,Y, Alumni
Today marks the fiftieth anni-
versary of the founding of the
University of Michigan Club of
New York, and the occasion will
be celebrated with a Golden Jubi-
lee Dinner at the St. Regis Roof
in New York.
The affair, also a testimonial to
Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, will have
the New York governor and Pres.
Alexander Ruthven of the Uni-
versity as guest speakers.
The dinner will also be attend-
ed by other prominent guests
from the University, including
Regent and Mrs. Bonisteel; Frank
E. Robbins, assistant to Pres.
Ruthven; and T. Hawley Tapping,
secretary of the Alumni Associa-
tion .
Gov. Dewey remains an active
alumnus of the University, serv-
ing as a member of the Senior
Advisory Council of the 1,000
member Club. In the past, he has
lso served as Secretary-Treasur-
r- .
Study To Open
The campus-wide committee,
organized by the Young Progres-
sives to investigate discrimination
at the University and in Ann Ar-
bor, will meet to formulate a defi-
nite plan of action at 5 p.m. today
in the Union.
Al Fishman, temporary chair-
an of the committee, urged all
rganizations interested in par-
icipating in the combined drive
against discrimination to send
representatives to today's session.
Representatives of five campus
rganizations attended the first
eeting of the committee and
agreed to seek the full cooperation
f their respective groups.
Campaign Falters
Washtenaw County's March of
Dimes Campaign stands $6,000
short of last year's record total,
Wrs. Joseph E. Stowe, Ann Arbor
chairman, revealed.
Only $15,647 has been collected
so far for the County. However
abulations are not all completed,
she said.
DETROIT - Advertisements in
ewslpapers were originally known
as "notices."
"Advertising" comes from the
rench "Advertir" which means
to notify.
t, d
Dormitory News
Student Loan Prints Grace 'U' Roomins
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Contributors- to
What's Up in the Dorms should
contact Dolores Palanker at The
Daily or 105 Betsy Barbour.)
At a house meeting Tuesday
ceaturing cokes and cookies, Hins-
dale House in East Quad elected
Frank Maple, president, and Ray
Edwards, East Quad representa-
Also selected were the Hinsdale
House Council including Ray Ed-
wards, Harry Dolny, Dick Doyle,
Bill Hoffmeyer, Dick Koloff,. Bob
Moffatt and Jim Nyberg.
* * *
House in East Quad are as fol-
lows: Doug Price, president; Mike
Jphnson, secretary; Bill Markey,
treasurer; Chuck Kocornig, ath-
letic chairman; Lloyd Appell, Eastf
Quad Representative.
Instead of a social chairman, a
social committee was chosen.
Members of the committee are
Herb Aaron, Tom Kenney, Cal
Leedy, El Lokker, Gordon Neuf-
ang and Frank Ben Shoick.
In Vaughan House, Lee Smith
was elected treasurer and Swede
Aronson, secretary.
* * *
"FOLLOW THE crowd to Eliza
M." was the slogan for the novel
grand opening of Mosher Hall's
Eliza M. Sweet Shop, dorm gen-
eral store. Colored paper foot-
prints led from all over the dorm
to the store.
The Sweet Shop, which sells
food and sundries to dorm resi-
dents, is sponsored by the Mosh-
er sophomore class. A certain
percentage of the profits are
turned over to the Displaced
Students Fund.
The store, which was named
after Eliza M. Mosher, is under
the management of Rosalie Sklar.
NEW OFFICERS for the spring
semester at Chicago House in
West Quad are Dick Gorman,
president; Tom Bassett, vice-pres-
ident; Don Binkowski, secretary;
Ray Ladendorf, treasurer; Frank
Muellner, academic chairman;
Jim Storrie, athletic chairman;
Jim Faircloth, Judiciary, chajir-
man; Arnold Miller, social chair-
A combination "tea dance" and
candlelight dinner was the theme
Wednesday night, when the resi-
dents of Betsy Barbour and Helen
Newberry, and the men living in
the Law Quad held their first ex-
change dinner of the second se-
mester. Following a session over
the teacups beginning at 4 p.m.,
dinners were held in the Lawyers
Club and the Betsy Barbour din-
ing room.
The rooms and apartments of
over 600 students are rapidly being
adorned with colorful paintings
rented from the Student, Loan
Print Library.
The prints, ranging from the
works of Rembrandt to Picasso,
are loaned out to students at the
beginning of each semester for a
rental fee of 50 cents.
WITH THE IDEA of setting up
the library first promoted here on
campus by President Alexander
Ruthven and Dean of Students
Eric A. Walter, an original gift
of 400 prints from the J. L. Hud-
son Company in Detroit formed
the nucleus of the collection.
Since the first prints were
rented by students in the fall of
1947, the library has grown to
over 670 prints. Funds obtained
from the rental fees accounted
for 125 of the additional prints,
while gifts from local residents,
students, altnni, faculty and
the Office of Student Affairs
makeupthe remainder of the
The first 400 prints, donated by
the J. L. Hudson Company, were
selected by a committee of three
from the Fine Arts department.
Since then a permanent commit-
tee to buy additional prints has
been set up.
Many of the new prints are du-
plications of the most popular
paintings in the original collec-
tion, including a large number of
works by contemporary American
Among the most popular pic-
tures are a group of local campus
scenes. Paintings of President
Ruthven's home, Angell Hall, the
Union, and the Burton Memorial
Tower are included in this :series.
THE PRINTS range from 10 by
12 inches to 28 by 40 inches in
size. A fund for the framing of
the first 400 was set up by Presi-
dent Ruthven, with the frames
constructed by the late James B.
Saunders and the University car-
penter shop.
Mrs. Eloise Wilkinson, in
charge of the print collection,
, i '
.* *
Group Study
Pursued on
EiolislT Tri
Encouragement of international
scientific coCperation is the pri-
mary objective of Prof. Dorwin
Cartwright. director of the Re-
search Center for Group Dynam-
ics who leaves Ann Arbor today
for a visit to England.
Most of Prof. Cartwright's work
in England will be done with the
Tavistotk Institute of Human Re-
latioris. in London. The Tavistock
Institute is the English equivalent
for the Research Center for Group
IN LAYMAN'S language, group
dynamics is an attempt to apply
scientific methods to the study of
group activity. In many cases, it
produces desired social changes
as a by-product.
"We hope to confer about
possibilities of starting research
in the broad field of group dy-
nainics on an international
basis," Prof. Cartwright told
The Daily.
"We have conducted several
studies of group activity in Amer-
ica, from which consistent re-
sults have been obtained. We
wculd like to know if comparative
studies in different nations would
I yield similar results.
Daily 10 A.M. - 10 P.
114 E. Williams
.. to the
'; t .
M. - Sunday, Noon - 7 P.M.
Phone 7191
Be Comfortable
luring HASH Sessions
CHOOSE PICTURES-Sophia Holley (kneeling) and Helen Heik-
kinen are shown selecting the pictures which they have rented
from the University's Student Loan Print Library. The collection
ranging from the works of Rembrandt to Piccasso, has now grown
to over 670 prints.
* * 4 *
"IF TIHE ENGLISH will con-
duct comparative studies on group
activity, the results would be sig-
nificant in determining the reli-
ability of our findings."
Prof. Cartwright hopes that his
personal liaison mission will help
smooth administrative friction
which so far has hampered many
efforts to put the business of con-
ducting research in sociological
activity on a world-wide basis.
Difficulties related to publish-
ing a magazine jointly edited by
English and American experts will
draw much of Prof. Cartwright's
attention during his overseas jour-
We have a selection of corduroy
d wool slacks in brown and white
eck or plain colors on sale now!
Michigan Theatre Building
feels that the library has stimu-
lated a greater interest in artI
on campus, since many students
are continually inquiring aboutf
individual prints.t
"I feel that I have the nicestl
job in the University because I
am dealing in something that gives,
students pleasure," Mrs. Wilkin-
son added.
An indication of the popularity
of the library was seen early this
semester when hundreds of stu-
dents stood in long lines in order
to sign up for the prints. It was
reported that some students wait-
ed patiently for more than an
Estimating that the demand for
prints is twice as large as the
present supply, Mrs. Wilkinson
pointed out that more pictures
are urgently needed. Anyone in-
terested in contributing prints
should notify Dean Walter, Office
of Student Affairs, 1020 Adminis-
tration Building.
BAd. Senior Presidency Open
Petitioning for the President of
BAd school is now open.
The sole qualification is that
the student be graduating this
June, either a BBa or MBa can-
The deadline for petitions for
presidential candidates and BAd
council members is Friday, Feb.
The election of a BAd school
president and seven council -mem-
bers will be held Wednesday,
March 2.
Council members must be BBa
or MBa candidates, not graduat-
ing before February 1950.
Petitions are available in Rm.
150, BAd school. Students must
bring eligibility cards.
Attend Civil
Rights iParley
"The chances for getting a Civ-
il Rights Bill passed are better
than ever before."
This was the opinion of five
University students who attended
the Civil Rights Rally held in
Washington last week-end.
The students, representing IRA,
AVC and. the Wallace Progres-
sives, participated in discussions
on proposals for legislation on
anti - lynching, anti-discrimina-
tion, Federal FEPC, and on laws
against discrimination in Wash-
ington, D.C.
Those attending include Leon
"Since the magazine is printed
in England, subscriptions taken
in this country must be paid to
the English. This leads to all sorts
of problems, due to rigid English
export controls and the monetary
'Enisian Views
IS"tiideit Lofe
Get stuck with Garg's
Michigan Today will be the
theme of the 1949 Michiganensian
feature section.
Presenting every phase of stu-
dent life, the section will be an
intimate close-up of just how the
Michigan student lives.
INCLUDED in it, will be a
spread on the cultural facilities
offered here, summer camps and
cooperative housing.
Campus personalities, among
them the parking lot attendant
at the General Administration
Building and the night watch-
man at West Quadrangle, will
also be featured.
Another portion of the feature
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Personal Recomnmendations
Itecenty Received
BARTOK: Concerto for Orchestra
Pittsburgh Symphony under Reiner
BERLIOZ: Requiem
Passani Choir and Orch.
MM769 ..... . . . $15.50
DELIUS: Violin Concerto
Saiimons with Liverpool Oreb.
MM672. ......$4.75
HAYDN: Symphony No. 88
Philadelphia Orch. under Ormandy
MM803 $4#.75
MILHAUD: Le Boeuf Sur Le Toit
Minneapolis Orch. under Milropoulos
M X308 ..............................$3.50
MOZART: Symphony No. 39
Clc'cland Orch. vndcr Szell
MM801 $ . ...4.75
PURCELL: Fantasias, Golden Sonata,
Catches, etc.
1 ..ish .usic So ey Vol. 1
M315 .......$10.25
Rechtman and Henry Schmer section will depict the travels of
representing IRA; Robert Lawr- 'U' students throughout Europe.
ence representing both AVG and 'Ensian staff members promise
Wallace Progressives; and Angelo that this feature section will even
Agnello and George Watters for surpass the 1948 section, Michi-
Wallace Progressives. gan through the Years.
Going Somw ewhro-e
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Head hugging little harbingers of Spring
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Invitation to the Waltz
Kostelanet: and His Orch.
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