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March 29, 1950 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-03-29

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Letters to the Editor

(Continued from Page 4)

holy boys, you and others, who are
trying to make it a cause celebre.
Nothing in the affair merits such
attention. Such coverage shows
sterility of perspective and pur-
As I see it, your function is to
aid in the transcedent purpose of
any school: the development of
mature and self-reliant adults. To
this end, I feel that you should at-
tack the basic dichotomy of Mich-
igan undergrads: repeatedly called
adults, they are treated like chil-
dren. The crux is the beer policy.
Its results: To escape a juvenile
college life, one must leave Ann
Arbor to get adult treatment. This
requires driving, with results we
know too well. Vicarious thrills
out of town drinking beer with
guilt-complex chasers.
The solution is to put more res-
ponsibility on the student, as Har-
vard does, unless experience shows
that this is not feasible. If it is
so decided, Michigan could easily
do one of two things: exert its
weight and get the local law
changed, or force the liquor board
to keep its hand off Ann Arbor.
Rational or not, the beer policy
alone separates Michigan from
easy collegiate give and take;
small talk over frappes is neither
college life nor the way to pro-
mote self-reliance for anyone but
yo-yo players.
Philip H. Rhodes, Spec.
* * *
Religion in Life ...
To the Editor:
readily forgotten shortly after
they've happened. Before Religion-
In Life Week becomes a mere haze
in the past, however, I'd like to
make a few comments on it.
It seems apparent that many
students in dorms and fraternities
were stimulated mentally by the
presence of some of the leaders
here for the week's activities. Cer-
tainly it is safe to bet that many
of these same students are still
pondering some of the so-called
eternal problems. But do they re-
alize that Lane Hall provides a
year-round locus for students in-
terested in asking Life's $64 ques-
tions? Do they realize that many
discussion forums -are constantly
being conducted at this center? Do
they realize that lots of other stu-
dents are sincerely interested in
the same problems they are and
would benefit from a sharing of
Yes, it won't be long before Re-
ligion-In-Life Week is just an im-
age. But it can be much more if
students will carry through on
some of the issues it undoubtedly
raised, How about coming to the
informal discussions on very pro-
vocative subjects held every Mon-
day in Lane Hall at 4:15 p.m.-or
the Social Ethics forum held every
Thursday at 7:15 p.m.-or the Sat-
urday noon Luncheon Discussions
-ad infinitum? Every student is
welcome and don't ever think that
yourvoice won't count. Religion
is largely a quest for the Truth
and the Good. That quest is aided
every time a new voice joins in.
You are welcome to join those
who are seeking "to make reli-
gion as intelligent as science, as
appealing as art, as vital as the
day's work, as intimate as home
and as inspiring as love."
-Lloyd Wm. Putnam
* * *
Two.Questions.. ..
To the Editor:
THERE. WERE two paragraphs
in James Gregory's article of
Thursday, March 16, that inter-
ested me. The first and the last.
In the first, Gregory desires the
fraternities to stop "their defen-

sive role and make a positive
stand for their way of college life."
He claims they maintain their
defensive role because they are
"obsessed with a fear of extinc-
To that, I would ask one ques-
tion: Is- it possible that fraterni-
ties take this defensive role be-
cause they are actually guilty of
the charges put to them?
Now, in his last paragraph,
Gregory says the greatest asset
his fraternity offers him, is a feel-
ing of belonging; which is "a good
gift to carry with one in a world
of loneliness and misunderstand-
It doesn't take a psychologist to
infer in this remark a need of se-
curity for Mr. Gregory. If so, I
must conclude that Gregory is
being quite inconsistent, or at
least doesn't practice what he
preaches. In some of the previous
Gregorian articles, Gregory throws
the book at all security programs,
such as. pensions, etc., and de-
mands instead the, former initia-
tive and drive of our forefather
pioneers, who braved the black
wilderness alkie.
Why then, Mr. Gregory, do you
feel it is necessary to have secur-
ity in one case, and not the other?
-S. Hershenov
* * *

somewhat as a shock that first, I
have not left this institution, and
secondly that I have not reached
the status of a Grad. No one is
more aware than myself that this
position is only the result of the
assiduous application of one's nose
to the grindstone for the required
number of semesters. Inasmuch
as I have been registered in some
ten semesters, I feel that some
recognition of my worn proboscis
is due to me, especially as I have
overcome my intellectual myopia
and have entered the political
lists of our mother institution.
-Paul Malkus
* * *
Senior Class Gift ..
To the Editor
THIS IS a proposal to the class
of '50 to leave something spe-
cial to the University, in the name
of a very special someone: a mon-
ument to the Unknown Student.
There is a monument in
Arlington Cemetery to the Un-
known Soldier and it seems fitting
that there should be one here to
he unknown student. There are
everal. ways in which a campus is
ike a graveyard, mostly in that
hey are both filled with wonder.
the wonder of the history buried
n each grave, and the wonder of
he future that walks on the diag.
Nhich was a poet, and which will
e president? There's not much to
eveal the secrets of the graveyard,
only tombs and stones; on the
;ampus there's faces, and coats,
Lnd figures. Sometimes a history
s written on the tombstone;
ometimes the future is written on
L face. Between history and the
'uture is only a phase; that's us,
:nd the way we see it. There's not
nuch difference; there's not; much
eft. Dignity; the individual.
We lost our importance. The
dministration settled once and
or all the question whether stu-
lents or teachers were more im-
;ortant to a school; not as arbi-
ers, but as victors themselves.
3ut still there is dignity; the hu-
nan dignity that belongs only to
in individual, and the unknown
.tudent marks that line. The di-
iding line between twenty thous-
:nd records in the administration
iles and a single name onthe
'011 call, a name identified with an
ndignified desk, noted for its
>resence or absence. Somewhere
mn that impersonal circle is a very
,ersonable somebody. No one
:nows his name, for you can't
Craw the line, but nevertheless he
.s there. He should be commem-
orated; so that those who mass the
orces, and those who force the
nasses, don't forget him. It's im-
ortant that they remember; they
hould be reminded.
They should be reminded by a
monument, preferably sculptured;
nodest, dignified, lasting. Always
tsking-What's becoming of the
-Donna DeHarde, '50
Robert Thurmond, '50
* * *
Mundt-Ferguson Bill...
To the Editor:
THE WITCH HUNT is on again
with the favorable report of
the Mundt-Ferguson bill by the
Senate Judiciary Committee. The
measure is expected to come up
for Senate consideration in the
very near future. Two similar bills
under the sponsorship of Sen.
Mundt and Rep. Nixon have met
defeat in our Congress during past
sessions. But the forces of reac-
tion are never still. They Want
bigger and better "subversive"
egislation. It is important that
the people become aroused to this
latest threat to civil liberties as
they have in the past. The fight
will be a lot harder this time as
he bill has already sneaked

hrough committee.
The commission set up by the
vlundt-Ferguson bill would have
he exclusive power to determine
vhether organizations or indivi-
luals are "Communists or Com-
nunist-fronts". Some criteria for
uch judgment are stated in the
:ill (S-2311) as "the extent to
.vhich its views and policies do
'ot deviate from those of such
oreign government or foreign or-
;anization." Another is "the ex-
ent to which its principal leaders
)r a substantial number of its
mnembers are subject to or recog-
nize the disciplinary power of such
Foreign government or foreign or-
anization or its representatives."
The bill continues with the "ex-
tent to which its meetings are se-
Itshould appear obvious from
he above that the American cam-
us will be the first attack of
uch a group. Many groups on our
campus not only might, but would
.all under such standards. The SL,
'ED, YPA, and 36 other campus
organizations in their attacks on
;he quota system and the Medical
School could be construed to en-
dorse the Communist Party, which
ilso demands the removal of dis-
oriminatory questions from Uni-
versity admission forms. IRurther-
more, in 1947 after MYDA lost its
'U" recognition by action of Pres.

Student groups and individuals
must actively respond to this
threat to American freedom by
resolutions ,and letters. Dscuss
and act on this issue in your hous-
ing, religious, social, and political
-Gordon MacDougall
* * *
To the Editor-
T HE RECENT "exposures" by
Senator McCarthy and Mat-
thew Cvetic have a definite intent.
While McCarthy's charges are
nonsensical, as even the Detroit
Free Press and News pointed out,
they serve to aggravate and in-
crease the hysterical atmosphere
in which we live. That these char-
ges should be forthcoming-at the
same time that the new Mundt
bill is introduced is no accident.
To promote into law a bill which
would render this country an au-
thoritarian police-state is the aim
of the recent 'expose'! The Ameri-
cans for Democratic Action, Nat'l.
Ass'n. for the Advancement of
Colored People, C.I.O., A.F.L.,
American Civil Liberties Union,
and countless other groups recog-
nize that this bill would effect a
strict censorship of thought and
speech. For this reason - since
it imperils the very existence of
liberal, progressive or radical
groups - these organizations have
spoken out against the Mundt
This is the third attempt in as
many years to foist this bill upon
the American people. Twice be-
fore, it has been rejected because
of its vagueness and undefined
terminology. The CED, the YPA,
the IRA and certain religious
groups on this campus could eas-
ily fall into the category of "Com-
munist Front" organizations and
this is no far-flung fancy when
we realize that men like Rep. Ran-
kin and Sparkman ("vote for me
and your daughter will never have
to work beside a Negro.") may eas-
ily be appointed to the three-man
committee which will head up
this pyramid of witch-hunters.
Write today to Sen. Lucas, ma-
jority leader, and ask that the
Mundt Bill be voted down in the
interests of a free people.
-Hy Bershad
** *
To the Editor:
THURSDAY morning's issue of
The Daily contains a short
on the fire in Natural Science
early Wednesday morning. This
article is definitely biased against
the Department of Geology. It
states that Paul Kluths discovered
and extinguished the blaze. No
credit at all is given to the two
valiant members of this depart-
ment to whom Kluths came for
These two alert gentlemen,
James L. (Smoke-eater) Bemis
and John S. (Firechief) Schlee
were outstanding in the effort
which successfully conquered the
fire before the arrival of the Fire
This is just another example of
what appears to be campus-wide
discrimination against this im-
portant division of the University.
-Thomas Trilobite,
per John S. Williams
* * *
Movie Criticism...
To the Editor:
Daily seem to be weathering
the recent bombardments that
have come from this column fair-
ly well. What else but stalwart re-
sistance could have produced the
review of Quartet (3/23/50)? If he
wishes to see something Maugh-
amsian and lewd in "The Facts
of Life" it's a matter of his own

taste, I suppose, but when he cites
Aristotle, he begins to tread on
a number of LS & A toes. Aris-
totle's worthy precept is that one
play should have no more than one
action, not that four plays should
not be produced successively. As a
matter of fact, this wouldn't both-
er a Greek during a Dionysian fes-
tival any more than a double-
header bothers us. Would the re-
viewer rather have seen a Mickey
Mouse, The News of the Day, and
a Pete Smith Specialty spliced
into the film?
-John Huntley, '50
* * *
Food for Thought.. .
To the Editor:
On Thursday, March 16, the
Young Progressives of America
distributed lollypops with a card
attached saying:
"Don't be a Sucker! Lick Dis-
Looks like they're trying to give
the campus food for thought.
-Don Abramson
Oldest Book
(Continued from Page 2)
translated papyri have been added
to the University collection.
Probably any student would
rather deal with a paper manu-

To Be Held
More than 300 delegates to the
third annual conference of the
American Association of Interna-
tional Relations Clubs will fill
the ballroom of the Union tomor-
row for lunch and to hear an ad-
dress by Miss Mary Shadow of
the Tennessee State Legislature.
After James P. Adams, Provost
of the University, welcomes the
group, the young legislator will
discuss "Our Unfinished Busi-
Following the luncheon meet-
ing, delegates will assemble to
talk over the organization's busi-
ness matters.
At a mid-day meeting Thurs-
day, Arnold G. Miller, '51, presi-
dent of IRC at the University,
will introduce Benjamin Cohen,
Assistant Secretary General in
charge of the Department of
Public Information of the Unit-
ed Nations. Cohen will lecture
on UN problems.
A panel discussion on the pos-
sibility of a new approach to
atomic-energy control will be held
at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Lec-
ture Hall of the Rackham Bldg.
This meeting is open to the pub-
ident of the Carnegie Endowment
for Internationl Peace, will act as
chairman for the discussion.
Included on the panel will be:
Dean L. N. Ridenour, of the Uni-
v e r s i t y of Illinois Graduate
School; Dean R. A. Sawyer, of
the University's School of Grad-
uate Studies; Hsioh-ren Wei, Chi-
nese UN delegate and deputy rep-
resentative to the Atomic Energy
Commission and N. M. Efimenco,
cf the University's p o lit i c a l


Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 2552
Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m.
(n the day preceding publication
k11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LX, No. 123
Womei students attending the
Michigan Union Opera will have
one-half hour late permission af-
ter the termination of the show.
Employment Interviews:
B. F. Goodrich Company, Akron,
Ohio, will interview men at the
Bureau Thurs., Mar. 30, fortheir
Production Management Training
Program. Men who have specializ-
ed in production management in
Business Administration with a
background of industrial engineer-
ing are preferred. Application
blanks and booklets are available
at the office, 3528 Adm. Bldg.-
hours 9-12 and 2-4.
A representative of the Mead
Corporation of Chillicothe, Ohio,
will be at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments Thurs. and Fri., Mar. 30 and
Mar. 31 to interview June grad-
uates in the fields of Civil Engi-
neering, Industrial Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering and For-
estry. Applicants should be mature
and have an interest in the paper
industry. Preference will be given
to candidates who have a good ac-
ademic record. For further infor-
mation and arrangement for ap-
pointments, call the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3-1511, ext. 371.
Teaching Candidates interested
in positions in the Elementary
Schools in Schenectad. New York

son International House, Phi Al-
pha Kappa, Phi Delta Phi, Phi
Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Sigma,
Phi Sigma Kappa, Pi Beta Phi,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Nu,
Sigma Pi, Theta Xi, Triangle, Tri-
gon, Williams House, Zeta Psi.
April 2: Betsy Barbour Resi-
dence, Jordan Hall, Phi Delta Phi.
Postponement: University Lec-
ture by Mme. Pandit, Ambassador
to the U.S. from India, scheduled
for Wed., 8:30 p.m., has been post-
Lecture, auspices of Alpha Kap-
pa Psi. "The Next Ten Years Un-
der the Free Enterprise System."
Dr. J. Phillip Wernette, director
of the Bureau of Business Research
of the School of Business Admin-
istration. 8 p.m., Wed., Mar. 29,
130 Business Administration. The
public is invited.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Wil-
liam Maurice McLean, Education;
thesis: "The Constitutional and
Legal Basis for Undivided School
Support and Current Practice in
Michigan," 3 p.m., Thurs., Mar.
30, 1433 University Elementary
School. Chairman, J. B. Edmon-
Bacteriology Seminar: 9 a.m.,
Thurs., Mar. 30, 1520 E. Medical
Bldg. Speaker: Mr. Rafael Marin-
elarena. Subject: "The Action of
Streptomycin on the Metabolism
of Bacteria."
Engineering Mechanics Semi-
nar: 4 p.m., Wed., Mar. 29, 101

Student Recital: Alan Squire,
graduate student in Music Educa-
tion, will be heard in a program
at 8:30 p.m., Thurs., Mar. 30,
Radkham Assembly Hall, given
in partial fulfillment of the Master
of Music degree. Compositions by
Aubert, Andre, Litaize, Bax and
Scubert. Open to the public. Mr.
Squire is a pupil of William Stub-
Student Recital: Mary Margaret
Poole, pianist, will present a pro-
gram at 8:30 p.m., Wed., Mar. 29,
Rackham Assembly Hall, in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the Master of Music degree. Com-
positions by Beethoven, Mozart,
Schubert and Brahms. Open to the
public. Miss Poole is a pupil of
John Kollen.
Events Today
Canterbury Club: 5:15 p.m.,
Evening Prayer and Meditation.
7:30-10" p.m., Rev. and Mrs. Burt
are at home to all students and
their friends at 702 Tappan.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
Weekly Bible Study, 7:30' p.m.,
"Upper Room" Lane Hall. Discus-
sion on chapters 10 and 11 of
booklet "Therefore Go."
Lutheran Student Association:
Wednesday Tea and Coffee Hour
at the Center, 4 to 5:30 p.m.
Baptist Students: Weekly "Chat"
at the Guild House, 4:30 p.m.
Westminster Presbyterian Guild:
5 p.m., Lenten Vespers, "Crisis."
Regular tea, 4-5 p.m.
Modern Poetry Club: 7:30 p.m.,
Rm. E, League. Continued discus-

Meeting To Be
Called Today
For Lobbyists
A membership meeting for all
students interested in joining a
lobby to Lansing April 4 will be
held at 7:30 p.m. today in the
League, according to Tom Byers,
chairman of the lobby.
Sponsored by the Young Pro-
gressives, the lobby will urge le-
gislation in favor of the Fair Em-
ployment Practices Commission,
the Fair Educational Practices
Bill, 52-35 unemployment com-
pensation, the vote for 18 year
olds, and a memorialization to
Congress to ban the H-bomb.
The group will leave for Lan-
sing at 8:30 a.m. and remain in
the capital the entire day, Byer
announced. Transportation will be
arranged by the. Young Progres-
sives, he added.
sion of Dylan Thomas. Bring Os-
car Williams' Anthology.
Square and Folk Dance Club:
Meeting, 7:30-9:45 p.m., Women's
Athletic Bldg. Everyone welcome.
Women's Glee Club: Dress re-
hearsal for the Dearborn Concert,
7 p.m., League. Rehearsal will be
finished by 8:30.
Michigan Arts Chorale: Regu-
lar rehearsal, 7 p.m., Rm. B, HH.
Women of the University Fac-
ulty: Tea, 4 to 6 p.m., fourth floor
clubroom, League.
Frosh Week-End: Mass meet-
ing, 5 p.m., League ballroom. Skits
will be presented.
Ullr Ski Club: Meeting, 7:30
p.m. 1035 Angell Hall. Movies, and
final plans for Aspen Trip.
(continued on Page 7)

science department. ,----------- W.1 Engineeng.Pr.H..Hn
Prof. D. H. Laing, faculty ad- should contact the Bureau of Ap- sen will nring.P.ue his. M. Han-
visor of the University's IRC will pointments immediately. "Simplifications in Formulas for
preside at the annual all-confer- Slopes and Deflections of Beams"
ence dinner Saturday. Approved Student Sponsored So- Interested persons welcome.
cial Events for the Coming Week-
Litchfield Sars:eem P Physical - Inorganic Chemistry
Says enMarch, 31: Alice Freeman Palm- Seminar: 4:07 p.m., Wed., Mar.
er House International Students 2I9 r407he m .,PW fd. .
W est Europe ssgmaMgura HsmS Wci QM-tC E tn D rati - t
gAss ichiouni sce, KQ. Ma-Brockway will discuss"Apia
Should T i fy sherHall, Phi Sigma Delta, Theta Sur of Electron Diffraction to
(Jy Delta Chi. raceReactions.
April 1: Acacia, Adams House,
The West's key to effective par- Adelia Cheever, Allen - Rumsey' Political Science 366 will meet
ticipation in the battle for Ger- House, Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha at 4 p.m., Iri., Mar. 31, instead
many with the Soviets lies in the Chi Sigma, Alpha Delta Phi, Al- of 3 p.m.
establishment of a working or- pha Kappa Kappa, Alpha Sigma
ganization of Western Europe, Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, Anderson Physical Education, Women Stu-
Prof. Edward H. Litchfield told a House, Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi, dents: Registration for the next
University audience yesterday. Chi Psi, Delta Chi, Delta SigmaI eight weeks' classes in physical
Prof. Litchfield, who served as Phi, Delta Sigma Pi, Delta Tau education for women will be held
head of the Civil Affairs Division Delta, Gamma Phi Beta, Graduate in the fencing room, Barbour
of the American military govern- Student Council, Hinsdale House, Gymnasium, as follows:
ment in Germany nntil last fall,' International Students Associa- Fri., Mar. 31: 7:30 a.m. to 12
called for positive action against tion, Lawyers Club, Lloyd House, noon, 1-4 p.m.
Russia in Germany in the form of Michigan Cooperative House, Nel- Sat., Apr. 1: 8 a.m. to 12 noon.
a union of West Europe which
would include Western Germany.
HE POINTED out that a strong
Western Germany would prove to
be a great propaganda weapon forGREYHOUND LINES
the final unification of all Ger-
many. He stressed the fact, how-
ever, that this will be impossible
unless the West includes her half
of Germany in the organization.
"A union of Western countries
would also offer the Germans
something other than a return
to nationalism, which is be-
coming a major problem in
spite of its exaggeration in the ISEILB
As to the question of continued
occupation of Germany, he noted for the SPRIN
that the Western organization
would take over that job, adding
that Western Germany would help
in supplying men to the police


Adventurous trip through
African territory - fly from
New York July 12 -- Return
independently via Paris and Europe.

Four weeks in the Majestic
Andes . . . July-August
Skiing instruction under
Emile Allais optional

Further information apply

College Representative
- Tel. 2-6373








AND AS FOR Rugsia's demands
that Germany be unified the for-
mer Michigan Civil Service offi-
cial remarked that the United
Statesshould gotalong withthem.
But he demanded condtions so
high as to make the task impos-
sible until we are ready for it.
'When we are ready with a
strong Western Germany, we can
appeal to the Eastern section to
join our union," he said.
Wong Requests
Western Aid
Unless the Western powers sup-
port the lands of Southeastern
Asia they may crumble before the
onrush of Communism, William
Wong, '51, told members of the
political science roundtable last
Wong warned that Communist
victories in China may prove to
be a strong appeal to such coun-
tries as Siam, Burma, India and
Viet Nam.
. * * *
"BECAUSE of the similarities
of the socio-economic problems
faced by these lands and China,
the Southern Asiatics may feel
that if China can solve her
troubles by Communism they can
too," he said.
Noting that the Communists

Rescr,-n:; from Ann Arbor TO:
Michigan City - Gary - Hammond



Buses will leave Michigan
Union Friday, April 7
4:00 P.M.

GRAND RAPIDS 3.20 5.80 4:00 P.M.
ST. IGNACE, MICH. 8.00 14.40 1:00 P.M.
Direct connections for all points in Upper Peninsula
BAY CITY, MICH. 2.95 5.35 4:00 P.M.
CLEVELAND, OHIO 3.95 7.15 4:00 P.M.
SA U LT STE. MARIE 8.90 16.05 4:00 P.M.
-Mackinaw City and St. Ignace
BUFFALO, N.Y. 6.80 12.25 4:00 P.M.
Direct connections for Rochester - Syracuse - Albany - Boston and all points East
PITTSBU RG H, PA. 6.10* 11.00* 4:00 P.M.
Direct connections for Washington -- Philadelphia - Newark - New York and all points East
Fares increase April 1, 1950.
All Fares subject to 15% Federal Tax.
Reservations close at 12:00 o'clock noon Thursday, April 6.







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