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November 02, 1949 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1949-11-02

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Better Business

Forgotten Men Rediscovered


NOBODY WANTS to get stung by a sales-
man who takes his money but doesn't
deliver the goods. These low lifes seem tI
consider a college campus. with its easy-
come-easy-go attitide, an especially happy
hunting ground. To fight them the Stu-
dent Legislature has established a Better
Business Bureau.
However, the bureau can not do the
job alone. The cooperation of the whole
student body is a vital ingredient in
the success the BBB achieves. This co-
operation is two-edged.
First, if he is a student businessman
catering to his fellow inmates, he should
register with BBB. This is easily accom-
plished by dropping in at the SL niche in
the Office of Student Affairs, any weekday
afternoon beween 4 and 5. In doing this
he'll get a card stating that he has been
registered with the agency.
Here's where the second edge of the
cooperation comes in. It's up to us, the
non-businessmen students, to see that
this plan really works. We do this merely
by asking every solicitor who approaches
us, full time professionals as well as stu-
dent ones, for his Better Business Bureau's
card, and refusing to do business with
anyone who doesn't have it.
With this plan working effectively, we can
be sure that we'll get what we pay for, in-
stead of an expensive lesson in how an un-
scrupulous businessman can give us the
business ,"
-Davis Crippen.

T HE FORGOTTEN MEN have been discox'-
The Detroit Free Press has dug into the
deepest mire of humanity to publish a sen-
sational expose of the "chronic alcoholics,
stumble bums and human derelicts" who "in-
fest the cities filthy Skid Row haunts ."
Strongly worded, the current series by Bud
Lanker cruelly tells of "bleary-eyed bums"
who live as parasites and vultures,
Without restraint, Lanker has probed
into the gnihtmare existence of men Mho
live in flop-houses, drink rubbing alcohol,
Flash Cards
ANYONE who saw the Michigan-Illinois
football game last weekend should realize
that what the Illini lacked in gridiron pre-
cision, they at least partly made up for
in a machine-like flash card display.
About 1,000 students formed the core
of this exhibit, responded instantaneously
to command and ended up with near
perfect block 'M's,' inverted 'M's,' Gallop-
ing Ghosts and the like.
No superhuman effort was expended by
flashcardites as they raised their colored
boards in undulating precision. No mistakes
were evident, no one failed to pick up cues.
It seems logical that Illinois' pattern
could be followed here, without trouble.
True, it was given the old college try at
games last fall, but disinterestedness, poor
seating and cries of rah-rah forced it out
this year.
With a rigorous training program under
Wolverine Club instructors and better seat-
ing at games, two of the obstacles in its
revi al might be ironed out.
And if enough interested students
launched a verbal or petitioning campaign
for this improved seating, it might be
The flash card system has become a
worthwhile one in Champaign - why not
-Don Kotite.

sleep di unkenly in alleys and steal with-
out hesitation.
An enlightening editorial in Saturday's
Free Pr s attempted to explain why these
men are unable to regain a decent place in
Admitting that these mentally and phys-
ically diseased men are "too far gone to
determine how or 'why they have become
as they are." it condemned bar owners,
dope peddlers and other individuals who
by preying upon them prevent their re-
The editorial attacked the Michigan State
Liquor Control Commission for permitting
the existence of a thousand more bars than
the law allows in Detroit.
But the Free Press is as much to blame
for preventing the rejuvenation of these
men as are the saloon operators, dope
peddlers and Liquor Control Commission
officials it condemns.
By publicizing. in a highly sensational
manner, the unfortunate plight of the dere-
lict, the Free Press has proved that its expose
is designed mainly to increase circulation.
Lanker and photographer Tony Spina
have attempted to convince the public
that the tw isted remains of creatures who
were once men violate the streets of their
proud city.
Indirectly making a "sucker" of every
Detroit welfare agency, Lanker's stories will
undo the constructive work that took years
of slow, tedious labor by socially aware cit-
izens to accomplish.
Eventually. because of these stories, the
public will arise to protest against the
"'jungle" dwellers and a squad of grim
police will (lose in on the "reeling hulks
of men" just as they did in Chicago.
The derelicts will move on to some other
city and for us, will once again become the
forgotten men.
But while we forget and resume our nor-
mal lives, they will move on until in some
distant gutter death releases them from the
hell society has helped create-and the Free
Pres.ihas helped preserve.
-Bob Vaughn.

"'Gee-Eaci Of Etm Hai A Whole Seat To Himself'
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed. edited, or withheld from publication at the dicretion of the



sians have developed an atomic bomb
there have been various proposals for coun-
ter action on the part of the U.S. in order
for it to maintain its advantage in the cold
war. Foremost among the proposals has
been the one that we should immediately
proceed to develop bigger and better in-
struments and methods of destruction. If we
should follow through with this plan we
will find the U.S. constantly striving to
further develop and perfect its weapons and
On the other side of the world we would
find Russia grimly attempting to keep pace
with the U.S. Each nation continuously
seeking perfection. Finally, a time would
come when each thinks that it cannot be
Now I should like to present a parable.
Picture if you vi two footbaL teams that
are constantly practicing at opposite ends of
a gridiron. They don't care to play a game
because somebody inovitably gets hurt. But
each is practicing so that if forced to accept
a challenge by the other it will be pre-
Each team goes about its practice very
earnestly. They both believe that their block-
ing has become so effective that anyone can
be taken out of a play. Their plays are
being executed perfectly and the quarter-
backing leaves nothing to be desired. This
perfection has had its effect upon the play-
ers and coaches of both teams. They have
become confident, and their fears have dis-
appeared. Will they play?
-Paul Marx.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily'
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.



WASHINGTON-To understand why Sec-
retary of the Navy Matthews had to
discipline Adm. Louis Denfeld-whom this
column has consistently praised-you have
to understand what has gone on in the Navy
for a long period of time.
Over the 50-year period beginning with
Teddy Roosevelt, the admirals have led al-
most a charmed life. They had behind
them the personal glamour and publicity
that radiated from those two dynamic
presidents - Teddy and FDR -- plus the
secret but powerful support of Bethlehem
Steel, U.S. Steel, Westinghouse Electric
and other big corporations whose business
flourished from building battleships.
The only two presidents who bucked the
Navy in that period-Coolidge and Hoover-
faced an admirals' revolt not unlike that of
today, aided and abetted by the big steel
and shipbuilding companies.
Greatest heyday of the admirals came
under Franklin Roosevelt. They have
never got over this, and Secretary Mat-
thews is now reaping the consequences.
FDR appointed as his Secretary of the
Navy Claude Swanson, a delightful and aging
ex-senator from Virginia who knew little
about the Navy. Swanson died in office
after letting Roosevelt and the admirals
run the show. His successor was Charles
Edison, son of the late great inventor,
Thomas A. Edison.
THE NEW SECRETARY had operated a
big industrial firm, understood con-
struction technicalities, and immediately got
in the admirals' hair.
By this time, FDR had diverted a good
many hundreds of millions from public works
administration funds to build warships. And,
although Congress howled, this was probably
a good thing-in view of the impending war.
This was where Secretary Edison and
the top Navy brass had their first big
clash. Edison went out to Pearl Harbor
and dared to criticize. He told the ad-
mirals that duty at Pearl Harbor did not
mean spending all the time on the beach
at Waikiki, and that the first thing they
had to do was to get their fuel-oil tanks
underground. He rmeinded them that
Pearl Harbor might be attacked and these
tanks made beautiful targets.
Even more important, Edison told the
admirals to clear off the superstructures
of their battleships. The next war, he said,
would be an air war; and battleships would
have to fire straight up in the air, not
broadside. Therefore, they couldn't be in
the position of firing at their own crow's
nests. The superstructures would have to
come down.
* * *
ABOUT THIS TIME, Edison also caught
the admirals lousing up the new de-

shipyards building the destroyers feared
the center of gravity was too high and
warned the admirals in advance. They
even offered to submit the center-of-
gravity test to Gibbs and Cox, expert ship-
design agents. But the admirals refused.
Secretary Edison also discovered that these
errors were chiefly due to the fact that the
chief of Naval conLruction, Adm. William
G. Dubose, was at loggerheads with Adm.
Harold G. Bowen, the chief of Naval engi-
neering. so he shifted them both.
* * *
BY THIS TIME the top brass who had
been running the Navy department in
the past were really seething. And they took
their complaint to their best friend-Frank-
lin D. Roosevelt, who had been assistant
secretary of the Navy.
So FDR called in Charley Edison, told
him the Democratic Party needed a good
man to run for governor of New Jersey
and that he, Edison, was just the man.
Furthermore, Roosevelt said he needed a
Republican in the cabinet to further his
bipartisan war policy.
That was how Edison got out of the ad-
mirals' hair to become governor of New Jer-
sey, and how Frank Knox, former GOP can-
didate for vice president, became secretary
of the Nav'
FRANK KNOX was an easygoing ex-news-
paper publisher who loved the Navy, en-
joyed the polish and precision of things
nautical, but who also was dead serious
about his contribution toward winning the
At first Knox and the admirals got along
beautifully. The new secretary didn't know
too much about the Navy, let the admirals
have free rein. But gradually, Knox be-
gan to learn what it was all about.
Adm. Ernest King, then chief of Naval
operations, did not hesitate to go over Knox's
head to reverse his civilian chief.
Finally, Knox found that a wing of the
Navy Department had been roped off,
with a marine sentry at the door from
which all civilians, including himself,
were barred. This was where all war or-
ders and Naval strategy were drafted.
Knox, a good sport, used to complain half
humorously to his friends about the fact
that he couldn't walk into all parts of the
Navy Department. But he never rowed pub-
licly with either the admirals or FDR. How-
ever, when, still in office, he died, he knew
he was no more secretary of the Navy in
actual fact than had been Claude Swanson,
who died in office before him.
(Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Too Far for Pretense

Reply to Shaffer .. .
To the Editor:
THIS SHOULD BE but one of
several letters responding to
Alumnus Edward H. Shaffer's
letter deprecating Judge Harold
Medina and the conviction of the
eleven Communist leaders.
In his initial statement, assert-
ing that the whole trial was un-
fair, Mr. Shaffer points out that
it would be impossible to select a
jury which would acquit the Com-
munist leaders. This fact should
serve as some sort of analysis of
the opinion of the American peo-
ple as a whole. Furthermore, to
draw on the somewhat hackneyed
comparison, can you imagine
eleven Russians in the birthplace
of Communism getting a trial by
Jury, when charged with advocat-
ing Democracy?
Mr. Shaffer's condemnation of
Judge Medina's wise denial of bail
to the defendants pending appeal
of their conviction was a bit fool-
ish. Has Reader Shaffer forgotten
about Gerhart Eisler, another con-
victed Communist who was grant-
ed bail? Evidently Judge Medina
To negate the fallacious asser-
tion that the Communist Party
doesn't contemplate the use of
force and violence in the over-
throw of the American political
system, we need only look into the
admitted aims of the Communist
Party. Resort to violence will be
made only after it is determined
that revolution cannot be effected
by peaceful means, and that the
revolution is the will of the ma-
jority of the people. The tend-
ency of the Communists to mis-
calculate majority opinion is well
known. Of course in a "heads up"
United States, a peaceful change-
over to Communism is impossible,
leaving violence as the only pos-
sible means of success of the Com-
munist Party in the United States.
-Alan R. Holcombe, '51E.
* * *
UreserUirrg.. .
To the Editors:
NOTICED that on Friday a
small Southern school saved its
scholastic integrity in spite of a
most tempting offer of $50,000,000.
But not every school sets its price
for selling out its student body
above so sickening a sum: the
University permits its Board in
Control of Athletics to ignore and
dupe the common student and
amateur athlete as long as the
money-making Dept. of Athletics
earns sufficient hundreds of'
thousands of dollars annually to
pay for those which it considers
desirable and build its monstrous
Were the music school to ask
for funds for the construction of a
97,000 seat of music hall to be used'
exclusively for the six May Festi-
val Concerts only, the music school
would become the butt of many
jokes concerning its ridiculous ex-
travagances. Yet no one dares
complain about the tremendous
football stadium being used butI
six times annually. Could it bes
that the earnings of the Athletic

Dept. are sufficient to silence the
administration concerning such
an exclusive use and glib abuse of
so costly a structure?
Lt. Col. Bennett, officer in
charge of Army football trips, said.
in Saturday's Daily "It is my sin-
cere hope that some day we may
have an opportunity to repay your
hospitality . . . . " If the colonel
knew how athletic events are run
here, he would have realized that
this is but painful cynicism. It is
foreign and unknown to our tradi-
tion that University students be
admitted free to away games-to
consider having the Athletic Dept.
pay the fare to an away game for
even a small non-athletic group is
sacrilegious-and even at home
games the students gratefully
cheer and bow before the master-
mind of the Athletic Dept. for his.
kind permission to sit in row 80;
section 34: who dares ask for 50
yard seats for the lowly students?
So Army, next time we will
again gladly raise our football ad-
mission prices to enable your sen-
ior class to come here and enjoy
the game. But don't expect to be
able to return that courtesy. We
are overjoyed to be permitted to{
bask in the sun six times annually
in the upper parts of our beautiful
stadium; to be given a trip to a
foreign city is an honor too great
and undeserved by us non-foot-
ball playing seniors.
-Arthur Iecht
* * *
Atomic Card-Cauie .. .
To the Editor:r
wants an analogy from the
realm of Hoyle to the atomic en-l
ergy information blackout, here s
one that we feel is a little more
valid than his own!
Consider contract bridge, Taylor
m'boy, and imagine how your
partner would feel if you told him1
that no matter how good your
hand might be, you would not1
bid, because you were afraid your
would reveal your hand to the op-1
posing pair! Yet that is about
what these onerous "security" reg-
ulations do to our atomic bridge
team. No wonder so many of our
foremost nuclear physicists havel
switched to cosmic ray pinochle,
rather than bore themselves at
whist ( bridge minus the bidding).
-David Saletan,
Charles H. Boren
and others.
- 1
Bell Tolls Tale of Loss
The bell in Lloyd's $10.000,000
building in London, England, is a
constant reminder of a very costly
accident. This bell is sounded once
when a Lloyd's insured ship has1
been lost, and twice when it has
been recovered. It came from the
frigate "Lutine", which was lost
in 1799, carrying gold bullion val-
ued at more than $5,000,000. Thiss
was one of the biggest losses ever1
suffered by the company.
Mlan's Worst Enemy
Rats are man's worst animal
enemies. In the United States
alone the loss due to rats each
year is $189,000,000.

Coneir.ed from Page 2
the upper 25' of their class are
eligible to request an interview.
For further infoimation regard-
ing the above, call at the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Adminis-
trationl Bld',
All students xwho have registra-
tion blanks from tne Bureau of
Appcintments are reminded that
Fri., Nov. 4. is the last day for re-
turning them ithout penalty. Be-
ginning Mon., Nov. 7 a late regis-
tration fee of $1.00 will be paid to
the cashier of the University.
Students are urged to return
their blanks as soon as possible
this week to avoid the last minute
rush since all blanks must be
checked as they are returned to
the office.
Approved Student sponsored So-
cial Events for the dning week-
Alpha Epsilon Pi. Gurley House,
Inter-Guild, Jordan Hall, Martha
Cook, Mosher Hall, Sarah C. An-
gell House, Victor C. Vaughan
House, Young Progressives of
Acacia, Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha
Kappa Alpha, Alpha Kappa
Kappa, Alpha Kappa Psi, Alpha
Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau Omega,
Beta Theta Pi, Delta Chi, Delta
Sigma Pi, Hillel Foundation,
Kappa Nu, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi
Alpha Kappa, Phi Chi, Phi Delta
Theta, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa
Sigma, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi Rho
Sigma. Phi Sigma Delta, Pi Lamb-
da Phi, Psi Omega Fraternity, Psi
Upsilon, Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma
Phi Epsilon, Theta Chi, Theta
Delta Chi. Theta Xi, Triangle.
University Community Center:
Willow Village
Wed., Nov, 2, 8 p.m., Badminton;
Bridge for beginners and Cer-
Thars., Nov. 3, 8 p.m., Wives' Club
Skit Group; Ceramics; Water-
color and textile-painting; and
Dr. Karl Stern, Chief of the Ge-
rontological Unit of the Depart-
ment of Psychiatry, McGill Uni-
versity, will give an address "The
Oldster' in Home and Family
Life," Rackham Lecture Hall,
Wed., Nov. 2, 7:30 p.m., in connec-
tion with the Twentieth Annual
Parent Education Institute. Open
to the public without charge.
Academic Notices
Engineering Mechanics Semi-
nar: Prof. J. Ormondroyd will dis-
cuss "Dynamic and Elastic
Stresses in Icebreakers," Wed.,
Nov. 2, 4 p.m., 101 W. Engineer-
ing Bldg. Visitors invited.
Physical Inorganic Chemistry
Seminar, Wed., Nov. 2, 4:07 p.m.
Rm. 2308, Chem. Bldg. Prof. Wm.
A. Nierenberg and Dr. Gordon
Hansen will discuss the relation
between nuclear quadruple mo-
ments and chemical binding
Classical Analysis Seminar:
Wed., Nov. 2, 2 p.m., 3010 Angell
Hall. Prof. Herzog will speak on
"Meromorphic Functions,"
Concert postponed: The pro-
gram of concertos and arias by
School of Music students, original-
ly announced for Thursday eve-
ning, Nov. 3, in Hill Auditorium,
has been postponed until a later
date, which will be announced as
soon as possible.

Carillon Recital: Prof. Percival
Price, University Carillonneur,
7:15-8 p.m., Wed., Nov. 2. Pro-
gram: selections from Verdi's Rig-
oletto and Traviata, followed by
four cembalo pieces, and continu-
ing with Campane a sera and
Campane a festa by N. Rota, and a
group of Neopolitan airs. The pro-
gram will be repeated at the same
hour on Fri., Nov. 4.
Events Today
Canterbury Club: 7:30-10 p.m.,
Rev. and Mrs. Burt are at home,
702 Tappan, to all Episcopal stu-
Open house for all Orthodox
students at Father Sophocles'
home, 1616 Brooklyn, at 7:30 p.m.
Westminster Guild: Tea 'n Talk,
3rd floor lounge, Presbyterian
Wesleyan Guild: 4-5:30 p.m.,
"Do-Drop-In." Informal get to-

6 p.m., School for Christian Liv-
ing Dinner.
7:30 p.m., Bible study seminar.
8:30 p.m., Cabinet meeting.
Social Ethics Forum: 7:15 p.m.,
Lane Hall.
Proposed referendums must be
approved by Student Legislature
at the meeting this evening in the
Union. This is the last 'ossible
date for approval of referendums
for the ballot. Elections are to be
on Nov. 21 and 22.
Algebra Club: 3201 Angell Hall,
8 p.m. Speaker: R. M. Thrall. Ti-
tle: Canonical forms for projec-
tivities in a modular lattice.
Undergraduate Psychology So-
ciety: Meeting of all members in-
terested in forming a discussion
group in Clinical Psychology, 8
p.m., League Cafeteria.
U. of M. Young Republican Na-
tional Action Committee will meet
to discuss the platform and reso-
lutions, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3R, Union.
All members are urged to attend.
County Folk and Square Dance
Club: Meeting,.7:30-9 p.m., W.A.B.
Special guests: Alpha Phi, Theta
Chi, Stockwell "5," and Prescott
House. Everyone welcome.
Michigan Arts Chorale: Regular
meeting, 7 p.m., Room B, Haven
Hall. All members should be pres-
Pre-medical Society: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., 1400 Chemistry Bldg.
Prof. Bruno Meinecke, adviser to
the Society, will speak on "The
Essence of Professional Culture."
U of M. Rifle Club: Postal match
with the University of Wyoming
8 p.m., ROTC rifle range. Practice
7-9:30 p.m.
Women of the University Facul-
ty: Tea, 4 to 6 p.m., Fourth floor
clubroom, League.
I.A.S.: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rms.
K, L, M, Union.
Speaker: Mr. Eugene Moody,
Asst. City Manager of Jackson.
Topic: Airport Problems of Private
Flying." Committee members meet
at 7 p.m.
AIEE-IRE: Meeting, 8 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheater. Mr.
Charles F. Kocher, the Chief En-
gineer for WXYZ and WXYZ-TV,
will speak on the subject, "Televi-
sion Station Operation." Joint
meeting with Michigan Section of
Delta Sigma Pi: Business meet-
ing at chapter house.
Young Progressives of America:
Membership meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
League. New and prospective
members welcome. Party Friday
night in Union.
(Continued on Page 5)
3ir~p~u &t~ t




mends a quick peace between the ad-
mirals and generals. Their bickering, he
says, gives "aid and comfort" to the Russians.
It would have been well, of course, if
this unification controversy could have
been avoided. But now that it is in the
open, a prompt silencing of the disputants
couldn't help matters. W hatever "aid and
comfort" tle Russians have gained, they
can't gain much more if the charges and
counter-charges continue to flow. The
Kremlin knows the issues, and it knows
how strongly the leaders of our armed
forces disagree.
If the Russians have the slightest under-
standing of our democracy, though, all that
they have learned cannot be comforting.
They surely have perceived that the services
and Congress have been brought face to face
with fundamental problems.
Whatever the final answers to the ques-
tions that have been raised, the services
know that they are going to have to be
answered to the satisfaction of interested
citizens. Whether the Navy is right or
wrong in its criticism of the B-36, it has
warned against easy acceptance of any
single pattern of warfare. Whether the
Navy needs the carriers it wants, it has
.rsseda Arnnt- gnof.fr n hnnnn

Fifty-Ninth Year
yEdited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staf
Leon Jaroff............Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen...............City Editor
Philip Dawson...Editorial- Director
Mary Stein..........Associate Editor
Jo Misner...........Associate Editor
George Walker........ Associate Editor
Don McNeil............Associate Editor
Alex Lmantan......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes ......... Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin..........Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady.........Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbach...Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King........... .Librarian
Allan Clanage. Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington....Busines Manager
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangi --.-... Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff....... Finance Manager
Ralph Ziegler......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press Is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspape
All rights of republication of all other
mattersherein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Officee at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular school
year by cs'rier. $5.00. by mail. $6.00.

4 1


--------------- % I


Ah, Gus! ' see you've
\responded to the rest

We'll get to them-
First, I want to

I don't suppose you
hove a rubber hammer,

Now, Gus, I...Cushtro'mochree!
Gus. where are you. ..Gus?

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