Seniors To See
JOP Preview
Annual Production Will Be Presented
To Graduating Coeds, Public Next Week
Comin' Out
Increased by Modern Dance
* * * *
Senior women will view the re-
sults of months of planning, hard
work and tedious rehearsing
Thursday, March 23, when "The
Real McCoy," 1950 Junior Girls'
Play is performed in their honor.
The play, to be presented in the
Outing Qroup
Plans Activities
With the coming of warmer
weather to Ann Arbor, campus co-
eds get the yearning to spend a
few hours a week in out-of-doors
To satisfy this desire, the WAA
Outing Club will begin its program
planning for therest of the se-
mester at their first meeting at 4
p.m., today in the Barbour Gym
Fencing Room.
Any coed on campus is eligible
f for membership. Members will de-
cide on activities which they wish
to carry on such as bike hikes,
canoe trips and breakfast cook-
Margaret MacDougall, c lu b
manager, says that some of the
activities can be co-recreational
affairs if the club so desires and
also the group can go in with the
Ann Arbor Youth Hostel activities.
One AYH event which the Out-
ing Club may attend is the "Bird
Stalk" scheduled for April 2, in
which birds of all kinds along the
Huron are hunted out by those at-
The Camp Counselors Club has
also invited the Outing Club to
have a cook-out with them on
May 11. Other ideas which Miss
S MacDougall will present to the
new members are a breakfast near
r Jackson in the Saginaw Woods
some weekend morning and an
overnight at the Saline Hostel
Mixer To Be Held
In honor of St. Patrick's Day,
the library science department will
have a mixer party from 8 to 10:30
p.m. tomorrow in the Hussy Room
of the League.
"Everyone is invited to attend,
including library science students,
faculty members and friends,"
said Charles DeYoung, president
of the Library Science Club.
Entertainment will consist of
mixer games and a class prophecy
skit entitled, "Reunion of 1960."
Refreshments will also be served.
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, will
climax Senior Night festivities,
which will begin with a banquet
in the League Ballroom.
* * *
an opportunity to see the play at
one of three performances open
to the public. Curtains will rise
on the evening shows at 8 p.m.
Friday and Saturday, March 24
and 25. The Saturday matinee is
slated to begin at.2 p.m.
Leading roles will be taken by
Diane Faulk, Tish Pierce, Doris
Buser, Barbara Krause and
Mike Sherwood.
Miss Daisy Lou McCoy, known
on campus as Diane Faulk, will be
honored at the JGP-Union Opera
Musical Debut Tea this afternoon.
JGP was presented by six junior
women in Barbour Gymnasium.
Since then the play has become a
traditional junior activity.
Early plays were open only to
women. Men were first allowed
to attend in 1923, when JGP was
held in the Whitney Theatre
JGP was not written entirely
by junior women until 1945. Other
students, alumni and professors
tried their hand at composition.
* * *
"THE REAL McCOY" was writ-
ten, directed and produced by jun-
ior coeds. Barbara Smith 'wrote
the script, while Virginia Ellis
composed the lyrics for the songs
to be featured.
All seats will be reserved. Tickets
may be purchased Monday in the
box office of the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater.
Modern dance instruction and
practice offers a variety of ad-
vantages to everyone who parti-
cipates in it, according to Doctor
Juana de Laban who teaches dance
classes and clubs.
She stressed the fact, however,
that modern dance clubs are not
classes' in ballroom dancing nor
are they practice for would-be
chorus girls.
One of the basic functions of
modern dance instruction, is to
"make the person aware of the
significance of movement," states
Dr. Laban. This movement is im-
portant in many everyday occurr-
ances, such as interviewing for a
job or even walking down the
* * *
MODERN DANCE, by making
the kinaesthetic senses aware of
every movement increases poise,
grace and charm. Dr. Laban re-
grets the fact that although many
--Daily-Carlyle Marshall
* * *
-Daily-Aian Reid
Socialites To Make Debutes
At Party in League Ballroom
Housemothers-Tickets for the
first performance of the Junior
Girls' Play Thursday, March 23,
may be obtained by housemothers
who apply to Miss Ethel A. Mc-
Cormick in the Undergraduate Of-
fice of the League, Shiela Mc-
Comb, JGP ticket chairman, has
announced. Tickets for the Friday
and Saturday performances may
be purchased Monday at the box
office of the Lydia Mendelssohn
* * *
Combined Rehearsal-There will
be no combined rehearsal for Act
1, Scene 1 from 3 to 6 p.m. today
because of the Musical Tea in the
League Ballroom.
" .
An important campus event is
scheduled to take place from 3:30
to 5:30 p.m. today when two pro-
minent socialites make their de-
but at a musical tea in the League
The Union Opera and Junior
Girls' Play are sponsoring the tea
in honor of their star performers,
Misses Mary Lou Payraiser and
Daisy Lou McCoy.
* * *
FIRST AFFAIR of its kind to
be presented on campus, the com-
ing party promises, according to
committee members' reports, to
take a traditional place on the
University's social calendar.
During interviews with the
two honored guests several in-
teresting facts concerning their
past experiences were disclosed.
Miss Payraiser, a sophisticated
celebrity, rather large in stature,
was known as Jim Lobaugh before
she adopted herstage name. After
attending Kingstimber Prepara-
tory School in Runningbrook,
Mich. she received her A.B. at
Hopelessly Finishing School near
Boston, Mass.
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Constant Payraiser, 530 S. State
Street. Payraiser is president of
Co-op Stages
Unique Party
Students will begin taking stock
of the interference of social life
with education and the status of
their favorite reading material in
preparation for the Marriage Lec-
ture party to be presented at 8
p.m. Friday at the Robert Owen
Co-op House.
A take-off on the marriage lec-
tures given at the University, the
party will feature dancing to the
music of well known dance band
maestros. * * *
MEMBERS OF Owen House will
also present a special broadcast
of their version of a marriage lec-
All couples attending the par-
ty will also have ample oppor-
tunity to take advantage of the
marriage counsellors who will
be available.
Specific forms for the gathering
of pertinent information for the
prediction of a successful or un-
successful marriage will also be
distributed to all party-goers.
* * *
THE PARTY is being given in
connection with the recent debate
on affiliated and independent
students on campus. It is designed
to provide an opportunity for
members of both sides of the is-
sue to become better acquainted
with each other. For this reason,
the party will be open to the en-
tire campus.
Last year, the members of
Owen house presented a Sadie
Hawkins party which featured
a take-off on the inferiority of
women on the campus.
According to Dave Davies, so-
cial chairman of the house, last
year's party was a tremendous
success both on the side of satire
and humor.
the Cupid's-Aid Lingerie Company.
Mary Lou, a cosmopolitan de-I
butant, has travelled extensive-
ly. She toured Europe last sum-
mer, visiting such well known
spots as Venice, Upper Slobo-
via, the Riviera and Stromboli.
Travel and education have pro-
rmoted Miss Payraiser's linguistic
ability. In a cultivated tone, sur-
prisingly low in pitch, she speaks
French, German and Blasphemy
* * *
uages also includes a reading ac-
quaintance with Swiss and Irish:1
When not rehearsing for Un-
ion Opera, Mary Lou test runs
the "Geronimo" and other Cu-
pid's-Aid products.
Daisy Lou McCoy contrasts in
appearance and personality with
her co-guest of honor. She is small
in stature and has had few op-
portunities for social advancement.
REARED IN the hills of Ken-
tucky, Daisy Lou had ample time,
however, to become a self-educated
woman. With the aid of several en-
cyclopedias she has accumulated
and retained an almost unlimited
supply of factual knowledge.
Before her introduction to
show business Miss McCoy's
name was Diane Faulk.
Several parties have already
been given in honor of the two
debs. Last night they were guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. P.
Bell of Liberty Street and were
entertained Sunday afternoon by
Dr. and Mrs. Hayes T. Nip.
At the tea this afternoon floor-
show entertainment will be pre-
sented by members of the JGP
and Opera casts. Costumed mo-
dels will serve cookies, cakes and
On hand to greet the two so-
cialites at their debut will be stu-
dents, administrators and mem-
bers of the faculty.
Phi Rho Sigma wives will
meet at 8 p.m. today at the Phi
Rho Sigma house.
Dr. James L. Wilson, of the
pediatrics department at the
University hospital, will speak.
(Continued from Page 4)
Square and Folk Dance Club:
Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Women's Ath-
letic Bldg.
I.A.S.: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm.
35, Union. Speaker: Dr. Boden
(Aero. Research Center, Willow
Run). Subject: "Rocket Research"
plus film. .
U. of M. Rifle Club: Shoulder
to shoulder match with Detroit
Edison Rifle Club, 8 p.m., ROTC
ULLR Ski Club: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Rm. 3K, Union. Movies and
plans for the Aspen trip, and the
final weekend trip.
Women of the University Fac-
ulty: Tea, 4 to 6 p.m., 4th floor
clubroom, League.
Hiawatha Club: 7:30 p.m., Grand
Rapids Room, League. All U.P.
students invited.
Coming Events
Foreign students: The Michigan
Christian Fellowship invites you
to be ur' guests at an Interna-
tional Party, Sat., Mar. 18, Lane
Hall (Freside Room), 8 p.m.
IZFA. "kum-zitz," Thurs., Mar.
16, 8:30 p.m., B'nai B'rith Hillel
Michigan Arts Chorale will not
meet Wed., Mar. 15. Report at
Rackham at 8 p.m., Thurs., Mar.
women may have a pretty face,
their lack of poise and grace in
movement detracts from an other-
wise favorable impression.
She believes that gestures and
facial expressions are just as
important while interviewing for
a job as an intelligent conver-
Health is also influenced by such
vigorous exercise as modern dance.
"A person whose only activity is
walking to several classes and who
sits all day doesn't have much
blood circulation," comments Dr.
SIZE CONTENDS that one or
two hours of dance a week will
make a person feel better physi-
cally and mentally. '
One of the advantages of mo-
dern dance is that it gives peo-
ple a chance to try out any ar-
tistic ambitions they might have,
U. of M. Sailing Club: Shore
School, Thurs., Mar. 16, 7:30 p.m.,
311 W. Engineering. Two classes:
Rigs and knots, racing rules.
All students who have taken
part in summer projects such as
work camps, seminars, student-
in-industry, L i s 1 e Fellowship,
peace caravans, etc., are asked to
contact the Work-Study-Travel
office. at Lane Hall. Call 31511,
Ext. 2625 between 4 and 5 p.m. or
Carnie Bagnall, 30211, after 6 p.m.
A "Holiday Jamboree," Sat., Mar.
25, is being planned to interest
students in summer projects.
Student Science Society: Meet-
ing, 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Mar. 16,
1300 Chemistry Bldg. Speaker:
Prof. F. G. Gustafson, department
of botany. Topic: "Plant Growth
Hormones.)) (Illustrated.)
U. of M. Young Republican Club:
General membership meeting to
decide club delegates and alter-
nates for next week's convention.
7:30 p.m., Thurs., Mar. 16, Gar-
den Room, League.
Student-Faculty Tea honoring
the English Department, 4-5 p.m.,
Thurs., Mar. 16, Grand Rapids
Room, League.
Undergraduate Psychological So-
ciety: The Discussion Group in
Clinical Psychology will present
Dr. Max Hutt on Thurs., Mar. 16,
7:30 p.m., 3121 Natural Science.
Dr. Hutt's subject: "The Diagnos-
tic Problems Confronting the
Clinical Psychologist and the
Methods Used to Solve Them."
Pre-professional students in psy-
chology invited.
Society of Automotive Engineers
present Mr. L. M. Jones with films
and a talk on Rocket Firing, 7:30
p.m., Thurs., Mar. 16, 348 W.
Engineering Bldg.
for dance combines art, music
and interpretation of movement.
"It offers appreciation - of arts
in general," states Dr. Laban. "Mo-
dern dance is just an orientation
in which you find out what to do
later on."
Dance, through interpretation
of music, touches on many sub
jects such as history, literature
and social studies.
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Vince Schaefer, with Dr. Irving'in angmuir (left), makes snow in his laboratory cold-chamber.
What it takes to make a G-E scientist
i N
it t
Vincent J. Schaefer is the
man who discovered how to
seed supercooled clouds with
dry ice and make them pro-
duce snow and rain... who
has developed meteorolog-
ical instruments like the "cloud meter"
which automatically measures the water
in a cloud . . . who, during the war
helped develop smoke generators, gas-
He had to end his formal education and
go to work after two years in high school.
His first G-E job was on a drill press.
When he first got into the G-E Re-
search Laboratory, it was as a machinist.
But he had the scientist's intense
curiosity, the desire to pierce beneath
the easy surfaces of knowledge, the imag-
ination to conceive new approaches to
nature's mysteries. G-E scientists like
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