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October 25, 1949 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1949-10-25

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f -

Splinter Groups

EVERRYONE wants world peace-but every-
one has his own little formula of how
to obtain it. More than 10 campus groups
are devoted to developing better understand-
ing among nations and promoting world
Many of these clubs allow only a select
few in their membership, like the Inter-
national Relations Club and the amorphous
Ann Arbor chapter of the National Council
of Arts, Sciences and Professions. They
think that they are the chosen ones who
can lead the world out of its labyrinth of
confusion; but all that develops at their
meetings is the formation of one more
esoteric clique.
Other organizations are open to all
comers, such as the United World Federal-
ists, UNESCO and numerous others. These
gr'oups are not to be as censured as the
closed ones. But still there is no necessity
for so many clubs that profess to have the
same ultimate goal.

Why can't each of these organizations give
up its supposed originality and assimilate
into one cohesive group? These splinter
groups are defeating their own purpose.
They are just like the various nations in
the world, individualistic and each with its
own uncompromising panacea.
People should learn from history; un-
fortunately they do not. The annuals of
the ages clearly show that nationalism
has led only to defeat, isolationism only to
entanglements and uncompromising spirit
only to war.
A college campus is as good a place as any
for people to begin cooperating. But ap-
parently all of these pacifist groups are in-
terested mainly in satisfying the needs and
egos of their immediate membership. Tl
professed goal of international cooperation
and world peace seems to get lost along the
-Norma Jean Harelik.

At the State ... At the Michigan ...
Widmark, Linda Darnell and Veronica Sheridan, Cary Grant and far too many
Lake. beautiful WACS to be realistic.
THOUGHA SURE BET to please Wid- YOU KNOW YOU'RE in for a good laugh
mark enthusiasts, "Slattery's Hurricane" Yg
can be ignored by all seekers after good cin- about five minutes after the film begins
ema. to unwind when Cary, a Frenchman with
While winds, rains, and hurricanes are a remarable knowledge of English, drops all
raging in the background through most sorts of lingerie on Annie's desk in WAC
of the picture, a persistent storm-in-a- headquarters.
teacup is being whipped up by most of
the characters. And the happy duo doesn't disappoint
Sharing the starring role with the hurri- you. Much of the humor is blunt, but most
cane is Widmark, an ex-Navy flier who puts of it is good. In short, Cary and Annie are
his aeronautic knowledge to work for a dope- feuding and fussing, more of the latter as
smuggling ring, studiously ignoring the the picture and Cary advance, but are
ethics of the situation. During his free really quite charmed by the other's' physi-
hours he, Miss Darnell, Miss Lake and a cal and mental disposition.
pickup play -Spin the Bottle, which with Annie is assigned to Cary as he sets out
Widmark is a whiskey bottle, on his last mission for the French army.
But they don't play clean, because the Though his progress in the assignment is
sphinx-like Miss Darnell happens to be slow, Annie is not. She achieves the cap-
married to one of Widmark's old Navy ture of poor Henri Bouchard (Cary) in a
buddies. Miss Lake is his only alternative, haystack which didn't have a needle, but
but she is completely colorless. did have Cary, Annie and a motorcycle. The
The Hollywood touch taints the film, how- two-wheeled vehicle, complete with sidecar,
ever, with Widmark becoming a regenerate plays a passive role in the torrid haystack
character at Miss Lake's hospital bed, and romance, but the other two inhabitants
going through a Baptism by Water as he managed to find various exercises with
flies through the harrowing hurricane for which to keep busy.
the UNITED STATES WEATHER BU- Returning to headquarters, Annie and
REAU. Cary announce their intention to mai'y.
With such incompetents sharing the bill, Then the fun begins. Cary is reduced to a
Widmark must naturally put on a one-mah war bride, something he finds rather incon-
show. Though the script with which he has ceivable.
to work is not deathless drama, he does Not only 4 he deprived of his wife on the
more than the audience can rightfully ex- wedding night, but he is also deprived of his
pect. With the aid of some excellent se- sleep for the next three nights.
quences showing the hurricane's violence,
the movie becomes relatively entertaining. Howard Hawks, a man with a fine
-Fran Ivick. appreciation for sentiment, finally directs
the two to a cabin aboard the U.S.-bound
transport and all is tranquil.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily I couldn't swear to it, but the last shot,
are written by members of The Daily staff of the Statue of Liberty passing by their
and represent the views of the writers only.
port-hole, seems to reveal a slight blush on
the old girl's face. You'll know why after'
NIGHT EDITOR: PETER HOTTON 90 minutes of piquant humor.
--Kirk R. Hampton.

TO READERS of the Bulletin of Atomic
Scientists, midnight means "too late."
The clock which first appeared on the
cover' of the Bulletin in June, 1947, has
always suggested that little time remained
to solve the frightening problems which
emerged with nuclear fission.
That there was time, however, was always
indicated by the position of the hands, which
stood at eight minutes to 12.
BUT THIS WEEK many Bulletin readers
were somewhat shaken. The hands on
the cover of the October issue, jarred out
of their customary position by the atomic
explosions in Russia, were dangerously close
(three minutes) to midnight.
In the Bulletin's lead article, Professor
Harold C. Urey, physicist and Nobel laureate,
drove home the point effectively:
"I view the acquiring of bombs by
Russia as exceedingly ominous," he
warned. "It appears that in four years
the Russians have learned how to make
bombs and have constructed substantial
plants for this purpose. They can make
a stockpile in a relatively short time.
"I should say about TWO YEARS could
and probably will see the lead of the United
States effectively wiped out."
Yet just last month, in a much more
widely-publicized statement, General Walter
Bedell Smith assured us that it would be
at least 10 years before Russia reached our
present stage of mass production of A-
WHOM SHALL WE believe? To evaluate
each of the predictions given above,
take, for example, forecasts made several
years ago by leading physicists concerning
Russian production of the atomic bomb.
Leo Szilard (1945) : "I would say it is more
likely than not that another country will
have it in six years. In two-and-one-half
it is possible-."
Harold Urey (1945): "We should not think
of a longer time than about five years."
Harrison Brown (1946): "-in another
three years the U.S. may not stand alone
as a possessor of atomic bombs."
Compare these predictions with those of
General Leslie R. Groves and other mili-
tary and Congressional leaders who stated
flatly that the Russians couldn't possibly
produce a bomb for at least 15 and perhaps
as many as 40 years.
Perhaps the time has come for us to turn
an attentive ear to our atomic scientists.
IF OUR ATOMIC progress is so unsatis-
factory as to enable Russia to overcome
our A-bomb lead in two years, some drastic
changes must be made.
On this subject, none of our scientists
mince words.
An organization which may be taken as
the official voice of U.S. science, the Amer-
ican Association for the Advancement of
Science, recently blasted our national "se-
curity" system.
It concluded, after a lengthy investiga-
tion, that the present security regulations
actually impede scientific work and menace
the nation's long-range security.
* * *
PROF. UREY added his voice by revealing
that many brilliant scientists are un-
able or unwilling to work for the Atomic
Energy Commission because of petty security
regulations which hamper and even paralyze
their work.
Here in Ann Arbor, a University physicist,

Prof. James Cork recently pointed out that
many atomic scientists cannot even work on
projects in which they are interested.'
We have been given our warning-not by
hysterical admirals or uninformed Con-
gressmen, but by calm, coldly-calculating
atomic scientists.
To them, the writing on the wall is very
clear. We must sever the bonds which are
now strangling our atomic research or be
prepared to face the consequences in the
very near future.
The hands of the Atomic Age clock are
moving inexorably toward midnight.
The Veep
WASHINGTON-Still coy about his St.
Louis romance, Vice President Barkley
blushingly admitted to the Senate before
adjourning that he "may" spend some time
in Missouri instead of heading right back
to Kentucky.
The question was brought up by Mis-
souri's usually humorless senator Forrest
Donnell after a fellow Republican, Sen-
ator Wayne Morse of Oregon, assured that
the Vice President would be welcome in
his state any time-even if he is a Demo-
With a twinkle in his eye, Donnell broke
in: "I should like to invite the Vice President
most graciously to visit Missouri occasion-

Gilded Cage

by b. s. brown
THE DEVINE COMEDY: Leave all good Michigan people resolve
to present Friend Thomas Devine with Angell Hall-or better, with
the Little Brown Jug.
Leave us not think that Bennie Oosterbaan and his fighting ball
club beat Minnesota last Saturday. It was Friend Thomas who accom-
plished what everyone thought would be impossible, so to his battered
desk in the Free Press building should go the pottery symbolic of
Michigan-Minnesota victory.
Friend Thomas, early last week, wrote an inspired article which
discussed all of Michigan's football ills. It was a well-written article,
accurate in most respects. And because Thomas said what everybody,
including Bennie and the Boys, knew, he immediately became Mich-
Lyall Smith, Thomas's Free Press cohort, all but says that Friend
Thomas's printed chatter caused the Wolverines to recognize their.
shortcomings and thus led to the upset victory over the Gophers.
Quoth Lyall: "To say that it (Thomas's story) was an article
which aroused comment among Michigan's following is putting it
"It helped transform a squad which had attempted to rest on its
National championship laurels and make those laurels take the place
of the spirit, tactics and football fundamentals which had made them
"It helped transform a group of good football PLAYERS into a
great football TEAM."
So leave all Michigan people be forever grateful. Thomas has
done the UM football team a good turn.
Some of the Wolverine fans realized, even in the turmoil of
victory last Saturday afternoon, that Friend Thomas was truly a
friend. Many of them, standing below the press box with clenched
fist, were calling in deep and heartfelt appreciation and with complete
familiarity, "We want Tommy! We want Tommy!"
Leave all Michigan breathe a fervent thanks to Friend Thomas
and offer him the Little Brown Jug for his outstanding achievement
of 1949.
That should cover everything for today, but . .
CONGRATULATIONS to the Tri-Delts. Their Homecoming display,
which took top honors in the women's division, was a creation of
inspiration, though I'm sure Friend Thomas didn't appreciate it.
But of all, I liked the come-back made by the lasses of Helen
Newberry. Employing sheer genius, after the wind and the rain
had completely destroyed their endeavor, the girls posted a sign next
to the wreckage which said, "It should only happen to Minnesota."
It did!
THE PHANTOM FOUR, one of the finest quartets on campus, is
rapidly carving a niche of popularity for itself round these parts.
In addition to their many and appreciated serenades, the four
songsters appeared at the Homecoming dance last Saturday night,
offering three selections. The final piece was a singing commercial
for the League Formal.
Now get this. Commercial and all, not one of the four said
gentlemen will be at the Formal. Come Friday noon, they'll all be
headed for Champaign and the Illinois-Michigan clash.
How about that.
That covers everything for today.

Letters to the Editor

I ederated Drug Scheme

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general po-
ley is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a'defaa-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
Catholic Power .. .
To the Editor:
YOUR PAPER IS to be com-
mended for its courage in
printing a review of PaulBlan-
shard's book American Freedom
and Catholic Power. Many large
newspapers have hesitated to pub-
lish either comments or advertise-
ments about the book, for fear of
Catholic boycotts - particularly
since it caused the famous con-
troversy between ex - Governor
Lehman and Cardinal Spellman.
If Roman Catholics will read
this book with an open and un-
prejudiced mind, it may help them
to see that their Church is a
"fascist Christianity," bound up
byahierarchy and dogmas which
accumulated through dark cen-
turies in Europe when freedom
was not known. Although I am
now a Protestant, I was born,
raised, and indoctrinated in the
Roman Church-so I know where-
of I speak.
-Francis X. Bower.
*.* *.
L Issues .
To the Editor:
LIKE MANY other students who
are concerned with the wel-
fare of the entire campus, I feel
the desire to express my views
concerning the recent misunder-
standing evidenced between the
IFC and AIM, in regard to the
forthcoming all campus election
next November 21-22.
Due to familiarity with both
parties concerned, and after much
serious thought, I am sincerely
convinced that a healthier atmo-
sphere would prevail on the cam-
pus political scene if party lines
could be determined on something
other than a residential basis.
The Student Legislature has al-
ready taken steps to make for
more intelligent voting by ar-
ranging for more open houses
where candidates can be seen and
heard. We should progress further
in this direction.
I would like to see real coopera-
tion in the formation of student
parties based on freely associated
ideas whereby candidates would be
allowed to representsomething
more tangible than they are per-
mitted under the present arrange-
It seems reasonable to assume
that if the electorate were per-
mitted to vote for more clear-cut
campus issues than we are now
permitted, if we could vote for
candidates who represent ideas
and issues we would have a more
responsible student government.
-Ray Guerin.
Reactionary . .
To the Editor:
IN MY SPEECH 31 class a fra-
ternity man defined (what I
consider a definition belonging in
the column of greats) a reaction-
ary. Of course, he did this quite
We were instructed to prepare
one minute personal conviction
talks. My fraternity colleague had
chosen the subject of discrim-
intnorv eises in frternal cnn,

existed sixty years ago, especially,
when these clauses don't fulfill
the wishes of the present members.
No, I'm afraid my fraternal col-
league overstepped his logic-
either fraternity boys are proud
to be members of a reactionary
institution, or they like the idea
of racial and religious discrim-
inatory clauses.
-Ray Franklin.
(Continued from Page 3)
Pre-Medical Society
Rifle Club
Roger Williams Guild
Russian Circle
Sailing Club
Senior Society
Sociedad Hispanica
Society of Automotive Engineers
Student Legislature
Student Players
Student Religious Association
Theater Guild
Turkish Club
Undergraduate Psychology So-
Unitarian Student Group
United World Federalists
University Bands-Vulcans
Wesleyan Guild
Westminster Guild
Women's Athletic Association
Women's Glee Club
Women's Judiciary Council
Women's Physical Education
Wolverine Club
Young Democrats
Young Friends' Fellowship
Young Progressives of America
Young Republican Club
J Lectures
University Lecture: "Study of
Adaptations among Torrential
Fishes of India" (illustrated). Sec-
ond of two lectures by Dr. Sunder
Lal Hora, Director of the Zoologi-
cal Survey of India; auspices of
the Museum of Zoology and the
Department of Zoology. 4:15 p.m.,
Tues., Oct. 25, Natural Science
American Chemical Society Lec-
ture: D. Richard Ogg, Jr., will
speak on "Unimolecular Reactions
and the Decomposition of N205",
Thurs., Oct. 27, 8 p.m., 1300 Chem-
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Wal-
ter Oscar Kupsch, Geology; thesis:
"Geology of the Tendoy-Beaver-
head Area, Beaverhead County,
Montana," Tues., Oct. 25, 4065
Natural Science Bldg., 12 noon.
Acting Chairman, K. K. Landes.
AE 160 Seminar: 1504 E. Engi-
neering, Wed., Oct. 26, 4:15 p.m.
Mr. R. Fledderman will speak "On
Problems in Sprays." Refresh-
ments. Visitors welcome.
Bacteriology Seminar: Tues.,
Oct. 25, 10:30 a.m., 1520 E. Medical
Building. Speaker: Mr. Robert
Backus. Subject: Electron Micro-
scopy of Some Viruses.
Engineering Mechanics Semi-
nar: Prof . Ormondrovd will dis-

N THE MIDST of a nationwide crackdown
on dope rackets comes more evidence of
what local and federal law enforcement offi-
cers have been trying to combat--this time,
the theft from several Detroit drugstores of
valuable narcotics, worth nearly $4,000 on
the illicit market.
The robberies, in themselves, don't seem
so startling. Similar occurrences plague
almost daily dealers in all parts of the
country. The real disaster is apparent
when one surveys the individual thefts on
a mass scale.
Either all dope peddlers are working strict-
ly for themselves, or contacts and markets
are being centered within one vast clearing
house, somewhere in the U.S.
We learned from New York City police
reports last January that a trio of
smugglers, found with nearly $2,000,000
worth of pure cocaine stuffed in a suit-
case were probably involved in sales of
narcotics smuggled into New York from
Venezuela, Peru and Chile. These men
were further implicated as cocaine vendors
who sold to dealers in Chicago, Detroit,
Milwaukee and St. Louis.
On this basis, we may assume that the

recent surge of narcotics robberies is an
outgrowth of such "federated" drug schemes.
Effective "weeding out" of ringleaders will
be possible, therefore, only when law en-
forcement officers deemphasize the local
angle and crack down nationally through
linkage of suspects and activities.
-Don Kotite.
MUSICIANS and concert goers alike sat
astounded by the Sunday evening per-
formance of the Boston Symphony.
Throughout the audience one felt an elec-
tric concentration on this marvel of music
that silenced even the usual dry coughers.
Charles Muench has taken the already
fine Boston Symphony and brought it to
even greater heights. Always noted for its
precision, the orchestra has achieved un-
der Muench a refreshing clarity. Every
tone, each attack was distinctly heard.
The programming was excellent. Muench's
choice of a French composition, Raubaud's
"La Procession Nocturne," was, a fitting in-
troduction. The unfamiliar music was har-
monically rich, the interpretation warm and
lucid. The Piston "Symphonic Suite" suf-
fered in comparison with the other com-
positions. The audience was caught off guard
in the finale. They expected more, both in
quantity and quality. The Ravel, however,
was very well received as well as superbly
played. Laurent's tone did special justice to
the flute solos.
Greatest surprise of the evening was
Muench's interpretation of Beethoven's

The following sections meet in
1035 Angell Hall:
No. 5 to 6 (Eldersveld)
No. 7 (Bretton)
All other sections meet in 1025
Angell <Hll.
The Boston Symphony Orches-
tra, Charles Munch, Conductor,
will give the second program in the
Extra Concert Series tonight at
8:30 o'clock in Hill Auditorium.
Program:, Overture to "Egmont"
(Beethoven); Symphony No. 7
(Beethoven); and the Strauss
Symphonia Domestica.
Tickets may be procured until
4:45 this afternoon at the offices
of the University Musical Society
in Burton Tower, and after 7 p.m.,
Hill Auditorium box office.
Photos of 20th Century Archi-
tecture in United States: 1st floor,
exhibition hall, Architecture Bldg.
October 26-November 11.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memo-
rial Hall. "1848"-LIFE photo-
graphs; The Elements of Design;
through November 4, weekdays
9-4, Sundays 2-5. The public is
Events Today
Varsity Debate: Weekly meeting,
4203 Angell Hall, 7:30 p.m. Exhibi-
tion debate in Michigan Style. As-
signments for November demon-
strations before audiences in the
southern part of the State.
5440 Military Govt. Tng. Re-
serve Unit: Meet at 7:30 p.m., 131
School of. Business Admin. Bldg.
Mock court martial will be pre-
sented, showing the changes in
Court Martial procedure under the
new rules. Meeting under the di-
rection of Lt. Col. Richard P.
Whitker and Major Jack Dulger-
Wolverine Club: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Union.
Zetalethian: 7 p.m., League. All
members are urged to be present.
Sigma Rho Tau, Engineering
speech society: General meeting,
7 p.m., 2084 Engineering Bldg.
All members should attend. Ex-
change speakers from the U. of D.
Canterbury Club: 7:30-9 p.m.,
Chaplain's Seminar, conducted by
Rev. Burt, on the basic doctrines
of the:Christian faith.
Christian Science Organization:
Testimonial meeting. 7:30 n.m.,

Rm. 3D, Union. All those who
have not had their eligibility cards
signed please bring them.
Committee for Displaced Stu-
dents: General meeting, 4 p.m.,
Lane Hall.
Coming Events
Scabbard and Blade: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Wed., Oct. 26, North
U. of M. Rifle Club: Postal
Match with Queens College, 8 p.m.,
Wed., Oct. 26, ROTC rifle range.
Practice at 7 p.m.
U. of M. Theatre Guild: General
meeting, Wed., Oct. 26, 7 p.m., Rm.
2K, Union.
Phi Lambda Upsilon: East Con-
ference Room, Rackhiam Bldg.
Wed., Oct., 26, 7:15 p.m. Business
meeting with election of new mem-
8;15 p.m., Dr. R. H. Fifield of
the Political Science Department
will speak on "Prospects for World
Members and guests invited.
U. of M. Hostel Club: Meeting,
7:15 p.m., Lane Hall, Thurs., Oct.
27. Everyone welcome.
Tea 'n Talk: Wednesday after-
(Continued on Page 5)


Looking c~


Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen........... City Editor
Philip Dawson.......EditoriaV Director
Mary Stein..........Associate Editor
Jo Misner.:........... Associate Editor
George Walker.......Associate Editor
Don McNeil............Associate Editor
Alex Lmanian......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes ......... Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goeiz.....Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady.........Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbach.. Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King................Librarian
Ailan Clamage.. Assistant Librarian

F RESHMEN men were to handle their own
discipline for the first time in college
history. A disciplinary committee composed
entirely of freshmen was appointed by the
Student Council.


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