Army Horde
Hits Harvard
Gil Stephenson
Stars for Cadets
CAMBRIDGE, Mass.-(P)-Con-
tinuing its drive to the nation's
highest football peak, mighty
Army, with its supposedly ailing
Gil Stephenson scoring four times,
cverwhelmed an out-manned but
hard fighting Harvard team, 54-
14, yesterday t the Stadium.
The Cadets' terrific power
shocked the 48,000 crowd that
viewed the most humiliating de-
fensive stand Harvard has made
during its long history. The prev-
ious highest score against it was
Yale's 48-0, victory back in 1884.
WHEN THE hard - smashing
fullback Stephenson was not tear-
ing the Crimson line to shreds,
numerous other black - shirted
West Pointers were. The only res-
pite Harvard had was during the
third period, when Coach Red
Blaik, bent on mercy, had his third
and fourth stringers in action.
The Cadets scored thrice in
both the first and second ses-
sions, were blanked in the third
and then, with a breath-taking
demonstration of the attack that
toppled mighty Michigan last
week, added two more touch-
downs in the finale.
Jim Cain accounted for two of
the other Army touchdowns and
the others were made by Vic Pol-
lard and Elmer Stout. The latter's
was the most spectacular play of
the game, a 76-yard dash with an
intercepted pass.
'ARVARD, previously beaten
by Stanford, Columbia and Cor-
nell, made a brave showing after
taking the game-opening kickoff.
But it soon put itself hopelessly
out of the running by fumbling on
Army's 28-yard line.
Thereupon, the Cadets settled
down to scoring business in grim
fashion and their first two
tallies were registered within the
short space of 38 seconds.
After being banged and bruised
about almost at the Cadets' will
for nearly half an hour, Harvard
gained its second wind against
scrub opposition and Jim Henry
ended a 98-yard drive, mostly
through the air, by smashing over
from Army's one yard line.
Blaik had his top performers
back in action when the fourth
period opened but a half-dozen
Harvards appeared to block a
punt on Army's 30 and, after six
plays and two Army penalties,
Henry smashed over again from
a foot out.
Coutre T allies Thrice
In Opening Ten Minutes
Vicious Blocking Clears
Way for Bye's Running
- I
SOUTH BEND-()-In just 10
blazing minutes, thunderous Notre
Dame pounded Tulane's touted
Green Wave into a helpless ripple
yesterday. The stunning 46-7 vic-
tory made a debacle out of the
"football game of the season."
If there was a hero for the
furious Irish who reached terrific
inspirational heights in their
seven-touchdown explosion it was
halfback Larry Coutre who scored
the first three touchdowns of the
THUS, the top ranked Notre
Dame, for the first time this sea-
son, demonstrated its crunching
potentialities for a fourth straight
In all, the Irish slashed
through Tulane for four first
period touchdowns, but it was
the first three within the open-
ing 10 minutes of play which
completely whipped a bewil-
dered Tulane eleven.
Notre Dame scored a touchdown
each in the final three periods
which only emphasized that pre-
viously unbeaten Tulane was in
far over its head.
THE LONE Green Wave score
NFL Teams
Clash Today
NEW YORK-()-All ten teams
in the National Football League
will see action at once for the
first time, this season today, with
the defending champion Philadel-
phia Eagles meeting the Chicago
Bears' on the latter's field in the
feature game.
Two tussles also are carded at
widely separate points in the All-
America Conference, which got
its week end program off to an
early start last night.
THE EAGLES again top the
standings in the Eastern Division
of the National League with three
victories in as many starts. The
Bears, who have won two out of
three, hold second place in the
Western Division.
It will be the 13th meeting of
the Eagles and Bears. The
Eagles won last year, but the
Bears had won ten of their pre-.
vious encounters, the other end-
ing in a tie.
Other National League games
today will see the Pittsburgh Steel-
ers at New York for a game with
the Giants, Los Angeles at Detroit,
the New York Bulldogs at Wash-
ington and the Chicago Cardinals
tangling with the Green Bay Pack-
ers in Milwaukee.
* * *
LOS ANGELES heads the West-
ern Division standings with three]
straight triumphs and should,
make it four for four over the tail-I
end Lions, who have dropped all
three starts to date.E
came on a pass play covering 76
yards, from Bill Bonar to George
Kinek in the third period.
For the pulverizing Irish, who
outrushed Tulane 280 yards to a
mere 23, it was their 32nd game
without defeat, a skein stretch-
ing from the opening of the
1946 season.
Tulane which proudly came
here after wins over Alabama,
Georgia Tech andSouth Eastern
Louisiana didn't know what hit
it in the tremendous Irish open-
ing period.
IRISH BACKS never were
stopped at the first impact, which
is why Coutre streaked 81 yards
for his second touchdown and
Billy Barrett in the final quarter
scooted 59 yards to score.
Quarterback Bob Williams,
who did a magnificent job in
calling plays against the sag-
ging Tulane defenses completed
eight of 11 passes for two
touchdowns and 177 yards.
Halfback Frank Spaniel grabbed
a 34-yard pass from Williams for
the first of his two touchdowns.
That was the fourth touchdown
in the devastating first period.
Spaniel's second touchdown came
in the third quarter on a slashing
12 yard run.
* * *
touchdown materialized with ri-
diculous ease on Williams' 18 yard
shot to hulking end Leon Hart in
the end zone.
Steve Oracko booted only four
of his seven conversion tries,
but it was not a day for the
Irish to worry about extra
Tulane took into the game a
fourth place ranking in the A.P.'s
National Poll of sports writers.
The Wave was supposed to have
an excellent chance to avenge a
59-6 trimming when last it faced
Notre Dame in 1947.
* * *
BUT ALL THAT faded into bit-
ter ashes as the Irish performed
in the first half according to a
post-game statement by Coach
Frank Leahy, "As good as any
Notre Dame team I have ever
The last half was anti-cli-
mactic for the over-flowing
crowd of 58,196 which had ex-
pected to see a knock-down,
drag-out battle between two
supposedly evenly-matched
Fullback Eddie Price, Tulane's
Southern terror, was held to 26
yards in 10 tries, although the
fleet back had to perform on an
ailing leg.
The only spark in Tulane's
futile attack was provided by the
passing of Joe Ernst and Bonar,
who completed 11 of 21 attempts
for 186 yards. Notre Dame's aerial
yardage was 179, all on Williams'
eight completions.
Canadiens Ice N.Y., 2-1
Black Hawks Tie Leafs
By The Associated Press
TORONTO - Syd Smith's goal
at 9:22 of the final period earned
the Toronto Maple Leafs a 4-4
tie with the Chicago Black Hawks
in Toronto's opening . National
Hockey League game last night.
A crowd of 13,427 saw the game.
* * *
THE LEAFS went into the lead
three times but the hard-driving,
Hawks came rack each time to
get past Turk Broda in the Tor-
onto nets. The Leafs outshot Chi-
cago, 29 :to 21. The Stanley Cup
champions threw four and five
men at the Hawk nets time after
time but Frankie Brimsek held'
them out.
The Leafs played without
right-winger Bill Ezinicki, who'
was out with an injured leg.
Chicago showed a slight first
period margin with seven shots
on goal against five forthe Leafs
but the Toronto club came back
in the second to make it 15 to 8
in shots on goal and nine to six
in the final period.
Only four penalties were handed
out - three to Toronto including
a major to Captain Ted Kennedy
and one to Chicago.
By The Associated Press
MONTREAL - The Montreal
Canadiens won their second
straight victory of the National
Hockey League seasonlast night
by downing the New York Rang-
ers, 2-1. Billy Reay, Elmer Lach
and Maurice Richard scored the
Canadiens' goals while rough Pat
Egan tallied the New Yorkers' lone
It was a tough struggle for the
Montrealers who had to come from
behind from a first period goal
scored by Pat'eEgan of New York
before a crowd of 10,803.
* * *
goalie, was struck over the left
eye by a puck just before his team
went ahead in the final period.
The wound required six stitches.
The shot came front the stick
of Bud Poile and was a hard
screened drive from well inside
the Montreal blue line.
The game was held up 15 min-
utes while Durnan underwent re-
pairs in the Forum Clinic and the
Canadiens made ready to dress an
amateur goalie from the Montreal
Royals. But Durnan returned, ac-
claimed by the crowd.
tain Al Wistert (above) and End
Harry Allis (left) continually
kept the Wildcats from gaining
yardage on the ground. Every
time a Northwestern back came
into the left tackel slot, he met
a stone wall in the person of
"Big Al." Although Allis missed
one of three conversion tries,
his defensive work was stellar.
The fact that he made a few
catches adds to his prestige.
Stanford Rips
SEATTLE - (P) - A gang of
spring-driven Stanford backs led
by Bill DeYoung had the Midas-
touch for tallies yesterday after-
noon to earn the Cardinals a 40
to 0 Pacific Coast Conference foot-
ball victory over Washington.
A game which the crowd of 33,-
500 had expected to be a toss-up
dissolved into a rout when the
flame-shirted Californians racked
up 21 last quarter counters.
The Washington Huskies, draw-
ing a touchdown blank for the
second straight conference game,
crossed the Stanford goal once but
lost the tally on an offside pen-
Charles K.O.'s
Pat Valentino
wake of his knockout victory,
Ezzard Charles, the NBA heavy-
weight champion, asked yesterday
"what more must I do to get rec-
ognition from the New York Ath-
letic Commission?"
Charles flattened Pat Valentino,
California State titleholder for the
full count in 35 seconds of the
eighth round of their scheduled
15-round bout. A record indoor
boxing crowd for this state of
19,666 saw Charles end the fight
with a smashing right cross to the
COLUMBUS - (A)-Minnesota
moved a lengthy piece down the
Rose Bowl road yesterday by belt-
ing Ohio State, 27-0, in a Western
Conference football game before
82,111 fans.
The running of halfbacks Billy
Bye and Dick Gregory, with the
help of savage blocking, sparked
the Golden Gophers' four-touch-
down parade.
THE RESULT never was much
in doubt after the first few plays.'
Minnesota's giant line took
command of the situation al-
most immediately. Led by center
Clayton Tonnemaker and tackle
Leo Nomellini, the Minnesota
forwards simply smothered any
Ohio Stye attacks that became
even slightly dangerous.
Bye counted the first Minnesota
touchdown late in the first period,
going 14 yards over Ohio State's
right guard. End Gordon Soltau
kicked the first of three straight
* * *
GREGORY SET UP the second
touchdown with a 51-yard run
around his own right end and an-
other 20-yard scamper. He scored
it on his second plunge from the
eight-yard line.
Balked on the ground, Bye
tossed a 20-yard pass to Quar-
terback Jim Malosky in the Ohio
end zone early in the fourth
quarter. The final marker came
a few minutes later after Ohio's
halfback Jim Clark fumbled on
his own 13. Fullback Ken Beiers-
dorf threw to end Bud Grant on
the Ohio one, then dived over
two plays later.
With the victory Minnesota
grabbed the inside track to the
Western Conference Rose Bowl se-
lection. Unbeaten Minnesota ap-
pears the only logical choice-
barring late season upsets. Neither
Northwestern nor Michigan, the
Conference's representatives in the
1948 and 1947 Rose Bowl classic
is eligible to return this year. The
Pacific Coast-Western Conference
pact bars for three years a re-
peater in the January 1 contest.
* * *
MINNESOTA collected 14 first
downs to 10 for Ohio State, 284
net yards rushing to 48 yards for
Ohio State, 55 yards passing to
183 for the losers.
But, cold figures don't reveal
the savagery of the Minnesota
blocking and tackling. Many
times Ohio State blockers just
seemed to melt before the rushes
of Tonnemaker and Nomellini.
Minnesota began moving again
in the fourth period. From the
Minnesota 18, Gregory broke loose
for 30 yards around his own left
end. Again the Minnesota runners
slowed down on the Ohio 20. There
Bye slipped his touchdown pass to
48-13 Tilt
To Badg9)ers
MADISON - (A)-An alert and
capable Wisconsin football team
capitalized on Navy errors and
smashed to a 48 to 13 victory yes-
The Badgers passed and ran
for four of their seven touch-
downs and intercepted Navy passes
to score two and set up a third.
IT WAS THE largest score run
up by a Wisconsin team since 1930.
A capacity crowd of 45,000 turned
Navy exhibited a powerful
ground game in spurts. The
Middies went 84 yards on the
ground and in the air for one
of their scores in the first pe-
riod. And in the final period
they went 78 yards for another.
But in between the Badgers
completely dominated the play.
The opening -period indicated a
bruising battle with the Badgers
getting off to a 7 to 6 lead. Three
rapid fire touchdowns by Wis-
consin in the second quarter
changed the picture completely
and there was little doubt from
that point on as to the outcome.
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