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December 02, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-12-02

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A-Iomb Use

Translation From The Chinese

ALL BUT A FEW Republicans have of
Aliate leveled some sort ofcriticism
against Secretary of State Acheson. Some
have even demanded his immediate resig-
nation. The complaints that are raised
against Achesoli are for thehmost part un-
reasonable and unjust and are indicative of
ignorance and a lack of thought on the part
of his detractors.
Granted we are losing battles and
prestige in the Far East, but if we are
to avoid committing ourselves and the
rest of the world to total war we have
to accept and consider these defeats with
rational minds and not let crude emo-
tions of anger dictate immediate revenge.
Our policies must be considered in the
light of the experience gained from the
defeats and revised accordingly.
In doing so we must constantly bear in
mind the principles and ideas that distin-
guish our ways of doing things from the
ways of those who would destroy them.
Policies designed to avoid these tem-
porary defeats that are devoid of regard for
human lives and the values of other peoples
can only make these defeats more perma-
As Secretary Acheson has said, "Whether
reason will prevail is only partly for us to
decide." But because much of the Krem-
lin's action does not seem to be based on
reason we can only hope and strive for
the best while preparing for the worst.
If we are agreed on this then the broad
pattern of policy outlined by Acheson in'
his radio address Wednesday night is the
only logical course.
Economic cooperation among nations
large and small is necessary if we are to
prevent the further sowing of seeds of
Communism in distressed lands. This is
the basis of the Marshall Plan and a full
Point Four Program.
The development of regional groupings,
will also help achieve this purpose and
facilitate the building of a European de-
fensive bulwark.
But if reason doesn't triumph we must
be prepared for the worst and toward this
end it is necessary to build up United States
and Allied military strength.
In the meantime Acheson has pledged
active support of the United Nations and
has said that he is in constant readiness to
participate in negotiations to settle inter-
national differences.

O WE USE the Bomb?
That question which has provided fuel
for plenty of after-dinner conversations
and forum debates now faces us squarely
and directly.
The maker of an ominious cloud, which
really hadn't seemed so ominious until
Thursday, may be needed in *rea, accord-
ing to President Truman.
With the serious turn of events in Asia
-our troops in a dangerous position and
hundreds of thousands of Red Chinese en-
tering the conflict, president Truman's state-
ment is not surprising.. He may be seriously
considering such a move in hope of saving
the lives of UN troops. Or he may be try-
ing to bluff the Reds with the fear of the
There is plenty of evidence to indicate
that the statement was a bluff. The Bomb
as we now know it, is a strategic weapon
SAM AND JOE stood in the middle of the
Universe arguing. Sam said,"You gotta
do it this way, you're way off base and you
better cut, it out." Joe leaned forward and
sneered contemptuously and sneered "You're
the guy whose outa line and even if I was
what would you do about it?"
Sam got louder and called Joe a jerk.
Joe got sore and picked up an axe that
wad lying near. Sam ent on talking,
but seeing the axe in Joe's hand and
watching him slowly file the sharp edge
he calmed down a little. "Now listen Joe,
let's not get all hepped u about this.
We don't want trouble. Look, you just do
thing my way and everything'll be hunky
dory." Joe smiled cunningly and went on
sharpening his edge.
"Now look Joe," Sam said, "if you want to
get tough just let me know. I got a sharp
edge here too" And with that Sam whipped
a small pen nife from his pocket which he
hurriedly began to sharpen. Joe snickered,
ran his. thumb along the axe blade edge,
thought a moment and went on sharpening.
Sam hurriedly tested his blade too, felt a
little uncertain about its size and .sharp-
ness, but ignored another axe within easy
reach of. his right hand. He went on sharp-
ening his pen knife and his voice got un-
steadily louder.
"Now hok,-Jo, let's not be foolish about
this whole business. I got aa paper here in
my hip pocket, that will solve the eritire
problem." Sam produced a clumsy sheaf of
papers. "See, Joe, this is a plan for setting
thilgs right. All you got to do is follow the
rules written here. Simple eh? But if you
don't follow directions I'll make it mighty
rough on you."
Sam was still talking with his small,
dull blade in his left hand and his volumi-
nous plan in his right hand when Joe
with a broad contemptuous grin on his
face merrily swung his glistening, razor.
sharp blade at Sam's neek.
Sam saw it coming but he could only
stand in disbelief and shout pompously,
"You wouldn't dare!"
-Robert Vaughn.

It is usuable against highly urbanized cen-
ters, in great concentrations of men and
arms with little protection from the ter-
The present Red Chinese Army in Korea
is widely dispersed. Its men are scattered
through the mountainous regions of the pe-
ninsula. The hope of one atomic bomb or
even 10 atomic bombs seriously hampering
the Red Chinese forces is remote.
Politically, a use of the Bomb would be
wrong. We have called several times in the
United Nations for an outlawing of the Bomb.
Our arguments were based on the inhuman
results from an atomic blast. And yet, now
that we are in a tight spot, we are con-
sidering its use.
A retaliation directly or indireely from
Russia must also be considered. We know
that they have furnished the North Koreans
and Red Chinese with arms in the past.
I don't believe thinking Americans would
want to run the calculated risk of retaliation
in hopes of a quick victory through atomic
Morally, the use of the Bomb is wrong.
Its blast covers such a wide area that it
cannot be viewed as only a destroyed of
specific strategic installations. The after-
effects hit humans the hardest. The radia-
tions attack soldier and civilian.
Our best move at the present can be to
hold the Bomb in readiness. If the fight
should spread, then we can only hope that
the Bomb will take a position similar to
poison gas in World War II-both sides in
possession of the weapon, but not using it
for reasons of humanitarianism or fear of
-Ron Watts
Aid to Franco

NOTE: For courses having both lectures and recitations, th.
time of class is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for
for courses having recitations only, the time of the 'dass.is the
time of the first recitation period. Certain courm will be .xu*-
ined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule.*
o'clock classes, 4 o'clock classes, 5 o'clock classes and other "Irre-
lar" classes may use any examination period provided there isne
conflict (or one with conflicts if the conflicts= are arranged for'b
the "irregular" class). A final examination period is availableefor
"irregular" classes which are unable to utilize an earlier period.
Each student should receive notification from his instructor
as to the time and place of his examination. In the College Of
Literature, Science, and the Arts, no date of exaination nay be
changed without the consent of the Committee on 1xamlnations.


The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in ood taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed edited or withheld from. publication at the discretion of the

Monday at
Monday at
Monday at
Monday at
Monday at
Monday at
Monday at
Tuesday at
Tuesday at
Tuesday at
Tuesday at
Tuesday at
Tuesday at
Tuesday at

8..........................,.4.. ., Jan. 24
1..............................Sat., Jan. 27,
10.............."..............Tues, Jan. 30,
11............................I' on., Jan. 22,
1.............................T4., Jan. 26,
G..J...............e.......Thuar. 1,
3.".............................hurs., Fn. 2,
8...........................oFri., Jan. 22,
...."..... .. .. ........Mon",..Jana.
10.e.........................Wed. Jan. 31,
11...............s...........".ta ' .,Jan. 2 ,
.1..... ......". es.e.e.e. os.o.i.ee. ... ..., .e.. ...yuts
2..".es."orese".Thurs., Jan. :i
3.........e. ...............Mon., JIM. ",

2- i.


Conflicts and Irregular......................FrI.,

Feb. P,


end its five-year diplomatic snub
Franco Spain is unfortunate.


Acheson included in his statement
policy the promise to adhere firmly
the moral values which give meaning
our lives.


More than anything else in this era of
constant crises we need a man to run our
foreign affairs who is unwilling to sacrifice
'the values which form the backbone of this
country's greatness for the sake of ex-
pediency as those who criticize Acheson
undoubtedly would.
-Paul Marx.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of "kThe Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Far East Cris

WASHINGTON - The distant tramp of
Chinese Communist hordes from Man-
churia across Korea's northern border has
reacted quickly here. It has silenced the
voices of discord that quarreled angrily over
conduct of our foreign policy and evidently
were about to break out in Congress.
The new crisis in the far east has
brought unity and a resoluteness of sirit,
just as did Pearl Harbor nine years ago.
In that respect there is a parallel with
Pearl Harbor in the atmosphere in the na-
tional capital today, though there was, of
course, not the same severe shock. For we
have since become accustomed to surprises
from totalitarian states, and are alerted to
their deviousness. We have been in the
Korean operation for nearly six months
now and have become inured to the quick
dagger thrust.
The latest has served, like others, to bring
us together in common purpose, as has be-
come the way of our great free people de-
termined to keep freedom at whatever cost.
It is hard for other people beyond our bor-
ders to understand this quick transforma-
tion for only a few weeks ago we were bic-
kering bitterly among ourselves in an elec-
tion campaign, seemingly terribly divided.
Korea, itself, was being exploited for po-
litical ends, and distortedly, to arouse pas-
sions and prejudices and fears for the sake of
* , *
B UT WITH THIS new crisis, things are
falling quickly into their ordained grooves
here for united action by a free people. The
much-maligned and criticized Dean Ache-

whatever funds are necessary for defense
as recommended shortly by the President;
whatever taxes are needed to meet the
costs; down to extension of.rent control,
only recently a highly controversial issue,
and applying whatever additional controls
may be required. This is no longer a foot-
dragging, time-marking "Lame Duck Con-
gress-but "the Congress of the United
There is one danger in this hour, in the
form of temptation, which is suggested by
comment one hears about the Capitol. This
is an inclination, because of our important
place in the world, to regard ourselves as
the sole agents of preserving peace, and as
the sole agents of action which, in the sec-
ond instance, 'could be an influence .for ti-
midity and hesitation. We cannot do it all
aloneand, if we think of ourselves as having
to do it all alone, the task can come to look
very formidable.
rHIs IS A natural attitude since we have
borne the chief burder in Korea. But we
are not alone, and what we face may be
much bigger than Korea. We have friends.
They rallied' with us in the United Nations
to- back us up and to make our common in-
ternational organization a Vital, acting, liv-
ing force, among men everywhere. We can-
not-forget that the UN is our contribution
to the slow march of men and nationsto-
ward world law and Justice.
We have given it strength and purpose
and we can, and must, continue to do that.
Upon it we must rely for solution of this
present crisis, whether it be a matter of

Franco's regime is just as corrupt, just
as totazitarian, and as restrictive today
as it was at the time of the decision to
boycott it. Therefore, there seems no jus-
tification for the decision to send an
American Amnbsador to Madrid, and
the approval of a loan to the Spanish
The reason given in some quarters is
that Franco is anti-Communistic, and that
Spanish aid in a showdown with Russia
would be important. But this line of think-
ing is fallacious on two counts.
First, Spain is irrevocably committed to
fighting Communism in any all-out war.
Stalin would hardly be tempted to make any
deal with Franco. Spain will be on our side
with or without financial aid and diplo-
matic recognition.
Secondly, combatting the Communist
ideology, by supporting a political doctrine
equally as bad is not the way to accomplish
this goal. The political aims and methods
of Fascism and Communism are roughly
similar. It is inconsistent to loudly proclaim
to the world our high democratic ideals
while we are actively aiding the regime of
a little Hitler.
There is no excuse for allowing Sen. Mc-
Carran's congenital obligation to act as
Franco's protector govern our foreign policy.
Spain is a poor investment from both a
military and a moral standpoint.
--Crawford Young.
At Lane Hall . ..
Four Experimental Films: The Potted
Psalm (1946), Horror Dream (1947), La
Rosa et Ia Reseda (1947) and Poem 8
THE AUDIENCE attending last night's
presentation of four experimental films
was obviously surprised-and some even
pleasantly. If nothing else, the films were
a welcome change in that they attempted
an emotional, rather than a rational ap-
These movies are released through
CINEMA 16, a New York group which deals
with photography as -an artistic, as opposed
to a documentary or story-telling media.
As "art," last night's production fell short
of its mark, for it lacked the aesthetic prin-
ciples of beauty in form, sound, and move-
ment. But as a psychological experiment it
was an overwhelming success.
The film media is potentially one of the
most natural means of dealing with the
non-verbal realms of the sub-conscious-
this much was quite apparent from the
attitude of the attending audience. More-
over, the films .are analagous to the dream
world and its imagery. Since these films
are divorced from rationality, they possess

Football Weather .
To The Editor:
WAS amused by these words
which can be found in an edi-
torial written by Harland Britz:
"Saturday's game should have
proved to conference officialdomI
that a wise cancelling of a game
is much more satisfying than the
type of struggle that was played.
In the future, weather factors
should influence more than the
betting odds. On days when the
nation is plagued by its worst
storm in years, officials should;
swallow tradition, as was done in
the East, and postpone a football
game . . ." The reason for my
amusement can be found in the
following lines: "At Princeton, N.
J., only 5,000 of the 31,000 who
had bought tickets turned out to
watch Princeton hold off Dart-
mouth, 13 to 7. All Western Union,
television and telephone wires
were down after a tree fell across
the press box in front of a 65-
mile-an-hour wind.
"Four and a half inches of rain
fell at the Polo Grounds during3
the Fordham-New York U. game,
and part of the press box was rip-,
ped away by the accompanying,
gale. Only 1,500 braved all this,
to see Fordham win, 13 to 0.
"Philadelphia's Franklin Field
was a quagmire as sheets of rain
riding a 60-mile-an-hour wind
swept throughout Cornell's 13-6
upset of Pennsylvania. The con-
test was played before a )ut 10,-
000, instead of the expected 60,-
"Even the traditional ivy-wrap-
ped collision between Harvard and
Yale failed to get its usual full
house. Only 40,000 were on hand
for Yale's last-quarter 14-6 vic-
tory, and punts were blown back-
ward by gales that reached 70
miles an hour.
"Scranton and Niagara were
ready to play at Scranton, Pa.,
but postponement until Sunday af-
ternoon was ordered After the goal
posts, the scoreboard and the sta-
dium lighting system were blown
down." These sentences can be
found in last Sunday's edition of
the Detroit Free Press. Inciden-
tally, I attended the OSU-Michi-
gan game and enjoyed it immense-
ly, regardless of the weather con-
-Saul Greenbaum
Germany . .
To the Editor:
STAN PITLICK'S letter on Ger-
man rearmament has me' wor-
ried. The Russians are good chess
players. Will they be able to un-
derstand us when we propose
checkmating their pawns?
-John Neufeld
Gale.. .
To the Editor: -
j SEE THAT Esson Gale of the
International Center, speaking
in the Metropolitan Methodist
church in Detroit, said (and you
disgustingly found it fit to print)
that our military geniuses over in
Korea not having defeated the
peasants for six months could
"easily" bring Russia to its knees
by attacking Russian bases. I sug-
gest Gale learns some American-
ism and some history. I suggest.

he refer to General Eisenhower
on the subject. I suggest that he
can join the fight himself. Lastly,
I suggest that you stop printing
such stupid nonsense because al-
though Gale is a man of no im-
portance, the total effect of such
statements is propaganda material
for the Russians.
-George Adomian, Grad.
Gesture to Spain
The United Nations Special Po-
litical Committee has voted to
rescind the 1946 UN recommen-
dation that all members withdraw
their top diplomats from Spain.
The action, which also would al-
low Spain to belong to such UN
agencies as the World Health Or-
ganization, seems assured of final
approval by the General Assem-
bly ...
Granting the possibility that
Spain might someday be impor-
tant in a military showdown be-
tween Russia and the West,
United States support of the UN
gesture can be justified on other
grounds .. .
It is entirely possible, as Sena-
tor John J. Sparkman suggests
that the help she could get from
these agencies would enable her
to solve some of her internal prob.
lems . . . The result in the end
could be to encourage reforms that
would make Spain more accept-
able in the family of nations.
It is in that spirit that the
American people should accept
this move, even though they dis-
like everything that the present
Franco regime stands for.
St. Louis Star-Times.
+ 4 +

Chemistry 1, 3, 21 ........................Mon.,.
Sociology 51,54,90 .... ................... Wed.,
Political Science 1 .......................Wed.,
Speech 35...... .......
Economics 51, 5., 53, 54 ....................F'ri.,
English 1, 2 ................................ at.,
-Psychology 31 .................8at.,
French 1, 2, 11, 12, 31, 32, 61, 62,153 ..........Mon.,.
Speech 31, 32............................MOn.,
Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32 ........................Tues.,
German 1, 2, 11, 31 ........................Tues.,,
Russian 1 ..................... . ...........Tins~,
Zoology 1 ..................................Wed.,


These regular examination periods have precedence ever jAn
special perio scheduled concurrently. Conflicts must be arranged
for by the instructor of the "special" class.

Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any- neces ir
changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board.
Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary
changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board.
Individual examinations by .appointment will be gi.en for
applied music courses (individual instruction) elected for credit.bi
any unit of the University. For time and place of examinatito,
see bulletin board of the School of Music.
Courses not covered by this schedule as' 1 as any necessary
changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board.
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, College of Engineering
JANUARY 22 to FEBRUARY 2, 1951. '
NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizszes, thl
time of class is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for
courses having quizzes only, the time of class is the time of the-first
quiz period.
Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted
below the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between assigned
examination periodsmust be reported for adjustment. -840b-leA
board outside of Room 3209 East Engineering Building betw&-
January 8 and January 13 for instruction. To avoid 20jsunder-
standings and errors each student should receive notification from
his instructor of the time and place of his appearance in each
course during the period January 22 to February 2.
No date of examination may be changed without the consent of
the Classification Committee.


2- I
2- 5
2. 1
2- 5
2.. 5
2. 1
2- 5
2w 5
2- 5


Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown.............Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger.............City Editor
Roma Lipsky.........Editorial Director
Dave Thomas........... Feature Editor
Janet Watts.......... Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan............Associate Editor
James Gregory........ Associate Editor
Bill Connolly...........Sports Editor
Bob Sandell.....Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton..Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans.........Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels........Business Manager
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible..Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau........ Finance Manager
Carl Breitkreltz. .. .Circulatlon Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of. all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters hereinare also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Annl
Arbor. Michigan as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.



Monday at
Monday at
Monday at
Monday at
Monday at
Monday at
Monday at
Tuesday at
Tuesday at
Tuesday at
Tuesday at
Tuesday at
Tuesday at
Tuesday at
Chem. 1. 3;

8.".. ...r...0.".....1....ed., Jem .,
9 ........,... ....sat, Jan.'
10. . 9.... 9... ...... .... o/ /.1 . .'Tues., Jimn.
1 . fe. I.. of . .. " 0 / C . 1 .....Tu' .eehs.l Jan.
2.* .... .. oo Y o01. ....O. " .. hus., Feb.
8. ...44494......,...,........F'r. Jani.
9 ...r..Ifr..I...... e.......Mo., Jan.
10. ''.499..... .. t9tft4ft44.Wed., Ja."
1 ..,r 99.9................... T'Ihurs., Feb.


2- S
2- 5
2- 5
2- 5
2- 5
2- 5
2. 5
2. 5
2-, 8


C. E. 21, 22 ....................*Mon.,

M. P. 3, 5, 6, 9, 115; Chem Met. 1 ..-........*Wed.,
Econ. 53, 54..... .. . ............*Fri.,
C. E. 1, 2, 4; Drw. 3; Eng. 11; M. E. 136 ..... ..Sat.,
Draw. 2; E. E. 5, 160; French ..............*Mon.,
E. M. 1, 2; M. E. 82; Span., Germ. ..........*Tues.
Draw. 1; M. E. 135; Phys. 45 ............... Wed.,
Conflicts and Irregular ....................Fri.,



Evening, 12 o'clock, and "Irregular" classes may use any 'of
the periods marked (*) provided there is no conflict. The final
period on February 2 is available in case no earlier period can
be used.

Hello, Barnaby. I've just seleced
this free to fell for our Yule fog.

He says we'll have to forget oil about them. 1
Unless you could wave your magic wand-

Ii iWould be r0 fin for Me

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