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December 02, 1950 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1950-12-02

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£xspert Says Artistst
Joi Outlook:
Eneouriagin g
y + r Tech nical
~M eDemanded
k Evei body is getting jobs these>
days!" according to T. Luther#
Purdom, director of the Univer
sity's Bureau of Appointments.
Thy," s ~tuation, as outlined by#
4 dm 1 s greatly improved ov-'
kr last eltuary's low,tand is as
Y o , 6Mtime 'since 'the war.
* - *
rl SIt INtERS ARE- again in
net emand," Purdom said.
Thereis. a greater demand for .
teck a n°than there are men.
.. J ha ve calls for PhD's i
SEnglisb, economics (a heavy de-
n} id here), psycholoy, educa- HOLLY HOP-Doing a little h
tol° pjsychology and " but'iness for West Quad's annual Holly HI
" ministration, The crop is
Sin tese fields. In fact midnight today, are Remo B
?_Whin; in every field except (seated); Joe Simpson, '51,1
'!story in no way approaches Marshall Hershon, '53, publicity
St--e-an d.
f. ie t4acher shortage contin- COOK LECTURES ENJ
,Ies. in 1meitary education it is
p a.Ino t a great as last year.
*.I* aelver Cal
~kia' AISW be higher O f
gys show that, -all beginning sal-
s aries: willaverage 20 to 9 dollars
po Mfr onth more, than last June." By HARLAND BRITZ
cP._rdo'e elaims-that the campus Calling for "understanding of
"floodeW by: employers." Since our democracy and the strength
,RctcLhe has had between two and that comes with it in order to save
lip1byrs per day in his office. ourselves and help to save others,"
o Aiaji~ fors were' cited Prof. Robert MacIver concluded
by Pwro mfor ta orsereakcindthe sixth annual Cook Lecture se-
s by Purdom for thze recent; break inris
the employment i icture. One is rtes'
the ;revtalized war production "America, strong in resources
3 p ograrii. The other is that re- and free from terror and poverty,
Spcacnent are needed to fill posts must be responsive to the new de-
,4 t by 'nbn being drafted into mands upon it and it is not enough
toe services. to be armed," MacIver asserted.
*i"And 'from indications I've re-* *
d Aive irdorm noted, "thereris SPECIFICALLY, MacIver point-
I ift ogli6St of :a chance for a let- ed out that when the United States
~ u~ ir theinextifew months." prevents the colored peoples from
3 . I
enjoying the opportunities of its
., , , { economic system, it cannot hope to
i 1 ,sTo Prerf orm put across democracy to the peo-
ples of Asia, the Near East and
In the first of-"a series of facul- Latin America.
ty piano recitals Prof. Helen Titus, "Such a situation," he pointed
-o.the Sci'fd*4 ifl ppear out,'only, supplies ammunition to
" tW M~ohynythLydia those. who -wish, us ill. Those that
Mendelssdhnahettr .- , we DWish Ito influence' just won't,
She wil play a. iorlogra^m of Mo- tke us seriously."3
t, Schbeft, avel and she will MacIver regretted, "that our
feature'-"Nostalgic Waltzes" by the { people often don't see where the
-:Music. Schidds' No6s- incy. da'ngr lies." They "sometimes op-
- --T- - - -
-l tIVV

at Work

-Daily-Malcolm Shatz
last-minute work on decorations
lop, to be held from 8:30 p.m. to
oila, '53, decorations chairman
music chairman (center) and
chairman (right).
Is for End
ni Intolerane


Contest for
A nnounced
The Engineering Scholarships
Committee announced today the
first of the Mortimer E. Cooley Me-
morial Engineering Essay Contests
with first prize of $300 and sec-
ond prize of $150.
Funds for the contests were be-
queathed to the University by the
late Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, who
died in 1944, at the age of 89.
DEAN COOLEY, believing that
engineers and scientists did not
accept enough responsibilty out-
side their professional field, stipu-
lated in his will that the funds
were to be used for prizes "to pro-
mote the interest of the engineer-
i n g students in nontechnical
Keeping this in mind, the
Scholarship Committee chose for
the title of the contest "The
Social Responsibilities of the En-
gineer." Additional information
on the contests may be obtained
at the committee office, Rm. 412
W. Engineering Bldg.
Dean Cooley, a graduate of the
United States Naval Academy,
came to the University in 1881 as
Professor of Steam Engineering
and Iron Shipbuilding. He later
formed several new departments in
the engineering college.
In 1903 he was appointed Dean
of what was then the College of'
Engineering and Architecture, a
position he held till his retire-
ment in 1928.
According to Prof. Henry Mil-
ler, chairman of the Scholarship
Committee, Dean Cooley collabo-
rated with Prof. Henry Anderson,
then chairman of the mechanical
engineering department and Prof.
Charles Dennison, chairman of the
mechanical engineering and draw-
ing department to design the West
Engineering Bldg. Dean Cooley was
responsible for the inclusion of the
first indoor naval tank in the
United States.
Quartet To Play
Making its second and final ap-
pearance of the season, the Stan-
ley Quartet, will play at 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday in the Rackham Lecture
The string group will play a
program of contemporary works.
The public will be admitted: with-
out charge.

AHHHHHHH-Members of Arts Chorale rehearsing for their first concert of the year today in
Hill Auditorium. Prerequisites for the'all campus chorus, which numbers 130 members, are a basic
knowledge of notation and a strong interest in choral singing.
Arts Chorale to Premiere St. Cecilia'

pose changes that would benefit
them. Too often something that
would strengthen us is labeled
'Communistic, socialistic, road to
serfdom,' and it fails.
"This obsolete tradition of pre-
industrial liberalism that capital-
ism and socialism are direct op-
posites clouds the fact that every
government is partially socialis-
tic," he added.
"To choose that which is best
is a matter of intelligent criticism,"
he said.
BUT HE warned that there is no
compromise between democracy
and totalitarianism. "Democracy
perishes when it attempts to make
any compromise with totalitarian-
ism," he pointed out.
"The trouble with our democra-
cy," Prof. MacIver said, "is that
we think of it sentimentally while
failing to understand it. Too many
of us think of democracy only as
something that gives us rights, per-
sonal benefits and as such we view
it entirely from a selfish view-


The Ann Arbor premiere of'
Benjamin Britten's "Hyin to St.
Cecilia" will highlight the first
concert of the year by the Arts
Chorale at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill
An all-'campus chorus, led by
Prof. Maynard Klein of the School
of Music, Arts Chorale was formed
primarily to absorb part of the
vast amount of vocal talent at the
** *
THE ONLY prerequisites for
membership are a basic knowledge
of notation and a strong interest
in choral singing. One hundred
thirty vdlces strong, the non-cre-
dit group represents students from
ten colleges at the University. Re-
hearsals are held one night a
week with three concerts schedul-
ed for the school year.
The music selected for per-
formance by Arts Chorale is re-
presebtative of the scope of
choral literature from the 16th.
to the 20th century.
* *
Rare Relgious.
Music P au~
For Tomorrow
Christmas music of the. 1th,
17th and 18th century will . bm-
prise the first Collegium Musicum
program of the year at 4:15 p.m.
tomorrow in the main concourse
of Alumni Memorial Hall.
Originally an .. 18th century
musical organization at German'
universities, Collegium Musicum
received its modern revival atlthle
Ivy League schools, Princeton,
Harvard and Yale where it gained
wide-spread fame and popularity.
IT WAS BEGUN on campus in
1947 under the direction of Prof.
Louise Cuyler of the School of
Music. Part of the Musicology-doc-
torial program, the Collegium.
Musicum provides an historical
reference through the perform-
ance of rarely heard compositions.
Many of the, works performed at
its programs are transcribed and
edited for modern instrumenta-
tion by doctorate students.
Among the compositions to be
played tomorrow are two such
transcribed works: "Sonate X
from 'Le Prime Sonate'," by
Geminiani and "Quintet for
Wind Instruments" k Reicha.
The second half of the program
will feature the Tudor Singers di-
rected by Prof. Maynard Klein.
Comprised of 16 members of the
University Choir, they will per-
form a series of Chorales by Bach,
Hassler, Praetorius, Vittoria and
The program, which will be
held in collaboration with the
Museum of Art, will be open to' the
public free of charge.

Tonight's program. will empha- Other works scheduled are Mo-
size the Christmas season with zart's "Ave Verum Corpus," Far-
pef Mendelssohn rant's. "Call to Remembrance,"
performance of melssofn' Nantock's "0 What a Lovely IVIa-
"There Shall a Star Come Out of gic Hath Been Here," and an ex-
Jacob," Tschesnokoff's "Salvation cerpt from Smetena's opera "The
is Cteated," Martin Shaw's "Fan- Bartered Bride."
fare for Christmas Day," Vaughn Tonight's. concert, as are 'all per-
Williams' "The Truth Sent From formances by Arts Chorale, will
Above" and "The Morning Star" be open, to the public free of
by Praetorius. charge.
arers li Student Budgets
Hiawatha Club Members Hold,

Barbers are really 'doing a clip-
ping business these days-At least
that is the feeling members of
the Hiawatha ' Club have"* about
the price of .hairctts ii 'A ni 'Ar
And in an effort to bring the
price down, the Hiawatha Club is.
conducting drive aimped t ,e-
courage st de4s to patronize Ann.,
"Arbor barber- shps asinfo quent :k
ly' as possible, Tddthapekis," 'SE;
* * *
"THE CHARGE of $1.25 for a
regular haircut, and. $450 for a
C ollege Union s Will
Meet Here t'oday'

brush cut, is really exorbitant,"
Chapekis claimed. "Many of our
male members, and several other
men on campus, are quite bitter
over having to pay $1.25 for a
liarhcut here, when they can get
a haircut in their home town for
$25 to $.50 less," he added.
"We realize that most-men do
'not like $0 g~without :aairut
'V'henrthey ,Arein need of one,
t we are not suggesting that
st~r&ehts siiikjly let their -- hair
grow down their back," he ex
Iistea;l,we advocate students
c1%tixigtl1wir own hair, or else
having a friend do it. "It is really
quite simple,, Chapekis said, "for
I and a friend of mine cut each
other's hair recently, and we
managed to do almost as good a
job as the barbershops here give
,T ais ~campsign might ,not do
any good, but if we get enough
support, it will at least make the
barbers sit up and take notice,"
Chapekis commented.
In an effort to gain support for
the ;drive which the Hiawatha
Club is conducting, Chapekis en-
couraged any persons-and es-
pecially large house groups, such
as fraternities and dormitories-
to get in touch with him.

Will Be Held
At Lloyd Hall
The name of Alice Crocker Lloyd
will become a permanent part of
the University campus tomorrow
at the formal dedication ceremo-
nies of Lloyd Hall at 5 p.m. in
Hinsdale Lounge.
Formerly known as the New
Women's Residence, the hall was
named last spring in honor of the
late Dean of Women.
Heading the dedication program
will be President Ruthven who will
speak on behalf of the Univer-
sity, and Regent Vera B. Baits who
will review Dean Lloyd's career and
contributions to Michigan women.
. The ceremonies will be preced-
ed by a tea at which. Lloyd Hall
women will act as hostesses. Later
several memorial gifts will be pre-
sented at the dedication.
The gifts will include a portrait
bust of the late dean, a memorial
library and a silver tea service.
The service was purchased by- last
year's student residents of thbhall.
A choral evening prayer, pro-
vided by the Alice Lloyd Memorial
Fund will be given at 7 p.m. to-
morrow at St. Andrew's Episco-
pal Church.
The choral service was establish-
ed by the late Dean's family
through the fund which plans two
special prayers annually.
Speech Groups
To Perform
The speech department ' will
conduct its annual theatre and
radio clinics today in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre with teach-
ers and students from 45 Michi-
gan high schools attending.
The theatre clinic will be held
at 10 a.m. with students of the
speech department performing
"Caesar apd Cleopatra." After
the performance, faculty mem-
bers of the speech department will
conduct a critique and an infor-
mal discussion will follow.
The radio clinic will be held at
1:30 p.m. and 'students of the
speech department' will perform
a "Henry Aldrich" script which
will illustrate the comical situa-
tion in script-writing. Faculty
members will again conduct a
critique' and a discussion period
will follow.
Prof. G. E. Densmore, chairman
of the speech department, will
conduct the meetings.
Play Ends Tonight
Shaw's comedy "Caesar and
Cleopatra" will close after the
performance beginning at 8 p.m.
today at ' the Lydia Mendelssohn

-, (Vo~3inued~ros Page 3)
- -
School f6or1951 52 are now avail-
able. Application for renewal
should alsq be filed at this time.
Comp tibihYdloses Feb. 15, 1951.
anks- and' information,. may bej
j! tained An the Graduate School!
Offices, Racloani Bld g..
rsidents of fraternities are
r nun4id thi t mOnthW member-
i reports'for Ndvember must
e filed on-or .before Dec, 5 with
the Office of Student Affairs.
- 2"'--
, ;University Iecture, inauiaratin
Meteini Visitihig Professor
t.tl.. UiUlversity of' "iehiga .
eedorl fi'd , emodracy -in the
Nethirlafid PDOr-. Th. J. G. Loch-
er, Professor of History at the'
Rivepsity. of ,Leiden .and Neth-
erlands Visiting Professor at the
iversity of Michigan. 8 p.m.,'
~ Dee4, Rackham Lecturej
li,- to ,b followed by an infor-
ln recePtion in Rackham Assem-
t#3T M all '
' i: u3 iversity Lecture auspices of
he :DePartmnet of' Psychology.
"he Education of Scientists." Dr.
Sbert . Knapp, Associate Pro-
~? .t

LII !1 JRL ' ...9 i I1 'k .4t1 1


fessor- of. Psychology, Wesleyan Wesley Foundation: M.S.M. Con-
Uiversity. 4:15. p.m., Mon., Dec. vocation Saturday. Speakers: Dr.;
4, Kellogg Auditorium. Hoover Rupert and Dr. Harold
IZFA: Regional seminar: Ses-
Game Theory Seminar: Mon., sions, 1 p.m., League. Square-
Dec. 4, 7:30 p.m., Room 3001, An-1 Dance, 8:30 p.m., Lane Hall. 7
gell Hall.

Doctoral Examination for Ro-
bert Coburn Backus, Bacteriology;
thesis: "A Serological and Elec-
tron Micrographic" Study of theI
Bovine Sibrinogen-Rabbit Anti-
b o v i n e Fibrinogen Reaction,"
Mon., Dec. 4, Room 1562, East
Medical Bldg.,, 1:30 p.m. Chair-
man, W. J. Nungester.
The Arts Chorale: Maynard
Klein, Conductor, will present a
program at 8:30 p.m., Sat., Dec. 2,
Hill Auditorium. The program will
include motets, madrigals and
partsongs, and will be open to the
general public.
Events Today.
Canterbury Club: 1 p.m., Work
Party; supper will be served after-

Women's International Mixer:
Meet at 2 p.m., Lane Hall to go
to Mrs. Bradley Case's home, 440
Barton Shore Drive. All women
interested are welcome.
Coming Events,
Women's Research Club: Mon.,
Dec. 4, 8 p.m., Rackham, West
Lecture Room. "Furniture Design
in Antiquity and Its Influence on
Modern Times," by Adelaide Ad-
ams, Fine Arts Department.
Naval Research Reserve Meet-
ing: Mon., Dec. 4, Room 18, An-
gell Hall. Mr. George R. Rae.
"Great Slave Lake."
Phi Sigma Society: Mon., Dec. 4
7:15 p.m., Rackham Amphilhea-
tre. The business meeting will be
concerned with the initiation of
new members, Dr. E. W. Sink,
University Health Service, will

speak on "The Early History of
Phi Sigma at the University of
Michigan." The public is invited
to the open meeting at 8 p.m.,
which will feature a talk by -DR.
R. C. Hussey, Geology department.
"Five Hundred Million Years of
Michigan's Geological History."
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
Jelly Roll Morton, New Orleans
Jazzman, on records with com-
mentary. Sun., Dec. 3, 8 p.m.,
League. Public invited.
Tryouts for the Hopwood win-
ning play, Hanlon Won't Go (to
be produced by the U. of M. Stu-
dent Players) on Sun., Dec. 3 at
2 and 7 p.m. and on Mon., Dec. 4,
at 7:30 p.m. in the League.
Inter-Arts Union: Meeting, 2 p.-
m., Sun., Dec. 3, League. All those
interested invited.
Le Cercle Francais: Meeting,
Mon., Dec. 4, 8 p.m., League. -M.
Andre de Saint Rat will show
slides on Paris.
IZFA: Closing Session of Re-
gional Seminar, Sun., Dec. 3,
10:30 a.m., League. All are wel-

> }

is your

t y.

Join our Christmas Club
12c each week for 50 weeks.......$ 5.00
25c each week for 50 weeks.>.... 12.50
50c each week for 50 weeks...... 25.00
$1.00 each week for 50 weeks.5.. 50.00
$2.00 each week for 50 weeks......100.00
$3.00 each week for 50 weeks..... 150.00
$5.00 each week for 50 weeks.... 250.00
$1.00 each. week for 50 weeks. ... 500.00


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