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November 04, 1949 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1949-11-04

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FMA,4Y, -XOVE1W$EPU -, 1949



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Officers Fete Fortnite Winners

Assembly and the Association of

Independent Men cemented re]
tions when AIM's officers escort
Fortnite activity award winn(
to dinner this week.
With the usual gallantry d:
played by members of AIM, Me
vin Failer, vice-president of t
group, called for Pat Reed, jun
winner. President, Walt Hans(
had the unique privilege of acco
panying the other two hono:
guests, Marylin Klafer and Jc
Giessow, sophomore and freshmr
However, the ratio was made
little more typical when they wE

later joined by AIM's secretary,
Cal Klyman.
Between courses (which, inci-
dently, were reported to be of the
finest quality) current campus
politics were discussed. In addi-
tion, the coed guests assisted their
escorts in planning the agenda
for the AIM meeting which was to
take place that night.
During the evening, it was
learned that the Association had
had tentative plans for enter-
taining all the independent wom-
en at dinner. However, due to the
number of coeds involved and the
resulting costs, it was decided that
such a plan would be infeasible.


beauty for legs
20 denier sheer
short, medium, long

Senior Coeds
Will Begin
New Activity
Senior women now have a new
activity. Senior Project, which has
been created by the League Coun-
Women working on this project
will join last year's JGP committee
in presenting the dinner and pro-
gram for Senior Night.
Senior Night is a traditional
celebration held on the opening
night of the Junior Girls' Play. At
this time the junior coedsyper-
form for an audience of "senior
women only." Preceding J.G.P.'s
first presentation there is a
march of senior women and a ban-
quet given in their honor.
* * *
AT JGP opening night, senior
women don their caps and gowns
and senior nurses model their
white caps for the first time.
Senior Project positions open
for petitioning are: general
chairman, the coordinator and
general planner who will be in
charge of the senior march and
general organizing; assistant
chairman, in charge of dinner
arrangements and reservations;
ticket chairman; patrons and
invitation chairman; publicity
chairman, and decorations
The chairman and the director
of last year's JGP, Ginny Camp-
bell and Betty Jo Faulk, will work
together as co-chairmen of the
* * *
SPECIFIC DUTIES of the chair-
men will be posted in the Under-
graduate Office of the League,
Nov. 16 through Nov. 25.
Petitions for Senior Project
positions may be obtained from
2 to 5 p.m. Nov. 16 to Nov. 21.
Questions concerning the new
activity will be answered by
members of the League Inter-
viewing Council at this time.
Interviewing will be held on Nov.
22, 23 and 25. Seniors may sign
up for interviews in the Under-
graduate Office of the League be-
ginning Nov. 8.
Since Senior Project is a new
activity, it offers a unique oppor-
tunity for original ideas. It is also
a chance for senior women to en-
ter into League activity.
Hillel To Hold
Special Meeting
At Foundation
Revitalization of Hillel's social,
religious and cultural program will
be the keynote of a special open
meeting to be held Sunday, Nov. 6
at the Foundation.
Hillel's officers urge all people
who are interested in any plans of
Hillel's activities to attend the
meeting and to offer their criti-
cisms and suggestions. The gath-
ering is being sponsored to en-
courage students to express their
expectations regarding the organi-
zation's program.
This will mark the first time
that Hillel has ever subjected its
policy making directly to student
opinion. The organization hopes to
recruit future officers and council
members from those who come to
the meeting.
Villel intends to make periodic
student assemblies a permanent
part of its program to better rep-
resent and serve the needs of the

student body.I

on ge ouJe
With the arrival of Old Man Winter the wave of hayrides which
hit campus last weekend seem to have dwindled as shivering students
prepare to seek diversion from the unhappy thought of past bluebooks
and'those yet to come.
* * * *
SIG EP PLEDGES will make their debut tomorrow at a pledge
formal to be held at the Washtenaw Country Club. George Irving, so-
cial chairman, promised that the dinner at the Union preceding the
formal will be "sumptuous, needless to say." Guests will dance to the
music of Dave Wise amidst decorations garnished in royal scarlet and
purple, the "flaming colors" of the fraternity, and maize and blue. Fall
will provide the secondary theme.
* '* * *
BIG SISTERS at Jordan Hall have planned a mixer tonight to in-
troduce their little sisters to the little brothers of Prescott House. Get-
acquainted games, including a broom dance, will be featured. There
will be dancing, and checkers, cards, chess and other games. Corn will
be popped in the fireplace.
* '. * *
A HARVEST THEME will prevail tomorrow at Phi Tau's Hard
Times Party. Decorations will consist of corn stalks, hay and pump-
kins. Refreshments of cider and spudnuts are to be served.
* * * *
THE SAM HOUSE will resemble a football stadium tomorrow when
members and guests from other fraternities assembly with their dates
for a gala evening. A buffet supper featuring southern fried chicken
and shrimp will precede an informal dance. Records will be manned by
house disc jockeys who will dispense chatter over a PA system.
TREASURER-SEEKING Delta Chi's and their dates will be pros-
pecting around Ann Arbor in a '49er gold rush tomorrow guided only
by a series of poetic clues. When the treasure hunters return to the
house there will be a get-acquainted party featuring novel dances to
introduce the pledges.
* * * *
ATO "BUMS" will congregate for a Hard Times Party tomorrow.
* * * *
PIFFLOPUFFS will furnish something different in the way of re-
freshments at Acacia's informal dance tomorrow. Purdue and Michi-
gan colors will predominate in the decorations. A buffet supper will
be served after the game.
* * * *
WARMLY DRESSED residents of Gurley League House will treat
their guests to a hayride tonight. They will stop along the way to roast
weinies and marshmallows.
* * * *
ALSO BRAVING THE WEATHER will be the Delta Sigma Pi's,
who have slated a hayride and wienie roast for tomorrow night.
ADMISSION to the AK Psi's record dance tomorrow will be a
record. "That's the only way we ever get any records around here,"
said Jim McStocker, social chairman. He added that he would "rip
up the rugs and have a little floorshow."
"HARVEST FANTASY" is the name selected for Alpha Sigma
Phi's pledge formal tomorrow. Pumpkins, lanterns, straw and corn-
talks will carry out the theme. Bill Henline's band will play against
a background of a lighted harvest moon which will add to the dreamy
atmosphere. A sign with RFD 920 will adorn the front of the house.
Dinner at the Farm Cupboard is to precede the dance.

Under the sponsorship of the
Men's Glee Club, Wayne King and
his well known orchestra will ap-
pear in a concert at 8 p.m. tomor-
row in Hill Auditorium.
To open the concert, the orches-
tra will play a medley of Victor
Herbert melodies and continue
with timeless favorites and spe-
cial request numbers.
Appearing with the group will be
vocalist Nancy Evans. With a vo-

appearances in nightclubs, on the
radio and finally to a contract
with the Wayne King orchestra.
HALL WILL BE featured in the
following numbers tomorrow
night: "Some Enchanted Eve-
ning," "Four Winds and the Seven
Seas," "Hallelujah" and "The
Lord's Prayer."
Also featured in the concert
will be the well known mixed
choral group, the Don Large
Chorus. Originating in Detroit
under the direction of Don
Large, the chorus has toured
from coast to coast with the
Wayne King group during the
past two years.
In addition to the chorus as a
whole there are smaller groups of
vocalists: a female trio known as
"The Meadowlarks," a male cho-
rus called "The Grenadiers" and
the newly formed mixed group,
"The Quintones."
* * *
MODERN SWING and old favo-
rite classicals are handled by
these choral units. Their versatili-
ty will be displayed in the selec-
tions they are planning to present
at the concert: "Oh Lady Be
Good," "Dry Bones," "You're So
Understanding," "By Candle-
light," and "There Was Moonlight
in Your Hair."
Featuring dreamy 'f tempo
selections at a time when the
nation was jazz conscious, King
and his orchestra have sur-
vived twenty years of constanly
changing musical fads.
The orchestra is known for its
smooth style in which softly muted

strings are predominant and
drum solos are completely eli-
IT IS THIS trade mark of
smoothness which has brought
King repeated compliments for
his restful and full-bodied music.
He is well known by the title
"Waltz King."
Tickets for the concert may be
purchased from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
today and tomorrow at the box of-
fice in Hill Auditorium.


Wcyne King Orchestra, Vocalists


Concert Tomorrow

and earn


current rate on insured

cal range which critics agree is
unlimited, she is able to move from
the lowest to the highest notes of
the musical scale with ease.
AMONG the numbers which she
will present at the concert are
"Lazy River," Ciribiribin," "Be-
gin the Beguine" and "The Man
I Love."
A newcomer with the Wayne
King group is baritone Harry
Hall. While attending the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin, Hall sang
in leading nightclubs about the
city. After his release from the
U.S. Navy, he won an Arthur
Godfrey Talent Scout contest.
This in turn led him to various


Hockey Game
Women's hockey clubs from
Michigan State Normal and Al-
bion Colleges will join the
Michigan hockey' club in a
round robin game at 4 p.m. to-
day at Palmer field.

Ases vr 2i00,0

i Th





k, I

1.35 pair
Unseamed beauty to best display your legs .. . simplicity
to understate your college wardrobe. And wonderful on
the wearing side, too. In the new "Dangerous" colors,
"It" a seductive brown taupe and "Temptation" a
tantalizing tan. In 15 and 20 denier.
Also At The Downtown Store

WAB To Qive
"Women wanted!" is the special
plea for tonight's last open house
at the WAB.
The open houses sponsored by
the Women's Physical Education
Club, have been overcrowded with
men each Friday night so that the
coeds are dancing with a different
man every five minutes.
Marilyn Heiman, publicity head
for the open houses, hopes that
the male: female ratio at the Uni-
versity, won't apply at tonight's
party, which will close their sea-
Bowling, card games and danc-
ing starts at 8 p.m. and the merri-
ment lasts until midnight with
cokes, apples, potato chips and
pretzels in between times.
Jeri Mulson, head of the club,
promises that there will be a fire in
the fireplace if it is cold, in order
to make everyone feel "right at
Last week couples deviated from
the usual campus ballroomdanc-
ing with waltzes, jitter-bugging,
rhumbas and an occasional samba.
Some of the more popular card
games were Bridge, Canasta, Spit,
"You Take One and Give Me Six,"
Poker and Hearts.


Lacrosse Club-There will be no
meeting today, but beginning next
week regular meetings will con-
tinue to be held 5 p.m. Fridays at
Rifle Club - The schedule of
practice times has been posted so
that members may check the time
they fire. Dorothy Sweet asks
those whose names are not listed to
contact her at 542 Mosher. Prac-
tices are scheduled for 11 a.m. to
noon, Mondays; 7 to 9 p.m. Tues-
days and Wednesdays, and 2 to 4
p.m. Fridays.
Fortnite Pictures
To Be Distributed
Photographs of Fortnite skits
ordered by independent women
will be distributed from 2 to 5 p.m.
today in the Undergraduate Office
of the League.
Orders for additional prints will
be taken until Wednesday, Nov.
9. Pictures will cost one dollar
each and may be ordered from the
secretary in the Undergrad Of-
fice or from Pat Patsloff, 213


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Always SMART-Always RIGHT
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for the Big Game . . . for the dinner date that follows.
Fashion newest details . . . winged sleeves-kangaroo
pockets-tiny roll collars-pleated, gathered and gored
skirts. Delicate pastels to Autumn's gayest colors. Sizes
9 to 15, 10 to 20. from 14.95
Perfection with your day-to-day suits and skirts! Mandarin
necklines, jewel necklines and convertible necklines too,
in stripes, dotted and solid colors. Short- length and
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Smart for your day time activities . . . chic for casual
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Dutchies, cloches, bloused tams to meet your every mood
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Companionable as you wish, cashmeres are the inde-
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