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April 07, 1950 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1950-04-07

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'1 y
tudent Movement Began
n 'U' CampUS in 1932
This week more than 100,000 students of the North American
dent Cooperative League are celebrating the 18th anniversary of
lent cooperatives.
In its 16 years of existence, the student cooperative living move-
it has grown from a single house on the University campus to
organization with national offices and active groups at 300 colleges
universities in both the U.S. and Canada. . . . . .
* * * *
AT THE UNIVERSITY, six houses with 240 members have gen
ed from the original Michigan Cooperative House which was {
blished by students with the help of newspapers, faculty andV
aspeople during the depression year of 1932.

n niversary

Union Opera Cast Set'
For Crowded Vacation

* * *

* * *

Spring vacation means going
home and loafing for most stu-
dents, but not for members of the
Union Opera cast.
A four-day road tour which will
take "Lace It Up" to Buffalo, De-
troit and Toledo will pretty well
fill up the vacation period for
Opera staffers. This year's Opera
will be the first to hit the road
since "Merrie-Go-Round" visited
11 cities in 1929.
be 6 a.m. Monday, when two Uni-
versity buses- containing 56 sing-
ers, dancers and executives will
leave the Union and head for Buf-
falo, where the first road per-
formance will be presented at the
Erlanger Theatre.
"Lace It Up" musicians and
stagehands will also go to Buf-

falo Monday, but they will travel
via Pullman, in accordance with
union regulations. An ordinary
moving van will haul the scenery
to the out of town theatres.

The purpose of the new organization was to provide students
with inexpensive, democratic living, and this it did with a ven-
gance; furnshing room and board for two dollars a week on an
unrestrictive membership basis.
Today, running the six cooperative houses is a $20,000 yearly
iiness, and the Inter-Cooperative Council, an incorporated organi-
tion which owns five and runs all six of the houses, has assets of
* * * *
THE MAJOR OBJECTIVE of cooperative living is still non-dis-
iminatory fellowship and thrift, however, and current weekly rates
ir room and board average $8.50 for men and $7.50 for women.
To attain this economy, each member of a co-op house works
approximately five hours each week, either preparing food, doing
cleaning or maintenance work or performing administrative duties.
Cooperative living at the University and across the nation has
en conducted on the Rochdale principles from the beginning. The
rinciples, which are named after a town in England where a group
28 weavers opened the first modern cooperative store in 1844,
1. Each member has one vote in the organization and must
> an equal amount of work along with his fellows.
2. All members are admitted on a first-come first-served basis
ithout regard to race, creed or color.
* * * *
PURCHASING FOR ALL the houses is done through the Inter-
boperative Council which owns two trucks to aid in distributing the
wo-week quotas of supplies which the council purchases from whole-
die jobbers.
For economy, uniform menus are determined by a central
menu committee made up of the stewards of all six houses.
The six cooperative houses on campus at present are evenly
vided between men and women. Owen, Michigan and Nakamura
-e for men and women students are accommodated in Stevens,
sterweil and Lester.
* * * *
WOMEN CO-OP MEMBERS are allowed a unique privilege-
ey may elect their own housemother, subject to the approval of the
ean of Students.
Social functions between the men and women include ex-
change dinners, ;parties, coed nights at the IM Building and
educational programs.
Always near the top in scholastic rating, members of the women's
>operative housing units posted a 2.88 average last year, the highest
'oup average in the history of the University. They were closely
llowed by their male counterparts who had a 2.68 average to place
cond in the general group scholarship rating for 1948-49.
* * * *
THE ESTABLISHMENT of Michigan House on Campus in 1932
d not, of course, mark the beginning of all cooperative activity at
inerican colleges. But it was the first lasting cooperative activity
any significance in America.
After the initial success of Michigan House, new cooperatives
began cropping up almost every year, until 1942 when there were
13 student co-ops at the University.
During the war, however, these houses were lost one by one as
'operty owners sold out to take advantage of high real estate values.
BEGINNING IN 1943, the co-op council began buying houses,
irough a system of loans advanced by faculty members and students.
he loans are repaid and mortgages retired through rents paid by the
.embers of the cooperative.
Most recent of the houses acquired is Nakamura House.
The upper portion of the house' has been redecorated and work
progressing on the living room and downstairs portions.
More than 70 men are eating at the house at present and 34 of
iem room there also. Before dinner they sit around their half-
>mpleted living room watching one of the members receive a cut-
te haircut or duck below to the kitchen for a "guffing" raid-a
e-dinner snack in cooperative lingo.
Haircut, housecleaning or painting job, it's all part of living
>operatively, and realizing a basic co-op principle-continuous ex-
First Inspections Reveal Many
)wellings Are Fire Hazards

-Daily-Alan Reid
ANNUAL BANQUET-Nick Datsko (standing) president of the Inter-Cooperative Council, makes
the annual co-op report to the 240 members of the campus organization. The report is required by
state law since the ICC is an incorporated organization. Other ICC officials are (left to right)
Morrie Caminer, accountant, Prof. John Shepard, adviser, Alice Scott, secretary and Jim Williams,

* * *
C'o-op Council
Opens Lester
House Drive
Seek $6,000 for 1
New Women's House
Inter-Cooperative Council has
)egun a drive to purchase their
,ixth cooperative house, according
to Nick Datsko, president of the.
The new house will replace Les-
ter' House, women's cooperative,
which is the only one of the six
-o-op houses on campus not owned
by the Inter-Cooperative Council.
"WE HOPE to raise the $6,900!
necessary for the down payment onr
the house by the end of the semes-
ter," said Datsko. "In this way we
will be ready to occupy it by next
I The financing of the down
Ipayment will he done in the
same manner that the council
has employed in the past to fi-
nance their expansion program.

High-Wire Act
Adds Humor
To Michigras.
Michigras-goers will be treated
with a hilarious "slack wire" act
direct from Detroit night clubs,
concessions chairman Steve White,
'52, revealed yesterday.
Featuring Bob Stanley in 15
minutes of thrills, the act will re-
veal the hazards of performing on
a tight rope gone loose.
* * *
to hit campus in just two weeks,
workis progressing at high speed
on all phases of the show, from
parade floats to special entertain-
Even as vacation-hungry stu-
dents prepared to pull out for
spring vacation, various organi-
zations were lining up props and,
costumes and laying last minute.
plans for their part in the come-
dy carnival.
The lure of big gleaming tro-
phies was spurring student groups
all over campus to put everything
in tip-top order by April 21 when
the two day fun-fest starts.
* * *
OVER AT CHI PSI house, the
men were shaking in their boots
as they viewed the freakish mon-
v.c, ,,, hich will *arrnri7,'n ld nn-

After the Buffalo performance,
members of the "Lace It Up" staff
and cast will be entertained by
the University Alumni Club of
Buffalo in a special reception at
the Buffalo Athletic Club.
A 1 A.M. CURFEW has been set
for the staff in Buffalo, for at
6 a.m. Tuesday the whole crew
will head back for Detroit where
the second and third road per-
formances of the Opera will
brighten the Music Hall stage.
The group will return to Ann
Arbor after the Tuesday night
show, then go back to Detroit
for a second motor city per-
formance Wednesday night.
On Thursday, the "Lace It Up"
retinue will head for Toledo,
where the final performance of
the 1950 Union Opera willbe pre-
sented at the Rivoli Theatre.
After Thursday, Opera staffers
will be free to go their various
ways for a brief, well earned rest
before returning to Ann Arbor for
classes the following Monday.
By then, all that will remain of
"Lace It Up" will be its costumes
and scenery. These will be brought
back to Ann Arbor and put in
storage, until they are renovated
for use in future Union Opera pro-
Group to Study
Job Problems
Of Graduates
The Conference for the Study of
Michigan Employment Trends will
consider the job problems of col-
lege graduates when it meets
April 13 at the Union, according to
John C. Brennan, assistant to the
director of the Bureau of Appoint-
C. W. Otto, secretary of the
Lansing Chamber of Commerce
will speak on the "Spirit of Co-
operation of the Chamber of Com-
merce" at the luncheon gathering
of the group, which will be held
from 12:30 to 2 p.m.
* * *
at 6:15 p.m., Ewan Clague, direc-
tor of the Bureau of Labor Statis-
tics, U.S. Department of Labor,
will look at "National Employ-
ment Trends."
Though the meeting is being
held mainly for the benefit of per-
sonnel directors throughout the
state, Brennan declared that any
students on campus at the time
would be welcome.
Anyone interested in attending
either or both the luncheon and
dinner sessions may make reser-
vations by contacting him at the
Bureau of Appointments, Rm.
3564 in the Administration Build-
ing, Brennan said.

SL Petitions
For Campus
Events Due
All student organizations plan-
ning to sponsor major campus
events next year should submit
petitions to the Student Legisla-
ture calendar committee by April
30, according to Arnold Miller, '50,
chairman of the committee.
Each sponsoring group should
list three alternate dates - in the
order of preference - and turn
their petitions in to the SL of-
fice shortly after spring vacation,
he added.
each organization its first choice
of dates," Miller said, "but in cases
of conflict we will be forced to
choose between the two groups."
He placed traditional events
such as Homecoming Dance,
Union Opera, JGP and IFC Ball
in the "major events" category
- plans for which must be
submitted by April 30.
Miller warned, however, that
merely being placed on the Legis-
lature's tentative fal calendar
would not assure University ap-
proval of an event.
"WfE HOPE TO submit our
calendar recommendations to the
Student Affairs Committee on May
9," he said, "and the final de-
cisions will be made at that time
by the SAC members."
Organizations desiring to
sponsor smaller events such as
conferences, lectures or conven-
tions, will be asked to submit
petitions o the calendar commit-
tee by Nov. 15, next fall.
Petitions which are submitted
after the deadlines will be con-
sidered only under "extenuating
circumstances," Miller said.
"By' strictly enforcing these
deadlines we hope to avoid con-
gestion on the calendar and in-
sure financial success for every
student-sponsored event," he add-
Letters have been sent out to
al campus organizations explain-
ing the calendaring procedure and
groups desiring additional inf or-
mation may contact the SL office.
Orient Experts
To Meet Here
The nation's leading authoriles
on far eastern affairs will meet at
the University from Wednesday
to Friday.
University members taking part
in the second annual conference
will be Prof. Joseph Yamagiwa,
chairman of the far eastern lan-
guages and literature department
and secretary of the Far Eastern
Association; Prof. Mischa Titiev,
of the anthropology department;
Prof. James M Plumer, of the
fine arts department and Prof.
Warner G. Rice, director of the
University Library.
WUOM will feature a group of
the most prominent authorities on
a roundtable broadcast at 8 p.m.
Read Daily Classifieds




-Daily-Carlyle Marshall
DINNER DETAIL-Three members of Nakamura House, (left
to right) Herb Malin, Leon Brown and Bob Brown, prepare the
evening meal. Co-op members work an average of four hours a
week; cooking, cleaning, painting or balancing the books.
Religious Preference Cards
Not in Line With Attendance

The technique used consists of lookers at their "Hall of Wonder.
voluntary membership loans which The women at Angell House were
are made by members and friends making like "dogs" and "pigs" in
of the cooperatives. preparaion for their "exchange
dinner" float with Chicago House.
* Meanwhile Chicago House men'
JUDGING FROM past exper-were trying on the "wolf" masks
ience, Datsko expects that enough they will. don for the affair.

Of the students who sign reli-
gious preference cards, less than:
a third normally make it toI
church services, according to at-I
tendance records.
About one fourth of the pro-
fessed Protestants show up at'
Sunday morning services, making
an average gross total of 1800, but
more than half the Catholic stu-
dent congregation makes an ap-
THE REV. Dr. DeWitt Baldwin,
director of Lane Hall, suggested;
Union Veep
Coniites tantis
Fifteen candidates for the six
Michigan Union vice-presidencies
were announced yesterday by Hugh
ooper, '51D, of the Union nomin-
ating committee.
Running in the coming all-cam-
pus elections from the literary col-
lege are Gerald Mehlman, '51,
Thoburn Stiles, '51, and Ned Stir-

that the discrepancy might be
attributed to thenumberhof stu-
dent commuters who go home for
the weekend and attend church'
Church attendance shows the
usual unbalanced Michigan ra-
tio, with the Lutherans and
Congregationlists reporting two
women to every three men.
Christian Scientists were the
exceptions to this rule when
Mrs. Millie Crawford, church li-
brarian, indicated a one to one
"And sometimes we have more
women than men," she declared.
But acording to The Rev. John
Burt of the Episcopal church, the
women attend much more regu-
larly than the men.
* * *
THE SEASON o0 the year seems
to affect church attendance heavi-
ly. During Easter, Christmas and
Passover seasons, Ann Arbor
churches have their biggest sea-
sons. An average daily attendance
of 350 to 400 students at morning
Lenten masses is reported by The
Rev. Fr. Frank J. McPhillips of
the St. Mary's Student Chapel.
Since Easter vacation starts to-
day, Ann Arbor churches don't
expect many students this Sunday,
but many churches have scheduled
special Good Friday services, from
noon to 3 p.m. today.


of these loans, at a minimum of
$25 each-will be received to fill
the subscription in short order.

The council has determined to
begin paying off these loans in
1953, when a similar loan which
inaugurated the purchase of
Nakamura house will have been
Membership loans of this type
are generally retired at " the rate
of $2,000 per year from the room
fees paid by cooperative members,
Datsko said.
Paying off the mortgages on the
properties is, of course, more of a
long range proposition, according
to Datsko. "But we're on a sound
financial basis and expansion
means a larger income with which
to pay off our mortgages."
Swim ("M rse
A Water Safety Instructor's
course, open to students and
townspeople, will be offered by the
Red Cross in conjunction with the
University, April 24 to May 5.
Applicants must be 19 years old,
and are advised to attend the pre-
liminary instructions which will be
given at 7:30 p.m. April 17 to 20
at the IM pool.

And at Michigras headquarters,
parade master Bill Des Jardins,
'50E, was wearing a relieved look
on his face. He had just received
word from R.O.T.C. headquarters
that Signal Corps radio telephones
would be available to help co-
ordinate the parade.
Campus Quits
Editors of Campus have decided
to suspend publication of their bi-
monthly picture magazine because
of financial losses incurred in
turning out the first three issues.



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Almost half of the multiple
dwellings inspected so far in the
city engineer's fire hazard probe,
including many student residen-
ces, have been declared liable to
disastrous fires.
Two of the buildings, one a
rooming house in which 20 stu-
dents live, were named "veritable
fire traps" by Thomas A. Hunter,
University engineering instructor
who is conducting the investiga-
tion for the city engineer's office.
* * *
been mostly confined to the area
bounded by Huron, William, and
State streets, and Fifth Avenue,
but also included are 12 fraternity
houses, six sorority, and five Lea-
gue houses, most of them lying
outside of that area.

Out of only 133 buildings in-
spected, 65 were named as un-
safe. Hunter said that the build-
ing owners had been given 90
days in ,which to remedy the
hazardous conditions.
Most of the owners indicated
that they would comply with his
recommendations, but at least
four were not agreeable toward
making the changes, Hunter said.
Hunter's check as planned may
eventually include every multiple
dwelling in the city. He emphasiz-
ed that his inspection is only cov-
ering major fire hazards-hazards
that make disastrous fires very

ton. The unopposed dental school
candidate is Joseph Ponsetto, '52.
The law school candidates are
James Callison, '50, and William
Bates, '52.
Incumbent Merlin Townley, '52,
and W. Webbe Wilson, '53, are try-
ing for the medical, school posi-
tion, while the post for engineer-
ing college and architecture school
is being sought by incumbent John
Lindquist, '51 A&D, Richard Allen,
'51E, William Race, '51 A&D, and'
James Root, '51 E.
The list concludes with the can-
didates from the combined col-
leges: John F. McCarthy, Grad,
Bob Bristor, '51BAd, Bill Peterson,
'50BAd, and Bob Waldon, '52E.
Summer Courses
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