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to Ehe
History of Junior Girls' Play
Filled WithLivelyIncidents
Males First Viewed Annual Production.
From Balcony, Orchestra Pit of Theatre
Coeds Engaged
(Continued from Page 4)
ing and blaspheming of insidiou
vicious landlords. Here is an oui
lgt for those complaints. Why nol
tdke advantage of it?
-Cal Klyman,
Subcommittee on Rent Control,
Campus Action Committee,
Student Legislature
* * *
Mundt-Ferguson Bill .. ,
To the Editor:
HE following is a copy of a let
ter sent by IRA to national leg
islators telling them how we fee
about certain "security" legisla
ion. We hope other organization
will do the same.
At our meeting of March 28 th
Inter-Racial Association unani
mously voted to oppose the Mundt
Ferguson (S.2311) and the Nixo:
(HR 3342) bills as constituting im
mediate threats to longstandin
democratic principles. We see th
power they give to a three ma:
committee to be such as could b
used to destroy any organization
(such as our own) which work
for social progress. We disagre
in principle with any legislation
which can, directly or indirectly.
restrict an individual on the basi
of his association with an organi
zation or restrict an organizatio
on the basis of the ideas it ad
vances rather than on specific tra
ditional criminal acts.
We agree with Frank Murph:
when he said, "Loyalty to our tra
ditions of civil liberty is as mitl-g
a part of patriotism as defense of
our shores and, hatred for trea
son." The Mundt-Ferguson-Nixoi
bill can only weaken American se
curity. Its passage would give sub
stance to foreign charges of "Fas
cism" against our government.
We who are concerned witl
combatting racism feel that one
of the most significant and dan
gerous aspects of the proposed bil
is that, while it legislates agains
organizations of the Left, it would
in no way restrict such native fas
cist groups as the Ku Klux Klan
and Gerald L. K. Smith's followers
It should be remembered that the
restriction of the Left in Germany
was the first step in the establish-
ment of Hitler's terroristic dic
tatorship of the Right.
Hence, in the interest of safe
guarding American democracy w
urge you to use your full re-
sources to defeat this thought con-
trol bill.
Patrick Doyle, President,
Jack G. Barense, Secretary,
Inter-Racial Association
Debate Con .. .
To the Editor:
Tuesday, April 18, thoroughly
criticized and renounced the Uni-
versity Lecture Committee for not
allowing H. J. Phillips, avowed
Communist, to take part in the
planned by the Form Committee,
I think that the outspoken cri-
tizers of the University have over-
looked two important aspects per-
taining to, and in defense of, the
committee's decision. First, the
opinion and judgement of the
members of the committee should
be given more consideration and
analysis than it appears has been
given by the committee critizers.
Our main purpose here at the
University of Michigan is to learn,
and learn to think. The material
we grasp not only includes facts
but also experience and opinion-
mainly the opinion of our instruc-
tors. Why should our attitude to-
wards the opinion of the faculty
members with regard to the Phil-
lips decision be directly opposite
to our regard for their opinion on
other subjects?
These men are not the dunces
that some of our editorial writers
would have you believe. We choose
elder men for most of our import-
ant political positions because we
consider their judgement and ex-
perience is what is needed to gov-
ern the actions and welfare of
My second point is in connec-
tion with the Communist philo-
sophy itself. Myself, along with
most Americans, believe in free
speech by free speech I do not
mean license to libel, to slander
or to deliberately misrepresent
facts. Should a speaker be allow-
ed to advocate a political doc-
trine based on a philosophy which
in practice disregards all the ma-
jor contentions of that philo-
sophy? Let us examine the Com-
munist philosophy in the light of
present-day Communism and the
actions of Russia. Communism
claims to be baised on the rule of
the proletariat-are the govern-
ments in Poland, Czechoslovakia,
and Russia democratic? Com-
munism claims that war is a nat-
ural result of capitalism and cap-
italist greed-is the present world
condition a result of capitalism?
' Communists thrive in this country
L. S. &A. in 2,000..
To the Editor:
JN THE YEAR 2,000 A.D. I en-
visage the following changes tc
have taken place at the Univer-
sity. Student enrollment has in-
creased to 500,000. Every profes-
sor in the Lit. School is either a
Dean or a department head. Each
has a secretary and an office in
the Administration Buildings
which now include the League
and the Union as well as all class-
room space. Their families live in
the old student dormitories which
have been converted into attrac-
tive apartments.
All students of the School of
Literature, Science and the Arts
remain in their home town. Lec-
tures are received via television.
Professors and advisers are con-
tacted by mail. The former an-
swers questions by the medium of
a wire recording. Upon playing the
recording the student hears a
short personal lecture rendered by
a teaching-fellow. The package
lecture has no relation to the
question. Advisers submit advice
on the back of a postage stamp.
Examinations are taken in key
central areas. The Rose Bowlkis
utilized for examination purposes
in western United States. Five
hundred teaching fellowss. police
each exam.
Maximum attendance in Michi-
gan's football stadium, now three
miles high, is set at 200,000. Only
Alumni are admitted. Television
brings the game to the students.
A preview of the Michigan of
tomorrowrcan be obtained at 1
daily over station WUOM. Af-
ter listening to the "Classroom
Lecture Hour" all students,. es-
pecially those who have elected
Comparative European Govern-
ments, should ask themselves why
bother with classroom attend-
ance? What do you lose by staying
home and tuning in on WUOM?
-Allen Hurd
* * *
easy prey to the agitator beside
him, especially if he is a smooth-
talking student. Secondly, hitch-
hiking cheats the bus lines and
undermines free enterprise. Third-
ly, it breaks down law and order
and encourages people to be
neighborly and good Samaritans.
One would think that the police
would have easy work, by simply
scooping up two out of five hikers
and putting them in jail. If the
criminals come out in the open,
why can't the police catch them?
What would criminals do if they
couldn't hitchhike any more with
impunity? They would die out,
like the dodo.
-John Neufeld
* * *
d Liberals
- To the Editor:
. THE DEATH OF former mayor
of the city of Detroit, Jeffrey,
y was the second great Michigan
- liberal to leave us. Frank Murphy,
- the Associate Justice of the U.S.
Supreme Court, was the first lost.
They left us when we need them
more than ever, in these turbulent
e times, to guide us and to advise us.
When we write and speak of Mur-
phy and Jeffrey, we do speak and
write about dynamic Detroit and
Michigan with its great industries
and potentialities.
These great, great Americans
were of a different type of politi-
cians; they were not for wealth
and money; they placed the com -
mon interest of the people high-
* er than private interest.
They are gone now, and we in
Michigan are faced with the chal-
lenge, to produce another leader-
ship to lead us to a successful po-
litical and economic end. It is a
challenge, indeed to the University
of Michigan and Wayne Univer-
sity to educate a new progressive
rank and file who will become the
future leaders of this great state;
to put the people's needs at heart.
How shall this leadership be pro-
duced from the educational insti-
tutions when free public expres-
sion is forbidden, debates and dis-
cussions are something in the
past? How shall we know what is
Communism, socialism, capitalism,
and various philosophies derived
from our present society? And to
find out what kind of philosophy
is this which Senator McCarthy
from Wisconsin is trying to save
us from? Is the act of rejection
the only reply to challenge Com-
munism against capitalism or shall
we have a better offer to substitute
for this philosophy? Forbidding
the debate of Prof. Phillips will
not help an iota our efforts to
promote another Murphy and Jef-
frey; ' on the contrary, we will
drift toward a corporation state
similar to Italy and Germany be-
fore World War II.
-George P. Moskoff
S4 4
To the Editor:
THE AUTHOR OF the article
"Thumbs Down on Hitchhik-
ers" is quite a moralist. He realizes
that all motorists are solid citi-
zens, never finger-printed, people
who never rob hitchhikers. Hitch-
hikers on the other hand are hi-
jackers and furthermore like to
get into smash-ups so that they
can collect money afterwards.
The author thinks hitchhiking
was all right during the war be-
cause "often a lift meant the sol-
dier got home a day earlier." Now
people don't have to get home
earlier. Let 'em wait for a slow,
crowded, uncomfortable bus.
Hitchhiking "encourages beg-
ging, truancy, lawbreaking . .
Motorists picking up a hitchhiker
are quite likely to be helping him
violate some law. Even in places
where it's legal, the lift promotes
Crucial Issue .. .
To the Editor:
P"N EDITORIAL," signed by
"the Editors," and concerned
with a decision of the University
Lecture Committee, appeared on
the front page of Tuesday's Daily.
In the last paragraph of this
editorial, the writer states: "In a
world where the crucial issue is
Capitalism vs Communism" . . .
etc. These words imply, it seems to
me, that Capitalism's opposition
to Communism comprises the most
crucial issue before the world at
the present moment.
If this is what the author of the
words means to imply, I can only
join with the more thoughtful
members of the University in de-
ploring that such a superficil
judgment should have been made,
subscribed to, and prominently
displayed. If, on the other hand,
these words were carelessly chosen
in the sudden heat of the writer's
displeasure, the Editors perhaps
might do well to repudiate the im-
plication and expose their intend-
ed meaning.
Perhaps they mean that Capi-
talism vs Communism is an issue
in the minds of certain individuals
-possibly crucial to some folk to-
-Arthur Graham
* * *
Spring & Sidewalks ....
To the Editor: I
SPRING has finally arrived (?)
and soon pedestrians on their
way to class will have to keep
both eyes peeled for that speed
demon, the cyclist. These two-
wheeled truck drivers will soon, if
not already, be tearing up and
down the diag at tremendous vel-
ocities and with no apparent care
for anyone else on the sidewalk.
Having a desire to complete my
college education in one piece, I
feel that these maniacs should be
banned from places primarily de-
signed for walking. I don't seem
to be alone in this belief for as I
came out of the East Engineering
Building the other day I noticed
a sign which read "Bicycle Riding
On Campus Forbidden-By Order
of the Board of Regents." Not only
are these cyclists endangering the
safety of their fellow, students,
but they are also violating a uni-
versity ruling!
Granted that bicycles are faster
than feet, then let's handicap the
cyclist by making him go the long
way round. This would save the
shortcuts for those unfortunate in-
dividuals who have to use them
to get to class on time without in-
stilling in them a constant fear of
becoming Exhibit "A" in a man-
slaughter charge.
-Allyn W. Barrows
Debate - Pro...
To the Editor:
N reply to Charles Remsburg's
letter to The Daily published on
April 22, I would like to make the
following observations: First, Mr.
Remsburg says that students are
immature, and in need of super-
vision. Perhaps some of us are,
but if there are any veterans on
campus who are not mature
enough to decide the type of gov-
ernment they desire, I have yet
to meet them. It is even conceiv-
able that the non-veterans on
campus that are mature enough
to live away from home and earn
their own living, are mature,
enough to differentiate between
propaganda and truth. Besides,
how can we ever become mature
if a committee decides for all of
us just what we can think, or read,;
or to whom we can listen. It ap-
pears to me that police state
methods such as that will only
lead to a dictatorship worse than
Hitler ever conceived.
Another point in Mr. Rems-
burg's letter was that we are now
at war with Russia, and we must
be united. If I am going to fight
in war, cold or hot, the first thing
I want to know is what am I
fighting against. How are we to
know the "enemy" unless we are
given a chance to see and hear
our opponents viewpoints and
ideals? Is Mr. Remsburg afraid
that perhaps if enough people
Freshmen frolic at their week-
end, sophomores cavort at their
cabaret and the juniors annually
jazz up the campus with their
An old saying has it that as the
years go by, class spirit shows
greatly diminishing returns, but
each year the junior women take
it upon themselves to follow a fa-
vorite preocd'upation and prove the
theory all wrong.
the scene of the first JGP pro-
duced in 1904 by six energetic jun-
ior women who decided it was
about time the campus awakened
to the timely talents of the class.
Men were completely excluded
from all aspects of the produc-
tion, even the audience, until
1923 when the males were al-
lowed to view JGP for the first
time from the balcony and or-
chestra pit of the Whitney the-
atre downtown.
With the production briefly sus-
pended during the early war years,
JGP returned to the campus scene
in 1945, when it was written solely
by the junior women for the first
time. Previously, faculty members
and alumni had all had a finger
in pie!
* * *
THIS YEAR also saw the jun-
iors deluging students with Bow
Day at which time pink and blue
ribbons with war stamps attached
were sold at all campus highspots
and sidewalks.
Closely united with Senior
Night, the first production of
JGP each year is strictly for the
senior class members. With the
Blackfoot Bal
theme kept secret until this
t i m e , the seniors are con-
sequently the first ones to view
the results of the juniors well-
spent energy.
At this time, the senior women
hoot and holler their approval, or
otherwise, of the play. It is also
their prerogative to demand repe-
tition of any part of the play
which suits their fancy.
* * *
JGP IS traditionally a musical
based on a theme familiar to all
students. Up until a few years ago,
the play had a local setting, but
the classes of '50 and '51 based
their productions on a wider back-
This year's JGP concerned a
hillbilly gal who won a nation-
wide contest and a subsequent
trip to New York.
Since the presentations of JGP
and the Union Opera fell within
a week of each other, the two lead-
ing characters made a combined
campus debut at a tea at the Un-
ion given in their honor. Daisy
Lou McCoy, the gal from the hills,
proved to be a startling contrast to
the smooth sophistication of Mary
Lou Payraiser, the sweetheart of
the opera.
With a gigantic cast, and a ser-
ies of committees that almost out-
numbered the ants in the Arbore-
tum, JGP offers each junior wo-
man an opportunity to work with
her classmates in a mutual ef-
fort to captivate the campus!
WAA Notices
Camp Counselor Club - There
will be a meeting at 7:15 p.m.
Wednesday at the WAB. Mrs.
Dickson, Handicraft instructor,
will give instruction in copper tool-
ing. Plans for a cook-out will be
* * *
Rifle Club - The final meeting
of the semester will be held at 7:30
p.m. Thursday at the WAB Rifle
*. * * *
Betrothal Announcements,
Wedding Dates Revealed
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kulick of
Rockville Centre, Long Island, New
York have announced the engage-
ment of their daughter, Phyllis, to
Dr. Allan Levy, son of Mr. and
Mrs. David Levy of Detroit.
Miss Kulick is a senior in the
literary college. She is a former
night editor of the Michigan Daily
and is a member of Sigma Delta
Dr. Levy is an alumnus of Tufts
College, Medford, Massachussetts.
He is a graduate of the University
School of Medicine and is at pre-
sent an interne at the University
hospital. He is a member of Phi
Delta Epsilon medical fraternity.
* . *
Mr. and Mrs. Karl S. Benson
of Vermontville, Mich., have an-
nounced the engagement of their
daughter, Joan Noel, to Donald
Thomas Maurer, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Maurer of Nashville,
Miss Benson is a senior in the
literary college, while Mr. Maurer
is a student at Michigan State Col-
lege. '
A July wedding is being planned.
* * *
Mrs. Rose Wertin of Saginaw
has announced the engagement of
her daughter, Virginia, to Robert
P. Linder, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph P. Linder of Sturgis.
Miss Wertin is a graduate of the
School of Education and a member
of Alpha Omicron Pi. Mr. Linder
is a junior in the School of Engi-
neering and a member of Sigma
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel J. Nuren-
berg of Shaker Heights, Ohio have
announced the engagement of
their daughter, Barbara, to Gerald
Sklar, son of Mrs. Harry Sklar and
the late Mr. Sklar.
Miss Nurenberg is a senior in
the literary college and is a mem-
ber of Sigma Delta Tau. Mr. Sklar
attended Wayne University.
The wedding will be held July,
2 in Cleveland.
Maize Dance
Set forTonight
Freshmen To Give
Charleston Lessons
To EagerFlappers
Tickets for the Maize dance of
Frosh Weekend will be sold from.
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today in the Un-
ion and the League.
Theme for the affair will be
"Flapper Daze." During the floor
show Maizie, heroine of the show,
will present her "scrapbook,"
which consists of tales of her ex-
periences in the days of the roar-
ing '20's.
In keeping with decorations and
floor show theme of flapper and
raccoon coat, expert and attractive
teachers will be on hand to explain
the details of the Charleston to all
those willing and eager to learn it.
The favorite dance of the '20's
will be taught from 9:30 to 12 p.m.
today in the Grand Rapids room
of the League.
Although members of the Maize
team have been seen wandering
around the campus in charming
flapper dresses and moth-eaten
fur coats, Jo Phillips, publicity
chairman, stresses the fact that
the dance is not a costume affair.
Blue team presented their dance
to the campus yesterday. Both
teams have decorated half of the
League ballroom in accord with
their respective themes.
The all-campus, male-bid dance
will be given by the Maize team
from 9 to 12 p.m. today in the
League ballroom.
Ted Smith and his orchestra will
play for the affair.
State Day Luncheon
To Be Held by AOPi
Active members and alumnae of
Alpha Omicron Pi will celebrate
the annual State Day of the sor-
ority today with a luncheon to be
held in Marshall.
Mary Lindrooth, national presi-
dent of Alpha Omicron Pi, will be
a guest speaker at the celebration.
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds
Will Be
By Fraternity
There'll be black feet on the
walls and black feet suspended
from the ceiling of the League
Ballroom when Alpha Tau Omega
fraternity presents its annual
Blackfoot Ball Friday, May 5.
Blackfoot Ball is a national tra-
dition among ATO chapters. It
all began years ago in the South
when the ATO's wore black boots,
while their rivals, the members of
Sigma Nu fraternity, wore wh1 e
IT IS expected that, true to
tradition, the ATO's will appear
at the dance this year wearing
black shoes, while their guests,
the Sigma Nu's will show up shod
in white.
Traditionally students have,
been reminded that the Black-
foot Ball was coming by the
sight of huge black tracks wan-
dering across the Diag, running
up and down steps and meander-
ing around other parts of the
At this year's dance, two over-
sized pigeon-toed black feet will
flank the door of the ballroom.
* * *
ON THE WALLS will be hung
black picture frames inside of
which black feet will be silhouet-
ted against a white background by
means of lights shining through
the frames.
A giant replica qf the pro-
gram for the dance will stand
behind the bandstand. Ballons,
with black feet marching around
them will float from the ceil-
Ken Norman's orchestra will
provide music for both black and
white feet to dance to.
*' * *
WHEN THE FEET tire of danc-
ing, they will be able to rest while
their owners relax with cokes.
The dance will be open to mem-
bers of Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma
Nu and their guests.
Committee members for the
dance include: Bob Kelley, chair-
man; Bob Herhusky, post-dance
party on Saturday night; Mike
Service, decorations; Stan Du-
jnowski and Bill Keeler, publicity
and Ted Haner, refreshments.
The softball tournament will go
into its third week of play with
the following games scheduled :
Monday at 5:10 pm. - Mosher
I vs. Kappa Kappa Gamma III
Newberry I vs. Hollis House *;
Adelia Cheever vs. Pi Beta Phi I *;
Delta Delta Delta I vs. Alpha
Gamma Delta I *; at 7 p.m. -
Stockwell III vs. Martha Cook II *;
Stockwell II vs. Jordan VII *;
Alpha Xi Delta II vs. Jordan IV
Stockwell IV vs. Kleinstueck I *.
Tuesday at 5:10 - Angell I vs.
Kappa Kappa Gamma II *; Alpha
Delta Pi I vs. Stockwell VI *; Bar-
bour II vs. Alpha Omicron Pi II *;
Newberry II vs. Kappa Alpha The-
ta I *; at 7 p.m. - Alpha Xi Delta
I vs. Jordan III *; Angell II vs.
Alpha Chi Omega I *; Barbour I
vs. Hinsdale III *.
Wednesday at 5:10 - Stockwell
I vs. Delta Zeta *; Pi Beta Phi II
vs. Alpha Omicron Pi I *; Kappa
Alpha Theta II vs. Kleinstueck II
*; Delta Delta Delta II vs. Alpha
Phi *; at 7 p.m. - Gamma Phi
Beta I vs. Chi Omega IV *; winner
of Stockwell III-Martha II vs. Jor-
dan IX *; winner of Stockwell II-
Jordan VII vs. Martha Cook I *;
Newberry IV vs. Jordan VIII *.
Thursday at 5:10 - Stockwell
XV vs. Kappa Delta I *; Hindale I
vs. Delta Gamma II *; Kappa
Kappa Gamma I vs. Stockwell
XVI *; Hindale II vs. Alpha Delta
Pi II *; at 7 p.m. -- Sorosis vs.
Stockwell XVIII *; Chi Omega II
vs. Palmer House *; winner of An-
gell II-Alpha Chi Omega I vs. win-
ner of Barbour I-Hinsdale III *;
winner of Stockwell IV-Kleinstu-
eck I vs. Couzens I *.
Friday at 4:30 p.m. - Softball
Club; winner of Alpha Xi Delta II
-Jordan IV vs. Wesleyans; winner
of Delta Delta Delta I-Alpha Gam-
ma Delta I vs. Sigma Delta Tau *;
winner of Chi Omega II-Palmer
House vs. Henderson House *.
The starred team is respon-
sible for the bases, the other team
for the basket with the remainder
of the equipment. Further ques-
tions will be answered by Vivian
Frazier at 2-2569.
(Disciples of Christ).
Hill and Tappan Streets
Rev. Earl Grandstaff, Acting Minister
Howard Farrar, Choir Director
10:50 A.M.: Morning Worship (This service is
broadcast over WHRV). Nursery for children
during the service.
GUILD HOUSE: 438 Maynard Street
H. L. Pickerill, Minister to Students
Jean Garee, Associate
STUDENT GUILD: 6:00 supper at the Congrega-
tional Church. Prof. Preston Slosson will speak
on "Christianity and Communism."
State and Huron Streets
Harold J. DeVries, Pastor
9:15 A.M.: "Your Radio Choir" WPAG.
10:00 and 12:00 A.M.: Bible School Sessions.
11:00 A.M.: "It Pleased the King."
6:30 P.M.: Grace Bible Guild Supper.
7:30 P.M.: How old-the Old Story?"
1833 Washtenaw Ave.
11:00 A.M.: Sunday morning Services. Subject,
April 30--Everlasting Punishment
9:30 A. M.: Sunday School.
11:00 A.M.: Primary Sunday School during the
Morning Service.
8:00 P.M. Wednesday: Testimonial Services.
A free reading room is maintained at 211 East
Washington Street where the Bible and all
authorized Christian Science literature may be
read, borrowed, or purchased.
This room is open daily, except Sundays and
holidays, from 11:30 to 5 P.M.
1432 Washtenaw Av.
W. P. Lemon and W. H. Henderson, Ministers
Maynard Klein, Director of Music
Mildred Beam, Church School Director
9:00 A.M.: Westminster Guild Bible Seminar
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. Sermon by Dr.
Lemon, "The Inner World."
5:30 P.M.: Westminster Guild supper followed
at 6:30 by a student panel on ('The Christian
University Community Center
Willow Run Village
Rev. J. Edgar Edwards, Chaplain
John R. Hertzberg, Director of Sacred Music
10:45 A.M.: Divine Worship and Sacrament of
Baptism. Sermon, "Toward Understanding
10:45 A.M.: Church School and Nursery.
4:30 P.M.: Study and Discussion Group. Sub-
ject, "Jesus' Idea oft What Was Worthwhile."
Leader, William Kerr.
5:30 P.M.: Fellowshiprsupper.
7:15 P.M.: Meeting of the Executive Committee.
National Lutheran Council
1304 Hill Street
Henry 0. Yoder, D.D., Pastor
Sunday -
9:10 A.M.: Bible Class at the Center.
10:30 A.M.: Worship Services in Zion and Trinity
Lutheran Churches.
5:30 P.M.: Lutheran Student Association Sup-
per Meeting in Zion Parish Hall. Program-
Conference Reports and Worship Service.
7:30 P.M. Tuesday: "What Do Lutherans Be-
live"-Discussion Group at the Center.
Minister, Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D.
'Student Directors-,H. L. Pickerill; Jean Garee
Music-Wayne Dunlap; J. Bertram Strickland
9:30 A.M.: Intermediate Church School.
10:45 A.M.: Nursery, Kindergarten and Primary
10:45 A.M.: Public Worship. Dr. Parr will preach
on "Gvie Me My Share!"
6:00 P.M.: The Student Guild will meet in this
church. Prof. Preston Slosson will speak on
"Christianity and Communism."
Theodore R. Schmale, D.D.,
Walter S. Press, Ministers
Irene Applin Boice, Director of Music
423 South Fourth Ave.
9:30 A.M.: Church School.
10:45 A.M.: Worship Service. Sermon by Rev.
Press, "Through Sorrow to Joy."
6:00 P.M.: Student Guild. Supper at the First
Congregational Church. Prof. Preston Slosson
will speak.
We carry a full line of
210 N. Fourth Ave.
Y.M.C.A. Auditorium
Telephone Number: 2-6007
A.M.: "Love."
P.M.: "What Hindreth Me to be Baptized."