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April 07, 1950 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-04-07

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Dead Peake

Educational Discrimination

ANNOUNCEMENT OF the resignation
of Dean Charles H. Peake from the
College of Literature, Science and the
Arts to become dean of Knox College
stirs a medley of emotions among those
students who were fortunate enough to
know this very able and very human edu-
We are happy to see him receiving a
well-deserved promotion on the academic
ladder, but this gratification is tempered
by the knowledge that he is leaving the
As assistant dean of the literary college,
Dean Peake has been instrumental in
effecting many of the liberal revisions in
the educational program of the college
during the last three years. Faculty mem-
bers respected him for his well-balanced
educational philosophy and administra-
tive insight.
It is in the field of student relations,
however, that his loss will be felt most
keenly. In the complicated, often im-
personal hierarchy of a large university,
he has been a warm friend and coun-
selor of countless hundreds of grateful
Knox College will find their new dean a
wise, sympathetic and understanding
We undoubtedly express the feelings of
everyone from the lowest undergraduate
to the highest official in wishing Dean
Peake all good fortune in this newest step
in an already-brilliant career.
-The Editors.
USUALLY fair-minded Speaker Sam Ray-
burn revived memories of whip-cracking
Uncle Joe Cannon by his haste to get House
approval of the Kerr bill boosting natural
gas prices.
The Speaker, whose Texas gas friends are
clamoring for action, wouldn't even agree
to delay the meeting for a day, to enable
chairman Sabath to return to Washington.
So the Rules Committee meeting was called
to order by Dixiecrat acting chairman Gene
Cox of Georgia, poker-playing partner of
the Speaker, which caused Madden to re-
"If I didn't see the sun outside, I'd think
this meeting was being held in the dead of
night. I just learned accidentally about ten
minutes ago that we were to be called into
"Why a the secrecy?" continued the
Indiana Democrat. "And why hasn't the
chairman been notified? He'd be here if
he was given proper notice that this bill
was to be considered. I object to this un-
orthodox procedure."
In the showdown vote all the committee
Republicans and all the Democrats, except
Madden and McSweeney, supported Ray-
burn and the natural-gas interests. It was
a golden opportunity for Clarence Brown
of Ohio and the other committee Republi-
cans to show a little ",independence-and
also sput their party on record as for the
consumer in the coming campaign. But as
usual they tagged behind the Dixiecrats.
(Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

W ASHINGTON-Sham and hypocrisy
our society often are rationalized
fine-spun legal abstractions.


This was never more clearly nor drama-
tically revealed than in the experiences of
three Negroes who are key figures in cases
testing segregation in education and travel
which were being argued before the U.S.
Supreme Court early this week. The sub-
terfuges employed were a mockery not only
of human dignity and justice, but of plain
common sense.
So important is the basic issue of civil
rights here involved that Attorney Gen-
eral J. Howard McGrath, himself, took
personal command of the Government's
effort in these cases to break down a
54-year-old doctrine laid down by
another Supreme Court in 1896 that Ne-
groes are entitled to "separate but equal
treatment" under the 14th ammendment
to the Constitution.
This doctrine, in the so-called Plessy ver-
sus Ferguson case, has been the basis for
segregation since in transportation, public
schools, colleges, theatres and the like.
A government victory would have far-
reaching effects.
LET'S take the first case of G. W. McLaur-
in, who wanted to go to the graduate
school of the University of Oklahoma. He
was qualified in every way, except he was
a Negro. He was barred under Oklahoma
law. He sought an injunction against the
university to compel his admission.
The upshot of a three-judge Federal
Court decision and subsequent orders was
that he was entitled to go to the graduate
school but under regulations prescribed by
the state in accordance with its public poli-
cy relating to internal social affairs.
Mr. McLaurn first was given a separ-
ate seat in an anteroom to the main class-
room where he could hear the lectures.
Afterward, when the court issued its
orders, he was admitted to the classroom
but had to sit in a separate section sur-
rounded by a rail on which was a large
sign-"reserved for colored."
In February, this year, the rail and sign
were removed, but he continued to sit apart.
At first he was not allowed to eat in the
students' cafeteria, but later this was per-

coupl, presumably trying to break an
all-time serenading record, parked them-
selves outside of the East Quadrangle at
3:45 a.m.
With voices resembling public address
systems they proceeded to melodiously
blast the sleeping residents out of bed. A
fast exchange of flowered phrases follow-
ed, and then the police arrived.
In explaining their reasons behind the
early morning sing, the young woman of
the couple rightly stated that when she
lived near the Quad, residents had always
interrupted the serenading to sororities with
hoots and catcalls. After years of frustrated
aggression she was getting even.
All of which brings up the tender sub-
ject: fraternity serenading.
In this world of cold hard science it is
more than relaxing to find a touch of
warmth, a note of friendship. But to find
it when a person is trying to sleep or cram
for an exam results in anything but settled
nerves and relaxed vocal chords.
I'm not linking that early morning couple
with any fraternity or sorority. That affair
was obviously the action of two individuals,
and not very clever ones at that.
But four days preceding the duet a fra-
ternity was sweetly chanting away at 1 a.m.
Hoots and catcalls are the least they should
expect at such a time. People who have lit-
tle consideration for others receive the same
treatment in return.
It boils down to the deeision of when it
is best to serenade. Now that spring is on
its way and srenadin will heani in..

STAN KENTON is back.
The man who was dubbed in his earlier
career as being 10 to 20 years ahead of his
time has returned after a "rest" period of
over a year to present the public with his
newest contribution, "Innovations in Modern
"Innovations" consists of eight sides done
up in a lush album and selling for an equally
lush price. Of course it is the things happen-
ing between the grooves that determines the
value, but in this case the things don't seem
to happen too successfully.
If you are familiar with Kenton's ear-
lier work, the first thing that strikes you
is the strings. They pizzacato, play riffs,
back the solos and take the lead in glossy
sounding passages-in short, they do
everything. The wonderful sax section of
the past whose phrasing and dynamics
were perfection is never given a chance.
In general the noise has been toned down.
Trumpets are used for a few high block
chords and for transition in the chord pro-
gression. Too often they only supplement
the rhythm. All the tones are very straight
without a single hint of the characteristic
Trajectories, the first of the eight sides,
opens with a strong symphonic feeling. The
flute and oboe do some strange things and
the record winds up with each section going
off in its own particular direction, rhyth-
mically, harmonically and melodically.
Cuban Episode shows the interest of Ken-
ton in the Afro-Cuban style. It does have
a melodic pattern that you can follow
throughout the number which is more than
many of the others can boast. Inarticulate
utterances of a human voice add to the
rhythm, but Kenton also tosses in just
plain shouting for the crowd effect.
Solitaire, and Theme For Sunday and
Mirage can be lumped together for they are
all basically the same. Each is a slow,
dreamy number that uses the violins to
carry the load. The harmony and chord pro-
gression is excellent, but the music is the
type used as background for a movie-you
realize it is there, but the fact is disinterest-
Conflict sounds a little like the old Kenton
just before the break-up. He uses the Elling-
ton trick of a woman's voice as an instru-
ment. At the point where two violins play
at half step intervals the effect is certain-
ly grating.
The Lonesome Road, the only "commer-
cial" number in the album, gives June
Christy a chance to exercise her vocal.abili-
Incident in Jazz includes some fine bop
riffs and trading of phrases between the
trumpets and saxes. The number shows
the great reach Kenton has made for im-
pressionism through the use of tonal colors.
Tn its entirety tho eaim is rininivr.n+

mitted on a segregated basis. Likewise, he
had a segregated desk in the library.
** *
A second case is that of Heman Harion
Sweatt who sought admission to the Uni-
versity of Texas Law School. He, similarly,
was denied admission because he was a Ne-
gro. While a State District Court denied his
petition for a mandamus to compel his ad-
mission, it held that he had been deprived
of equal protection of the. law since there
was no other state law school, and gave
the state six months to provide legal in-
struction for him "substantially equivalent"
to that at the University.
What sort of subterfuge do we find
It was decided to set up a law school in
the basement of a building in downtown
Austin where three moderate-sized rooms.
one small room and toilet facilities were
leased for $125 a month, with no private
offices, however, for faculty or dean.
These quarters were leased only for
six months, March to August 31, 1947,
with no assurance that the school would be
located there beyond that time. The fac-
ulty was to consist of three professors
from the university who were to teach
classes there in addition to their regular
work at the university.
No other Negro students ever applied
for admission and if Mr. Sweatt had gone
there, which he did not, he would have
been the only student.
R t' * H*
T HE third case is that of Elmer W. Hen-
derson, rtaveling representative of the
wartime Fair Employment Practices Com-
mission who was unable to get a seat in
the dining car of a train going from here
to Birmingham, Alabama, on the night of
May 17, 1942. The table set aside for Ne-
groes, with the customary curtain about it,
was occupied by white people on three dif-
ferent occasions when he went in to get
his dinner and he was not permitted to
He filet a complaint with the Inter-
state Commerce Commission claiming
dissrimination, but both the ICC and a
lower Federal Court held that the rail-
road had complied with ICC regulations.
In this case Attorney General McGrath
appeared personally, arguing that such
segregation on railroad dining cars "forms
part of a larger pattern of segregation
which at every turn marks the Negro as
ostracized from his fellow citizens."
Such are the hypocrisies maintained by
legal ficton which are no credit to oor
free society.
(Copyright. 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
C hin aPolicy
1HE DIPLOMATIC recognition policy of
the United States has been based for
some time upon whether a government is
in control of the country, whether it has
the assent of the people, and whether it
recognizes its international obligations, NOT
on whether the government is favorable or
unfavorable to ours. Diplomatic recognition
does not mean approval.
This policy has been violated in regard to
China. The nationalist forces have been
pushed to an island, and the new govern-
ment has the country in hand, yet because
the government is Communist, the United
States has not recognized it.
Yugoslavia, with a similar form of gov-
ernment, is certainly not treated so coolly.
Our state department has refused recog-
nition to save face. Gazing forlornly at dol-
lars which slipped down the Nationalist
sewer, it refuses to realize the cold facts,
that the new govenment is in control, and
that we are creating a stalemate in the
UN by being pig-headed.

The Russian delegates are right in re-
fusing to work with delegates from China
who no longer represent a government of
the people. It is regretable that the Rus-
sians have walked out to make their point,
It is time we recognized that our govern-
ment is not always right, nor that the Rus-
sians are always wrong. We make mistakes,
and the present policy toward China is one
of them.
As a nation of realists, it is time we faced
-Harry Reed.
While the armed services are closing
hospital facilities, the Veterans' Administra-
tion goes on building hospitals. To what
extent is this a waste of public money? In
spite of the constant outcry for economy in
Washington, there is no determined effort
to find out.
Before long there will be 62,000 beds out
of service in military hospitals. But the VA
is building or planning 62 new hospitals
with 35,000 beds. Senator Douglas of Illinois
thinks the VA in many cases is duplicating
what the armed services are abandoning.
He says the situation is fantastic and a
There are some differences, however, be-
tween the needs of veterans' and military
hospital programs. The VA has to locate



. . .

To the Editor:
LET'S award an Oscar to Messrs.
Ezray, Clamage, and Friedman
for their initiative in forming the
Alcoholic Student ServicenFund.
This Oscar is built like a three
headed Jackass to symbolize their
ability at thinking up some of the
most brilliantly stupid ideas ever
conceived by the underdeveloped
minds of overdeveloped deBEER-
drated students. What a shame
that these three future leaders of
our LAW-SHACKLED country
couldn't have carried their scintil-
lating thoughts to the logical con-
clusion thereby acquiring the flag-
waving, neon-lighted, cannon-
shooting, braying, three-headed
jackass Oscar. If they had only
suggested a (General Criminal
Student Service Fund) ! In this
way students need not be limited
in contributing to just those mis-
fortunate victims of the liquor
LAW, there could be a portion of
funds set aside for those misunder-
stood students who in their desper-
ate need forge checks drawing on
accounts of those silly enough to
work for a living. Another portion
could be allocated to pay the fines
imos I d n i rng students who

becility'is to be more expected.
-S. Capp
* * *
Discouraged ...
To the Editor:
heartened, and disillusioned
at the attitude of the men on this
campus toward members of the
opposite sex. Considering the ratio
of men to women here, it would
seem that every girl ought to
average more than one blind date
a semester. We did better than
that in high school where the
ratio was reversed.
The most obvious reason for
this is that Michigan men have an
inferiority complex. They have
heard sotmuchhabout the ratio
problem that they are afraid to
ask a girl out. Don't be afraid,
boys; we won't do more than say
no. Most of the co-eds don't bite.
In an effort to hide this inferior
feeling they have invented the
myth that "four out of five girls
are beautiful; the fifth goes to
Michigan." Our answer to this is:
have any of the men looked in
the mirror lately?
This is a serious problem which
the University should do some-

Easter Parade
(-7 a
isC ~
The Daily welconmes communications from its -readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters whichsare signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

'frthe 'feebleminded wherea im-.

To the Editor:
read John Bogue's editorial on
the C.E.D. with great interest.
As one who has worked on the
Student Legislature subcommit-
tee since its formation, I should like
to express my views, though I
hasten to add that these are the
views of an individual, not neces-
sarily of the Campus Action Com-
mittee of the Student Legislature.
Bogue is correct in stating that
more will be gained by cooperation
than by antagonism. However, he
overlooks the fact that, in bring-
ing about any change, a certain
amount of antagonism will al-
ways be engendered. This is par-
ticularly true in any campaign
having to do with discrimination
-a subject which great numbers
of people consider emotionally
rather than logically. The C.E.D.
has provoked a certain amount of
antagonism, as any group doing
this type of work naturally would.
If the Student Legislature had
originated- the project, it un-
doubtedly would have called forth
similar sentiments of disapproval.
A clarification of the relation-
ship between the C.E.D. and the
Student Legislature is needed.
The C..D. was at work for a year
on the removal of potentially dis-
criminatory questions before the
Legislature began the work. The
Legislature would never have
undertaken the job if the C.E.D.
had not been there first to do
much of the groundwork. In our
talks with various deans we find
that they have already been made
aware of our work through read-
ing C.E.D. literature. Far from be-
ing a hindrance, we find this fact
of invaluable aid. Also, we fre-
quently find ourselves using rea-
soning, thought of by the C.E.D..
Mr. Bogue charges the C.E.D.
with being led by left wing groups.
In answer to this we need but con-
sider that the full-page ad which
appeared in The Daily was unani-
mously approved by the C.E.D.
Among those groups who are mem-
bers of the C.E.D. are the Young
Republicans, Young Democrats,
West Quad Council, AIM and sev-
eral cooperative houses. Faculty
members, also, contributed to this
Mr. Bogue has also charged the
C.E.D. with character assassina-
tion. A look at the full-page ad
would show him that no one's
character has been assailed. The
medical school representative sim-
ply saidthe things which he was
quoted as saying.
When the C.E.D. was organized,
its members had no knowledge of
how to proceed. In its activities it
has undoubtedly made mistakes.
However, it has attempted to fol-
low a sane and steady course, and
in the opinion Hf this writer it has
been successful in two ways-both
in getting the Legislature to do
the job and in winning support for
its goal, so that the Administra-
tion has come to realize that there
is a sincere and widespread interest
both on and off the campus for
the removal of these questions.
-Ed Lewinson
* * *
To the Editor:
IN HIS editorial attacking the
tactics (and, implicitly, the im-
mediate objective of the CED -
to remove race and religion queries
from University application
blanks), John Bogue asserts in one
paragraph that he has "yet to find
any real discrimination at this
University." Yet in the next para-
graph he advises that "more re-
liance should be placed in the stu-
dent legislature committee which,
"has . . . a constructive approach
to the problem" and "has been

making real progress by holding
quiet discussions with the deans of
all schools."
Now I ask you, John Bogue,f
if there is no discrimination, what
have they been discussing? And if
you allow that there is a "prob-
lem" but no "discrimination,"
what is the problem?
The CED aside, there are plenty
of thinking people who, if they do
not suspect the very intent of race
and religion queries on job and
school applications, find them emi-
nently silly and irrelevant. It
would be a demonstration that
the University of Michigan as an
institution put "first things first"
if the mooted questions were re-
moved from the application
As an aside I might add that
when the time comes when we,
recognize the pointlessness of these
questions we won't be talking very
carefully about "the problem"
either. Because it will have dis-
appeared from the only place
where it exists - in our minds.
E. Fitz-James.
Forum Debate.,.
THE Michigan Forum Commit-
tee has made an excellent move
in voting, for a debate on the

question, "Should Communists Be
Permitted to Teach in Colleges
or Universities?" with one debater
being the avowed Communist,
Herbert J. Phillips. Certainly the
subject of the debate is worth
while as almost every student on
campus is interested in the topic.
And who would be more qualified
to speak on the topic than Mr.
Phillips? I am sure the students
would like to hear both sides of
the, issue and therefore they must
hear the minority side. Remember
the Communist Party is a legal
party in America.
As for Wayne University's ac-
tion in banning Mr. Phillips, well,
that sort of thing can be expected
at a second-rate school. Dr. Henry
apparently does not wish to give
his students a complete and -liber-
al education. But their loss isour
gain; so the students of the Uni-
versity can again heave a sigh of
relief when they remember that
they are going to Michigan and
not to educationally immature
Wayne University.
--Tom Ricketts
Nose Count...
always wrong, for instance on
April Fools' day another Ann Ar-
bor daily saidthe following about
the Census:
"Most censas takers in city
areas will complete- their jobs by
April 15, but those counting
NOSES in rural areas aren't ex-
pected to finish until the end of
the month."
Lots of things have been said
about men, but although I have a
big nose myself, I have some
trouble picturing myself as a nose-
entity. You may argue 'that some
people are mostly nosy and noisy
but I think the censors are getting
a little too technical when they
abstract that appendix from the
rest of the human personality, or
shall we say they are projecting?
And how about the false nose nose
people? Or the cows with two
noses? It's April, but we are no
fools. My nose!
-R. Marti
Army chieftains have been
wholly realistic in abandoning the
racial quota onenlistments. Moral-
ly, the quota system has never been
defensible. Practically, the virtual
ban on Negro enlistments because
the Army has been "over-strength"
in Negroes has deprived the Army
of a source of efficient manpower.
The substitution of the Criterion
of intelligence and aptitude, as de-
termined by the Army General
Classification Test, will mean that
men of equal ability will get an
equal chance. The level of accept-
ability can of course be moved up
or down as conditions warrant.
Moreover, the weeding out of
culls who do not qualify for pro-
motion - the "professional pri-
vates" - will enable the Army to
concentrate on enlistees of greater
promise regardless of color.
Abolition of the quota system
means that the Army has adopted,
in principl'e at least, all the major
points advanced by the President's
Committee on Equality of Oppor-
tunity in the Armed Services
-The Washington Post.
f c f








must steal
and soul to
ceny LAWS
way. Too, ,
to help r
who fall
LAWS rega
and rape. I
way of all
who break
should stud
cording to
other citi
treated as
In Dee et
To the Edit
IN a rece
James P. J
Office of
had prepa
order to b

s 0 ul V14 uuu CJ1s*11
from fellow students or thing about. Instead of having fun
in order to keep body and meeting people, both men and
gether. After all the lar_ women sit home week-end after
S are unfortunate any- week-end. Testimony to this is
,e must put aside funds found in the lighted windows in
misunderst tudentsall dorms on Saturday night. The
niunertoodnfstudnts: University should take definite
prey to unfortunate steps to arouse the men's interest
[n short let's finance the in dating by removing their com-
unfortunate stewedents plex. Just think of the saving in
k ANY LAWS. Why electric bills if everyone went out
ents be asked to live ac- even once a week. The first step
entsobe askedAto lie in this project should be to have
a code of LAWS like the men psychoanalyzed. Univer-
zens anyway? We're .
S, and demand to be sity graduates in psychology
such. should not have to look elsewhere
-Andrew Bires for work, because there is ample
* W. scope for their talents right here
at their Alma Mater.
~itS( of J(s . . . An improvement in the relations
between the sexes would result in
tor: an improved reputation for the
nt letter to the editor, University. The University of
L. Muskovitz blasted Michigan now has a fine repu-
'ans for his sneer at the tation in athletics and academic
StudenthAffairs, which subjects, but it is also acquiring a
red a list of minors in a reputation for producing frus-
)etter enforce drinking trated women and complex-ridden
Muskovitz then went men.




gCUU11a s. rVVU, 1,11 W11
on to give one of the most ridicu-
lously stupid impressions of a per-
son (solely on the basis of one
small letter by Jans) ever printed
in The Michigan Daily.
If being the uncontested presi-
dent of his high school graduating
class of over 500 students; if par-
ticipating in many extra-curricu-
lar activities and finding time, in
addition, to win nine varsity let-
ters in three sports, including two
times all-city; if being president
of the Student Legislature at the
University of Michigan; if making
Phi Beta Kappa and doing grad-
uate work in mathematics-to
mention some of the highlights in
Jans' career-if all this still backs
up character-analyst, publicity-
seeking Muskovitz' impressions of
Jans: "Obviously a frustrated,
under-age, under-grad who has a
great desire to sin . . " " . . . wait
until your 21st birthday, at which
time you will leap from adoles-
cence to full maturity," then will
Mr. Muskovitz please reserve a
place for himself in an institution

-Virgina Lee,
Lenora McCarthy
Terry Wallings
* * *

Discrimination ,. .
To the Editor:
UNIVERSITY "discriminationj
policy" has reached n e w
heights. Upon inspection of the
newly issued REGISTRATION
SCHEDULE (Summer Session,
1950), University of Michigan
Official Publication, I note that:
"Deviation from this alphabetical
schedule is not permitted."
Friday, June 23, 1950
2:00-2:15 MIM to MUN
2:15-2:30 MUR to NZ
I have been prevented from en-
rolling in the Summer Session,
1950! Things are looking up, how-
ever. The Fall schedule provides:
Friday, Sept. 22, 1950
2:40-3:05 MIM to MUN
3:05-3:30 MUP to NZ
-Sam Muppet
P.S. My cousin, Jack Muoit is still

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff..........Managing Editoz
Al Blumrosen............... City Editor
Philip awson........ Editorial Director
Mary Stein.............Associate Editor
Jo Misner............. Associate Editor
George Walker.......Associate Editor
Don McNeil..........Associate Editor
Wally Barth ....... Photography Editor
Pres Holmes.........Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin..........Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goeiz.....Associate Sports Editor
Lee Kaltenbach......Women's Editor
Barbara Smith... Associate Women's Ed.
Allan Clamage................ Librarian
Joyce Clark..........Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington....Business Manager
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangl.. .....Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff ....... Finance Manager
Bob Daniels ......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mall
Subscription during the regular schoo"
year by carrier. $6.00. by mail * no



Hotiest, Pop! My Fairy Godfather's
in my bed! He had a chill-

There! NOW will you-

- - --

We don't see him... Do we?
Because people simply don't
see Iittl men with pink wings!

BC CR1r/),
araby! THAT
=wos a cloe allnII





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