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March 29, 1950 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1950-03-29

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Statehood for Hawaii

E OF THE most neglected areas of
egislation - statehood for Hawaii -is
i before Congress. This issue has been
I around Washington circles for some
now, with no one seeming to care
:er or when action is taken on it.
at for the people of Hawaii (as a short
twith any of the many Hawaiian stu-
ts on campus will reveal) statehood is a
important and much desired devel-
ent. -
all the arguments against admitting
ii as a, state, the only one having any
.ty is the economic set-up of the is-
waii's primarily agricultural economy,
sugar and pineapple by far the leading
is pretty tightly controlled by five,
)anies. Opponents of statehood for Ha-
argue that these "Big Five" interests
itute a monopoly which the federal
nment could break more easily while
,ii is still under territorial status. The
e push for statehood was started, they
by the Big Five interests- who feel that
position will be more secure when Ha-
becomes a state and can claim "states-t
s" privileges.
at some important considerations are
looked in this line of reasoning.
e federal government has had more
ample time to break up the monopo-
situation on the islands if it intends
> so, yet so far nothing has been done.
uld seem that this inaction will con-

tinue for some time to come because, despite
the extensive control which the Big Five
have, the paternalism they have established
receives at least an aquiescent approval from
a large part of the population.
This is certainly not to justify a monopo-
listic structure, but in economics and politics
we must sometimes deal with what is rather
than what should be. It is a political reality
that as long as people are not grossly dissat-
isfied with one system they will not be moved
to do away with it for something new.
And the situation in Hawaii is such that
no basic change seems possible unless an
upheaval in world political and economic
conditions results in some drastic reactions
within the islands.
Perhaps the initial push for statehood did
come from the Big Five. This has not been
proven either way. But in any case, the state-
hood issue is now looked upon by a great
number of the people as an ethical and moral
matter. In a recent plebiscite, they approved
statehood by a 2 to 1 vote.
Hawaiians consider themselves a part of
the United States. Their whole cultural
training is American. And their desire for
statehood status, which would provide
them with the privileges as well as thea
responsibilities of democracy is certainly
understandable and just.
Hawaii has been a territory for more than
50 years. The time to grant the people full-
fledged citizenship is long over-due.
-Roma Lipsky

SL and the Liquor Ban

JGRATULATIONS and sympathy arEq
o be extended to the Student Legisla-
in their announcement thatk they will
a forum to discuss the liquor problem
Impus. '
e owe them our congratulations for at-
pting so noble a project and our sym-
1y because the outcome will probably
be too successful, for several reasons:
The State of Michigan, has seen fit
y that no one under the age of 21 shall
intoxicating beverages. (And they
it, too.)
The City of Ann Arbor, and the Uni-
y of Michigan are equally determined
said law shall not be violated if they
anything to do about it.
-There are, on this campus, 20,000 stu-
many of whom are under 21 and many
rials published in The Michigan Daily
/ritten by members of The Daily staff
epresent the views of the writers only.

of whom desire to drink and think they are
capable of drinking intelligently.
4-The University, on the other hand, is
convinced just as strongly that these stu-
dents are not capable of drinking intelli-
5-There are on the campus fraternities,
sororities, co-ops, and private dwellings in-
habited by students some of whom are over
21 and some of whom are under that magiP
age. These students who are over 21 are pre-
vented by the University from drinking in
their homes despite the fact that according
to the state there is nothing to prevent this.
6--On the other hand, the Administration
is determined that minors, shall not be
brought under the evil influence of alcoholic
7-On top. of all this, the fact remains
that minors ARE drinking in Ann Arbor,
in hotels, in private residences, and even
in the dorms where the custodians clean
out beer bottles from the incinerators Sun-
day mornings.
So again, congratulations, best wishes, and
sympathy extended to the SL on their noble
-Dick Ehrenberg

M err ymGo=ound
WASHINGTON-The natural gas indus-
try's smoothest salesman will learn to-
day whether he has made his biggest sale.
He is amiable, persuasive Sen. Robert
Kerr, Oklahoma Democrat, who has been
trying to sell the Senate on exempting
natural gas producers from federal regu-
lation.' For three weeks he has been shuf-
fling from senator to senator, haranguing,
cajoling, pumping them full of sales talk.
This afternoon they will give their answer
in a roll-call vote,
Already a millionaire oilman, Kerr has
a financial stake in his own salesmanship.
During most of his one year in the Senate,
Kerr's voting record has been for the pub-
lic interest. But in the gas bill, his gain
would be the public's loss, for the consu-
mers must eventually pay any resulting
increase in the cost of gas. Certainly the
reason the natural gas companies want to
escape federal regulation isn't to reduce
Whatever the outcome, the Senator from
Oklahoma has set a record in senatorial
salesmanship. He nursed his bill every step
of the way, fighting for it comma by comma
in the Senate and even turning his homey
charm on President Truman to get a White
House endorsement.
On the Senate floor, Kerr set up a wall
of billboard-size charts and graphs, portray-
ing the natural gas industry from every
statistical view. With this as a backstop, he
ampled up and down the Senate chamber,
haggling with opponents face to face, ges-
turing under their noses, pleading in whis
pers with the nearest senator when someone
else had the floor.
a' * *
AT TIMES, Kerr's informal manner and
easy drawl gave the Senate the atmos-
phere of an Oklahoma town meeting. But
of late, his persistency has got under sena-
torial skins. Kerr has made the mistake of
overselling. Twice in one day Senate major-
ity leader Scott Lucas politely called him
down for wandering away from his seat
and sitting almost under the nose of the
senator who was speaking.
When Kerr kept this up the next day,
Missouri's Senator Forrest Donnell broke in
impatiently: "Mr. President, I make the
poin't of order which was made twice on
yesterday against the Senator from Okla-
homa. Under the rules of the Senate, Seqa-
tors are supposed to be at their seats when
they speak."
Between spurts of fire, the debate was
dull and technical. Kerr was assisted
principally by Sen. Lyndon Johnson of
Texas who also flitted from senator to'
senator, turning on the charm when a-
ments failed.
It will be interesting to see how much the
;harm of two freshmen senators will cst
the nation's natural gas consumers.
THE COLLEGE SENIOR on the prowl for
a job in June would do well to consider
:chool teaching. This advice is made by
Labor Department experts after a study
of job openings.
This study, engineered by William Batt,
Jr., Secretary Tobin's hustling economic
consultant, indicates there will be more
college graduates than jobs next June. For
example, 169 companies that hired 7,300
college graduates last year are looking for
only 5,600 this year.
The tightest fields with more graduates
than job openings are chemistry, journa-
lism, law, personnel work, pharmacy, and,

for a few years at least, engineering. In
the latter field there are 47,000 graduates
for 20,000 openings.
The best chances are in school teaching,
where there is a need for 75,000 new teachers
and a supply of only 25,000 applicants; also
in medicine, dentistry, nursing, and social
(Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Dumpinug Scheme
THE ANNUAL attempt to change the
European Recovery program into a pro-
ject of dumping surplus American agricul-
tural commodities is under way. The House
Foreign Affairs Committee has approved an
amendment by P.ep. John M. Vorys (R-Ohio)
to trim the Marshall Plan appropriation by
$1 billion and substitute instead $1 billion
worth of surplus commodities like wheat and
At first, the European Recovery Program
meant sending considerable foodstuffs to
Europe in.-order to give Europeans enough
energy to reconstruct their economy. Hap-
pily, the program quickly moved out of the
stage of relief and went into the real job
of reconstruction. Then industrial goods and
materials, capital and capital equipment
were needed more than food. The Vorys
amendment would substitute $1 billion worth
of agricultural products whether they were
needed or not.
This would play into the hands of the
Communists, who have been saying that
the purpose of the Marshall Plan is to
avert a depression in the U.S., not to help
Europe. It would weaken the effectiveness

"I Agree With You 100%"
t U~S
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"~';~ / 41IoNJ

0t9y -nt- yYAfNfA*Ta P4 P1l' CM .

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, kited, or withheld from publicationrat the discretion of the





N A HIGHLY successful concert last night,
the University Choir showed once more
le musical excellence we have come to
xpect from it. The program was thought-
illy chosen; the singing very good and often
uperb; and the orchestral and keyboard
ccompanixnents well-performed.
The first half of the concert, devoted to
'orks of the 18th century and earlier, in-
luded the flowing polyphony of Perti's "O
os Omnes," a canonical "Hallelujah" by
'allus, the chorale-like style of Schutz, and
alestrina's antiphonal "Stabat Mater"-=all
erformed with fine artistry. Just before in-
ermission, Pergolesi's "Stabat Mater," for

women's chorus, soprano and alto soloists
and orchestra, provided what was in many
ways the best part of the evening. Some of
the solos were especially beautiful.
After intermission, the choir presented
works by Moussorgsky and Brahms followed
by a group of modern works. I liked particul-
arly the chorus by Brahms and the three
"Metrical Psalms" by Leslie Bassett (who is
a student in the music school, incidentally);
but Paul Creston's "Chorales from Tagore."
was also very well done.
The Choir and its conductor, Maynard
Klein, are to be thanked not only for pre-
senting such seldom-performed works but
for doing them so well. -Philip Dawson

Cause of War .*
To the Editor:
[HE CAUSE of war is "not in
the hearts of evil men, but in
the economic and social system in
which we live," namely, capitalism,
states a recent writei in these
colunmns. A refutation of such an
illogical viewpoint is, of course,
First, if capitalism, is the cause
of war, how do you explain the
tremendous numbers of wars -
prominent in history-that have-
n't in the least been connected
with capitalism-most civil wars
for instance or any of the great
wars before the rise of capitalism?
Secondly, it is sheer nonsense
to say an economic system causes
war. People ultimately cause war
and it is only by ultimately chang-
ing the hearts and minds that war
will ever" be eradicated. Indeed,
the writer pdints this out himself
when he .says, "War is not inevi-
table-unless YOU permit it to
be so." The 'proper study of war
is, in the ; final analysis,, that
"YOU". Certainly, social and
economic conditions are impor-
tant but only as contributory
causes-not as prime ones.
To any student who thinks he
has THE cure for war or THE
plan for peace, in promoting a
particular political or economic
system, may I suggest the reading
of Harvard Sociologist Pitirim
Sorokin's provocative book, "The
Reconstruction of Humanity." He
points out that capitalism, com-
munism, world government, the
UN, education, etc., do NOT pro-
vide a panacea for war. All are
inadequate cures to assure peace
either because they neglect the
decisive factor of altruism and
love, without which war cannot be
eliminated or are unable to make
the overt behavior of persons and
groups, with their social and cul-
tural institutions, more altruistic
than they are now.
It is precisely the human indi-
vidual that must be changed and
that, it seems to me, is best done
by promoting the religion which
teaches, "Thou shalt love the Lord
thy God with all thy heart, and
with all thy soul, and with all thy
mind . . . Thou shalt love thy
neighbor as thyself," for "on these
two commandments hang all the
Law and the Prophets."
-Lloyd William Putnam
SullenbergerA equittal
To the Editor:
(UCH AS I dislike any contin-
uancesofethis already over-
publicized case, I must reply to
Mr. Silk's letter.
He apparently was confused
about the issues involved, since he
seems to consider the case as be-
ing a dispute between the doctor
and a persecuted, colored, eleva-
tor operator. It was, rather, a cri-
minal trial, between the state and
the accused-and the identity or
race of the complaining witness
should have nothing to do with it.
Thank heaven that in this coun-
try we still favor the accused in
any criminal trial, whether his
name be Dr. Sullenberger, Dr.
Sander, or Valentin Gubichev. Mr.

Silk identifies his beliefs rather
well when he deplores our Ameri-
can "culture". He undoubtedly
approves of the criminal trials
held in other parts of the world,
where the accused always confess-
es or is always convicted and
where they do not have the deca-
dent idea that a person is inno-
ent until proven otherwise be-
yond a reasonable doubt.
If Mr. Silk, as Mrs. Philpot's
volunteer adviser, believes she has
a good case, he can suggest she
bring a civil action, wherein the
questioning will not depend on the
public prosecutor and the dispute
will truly be between the two par-
It is not a true friend of the
colored race who makes a cause
celebre out of a minor assault and
battery and thus prevents the very
person he intended to help from
living as any other citizen does.
-Milton B. Dickerson
* * *
Flight from Time .. .
To the Editor:
THOSE WHO at one time or
another have dabbled in, or
considered dabbling in, esoteric
philosophy and mysticism should
be interested to learn that the
concepts developed in Prof. George
Boas' lecture "Flight from Time"
have been employed for several
centuries in systems of knowledge
such as that perpetuated by the
"Brotherhood of the Illuminati."
"The Acceptance of Time" pos-
tulated by Prof. Boas, comprising
the three concepts of acceptance
of death (or ephemerality), multi-
plicity '(or infinite individuality),
and change, should make an in-
teresting philosophy for the intel-
lectually and spiritually adven-
A mystic would predict that be-
lief in these things would lead
ultimately to belief in an abso-
"There are more things in heav-
en and earth, Horatio, than are
dreamt of in your philosophy."
-Hugh Werner
IMalcontenllts ..
To the Editor:
PERHAPS this might better be
addressed to Malcontents of
the University of Michigan.
It seems that few issues of The
Daily go by without reference be-
ing made-either through a write-
up of the activities of a campus
group or through letters to the
editor--to the students' need to
guard covetously and fight for
their "rights."
I write as no political conserva-
tive when I now cite an omission
common to most of these har-
angues. Indeed, I'm proud to have
been a member of the consti-
tutional convention of the Nation-
al Students Association, which
passed a timely resolution on the
securing of academic freedom, in
September, 1947.
The omission to which I refer is
the utter lack of any mention of
responsibilities or duties--except
those of fighting for one's rights-

which are the natural concomi-
tants of such rights.
If rights are so inherent in man
as, for- instance, Nistor Potcova's
recent letter implies, why is ita
that we deny the vote to infants,
inmates of penitentiaries and in-
sane asylums, and non-citizens?
I feel sure that the reason is our
desire to grant suffrage only to
those we mhay expect to have the
maturational, mental, and experi-
ential background and attitude
necessary to use it wisely.
Thus I submit that this Uni-
versity does not exist for "teach-
ing a person how to obtain and
keep his rights" unless by this is
meant that we obtain our rights
through the awareness and accep-
tance of our responsibilities as cit-
izens, which is self-imposed "sub-
jugation." -
If history teaches nothing else,
it is full of examples that freedom
belongs only to those who have
earned' it. Without waving any
flags, how about beginning to put
the emphasis on showing that we
-Richard C. Walsh
* * *
Progressive Lobby...
To the Editor:
of America have called their
their second annual youth lobby
to Lansing, April 4, 1950. Since
our last lobby conditions have be-
come worse,, not better for young
people in Michigan.
The threat of atomic war hangs
over our heads more today than
ever before. Our government in-
sanely continues to stock-pile
weapons whgse destructive power
is beyond imagination.
The economic crisis sharpens
and in Michigan strikes and lay-
offs steadily increase. Unemploy-
ment has mountedwell over 5,-
000,000. Most of these are young
Jim Crow strangles young
America in' a tighter grip. Negro
youth more and more are denied
equal job oportunities; suffer in-
creased brutality, discrimination
and segregation.
Higher education has become
reserved fdr a select few. Quota
systems stil deny the benefits of
such education to Negro and Jew-
ish students.
Youth must stand up and speak
out for their rights!
We call upon all the young
people of Michigan, and students
especially, to join us in Lansing
in order to secure the passage of
the following legislation:
1. Memorialize Congress to ban
the H-bomb;
2. Increase unemployment com-
pensation to $35.00 a week for 52
3. A strong, effective FEPC bill;
4. A fair education bill;
5. A bill calling for 18 year old
By all ,joining together regard-
less of color, creed, national ori-
gin, or political belief young peo-
ple can obtain a more secure and
free future in a world of peace.
-Calvin Lippitt, '49
Executive Secretary, YPA of
* e s
Ten Questions .
To the Editor:
SEVERAL OF THE girls living in
my residence hall and I are
planning a party to be held at my
home in Detroit next week-end.
Other University students will be
invited.; After reading the DOB
the other. day and realizing the
similarity 'between our plans and
the case.there cited, several ques-
tions arise-

1-Are we planning an official
University, function?
2-Do we need approval from
the SAC or the Office of the Dean
of Women?
3-Are my parents considered
approved chaperons?
4-I hope to invite a student
under 21."an she come?
5-Cai I get 1:30 permission for
this affair?
6-Will this party conflict with
other University functions as de-
finednbySt ,riteria?
7-Since' I live in a second floor
apartment, willI be able to have
the party, there or must I have it
in a neighbor's apartment on the
first floor' )
8-We have no electricity in our
home. Will candles do?
9-The bus stops a mile from
my home. Can I use the family
car to pick up my guests?
10-Mr. Editor, if we give this
party, will our entire residence hall
be put on social probation?
-Lynn Gutenberg
* * *
Labor Youth League.. .
To the Editor:
WITH FANFARE and bugles edi-
tors McNeil and Jaroff have
climbed aboard the witchunting
bandwagon in their revelation that

the Labor Youth *League has a
campus chapter right under their
What is the LYL? Jaroff says
nothing more than a front for
"mother Russia," composed of
"harmless individuals, . . . hope-
less Russophiles . . ." McNeil puts
it a little differently: he says, first,
that the LYL is forced to keep its
meetings, membership, etc. secret
because of the "Communist scare."
Later on he declares that secret
meetings, memberships, etc. are
"... considered, romantic. It also
developes a feeling of martyrdom
to a cause, a paranoiac feeling of
persecution . . ." All this, he adds,
"enables Communist doctrine to
go unchallenged among them."
The Daily editors here follow
the best Hearstling, un-American
poppycock complete with false-
hoods, innuendoes and distortions.
In a land of crises, Peekskills,
quota systems, Taft - Hartley's,
witchunts, layoffs, lynch law; fol-
lywood tripe, Mundt = Ferguson
bills, and hell-bombs young people
are beginning to search for means
and methods of fighting the mon-
strous injustices of the so-called
"free enterprise" system. Young
people and especially students are
"loyal" to none of these things.
They want peace, they want op-
portunity, they want freedom. Edi-
tors Jaroff and McNeil cannot an-
swer these questions by shouting
"red, Communist." American youth
The Daily cannot tell us why
OVER 50% of the graduating .ek-
gineering class from the U. of M.
30 miles away a corporation made
656,000,000 dollars profit last year.
Why, Mr. Jaroff? Why were tui-
tions raised this semester and
Mr. McNeil?
The peaceful and rdemocratic
traditions of American students
will not find expression in The
Daily's columns, but in any or-
ganization, including the Labor
Youth Teague, which stands
against American monopolists
"plans" for a future of war, hatred
and soup lines.


-Al Lippitt
* * *
The Word from Harvard
To the Editor:
FOR SIX WEEKS I have been
alternately amused and dis-
mayed by your editorial policy.
What has prompted this letteris
an article, probably culled from
The Harvard Crimson, which
would indicate that the Harvard
undergrads en masse are up in
arms about the ROTC loyalty
oath. Having graduated from Har-
vard in February, I think I can
safely say that few undergrads
lose much sleep over it. The article
is typical in that it presents edi-
torial board opinion as prevailing
student opinion.
Your treatment of the hospital'
case is analogous. Here is an af-
fair which by all rights should
have died long ago: it has been
taken completely out of the hands
of the concerned parties by holy-
(Continued on Page 5)







Perennial Spring Gamte

TJ HE PERENNIAL spring game, with Fa-
ther Time and millions of U.S. citizens
as the participants, has arrived. The annual
jostling over daylight saving time is warm-
ing up to what appears to be the greatest
fun festival we may see this year. Keep your
eyes and ears wide open-cartoonists, radio
comedians, newspaper writers and commen-
tators will hash and rehash this yearly 'ev-
ent' until we will be ready to throw the
clocks out altogether.
Once more numerous states will stick
to standard time, while others will permit
local option changes. Some will even adopt
'fast' time on a statewide level. The
changes will raise havoc with commercial
transportation, travel and radio sched-
ules and will cause countless minor prob-
lems, just as they have in the past.
In effect, advocates of daylight saving

time will insist that the extra hour of day-
light will enable more recreation for more
health. They will insist that it will conserve
electricity and natural resources in drought
areas-all of which are good reasons.
On the other hand, adversaries of the
plan will insist that "natural living" can't
and won't be changed. They will say (and
are saying) that 'Bessie' and the rest of
Zeke's cows will still come from the pasture
to be milked at the same time-"God's
time." 'Ole Dobbin' doesn't carry a watcbi
either, and he will want his oats at what he
considers noon whether it be pushed ahead
an hour or not. Even Mother Will wail that
she can't set junior like she can set het'
The merry game is here again, and who
would sacrifice all the fun for a sane solu-
tion to this national problem?
-Larry Martin

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under t4
authority of the Board in Control Of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen..... .. CityEdito
Philip Dawson......Editorial Director
Mary Stein..........Associate Editor
Jo Misner............. Associate Editor
George Walker.......Associate Editor
Don McNeil.......... Associate Editor
Wally Barth......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes ..........Sports Co-Editor.
Merle Levin..........Sports CQ-Editor
Roger Goelz. Associate Sports Editor
Lee Kaltenbach ....... Women's. Editor
Barbara Smith. ..Associate Women's Ed:
Allan Clamage.................Librarian
Joyce Clark.........Assistant Librarian
Business Staf
Roger Wellington... .Business Managel
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager,
Jim Dangl.......Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff....... Finance Manager
Bob Daniels...... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
mattersherein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Am
Arbor. Michigan. as second-class mall
Siubscription during the regular School
year by carrier. $5.00. by mail. $6.00



Human Relations Committee


AN OBSCURE group of students on cam-
pus is working very hard to help you, but
they may fail unless you give them your
support. This group, the Human Relations
Committee, is, using a new approach, in at-
tempting to improve relations and "reduce
tensions between individuals and groups on
They believe that better understanding
will come through personal contact, and

greater understanding and harmony of in-
The committee, which includes Student
Legislature members and representatives
from major campus organizations, are in-
viting residents of dormitories, international
and co-op houses, and affiliated groups to
participate. "University Legislation on Dis-
crymination" and the "British Elections
System" have been the topics of the first
flan r Qh A t,. fa.

Barnaby was so serious about settling
the Pixies' strike against his Fairy
Godfather-Maybe we shouldn't scoff-

This is a cruel blow, Barnaby-That
your mother should prefer those Pixies
to your faithful old Fairy Godfather-

i suppose it was inevitable-The materialistic
attitude of this machine age-No thought for
spiritual values... Like Fairy Godfathers..


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