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December 02, 1950 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1950-12-02

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Phoenix Project Depends
On Multitude of Workers

Just as the backbone of an ar-
my is its multitude of buck pri-
vates, the student Phoenix Project
fund drive depends on its myriad
of solicitors to put it over the top.
These volunteer workers have
the gigantic task of seeing that
every student on campus is con-
tacted for contributions to Phoe-
sentatives of the various divisions
of the campaign, most University
students are all for making the
Memorial the most successful pro-
Ject the University has ever under-
'in our house we hit 100 per
cent as soon as we got the cards
out," 'Joan Luedders, '51, who
works on the sorority drive, re-
She noted that many of the wo-
men were well acquainted with
the Project and its aims through
attending numerous P h o e n i x
meetings and hearing speakers
before the drive began. "We did-
n't even have to answer questions;;
Just collect pledge cards."
* * *
FRATERNITY men, however,
had some questions about the Pro-]
Ject, Leonard Beavis, '52, noted.,
"They wanted to know why
such a big undertaking will only
cost $6,500,000 while the govern-
ment spent two billion dollars
on the Manhatten project; andk
in addition, just how the Me-1
morial is going to help them."
It wasn't hard for Beavis to
answer that because of the long
range of time Phoenix has to ex-
periment with the atom there will
be no need for it to spend hugeI
Prof. Knappen
Use As Unwise
Says Weapon Won'tt
Stop Red Invasion E
Th use of the atomic bomb Inl
the Korean War was termed "un-
wise" yesterday by Prof. Marshallr
M. Knappen of the political sci-t
ence department.-x
Prof. Knappen's comment fol-
lowed President Truman's an-
nouncement Thursday that "this
country will fight on in Korea
with every means at its disposal
-including the atomic bomb if
PROF. KNAPPEN asserted that,
the atomic bomb alone won't stop
the Communist invasion.
"Moreover, although the use
of the A-bomb might have aY
psychological effect beneficial
to us, it may backfire," he con-r
tinued. "The Asiatics mighto
charge us with cruelty, and we'd
lose our moral prestige in the
eyes of the world."
Parenthetically, Prof. Knappenn
doubted that if the atomic bombj
were used, theie would be an A.'
bomb retaliation on the part of
Russia or China. He questioned
whether Russia's stockpile of theb
bomb is of sufficient size.
* * *E
"AT ANY RATE, we're not go-h
ing to civilize the North KoreansC
and the Chinese by blasting themd
out. This is a war of principles,
and it's not going to be won with
atomic bombs," he added. ' t
As an alternative, Prof. Knap- V
pen proposed that United Na-p
tions' withdraw to the 38th par-P

allel, protect South Korea from
any further encroachments, and
attempt peace negotiations with
the Communists.
In the long run, he concluded,
the issue is one for the Asiatics

sums in a hurry such as the gov-
ernment had to do.
"The atom will change our en-
tire way of living, just as the in-
vention of the steam engine did.
Any peaceful use we can find for
this energy will benefit all of us.
And it seems that the government
is too busy building weapons with
atomic energy-undertakings such
as the Phoenix Project are the
only means of adapting the atom
to peaceful living."
* * *
BEAVIS NOTED that men in
his house have a close contact
with Phoenix as national drive
chairman Chester Lang, '15, is an
alumnus of the fraternity, and sev-
eral other alumni have decided to
work under Project auspices.
Although the job of contact-
ing students In residence halls
is more difficult, Ina Sussman,
'52, remarked that results are
generally excellent.
"In the women's dorms we get
some strange answers," she said.
"One turned us down because she
said she was getting married soon,
and her fiance has already pledg-
ed to the Memorial. Another
claimed she would not donate
because her intuition warned her
against it."
Miss Sussman .said that wo-
men's residences have donated
about half again as much as men's
* * *
HARDEST JOB of all is con-
tacting thousands of students who
live in private residences and have
no contact with an organized
house group.
But Eric Hotelling, of the chem-
istry department, reported that
he has received donations from
more than 80 per cent of the con-
tacts he has made.
"These fellows were all new
graduate students who had never
heard of Phoenix before they
came here. But being chemists
they know the value of atomic re-
As for the reason the workers
agreed to spend a good part of
their time attending organization-
al and training meetings as well
as soliciting, Beavis summed it all
"I'm a physics major so I get a
pretty good idea of What these
guys can dream up, and it nakes
me scared. It seems only sensible
to support something that will
not waste the atom when so much'
good can be done with it."
Form Council
For Study of
Michigan's state-supported col-
leges and universities announced
yesterday the establishment of
"an informal consultative ar-
rangement" to aid in the exchange
of information and the discussion
of common problems.
The institutions involved, meet-
ing at the Union under the chair-
manship of University Regent J.
Joseph Herbert, established the
Conference of Governing Boards.!
The conference stems from a
meeting held last October at the
nvitation of the University's
Board of Regents. The latest con-a
ference formally recognized the
Council of State College Presi-
dents and agreed to work with
his council.
As its first official task the con-
ference authorized the presidents
council to undertake a study of
Michigan's population and its
probable bearing on future high-
er education needs.

'Ensian Will
Use Bowl Pies

New Plans
Offered for
With several campus groups,
private individuals and regular
companies readying plans for
special trains, planes and busses
to Pasadena or vicinity, it appears
that Bowl-bound students will
have, plenty to choose from in the
way of transportation.
Latest in the series of travel
bargains is a round-trip non-
scheduled flight on a DC-4 Sky-
master for a toa $165 cost. Fea-
turing regular steward service and
all the trimmings, the 14 hour
flight will start from Romulus
Airport on the morning of Dec. 28.
* -* *
IT WILL RETURN the morn-
ing following the game. Student
agents for the flight are Maynard
Newton, Jr., '50, and Richard Ar-
nesen, '51, who may be reached
at either 2-8265 or 25-9083 after
5:30 p.m.
A plane and train combina-
tion, as yet in the planning
stage, will be sponsored by three
townspeople. Howard Wikel, one
of the promoters of this ven-
ture, revealed yesterday that
they would have a special train,
as well as a chartered plane to
carry students to the Rose Bowl.
Wikel said that things were still
too tentative to give the rates for
either the plane or the train, but
anyone interested may contact
him at 2-0494.
* * *
LARRY BLOCH, Wolverine Club
special trips chairman, yesterday
requested all students interested
or definitely planning to go to
the Rose Bowl to contact the club
"Regardless of whether or not
you are planning to go with the
club's special train at reduced
rates, we have other arrangements
to help you enjoy the Bowl game,"
he said.
If traveling on their own,
students may still take advan-
tage of these services available
at the Wolverine Club: infor-
mation about Michigan get-
togethers at Pasadena now be-
ing arranged, grandstand seats
for the Tournament of Roses
parade, and tickets to the New
Year's Eve coronation ceremo-
nies for the Queen of the Roses.
Bloch also urged anyone wish-
ing to travel via one of the Wol-
verine Club's specialsto inform
the club as to how they would
like to travel (plane, train, or
bus) and from where they would
like to leave. The club is also in-
terested in learning when travel-
lers would like to leave and re-
turn and whether or not they
want hotel accommodations.
The Wolverine Club expedition
Is open to anyone, not just stu-
dents, Bloch emphasized.
Students Plan
'Monte Carlo'
Gambling Den
Organized gambling will be le-
gal tonight in the Rackham Bldg.
assembly hall.
Thousand dollar bills will pass
from hand-to-hand, dice will roll,
and more than one "house-man"
will pull some aces from their
sleeves at tables of vice.

THE OCCASION for all these
unorthodox occurences will be the
annual Monte Carlo party, which
this year will be presented by the
Club Europa 'under the sponsor-
ship of the International Center.
Eager gamblers, surrounded
by the cosmopolitan atmosphere
of a fake miniature gambling
center, will have a chance to
try to beat the wheels of for-
tune around fake roulette
wheels,and totop the cirds
and the dice at other games of
"luck and skill."
For those who lose all their al-
loted thousands to the house,
there will be record dancing and
refreshments to help them spend
the time from 8 to 12 p.m.
Anotherrentertainment feature
will be the singing of French cab-
aret songs by Richard Roesch.
Roesch, who is formerly of Ger-
many, is an amateur entertainer,
and is well-known for his reper-
The Monte Carlo party is a stag
or drag affair, and is open to the
entire campus.

r- 0
Food Serice S piles a .- s
or sHosia
.a lo ms ISPIrved Regularly

Foodstuffs on a large;
versity Food Service.

scale are the orders of the day at the Un!-


Operating from a new and spotless building at the corner of Glen
and Ann streets, the Food Service supplies the residence halls, the
League and the University Hospital with "whatever they need, when
they need it, at the lowest possible price, consistent with good quality"
* * * *
THE NEW BUILDING was opened in April of 1948 and serves as
a storehouse for certain foodstuffs. Other food is processed and pre-
pared there.
Food Service does things in a big way. Its tonnage reports are
astronomical. Every year approximately 17 carloads of foodstuffs
make their way to the service's loading docks. Last year this total
included 533 tons of canned goods alone.
Food Service plans no menus. Rather, each unit's dietician 'plans
her own and the Food Service undertakes the task of providing what
is ordered. Monthly meetings are
held at the building for dieticians ious University research projects
and an experimental kitchen is and the zoo behind the museum.
provided. Food Service employes a fleet of
* * * four trucks. Three operate in the
THE 340 tons of meat bought Ann Arbor vicinity, shuttling back
last year were processed in mod- and forth between the Food.Ser-
ern butcher shops within the I vice and the various units. The
building. Meat is generally deliver- fourth truck, a big trailer model,
ed to the units on the day that is used for the five weekly trips
it is to be served. Beef rounds are to the Detroit produce terminals.
far and away the leading meat * * *
processed. PERISHABLE FOODS are pur-
A large, modern bakery takes chased as the need for them arises.
up a good part of the first floor. But non-perhishables are purchas-
ed in large quantities and are plac-
Here, 224 tons of baked goods ed in stock to be used as needed.
were turned out last year. This Milk and "cream are purchased
total includes bread, rolls, fried under contract from a local dairy
goods, quick breads, cakes, .,ookies, and are delivered directly to the
pies and other special items. An various units.
intricate assembly line turns out Food Service has made every
pies much the same way that Ford attempt to promote sanitation in
turns out autos. their building.
A special room is used entirely
for the production of ice cream, Employes are required to take
one of the Food Service's favorite physical examinations and are
products. Last year's ice cream out- constantly being reminded of the
pt totaled 94 tons. Vapilla led importance of their personal clean-
all other flavors. liness.
* * * The construction of the bui ling
VARIOUS storerooms are liber- also was done with an eye to sani-
ally sprinkled around the building. tation. Most walls are faced with
glazed tile and many of the floors
One of them maintains a tem- are covered with quarry tile. The
perature of 10 degrees below ze- building is dotted with signs and
ro and is used to store frozen mottos designed to promote sanita-
foods. tion.
Others store canned goods, flour, NEARLY fivemillio meals orig
fruit juices and even animal food.inate yearly in the Food Service
Food Service supplies food to var- building. During the college year
ten thousand people are served
three times a day.
Combining this figure with the
summer figures a yearly average
"of 4500 meals are provided eah
/7 day.
The impressive figure of 3381
tons of food were received last
year. This averaged 281 tons per
month. This complexity of num-
bers was handled by an office staff
-f-' of twelve. General Manager of the
service in Henry J. Helle.






to settle.
* * * The 'Ensian will follow the
PROF. RUSSELL H. FIFIELD, Michigan team straight to the
also of the political science de- Rose Bowl where it will do a com-
partment, declared that the atom- plet4 coverage for the 1951 year-
Ic bomb would not prove decisive book, according to Bill Osterman,
in a war between the United '51, sales manager.
States and China. "Not only will we cover the
"China is an agrarian country, game proper," Osterman said,
has very few industrial targets "but we will devote a large part of
and concentrated military bases, the section to Pasadena pagean-.
and possesses the largest popula- try."
tion in the world," he explained. Other departments of the book
The atomic bomb could only will include features, groups, ath-
knock out industrial centers in letics, musical and theatrical pro-
Manchuria, he continued, and we ductions and "all angles of Uni-
certainly can't wipe .out China's versity life," Osterman said.
huge population with the bomb. Campus sales of the 'Ensian be-
"If at all possible, we should gin next week and will be held in
keep cut of war with China," he, the lobbies of the League, the Un-
infered. ion and Angell Hall.


Dinner Dates







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