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April 07, 1950 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1950-04-07

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o N E -Y E A R F A M I L Y--Mrs. Thelma Gibbs, of Atlanta,
Ga., sits with her twins, Jane and Wayne, born Jan. 16, 1949, and
triplets, Lynda, Brenda and Glenda, born Nov. 5 the same year.

C I N R U M M Y W I N S - Gin Rummy shuffles off after tossing his short-time rider, cowboy
Dick Davis, into the tanbark at the National Western Livestock Show rodeo in Denver.

J A P A N E S E WOMEN T A K E-UP BASEBALL- Two candidates for battery
positions %varm up at the first tryouts for the women's professional baseball league in Tokyo.

GIANT INVADES PAR IS - Fernand Bachelard,
Belgian giant, seven feet, seven'inches and 451 pounds, asks direc-
tions of a policeman in Champs Elysees during visit to Paris.

R E S C U E R I C E B 0 U N D - The rescue ship'John Biscoe, en route to Stonington Island
in the' Antarctic -to aid a group of marooned British scientists, is "iced-up" in Admiralty Bay.

N A V 1 C A T 1 0 N A I D - The U. S. Army dredge Essayons, largest of its type in the world,
built at a cost of $11,000,000, can move 8,000 cubic yards of mud and debris in one hour..

T A K E S L A S-T S A L U T E - Shri C. Rajagopalachari, last of India's Governor Generals,
takes salute from,guard of ;honor during a sendoff as he left New Delhi for his home in Madras.

B I C B L 0 W O U T - Violinist Fritz Kreisler blows out the
candles on his birthday cake at a dinner celebrating his 75th,
birthday in New York City. Mrs. Kreisler stands beside him.

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