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November 25, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-11-25

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_ . _

German Rearmament

THE FEARS of France and the naive op-
timism of the United States in regard
to German rearmament in these days of
danger and decision remind one of a
ludicrous game of charades wherein the
subject is nonexistent.
What both our amateur foreign policy
quarterbacks and the 19th century think-
ers of France seem to be overlooking in
their views of the German situation is
what would seem to be the crux of the
matter: the attitudes and abilities of the
Germans themselves.,
Granted that the policy of the German
mitilary staff, backed by a wealthy nucleus
of arms manufacturers, has been one of
conquest for half a century. Granted also
that the high technical achievements of
this "nation of destiny" make her a for-
midable military opponent whenever her re-
sources are equal to that achievement.
But the facts today are not the facts
of fifty years ago, or those of the age of
the twenties and thirties. Germany is
today a devastated land. Her every city,
,particularly the more industrial cities--
Berlin, Frankfurt, Essen, Stettin--has
been reduced to unseemly ruin.
This Germany of today is like the German
empire at the time of the Thirty Years
War. It is factually possible to say that
the nation could not wage a total war
during the remainder of the present cen-
That, in over-simple .fashion, perhaps,
could well refute the unreasoning fear of
the French as to the possibility of another
great Wermacht and the rolling of tanks
through Normandy. It should be added that
manpower potential lessened by the grave
losses of World War II is inadequate for such
an eventuality.
On the other side of the fence, though,
the grass is no greener for simplified gen-
eralization by U.S. international strategists.
In- backing a rearmed Germany as an
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

integrated portion of the Western European
defense organization, this country has over-
looked a most salient point.
The German people, who were blithely
singing "Deutschland Uber Alles" and
dreaming of a brighter future while Hitler's
armies were marching over all resistance,
are frankly sick and fearful of the whole
idea of war.
I talked to a former sergeant in the Nazi
army in Frankfurt this summer-in broken
English-German-French-and his view of
fighting again for leibensraum or any other
catch-phrase is fairly typical of the opinions
of the general public. He recounted the dirt
and the humility and the pain of the losing
battle of 1945, and the conclusion-"Pas en-
core," he said. No more. Never.
It is highly probable that the only real
possibility for a German army to take
part in the Atlantic Pact defense setup
would be found in the non-German por-
tions of the West German population-
the "DP's" from the Eastern satellites
and from the once-German parts of Si-
These people, who comprise anywhere
from seven to ten milion, the majority of
them' able-bodied males, are the chief re-
liance in Germany for any militaristic
sleight-of-hand. They are bitter against the
Russians, because they have been separated
from their homes and their families.
The recent anti-Adenauer trend in the
German election gives concrete ilustration
of the reticence of the German people in
regard to another Weltankampf, and illus-
trates the human element which may have
been neglected in our efficient but rather
naive dealings upon the rearmament ques-
At any rate, the problem of German
rearmament, far from being a simple one
of deciding how much that nation should
give to Atlantic defense and proceeding
from there, is a complex and delicate one.
It calls for a great deal iore statesman-
ship than has been shown by any of the
big three Western powers in their talks and
discussion on the question. It might be wise
hereafter to think of Germany in terms of
Germans and not simply in terms of a
mechanical fortress against the octopus-like
spread of Communism in Europe.
-George Flint.

Aid Program
WASHINGTON-It is becoming evident
that the Economic Aid phases of the
Truman administration's program to check
international Communist imperialism will
bear the brunt of attack in the new 82nd
Congress opening in January.
This is indicated in ananalysis of the
election returns and from the trend of
post-election statements.
Beyond the Marshall Plan program embod-
ied in ECA it includes the so-called Point 4
program for technical assistance to unde-
veloped nations, the export-import bank,
which makes loans for economic develop-
ment, and our reciprocal trade program. The
last is more in the picture now than ever
because its purpose of lowering trade bar-
riers can help our allies build up healthful
commerce and thus strengthen their econo-
mies to meet the communist challenge.
The new Congress will be called upon
not only for continuing appropriations for
the ECA and Point 4, but also once again,
as every three years, it must face the
question of renewing the reciprocal trade
authority to negotiate for tariff reduc-
tions. It expires June 30. The fight against
its renewal is expected to be heavier this
year than in the past.
A recommendation that renewal be for
four years this time is made in the compre-
hensive report on foreign economic policies
just completed for President Truman by
Gordon Gray, former assistant Secretary of
War, now president of the University of
North Carolina. Mr. Gray also recommended
that the lending authority of the export-
import bank be increased by Congress from
three-and-a-half billion to five billion dol-
IN VIEW OF the election results and the
intensified fight they forecast on the
foreign economic program, Mr. Gray's re-
port, the result of many weeks work, is
timely in its broad-guaged analysis of the
problems involved and its careful justifica-
tion of a continued program to build up the
economies of our allies to check Russian en-
croachments. It has become, in fact, a
manual for the administration in its coming
battle in Congress. Mr. Gray epitomized the
importance of the economic front when he
said in his report:
"The Soviet Union is desperately trying
to capitalize on the swelling social and
economic pressures now dominant
throughout the world. The free nations
can and must hold the initiative in this
area through a positive program of peace
and justice, and capable of attracting the
understanding and support of peoples
everywhere. Without such a program,
military strength may become ineffective
in years to come."
This applies particularly in underdevelop-
ed areas of the world, including much of
Asia, where low living standards of hun-
dreds of millions of people make them par-
ticularly subject to Communist blandish-
ments. Mr. Gray emphasized the importance
of the undeveloped areas in the problem we
face in winning people to our sides. There
the explosive forces exit. Some are strate-
gically located for Russia's purposes.
* * *
1 WIN AND HOLD these for ourselves
is the heart and center of our economic
program, including Point 4, for which Con-
gress finally made hardly more than a token
appropriation in its last session against
considerable resistance. It seems -hard to get
this idea over to our people and yet it is
something that we perhaps can understand
easier than any other people if we only
stop to consider. It embraces nothing more
than the simple job of helping other people
help themselves; it provides assistance to
promote industrial and agricultural de-
velopment, improvement of health and edu-
cation, utilization of resources such as
water for irrigation and power-all of which
are things we have done here so successfully
to build up a strong, vital nation that is im-
pervious to Communism.
Right before our eyes is a practical

demonstration of this process in the Inter-
national Bank for Reconstruction and'De-
velopment, a United Nations agency, di-
rected by an American, Eugene Black, Jr.,
of Atlanta, Georgia. In its four and a half
years of operation the international bank
has made a billion dollars of sound loans
for all sorts of development projects all
over the world and has, as well, sent out
technical experts to supervise such pro-
It can be done successfuly and we can
build good will for ourselves by doing more
of it on our own, as projected. -
(Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

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Stalin's Communism
AP Foreign Affairs Analyst
W HAT IS THIS "Marxist-Leninism as interpreted by Stalin," which
is the basis of Attorney-General McGrath's arraignment of the
American Communist Party before the new Subversives Activities
Control Board?
That question, in one form or another, has come to me more
frequently than any other, in the past five years, and has been dealt
with piecemeal frequently in this column. It will have to be dealt
with piecemeal again in this or any other brief article, for its ramifi-
cations fill hundreds of books. McGrath himself lists about a dozen.
* . * s
MY OWN SYNTHESIS, admittedly an oversimplification, is that
Marxist-Leninism as interpreted by Stalin is no longer Marxism nor
even Leninim. It is rather an attempt first to male a religion, and
then to use this religion as a weapon for the most cynical attempt in
history to further the traditional expansionist policies of Russia,
whether czaristic or Communist
Leninism, of course, continues to play its part in the portion
of the old revolutionary's teaching which his modernized disciples
choose to emphasize. The Communist Party in America, of course,
pretends to be working solely for the good future. To hear them
tell it, it is merely coincidental that their line sticks undeviatingly
to that of the Kremlin..
.But here are some of the precepts of "Marxist-Leninism as inter-
preted by Stalin" under which they work.
* * * .
THE COMMUNISTS, said Lenin, "Must everywhere create a
duplicate illegal apparatus, which, at the decisive moment, could
help the party to perform its duty to the revolution." This is to.
command an eventual armed uprising.
"Armed insurrection' against the state must be conducted
according to the rules of military science" after organization of
the broad masses into militant units," added the Comintern.
"What revolution," asks Stalin, "can be victorious without arms
and what revolutionary would say 'Down with arms'?" For real
victory, he adds, three things are needed: "First, we need arms;
second, arms; third, again and again, arms."
THE NEW AMERICAN Security Act is designed to strike against
the secrecy, the conspiratorial nature of the Communist organization.
McGrath's brief is itself only a piecemeal treatment of the
subject. The bibliography of "Marxist-Leninism as interpreted
by Stalin" grows more voluminous every day.
Fortunately for Americans who will take time to find out what
the Attorney General is talking about, there is one new book out which
does a great deal to correlate the more pertinent portions of many
others. It is "The Front Is Everywhere," by Lt. Col. William R.
Kintner, former member of the Department of Analysis and Research
at the General Staff School at Fort Leavenworth.
"The American Communist Party," he says, "as a division of
the Communist army, has a sector in the *orld battle line. While
the- sector is quiet, the American Communist Party undergoes ex-
tensive training preparing for violent action in the future."

The Daily welcomes - communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters whichsare signedb b the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Washington MerryGoARound

WASHINGTON-There were two things
that didn't meet the eye behind the
President's- recent statement that the Unit-
ed States had no military designs on China:
1.) The State Department had tried to
get General MacArthur to issue a somewhat
.similar statement but he refused.
2.) The Russian radio is waging a terrific
propaganda campaign to persuade the Chi-
nese that the United States is about to
r, bomb their major cities. That was why
residents of Canton were panic-stricken
over air-raid reports the other day.
To allay China's fears, Truman not only
issued his sudden White House statement,
but a copy of it was cabled to New Delhi,
India, where Ambassador Loy Henderson
handed it to Prime Minister Nehru. Hen-
derson, explaining that he was acting on
instructions from Washington, requested,
that the full text of Truman's statement
be -handed personally to Chinese President
Mao Tse-Tung in Peiping.
Incidentally, Henderson added that he did
not want the Indian Ambassador in Peiping,
Sardar Panniker, to add any comments of
his own in delivering the statement.. The
reason for Ambassador Henderson's crack
about Ambassador Panniker is because the
-atter is considered pro-Communist and has
At The Orpheum .. .
DAVID HARUM with Will Rogers and
Stephin Fetchit
MOST OF US Will Rogers is half-man,
half-myth. He is the purely American
figure whose epigrammatic wisdom was more
than a match for the educated craft of the
When people of his own time saw him in
the movies, I suspect they felt they were
watching a member of the family perform.
-This was just their Will Rogers playing as
David Harum, not an actor creating a role.
They were probably as tolerant and as
amused as people usually are in those cir-
Those of us who don't know him so inti-
mately are likely to be a little more critical.
As an actor he is only fair; as a myth he is,
at best, interesting. In the vehicle DAVID
HARUM he plays a "lovable" small town
banker who is philosopher, horse-trader,
Santa Claus and cupid. The plot is both
obvious and contrived. There are times' when
it is embarrassingly precious. It's principle
task of presenting Will Rogers in as many
feet as possible is accomplished though, and
those of you who like to find that legendary
figures are really flesh and blood after all
may find it worth your while.
There is one extraordinary feature of this
r+itnbirp that ~ is wrt~4hv n i-if n HnRt~ih ii

been muddying up relations between the
U.S.A. and China. At one time, the State
Department even requested Prime Minister
Nehru to fire him.
Note-Meanwhile, U.S. intelligence con-
tipues to be baffled over the behavior of
Chinese troops in North Korea. They melt
away before U.S. advances, apparently not
wanting to give battle. Either they have no
quarrel with the United States, or else are
sucking our troops into a trap.
holding a series of secret meetings to
prepare their budget estimates for Presi-
dent Truman. Their recommendations will
probably set the domestic economy for the
next- two years-how much taxes will be
increased, how high prices and wages will
rise, and whether rationing and price con-
trols will be ordered.
The meetings are still continuing, attend-
ed by Secretary of Defense Marshall, under-
secretary Lovett and the Joint Chiefs of
Staff. However, estimates have now been
trimmed down by $10,000,000,000 and the
military budget will be approximately $45,-
ton was recently illustrated by Williamn
Harrison, former head of International Tele-
phone and Telegraph, and now head of the
,National Production Authority. Summoning
his division chiefs, he categorically instruct-
ed them that at no time were any of them
ever to talk to the press.
Actually, Harrison's division chiefs are
highly important and responsible individuals,
quite capable of using their judgment in
press relations. Most of them believe that
newspaper support is far more important
to their job of increasing war production
than Harrison is to the newspapers.
(Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

U.S.-Russian . . .
To the Editor:
ALTHOUGH I believe Mr. George
Miller's letter comparing the
peace deeds of the US and USSR
contains its own refutations of
Prof. Slosson's main points of cri-
ticism, I think there is need for a
more analytical exposure of the
latter's fallacies.
Implicit in most of the profes-
sor's proposals for peace was the
proposition that if the USSR real-
ly wants peace she would abstain
from using the veto and would co-
operate in carrying out all pro-
posals of the majority. This view
misconceives the fundamental pur-
pose ( at least as originally con-
ceived) and value of the UN and
of the forces acting within the
world: the forces being those of
socialism, led by the USSR, and
those of capitalism, led by the US:
the purpose of the UN being to
reconcile the interests of these two
camps in an effort to maintain
peace. Now if by majority vote or
otherwise the US camp tries to
turn the UN into a sort of capi-
talist comintern, then the whole
value of the UN as a peace instru-
Ament is destroyed.
I am sure that Prof. Slosson is
sincere when he bases his own op-
position to Communist countries
on the basis of what he (and for
a good part, myself also) believes
to be their undemocratic practices,
But he commits the fallacy of pro-
jecting his own democratic views
into the US foreign policy. If he
were correct, why is the US sup-
porting quasi-fascist ,governments
in China (now in Formosa), in
Turkey, in Greece, in Argentina
in South Korea, in the Union of
South Africa (which recently in-
vaded South-West Africa without
a murmer from Austin in the UN),
in colonial areas such as Viet Nam
and now even in Franco Spain? !
marvellous record for the "citade
of democracy!" But rather I sub-
mit that the US is the citadel o
capitalism and that we oppose
Communism, not out of any de-
votion to democratic principles, but
out of a baser devotion to the eco-
nomic needs of capitalism. The
needs dictate a war economy (sad
"Good news from Korea is send-
ing chills down the backs of th
top men in Washington.") At homi
it was not devotion to democrac3
which passed the McCarren bill.
These are the illusions of U
foreign policy: 1) that we can vote
our way to peace through the UN
and 2) that our goal is the pro-
tection of democracy. That hones
and intelligent men like Prof. Slos.
son have swallowed them whol
indicates a dark future indeed.
-Bob Lynch
* *
Germany .
To the Editor:
IN A recent article, Professor Pol-
lock was quoted as asking fo
t h e rearmament of German
against Communism.
Professor Pollock forgets wh(
was our ally in the last world wa:
and who was our enemy.
Perhaps it was a misfortune tha

' 7

the Soviet people broke the back
of the German war machine at
Stalingrad. Perhaps it would have
been better to have allowed the Na-

zis to overrun France and Aus-
tria, Poland and Denmark, and all
of Europe, with impunity.
"Germans know somewhat bet-
ter than we do how to fight Com-
munism," says Pollock. Yes, the
German fascists were masters at
fighting Communists and all other
"undesirables" with concentration
camps. Yes, they were masters at
fighting Communists and other_
minorities with gas chambers. Yes,f
their Ilse Koch's were masters at
fighting Communists and Jews by
making lamp shades out of them.i
What a wonderful ally, these fas-
cists! What valuable experience
they have!
Tl e German people are not ask-
fing to be rearmed. "But some of
the old generals and a good many
former Nazi SS officers are inter-
ested," says Pollock. Those genial
"old generals": what a pity they'
led the slaughter against our sol-
diers; what a pity they put their
iron heels on Paris and Prague and
Vienna. They were mistaken in le-
velling Warsaw; they should have
levelled Moscow. But we must
overlook such "mistakes." They
are only human.
And the Nazi SS officers: what
splendid comrades-in-arms they
would make: they could put fear
into the hearts of all Europe; they
could make short work with all
"Communist" nonsense about im-
proving living conditions; they'
could turn brother against brother.
Students, we must think serious-
ly about the great advantages of
allying with the old generals and
SS men who martyred Lidice
They would bemverydvaluable
against the Red Army which liber-
ated Lidice- and which is honored
as a savior by all Lidice's surviv-
-Myron Sharpe, Grad.
* * *
Our Hero . .
To the Editor:
THERE ARE men known to plen-
ty and men known to fame who
have fought for the U. of M,
But our Robert T. Swartz is the
strongest,.-the bravest, the brash-
est of them.
One day our bold Roby, while
looking to see what he could see,
Stumbled upon The Michigan
Daily brazenly dropping an E.
"O Chronicle," said Bobby, "is
existance so dull you must resort
to the smear?
Oh infidel know you have trod
on the toe of a name we all re-
"Young man," quoth the rag,
"we'll have you to know
Our motto is 'Brevity'-the K
ust go."
Straightforth our bold Roby his
pen draw out,
"Green E" was the battle cry he
so loudly did shout;
"To hell with your damned E
the Daily retorted,"
. And rolling its presses its opin-
ion supported.
For days the battle 'aged far

The multitudinous horrors we
cannot confide.
" * *
By the banks of' the Iuron is
writ on a tablet in characters clear,
"Oh stranger remember to pray
for The Daily we all hold so dear."
While out in the light of the
tavern, consuming by quarts,.
An Arborite maiden doth weep
for the soul of her dear Roby
-John David Marks, '50
* . * *
To the 'Point.. .
To the Editor:
AS TO Preston Slosson's answer
to this fellow Miller-never be-
fore have I seen such concise and
complete answers and furthermore
these answers, (the validity of
which can hardly be debated, as
most of us are in strict agreement
with them) are right to the point.
Mr. Stegner also spoke for many
of us when he stated in essence-
"who can be so gullible as to swal-
low Miller's bosh and restatement
of 'the Big Lie'?"
Congratulations to these two-
they have done a fine job in the
interests of thinking people.
-Marlin Adams
Music Criticism .,.
To the Editor:
Mr. Harvey Gross for his re-
marbable commentary on Solo-
mon's recent marvelous perform-
ance. Mr. Gross is-showing a defi-
nite improvement over his Lauritz
Melchior criticisms. I am sure that,
if he continues this improvement,
he will never have to undergo the
painful process of trepanning.
--Lee Nelles
'Prgvocation' in Warsaw
Mr. John O. Rogge's expedition
to the World Peace Congress in
Warsaw appears to be taking an
adventuresome turn. Communist-
run gatherings such as this one
are invariably noted for their har-
mony; the delegates think alike,
talk alike, act alike-do everything
except dress alike. Obviously the
only values of such a meeting are
propagandistic, and even then it is
a case of preaching to the con-
Into this cozy little gathering,


American delegate, has now in-
jected a note of disunity by mildly
suggesting that Russia is equally
responsible with America for the
tense state of ;the world today. He
said that the Russians preached
peace and - practiced aggression,
that the Congress was regarded by
many persons as a Soviet tool, and
that he personally would not sign
the Stockholm peace'appeal today.
These were harsh words for a
Communist audience, and it re-
sponded in kind.
Mr. Rogge, of course, goes a good
deal further toward meeting the
Communists than many of his
countrymen are willing to do. His
advocacy of Yugoslavia as a model
third-force nation will not find
too many ardent supporters here-
--New York Herald Tribune



Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
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At Lydia Mendelssohn,.
A Bill of One-Act Plays: "PULLMAN CARI
Hiawatha" by Thornton Wilder, "THE
Giraudoux, "RIDERS .TO THE SEA" by
John Millington Synge, and "THE BOOR"
by Anton Chekov.
THE STUDENTS of the University's
Speech Department deserve a long cur-
tain call for the bill of one-act plays they
produced Thursday and Friday nights. With
almost polished professionalism they ran
through a gamut of theatrical expression:
from Wilder's naked symbolism to Synge's
classic tragedy.
In "Pullman Car Hiawatha" which relates

fit in the evening's schedule. The play is not
so well known that a scene can be presented
out of context with the expectation that it
will be completely understood and appreciat-
ed. The relation of the part to the whole -is
missing. All that is left is several vivid char-
acter portrayals.
"Riders to the Sea" which could have been
so easily hammed up, was handled in an
admirably subdued manner. Though occa-
sionally the full emotion was not expressed
and some of the dialect was inaudible to the
audience, the cold soul-breaking acceptance
of the sea's malignancy was achieved.
Chevov's "Boor," was given an extreme in-
terpretation that gave life to the otherwise
drab script.


and wide;

iMr. Rogge,

a self-appointedI


Ellen, this roost goose
is simply delicious-
We're grateful to you
f or nn it. mother.

Pop bought that goose t the butcher shop-

TRaf w

He still has his
Nill be all, son. vivid imagination,
doesn't he, mother?


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