, OCTOBER 25, 1949
Change in Coed Hours Greeted
By Joyous Cries of Approval
Film Series
Discounting the few ever-pres-
ent dissenters, general approval
has been given extension of
late permission by coeds and their
One Michigan male seemed to
voice the opinion of many by say-
ing "It's about time," "What dif-
ference does it make?" asked an-
other. "They all signed out for
the dance anyway."
"I DON'T KNOW," said one stu-
dent dubiously. "It sort of takes all
the fun out of staying out 'til 1:30
a.m. illegally. Sneaking out used
to add a spirit of adventure to an
evening - especially when you
had to dress for a dance to go to
a picnic!"
While most people are very
enthusiastic about the whole
idea, some think it's a bad move.
'What if you're stuck with a bor-
ing date that evening?" moaned
one coed.
"I don't think freshmen should
have the privilege," said another.
"It's harder on house mothers,"
was the opinion of one objecter.
Fortnite Meeting
There will be a meeting of
the Fortnite central committee
at 4 p.m. today in the League.
"And besides, there's absolutely
nothing to do until then."
* * *
"WELL," SAID QNE student
thoughfully, "a good chess game
doesn't always break up at mid-
"Fine idea!" cheered a male
rooter for the cause." More time
for lovin'." 'And," continued a
member of the Michigan Daily
sports staff, with what might
have been a touch of sarcasm,
"some girls like to study late at
the library."
Many students think it's a step
in the right direction towards lib-
eralizing women's hours, Look at
Northwestern," sighed one coed
enviously, "two o'clock!"
.* * *
WHEN ASKED HER opinion on
the subject, one woman student
said defiantly, "They should al-
low 1:30 p.m. permission at least
once a week and should extend
10:30 p.m. hours to 11 p.m. I've al-
ways been for liberalizing women's
According to B. S. Brown of The
Daily, action was taken because of
his recent article satirizing Michi-
gan's mid-Victorian policies.
"I have only one complant -
they should extend calling hours
too," complained one indigant
male. "I was booted out of a dorm
quite unceremoniously at 1:15 a.m.
last Saturday night."
The first in a series of new black
and white movies depicting the va-
rious activities of the Women's
Physical Education Department
has been taken Dr. Margaret Bell,
chairman of the department, has
Movies have been made for edu-
cational purposes by the depart-
ment itself in former years, but
this year, for the first time, the
University Bureau of Audio-Vis-
ual Education is undertaking the
Action shots of the classes
taught in the freshman required
program were taken.
Engineers Plan
Activities Night
Engineering Nite, a unique ac-
tivities smoker for the various en-
gineering organizations, will be
held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oc-
tober 26, in the Union Ballroom.
This will be the premiere pre-
sentation of the show which is
strictly for engineering students.
Booths designed to acquaint spec-
tators with the functions of the or-
ganizations will be set up by each
of the groups. In addition, repre-
sentatives from all the clubs will
be on hand to answer any ques-
All-student entertainment will
be featured at what the engineers
promise will be a gala show. Some
of the artists to be included are
Bob Leopold and his Dixieland
Combo, Beverly Olszynski, coed
blues singer and the Conwell Car-
rington Quartet.
These performers were featured
in the Gulantics Review which was
presented here last year. Other
stars who will appear on the pro-
gram are Sarah Thrush, who will
sing selections for the light clas-
sics and Joe Micaeis, novelty pi-
Willow Villagers Organize
'Wayne King
To Perform
For Concert
Music of the "Waltz King,"
Wayne King, will be featured Nov.
5 in Hill Auditorium at a concert
to be sponsored by the Men's Glee
King and his orchestra were
among the first to be signed to
long term contracts when radio lis-
tening first began to rise in popu-
larity. They were rewarded for
their success with the Radio Guide
trophy for seven consecutive years.
THE PROGRAM presented by
Wayne King is one of great varie-
ty. It is noted for its smooth qual-
ity which is a trademark of the
Waltz King, almost as much as his
famous theme song, "The Waltz
You Saved For Me."
In a recent interview, King de-
clared, 'The waltz is timeless;
dances may come and dances
may go, but the waltz stays on
forever." He added that though
the waltz is being speeded up a
bit now, it still has not reached
the speed of the nineties when
dance floors were not quite as
crowded as nowadays.
* * *
IN ADDITION to the well-known
chorus of mixed voices will be
heard, the Don Large Chorus. The
chorus will offer a number of old-
time selections, as an entire group,
then breaks into smaller groups,
each unit offering new arrange-
ments of currently popular num-
In sharp contrast with some
orchestras, the King group fea-
tures muted strings, and elimi-
nates drum solos completely.
Known for his interest in en-
couraging aspiring musicians, King
personally coaches those showing
promise and, frequently builds
parts of his programs about them
to let them be heard to best ad-
Mail orders for tickets may. be
sent to the Men's Glee Club, Rm. .
1020 in the Administration Build-
A 7 pound 14 ounce boy was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Kins-
ley at 2:46 p.m. yesterday in Uni-
versity Hospital.
Mrs. Kinsley and child Charles
Edward were reported last night
by the hospital to be doing fine.
The father is pressman for The
' .2 :
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High. ..*
Activities for Current
Last week was a period of or-
ganization and elections for Wil-
low Village activities.
WILLOW RUN Co-op Nursery
held a general organizotional
meeting on Oct. 17. '
The following group chairmen
were elected to assume duties as
mother assistants: Primary group,
Mrs. Ann Shelley; Junior group,
Mrs. Dorothy Gordon; and Senior
group, Mrs. Mary Ross.
Mrs. Hedy Goldsmith was elect-
ed as health chairman, while Mrs.
Ann Abbitt was chosen to replace
Mrs. Priscilla Vabulus, who re-
signed as program chairman.
J AC bons..
. I
New Twosome;
Our popular
on a
slender gold thread from your waist.
Time hangs from a
Nickel finished, this brightly colored timekeeper has a
90 day working guarantee, can be clipped to this or
other belts in your closet. Turf, green, black, red..
plus 10% Fed. tax
The Foundation
a r,.rof Natural
Beauty ...
Satin Lastex and Elastic GIRDLES
to slia you under fall costumes
(Continued from Page 4)
noon, 4-6 p.m. Presbyterian
Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Meeting,.
Wed., Oct. 26, 12:15 p.m., 3054;
Natural Science Building. Picnic
will be held Thurs., Oct. 27, from 3.
to 7 at the big fireplace at the Is-
land, if it rains picnic will be held
Friday, same place, same time.
Canterbury Club: Wed., 7:15
a.m., Holy Communion followed by
Student Breakfast.
A.I.A. (Student chapter): Mem-
bership and Activities Meeting,
247 Arch. Bldg., 4:15 p.m., Wed.,
Oct. 26. New students urged to at-
Union Membership Cards: For
the benefit of those men unable to
secure Union Membership Cards
during the regular student office
hours, the office will be open to-
night and tomorrow night from 7
to 8:45 p.m. A cashier's receipt is
necessary to secure a membership
All Faculty members who visited
secondard schools for the Uni-
versity last year: Meeting, Fri.,
Oct. 28, 4 p.m., 4051 Administra-
tion Building. Those who desire to
visit schools this year are urged to
U. of M. S; Iling Club: Meeting,
Wed., Oct. 26, 7:30 p.m., 311W.
Play: "Servant of Two Masters"
presented by the Department of
Speech will open tomorrow night
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at
8 p.m. Special student rates, in-
cluding all good seats in the house,
will be offered Wednesday and
Thursday night. Box office open
daily, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phone 6300.
Hussey Room, League. All women
of the School of Music are invited.
Le Cercle Francais: Thurs., Oct.
27, 8 p.m., League. New songs,
piano selections by Mrs. E. Yahiel;
French film "A Paris." All are in-
Delta Sigma Pi: Business meet-
ing at chapter house, Wed., Oct. 26,
7:30 p.m.
Sigma Alpha Iota State Day,
Oct. 29, 9:30 to 4:30, League.
Alumnae, Actives and Patronesses
make luncheon reservations with
Anne Shafer at Martha Cook be-
fore Wed., Oct. 26.
Women of the University Facul-
ty: Tea, 4 to 6 p.m., Wed., Oct. 26,
4th floor clubroom, League.
ADA: Business meeting, Wed.,
Oct. 26, 7:30 p.m., League. Discus-
sion: "The Smith Act-Its Impact
on Political Action." Talks by Prof.
Estep of the Law School and Prof.
Slosson of the History Dept.
also held a preliminary meeting
last week.
Under the direction of Mrs.
David L. Miller, the bridge enthu-
siasts have decided to form two
Beginners' classes will be held
at 8:00 p.m. every Wednesday
night, while the advanced group
will meet on alternate Tuesdays,
beginning Nov. 1.
THlE Interdenominational
Church Fellowship Choir has be-
gun plans for the coming holiday
Christmas music is being
planned, and a candlelight service
under the direction of John Hertz-
berg, choir director, is being ar-
The choir has put out a call for
eight men singers, especially
basses, to add to their present
group of 24.
discussed child education.
On the panel for the evening
were Mrs. Mary Winter, student
housewife and parent; Mrs. Her-
maine Jensen, teacher; Ralph Van
Valkenburg, superintendent o f
Willow Run schools; James Evans,
principal of Foster School; Mrs.
Margaret Smith, vice-president of
PTA and Robert Kingsley, stu-
dent-parent, who acted as moder-
will be held at 8:00 p.m. today at
the University Community Center.
Under the direction of Mrs. R. E.
Johnson and Mrs. L. A. Frederick,
the Wive's Club women will pre-
sent a fashion show in which they
will model clothes which they
themselves have made.
quilted lined CORDUROY jacket!
Now, WOODSMAN brings you the perfect leisure.
jacket deftly lined with lustrous quilted rayon, inter-
lined with soft new wool. Perfect for Casual. wear
with a
. . . fitted and buckled; caught at the waist
elastic. In Red, Tan, Grey, Brown, Kelly, Blue.
10 to 20.
302 South State Street
You'll treasure long,
wear with pride!
Begins TODAY
Mon., Oct. 31
for the spectator
Valuable as a season ticket,
this all-wool plaid robe. You
carry it neatly folded to look
like a shoulder-strap handbag;
at the game tie it 'round you
like a skirt with a front pocket
to hold valuables; and in the
: a
Mu Phi Epsilon and
Alpha Iota will present
musicale Thurs., Oct. 27,
a joint
8 p.m.,
wear it like a hooded
. In an assortment of
iful plaids.
1000 #
MS - -
2 S
I i ,
At A Savings of 10%
All NEW FALL COATS ..... priced 39.95 to 89.95
All NEW FALL SUITS .... . . priced 39.95 to 75.00
$1000 1 group of DRESSES, one and two-piece styles in all colors.
Sizes 9 to 15, 10 to 44; 121/2 to 241/, originally to 25.00.
1 group of corduroy, crepe and wool DRESSES
$ 95 one and two-piece styles, corduroy and light wool suits-
grand for mixing and matching, originally to 29.95.
$18~00 1 group of BETTER DRESSES. All good for winter wear.
Grand choice of style and color. All sizes, orig. to 35.00.
$495 $195
Originally 16.95 to 29.95 Values to 39.95
Twills, Gabardines, Tweeds- lined and
deal for casual wear, as well as rain unlined. Belted or half belted-free and
wear. All sizes - fabrics - colors. fdaring
GLOVES of Quality BLOUSES Now 2.95 - 5.95
Dark Brown Gloves at 1.69 Originally to 8.95. Tailored and lace
Capeskin and Kid at 5.00 trimmed styles. Plaids and solid colors.
Oatmeal and Cork Pigskin at 5.00 Long and short sleeves.
Exquisite Costume 51-Gauge Hose New Fall Hats
JEWE LRYShort - Medium - Long Blacks, Browns and Greens.
Necklaces - BraceletsBl s r a Or
They're clever, original, and so
inexpensive. It's the party re-
membrance that your dates
cherish, and that makes your
dance an event.
A "must" for your Formals.
We can meet most any bud-
get, prices start as low as
thirty-five cents.
i 3