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September 27, 1950 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1950-09-27

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PAGE TWO - W S1~AY~!i'TEMBflR 27,

Alumni Mee
C I I II II shows. Contact Roy Smith at Alu niiic
MICHIGAN DAILY TWO ROOM SUITE for three men, close _ __-___
Phone 23-24-1 campus. $ per week plus private EXPERIENCED PIANO TEACHER-&. More than 600 University alum-
Phoe 3-4-DpoBe.....e23.........)18R ginners and advanced. Phone 2-4208I
HOURS: 1 to 5 P.M. DOUBLE ROOM-Male students pre- mornings or late evenings. )12P in from all parts of the Westernc
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING erred. Use of refrigerator, Hollywood SPECIAL SAVING on your LIFE sub- Hemisphere, as well as England,I
~~~~i-i AVERTIING tyle beds, student landlord. Call Mr. scrition this year. $5.00 instead of
Wright at 6641 meal times or 6336$6.75 to students only. Available will meet tomorrow through Sat-1
RATES evenings. __)20R through Student Periodical Agency, of- urday on the campus to celebrate
LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS SINGLE ROOM FOR MAN-83 Brook- fcaia U. of Michigan agency for this
.E 1.21 .76 A wood Place for sAN-836 )15R offer for over two years. Student-run. the Medical School's 100th anni-
.54 1-7 ROOMS Pvaibeoforste'gsne 2-82-42 to order your subscrip- versary.
3 .63 1.60 2.65 Football wek-ends. Private home a- _in W -1-ilyo.)
4 .81 2.02 3.53 commodations. Phone 2-9850, 12:30 to FOR RENT Dean Albert C. Fursten erg of
10r roline. - 7:00 to 8-:0_~ p-m.-.)14R- i the M edical School-indicated thatI
Figure 5 overage words to alie WATD-n male student to share STUDENT APARTMENTS-2 rooms andfrmSuhAecaPe-
Classified deadline dily except double room on campus. Call 2-2052. 1 room. Ma students preferred. alumni from South America, Puer-
Saturday is 3 P.M. Saturdays, )13R Greenwoodn earPackard. Call Mr. to Rico, Mexico, Jamaica, Eng-
11:30 A. for Sunday Issue. ROOMS FOR OVERNIGHT GUESTS at evenings. a )12F land and all parts of the United
518 E. Williams. Ph. 3-8454. )12 APT,)FORPOURlandESandENall
DOUBLE fru eassman nearATre FOUR MAL STmpuT NS -.States will gather to celebrate the
campus. Innerspring mattress, show- ly self-contained. 325 E. Jefferson St. occasion.
FOR SALE er, cooking privileges, gas heat. 415 )F , ,
F OR ALE ________ Lawrence. shown from 603 Lawrence.
)EXTER-ANN ARBOR ROAD - Three Ph.2-3673 or Ypsilanti 794J. )11R WANTED TO BUY
bedrooms, large kitchen, living and DR.__MOSESALISBURY,___n-
dining rooms. Two car garage. 4HELP WANTED WANTED-Two non-student ticets to SALISBUR
acres, raspberry and fruit trees. $3,500HEL WATD ___ Michigan vs. Michigan State game. formation officer of the Atomic
down, terms. Ph. Dexter 4001. )19 RELIABLE GIRL fond of chiildren for Phone 3-0835 evenings._)I1X Energy Commission, will climax
GIRL'S BICYCL-Balloon tires. Price child care and light ironing, Tuesday OTADFUDteruinwt etr t1
$2.0 Ph. 6782. )20 and Thursday 1-5. Ph. 2-9496. )18H LOST AND FOUND the reunion with a lecture at 10
$R5.I ' SE ---- hrvo72 cWANTED-Part-time shoe clerk. Exper- GRAVE LOSS-Ronson lighter, inscrib- a.m. Saturday in Rackham Bldg.i
A60 Ph. 2-55Charvos,comp )22 ience . preferred. Apply in person. ed F.S.R. Please call 2-2454 or Univer- on "The Atomic Energy Program
$l~o P.2555 - Shoe Department. Madameiselle Shop. sity Ext. 2296. )69L of The Pepeofiherg Unra i
heateroRdvd ite sid Nwdio,)19H BUSINESS SERVICES Of the People of the United
heater, overdrive anwhi tsides. Bel WANTED--Someone to paint sign post-
Ml 2-11eage. 1W8 ers. Earl Riskey, Intramural BldgH. GOOD RENTAL TYEW ITERS now States. -
Moll2-371.-___ )18)20H available at Office Equipment ServiceI
WHIZZER MOTOR BIKE STUDENT-Work part-time for meals. Company, 215 E. Liberty. Guaranteed Activities that will take place1
CSe at 71 Church t )21 Call Bill Wisner, 2-7,119. )17H repair service on all makes of type- during the three days include
Se-a 7CuNSt. )2 WAITERS for Friday and Saturday wies______ )6
on State St. night work. See Roy Smith, 314 4. QUALITY TYPING-Manuscripts, teses presentation of scientific pa-
Genuine Levis $3.95, Sanforized, Liberty from 12 to 5 p.m. )16H etc. Call 2-0795 or 2-7460. )17B pers concerning new develop-
22 inch waist line and up. )3 URGENTLY NEEDED immediately. Stu- Running a Classified ad ments in medicine by members
-PEiAL EDCE- SUDET-at-o dents wishing to do sales work on Every day isj
IEC-$.RaEyDea nSTeNa of $8.o magazine subscriptions. Sell the spe- Sure to bring you of the University staff and guest
Your ch,75ancear seaupowth$the cial reduced student rates on TIME Unusual results and
Your chance to keep up with the and LIFE. Big commissions from easy Lots of good lectures.
world with a saving 1n both reading sales. No obligation. Call Student Timely customers and1
det-rn ndoney Phoe tl enstu Periodical Agency, 2-82-42 now. En- Sales as well. Scientific exhibits prepared by
dnwrn to utProdr.lWelbil tirely studentrun. 2 Place Your Ad Now in
nt placenyour od. Weylludillrn ) THE MICHIGAN DAILY different departments of the Med-t
you._Phone 2-82-42 today. )2 TYPISTS NEEDED soon. Speed Import Dial 2-3241 )len__
. --.-d . - - ant. Use own typewriter. Call Don - )
Ai~i. COLOR PARAKEETS, Canaries, Anderson, Student Periodical Agency, EXPERIENCED COOK for fraternity or-
Finches, Cocketels. Bird supplies and 2-82-42 )2H sorority. Have references. Phone 3-4844.
cages. 562 S. 7th. Ph. 5330. )2B GIRLS NEEDED to baby sit during foot- - _ )15B3
~1IEAN LFEatsecially reduced all games. al Kiddie Kre, 3-1121. FREIGN STUDENTS-Would you or
student dates TIME $4.75 a year in- frwie eAL Y
stead of $6.00. Life is $5 instead of " an experienced teacher at reasonable A Lo
$6.75. You need only be a student to WANTED-Responsible person to oWIn rates, if so call 2-9373. )14B
qualify. Prompt service from estab- and service (spare time) route of U. S.'{4DNTAL tyewrtsno ai-
clse student-run agency. Periodi- Stamp Vending Machines. No exper- GODRNA ypewiesnwaal z________________
cal Agency, Phone 2-82-42 to order. ience needed. $480 cash investment able at Office Equipment Service
Ofc:R.'0FisNainlBd.required. Write Romeo Eaker, General Company, 215 E. Liberty. We will re- Publication in The Daily OfficialOfieRm70,FrtNioa'd DlvryAnAbr.Pasgvetet pirouowtpwies. )1
Order by phone-we'll bill you. )2 Deliry, An Arbo Please g e se pa your ow E.periters )6 Bulletin is constructive notice o all
White-Eephan Have and telephone number. )14H LEAVE JUNIOR with a reliable baby members of the University. NoticesI
Your White Elephants Have PART TIME help needed at Hickey's sitter while you go out - anytime. for the Bulletin should be sent in
'G -'REN BA KS Service Station, corner of Main and Kiddie Kare, 3-1121. )OB typewritten form to the Office of the
GREEN BACKS Catherine. )13H TYPEWRITERS AND FOUNTAIN PENS Assistant to the President Room 2552
_________)17 WANTED-Cace-iack salesman who Sales and Service Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m.
AE1- would like to make a great deal of MORRILL'S 314 S. State St. )4B on the day preceding publication
LATE 1949 HOpSEp e ILE, t d Allwedr. money during the school year. Phone WET WASHES, rough dry or ironing. (11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
rnoatepdan ce lot near bus ine. 2-3046. )12H Finished work if preferred. Will pick EE
$2,000 cash. Ph. 3-8955 or p. FULL OR PART TIME HELP-Apply at up and deliver. Ph. 2-9020. )B WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1950
R-9. L-cwi tl) 16 Howard Johnson's, Washtenaw and VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typis, at VL X o
OR SALE-Schwinn Girl's Bike. Rea- Stadium. Tel. 3-8800. )I1H 308 S. State. Legal, Masters, Doctors V X
____Bike._____Rea-_)1 dissertations, etc. Call 2-2615 or 2- -
sonable. Ph. 3-1002. )4PERSONAL 9848. )ec Cn -215012
MEN'S- Raleigh Bicycle. Rod brakes.PE ONL84.)2Noie
Call evenings, Ph. 3-0215. )13 CAMPUS CORSAGE SERVICE-Back to TRANSPORTATION _NotcesI
ALL- WETHR acet,-4.9 -Waer serve you. Flowers for all occasions.________
ApllWEntH ronkt, gay atealrrie , et . - " e.-Fi adSt.Wlltk ps-
iperTSpeHiaEpric$ group orders. A COMMUTE FROM LANSING Mon Users of the Daily Official Bul-
bark.eO enp otilr y. a n8Stoe, Student Service f r S udens" )1 P We.______Sa . Wilta e pa s n
1 E. Wah nt r)5 ERN TO ANE grs, or share, Lansing or intermediate letin: Because of the inordinate
Jimmie Hunt Dance Studio points. Phone Miss Bentley, 3-1511, length of the D.O.B. the Editor is
122 E. Liberty Phone 8161 )1P ext. 560, . )11Tob.gd to warn users of the Bul-
*TO DANCE born. Call Tiffany 6-2855 or write Eox letin that no notice wil be printed
C~~TROOMS Ray Hatch Dance Studio 22 al.)2 oeta wc n utemr,
Classr oran Private fuLessonse
FOR RENT 209S. State Ph. A.A. 5083 )4P DRIVING TO ANN ARBOR daily a.m.-
Wanted commuters. Call Detroit, that the Editor expects to use his'
C B 211 TO-5-4032. )3T own judgement in reducing un-
WANTED-Rides from etrot to Ann raoal ogntcst esn
ITE TO SHARE with male sTO ALL CLUB 211 MEMBERS: Arbor and back every Tuesday, Thus reasonaby long notices to reason-
student. Your ticket expires only when com- day, Saturday. Will pay and share ex- able length.
Twin beds. 304_E. Madison. T. ) 17R pletely punched. Need not be used on penses. Phone Detroit Townsend a#.
LARGE attractively furnished double consecutive days-good anytime. Take 7-8880, Mrs. May. )14T Frank E. Robbins
room. Residential section. Male stu- advantage of this for delicious meals. Assistant to the President
dents preferred. Ph. 2-8436. 19R )2P WANTED TO RENT Assatt h rsdn
-__----._--...SENIOR STUDENT, wife, and 7-months
___ old son, desperately ned 2-3 room Users of the Daily Official Bul-
-_- .sutnase. Paorent-ow ) livingin letin: Need of conserving space
sia.Pn76=l makes necessary the following
--Tannouncements: (1) Notices ofI
enera hon meetings or organizations will beI
restricted to the name of the or-
i gfaniato concerned, day, time,
"A delightful hour and a half that is a pleas. . r gnizeand
ant addition to any lifetime," says Alton of speaker and subject. (2) No-
Cook of the World-Telegram and Sun, and Generatior, in preparation for tices for the D.O.B. must be type-
WCBS' Bill Leonard agrees, "Adults are . its first issue of the semester in written and double-spaced forI
likely to find it Just about the. gayest, - November, will hold an organiza- editorial convenience. I
most Charming hour and a half of 1950." tion and tryout meeting at 7:30 F. E. RobbinsI
p.m. Thursday in its office in the
Student Publications Building. Application for Bomber Schol.-
.a* * * arships-Applications may be ob-
- 4AGAZINE EXPERIENCE is tained at the Scholarship Office,
- unnecessary, but those with spe- Office of Student Affairs, 1059
.cial talent in the business, art and Administration Building, and must
editorial departments have been be returned to that office not la-
urged to attend by Louis Orlin, ter than Mon., Oct. 1. To be eli-
managing editor. Contributions gible for these scholarships a stu-
At the Orpheum Cinema Friday for the coming issue are being ac- dent must have served at least
cepted now in the Generation of- one year in the United States
fce, and in Marvin Felhem's of- armed forces during the last war,
x fice, Rm. 2213, Angell Hall. must have completed satisfactor-
Essays, short stories, drawings ily not less than the equivalent of
and anything else pertaining to two semesters of ciedit hours in
the arts are acceptable, any undergraduate school or col-
lege in this University, and shall
have received no degree of any
Read Dail Classifieds kind from this University. Awards

now open for business. will be made according to need,
o character, and scholarship ability
Serving after comparison of applicants.
Rules Governing participation in
$1.00 DINNERS non-athleticextracurricular acti-
Open Daily 1:15 yities, effective September, 1950.
Any regularly enrolled student
NOW SHOWING above the rank of first term fresh-
also...man is eligible to participate in
. RICHARD TODD non-athletic extracurricular acti-
CSARONALD REAGAN tivities provided he is not on aca-
PATRICIA NEAL demic discipline. a
Responsibility. Responsibility for
Breakfast 7:00-1:30 THEobservance of the eligibility state-
ment is placed directly upon the
Dinner 5:00-8:00H student. In case of doubt of sta-
tus, students should inquire at
Sunday hours 12:00-5:30 HEART" the Office of Student Affairs. Par-
ticipation in an extracurricular
928 SOUTH STATE PHONE 9717 Feature 1:30 activity in violation of the re-
S U H3:30 - 5:25 - 7:27 - 9:30 quirements may subject a student
c:o o 525-7:7o;93 to disciplinary action.
Restrictions. In interpretation
Playing Through Friday
Shows at 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 P.M.
Student Owned and Managed
"We don't claim good food, low prices, THAT'S ALL
instantaneous service-WE PROVE IT!" SHE

t for Medical
)th Birthday
ical School and a series of clinical
conferences at University hos-
pital will also be a part of the
* . *
A HISTORY OF the Medical
School will take the spotlight at
a banquet to be held for more than
800 at the Union Thursday night.
Following a toast of greeting
to the alumni by President Al-
exander G. Ruthven, Dr. Freder-
ick G. Novy, dean emeritus of
the Medical School, will discuss
the development of the Univer-
sity's first professional school
from 1850 to 1912.
Dr. Udo J. Wile, professor emer-
itus of dermatology and syphilogy,
will cover the Medical School's
period from 1912 to 1950. Conclud-
ing the evening will be an address
by Dean Furstenberg on "Object-
ives for the Future."
Guest lectures will include Dr.
Walter Bauer of the Massachu-
setts General Hospital in Boston,
Dr. Richard H. Freyberg of the
Cornell Medical School, Dr. Car-
roll S. Wright*of Temple Univer-
sity and Dr. Charles Huggins of
the University of Chicago.

--Carlsle Marshall
SL ACTIVITIES HOUSE-Donated to the Student Legislature
this summer by the University, this house is being furnished at
University expense for use as an SL Office Building. Located
at 122 South Forest, it is a former University nurses home.
Former Residence Given"
ToSL for Office Building

A spacious eleven room house,
formerly used as a University
nurses residence, has been turned
over to the Student Legislature by

Arts Union
Sets Plans
For Season
This year the Inter Arts Union
will again present to campus audi-
ences a program of the arts,
ranging from drama to the dance.
Two plays have been scheduled
by the organization for December
and February, and the third an-
nual Student Arts Festival will be
given from March 23 to 25. Five
different performances are sched-
uled for the festival, consisting of
the dance, musical compositions,
forums and drama.
IAU is an expanding organiza-
tion with ambitious ideas and is
always ready to welcome new peo-
ple with ideas and interest in the
arts, William Trousdale, '52, IAU
president said.
There will be an open meeting
at 2 p.m., Sunday, in the League,
and every Sunday throughout the
football season, he said. "All In-
terested students are invited to
attend these meetings."
In presenting the aims of the
organization, Trousdale said IAU
encourages activity in the arts on
a college campus by giving stu-
dents the opportunity to express
themselves and to present their
works before live audiences for the
benefit of criticism.
U7nusual Jewelry
- Silk Scarves
Jewelry Boxes
All Imported
from India
Ijndia Art Shop ~
Maynard Street
Buy and Sell Through
Daily Classifieds


of the above eligibility statement,
the following are specifically for-
bidden to participate in extra-cur-
ricular activities:
, (a) First term freshmen. (Ex-
ception: first term freshmen are
authorized to participate in the
Marching Band.)
(b) Students on academic dis-
cipline, i.e. notification, warning,
probation, action pending.
(c) Part time and special stu-
dents carrying less than 12 hours.
Activities. The eligibility re-
quirements must be met by stu-
.dents participating in such ac-
tivities as are listed below. The list
is not exhaustive but is intended
to indicate the kinds of extracur-
ricular activities for participation
in which eligibility is necessary.
(a) Participation in public per-
foflmances which are sponsored by
student organizations and which
require group rehearsals. Exam-
ples: Union Opera, Junior Girls'
Play; productions of Gilbert and
Sullivan Society, Student Players,
Inter Arts Union; performances
of Arts Chorale, Michigan Sing-
ers, Glee Clubs, and Band (for
students not enrolledin band
(b) Staff members of student
publications. Examples: Daily,
Michiganensian, Technic, Gener-
(c) Officers and chairmen of
standing committees in ' student
organizations, including house
groups. (This includes positions in
house groups such as social, rush-
ing, personnel, publication chair-
men, and house managers.)
(d) Class officers or candidates
for such office.
(e) Members and candidates for
membership in student govern-
ment groups. Examples: Student
Legislature, Judiciary Councils,
Interfraternity Council, Panhel-
lenic Board, Assembly Board, As-
sociation of Independent Men, In-
tercooperative Council, League and
Union student government groups,
Engineering C o u n c 11, Music
School Assembly, Business Admin-
istration Council.

are available in the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs, 1020 Admin.
With official recognition a stu-
dent organization assumes the
responsibility qf (1) submitting a
list of officers and members at
the beginning of each semester
within which recognition is de-
sired, promptly reporting additions
to membership during the term;
(2) securing the acceptance of a
member of the faculty willing to
serve as adviser; (3) maintaining
organization finances in a man-
ner satisfactory to the Auditor of
Student Organizations; (4) pre-
senting to the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs for consideration any
changes in organizational struc-
.ture, objectives, activities, bases
of membership, dr affiliations
with other organizations, either
local or national,
Upon the request of a student
organization, its membership ros-
ter will be treated as confidential
by the Office of Student Affairs
(membership in the organization
will not be posted as an activity
on the student record cards) and
will be open only to University
(Continued on Page 3)

the University for use -as an office:
The University's action came as
a much needed relief to Student
Legislators who have had a tiny
niche in the Office of Student
Affairs for its only permanent of-
fice space.
The new office building will
enable the Legislature to hold
all Its cabinet and committee
meetings In one place, and at
times more agreeable to the
"The secretariat and the cabi-
net will each have one room," Ed
Reifel, '51, SL vice-president and
manager of the building, said.
Other rooms will be delegated to
the committees, two committees
per room, Reifel asserted.
ALTHOUGH the building is not
yet furnished, Reifel said that the
SL hopes to be able to move in by
Monday or Tuesday, as soon as the
furniture arrives.


U. of M. Gilbert and Sullivan Society
1950 Production of "JOLANTHE"
. . and...
Recordings are still available at
521 East Liberty Phone 2-3053


--I .

y{ ,.




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