Real Pleasure
Gained by Gifts
Of 'Generosity'
'Generosity' is the most joyful
gift you can put into a Christmas
stocking, said the famous novelist
P Faith Baldwin.
A real pleasure is to be had if
one is willing to share his posses-
sions with others. Miss Baldwin
states that the fun derived from
the simple contents is more than
can be measured.
The object of gift giving is to
spend as much thought and af-
fection and as little money as pos-
HUNTING for appropriate gifts
is like going on a treasure hunt
among one's own personal belong-
ings, she said. Everything is at
hand. All one needs to do is sort
out the articles he'd like to share.
To cheer an ill friend at
tChristmas, Miss Baldwin sug-
gests sending them a Christmas
Fragrant soap, bath powder,
desk ornaments, homemade fabric
catchalls with pockets for scissors,
ads, pencils and rulers - each
separately wrapped and each with
a note tied to it can be placed in
the stocking.
FOR SOMEONE who seems to
have everything, Miss Baldwin
thinks that homemade preserves,
handwork and personal collection
items are appreciated.
Things one has collected over
the years such as perfume bot-
tIes, ornate little boxes and fine
books are objects which can be
shared at Christmas time.
an"All of us own things we love
and which are exactly right for
someone else," Miss Baldwin con-
cludes. "If the- parting hurts a
little, so much the better."
Michigan Dames Hold
Meeting at Rackham
A general meeting of the Mich-
igan Dames will be held at Rack-
ham at 8 p.m. today. The theme
is a Christmas party which was
planned by the Bridge and Inter-
ior-decorating groups.
The Sewing group will meet at
the home of Audrey Bourjaily, 2
Park View Place at 8 p.m today.
The project for the evening will
be to make 'half aprons" from
one yard of material. Refreshment
hostesses are Ann Giardini and
Colleen Rath.
11 Shopping Days
Till Christmas
-Daily-Ed Kozma
CENA ROMANA-Sue Kerner is shown feeding grapes to Burton Shifman at the Kappa Nu Roman
banquet while Sue Wuladeis and Burton Kwasman watch the proceedings. Transforming the house
into a Roman villa setting, the pledges gave a typical "Cena Romana" for the actives.
KappaNu House Becomes Ancient Rome
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __Ij
"Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow ... "
This has long been the motto of the postmen, but now it is
being adopted by Michigan students, for it seems that either rain, or
sleet, or snow are always raining or sleeting, or snowing in Ann Arbor.
* * * *
STUDENTS never know from one day to the next .whether they
will be wading through knee-deep puddles or slipping and sliding
their way to class through ice and snow. Then sometimes the ele-
ments really get together, and there is everything combined together
into a sleety, rainy, icy snow.
Maybe I'm just overly bitter about Ann Arbor weather, but
it certainly has done its worst to me.
It all started one morning when I woke up to be confronted by a
blinding sheet of rainy It was a perfect morning to stay home in
bed, but could I do that? No! I had a blue book that morning, and
not just an ordinary blue book. The professor who was giving it was
notorious for never being late for class, never giving a cut and never
never accepting the weather as an excuse for missing an exam.
* * * *
SO BUNDLING UP in my rain coat, my rain hat-'and my hip
boots, I set out to class. The way was wet and drippy, but I had just
about decided that it wasn't so bad, when whoops! my feet slipped
out from under me, and if it hadn't been for the people who were
walking behind me, I would have gone swimming in a puddle.
Shaking off the water, I trudged on and arrived on the tide
just in time to hear the prof say that since it was such a bad
day he was going to postpone the bluebook and give us this
hour to study.
"Oh, well," I decided, "that's life." So failing to find anyone
who wanted to brave the elements for a cup of coffee, I decided to
LOOKING LIKE a reasonable facsimile of a drowned rat, I
trailed my dripping self down the hall, and then the Blow! The fel-
low I had been trying to impress for weeks was coming down the
hall, and there I was looking like I had been dipped in a well. Need-
less to say, the look I got was of complete horror and amazement.
Arriving wet, but undaunted at The Daily that afternoon,
I decided to dry my shoes and socks on the radiator. Seems my
boots had sprung a leak.
What came next sort of dampened my spirits. Someone t'hought
that it would be fun to hide my shoes and socks, and they., really
did a good job. After a futile search around the office, accompanied
by "Put your shoes on, Lucy," I waded home in my watery boots.
** * *
BY THIS TIME my waterproof coat was 'water-logged. My
guaranteed-to-curl permanent was like wet shredded wheat. And I
vowed that the next time I heard the word "water," I would promptly
klobber whoever said it.
My room mate couldn't understand why I wouldn't speak to her
for a week. "After all," she said, "all I did was suggest that she fill
the tub with hot water and take a bath to relax."
The bride' is the daughter of
Mrs. Carl Ellinghausen of Detroit.
The bridegroom's parents are Mr.
and Mrs. William Jevon5, Sr. of
The new Mrs. Jevons graduated
from the Literary College in June.
She is a former president of Betsy
Barbour House.
Mr. Jevons graduated from the
School of Pharmacy in June also.
He is a former president of Phi
Delta Chi and a member of Omi-
cron Delta Kappa.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Warshil
of Canton, Ohio, have announced
the engagement of their daughter,
Loreen Ruth, to James P. Bar-
nett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Barnett also of Canton, Ohio.
Miss Worshil attended the Uni-
versity. Her fiance is a graduate
of Ohio State University.
* * *
A double ring ceremony at
Faith Lutheran Church in Detroit
on Nov. 25, was the setting for
the wedding of Janis Ellinghausen
and William Jevons, Jr.
I ,, X = y) {== (t- ) q U C.k {i C }
Tie diu1 ,.&c~etet
Latin was the language and
togas were the attire at the Kappa
Nu "Cena Romana" held recently
at their house.
All the atmosphere of ancient
Rome was present as coed slave
owners led their captives into a
Roman villa setting complete with
burning fires and murals depict-
ing scenes in the conquering
APOLLO and Diana, Olympian
god and goddess, opened the festi-
vities with a wine-sipping cere-
mony (grape juice supplied the
necessary substitute) which ended
with the Roman custom of throw-
ing cups into the fire.
Assembly Ball
Petitions originally due yester-
day for Assembly Ball may be
turned in until inoon Wednesday.
Deadline for these petitions has
been extended so that all inde-
pendent women may have a
chance to apply for positions.
.Assembly Ball is an annual
event sponsored by Assembly, or-
ganized group for independent co-
eds. Usually presented sometime
in the spring, the girl-bid dance is
open to the campus.
Positions open are those for
general chairman, decorations and
publicity co-chairmen, programs
and patrons chairman and ticket,
finance and building andgrounds'
This central committee decides
the theme for the dance, which
will carry through decorations,
programs and favors. They also
contact the orchestra and set the
price for the tickets.
All independent women except
first semester freshmen are eli-
gible to petition for positions on
the committee.
A skit entitled, "With the
Gods on Mount Olympus" gave1
the Roman lads and lassies an
idea of life among the "exault-
ed" in higher altitudes.
Roman trophies, statues of
famous conquerors and signs
written in Latin added to the
Roman setting for the sandal-
clad group.
LOUNGING ON soft couches,
the "Romans" feasted on a typi-
cal ancient diet, consisting of
grapes, olives and fruits.
The menu, printed in Latin,
confused several French stu-
dents who had to be content
with the suggestions of their
friends who possessed a fair
knowledge of the language.
About LoveLife During Tour
Reports come from Detroit that'
"Gorgeous Gussie" Moran is sing-
ing the blues, not because of her
disappointment in t h e tennis
matches, but because of the drub-
bing her love life is taking.
"Gussie" has lost 12 of the first
17 matches with Pauline Betz Ad-,
die in her pro tennis tour, but
more disappointing is the fact that
her social life has taken a beating.
"These one-night tennis stands
are murder on the social life," she
said. "Why, at the rate I'm going
now, I'll be an old maid for sure."
Gussie said that the closest she
gets to any of her men is an air
mail stamp. "I'm making sure
there's none of this out-of-sight,
out-of-mind stuff." Gussie is hop-
ing that she can keep the spark
alive in her suitors.
Representatives Meet
There will be a Board of
Representatives meeting at 4:30
tomorrow in the League. Jenny
Quirk, League President, re-
quests that all members be pre-
sent since there will be voting
on the constitutional amend-
"I used to have some night life,
but those days are gone for good,"
she said. "This pro tennis is really
tough. You're so tired each night
that it's back to the hotel and
sleep-nothing else."
"Gussie" has been annoyed by
reports that she is actually-mar-
ried to Pat DeCicco of Hollywood.
One of her big romances which
began while she was in India last
year, may be disturbed by the tour.
She became acquainted with the
wealthy Rajkumar Gautam Nara-
yan, cousin of the Maharaja of
Cooch Behar last year and had
promised to meet him in Switzer-
land this month.
"Gussie" is sad about not being
able to meet the Rajkumar because
of the tour. "He was wonderful-
a little chubby, but cute." She said
that he broke up her proposed
marriage to Englishman Antony
By the whistles when "Gussie'
goes onto the court, it is almost
certain that she has not lost any
of her admirers. However, she says
that she is going to have to start
concentrating on winning and not
on her glamourous tennis ward-
Fill Po
SI ions
Senior Night appointments have
been announced by the interview-
ing committee.
Patricia McLean, Gamma Phi
Beta, has been chosen general
Other committee chairmen are
tickets, Agnes Waddell, Alpha
Gamma Delta; publicity, Mary
Louise Scanlon, Kappa Delta;
decorationsand programs, Eliza-
beth Ann Wargell, Betsy Barbour;
and patrons and invitations, Mary
Jane Little, Kappa Delta.
Jane Topper, Delta Gamma, and
Jennie Quirk, Collegiate Sorosis,
the former chairman and director
respectively of the Junior Girls'
Play, were selected as the co-
chairmen of entertainment.
Senior Night precedes JGP. It
is a banquet put on by the senior
WAA Notices
Camp Counselor's Club-Mem-
bers wil meet at 7:30 p.m. today at
Barbour Gymnasium (?). The
meeting will be a Christmas party
planned with respect to a typical.
camp Christmas party.
Ping Pong Tournament - The
list of winners from each house is
to be turned in by Friday. The
names of the finalists should be
given to Barbara Buschman who
can be reached at 9319. Theall-
campus tournament will begin
January 8. Players will be notified
of the time of their game and the
opponent by postcard.
* * *
Town aid Country Club - A
caroling party starting at 7 p.m.
Sunday from the WAB is in or-
der. Club manager, Virginia Reese,
asks that "carolers bring sug-
gestions for songs."
Superior State College
Superior, Wisconsim
P°Plcbe ''h SSIn Superior, Wisconsin, the favorite
gathering spot of students at the
Superior State College is the Cafe-
teria because it is a cheerful place
-full of friendly collegiate atmos-
, ® / phere. And when the gang gathers
around, ice-cold Coca-Cola gets the
call. For here, as in college haunts
everywhere-Coke belongs.
Ticket sales on the Vul-
can student special end'
Tuesday, Dec. 19 not to-
day as listed in the Clas-
sified Ad Dec. 9 and 10.
PAsk for it either way.. . both
trade-marks mean the same thing.
i'" r
You'll find these
RINGS ate .* .
Ann Arbor Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Q 1950, The Coca-Cola Company
Fbr That Christmas "Eve"
.Sy"..Y i:... , :i'. y>; .:%t~
(Continued from Page 4)
criminatory clauses from campus
group constitutions." 7:30 p.m.,
Architecture Auditorium. Free.
Michigan Actuarial Club: Or-
ganizational meeting, 3:15 p.m.,I
Room 3B, Union. Agenda: elec-
tion of officers and laying plans
for the year. Actuarial, mathema-
tics, and business administration
students are especially invited.
Hospital Pharmacy Open House,
6:40 p.m. All pharmacy students.
are invited. Those planning to
Room 1036, Chemistry Bldg. Prof. Wed., Dec. 13, Room 3-D, Union, Club: Meet in W.A.B.
C. L. Markert of the Zoology Dept. 7:30 p.m. p.m., Wed., Dec. 13.
will speak on "The Relations be-
twene Genes and Enzymes." All Delta Sigma Pi: Informal Ini- Conference on Pre-Med
those interested are welcome. tiation, Thurs., Dec. 14, 7:30 p.m., cation. Panel discussioni
3rd floor .Union Attendance by. members of the Literar
dical Edu-
by faculty
vry College
Graduate History Club: Meet-
ing, Wed., Dec. 13, 8 p.m., East
Conference Room, Rackham Bldg.
Bridge Tournament: Wed., Dec.
13, 7:30 p.m., Union. Master
points will be awarded.
Ullr Ski Club: Meeting to dis-
cuss week-end ski trip. Movies.
? Jlu 11VV1~~, U111. ZU 1A:1r j 11114U V 14 11V1Gl V1b
all actives and pledges will be ex- and the Medical School, 7:30 p.m.,
pected. Wed., Dec. 13, Kellogg Auditori-
um. Open to all interested stu-
W.A.A. Square and Folk Dance dents and faculty members.
attend may go directly to the
EIBLERS University Hospital Amphitheatre
308 S. State (2d floor) or meet at the Phar- We have a new
macy Office. Program: conducted
We recommend them for their tour and panel discussion of hos- shipment of
unusual beauty and fine quality. pital pharmacy. MICHIGAN SEAL
Commna Events
Ph. 7177
V10 ; ; 13 5 Canterbury Club: Wed., Dec. 13,
Hold Communion followed by
Student Breakfast. M O R I L 'S
Wesley Foundation: Do-Drop-3 S
In, Wed., Dec. 13, 4 to 5:30 p.m. 314 S. State St.
r e Personaize Weekly announcements will be
Christmas Cards Student Science Society: Meet- hpping Days
ing, Wed., Dec. 13, 7:30 p.m., Till Chrlstmas
4-day Delivery
Also PERSONALIZED stationery, napkins, matches, coasters,
l c p cR.a.T. to the Gatamalan imports
playing cards, poker chips . .. FOR CHRISTMAS GILTS.
W nat the Ann Owen sShon ... -fl
! l Py
111111 ( ° }
-c^ ! Via.. '"T
h. ;;:L
Sa na
7 to 9 P.M.
An evening reserved exclusively for males, unham-
pered by any of the fairer sex . . . just our own
helpful people to assist with your gift selecting
soft a$ a purr ... relaxed as a cat
stretch. You'll thrill to the yielding softness of these
leopard or zebra fabric booties. They're yours for
constant comfort, and they'll always be a pleasure to
wear. whether you're loafing, entertaining padding