate Record Examination are
now available at 110 Rackham
Bldg. Application blanks are due
at Princeton, N.J. not later than
Oct. 13, 1950.
Official Notice. The Women's

Judiciary Council, consisting of
four juniors and two seniors, and
one graduate student, works in
conjunction with the Office of the
Dean of Women to formulate
house rules and acts as a disci-
plinary board in cases of infraction
of house rules.'
All University women students
residing in organized undergrad-
uate houses, including graduate
students, must observe all house
rules. The same applies to guests
of residents.
Any student expecting to be out
of her house after 7:30 p.m. must
(Continued on Page 4)

3-5 P.M.

Sunday, Ocdt

1212 Hill St.

Delta Sima P1Rshing Smoker!,
for Students interested in
Business Administration or Economics.
Come over and meet Students and
Faculty in Your Field!





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Write a "Happy-Go-Lucky" jingle, like those you see on
this page, based on some phase of college life. If your jingle
is selected for possible use in Lucky Strike advertising, we
will pay you $25 for the right to use it and your name in
our advertising. Start today. "Happy-Go-Luckies"will soon
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as you like-right away, and $25 can be yours pronto if
your jingle is chosen. Be the first to write a jingle in your
school. Watch this paper for more "Happy-Go-Luckiest"


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DRESSES (plain)


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send it to Happy-Go-Lucky,
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Be sure your name, college and
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they are legible.
2. Every student of any college
or university may submit jingles.

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woma Mom"

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