Academic Accounting
OVEREMPHASIS on grades-which has
drawn intelligent criticism this week in
the letters-to-the editor column-is one of
the evils that appear to be inevitable in an
educational factory.
But a mass-production system can be
made to turn out a better product, and
I think that some dissatisfaction might
be eliminated if the primary instrument
of grading-the examination-could be
One trouble with it is that the exam
aims to test students' knowledge of a sub-
ject, and too many of them are narrowly
designed only for this purpose. An exami-
nation ought to be a help to the student,
not a nuisance; it ought to require him to
synthesize and integrate facts, instead of
merely forcing him to learn by memory.
Most examinations attempt only to test
in a superficial and limited way, without try-
ing to help the student understand the
subject-and this is the primary reason
that they often fail even to test adequate-
ly; it is seldom possible to achieve some-
thing excellent while aiming only to ac-
complish something mediocre.
Another fault in the present exam system
is that it emphasizes the overspecialization
in the curriculum. Knowledge of detail is
highly necessary, but it could be acquired in
specialized course work and reinforced by
hour exams. The final exam could then be
a device to ensure that students put the
detailed facts together to mean something.
The present function of final exams is
shown by the way they are fitted in to the
University year-crowded all together at
the end of each semester, with almost no
time for review or rest between exercises.
If final examinations were planned as
part of a college education, instead of
merely as a requirement of our academic
accounting system, they would be ade-
quately spaced, with a reading period be-
forehand. They would cover the work of
more' than one course, and especially in
the latter two years would make some at-
tempt to integrate the student's whole
improving examinations wouldn't de-
emphasize grades, but it might make grades
worth some of the emphasis they now get
-Philip Dawson.
At the State
know who and wish you didn't.
BUD ABBOTT and Lou Costello are on
the verge of a final break-up, according
to Hollywood gossip brokers. After seeing
this film, all I can say is "The sooner the
better"-it will end a lot of wear and tear
on movie reviewers.
Their current film has nothing to dis-
tinguish it from all the others, except that
Costello has lost some weight. The well-
worn slapstick, the jumbled plot, and the
same old situations are all there. When
you've seen one Abbott and Costello movie,
you've seen them all; so if you're not par-
ticularly fond of their comedy, there's no
point in seeing the latest film.
Action hinges around a hotel where Ab-
bott is the detective and Costello a bell-
hop. The plot thickens when a well-known
criminal lawyer shows up and proceeds to
get bumped off. Then all manner of sinister
characters emerge as murder suspects. Per-
versely, the police suspect Costello. There
ensues much slapstick melodrama in which
Abbott and Costello endeavor to find the
real murderer, who, despite the movie's
title, is not Boris Karloff.
The bulk of the film is devoted to a
game of Corpse, Corpse, Who's Got the
Corpse, till it is run into the ground and
is coming out on the other side. There
follows more repetitious slapstick, the
murderer is uncovered and all is once
again right with the world.
For my money, the movie was two wasted
hours, but the ten-year-olds around me
seemed to enjoy it. Or maybe it was the
popcorn they liked . . . perhaps the exer-
cise they gained from kicking the back of
my seat.
--Fran Ivick.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Under the Wire
WASHINGTON-With customary ability,
John L. Lewis may duck under the wife.
But it is still an important fact that
President Truman has been prepared to use
the Taft-Hartley Act against the United
Mine Workers' leader, from the very be-
ginning of the present steel and coal strike
IN EFFECT, White House strike strategy
has been based on a sharp distinction be-
tween the politically friendly Philip Murray
and his steelworkers, and the politically
hostile John L. Lewis and his mineworkers.
The intention has been to remove
Philip Murray from the line of fire, and
then, if necessary, turn all of the govern-
ment's big guns on John Lewis.
Even the right moment to turn the guns
on Lewis has been selected in advance. It
has been foreseen that soon after a steel
settlement, want of coal will cause the
American industrial machine to grind to a
second halt. And this, it has been calcu-
lated, will provide the right psychological
atmosphere for unlimbering the heavy ar-
* *.*
THE FIRST POINT to note about this
strategy, which may work automatically
without ever being unveiled, is its political
The embarrassment of using Taft-
Hartley was frankly accepted, in a realis-
tic manner, as less grave than the econo-
mic damage that could be done by in-
But the sincere labor allies of the White
House were tobe spared, while an enemy
was to be made to suffer.
Such careful calculation, such adroit
planning, illustrate the very high political
value the President places upon his labor
support. This White House labor strategy,
like the recognition of James Roosevelt in
California, is another straw in the wind
pointing towards President Truman's can-
didacy to succeed himself.
Second, even if the President is able in
the end to avoid using Taft-Hartley (as
he certainly fervently hopes he may), there
is significance in the mere fact that the
White Hous- recognized th possible neces-
(Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
At the Orpheiirm . .
THE RED SHOES: Moira Shearer, Marius
Goring, and Leonide Massine.
TO LEONIDE MASSINE must go most of
the credit for "The Red Shoes." Mr.
Massine was the choreographer for the Bal-,
let of the Red Shoes and himself danced
the role of the shoemaker. It is the ballet
sequences generally, and the Ballet of the
Red Shoes particularly, that makes this
film a major and worthwhile accomplish-
Even devotees of classical ballet will
have to agree that what has been done
here with ballet and film techniques is
brilliant. It is regrettable, perhaps, that
Hans Christian Anderson culd not be
alive to see his fairy tale for children
transposed into an absorbing entertain-
ment for adults.
Technically the film is as brilliant as the
ballet within it. The technicolor is probably
the best I've seen. And the photography
throughout the movie is a monument to the
progress made by the film industry in past
Unfortunately not as much can be said
for the story itself. I was fascinated by
the analogy between the romantic plot
and the Ballet of the Red Shoes; but the
plot is more often than not a dull affair.
The choice between a career and a hus-
band long since has ceased to be an absorb-
ing plot motivation; raising it to a relatively
high-brow level makes it no less hackneyed.
It must be admitted, however, that no
matter how tired the plot is, it has been
executed almost perfectly. The acting .is
of the highest caliber in every instance.
The roles considered individually, outside
the plot, are extraordinarily interesting
character studies.
Jim Graham.
At Hill Auditorium ...
GRAPES OF WRATH, with Henry Fonda,
Jane Darwell, John Carradine and Charlie
GRAPHICALLY depicting the misery-
filled lives of itinerant workers, "Grapes
of Wrath" is one of the most honest and
stirring films ever to emerge from Holly-
wood. Long an American problem, the
"Okies" are sympathetically treated as
people who want nothing from life but a
job and a chance for decency and self-
The plot concerns the wanderings of
the Joad family after they have lost
their share-cropper farm in Oklahoma,
constantly looking, with a crushed kind of
hope, for work. Jane Darwell, as Ma Joad,
the mainstay of the family, epitomizes
the philosophy of her people. In her ef-
forts to keep her straying family together,
all she asks is a little friendliness, and
a place to make a real home.
Henry Fonda, as the son who tries pas-
sive resistance to the life marked out for
him by society, and endsbytmaking a break
for something better, creates one of the
finest roles of his career. He admits that
he doesn't know enough to fight society on
its own terms, but he is determined t try
to find the remedy for the pathetic condi-
tion of his people. Steinbeck seems to feel
that if there is any hope for the Okies, it
is with people like Tom Joad.
John Carradine as the ex-preacher
who is so full of love that he "sometimes
feels like to bust" and Charlie Grapewin
as the senile old man who knows one
thing only, that he doesn't want to leave
his land, add rich characterizations to
"Grapes of Wrath."
Bludgeoned with hard luck, the characters
in the film still exhibit the eternal hope of
man that maybe in the next state, or on
the next day things will pick up. Some of
their hopes are futile, but where there is
so much faith there must be a better way
of life coming.
Ma Joad sums it up when she says, "We
are the people, and you just can't keep us
-Fredrica Winters.
30 Million Grads
IT COSTS MONEY to be educated. But it
may not necessarily "pay" to be educated.
Those related facts emerge from two in-
teresting pronouncements made recently. '
The first was by Earl J. McGrath. United
States Commissioner of Education, who
urged that a $300,000,000 federal program of
scholarships was necessary to stop the
"waste of human resources in all parts of the
country." I
The second was made by Seymour E. Har-
ris, Harvard economist, in his just-published
book, "The Market for College Graduates,"
in which he warns that the United States is
heading toward a college graduate popula-
tion of 30,000,000, but with most professional
positions paying considerably less than
manual laborers' jobs.
There is much to be said for an en-
larged scholarship system, whether pub-
lie or private, to make higher education
available for real talent rather than mere-
ly for privilege. Even the hit-or-miss sys-
tem under the GI Bill of Rights demon-
strated that many men who would not
otherwise have got to college were among
the most rewarding students there.
"Some So-And-So Throw The Main Switch"
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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Army Tactics...
To the Editor:
BEFORE there are any serious
repercussions over Peter Hot-
ton's interview story of Prof. W. H.
Hobbs, which claimed that Gil
Stephenson, Army back, was the
man who intentionally crippled
three of Michigan's players, I
would like to offer some interesting
Point One-Gil Stephenson was'
nursing an injury of his own prior
to the Army-Michigan game. As
a result, he did not start against
Michigan. He was in the line-up
for only two plays and they were
Point Two-Stephenson played
with the offensive unit on those
two plays.
Point Three-Michigan's three]
injuries came while the Wolverines
were on the offensive. Therefore
Army was on defense. Stephenson
did not play any defensive ball.
Point Four-Charley Ortmann
was not kicked "between the eyes."
Coach Oosterbaan reported two
days after the game that Charley
had suffered an injury to the
BACK of his head.
Point Five-This is minor, but
Stephenson is not a halfback but
a fullback.
I am not denying all of the alle-
gations made by Prof. Hobbs. I do
not know whether the three Mich-
igan men were deliberately dis-
abled and I have no information
on the Army-Harvard game.
However, an injustice has been
done to Gil Stephenson.
-B. S. Brown
* * *
Chamber, Music .. .
To the Editor:
IN ONE issue of last summer's
Daily, there appeared a music
review of a concert, written by one
David Belin. The noteworthy (no
pun intended) aspect was not that
Dave Belin, presumably busy with
his Young Republicans, found time
to write a very capable critique,
but that The Daily made valuable
space available for that purpose.
Because the truth is, that particu-
lar concert was given by the Stan-
ley Quartet.
We have come to take the excel-
lent performances of the Stanley
Quartet, the Collegium Musicum,
and other musical groups on cam-
pus, too much for granted, and
have allowed those organizations
to play second fiddle (no pun in-
tended) to the Choral Union con-
There seems to be a stigma at-
tached to anything that is free
and indigenous to the campus. Ad-
mitted that nationally known or-
chestras and virtuoso musicians
have more of a general appeal
than the sobriety of the more spe-
cialized groups, nevertheless the
latter also perform a vital func-
tion, in supplementing our musical
fare. Chamber music is no longer
performed in our salons. Medie-
val, Renaissance and very modern
music is rarely heard in the com-
mercial music world. But-need-
less to say-some of the greatest
music falls into these categories.
The campus provides the perfect
atmosphere for "rare" composi-
tions, and the student newspaper
can help dispel the esoteric nim-
bus commonly associated with sel-
dom-heard works. Such action
would make it possible for growing
audiences to enjoy music which
they had heretofore considered as
having only scholastic-historic in-
Criticism should be written i
lay terms. It should say something
about the fine musicianship of the
Stanley Quartet. At the same time,
it is imperative that some effort
be made to evaluate the contem-
porary compositions, some of
which have received their world
premieres in the Rackham Audito-
I hope The Daily will find it pos-
sible to continue reviewing cham-
ber music concerts.
-John Neufeld
* *,*
Garg Sell-Out .. .
To the Editor:
YOU PEOPLE act as though the
Gargoyle never had a sellout
before. Well, you're wrong-ac-
cording to our records we had a
sellout in the spring of '23.
-Martha Heinrics,
Business Manager
* * *
More from Drysdale.. .
To the Editor:
SALETAN, Boren, and others
must not have seen the Edi-
tor's Note to which my letter re-
sponded. The Editor asserted that
partial freedom of research is not
enough, implying that total free-
dom is necessary. Partial free-
dom, not total freedom, is anala-
gous to bidding. And while Sale-
tan and Boren play with their
cards face up, their opponents not
only conceal their hands, but also
bid in private.
A lot has been said about the
demand for greater freedom in the
exchange and publication of scien-
tific information, but the exhor-
tations invariably have been by
those who are not responsible for
the country's defense. The agita-
tors may be working for our de-
fense( or may not); they may be
brilliant scientists or mediocre
muddlers, but they have without
exception, failed to propose a com-
plete doctrine which would accom-
plish the ends which we seek.
There is extant a. plan of partial
freedom which is designed to be
the optimum. It may not be, and,
like many man-made plans, is not
perfect. But we need suggestions
for improvement based on compre-
hensive appreciation of the whole
problem-not just glancing barbs
of criticism.
When the original article was
printed in The Daily, it was sug-
gested that our current security
restrictions were the reason for
our relatively lower date of sci-
entific advancement. I hoped that
the writer of the editorial had a
sound, comprehensive doctrine
with which to supplement our
present one, which would make our
rate of scientific advancement
higher than Russia's. My letters
have been in the form of questions
Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 255
Administration Building, by 300 p..
on the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL LX, No. 35
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Meeting,
Mon., Nov. 7, 4:10 p.m., 1025 An-'
gell Hall.
1. Consideration of the minutes
of the meeting of Nov. 7, 1949 (pp.
2. Memorial for Prof. Emeritus
Peter Field.
3. Consideration of reports sub-
mitted with the call to this meet-
a. Executive Committee-Prof.
C. D. Thorpe.
b. Executive Board of the
Graduate School --- Prof. I. L.
c. Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs-Prof. C.
B. Slawson.
d. Deans' Conference - Dean
Hayward Keniston.
4. Resolution delegating respon-
sibility for the admission of stu-
dents to this College.
5. Report of the Standing Com-
mittee on Curriculum.
6. Announcements.
7. New business.
The United States Civil Service
Commission announces an exami-
nation for the position of Inspec-
tor Strategic Materials. Closing
date for examination, Nov. 20.
Additional information may be ob-
tained at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Bldg.
Approved Student sponsored So-
cial Events for the coming week-
Alpha Epsilon Pi, Gurley House,
Inter-Guild, Jordan Hall, Martha
Cook, Mosher Hall, Sarah C. An-
gell House, Victor C. Vaughan
House, Women's Physical Educa-
tion Club, Young Progressives of
Acacia, Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha
Kappa Alpha, Alpha Kappa
Kappa, Alpha Kappa Psi, Alpha
Rho Chi, Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha
Tau Omega, Beta Theta Pi, Delta
Chi, Delta Sigma Pi, Hillel Foun-
dation, Kappa Nu, Lambda Chi
Alpha, Osterweil House, Phi Alpha
Kappa, Phi Chi, Phi Delta Theta,
Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi,
Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Tau,
Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Sigma Delta,
Pi Lambda Phi. Prescott House,
Psi Omega Fraternity, Psi Upsilon,
Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma Phi Ep-
silon, Theta Chi, Theta Delta Chi,
Theta Xi, Triangle
University Lecture: "Goethe,
Man and Poet." Dr. Friedrich
Bruns, Professor Emeritus of Ger-
man Literature, University of Wis-
consin; auspices of the Depart-
ment of Germanic Languages and
Literatures. 4:15 p.m., Fri., Nov.
4, Rackham Amphitheater.
University Lecture "Tres meta-
foras en tres tiempos." Pedro Sa-
linas, Professor of Spanish Liter-
ature, Johns Hopkins University;
auspices of the -Department of
Romance Languages. 8 p.m.,tFri.,
Nov. 4, Rackhamn Amphitheater.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for John
Melville Dickerman, Bacteriology;
thesis: "Studies on the Mechanism
of the Resistance-Lowering Action
of Commercial Hog Gastric Mu-
cin," Fri., Nov. 4, 1562 East Medi-
cal Bldg., 1 p.m. Chairman, W. Jj
Events Today
Westminster Guild Squirrel Cage
designed to elicit this doctrine. So
far, the Editor has been coy, and
the sophistry in replies, consum-
-Taylor Drysdale
The Prodigal Dog ...
To the Editor:
THANKS for your article about
me in Saturday's paper. You
may be wondering why I have de-
serted the East Quad. If so, I sug-
gest you go over there and try
their "food." Believe me, it ain't
fit for a dog.
Per Robert Knuht
and Myron Nichols
will join the Interguild Party at
the Methodist Church. Old clothes
a necessity. 8:30 p~m.
Baptist Students will Join the
Interguild um-di-Gas at the
Methodist Church, 8:30 to 12 mid-
night. Wear old clothes.
Canterbury Club: 4-6 p.m., Tea
and Open House for all students
and their friends.
Inter Guild1Bum-Di-Gras Party:
8:30 to 12 midnight, Methodist
S.R.A.: Coffee Hour, 4:30 to 6
p.m., Lane Hall.
Film Program for students, fac-
ulty, and the general public. No-
mads of the Jungle-Malaya and
Tropical Mountain Island-Java,
4 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. Spon-
sored by the Audio-Visual Educa-
tion Center andtheUniyersity Ex-
tension Service. No admission
Acolytes: Meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
East Conference Room, Rackham
Bldg. Prof. Stevenson will speak
on "The Emotive Concept of Eth-
ics and its Cognitive Implications."
Friday Frolic: 8-12 midnight,
Women's Athletic Bldg. Refresh-
ments. Everyone welcome.
Hiawatha Club: Mixer, 9 p.m.,
ABC Room, League. Guests of
members welcome.
German Coffee Hour: 3:15-4:30
p.m., League Cafeteria. Students
and faculty members invited.
Young Progressives of America:
Party planned for Isle tonight
changed to 3A, Union. Profits go
to CED. Everyone welcome. Hag,
Stag, or Drag. 8 p.m.
NSA-UWF: Planning meeting
for Mock United Nations Review
Conference, 4 p.m., Union. Visitors
C.E.D.: Committee to End Dis-
crimination, 4:15 p.m., Union.
Visitors welcome.
Coming Events
Inter Guild Council: Sun., Nov.
6, 2:30-4 p.m., Lane Hall Library.
Post-game Weiner Roast at the
Presbyterian Church. All wel-
Saturday Luncheon Discussion
will meet at Lane Hall 11:30. Res-
ervations for lunch must be made
before 10 on Saturday.
Phi Sigma: Movie, "Trappers
Along the Dog Trail," Nov. 7, 8
p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Im-
portant business meeting at 7:30
p.m. Movie open to public.
Inter-Arts Union: Meeting, 4
p.m., Sun., Nov. 6, meet at the en-
trance to Burton Memorial Tower.
WASHINGTON-What Secretary of the
Navy Matthews is up against in the de-
motion of Adm. Louis Denfeld is not Den-
feld's testimony before Congress, but the
basic question of whether the Navy Depart-
ment is to be run by a civilian.
In a previous column it was shown how
Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox was
constantly short-circuited or ignored by
the admirals. One thing that upset Knox
was the terrible submarine tragedy and
the Navy's inability to cope with it during
the first year of the war.
In World War I not a single American
soldier was lost from submarine attack
while crossing the Atlantic. In World War
II the death toll was so great that it was
kept a strict military secret, and only after-
ward was it known that 4,400 American
troops needlessly drowned. And this did not
include merchant seamen.
Despite the secrecy, the American pub-
lic knew that something was wrong with
the Navy's defenses. But few people ever
knew what went on inside.
Secretary Knox stormed, cajoled, and
pleaded. But he could not quickly surmount
the mistake the admirals made in concen-
trating on big battleships at the expense
of the unglamorous escort vessel. Nor could
he quickly rbmedy the fact that no provi-
sion hnd hen made for enough snic no
formal session, show him a few routine
cables, then adjourn. Later they handled
the really important war cables which Knox
never knew existed.
When James Forrestal became Secretary
of the Navy, his former aide, Capt. John
Gingrich, tipped him off to this practice,
suggested that Forrestal go up to the com-
munications room and look over the other
telegrams the admirals held out on him.
That was the turning point in Forrestal's
running of the Navy-not unlike Secretary
Matthews' crisis with Denfeld today. He
ordered Gingrich back to Washington as
Deputy Chief of Personnel, appointed Ad-
miral Denfeld Chief of Personnel, and things
went smoothly for Forrestal from that point
until the grueling debate over unification
set in.
But when Forrestal finally sided against
the admirals in favor of unification, some of
them never forgave him. They worked
against him in much the way they have
opposed Secretary Matthews. And in the
last two months of his life, Forrestal, emo-
tionally upset by the bickering, sometimes
broke down in the middle of conferences
and wept over the fact that his friends in
the Navy had turned against him.
(Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Simians even believe, many of them, that
rnnwlAdapn o nner .Unfortunat dunne of
Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff............Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen...............City Editor
Philip Dawson...EditoriaV Diretor
Mary Stein..........Associate Editor
Jo Misner..............Associate Editor
George Walk~er ........ Associate Editor
Don McNeil... Associate Edito
Alex Lmanian......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes ......... Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady.........Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbach..Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King................Librarian
Allan Clamage.. Assistant Librarian
Business Staff°
Roger Wellington....Business Manager
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangi....... Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff. Finance Manager
Ralph Ziegler......Circulation Manager
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during the regular school
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Barnabyi What are you doing here?
Barnaby, don't start that nonsense-
This is Mr. Sparks, the television
Hmm.. .A ghost AND a Fairy Godfather!