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March 29, 1950 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1950-03-29

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29, 1950


Skunk Reigns As New Dela Chi Mascot






k new twist in the line of cam-
s pets has been added by Delta
i Fraternity, which now boasts
iew select, genuine and deodor-
1 skunk as their house mascot.
Gong dissatisfied by the general
1 of dogs, cats and other rov-
mammals, the Delta Chi's de-'
ed to "be different," explained
n Ralph, '52 E, skunk chair-
EARLY LAST semester the
ise assessed its members for a
:unk fund," Ralph continued.
is money was sent to a firm in

Georgia which specializes in
Nothing was heard for sev-
eral months, he added, but on
Monday, the first day of spring,
a cautious and somewhat dis-
gruntled expressman delivered
a crate marked "Handle with
Care-Skunk" to the house.
After carefully determining that
the animal was "all that was ad-
vertised; that is, deodorized, we
put it in the basement," Ralph
* * *
LU RUDOLPH '51, stated that
the skunk seemed "sorta ratty
and not like the ones in a zoo,"

U' Nuclear Energy Machines
To Undergo Synchronization

Synchronizing the synchrotron
is the big problem confronting
physicists in their work of remod-
eling the University's huge neu-
clear energy machine.
The synchrotron, in the base-
ment of Randall Physics Bldg., is
undergoing refinements to per-
fect its operation, Prof. Robert
W. Pidd of the physics department
ESSENTIALLY it is an acceler-
ator, Prof. Pidd continued, which
"speeds up" electrons until they
almost reach the speed of light, a
barrier over which they cannot
The electrons are then "fired"
at a target where they turn into
light rays, he added. These in
turn hit another target, which
transforms them into two more
electrons, which can be studied
in a laboratory for their cos-
mic ray value.
It is the first time that such a
feat has been possible, Prof. Pidd
* * *
ued, we seem to be losing some of
the electrons when they are cir-
cling in the vacuum tube or
"doughnut." They strike the walls
and are "lost."
Part of the trouble, he claim-
ed, apparently comes from the
injector which "shoots" the
Posting Job
Done By Hand
Eyestrain Reigns
In Registrar's Office
Writing out the elections of stu-
dents in eight colleges of the Uni-
versity is a six week eye strain for
nine Recorders in the Registrar's
The crew of nine post by hand-
printing the courses of approxi-
mately 9,500 students. On the as-
sumption that the average stu-
dent elects five subjects, each
secretary records about 5,300 elec-
THE COURSES are written in
official codified form on linen
permanent record sheets. By us-
ing these linen sheets as a source,
the Registrar's Office is able to
provide Ozalid printed trans-
cripts at a modified cost.
A second contingent of four
recorders types out the 6,900
records for the Horace . Rack-
ham School of Graduate Stu-
The posting of elected courses
is not started until the majority
of changes have been made by
students, and incomplete and
make-up marks are fixed from the
preceding semester.
One of the biggest headaches
to the recorders is the dropping
and adding of courses. Though
the Literary College's new three
week ruling has cut the num-
ber, it is estimated by Edward
Groesbeck, assistant registrar,
that one out of every four stu-
dents drops and/or adds a
Once the posting is finished the
remainder of the semester is
spent checking each record for re-
petition of courses and inconsis-
tencies in elections.
FROM THESE hand printed
and typed forms a total of 125,000
photostats and Ozalid transcripts
are printed each year.
At least three transcripts of
each student's record are made
each semester. One apiece goes to

the Dean of the particular school,
the academic or concentration ad-
viser and last but not least to the
student himself, presumably for
his edification.

electrons into the "doughnut."
"By making this smaller we
hope to eliminate much of the
It's mostly a matter of "timing,"
Prof. Pidd added, since everything
has to be perfectly "synphroni-
zed" when the electrons are in-
jected into the "doughnut's" mag-
netic field.
Prof. Pidd stated that he and
his co-director, Prof. William A.
Nierenberg, hope to have the
machine in operation by this sum-
Late Cancer
Diagnosis May
Prove Fatal
Cancer may be the bullet that
kills a person, but all too often
it is the lack of early diagnosis
of the disease which pulls the
trigger, a survey by the Cancer
Control Committee of the Michi-
gan State Medical Society has
Choosing a nearby county, the
committee found that of 145 cases
diagnosed there in 1946, nearly
half - 69 - of them were dead
seven months later.
The reason? Lack of early diag-
nosis, according to the survey.
AN ATTEMPT was made in
each case to record the interval
between the onset of symptoms
and the first relevantevisit to a
physician. In 16 per cent of the
cases, this information was lack-
ing, but where it was found it dis-
closed "significant" results.
A total of 101 of the 146 cases
delayed more than a month; 79
delayed six months; 45 delayed
more than a year.
"By doing so," the survey con-
cludes grimly, "many of them
signed their own death warrants."
The surveyors also attempted
to determine the reasons for the
delays. Again the information was
not available in some cases, but
enough was obtained to point the
finger at two major causes: The
victims thought their symptoms
were insignificant; or they were
afraid to visit their physicians
because of a fear of serious find-

but was assured by several "ex-
Derienced" brothers that it was
just "worn out from the trip."
Two big problems now con-
front the Delta Chi's, remarked
Ed Videan, '51, house steward.
"I'd like to know what skunk
eats, and how do we housebreak
the thing."
It was suggested by several men
that "pledge power" could be used
for the latter, but the food prob-
lem was strictly in the hands of
the steward.
AT PRESENT the skunk is
"roaming" loose in the basement,
which is "off limits" to all but
the braver element in the house,
said Ken Ralph. He (the skunk)
is rather vicious and has a ten-
dency to bite.
Hugh Benedict, '50BAd, re-
ported that the house is divi-
ded over the choice of names
for the animal. Some of the
men think he should be called
"Sniffer," Benedict asserted,
"but I favor "Foo-foo" myself."
He added that any other sug-
gestions would be accepted, but
we "probably won't listen to
them," he cautioned.
Pledge Master Alben Carlson,
'50E, added that he expected
things to be "quite lively around
here" in the near future. "Imagine
what a surprise it will be," he re-
marked, "to see a skunk leading
one of our pledges down the
At any rate, the Delta Chi's
agreed, it seems that spring has
brought a "new atmosphere" to
East Hill St.
Neighboring houses were not
immediately available for com-
Daily Edit" ets
Featured Spot
WUOM Broadcasts
Opinion by Ron Watts
A Daily editorial, "German
Nazis Revive," by Ron Watts, '52,
was featured on Monday's WUOM
show, "The Editor Speaks."
A 10 minute show broadcast
at 2:45 p.m. every Monday, "The
Editor Speaks" presents the
best editorials of the previous
week chosen from daily and
weekly newspapers throughout
the state.
The selection, according to
WUOM's script editor William
Bender, jr. is based on content andE
Watts' editorial, which appeared
March 23, deals with the apparent
threat offered by Dr. Fritz Dorls,
right wing Socialist Reich party,
whose platform is reminiscent of
the party which put Hitler in
'Free Enterprise'
Prof. Philip Wernette, director
of the Bureau of Business Re-
search, will speak on "The Future'
of the Free Enterprise System
in the Next Ten Years," at 8 p.m.
today in Rm. 130, School of Busi-
ness Administration.
Alpha Kappa Psi, professional
and commerce fraternity, and
sponsors of the lecture, urged that
all students interested attend.

LIFE DRAWING students don't need to yell "hold that pose" to their models, who are trained to'
stand in one position for as long as a half hour at a time. Bone structure and muscling are studied
in addition to drawing technique. The students get tireder sitting still drawing than the models do
posing with a heavy prop for 20 or 30 minutes.


Lathe Work, Sketching
Features of Student Day

Designing magazine covers,
working on a lathe, and sketching
a nude are all in a single day's
work for Architecture and Design
school students.
Contrary to the conception that
Architecture students spend all
day slaving over a hot drawing
board, a multitude of correlated
activities go on in the Architec-
ture school, from photography
classes in the tower to pottery
molding on the first floor.
Architecture students, who make
up seventy-five per cent of the
school's enrollment, do spend a
lot of time with their drawing
boards but also study drawing,
basic design, mathematics and
even physics!
* * *
crowded curriculum the Architec-
ture students work under a five
year program, extended from a
four year program ten years ago.
The clay bowls, cigarette box-
es, and figurines waiting their
turn at the kiln in the shop are
the creations of product design
students. Still life drawing is
also part of the product de-
signer's training, as well as shop
Shop work at the school bears
no resemblance to the average
machine shop, with husky men in
overalls twisting wire into stra ge
shapes while a petite blonde takes
her turn at the lathe.
on looms like grandmother used
to use is part of the interior de-
sign student's curriculum. Any-
thing is grist for the mill as rib-
bon, string, and strips of cloth are
woven into new designs and tex-
Work on the new campus
magazine Generation is being
handled by the Architecture and
Design school, largely by the in-
formation mediums sections.
The magazine's layouts and art
work give students practical ex-
perience in their field of concen-
* * *
DRAWING and painting stu-
dents move from water colors of
old hats and children's toys to life
drawing from actual models as
part of their work. Charcoal draw-
ing and sketching classes use
classical statues and friezes for
some of their subjects.

Landscape architects design
miniature homes and their sur-
roundings as part of their crea-
tive work. Added to this is re-
quired work in the natural sci-
ences as a supplement.
Work isn't entirely creative, as
the Architecture and Design school
requires basic work in the Liter-
ary school in all the fields of con-
The administrators of the school
place an emphasis on the value
of the liberal education, and.tu-
dents take almost every type of
course.offered by the Literary col-
lege. Overbalancing, of the cur-
riculum towards technical train-
ing is guarded against in this way,
as well as offering variation.
* * *
MAJORS in construction are re-
quired to take a surveying course,
while economics, sociology and
political science courses are pre-
requisites for those taking city
Majors in drawing and painting
must take history, and physical
and social sciences to supplement
their training.
A general design program has
been set up for students not in-
terested in professional training,
who want some experience with
creative art. Fine arts and elec-
tives are taken instead of more
technical courses.
The school has become familiar
to the campus through the-basic
Fine Arts courses offered Literary
school students with studios in
creative art. The studios are
handled by Architecture and De-
sign instructors, and in them stu-
dents become familiar with the
basic principles of art through
simple creative work with paper
and crayons.
* * *
CORRELATING TO this studio
work are several Fine Arts appre-
ciation lecture courses that trace
the development of art forms
through history. In this way stu-
dents not only learn to appreciate
art for its esthetical value, bit in
the studios gain an understanding
of the work that must go into the
producing of that particular work
of art.
By this interchanging of stu-
dents the Architecture and Design
school has become familiar to
many Michigan students.




Story by
Dave Leddick
Pictures by
Ed Kozma


SHADES OF THE Engineering school! Architecture and Design
students spend hours over the drawing board in their work, almost
all fields of concentration requiring basic work of this kind prior
to specialization.



THE LOOM is used, by interior design students to create new
fabrics and textures to carry out their ideas in decoration. Manual
dexterity is a prime essential in the threading in and out of the
cloth strips, string and ribbon used, as well as the foot work
required to automatically pack the threads together tightly.
Primitive in comparison to modern methods of producing cloth,
interior design students find it the perfect process for creative




Rebel G'ill
University, Mississippi
0A ee
The Rebel Grill is one of the favor-
ite on-the-campus haunts of students
at the University of Mississippi.
That's because the Rebel Grill is a
t friendly place, always full of the

W, 6W 110,/L M,

busy atmosphere of college life.

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