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November 25, 1950 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1950-11-25

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U.S. Civilian Defense Seen
Inadequate Against A-Bomb

WASHINGTON -(P) - If the
atom bomb should fall tomor-
row most U.S. cities could put into
action only a small part of the
civil defense effort needed to save
lives and rally from the attack.
Mostly, the cities blame the fed-
eral government for this state of
THEY COMPLAIN that the gov-i
ernment hasn't told them in detail
what to do-that they can't get
a real civil defense organization
going until they learn who's going
to pay for it.
These are the highlights of a
report made public by the Amer-
i c a n Municipal Association,
made up of 10,500 cities and
Officials in 137 cities from coast
to coast contributed to the report,
which gives this summary of the
state of cities' preparedness:
"Many cities feel that their or-
ganization 'on paper' is well com-
pleted; that is, that their planning
has progressed well. But they re-
port far less optimistically about
the readiness to cope with a dis-
aster of the magnitude envisaged
by atomic warfare. "
"Many cities say they will make1
no appropriations until the fede-
ral and state governments an-
nounce their policies," the report
THE NATIONAL Securities Re-
sources Board (NSRB), which has
the job of supervising civil de-
fense, made no immediate com-
ment on the report.
A so-called master plan for civil
defense, prepared by NSRB, was
submitted to Congress by President
Truman last Sept. 18. The Presi-
dent urged state and local officials

to "move ahead rapidly" with their
planning without waiting for con-
gress to act.
The master plan called, among
other things, for mutual aid
agreementsamong neighboring
cities and states--even extend-
ing across the borders to Canada
and Mexican neighbors.
Here in brief is what some of
the nation's big cities reported on
the state of their preparedness:
New York-$25,000,000 civil
defense budget recommended, ci-
ty expects 80 per cent of it from
federal government. Detailed
emergency plans prepared, re-
cruitment of 150,000 air raid
wardens and many other C. D.
workers started.
Chicago - coordinating plans
withithose of adjoining states.
Mutual fire-aid agreements made
with the surrounding communities.
Program hampered by lack of
money-federal funds wanted.
Detroit-C. D. director appointed
with $5,000 budget. Personnel
drafted from other city depart-
ments. Detailed surveys made, mo-
bile hospital service already set
Los Angeles-about 25 per cent
ready for an atom bomb. Direct-
or Grant V. Jenning says public
must realize that Communists
at home are "our greatest im-
mediate internal threat."
St. Louis-detailed plans made,
partly implemented. Mayor Joseph
M. Darst says city is "more or less
in a quandary" over financing un-
til it learns what state and federal
governments will do.
Washington-$100,000 appropri-
ated. Civil defense partly organiz-
ed. Like Seattle and Chicago, the
capital has had a simulated air at-

Allies Move
To Build Up
West Europe
Disagree Over
Germany's Role.
FRANKFURT, Germany-iP)-
American and British military
men moved yesterday to streng-
then West Europe's defenses des-
pite Allied and German political
wrangling over West German par-
These developments highlighted
the row over defense plans:
troops in Europe were put on a
combat basis by reactivation of
the wartime United States Sev-
enth Army under command of Lt.
Gen. Manton Eddy.
In the British zone, authori-
ties announced two new air-
fields are to be built west of
the Rhine River near the Dutch
border and a new Belgian di-
vision is being assigned to Ger-
More than 300 American In-
fantrymen arrived to bolster the
Soviet-surrounded garrison in
FROM BONN comes the report
that Chancellor Konrad Adenauer
has told the Allies privately they
have only themselves to blame for
German disunity on rearmament.
A qualified German source
said Adenauer felt theWestern
powers, by failing to agree on
what they wanted from West
Germany, had left hin out on
a limb at the mercy of his anti-
rearmament opponents.


-Daily-Roger Reinke

End Contests
In Schools,
Group Asks
Recommendations that most in-
ter-scholastic contests be discon-
tinued will be the main topic. of
discussion at the state meeting of
the North Central Association of
Secondary/Schools and Colleges in
Grand Rapids, Monday.
The proposals came from the
Contest committee of the Associa-
tion. They suggested that almoot
all inter-school contests except
athletic events be ended.
SPECIFICALLY derided by the
Committee are music and art con-
tests, debating team procedures,
and "undue" emphasis on schiolas-
tic achievement which tends of
plade too much emphasis on the
competative aspect of scholarship.
Interscholastic athletics, how-
ever, were given a place on. the
positive side of the committee- re-
Explaining their revolutionary
stand on contest procedure in
schools, the committee reported
that contents often tend to un-
dermine the educational value of
a subject, and therefore they
should be eliminated.
"Contests in music and art tend
to emphasize specialization in
these fields, rather than the gene-
ral education aspects," the com-
mittee statement reported. It rec-
ommended that more emphasis
should be placed upon the festival
idea for musical events rather than
contests, and that there should be
a reemphasis of the teaching of
art "so that it will be more at-
tractive in everyday life",
* * *
Traditional debating procedure
was hit by the committee, also.
"There is not much purpose in a'
democracy for formalized debate
wherein parties resolve to win with
little regard to examination of the
facts," the report declared. "The
committee sees very real educa-
tional gains from speech contests
as most of them are now organiz-
ed, and therefore interscholastic
speech contests should be discon-
Athletic contests, however,
fared better in the hands of the
"The committee feels that inter-
scholastic athletics has a real place
in the experiences of the pupils in
secondary school," the report said.
The athletic functions, however
should be conducted so as to con-
form with "acceptable education.

WHAT A CLASS THIS WAS-These four students were the only ones who showed up for a recitation class in Angell Hall yester-
day. Most of their classmates had stayed home, and the instructor also remained elsewhere. Casting aside their books and taking
up a deck of playing cards, the quartet whiled away the hour the best way they knew how. They are, left to right, Larry Ayers, '52,
Henry Van Dyke, '53, a coed who refused to identify herself, and Joel McKibble, '53. Unofficial estimates of yesterday's attendance in-
cated that while some classes-were well-filled, many of them we re as empty as this one. Meanwhile, University officials hinted-
still in ambiguous, non-commital terms-that they hoped something satisfactory could be worked out by next year so that students
could legally have an adequate vacation.


* * * *

Ballots Under Post-Holiday Classes Hit

i -

Police Guard

By Shortage of Scholars

Bitter Cold, Heavy Snowfalls
Spread Across Eastern U.S.
By The Associated Press
Arctic cold, the worst of the had 12 inches of snow and Padu-
season, spread across the eastern cah, Ky., had an early morning
two thirds of the nation yesterday temperature of three above.
and no real warmup is in sight. A snowstorm struck Knoxville,
The biting chill extended from Tenn., and a five inch fall was
the 'Rockies to the Atlantic States expected. An all time Nov. 25
and southward to the Gulf. Heavy temperature low of '13 degrees
snow paralyzed traffic in some was forecast for the city.
cities. Nashville, Tenn., was buried un-
* eder a traffic-snarling seven inch

In Kiel, United States High LANSING -(p)- The S t a t e
Commissioner John J. McCloy Board of Canvassers, with Govern-
told the Germans the United or Williams' consent, yesterday
States is making tremendous sac- handed State Police Commissioner
rifices, that Germany must face Donald S. Leonard the responsi-
the defense issue and "no one bility for security of Michigan bal-
can preserve your freedoms for lot boxes until the end of the
you-" governorship recount.

IN BAVARIA, Socialists, cam-
paigning for the State Parliament
on an anti-rearmament platform
put on a closing drive of a type
similar to those they staged in
winning victories in Hesse and
Wuerttemberg-baden Nov. 19.

ELEVEN STATES in the north-
ern plains and midwest had read-
ings of zero or below. Weather Bu-
reaus issued special cold weather
bulletins for New York, Pennsyl-
vania, New Jersey, Delaware, West
Virginia, Maryland, Virginia and
eastern Tennessee.
The eastern states were warn-
ed to expect the coldest weath-
er thus far this fall during the
week end.. Temperatures in
some of these areas were expect-
ed to skid to five above zero.
Parts of Missouri, Illinois, Indi-
ana and lower Michigan had rec-
ord low sub zero readings for the
THE ICY BLASTS brought ear
muff and overcoat . weather to
parts of the South. Pkeville, Ky.,
U.S. Customs
Seize Pictures
Customs Office said yesterday a
batch of French pictures had been
seized here from a shipment to
Alfred C. Kinsey, human relations
expert and author.
Eugene J Okon, Assistant Cus-
toms Collector here, called the en-
tire bundle of pictures "so ob-
scene that any scientific value is
SIX SIMILAR shipments, ad-
dressed to the Indiana University
sex behavior researcher, were also
sei7Ped hp e .Rtly


snow blanket,
The worst cold was in the nor-
thern plains, but much of the
midwest had readings only a few
degrees higher.

These events developed as the
European Consultative Assem-
bly - the lower house of the
Council of Europe-considered
at Strasbourg, France, a resolu-
tion providing for a European
army, including German units,
linked to the North Atlantic
Treaty powers.

Leonard was told that he would
have full respnsibility for and su-
pervision over the collection of the
ballot boxes from 1,800 different
places, their inventory, their trans-
portation to county seats and their
protection while the recount lasts
-possibly three weeks in some
Secretary of State Fred M. Al-
ger, Jr., Chairman of the Board of
Canvassers, said the board agreed
that Leonard did not have enough
troopers to handle the job himself,
but would assign it to local law
enforcement officials.

A slim post-Thanksgiving stu-
dent turnout managed to keep the
University functioning yesterday,
but many literary college students
and professors wondered if it was
worth the trouble.
The number of students sput-
tered and varied from room to
room, with official sources making
unofficial estimates that atten-
dance struck an average of a little
better than 50 per cent.
* * *
ranged from 10 to 90 per cent as
some classes reported nearly a
full house while many other were
almost vacant., A few instructors
stayed away, several having pre-
viously announced bolts. Some
classes were dismissed immediately
after meeting.
Class participation appeared
to be highest in law, business

administration, melicine and en-
gineering schools.
Some students said tests were
given in their courses yesterday.
* * *
ALTHOUGH all instructors in
the literary college were asked to
file a report on what per cent of
their students showed up, the re-
sult of this survey should not be
known for a day or so.
The unstated logic behind the
attendance study appeared to be
this: "While., the college must
hold classes, it can't induce the
students to come. And if too few
come to class, their holiday
might just as well be legalized
in future years."
Although no official comment
was made as to the effect of yes-
terday's vacant classrooms on fu-
ture Thanksgiving vacations, Dean
Hayward Keniston, of the literary
college, did say that he hoped the
administration and the students
would work out a solution satis-
factory to everyone.
Drama of Atom
To Be Presented

Extend 'Ensian
Proof Deadline
The 'Ensian picture deadline
has been extended indefinitely,
Joe Heinlein, '52, promotions man-
ager, has announced.
"Proofs will be returnable for
the next few days," Heinlein said.
"We are extending the date be-
cause of the Thanksgiving holi-
"However," he continued, "pic-
ture contracts for campus groups
must still meet today's deadline."
Wenrich in Miami
Prof. Ralph C. Wenrich, chair-
man of the department of voca-
tional education, is attending
meetings of the American Voca-
tional Association beginning today
and lasting until Dec. 1 in Miami,



The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial respopsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building, by 3 p.m. on
the day preceding publication (11 a.-
m. Saturdays).
SATURDAY, NOV. 25, 1950
VOL. LXI, No. 52
Changes in Student Addresses:
Please report immediately to the
Registrar, Room 1513, Adminis-
tration Building, any change of
address during the semester.
Herbert G. Watkins
Football game broadcast parties
for the Ohio State game have
been authorized for Sat., Nov. 25,
2-5 p.m. in the following houses:
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Rho

p.m., Mon., Nov. 27, Rackham Lec-
ture Hall.
W. Dalley, University of Texas. 4
p.m., Mon., Nov. 27, Room 1042, E.
Engineering Bldg. Engineering
students, staff, and research per-
sonnel are invited.
Academic Notices
Game Theory Seminar: Mon.,
Nov. 27, 7:30 p.m., Room 3001,
Angell Hall.
Stochastic Processes Seminar:
Mon., Nov. 27, 4 p.m., Room 3001,
Angell Hall.
Psychology-Sociology 232. Dr.
Burton Fisher. There will be no
special class session Monday eve-
ning, Nov. 27. Class will meet on
Friday evening, Dec. 1, as well as
at the regular hour.
The Polytech Chorus of Finland
will give the fifth concert in the
Choral Union Series, Tues.,, Nov.
28, 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
They will present a program of
Finnish songs by distinguished
composers of their native land,
viz., Tornudd, Palmgren, Kuula,
Linnala, and a group by Sibelius.
Tickets are available at the of-
fices of the University Musical So-
ciety in Burton Tower; and will

also be on sale on the evening of
the concert in the Hill Auditorium
box office after 7 p.m.
Events Today
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
Fall Housecleaning, 1:45 p.m.,
Lane Hall. Listen to the football
game and clean up the office and
Lane Hall.
Congregational, Disciple, Evan-
gelical and Reformed Guild will
have a "Fireside" at the Guild
House, 8 to 9 p.m. Rev. Bryant
Drake, Secretary of the Depart-
ment of Higher Education of the
Congregational Church, will lead
the discussion on Student Life in
Saturday Luncheon 'Discussion
Group: Lane Hall, 12:15 p.m.
Speaker: Dr. Maksumiya.
Canterbury Club: 1:30 p.m.,
Work Party at Canterbury House
while listening to the game.
Graduate Outing Club: Listen-
ing party, starting at 1:45 p.m.,
followed by supper at 6 p.m., Out-
ing Club Room, Rackham. All
grads welcome. Square Dancing,
8:15 p.m., Jones School. A.Y.H.
members bring passes.
Coming Events
Michigan Society for Quality
Control: Mon., Nov. 27, 8 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre. Prof. I.

B. Burr, Purdue University, will
speak on "An Introduction to
Analysis of Variance and Applica-
tions." All interested are welcome.

- A drama of the atom will be
Inter-Arts Union: Meeting, 8 presented over radio station WH-
p.m., Mon., Nov. 27, League. All RV at 7:30 p.m. today in connec-
tose interested invited. tion with the Phoenix Project.
- '-Entitled "The Night the Sun
Afternoon Tea: Sociology facul- Did Shine," the story is an alle-
ty, graduate students and wives gorical study of atomic energy.
invited. Mon., Nov. 27, 4-6 p.m., Taking place in a small Indian
East Conference Room, Rackham village in New Mexico, near the
Bldg. Special guest: Dr. Robert scene of the first atomic testing
MacIver, Columbia University. ground, the play shows the age-
old problem which the use of
Graduate Outing Club: Sun., atomic energy presents.
Nov. 26: Ice skating, skating rink; The script for "The Night t ey
supikr "out." Bring own skates or Sun Did Shine" was written by
rent them there. Bring ID card. William Bender, Jr., WUOM script
Meet at 2:15 p.m., Outing Club writer who is presently on leave
room, northwest corner of Rack- from the Air Corps, and is pro-
ham. duced by the Radio Guild.

Daily Classifieds Bring Quick Results
...i .t.. ~.......................:..:i.:Jawau"r7if d O. . +".la{i vf
ny i
Straigh t


beuulere receni y.
Also impounded with the The William W. Cook Lectures
French pictures was a 'shipment on American Institutions. Sixth
of French books from Paris and Series, "Democracy and the Eco-
two shipments of English books. nomic Challenge," Dr. ROBERT
"Most of them are legitimate- MORRISON MacIVER, Lieber
not too bad," Okon said. "But a P r o f e s s o r of Political Philo-
few of them are obscene'and that's sophy and Sociology, Columbia
enough to detain the whole ship- University. First lecture, "Public
ment. 'The law is clear on that." and Private Economic Power." 8

We carry a full line ofK


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i','i .




Tues., Nov. 28,

the finest in
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Program of Folk Songs,


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