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October 22, 1950 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1950-10-22

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1 .

United Nations Day

WASHINGTON-If any proof is needed
that an alert and active public opinion
eventually has its effect on political leaders,
look at a case history of the United Nations.
That international organization has be-
come a live and effective agency.
The reason may be found in the strong
support of it by our people, a support which
is illustrated just now in the rapidly spread-
ing movement to plant the U. N. flag in
every corner of our nation and the extensive
preparations to celebrate United Nations
Day, October 24, in every part of our land.
* * *
THESE, however, are but public and phy-
sical manifestations of a devotion to the
principles of the United Nations, deep-seated
in our people, which was an impelling force
in its creation five years ago in our own
San Francisco, and which finally estab-
lished such confidence among our own of-
ficials that President Truman was embolden-
ed to call upon the U. N. for its big test in
meeting the North Korean Communist ag-
gression. Since then the U. N. has moved
rapidly and courageously from one step to
another to create real collective security
among nations.'
It is not difficult to organize our big
cities for movements of one sort and an-
other-when there is public backing-be-
cause of experience and facilities of civic
groups, and that is being done all over
the country today for United Nations Day.
The real test is when the spirit of people
shows itself on the village green and the
town square, for that represents a welling-up
at the springs of our democracy, an out-
pouring of individual conviction and sincer-
ity, even as in 1775 and 1776 when the liber-
ty poles began to appear on village greens.
of that day.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily.
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

RECENTLY at Martinsville, Virginia, 2,500
people of that community gathered in a
ceremony sponsored by American Legion
Post 642 and raised a United Nations flag'
in the public square before the courthouse'
and dedicated a United Nations plaque to,
the men of the town and county "who are
fighting and dying under the U. N. flag for
a free and peaceful world." That means
something, something in the nature of a
spiritual shot fired 'round the world.
You jump from there, say o Denver,
where the American Legion has dedicated
a square to the United Nations, and has
taken upon itself the job of caretaker for,
the memorial and where the legion auxili-
ary is setting a record as one of the mak-
ers of most U. N. flags. Then skip to Co-
lumbus, Ohio, which has arranged one
of the most inclusive citywide celebrations
of United Nations Day and is sending a
whole trainload of people, 500, to Lake
Success to watch the. U. N. In operation.
So it goes all over the country.
The intensity and diversity of public sup-
port for the U. N. is. denoted in the fact
that the National Citizens' Committee for
United Nations Day, which is headed by
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, embraces 82
organizations representing business, farmers,
labor, veterans, churches, religious organiza-
tions, newspapers, magazines, radio, moving
pictures, education, civic groups, service
clubs, and so on through every strata of
our national life.
This committee is sponsoring the U. N.
flag movement which is being carried on by.
a national committee directing boys and
girls club work, with headquarters at Chi-
While the making flags started among
farm women, it now has spread to women's
groups and everywhere. Orders are going
into Chicago at the rate of 2,000 a day for
the flag-making kits, with a total of 35,.
000 orders already. In North Carolina,
farm extension service groups are making
8,000 flags, of which 500 will go overseas.
The U. N. flag is becoming a familiar sym-
That's what you have done for the na-
tion-and the world.
(Copyright 1950. by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

Rent Control

THE FEDERAL Rent Control Bill dies at
the end of this year if Congress does not
see fit to renew it. However, under a local
option clause in the bill controls can be as-
sumed by the city council.
Ann Arbor's City Council has already
set up a committee to investigate the need
for rent control but the members of the
committee will not be appointed until
November 6. Because their committee will
be pressed for time Student Legislature
has decided to have foundation material
ready for them.
Student Legislature's Subcommittee on
At The Michigan.. .
OUR VERY OWN with Farley Granger,
Ann Blyth and Joan Evans.
"Produced by Sam Goldwyn" is a famous
credit line' and it appears on a screen about
twice a year. Known in the trade as a me-
ticulous movie maker and a very shrewd
operator, he is able to command choice
bookings and his motion pictures have
gained a reputation for quality.Never a close
man with a dollar when. he considers it
wisely spent, he has consistently offered
huge expert casts liberally sprinkled with
talented discoveries unearthed by his ener-
getic staff. He is perhaps Hollywood's lead-
ing independent producer.
But. I think the time haq come to sound a
note of warning about Mr. Goldwyn's pic-
tures. Our Very Own is a prime example. Re-
lentlessly ballyhooed, extravagantly praised
by many famous personages, in and out of
filmdom, the picture strikes a specious note
almost from the very beginning and sustains
it to the very end with one notable excep-
tion. Mr. Goldwyn's idea (and by inference,
Hollywood's) of American life is upper mid-
dle-class, all sweetness and light, intense
feeling for the group (in this case substitute
family) and hardly any false moves.
In this effort, a happy, well-adjusted
girl of eighteen, learns that she is an
adopted child and three-quarters of the
picture is devoted to her attempts to
shake off her first great sense of shock
and rejoin her family group where -Mr.
Goldwyn obviously thinks she belongs.
This reviewer has no quarrel with the cen-
tral idea. Hackneyed though it is, in com-
petent hands it might have had a chance.
Our Very Own is, like many of Mr. Gold-,
wyn's chronicles of America, big, glossy and
technically sumptous. It is peopled with
competent actors. F. Hugh Herbert (creator
of Corliss Archer) was responsible for the
script and must share equal blame for the
sententious end product. The only bright
spot is a superb performance by Ann Dvorak
as the adopted child's real mother and it is
almost worth the price of admission, but
not quite.

Rent Control has already begun its own in-
vestigations which it hopes will help the
city council in making its decision.
After more than a week of discussion and
fact-finding the subcommittee has discover-
ed that decontrols may eventually affect the
financial status of every person in the city.
Only those living in private homes and
apartments will be directly affected by ris-
ing rents, but all others in Ann Arbor will
be faced with a higher cost of living.
For with a rise in rents a cycle of higher
prices for other commodities begins and
everyone's pocketbook is hit. If food prices
were to get caught in the cycle even Univer-
sity residence hall fees would be forced up by
the removal of rent controls.
SL's method of circulating petitions .in
favor of rent control is aimed at giving both
students and townspeople a chance to ex-
press their feelings.
Those circulating the petitions are in-,
terested in learning the reasons behind the.
reaction to them.
,People wishing to completely express their
views will be welcome to participate in com-
mittee hearings and discussions on the topic.
There are two types of petition; one for
students and the other for registered voters
of Ann Arbor. Registered voters are being
approached, chiefly ,y townspeople who
are helping SL with this project.
Everyone can aid SL when it presents its
findings to the city council's committee by-
expressing themelves thus helping to gather
the complete facts.
Leah Marks
New Books
Cronin, A. J.,, The Spanish Gardener Bos-.
ton, Little, Brown & Company, 1950
Daniels, Jonathan, The Man of Indepen-
dence Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co.,
Miller, Lee G., The Story of Ernie Pyle New
York, The Viking Press, 1950.
Reeves, George S., A Man from South Da-
kota New York, E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc. 1950
Seveisky, Alexander P. De, Air Power New
York, Simon & Schuster, 1950
Thirkell, Angela, County Chronicle New
York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1950
kiey To Utopia
THE FUTURE of civilization depends on
our overcoming the meaninglessness and
hopelessness w h i c h characterize the
thoughts and convictions, of men today,
and reaching a state of fresh hope and
fresh determination. We shall be capable
of this, however, only when the majority
of individuals discover for themselves both
an ethic and a profound and steadfast at-
titude of world and life affirmation, in a
theory of the universe at once convincing
and based on reflection.
--Albert Schweitzer
Snmity . unreme

It Seems toMe
THE GOVERNMENT today is bending
every effort to get the nation prepared
in case the leaders in the Kremlin decide
to start a war,
Korea has shown how weak we are mili-
tarily. The military planners tell us that
we must have so many divisions, so many
ships and so many squadrons if we are to
achieve an adequate defense in case of
war with Russia.
But what will happen if there is no move
by the Red Army over a long period of
Suppose the Kremlin continues the policy
of letting the satellites fight the wars, and
continues stirring up trouble in other coun-
tries by fomenting disorders and strikes?
In such a case, as in Korea, no Russian
troops would be involved and the Soviet
Union could assume a completely neutral
role. Revolutions in Indo-china, in Iran,
or in any other country could legally be
called internal struggles and the Russians
could not be tagged as aggressors.
What purpose, then, would our giant re-
armament program serve? Could our gov-
ernment continue for any length of time
to sell the American people on the large
taxes, the economic controls and the pri-
vation- that goes with this preparedness
It seems to me that we in this country
are placing entirely too much emphasis on
the direct threat of the Red Army, and not
enough emphasis on the threat of internal
uprisings throughout the world conducted
by local communist armies. It is extremely
doubtful whether the American people will
permit the use of our boys to police the
whole world and fight communist upris-
ings wherever they occur.
Soviet leaders are smart enough to see
that conditions are ripe for change in most
of the Far Eastern countries, that the
Asiatics are tired of foreign domination and
domestic corruption by public servants. The
Soviet leaders recognize that this situation
exists in many other countries, in the
Middle East, in Africa and even in som
South American countries.
It doesn't take a lot of imagination to
see that if the Soviet leaders can grab
control of the revolutionary movements
within these countries, they can make tre-
mendous gains toward their goal of world
domination without one Red soldier ever
stepping across the Russian border.
Desperate peasants in China, in Indo-
china or in Burma are not so interested in
whether a group of communists has taken
control of their resistance organization;
what they want is a change-any kind of
change-and American warnings about the
evils of communism and Russian domina-
tion make no impression at all.
America, in this situation, -has two
choices: it can adopt an all-out military
policy and take on the tremendous task,
perhaps impossible task, of becoming the
free world's policeman; or, in addition to
preparing itself against Russian attack, it
can launch an all-out social and economic
campaign throughout the world to improve
the living standards of the millions of poor
and unfortunate people to whom com-
munism makes its greatest appeal.
If we follow only the strong military
policy, as seems to be the tendency, and
attempt to stop revolutions all over the
world without thought to the causes of these
revolutions, we could go bankrupt in the
process. We will get more and more govern-
ment controls and higher and higher taxes.
And all this time the Russians can sit back
and watch us expend our resources, hold-
ing all their strength for the opportune
time when we have worn ourselves out.
On the other hand, if we spend a few

billions, not millions or thousands, to im-
prove conditions in backward areas, to give
people work and a decent, wage, we can
take the initiative away froln the com-
munists and defeat them at their own game.
In the'long run this course will be much
cheaper than the militarist one because
armies and weapons solve none of the prob-
lems and therefore the job never ends.
Economic rehabilitation, on the other hand,
offers the hope that the patient's illness
can be overcome and' that he can then
take care of his own affairs.
The big question is whether we are smr t
enough to see this situation. If we are it
is about time we begin doing something
about it.
ment threatened "drastic action" if stu-
dents persisted in parking in front of Uni-
versity Hall.
Four U.S. Army airplanes (aeroplanes
then) completed a 9,000 mile round trip
to Alaska begun July 15.
A student editorial suggested the revival
of Tap Room singing of old Michigan songs
as a possible cure for failing school spirit.
Bruce Palmer, '31, exhorted entering fresh-
men to buy the Gargoyle because it con-.

The Week's News
* *
r r
J -^
rr / i rt "+yr
-Daiiy-Bil Hampton
But dammit, I thought It was October'
* * * *
F OR THE BETTER PART of this week, An~ Arbor sweltered its
way through an eighty-degree Indian Summer, emerging at the
end with a cool Homecoming game. This arrangement seems to
suit most people, although lonesome professors had a few gripes.
Local .. .
PLEDGING-Tuesday's Daily was a sought-after issue in Greek
circles this week, as students eagerly scanned the long list of new
fraternity pledges in hopes of finding a familiar name. The Inter-
fraternity Council announced Tuesday that more than 470 men
had pledged 41 fraternities in what was termed a satisfactory Fall
rushing session.
SCREEN STRUCK?-Four million dollars worth of motion picture
theatre stock passed into the hands of the University this week, as the
Board of Regents completed a complicated agreement with the United
Paramount Theatres Inc.
The acquisition will involve no use of University funds, according
to President Alexander G. Ruthven, who said that payment will extend
over a number of years.$
The transaction involved 37,500 shares of Class B stock in the
W. S. Butterfield Theatres, Inc. and 6,940 shares of Butterfield Mich-
igan Theatres Co. Class B stock.
These two companies control 112 theatres in Michigan, including
all five Ann Arbor movie palaces.
* . . .
ARSON ACTION-Robert H. Stacy, charged with arson in the Haven
Hall fire, spent a second week In jail, a week marked by another
confession, a repudiation of all his previous admissions, and an ap-
pearance in court. On Monday, police announced that Stacy had
admitted snatching 16 purses.e
However, on Thursday, after his lawyer had spoken with him
several times, Stacy repudiated all his previous confessions. The
Local ..*
UNHAPPY THANKSGIVING-It appeared, late this week, that stu-
dent plans for a Thianksgiving holiday are fated to be centered
around Ann Arbor, just as in past years.
The University's Conference of Deans, it was revealed last week,
turned down the suggestion tendered them by the Student Legisla-
ture in regard to a long Thanksgiving weekend. The SL had proposed4
that classes be held on the Saturdays immediately preceding Christ-
mas and Spring vacations in place of those on the Friday and Satur-
day following Thanksgiving.
"We are sort of discouraged," said. several students.
AroundThe World...
UN-The Political Committee of the UN last week gave their formal
OK to a plan for speedy General Assembly action against aggression.
The plan, first proposed by Secretary of State Dean Acheson, provides,
among other things, for convention of the General Assembly within
24 hours if the Security Council is blocked by a veto in the event of
aggression or threat to peace.k
It provides for the establishment of a peace observation commis-
sion, which would survey and report on any area where there is
international tension. A rare instance of big-power agreement was
shown when Russia was placed as a member of this trouble-shooting
KOREA-The Korean war appeared much nearer to cnclusion this
week, as UN forces plowed easily to the North Korean capital city of
Pyongyang and beyond. Two battalions of U.S. paratroopers jumped
ito enemy territory Friday, about 30 miles north of Pyongyang, and
were joined by a spearhead of South Korean land troops. This action

effectively locked a trap on the Korean Reds remaining south of this
point, according to General MacArthur.
National .. .
IKE FOR PRESIDENT?-Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower was backed
this week as 1952 GOP presidential candidate by University alumnus
Thomas E. Dewey, who has had experience along such lines himself.
Eisenhower thanked Gov. Dewey for the endorsement, but indicated
that he hadn't changed his mind about entering politics. This was
interpreted as meaning Ike would accept the nomniation if drafted
into it.
BIG WORDS-Gen. Douglas MacArthur has often contended that
Asiatic people would best understand an American policy of strength
and firmness. When Harry S. Truman flew half-way across the-Pacific
to meet MacArthur last week, he apparently heard the same thing
reiterated. At any rate, when Truman made his tough-sounding for-
eign policy speech Tuesday night, the words could well have come
from the mouth of Douglas MacArthur. "This country is ready to
fight Russian aggression any place in the world," Truman boldly
asserted. He pledged U.S. military support for all the peoples of
Asia to help "attain and defend their independence." We want peace,
Truman said, "but it must be a peace founded on justice."
I' * *
STIMSON DEATH-Henry L. Stimson, former Secretary of State and
Secretary of War under three presidents, died as the result of a heart
attack Friday night. The famous statesman was 83 years old,
* * *. *
BIG WIND-Florida's East Coast had a run-in with a small but de-
termined hurricane this week, emerging from the encounter with two
casualties and several million dollars damage. The storm blew itself
out on Wednesday, after devastating several small towns near Miami.
Chuck Elliott and Bob Keith


(Continued from page 2)
Engineering Office permanently
and are very important for cur-
rent interviews with representa-
tives from industry, as well as for
future reference when you may
wish to change positions.
Opportunities for Employment
in American Centers Abroad. The
Bureau of Appointments has re-
ceivedra number of requests for
teachers for American Centers.
Elementary teachers are needed as
well as teachers in certain secon-
dary fields. For furtherainforma-
tion regarding types of positions
and qualification requirements
call at the office of the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Administra-
tion Bldg.
University Community Center,
Willow Run Village.
Sun., Oct. 22, Village Church
Fellowship (interdenominational):
10:45 a.m., Church Services. 4:30
p.m., Discussion and Study Group,
Pot-luck Supper.
Mon., Oct. 23 8 p.m., Water
Color Class,.Organizational meet-
ing; Modern Dance Class; Nursery,
Junior Study Group.'
Tues., Oct. 24, 8 p.m., Bridge
and Canasta; Nursery, Senior
Study Group.
Wed., Oct. 25, 8 p.m., Refresh-
ment Committee meeting; Sports;
Ceramics; Great Books Discussion
Thurs., Oct. 26, 8 p.m., Tryouts
for Annual Fashion Show; Music
and Art Discussion Group; Cera-
mics; Choir Practice.
University Lecture; auspices of
the Department of Physics. "Mi-
crowave Optics" (with demonstra-
tions). Professor Charles Luther
Andrews, Chairman, Department
of Physics, New York State College
for Teachers, Albany, and Re-
search Physicist, General Electric
Company. 4:15 p.m., Tues., Oct.
24, West Lecture Room, West Phy-
sics Building.
Academic Notices
Preliminary Examinations in
English: Candidates for the Ph.D.
degree in English who expect to
take the preliminary examinations
this summer are requested to
leave their names with Dr. Ogden,
3230 Angell Hall, at once. The ex-
aminations will be given as fol-
lows: English Literature to 1550,
November 21; English Literature,
1550-1750, November 25; English
Literature, 1750-1950, November
28; and American Literature, De-
cember 2. Both the Tuesday and
the Saturday examinations will be
given in the School of Business
Administration, Room 69, at 9 a.m.
Mathematics Colloquium. Math-
ematics Lecture: Prof. H. W. Turn-
bull, University of St. Andrews,
Scotland, will speak on "Recent
Discoveries of Newton Papers," at
I4:15 p.m., Tues., Oct. 24th, 3011
Angell Hall. All those interested
are invited.
Events Today
Roger Williams Guild: 10 a.m.,
Bible Study. 6 p.m., Supper and
discussion at Guild House. Student
Panel: "Christian Ethics in Stu-
dent Life."
Canterbury Club: 9 a.m., Holy
Communion followed by Student
Breakfast. 5 p.m., Evening Prayer
followed by supper in Canterbury
House. Mr. Arthur Howard will
speak'on "India-Missionary Coun-
Congregational, Disciples, Evan-
gelical and Reformed Guild. Meet
at the Congregational Church, 6
p.m., supper followed by an ad-
dress, "An Optimistic View of Fur-
ther Reconstruction in Europe"
by Wolfgang Hasenclever, of Bad-
godesberg, Germany, and a brief

worship service.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
4 p.m., Lane Hall Fireside Room.
Rev. Henry VanTil, Professor of
Bible at Calvin College, will speak.
"What About the Bible?"
Wesley Foundation: 9:30 a.m.,
Seminar and breakfast in the Pine
Room. 5:30 p.m., Supper. 6:30
p.m., George Meader will speak on
"Christianity and World Politics."
Dr. Imo Hela, Thalassologist of
the Institute of Marine Research,
University of Helsinki, and Profes-
sor of Geophysics, will be at the
International Center at 8 p.m. He
would like to meet all faculty
members and students who are in-
terested in his field for an informal
discussion, as well as all Scandi-
navian students.
Faculty Concert by Elizabeth
Green, violinist, 8:30 p.m., Mon.,,
Oct. 23, Lydia Mendelssohn The-

atre. Accompanied by Jacqueline
Rosenblatt, Miss Green will play
Concerto in D major by Mozart,
Sonata in G minor, No. 1, for vio-
lin alone; Variations on a theme
by Corelli, written by Tartini, Jeu-
nes Filles au Jardin by Mampeu,
Spanish Dance by Granados, Sea
Murmurs by Castelnuovo-Tedesco,
Gigue from the Duo for violin and
piano by Stravinsky; Spanish
Dance No. 8, Op. 26 by Sarasate.
Open to the public.
The Boston Symphony Orches-
tra, Charles Munch, Conductor,
will give the second concert in the
Choral. Union Series, Sun., Oct.
22, 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium. On
this. occasion Mr. Munch will pre-
sent a program of Beethoven mu-
sic, as follows: Overture to "Fide-
lio"; Symphony No. 1 in C major;
and Symphony No. 3 in E-flat
major (Erocia).
The Orchestra will appear in'a
second concert Wed., Oct. 25, in
the Extra Concert Series, in a {
varied program of music by Han-
del, Debussy, Roussel and Brahms.
Tickets are on sale at the office Y
of the University Musical Society
in Burton Tower daily; and one
hour before each performance at
the box office in Hill Auditorium.
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
Live jam session, 8:15 p.m., League.
Admission free.
University of Michigan Soaring
Club: Flying at Washtenaw Air-
port (Jackson Road). Transporta-
tion from E. Engineering Bldg. at
9 a.m. If weather is doubtful con-
tact Jim Clark. Ph. 38398.
Graduate Outing Club: Hiking
followed by picnic. All graduate
students invited. Meet at the
northwest corner of Rackham at
2:15 p.m.
Inter-Arts Union: Meeting, 2
p.m., League. Interested persons
Coming Events

Electrical Engineering Depart-
ment Research Discussion Group:
First meeting at 4 p.m., Tues., Oct.
24, 2084 E. Engineering Bldg. All
graduate students, advanced un-
dergraduates and faculty are in-
vited. H. W. Batten and W. W.
Peterson will discuss "Induced
Currents in Electronic Devices."
Lecture on Labor Relations: A
lecture-discussion on the topic
"Five years of Industrial Peace,"
concerning General Motors recent
five-year labor contract., will be
presented by a member of GM La-
bor Relations Staff; auspices of
Delta Sigma Pi, Professional Bus-
iness Fraternity. 8 p.m., Tues.,
Oct. 24, 130 Business Administra-
tion Bldg.


Le Cercle Francais: Meeting,
Tues., Oct. 24, 8 p.m. New mem-
bers admitted.
Michigan Educatibn Club: Tues. -
Oct. 24, 7:30 p.m., Union. "Rookie
Teacher Panel" will discuss the
problems of the first year teacher.
(Continued on Page 7)

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Controi of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown............Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger............City Editor
Roma Lipsky.........Editorial Director
Dave Thomas... ........ . Feature Editor
Janet watts... .........ssoci.. Editor
Nancy Bylan. .A........ Associate Editor
James Gregory ........ Associate Editor
Bill Connolly............ Sports Editor.
Bob Sandell. Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton. Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans.......... Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels........Business Manager
Waiter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible..Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau....... Finance Manager
Carl Breitkreitz.... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise creditec to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.


The drive is a big success. And
. saw the toys Barnoby left out
Saturday night. In the pile down
at the toy depot. They got there
okay. With so many volunteer
collectors there was confusion-'.

F,=w w WM0% )

Barnaby! The toys were
collected by volunteer
workers. REAL. people-

L its C,. J,PMy Fairy Godfather SAID
people kept getting in his
way. But he and his helpers
finally got the job done-


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