MAY 28, 1950'
. 1
(Continued from Page 6)
please call the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, Ext. 371.
The Fort Wayne Corrugated Pa-
per Company of Fort Wayne, In-
diana will be at the Bureau of
Appointments on Wed., May 31 to
interview June 1950 graduates for
their managerial development pro-
gram. They are not interested in
students with any specific forma
background, but rather want men
who are good, all around students
well balanced and who have dis-
played leadership and have ability
to get along with people. The scope
of the program is very broad, in-
cluding activity to develop a sound
knowledge of materials, product
design, cost accounting, produc-
tion planning, production stan-
dards, quality control, equipment
maintenance, manufacturing op-
eration, plant and departmental
supervision, overall plant adminis-
tration, and sales service.
For further information and ap-
pointments for interviews call at
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Administration Building.
Post Cereals Division of Gener-
al Foods located in Battle Creek,
Michigan is interested in hiring a
June 1950 graduate with a degree
in physical or organic chemistry.
They prefer B.S. candidates with
an interest in control work who
will graduate in the upper 50% of
the class.
The Semmler Wholesale Supply
Company of Detroit, Michigan is
interested in employing two men
for executive training in their or-
ganization. They are interested in
-a mechanical engineer for sales
and a business administration
graduate for their accounting de-
partment. These positions are in
The Contract Specialties Com-
'e pany of Detroit is interested in
receiving applications from June
graduates of the School of Busi-
ness Administration. The position
they have available involves per-
sonnel and general office man-
Diamond Crystal Colonial Salt
Division of the General Foods Cor-
poration of St. Clair, Michigan
ha an opening in their laboratory
for a June graduate in Chemistry.
They will accept applications from
men expecting either B.S. or M.S.
degrees this June.
The Bureau of Appointments
has received a call from a firm in
Detroit, which does asphalt and
concrete paving, for a young man
to learn the business to work into
a supervisory capacity. They
would consider either engineering
or general students who would be
interested in the job.
For further information on
above notices call at the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Adminis-
tration Building.
University Lecture: "The Scope
of Inorganic Chemistry." Prof es-
sor N. V. Sidgwick, Oxford Uni-
versity, England; auspices of the
'Department of Chemistry. 4:15
p.m., Wed., May 31, Room 1400,
Chemistry Building.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Wil-
linda Hortense Savage, Education;
thesis: "The Evolution of John
Dewey's Philosophy of Experimen-
talism as Developed at the Uni-
versity of Michigan," Mon., May
29, South Alcove of Men's Lounge,
Rackham Bldg., 4 p.m. Chairman,
W. C. Trow.
Student Recital: Nancy Joan
Lewis, student of organ with Ro-
bert Noehren, will present a pro-
gram at 4:15 p.m., Sun., May 28,
Hill Auditorium, as partial fulf ill-
ment of the requirements for the
Bachelor of Music degree. Pro-
gram: works by Buxtehude, Cler-
ambault, Bach, Franck and Alain.
Open to the public.
Student Recital: William Mac-
Gowan, organist, will be heard at
8:30 p.m., Sun., May 28, Hill Au-
ditorium, in a program of compo-
sitions by Bach, Franck, Brahms
and Durufle. Played in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for
the Master of Music degree, the
recital will be open to the public.
Mr. MacGowan is a pupil of Ro-
brt Noehren.
* Student Recital: John Crawford,
student of clarinet with Albert Lu-
coni, will play a program at 8:30
p.m., Sun., May 28, Architecture
Auditorium, in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the Bache-
f for of Music degree. He will be
assisted by Alexander Popp, piano,
Florence Lazarski, oboe, Robert
Pfeuffer, bassoon, and Sheldon
Henry, French horn, in works by
I Bozza, Mendelssohn, Widor and
, Mozart. Open to the public.
Student Recital: Jack Norman,
tenor, will present a program in
*partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music in Music Education at 4:15
p.m., Wed., May 31, Rackham As-
sembly Hall. A pupil of Arthur
Hackett, Mr. Norman will sing
ompositions by Rosa, Alessandro,
Handel, Wolf, Brahms, Beethoven
and a group of English songs.
Student Recital: David Hilding-
er, pianist, will present a program
at 8:30 p.m., Mon., May 29, Arch-
itecture Auditorium, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for
degree of Bachelor of Music. A pu-
pil of Marian Owen, Mr. Hildinger
will play compositions by Bach,
Beethoven, Chopin, and Ross Lee
Finney, a member of the School
of Music faculty. Open to the
Museum of Art, Alumni Memo-
rial Hall: Far Eastern Art and
Howard Cook - Graphic"Wrk,
through June 18; weekdays 9-5,
Sundays 2-5. The public is in-
Events Today
Westminster Presbyterian Guild:
3 p.m. Baseball game at Burns
Park. 4:30 p.m.-Supper at Hen-
derson's. Call the church office
for supper reservations.
Canterbury Club: 9 a.m.. 'Holy
Communion followed by Student
Breakfast and Discussion. 5:30
p.m. Supper and Meeting.
LutheraniStudet tAssociation:
4 p.m. meeting at the Center. An
outdoor meeting at Graf home.
Congregational-Disciples, Evan-
gelical & Reformed Guild: Picnic
at Riverside Park. Meet at the
Guild House, 438 Maynard, 4 p.m.
A vesper service will follow the 6
o'clock supper.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
Annual United Jewish Appeal Car-
nival at the Foundation, 7-10 p.m.
Everyone invited.
Coming Events
American Chemical Society:
Meeting, Mon., May 29, 4:15 p.m.,
1400 Chemistry. Prof. N. V. Sidg-
wick, Oxford University, will lec-
ture on "Interhalogen Com-
Pershing Rifles report to North
Hall at 6 p.m., Mon., May 29, to
escort colors to Ferry Field for
commissioning day ceremonies.
Naval Research Reserve: Mon.,
May 29, 7:30 p.m., 18 Angell Hall.
Dr. James C. Peskin; "Factors
which Determine the Visual Pro-
cess." All naval reserve officers
and enlisted personnel engaged in
advanced work in the sciences and
engineering are eligible for mem-
bership in the Research Reserve.
Interested reservists (including
Waves) are invited to attend a
regular meeting of the Unit to dis-
cuss membership application with
the Executive Officer.
Hostel Club: Tues., May 30,
Family Hike to Pony Farm. Meet
at John Amnous home in Pitts-
field Village at 11 a.m. with lunch,
camera, sketch pad, and comfort-
able walking shoes to hike to river
for picnic lurich and then to visit
Prof. Frank Smith's farm on Hogs-
back Road. Call John, 250075, by
Mon., May 29.
U. of M. Soaring Club: Meeting
to discuss summer organization,
purchase of plane,retc., 7:30 p.m.
Thurs., June 1, 1042 EE. All in-
terested are welcome. Flying ex-
perience not necessary.
Arts Course
To Be Given,
In Summer
A special program, "Arts and
Contemporary Society," featuring
three distinguished guest lectur-
ers, will be given by the Univer-
sity this summer.
The program will consist of a
series of three weekly lectures and
a weekly panel discussion by the
guest speakers, from July 3 to
July 22.
IN ADDITION, the program
will include many related activi-
ties, including plays, recitals, ex-
hibits and a movie, to be given
throughout the summer session.
The guest lecturers are Prof.
Ross Finney, of the music
school, Pulitzer-prize-winning
composer and composition
teacher; Prof. John Ciardi, of
Harvard University, noted poet
and Hopwood prize winner;
and Prof. Edward Rannells,
well-known painter and head of
the art department of the Uni-,
versity of Kentucky.
All the lecturers will participate
in a weekly panel discussion.
Prof. Charles Stevenson, of the
philosophy department, will be
moderator for the lectures and
panel discussions.
* * *
THE PROGRAM is open to the
public as well as University stu-
dents. One hour of academic cre-
dit will be given for electing the
program as a course in the Eng-
lish or fine arts department, arch-
itecture or music school.
Pamphlets describing the pro-
gram in detail are available at
the Summer Session Office, Rm.
3510 Administration Bldg.
X itenin9
.. .
vacation time and more leisure
Unfortunately, it also means the
time for winter radio programs to
give way to the many mediocre
summer shows.
MANY PEOPLE who do not have
time to listen to the radio during
the winter months find themselves
confronted with much leisure time
in the warmer weather.
However, radio networks don't
acknowledge this fact, but make
summertime vacation time for
many of their better performers.
This results in the actual dimin-
ishing of radio listeners in a
time when there should be an
For example, NBC has an-
nounced that an Erle Stanley
Gardner mystery series, "A Life
In Your Hands," will replace Art
Linkletter's entertaining "People
Are Funny" show, a Tuesday night
listening favorite to many.
LISTENERS ARE expected to
accept, instead of the humorous
antics of Linkletter and contest-
ants on the "People Are Funny"
show, Carleton Kadell as Jonathan
Kegg, a retired attorney who acts
as an amicus curiae (friend of the
court) in clearing innocent sus-
pects in criminal cases.
Nothing personal against Mr.
Kadell, but many people find it
difficult to replace a favorite hu-
mor show with a program with
the old "crime does not pay" plot
where the hero always wins. This
results in turning off the radio
and seeking another entertain-
ment medium.
This is just one of the many
"changes made on the radio sched-
ules during the summer, with most
of the changes having similar ef-
fects. However, there are two or
three exceptions to this pattern.
* * *
ONE GOOD example is "The
Railroad Hour," a Monday eve-
ning favorite to many music lov-
ers. This show will not leave the
air during the summer months, but
will co-star Lucille Norman with
baritone Gordon MacRae in a
"summer almanac" series. Carmen
Dragon will continue to lead the
Each program in the "alma-
nac" will be devoted to tuneful
recollections of a different era
in American history. Historical
events as well as styles in music
will be recalled.
MacRae began his musical ca-
reer when he won a contest for
male singers and appeared briefly
in a Billy Rose show at the World's
Fair. After trying his hand at act-
ing in a small playhouse he became
a page at NBC in New York.
HORACE HEIDT offered bim a
job as vocalist in 1941.
From here he jumped to fame,
winning parts in Broadway plays
and staring on NBC's "Teen-
timers." A recording contract,
followed . by . a . contract with
Warner Brothers, came next. As
star of the "Railroad Hour,"
MacRae combines his singing
and acting talents.
Miss Norman rose to stardom af-
ter winning a Metropolitan Opera
contest. A frequent guest on the
"Railroad Hour" during its regular
season, she has appeared in sever-
al motion pictures, including "Mu-
sical Masterpieces" and "For Me
and My Gal."
DRAGON, musical director of
the "Railroad Hour," won an Aca-
demy Award in 1944 for his score
for "CoverGirl."
Combine the talents of MacRae,
Miss Norman and Dragon every
Monday night and you end up
with an hour of listening enjoy-
The opening summer show at 8
p.m. tomorrow will feature events
and fashions from the year 1927.
ROTC To Hold
The annual graduation and de-
coration ceremonies of the Univer-
sity ROTC will be held at 7 p.m.
tomorrow evening at Ferry Field.
Ninety Army and Air Force RO-
TC students will receive their re-
serve commissions from University
Provost James Adams, 2nd Lt., Ar-
my and Air Force Reserves.
Honorary awards for military
leadership and academic achieve-
ment will be awarded to 22 out-
standing ROTC students, and Sec-
ond Lieutenant commissions in the
regular Army will be presented to
Robert Legate, '50E, and Kenneth
Greider, '50E.
A parade and military review of
500 ROTC students will follow the
presentation of the awards. In case
of rain, the ceremonies will be
held in Yost Field House.
/ * it
Summer's just around the cor-
ner . . . Cool, comfortable but
fashion wise is our miss wearing
a fruit basket chintz, leaving
arms and back exposed for sun
tan . . . Black Milan Straw an
accessory must .. .
. .$14.95
307 South State Street
Machines Capture Headlines
At Two Eastern Colleges
Machines were in the spotlight
of campus news last week-on the
campus of the City College of New
York a projected machine would
offer possible relief from long
registration, while at Harvard's
Stoughton Hall the inmates were
having trouble keeping their fav-
orite machines - telephones.
*- *
der would permit registration in
five minutes, or so its inventor,
Raymond Lazinski, a senior in
electrical engineering claimed.
It's all very simple, the way
Lazinski explained it. A regis-
trant would give the machine's
trained operator a list of the
subjects he wanted to take, the
free periods he wanted and the
time he wanted to have his first
and last classes each day.
The operator would feed this
information to the machine, and,
bingo, the student would have a
pile of cards outlining all the
possible schedule combinations
which would fill his requirements.
* * *
THE STUDENT would pick the
program he liked best, and give
it to the machine. The infernal
thing would even close sections if
But there is one difficulty -
of course.
The cost of installing and keep-
ing such a wonder working would
be more thantequal to the current
cost of registration. So CCNY is
not going to install the machine.
THE HARVARD difficulty re-
volved around "penny spinning,"
a practice by which the bright
Harvard lads had been getting
free calls on the pay phones in-
stalled in the school's dormitories.
Things got so bad at Stoughton
- from the telephone company's
point of view, that is - that the
house's two pay phones were re-
moved. Irate telephone officials'
steamed that it was because of "a
long and continued abuse of
phone facilities."
The removal came soon after
the phone company had put in
an apparatus which was "spin
proof," they thought.
The men in the house evidently
took this as a direct affront and
put a chart up by the new phone,
with a check mark on it for each
successful penny call on the new
When telephone officials dis-
covered this chart and the checks
on it, the phones were yanked.
will buy
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