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March 15, 1950 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-03-15

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_ . . . _ ...

City Editor'sw
STUDENT OFFICERS over at the Union
are wearing worried looks on their faces
these days and are busily explaining a com-
plicated organizational chart to anyone who
gets interested in reorganizing the Union
It is easy to see that the constitution
needs rewriting. It is old and does not in-
elude many of the practices followed by
Union officials. For example, the consti-
tution as it stands now does not require
that the president and secretary come up
through the ranks of students who actual-
ly work in the Union. It only stipulates
that the officers be student members of
the Union. This, theoretically, throws the
office open to any male student on cam-
pus. Obviously, no organization can be
run effectively if its top people do not
have a working knowledge of it.
There has never been a time, in recent
years, when a Union head has come from
the "outside" student body. Thus, in prac-
tice, the constitution is way behind the
system under which the Union functions.
* * *
BUT ONE QUESTION regarding the Un-
ion constitution has not been considered
in all the discussion so far.
Why do the student vice presidents have
to come from the various schools?
There are six student vice-presidents of
the Union who sit on the 18-man board of
directors. The rest of the board is made up
of faculty and alumni members and Dean
of Students Erich Walter. The job of the
board is to "oversee" the operations of the
These six "vice presidents" who would
better be called "student members" of the
board are elected, one from each of six
major colleges. On the surface, this is an
attempt to get representation BY COLLEGE
on the board of directors. There is no good
reason for this. There are no major prob-
lems-relating to the Union which are held
by only one college in the University. The
Union's problems are common to most of
the people who use the place, irrespective
of their college.
In practice, this provision means that
there CANNOT be a general campaign for
the posts of Union Vice-President. The
running of the Union CANNOT become
the subject of a campus-wide political con-
troversy as long as people with definite
ideas have to do their campaigning among
a group of literary college students, or
engineers. Where on this campus can you
find organized residence groups which
ared"restiiited to students of only one
College? In professional fraternities and
nowhere else.
As long as those interested in Union poli-
cies are forced to make such an insignifi-
cant campaign the students can never be
adequately represented on the Union board
of directors. The post of Union Vice-Presi-
dent can never be anything but a minor poli-
tical post, not worth much campus atten-
IN OTHER WORDS, I'm asking that the
post of Union Vice-President be thrown
into the spotlight of campus politics where
it belongs. Let's have slates running on'
"Clean-up-the-Union" platforms and op-
posing slates on "Keep-the-Union-as-it-is"
programs. Only by opening the election to
the entire male student body can this be

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Dailystafff
and represent the views of the writers only.

The Euthanasia Issue
T TOOK SEVENTY MINUTES for the mercy slaying and place it ont
jury to bring back the verdict: Not guil- as a back-alley hatchet murd
ty. Dr. Hermann Sander became a free man requires.
again by virtue of the humane law which So too, the authorities in
home town were on the spot
says a man cannot be convicted for killing man who had dedicated his lif
a corpse. gation of suffering, arraigne
But while the Sander euthanasia case is court on the charge of first d
forever to be a closed record there are How could he be prosecuteda
quite a few questions which still remain with a clear conscience? Clea
unanswered. A prominent pathologist has killed Mrs. Borroto he had b
explained that it would have been impos- and must pay the prescribed
sible for 40 cc. of air to kill, and yet the The only solution to this dil
fact remains that Dr. Sander did make horns of which too many imp
the injection, at least ostensibly for the squirmed, was to prove that D
purpose of ending the painful life of can- not killed, that Mrs. Borroto
cer-stricken Mrs. Abby Borroto. dead. Truly this was an in
with competent medical testin
"Something snapped," was Dr. Sander's it up, not implausible though
explanation for the act, an explanation
strikingly similar to that which won the Dr. Sander was acquitted,
freedom of Carol Paight who was accused was acquitted and so, it seen
of the mercy slaying of her father, one else who slays in the nan
No one, of course, can accuse either Dr. The precedent has been set
Sander or his competent witnesses of per- er will an unpleasant issue ha
jury and yet it is peculiar that a man in squarely. Mercy killing now b
the throes of the irrational fit which Dr. esting (to say the least) sta
Sander describes, could make what he legally and officially condem
thought to be a fatal injection and be ra- accompanying huzzahs of the
tional enough to make a note of it on the moralistically minded) and un
hospital record for all to see. doned (to the reverberating

"Step Outside And Say That"

the same level
er, as the law
Dr. Sander's
. Here was a
fe to the miti-
ed before the
egree murder.
and convicted
Lrly if he had
Broken the law
emma, on the
portant people
?r. Sander had
was already
teresting and,
mony to back
Miss Paight
ms, will any-
me of mercy.
and no long-
ve to be faced
has the inter-
atus of being
mned (to the
religiously or
officially con-
sighs of relief


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All that is left now is to indulge in spec-
ulation - an activity, however, not entire-
ly without rewards. For it begins to seem
that what had started out as a plain honest
mercy killing has been aborted and sub-
borned into a complex manipulation de-
signed to prevent the fundamental issue
involved from ever coming before the
A lot of people were put in embarrassing
and peculiar positions by the Sander case.
The American Medical Association in con-
junction with the medical schools finds it-
self on the one hand teaching doctors to
deify the sanctity of human life as stated
in the Hippocratic Oath, and on the other
dedicated to the struggle to alleviate human
pain and suffering. For religious as well as
technical and ethical reasons the A.M.A.
finds the principles of Euthanasia untenable
and yet doctors cannot come out and con-
demn a legitimate (if such a thing can be)

of the sympathetic). 1z
But who is fooling whom? The whole
issue by becoming a social hot potato
subjects legal procedures which were de-
signed to protect the innocent to the ca-
pricious whim of the authorities who in
effect make a prejudgment of each case.
It would seem from the reaction to these
two most recent acquittals that there is
enough difference of opinion over the doc-
trines of euthanasia to warrant intelligent
discussion. But as the situation, and more
particularly, the legal situation, stands to-
day there is little likelihood that the prob-
lem will ever be dragged out into the open
where it belongs to be discussed in a logical
and rational manner to arrive at some con-
clusions which all can abide by. Rather the
spectre of mercy killing seems condemned
forever to haunt that nether world of un-
settled and "untouchable" issues.
-Allan Clamage

0 9w me s~c ue'osr a

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Mrs. Robeson's Talk . . . Traditions . .

Te Liquor Ban

ASIDE FROM THE FACT that it didn't
make very good sense, Al Blumrosen's
liquor ban editorial Saturday was pretty
well written.
When he grabbed up what he respect-
fully called "Sunday's accident" and hurl-
ed it at University officials and students,
The Daily's city editor, consciously or not,
was employing an ancient and venerable
principle of rhetoric. Wherever he learn-
ed the trick of fitting the communication
to the particular mental frame of his au-
dience, it is to his credit. Blumrosen's job
was to persuade everybody that the liquor
ban has got to be modified. Unfortunately,
he spiked his editorial punch with a po-
tent emotional liquor, brewed, however
honestly, with the knowledge that the
University community still suffered from
a hangover of grief arising out of Sunday's
Some people don't hold their liquor very
well. They drunkenly believe that the Uni-
versity is partially responsible for Sunday's
tragedy. They are wrong.
Jo Chapel is dead because the car she
was in didn't turn in time. Her death is as
indirectly connected with the liquor ban as
it is with the invention of the auto, or with
the glacier that placed Whitmore Lake where
a road would later need to run, causing a
dangerous curve.
To charge that the liquor ban is even
partially responsible for Miss Chapel's death
is not much less ridiculous than blaming the
University for the death of some students
returning home from a vacation last year,
on the grounds that such a tragedy would
never have occured, had the University
been located where the students lived.
As long as there are cars, there will be
accidents, and people will always think of

reasons to travel in them, liquor ban or no
liquor ban.
I remarked that Blumrosen's editorial
doesn't make very good sense. What does
the whole editorial revolve around? The
ligour ban, and how it is supposed to have
contributed to Sunday's accident. What
solution does Blumrosen have for the
liquor ban? He proposes some sort of
club, where students over 21 might im-
bibe in peace.
When Blumrosen offers this idea, he ap-
parently forgets the whole point of his edi-
torial, which is to arouse the students and
the University to "eliminate conditions which
can lead to tragic consequences." But what
would happen to students under 21, if Blum-
rosen's club plan went into effect? They
would continue to go out of town for their
liquor. They would drive cars. People would
get killed in them. And that is exactly
what the editorial asks us to prevent.
Blumrosen thinks maybe a club where
students over 21 could drink "MIGHT in
the long run calm the understandable
desire of younger students so that they
would wait until 21 to have their drink-
ing parties."
That "MIGHT" is frightfully weak pro-
tection for a somewhat silly statement. The
-younger students would of course want to
drink all the more.
I think the liquor ban is one of the most
sensible of the University's rulings.
And I don't think it had anything at
all to do with Miss Chapel's death.
Furthermore, if there were any connec-
tion between the incident and the law, the
fact that there was a nasty consequence of
the law would not invalidate it. How many
similar tragedies would occur if the law were
-George Walker

To the Editor:
IN VIEW OF the many important
local, state-wide, national and
international issues facing us to-
day, it is difficult to see justifi-
cation, excluding me're editorial
whim, for your "playing up" of the
outrageous front-page story, on
March 8, of Mrs. Paul Robeson's
Recently, a Michigan Daily edi-
torial defended the democratic,
non-leftist leaning of the editorial
policy of youreorganization. Your
handling of the story of Mrs. Rob-
eson's "impressions," - to put it
politely - of Communist Russia
does not lend veracity to the recent
editorial. A two-line, two-column
headline, two and a half double-
column paragraphs, and a three-
inch picture on the front page do
not lend weight to anything ex-
cept tacit editorial approval of the
significance of the story, as well
as of the import of its content.
It is the opinion of the present
writer that Mrs. Robeson's "im-
pressions" are nothing more than
unadulterated Soviet Russian pro-
paganda; Izvestia and Pravda
would be proud to read the front-
page article.
The story itself is seriously de-
void of quotes. The one and only
quoted passage-and it is a reveal-
ing one - reads: "The Russians
don't want to waste atomic energy
in destruction when it can be
used for construction." Externally,
"construction," to the Kremlin
policy makers, has always signified
politicaltunrest,Ibrutality, gang-
ster methods. Internally, it has
meant Russian "democracy," i.e.,
that "everyone has the right to
vote,"-or, better said, that all
Russian subjects are forcedto cast
their ballot, on which the name
of even a single candidate, out-
side of the Communist Party-
sponsored official slate, has yet to
It is this kind of editorial fea-
turing of one woman's transpar-
ent impressions that lends rise to
criticism of the editorial policy
of The Michigan Daily.
-Gunther Marx, Grad.I

To the Editor:
LAST FRIDAY'S Daily indicates
that it is still forbidden for
ladies to enter the Union through
the front door. Now, I wish to in-
quire is this only a lot of foolish-
ness to be resorted to, on occasion,
for advertising purposes? Is it,
like the weather, just something
to write about when there's no
real news? Or are there really
some who suspect it is a genuine
Because of its tender years andj
policed enforcement, this practice
is plainly not a tradition.Other
articles in The Daily during the
past few months, concerning this
same thing, lead one to suppose
that it is nothing but a source of
column-inches. It would be inter-
esting to learn how many girls
who are not advertising water bal-
lets pass through those doors, un-
troubled by valiant sentries.
Once, I encountered a doorman
there, whose only duty, apparently,
was the enforcement of the "tra-
dition." He was in good health and
had worked for the University for
about two years. I therefore as-
sumed he was neither on rest duty
nor was he retired after long ac-
tive service. Can it be that men
are hired for that sort of foolish-
ness? I did not inquire whether
he thought his existence was thus
There is this incessant wail from
University students to be treated
like adults, even while situations
like the above persist. Any student
will tell you he's not a kid, any-
more; but you don't look long to
find one going to class in a burlap
undershirt, or carrying a bowl of
goldfish, in order to establish that
he is a good man. But it's "tra-
dition" ... "They've always done
that way."
Now, if there must be traditions,
let them be in some way reason-
able: for example, that no path be
beaten across the campus lawns.
(What an army it would take to
enforce that if it were decreed an
official "tradition"!) If reason is
too much to ask of University
people, then let traditions at least
cease to be an annoyance or in-
convenience to anyone.
-George W. Byers

March 14: Gamma Phi Beta.
March 16: Library Science Class
of '50.
March 17: Alpha Delta Pi, Al-
pha Gamma Delta, Alpha Omicron
Pi, Alpha Xi Delta, Jordan Hall,
Kappa Nu, Phi Sigma Kappa, Tri-
angle, Young Progressives of
America, Zeta Tau Alpha.
March 18: Acacia, Adams House,
W.Q., Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha
Delta Phi, Alpha Sigma Phi, Al-
pha. Tau Omega, Beta Theta Pi,
Chi Phi, Delta Chi, Delta Gamma,
Delta Sigma Pi, Delta Tau Delta,
Delta Zeta Hawaii Club, Hayden
House, E.Q., Hillel Foundation.
International Students Assoc.,
Kappa Sigma, Michigan Christian
Fellowship, Phi Delta Phi, Phi
Kappa Sgma, Phi Sigma Delta,
Robert Owen Coop House, Sigma
Phi, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Theta
Delta Chi, Theta Xi, Tyler House,
E.Q., Winchell House, Zeta Psi.
March 19: Alpha Epsilon Phi,
Nelson House, Newberry Resi-
dence, NewhWomen's Residence,
Phi Delta Phi, Tfheta Chi.
Lecture. "Religion and the World
Community," Dr. Perry Gresham,
Central Christian Church, Detroit;
auspices of the Religion in Life
Week Program. 8:30 p.m., Thurs.,
Mar. 16, Rackham Lecture Hall.
Academic Notices
History 12, Lecture Section II,
Make-up examination, Sat., Mar.
18, 10-11 Rm. G.
Foreign Language Examinations
for the A.M. in History. 4 p.m.,
Fri., Mar. 17, Rm. G, Haven Hall.
Use of a dictionary is permitted.
Students taking the examination
must register in 119 Haven hall,
before Frday.
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Freshman
five-week progress reports are due
Fri., Mar. 17, Academic Counsel-
ors' Office, 1210 Angell Hall.
School of Business Administra-
tion: Students from other Schools
and Colleges intending to apply
for admission for the summer ses-
sion or fall semester should secure
application forms in 150 Business
Administration Building as soon
as possible.
Bacteriology Seminar: Thurs.,
Mar. 16, 9 a.m., 1520 E. Medical
Bldg. Speaker: Mr. P. G. Rajam,
subject: The Role of Ascorbic
Acid in Infection.
Engineering Mechanics Semi-
nar: 4 p.m., Wed., Mar. 15, 101
W. Engineering. Dr. Paul F. Che-
nea will discuss "Numerical Shell
English 184. Mr. Davis' class,
will meet Wed., Mar. 15, as fol-
lows: Those with names begin-
ning with "A" to "L" inclusive in
Rm.g Haven Hall. Those with
names beginning with "M11to 1Z
inclusive in Rm. 1025 A.H.
Physical - Inorganic Chemistry
Seminar: 4:07 p.m., Wed., Mar. 15,
2308 Chemistry. Speaker: Dr. W.
Wayne Meinke will briefly review
books on nuclear chemistry. Mr.
R. J. Weaver will discuss "Elec-
trode Reduction of Complex Ions."
Wildlife Management Seminar:
7:30 p.m., Thurs., Mar. 16, 1139
Natural Science Bldg. Prof. Donal
H. Haines, Journalism Depart-
ment, will speak on Conservation
Sociology: Prof. Werner S. Lan-
decker will not meet his sociology
classes today, Wed., Mar. 15.

Student Recital: Warren Bellis,
clarinetist, will be heard at 8:30
p.m., Wed., Mar. 16, Rackham As-
sembly Hall, in a program present-
ed in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Master of
Music degree. A pupil of William
Stubbins, Mr. Bellis will be assist-
ed by Eva Havas, pianist, Robert
Pfeuffer, bassoonist, and John
Crawford, clarinetist. Open to
the public.
Events Today
Religion in Life Week:
4:15 p.m., Christian Science Or-
ganization, Rackham Auditorium.
"Christian Science in Student
Life," by Mr. James Watt, C.S.
5 p.m., Daily Chapel Service,
Meditation Period.. "Faith and
Christian America," by Dr. John
S. Everton in the Congregational
7:30 p.m., Novena Devotions and
Benedictions with Lenten Sermon
by Rev. F. X. Canfield, St. Mary's
Student Chapel.
Supper Discussion: 5:30 p.m.,
Congregational Disciple and Evan-
gelican and Reformed Guild.
Phone reservations in to 5838.

Westminster Presbyterian Guild:
5 p.m., Lenten Vespers, "Even
These Least." Tea, 4-5 p.m.
Baptist Students: Weekly "Chat"
and fellowship, Rger Williams
Guild House, 4:30 to 6 p~m.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
Bible Study, Lane Hall( Upper
Room), 7:30 p.m. Discussion: "The
Scriptural Basis for Missions," us-
ing booklet "Therefore Go," Les-
son 7 and 8.
Wesleyan Guild: 4-5:30 p.m.,
Do-Drop-In Tea, Lounge.
6 p.m., Pot Luck Supper for stu-
dents and members of the church
in Social Hall.
7:15 p.m., "The Best in the Lu-
theran Faith," will be discussed
by Rev. Walter Brandt, Social
8:30 p.m., Open Cabinet Meet-
ing, Lounge.
Canterbury Club: 5:15 p.m.,
Evening Prayer and Meditation.
7-10 p.m., Rev. and Mrs. Burt
are at home to all Episcopal stu-
dents and their friends.
Sociedad Hispanica: The Span-
ish play, "Dona Clarines," 8 p.m.,
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Mem-
bers of La Sociedad Hispanica will
be admitted by paying only the
American Chemical Society: Meet-
ing, 8 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Bldg.
Dr. Lyman C. Craig, Rockefeller
Institute, will discuss "Isolation
and Characterization of Substan-
ces of Extraction."
Film Program for students, fac-
ulty, and general public. "Great
Historical Figures: Thomas Jef-
ferson and Benjamin Franklin."
4:10 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium;
auspices of Audio-Visual Educa-
tion Center and the University Ex-
tension Service. No admission
Lecture: Edward J. °Wormley,
noted furniture designer. "Design
vs. Styling," 7:30 p.m., Architect-
ure Auditorium; auspices of the
School of Forestry and Conserva-
tion. Open to public.
UNESCO Council: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Lane Hall. Elections.
Delta Sigma Pi presents "Job
Opportunity Panel" with Harold
Scott, of Haskins and Sells, Geo-
rge Hall, manager of Ann Arbor
Sears and Roebuck; James Brink-
erhoff of personnel department of
Square D Co.; Kenneth Haven,
executive vice-president of Reich-
old Chemical Co.; William McClin-
tock, vice-president of National
Bank of Detroit; and Prof. Rob-
ert L. Dixon. 8 p.m., 130 Busi-
ness Administration.
Flying Club: 7:30 p.m., 1042 E,
Generation: Meeting of all per-
sons scheduled to sell "Genera-
tion," 4:15 p.m., Student Publi-
cations Bldg. Anyone interested
in selling who has not signed up
may do so at this time.
(Continued on Page 5)
M 4 E


' "i







DONA CLARINES with Georgina Fier-
ro, Ethel Cada, Joseph Plazonja and
others from the Sociedad Hispanica. In
Spanish, at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre today.
ANYONE with a working knowledge of
Spanish will find entertaining fare in
this comedy on love and financial scheming
in a Spanish household. Although the plot
involves a not unusual combination of sit-
uations, the Quintero brothers put them to-
gether into a play which has amused audi-
ences since 1909, and a generally competent
cast managed to do it justice last night.
The problems center around an eccentric
old lady who always tells the unadorned
truth, her spendthrift brother's attempts to
get ahold of their neice's legacy, and the
inevitable love angle with minor complica-
Until the lovers get together, the play
goes along quite well, with the perform-

Gothic Film Society

thrills, chills, amazement and amusement
to more than 300 delighted, paying mem-
A really astounding catalogue of films
has been shown - all in the Gothic tra-
dition. They include the weird, the ex-
perimental, the fantastic, and even the
Starting with "The Cabinet of Doctor Cal-
ighari," a symbolic description of society
and the havoc caused by a mad doctor-
hypnotist, continuing with the full-length
psychology-thriller "M" and the commen-
tary on life in Paris given in "Rien Que Les
Heures," Gothic Film's first year on campus
can already be termed highly successful.
The Snietv ha1 it heinnings vear nago

tically guaranteed an audience after their
trial run of the original Frankenstein last
summer packed the theatre in a free, trial
Although memberships are limited to
graduate students to assure use of the
Rackham facilities, the sell-out of sub-
scriptions at the beginning of this school
year has lead the officers of the Society
to plan some additional showings, and to
broaden their definition of what may be
termed Gothic.
According to the Society's president, the
borders of the genre have been arbitrarily
expanded to include even the Marx Brothers.
-Rosemary Owen
J ;f;m ;nnJ t finnm

(Continued from Page 3)
A very few people will be con-
sidered with bachelor's degrees.
All applications must be filed
before Mar. 22. Part of the appli-
cation form is to be filled out by
faculty, and time should be al-
lowed for this purpose. Transcripts
are also required.
Application blanks are available
at the Bureau.
F o r additional information
please call at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration
Bureau of Appointments:
Interviews for teaching positions
in the Dependents Schools over-
seas will be held Fri., and Sat.,

Mar. 17 and 18, Mon., and.Tues.,
Mar. 20 and 21. Teachers are need-
ed in the schools for American
children in Germany, Austria, Oki-
nawa, Guam and Japan. Most of
the positions are in the Elemen-
tary field with a few openings in
the following fields: mathematics,
science, social studies. A few nur-
ses and counselors are needed.
Three to five years teaching ex-
perience is required of applicants.
Women 25 to 40 and men 25 to 50
years of age will be considered.
Contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments immediately for further in-
formation and appointments.
Approved Student Sponsored So-
cial Events for This Week:

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students 4of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff........ ..Managing Editor
Ai Blunrosen........ ..City Editor
Philip Dawson.......Editorial Director
Mary Stein.............Associate Editor
Jo Misner............. Associate Editor
George Walker ........ Associate Editor
Don McNeil..........Associate Editor
WallyBarth......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes.........Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin...... .Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor
Lee Kaltenbach ....... Women's Editor
Barbara Smith.. . Associate Women's Ed.
Allan Clamage..............Librarian
Joyce Clark.......Assistant Librarian
SBusiness Staff
Roger Wellington... .Business Manager
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangl.......Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff....... Finance Manager
Bob Daniels .....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular school
vear by carrier, $5.00. by mail, $6.00.





This is most annoying, Barnaby.



I Your Fairy Godfather can)




Heraything? -




®1 Barhaby. ooen the cellar


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