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December 12, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-12-12

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______________________________________________________ UI

CED: Methi
THE COMMITTEE to End Discrimination
is singing its swan song.
It isn't a noisy melody. The campus had
enough of that. It's a quiet, tragic death
rattle; the last bar of an unfinished sym-
phony that reached its crescendo too early
in the concert.
CED was formed early in 1949 for the
purpose of "the coordination, integration
and initiation of action against discrimina-
tion" in housing, restaurants, amusement
places and the University admissions policy.
Its first major action was to support Stu-
dent Legislature's investigation of discrimi-
nation in housing. It also began an extensive
survey of possible discrimination in- the se-
lection of University applicants and the
hiring of University employes and faculty
In November, 1949, CED contacted SL on
the inclusion of a referendum concerning
discrimination on University application
forms in the SL elections. It was refused.
Shortly after, it began circulating petitions
asking for the removal of potentially dis-
criminatory questions from applications.
They got quite a few signatures.
But a few individuals took the wrong fork.
The Young Progressives, with no regard to
their responsibility as members of CED, pub-
lished a series of leaflets emphasizing their
own little "fight against discrimination."
Immediately the campus reacted-nega-
Spokesmen for the Association of Inde-
pendent Men and the Inter-Fraternity
Council proposed that SL could handle the
discrimination problem better. The Young
Democrats passed a strong motion urging
that member organizations inform CSD be-
fore initiating their own anti-bias programs.
The Young Republicans suggested that CED
disband and voiced support of an SL sub-
committee set up to confer with the deans-
on the issue.
But CED went on its way, thankful for the
quantity of the publicity, blind to the quali-
It voted not to work through SL. It
turned down a proposal similar to the YD
motion. In the Spring of 1950, it placed
an open petition to Wayne L. Whitaker,
Secretary of the Medical School, on the
diagonal. The crowds gathered around, but
CED counted the heads and not the snick-
CED, the "grass roots" organization, had
lost contact with the students. It had alien-
ated allcorners of the campus. It was an
ugly duckling.
LAST WEEK, a Young Progressive, passing
by a CED meeting, remarked, "Seems
like a lot of new faces in CED."
There are a lot of new faces, a lot of
new ideas and an entirely new approach.
Under the capable leadership of its new
chairman, Al Silver, CED has adopted a
constructive, rational policy.
Although there is some question as to their
membership, the Young' Progressives do not
send a delegate to CED meetings now.If a
CED member puts out anti-prejudice pro-
pagandi on its own hook, it may now be
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

ds & Goals
expelled. A CED member group may be
requested to withhold its name for use on
any CED literature.
CED has voted twice to postpone publica-
tion in The Daily of a memorandum (stat-
ing its reasons for wanting potentially dis-
criminatory questions off applications) un-
til a faculty committee has completed its
report on the issue. It has quietly conferred
with administrative officials and contacted
national organizations of like interest.
It has compiled valuable information. It
has contained a fresh, sincere enthusiasm
for the sake of its objectives. CED ha
achieved a "new look."
But, it is too late.
CED'S name and personnel have at-
tamed a campus-wide notoriety. When
Willie Wolverine thinks of the CED today,
he sees leaflets, petitions, attacks, noise,
and confusion.
CED members will argue that this is un-
fortunate, that Willie should not confuse
the mouthings of splinter groups with the
methods of CED. But logic takes a back seat
when an issue has already been clouded with
mistaken emotion.
MORE IMPORTANT than CED relation-'
ship to Willie was its attitude toward
Wayne Whitaker. It is common knowledge
that there has been continuous animosity
between the Medical School secretary and
this pressure group since shortly after CED's
appearance on the campus scene.
Why did it happen? It is hard to say.
Neither will admit fault on their own
part. However, inasmuch as Whitaker was
the man CED was obliged to work with,
it was CED's job to treat him as a co-
worker, not as an enemy.
Instead, CED's policy was one of pressure
on Whitaker. It felt it could counteract
pressure from above by applying it from be-
low. It failed to realize that it was only
one small voice in the ears of the man who
bears the brunt of attacks from every di-
It forgot its main goal, which was to clear
the name of the University by wiping ob-
jectionable questions off the application
forms-not to wage a personal attack on an
officer of that University. It misjudged its
own strength and the situation. And it killed
But CED will leave a valuable will which
may compensate for its injurious life. It will
leave some good outside contacts, some good
men and some good arguments.
The most logical inheritor is the Student
Legislature. SL, because of its representa--
tive nature and its increasingly high es-
teem in the eyes of the administration,
has an obligation to carry on where CED
left off-but in a different fashion.
The problem of discrimination is not new
to SL. As a one-man sub-committee of SL's
Campus Action Committee, Don Abramson
has been meeting quietly with University
officials throughout the CED stom. He has
proceeded with an unpublicized, effective
campaign of cooperation with the deans.
And the administration's strongest move
toward revision of application forms was
the result of an SL report. This was the for-
mation last Spring of a faculty committee
whose findings due this month will be the
basis of action to be taken by the Deans
It was unfortunate that SL and CED did
not realize they were working entirely in op-
position. Apparently, both groups felt CED's
actions complemented SL's "underground"
proceedings. As a result, much precious
ground was lost.
CED and SL have been mutually cynical
about each other's personnel. But the time
has come for a merger of ideas and people.
CED members must discard a name which
is held in disrepute and join a strong stu-
dent organization. SL must welcome former

members of CED as non-SL members of its
sub-committee. By doing so, it will gain a
needed push for its activities. The actual
contacts with administrative officials and
the publicity would be handled by the SL
which has proved so successful in this field.
The tragedy of CED is a lesson in means
and ends. It is a valuable lesson: anyone
can make a mistake once. But only a fool
makes the same mistake twice.
CED members have partially shown their
belief in this axiom by their recent policy.
They now have a chance to clear away any
doubts by a final adjustment of their meth-
ods to their excellent goals.
-Barnes Connable
Looking Back
THE LEAGUE of Nations Assembly Com-
mission reached a decision on a question
on which they had been deliberating for
more than three weeks. They decided that
disarmament of the world must be a slow
gradual process and was not considered pos-
sible at the present time.
PRESIDENT MACHADO of Cuba supended
Constitutional Guarantees throughout
the whole of Cuba because of student riot-

WASHINGTON-Bellhops at the Waldorf-
Astoria Hotel in New York, all World
War II vets, are sore as a boil at the big
liquor parties thrown by the Chinese Com-
munists in the Waldorf Tower.
One bellhop, on being summoned to
the Communist suite, was asked to bring
up the newspapers. He loaded himself
with the New York Times, New York Mir-
ror and the Herald-Tribune and rapped
at the door.
Taking one look at the newspapers, the
bland Chinese reprimanded: "No, no, not
these papers. The Daily Worker."
The bellhop, though seething inside, just
as blandly replied: "Sorry, sir, we can't get
it here. You'll have to make your own ar-
* * *
W ORRIED Pentagon strategists will
only talk about it privately, but one of
the most serious military errors of any re-
cent war was responsible for trapping the
First Marine division and the two 7th
infantry regiments which made their pain-
ful, gallant fight out of Hagaru.
The tragic fact is that they never
would have been trapped but for three
unforgivable military errors.
The first error was lack of liaison be-
tween Lt. General Walton Walker, com-
mander of the 8th army, and Major Gen.
Edward Almond, commander of the 10th
corps. For some strange reason, known only
to MacArthur, these two generals had no
battle communication with each other, but
had to talk to each other by way of Tokyo
some 700 miles away.
Second, both generals had their men rac-
ing for the Manchurian border to see which
could get there first. Reassured by Mac-
Arthur's intelligence that they had nothing
to fear from the Chinese, the troops fanned
out, instead of driving forward in a strong,
compact spearhead. Furthermore, the 10th
corps under General Almond went racing
off toward the North, instead of sticking
close to the 8th army.
French Ambassador Henri Bonnet, act-
ing on instructions from his government,
warned U.S. officials against this advance
before It started. Specifically, he warned
that there were 700 miles of Chinese
border toward which MacArthur was
headed, along which the Chinese were
The British also warned against advanc-
ing into this area, and these warnings were
relayed to MacArthur by Washington.
FURTPRMORE, the Joint Chiefs of Staff
cabled a reminder to MacArthur that
General Almond had no battle communica-
tion with General Walker. MacArthur sent
back a curt reply that he knew what he
was doing.
Result was that the Chinese wisely hit
at the vacuum between the 8th army and
the 10th corps. They also hit between
the advancing units of the two armies
which were fanned out, not expecting re-
During this confusion, Gen. Almond tried
to send his marines to close the gap be-
tween him and the 8th army. But after a
brief, bloody battle, they were forced to
turn back to the Chosin Reservoir.
Then for some reason, so far not ex-
plained, the Marines were allowed to re-
main at the reservoir for four days, giv-
ing the Chinese an opportunity to swarm
all around them and cut off escape. The
Marines and 7th infantry could just as
well have pulled back toward Hungnam
Harbor immediately. But with it necessary
to relay orders back and forth to Tokyo,
the orders did not come for four whole
Note-During this period, MacArthur had
time to send five messages to American
newspapers explaining why he was not to

blame in Korea.
(copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Soviet Strategy
WASHINGTON-Russia's strategy in pro-
moting Chinese Communist aggression
is puzzling, but an interpretation held here
is that she is trying to divide the western
powers through this mass eruption. Some
see it as a trap to suck our forces into a
major war with China, diverting our re-
sources, in an effort to frighten our Euro-
pean allies who are dependent upon us in
case of a Russian move there. Great Bri-
tain previously 'has exhibited a conciliatory
attitude toward Communist China.
Now, however, she has advanced a new
version of Russia's motives in the U.N.
as regards Communist China, which was
explained before the U.N. recently. This is
that Russia does not really want Com-
munist China seated in the U.N., but
wants to keep the issue alive to egg on
China for Russia's purposes. The validity
of this theory, which i$ gaining acceptance
in our State Department, was indicated
when Russian sought to limit discussion
in the U.N. to Formosa and our alleged
"aggression" there to incite Communist
China and not to discuss the Korean situ-
ation which would reveal how she has used
China in that adventure so perilous to
world peace. Russia was overruled, and
nwthe Chinese Communist aggression

"We're Gonna Have To Do Something
About That Boy"


The Daily welcomes 'communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all lettersrwhich are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the l)niversity
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building, by 3 p.m. on
the day preceding publication (11 a.-
m. Saturdays).
VOL. LXI, No. 66
Appointments under the Ful-
bright Program for teaching or
post-doctoral research in Austria
for the academic year, 1951-52,
have just been announced. Ap-
plications must be made before
January 15 to the Conference
Board of Associated Research
Councils, 2101 Constitution Ave-
nue, Washington 25, D.C. Further
information is available at the
Office of the Graduate School.
Clements Library will be closed
all day today.
Applications for the 1951 Alum-
nae Council Scholarships may be
made with Miss Alice J. Russell
in the Alumnae Council Office in
the Michigan League.
Women Interested in Becoming
Regular Army Officers:
Captain Juanita Biddle, Head-
quarters, 5th Army, will inter-
view today all women graduating
in February or June who are in-
terested in the training program.
For appointments, call the Bu-
reau of Appointments.
University Community Center,
Willow Run Village:
Tues.. Dec. 12, 8 p.m., Wives'
Club Meeting-The Singing Senti-
Wed., Dec 13, 4 p.m., Rehearsal
for Christmas Play (Sunday-
School). 8 p.m., Home Fashion
Show Committee; Ceramics Class.
Thurs., Dec. 14, 8 p.m., Ceramics
Class; Choir Practice; Ref resh-
ment Committee Meeting; Work
Night-Decorations for Christmas
Sat., Dec. 16, 2:30 p.m., Dress
Rehearsal for Children's Christ-
mas Play. 8:30 p.m.,, Children's
Christmas Party. 9 p.m., "Dance
in Winter Wonderland" at the
North Community Cj enter.


Christmas Concert by the Uni-
versity of Michigan Choir, May-
nard Klein, Conductor, and the
Little Symphony Orchestra, 8:30
Wednesday evening, Dec. 13, in
Hill Auditorium. The Choir will
sing Bach's Christmas Oratorio,
with Norma Heyde, soprano, Glo-
ria Gonan, contralto, Richard
Miller, tenor and Jack Wilcox,
bass, appearing in the solo parts,
and George Exon playing the
harpsichord. The program will be
open to the public.
Events Today
Congregational, Disciples, Evan-
gelical and Reformed Guild: Tea
at the Guild House, 4:30 to 5:45
S.R.A. Council meets at Lane
Hall, 5 p.m.
Christian Science Organiza'
Testimonial meeting, 7:30 ,
Upper Room, Lane Hall.

Council Room, Rackham
4 p.m. Chairman, M. L.

Chess Club: Me
Room 3D, Union.

eting, 7:30 p.m.,

(Editor's Note-A letter in Satur-
day's Daily, headlined "Regressives"
was incorrectly signed "Young Pro-
gressives of America." The signa-
ture should have read "Young Re-
* * *
MSC, ,.
To the Editor:
I FEEL that Cal Samra's unpro-
voked attack on Michigan State
College warrants an answer. It is
very easy to sit down and write a
criticism when one has the facts,
but I doubt if Mr. Samra, being
only a Sophomore, has any docu-
mentary proof for what he says.
I also doubt if he speaks from act-
ual experience or contact with
M.S.C. or he would not have said
some of the things he did.
Just criticism is well and good,
but' using a term like "Spanish!
Braggarts" indicates that the cri-
ticism comes from a biased mind.'
Mr. Samra says, "It is a generally
accepted fact that M.S.C. is a so-
cial club ideal for those who wish
to escape the fatigue of vigorous
study." Generally accepted by
whom, Mr. Samra? Qualify your
statement, please. I happen to
know a good many people at State
who study hard and long, and I
think if you will bother to examine
the record, you will find that quite
a few thousand M.S.C. graduates
are doing fine in their various pro-
Mr. Samra ridicules State's fine
school spirit as if it were some-
thing to be loathed. Perhaps the
University of Michigan could take
a lesson from State in this re-
spect. We have teams to be proud
of, but do we really support them?
Do we go to pep rallies? Why, are
we too "BIG?"
I will admit that M.S.C.'s ban on
State's faculty as far as politics
is concerned was unwise, but there
are many ways in which we stu-
dents at Michigan are "shackled"
also. We can't go home for
Thanksgiving because of the Ad-
ministration. We must pay Ann
Arbor Bookstores outrageous prices
for textbooks because of a "hands-
off policy" on the part of theAd-
ministration. Why, we can't even
sing Christmas carols without be-
ing "Approved." Talk about "pa-
ternalistic atitude."
Your attack on the Michigan
State News was entirely uncalled
for, it seems to me. You said that
their paper was juvenile and that
it offered little in the way of con-
troversial issues. You also stated
that they tend to ridicule our fair
University. I might comment that
many of the Daily's music and
movie reviews are VERY VERY
JUVENILE. And I wonder if the
article on Michigan State's coeds
in Sunday's- Daily was meant as
constructive journalism or just
plain ridicule of the coeds at State,
prompted by jealousy.
There are many uninformed
people who enjoy criticizing Mich-
igan State College. They are mere-
ly jealous of the fact that Michi-
gan State College is an up-and-
coming school-one of the finest
in the Nation I might add. We
have many advantages over State,

and State has many advantages
over us. Let's admit it. They do
have beautiful women; a beauti-
ful campus; beautiful buildings,
a n d a much-better-than-aver-
age football team.
I am a Michigan student and I
am proud to be here. I think we
have a great school and a good
football team. But, I cannot stand
by and see Michigan State Col-
lege unjustly panned by a person
who doesn't even know the first
thing about the subject he chooses
to write on. In this respect I will
stand with the Spartans of East
Lansing until Mr. Samra has
something more constructive to
-Gene Mossner
* * *
Time & Buildings . .
To the Editor:

Square Dance Group meets at
Lane Hall, 7 p.m.
Michigan Education Club: 7:15
p.m., Union. Nomination and elec-
tion of officers for next semester.
All paid up members please at-
JJ. of M. Flying Club: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Interns' Quarters be-
hind U. Hospital, north entrance.
Alpha Phi Omega: Pledge meet-
ing, 7 p.m., Union.
Wolverine Club: Meeting, 7:15
p.m:, Union.
Spanish Play: Tryouts today,
4-6 p.m., Room 408, Romance
Language Bldg.
Pershing Rifles Marching So-
ciety: Regular meeting, at the
Rifle Range, 7:30 p.m. Members
of the crack drill team be sure to
bring a $2.50 deposit for the
equipment you will draw.
Mathematics Club: 8 p.m., West
Conference Room, Rackham Bldg.
Prof. T. H. Hildebrandt will speak
on "Generalizing Integration The-
Anthropology Club: Meeting,
Room 3024, Museum, 7:30 p.m.
Enter by rear door. Four ethno-
graphic films and discussion.
Student Legislature's Michigan
Forum debate topic: "Should the
University enforce removal of dis-
(Continued on Page 5)


S1 41 1V111i1y 1C ,4
T HIS YEAR the ravages of time
and fire have caused the remo-
val of two famous buildings from Interviews:
the University campus. In earlier A 'representative from the Al-
times these buildings were plan- legheny Ludlum Sieel Corporation
ned in hope, built with care, and will be at the Bureau of Appoint-
opened for use with the pride and ments on Monday and Tuesday,
joy that comes from worth while Dec. 18 and 19 to interview me-
achievement. Now they are irre- chanical, electrical, metallurgical
vocably gone. But the hope, care, and civil engineers, analytical
pride, and joy that marked their chemists with some metallurgical
founding have not, nor ever will training, and management engi-
vanish. Because these buildings neers. For further information
represented a part of the struggle and appointments call at the Bu-
to turn a noble ideal into practi- reau of Appointments, Room 3528
cal reality; a struggle that will Administration Bldg.
continue so long as men believe
that education can bring about a
better life. L cu e



At The State ..
Granger, Deborah Kerr, and Richard
THERE IS practically no plot, but nobody
cares. The audience is so busy 3 arveling
at some of the most amazing and spectacu-
lar technicolor shots of stampeding zebras,
slithering snakes, galloping gazelles and
giraffes and plain old-fashioned beautiful
scenery that nobody notices this slight omis-
Taken from a novel by H. Rider Hag-
gard, "King Solomon's Mines" is the
story of a husband-hunting heroine hunt-
ing her diamond-hunting husband
through Darkest Africa's darkest. Miss
Kerr, naturally, falls madly in love with
Stewart Granger, who turns in a fine job
with the little he has to work with as the
philosophical hunter.
And in true romantic style, when they find
the treasure at long last, naturally, draped
around several million -dollars of uncut
diamonds are hubby's bones. And since she
never really loved him anyway, naturally, all
ends happily.
All this serves no other function than to
supply the skeleton, the flesh and blood on
which is some of the most striking and im-
pressive photography ever recorded.
This is not to intimate that the film
is just another travelogue, though even if
it were, it would be worth the money.
Quite the contrary, there is enough ex-
citement and suspense to keep even the

The buildings themselves are not
important. But the achievement
that they represented marked
painfully won steps towards a goal.
Therefore it does not seem alto-
gether fitting that they should be
quite forgotten by the future gene-
rations who will cross this cam-
pus. For they were not merely
buildings but milestones.
For this reason, I should like to
see in the hall of the new build-
ing, now being erected, a simple,
modest plaque stating that here-
abouts once stood University Hall
and Haven Hall. Not for senti-
ment's sake, though this, too, has
its place, but to remind the future
students that as these famous
buildings had their day and pass-
ed, so must the newer buildings
replaced as plans growrand ideals
-Winifred O. Moore
'th of Critcism .
To the Edit or,

University Lecture, auspices of
the Department of Speech. "Aris-
totle, Dr. Gallup, and American
Public Opinion." Dr. W. Norwood
Brigance, Professor of Speech and
Chairman of the Department of
Speech, Wabash College. 4 p.m.,
Wed., Dec. 13, Rackham Lecture
University Museums Lecture.
"Botanical Travels in Mexico"
(illustrated). Dr. Rogers Mc-
Vaugh, Associate Professor of Bo-
tany and Curator of Phanero-
gaams in the University Herbarium.
8:15 p.m., Wed., Dec. 13, School
of Public Health Auditorium.
Academic Notices
Engineering Freshmen: Please
reserve the hour from 5 to 6 on
Wed., Dec. 13, for interview with
your Mentor. He will have your
ten-week grades for you at that
Bacteriology Seminar: Wed.,
Dla 12 1n M Rnn 1.90A E


Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students; of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown.........Managing ditor
Paul Brentlinger........... City Editor
Roma Lipsky.......Editorial Director
Dave Thomas....eature Eidtor
Janet Watts............Associate' Editor
Nancy Bylan.........Associate Editor
James Gregory.......Associate Editor
Bill Connoliy........... Sports Editor,
Bob Sandell.... Associate Sports F itor
Bill Brenton....Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans......... Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels.......Business Manager
Waiter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible.... Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau......Finance Manager
Carl Breltkreltz .. . .Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exolusive1y
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.


THERE IS an art to criticism. LJec. ij, u a.m., Koom Lazo, z.
Most movies are to a great ex- Medical Bldg. Speaker: Dr. E. Ed-
tent emotional experiences. When ward Evans. Subject: "The Cap-
a critic is aware of his function sular Polysaccharide of Crypto-
throughout the emotional exper- coccus neoformans."
ience, his criticism is largely in-
validated. He cannot allow himself Geometry Seminar: Wed., Dec.
to become part of the film emo- 13, 2 p.m., Room 3001, Angell Hall.
tionally, and the result rings false Dr. Wright will continue his talk
to his ears. The poor points are on Flats in Meta-projective Geo-
overemphasized and the superior metry.
forgotten. One who constantly
looks for the perfect will not en- Doctoral Examination for Ro-
joy or be enjoyable. The folly here bert P. Barrell, Psychology; the-
is that in criticizing your critics, sis: "The Relationship of Various
I become a critic who is looking Types of Movement Responses in
for the perfect. the Rorschach Test to Personal-
-John Arms ity Trait Ratings," Wed., Dec. 13,





Here's an idea, John-
You have those golf
clubs you never use.


I'll buy them from you and
you can use the money to
buy Ellen a nice present-

When Ellen and I promised not to
buy presents for each other, we
were thinking about our budget--
But it would be okay to spend

It's a horrible-looking thing, 1
but it IS solid silver. Would
I be breaking my promise if I
sold it and used the money





. . . '.


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