Jumped the Gun
FUNNY HOW altruistic epople can get
when they have to.
The American Medical Association, figur-
ing to jump the gun on President Truman's
Federal Health Insurance program, has just
published a twelve point program for "vol-
untary" medical assistance which, on the
surface doesn't sound bad.
It begins with the suggestion that a
Federal Department of Health be created.
This is not new. Last year, the idea for
an eleventh cabinet post, "Health and
Education" was suggested. The object,
then as now, was the coordination of the
various federal programs in the field. The
proposal was kicked around for a while
and then pigeonholed somewhere.
The rest of the AMA suggestions deal with
the promotion of research through grants
from a National Science Foundation, more
voluntary hospital plans, which would cover
aid to states and the establishment of state
and local medical care authorities.
Further, they want aid for mental hy-
giene, health education, industrial med-
icine, care of the aged and those with
chronic diseases. These points are all
topped off with the phrase, "Provisions
for-" or "Development of-." No men-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
tion of who is going to pay for these
Final points is support with funds free
from political "Control, Domination and
Regulation" of medical, dental and nursing
schools for specialized training.
This program is the first fruit of the
AMA fight against Federal Health Insur-
ance. This is the plan for which AMA made
its members kick in twenty-five dollars each.
If it had come out of the blue, the pro-
gram would be hailed everywhere as a
great step forward in public service. But
the submission of the plan is, in itself,
indicative of the state of medical care in
this country and testimony that, up to
now, nobody, including AMA, has done
anything about it. It took a move by the
Federal government to stir the profession
to do anything. What will it take to see
that they carry out their proposals?
AMA cannot continually ask its members
to contribute each time it wants to do some-
thing !
President Truman will soon come out
with the administration's health insurance
program. It remains to be seen whether the
AMA covered all the points the govern-
ment will present.
From here, it looks as if any full scale,
organized plan for health insurance and
medical care will require a lot of capital,
from the people it will benefit, and super-
vision-supervision with the good of the
whole country in mind and not the exclu-
sive benefit of the present members of the
medical profession. This, only the govern-
ment can supply.
-Al Blumrosen.
----------- i
At the State..
FIGITlR SQU AJ)RON. The characters
are secondary.
movie is very good. That is to say, you'll
get your money's worth, don't worry about
Even if you've never been a fighter pilot
yourself, the splicing department has done
such an excellent job of combining actual
combat shots with Hollywood fillers that
you will, I think, be completely absorbed
in the fast pace of this production.
The acting is as competent as it need be,
considering that this movie contains no
plot, attempts to tell no story. Rather it
attempts to set down pictorially the glory
and magnificence of successful war-the epic
picture of the men who prepared and init-
iated the last invasion of France.
Therein, I feel, lies the emotional good*
and the emotional bad of this movie. "Fight-
er Squadron" makes war and blood and gun-
playinto a noble ideal. It makes the gran-
deur of war the finest and most wonderful
of all human activities. The Germans they
killed were not people; they were clay ducks
you shot down with an air rifle, 3 shots for a
dime. And then when you pull the wings
off the fly, you make a joke about it, and
say "Look, mama. See what I did."
The picture succeeds in its sublime por-
trayal solely by ignoring negative in-
stances. Even the fact that one's best
friend was shot down this afternoon is
rendered only token admission. Dead men
are numbers, and the Living never die.
War is fun, war is fine, war is cocky. Per-
hasp it is. Perhaps in 1944 we had to be con-
vinced as a nation that war wasn't really
bad at all. But why, in 1949, are they try-
ing to convince us again?
I have no objection to a nation's recalling
in ballad and on mandolin the great deeds
of its legendary heroes. But I get an odd
feeling in the forehead when I find people
taking the Minnesingers seriously. I want
to know why this picture was made, why
movie camers were brought all the way to
Michigan to film battle scenes, why 4-year-
old newsreel shots were so beautifully tech-
nicolored by Natalie Kalmus.
The picture tells no story; if it did
say, about loyalty or about love or about
valor-then the war background might be
necessary. But again, it is not a documen-
tary; it has Edmund O'Brien. And the
fighters in this picture face an unbeliev-
able lack of opposition. They might be
training in Texas.
If it means anything, the same German
is shot down several times,
But still, you'll get your money's worth.
It's a good picture, and should encourage
recruiting. You may as well miss the short
--Perry Logan.
At the Mchigan..
Kelly, June Allyson, Lana Turner, and
Van Heflin.
WITH UNQUALIFIED enthusiasm, for a
change, we say WellDone!
It is, of course, not quite on a par with
"Henry V"-butthen, neither was Alexander
Dumas on a par with Shakespeare.
The point is this: Gene Kelly has been
ideally cast as the irrepressible D'Artag-
nan, the supporting cast is excellent, and
the production is superb. In addition, this
is the first technicolor we have seen in
many months that truly deserves to be
called ':'Glorious!"
There! Who ever said that the function
of a movie reviewer was to categorically pan
everything he views?
It is entirely possible that many will con-
sider the picture a little overlong-it runs
a full two hours. This, however, is an en-
tirely subjective consideration on which we
need not comment.
It is also highly gratifying to note that
illollywood did not feel compelled to play
down the highly tragic moments in the
Dumas story. While most of the picture
is crammed with spectacular action and
high humor, instances of emotional ten-
sion are realistically treated-especially
so by June Allyson.
Wicked Lana Turner is not giveni much to
say-,but then, Lana doesn't have to say
Also ran-cute Pluto cartoon.
-Bob White.
Seamen Draft
JOWEVER YOU CHOOSE to look at it,
ex-merchant marine seamen are suffer-
ing from a congressional knife-in-the-back
policy, and as yet the wound shows no sign
of healing.
Active nationwide campaigning and pe-
titioning on the part of former mariners
is the result of a draft bill clause pro-
claiming them liable for peacetime draft-
ing. Naturally, ex-seamen feel they served
their country in wartime as efficiently as
soldiers, sailors and marines, and public
sympathy is running side by side. with
their plight. However in Washington, the
forces that count-lawmakers of all types
-seem to consider the whole painful
thing as cut-and-dried nonsense; many
are adhering strictly to a "laissez-faire"
policy, probably representative of reluct-
ance to view the question in its full light.
Accohrding to a late report brought from
the capitol to the campus Emergency Mer-
chant Marine Committee by a five-man
delegation, legislators maintained that the
primary objective is to get an exemption
bill into open discussion. Despite warnings
as to the effect that such a small group
as former seamen could make no headway
when opposed by congressional factions
Committee chapters throughout the United
States have sprung into action by contacting
as many influential senators and represen-
tatives as humanly possible before chances
for a fair deal are permanently snowed
The battle has continued more than six
months, but with time closing in, coun-
trywide committee members are now pre-
senting their plea to the general public by
means of folders and "Let's Be Fair"
A higher World War II casualty rate and
lower pay scales than any other service
branch appears more than enough to con-
done the plea. In addition, enlistments were
on a strictly volunteer basis, with no ad-
vance knowledge of the length of time they
might be obliged to serve.
Careful analysis reveals the postwar denial
to former seamen of privileges laid down
by the Certificate of Substantial Service,
similar to the army point discharge setup
and awarded seamen at the close of the
war. By this document, those who had 18
months' sailing time during a period prior
to V-J Day were placed in an exempt status.
,Iere we see another source of complaint;
mariners compare these relatively stiff qual-
ifications with the mere 90-day-before-V-E
Day Army and Navy "breeze" necessary for
permanent draft exclusion.
Seamen have a terrific fight on their
hands, and know only too well the legis-
lative blocks being heaved at them. A run-
down of senatorial comments contained
in the Committee's Washington report of
developments points to only one concrete
objection-there is a sharp distinction in-
volved between civilian and armed serv-
ice, which fact places ex-mariners in a
ticklish technical position.
Nevertheless, to echo the overall senti-
ment, we would like to see a justifiable solu-
tion offered in this spot. The absence of
G.I. Bill benefits and the subsequent lack of
academic and financial security to affected
seamen demand a total rehashing of daft
policy, inasmuch as it concerns the mariners
and their postwar interests. Let's hope sin-
cerely that the work of the Emergency Com-
mittee culminates in a really "fair deal" for
these unsung guardians of the seas.
-Don Kotite.
'Fai Deal'
WASHINGTON-President Truman's "Fair
Deal" program of domestic legislation is
in a fair way to bog down. Truman support-
ers admit that the rosy post-election pic-
ture, of the whole program sliding through
Congress like a knife through warm butter,
is pretty badly faded.
The plain fact is that there is hardly
a major part of the Truman program
where the bogging down process has not
begun to take hold. Senator Robert A.
Taft and his cohorts have undoubtedly
won the first round of the fight on the
Taft-hartley Act.
Othere important parts of the Truman
program which are threatened are the $4
billion in new taxes and standby price con-
trol authority. Senator Walter F. George
and Representative Robert Doughton, chair-
men of the House and Senate tax writing
committees, have turned thumbs down on
new taxes, though it is quite impossible to.
see how new taxes can be avoided without
putting the whole defense and foreign aid
program. And the testimony of economic ad-
viser Leon Keyserling in favor of standby
price controls has been politely but very
coldly received.
Some sort of housing, education, health
and minimum wage bills will almost cer-
tainly eventually be passed.
Finally, there is civil rights legislation, one
of the keystones of the "Fair Deal." Here
the horns of the dilemma on which the
Administration leaders find themselves im-
paled are particularly sharp. If the Senate
lteaders try to sdove through an amendment
to the cloture rule in the near future, the
leather-lunged Southerners might filibuster
"What Do You Wami ll To Do Next, Boss?"
-~ -
Letters to the Editor ...
(Continued from Page 2)
their new 1949 license numbers.
If students desire to retain their
driving privileges, the 1949 licenses
should be reported to Mr. Gwin or
Miss McDowell, 1020 Administra-
tion Building either by postard,
in person or by phone (2603). 1
Student Identification Cards for
those students who were not en-]
rolled in the fall semester will be
distributed from the Student Ac-
tivities windows, first floor lobby,
Administration Bldg., from 8:30-
11:30 a.m. and 1:30-4:30 p.m., be-
ginning Monday.
Eligibility Certificates will be is-
sued afternoons only at the Stu-
dent Activity window, first floor
lobby, Administration Bldg. Grade
reports should be presented at the;
time of application for a certifi-;
cate. Among those who must se-
cure such a certificate are candi-
dates for class offices or majori
campus committees, candidates fori
and representatives in student
government groups, all students
who hold office or serve on stand-
irg committees in student organi-
zations, staff membeirs of student
publications, all students partici-
pating in public performances or.
rehearsals for such performances.
Graduate School Fellowships
and Scholarships: Today is the'
final date on which applications
for fellowships and scholarships
in the Graduate School for 1949-
50 will be accepted. All support-;
ing letters and transcripts must
be received no later than 4 p.m.
today. Applications for renewal
of appointments held currentlyi
are also due.
Student Loan Prints: Students
may pick up their assigned prints
at 142 Administration Bldg. (base-.
ment), Mon. through Fri., Feb. 14-
18, between 8 a.m. and 12 noon
and 1 and 5 p.m. Please bring the
3x5 white claim card with you.
Students interested in obtaining
one of the 40 remaining framed
prints may sign for and pick up a
print at 142 Administration Bldg.,
Tue. through Fri., Feb. 15-18. A
rental f ee of 50 cents is charged
for each print.5Student identifica-
tion is required.
The Humble Oil and Rcefinin g
Co., Baytown, Texas, will have a
representative here to interview
advanced degree candidates onlyi
in mathematics and physics ona
Thursday, Feb. 17. Appointments
may be obtained by stopping in
the office at 3528 Administration
Bldg., or by calling UniversityI
Extension 371.-
The Bureau of Appointments
wishes to remind all those stu-
dents who registered last semester
to stop in and report their elec-
tions for the spring term. This ap-
plies to those registered in both
the general and teaching divi-
Any students who were not ink
school last (fall) semester but
who expect to graduate this year
are eligible to register with the:
Bureau of Appointments. There
will be no late registration fee fori
these people.
Summer Jobs: -
Detroit Civil Service announces
examinations for p la y l e a d e r s
(male and female) for summer
playground work. Filing period
through February 18. Residence
required. For further information
and application blanks call at
3528 Administration BuildingL.
Representative from Camp Char-
levoix, Mich., will be here Tues.,
Wed., and Thurs., Feb. 15, 16, and
17. to interviev men for counselor
positions: sailing, tennis, athletics,
ARC waterfront, NRA riflery, dra-
matics. Prefer men over 20. For
appointment call at 3528 Admin-
istration Bldg., or call extension
Lec I tires
University Lecture in Journal-
ism, sponsored by the Deepart-
ment of Journalism: Leland
Stowe, noted journalist, author,
and lecturer, will lecture before a
journalism assembly and other
University students on "Foreign
News and Our International Rela-
tions," 3 p.m., Wed., Feb. 16, Rm.
B, Haven Hall. Coffee hour.
Economics Lecture: Dr. John H.
Williams, Ropes Professor of Eco-
nomics at Harvard University,
will speak on "European Recovery
-the Outlook for the Marshall
Plan," 4:15 p.m., Tues., Feb. 15,
Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices
of the Department of Economics,
The public is invited.
School of Forestry Lecture:
Mr. H. F. Mixdorf, of the No-
Sag Spring Company of Detroit,,
Michigan, will speak on "Springs
in Modern Furniture Construc-
tion" 7 p.m., Feb. 17, West Lecture
Room, Rackham Building.
All furniture students are ex-
pected to attend and other stu-
dents, particularly those following
the Wood Techonology Curricu-
lum are welcome.
The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters far
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
thcy are received all et ters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
toryscharacter or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
S* *
To Mch Spice
To the Editor:
[T IS WITH a sincere interest in
The Daily as an important and
productive institution within our
studentcommunity that herewith
I undertake to caution you, its
editors, with regard to the mach-
inations of the local Marxist ap-
paratus, its supporters, and sym-
pathizers, who are taking un-
worthy advantage of the wholly
commendable policy on the part
of The Daily in printing student
opinion in the form of letters such
as this one.
The fact is that too much of
the space in this section is given
to correspondence that is clearly
mere Stalinist propaganda. Addi-
tionally, too much of this prop-
aganda is of an wholly destructive
and divisive character that can
only arouse bitterness and cannot
serve as wholesome enlighten-
ment by reason of its factual
falsity and collateral motive. I
refer specifically to the menda-
cious albeit naive attempt, in a
letter published herein last Sat-
urday, to label as an anti-Semite
the unfortunate Cardinal Minds-
zenty, to whose personal credit
lies the salvation of thousands of
Jewish Hungarians during the
Nazi occupation of their country
and who thundered from his pul-
pit the profoundest excoriations
of Hitler racism and brutality un-
til the Nazis in'their desperation
were forced to imprison the spiri-
tual primate of two.thirds of the
Hungarian people. The late im-
prisonment of this heroic human-
itarian by the singularly inhuman
and unpopular "Peoples' Court"
of the Soviet regime in Hungary
was sought to be justified in this
column by means of the adoption
of that cynical but not so wise
Kampf: the grosser the lie, the
counsel as set forth in Mein
Kampf: the grosser the lie, the
easier its acceptance. This has
been to the error and shame of
this newspaper.
.It is not recommended that The
Daily deny all its space to the
Bolshevik brethren on our cam-
pus;adnmittedly their theories are
of popular interest. However, the
duty of any newspaper is the
publication of truth and conse-
quently its officers should exer-
cise at least a modicum of vigi-
lance in their selection of repre-
sentative material so as not to
implement the ulterior designs
of those who by means of the lie
would set Jew against Catholic,
Catholic against Jew, American
against his brother.
-John B. Nahan.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: We refer reader
Nahan to the editor's note at the
beginning of this column. All read-
ers are privileged to use this column
to present, refute or uphold arg-
ments within the limitations listed
IT SEEMS that the United States
has successfully repelled an-
other "peace offensive." Those
Russians aren't going to catch us
asleep; we'll manage to find some
out every time! Why the very
thought of ending our Cold War
now-with the profits just about
rolling in and our whole economy
built around our war preparations
You see those nasty Russians
are threatening us all the time so
that we'll have to keep up this
very expensive armament pro-
What? Cut -out the armaments
and talk peace"? Don't be absurd !
That's just a nasty old Russian
trick meant to confuse us. We
won't be taken in, not us! All
that peace talk is phoney; and
just to prove it we're not going
to accept their offer of a con-
ference, unless it's right in our
own backyard.
While the atom bomb ticks off
the hours of mankind our leaders
iefuse to attempt any settlement.
Only public pr'essure can con-
vince President Truman that he
must try to hold a conference
with the leaders of the Soviet Un-
ion and find some areas of agree-
ment. The Soviet government has
repeatedly called for such confer-
ences. Nothing could be lost, but
profits by holding such a confer-
Last week at a meeting of the
Wallace Progressives the following
resolution was passed unanimous-
ly and sent to President Tru-
"We demand that the United
States government enter into
peace talks with the Soviet Union
immediately. We speak as those
who will have to fight and die in
the next war and we insist that
every possible avenue to peace be
We urge that others send sim-
ilar telegrams at once.
-Al Fishman.
Nation's Fairest
To the Editor:
COEDS are the nation's fair-
est . . ."-baloney! The fol-
lowing signatures represent a ma-
jority of the residents of the
fourth floor of Chicago House,
and a Daily subscribers we re-
spectfully request publication.
--Donald Bolliger.
Arnold G. Miller,
Ray Okonski,
Lawrence Lane,
And 18 others.
Tod thditor:(i
To the Editor:
Ac"demic i University Musical Society
IBurton Memorial Tower.
U~~~~~ ti i o ttR e e
Doctoral Examination for Frank
Ephraim Grubbs, Mathematics;
thesis: "Sample Criteria for Test-
ing Outlying Observations," 2 p.m.,
Tues., Feb. 15, East Council Room,
Rackham Bldg. Chairman, C. C.
Botanical Seminar: 4,
Wed., Feb. 16, 1139 Natural Sci-
ence Bldg. Paper: "Inheritance of
Shrunken Endosperm in Relation
to the Factor for Aleurone Color
in Maize," by E. B. Mains. Open
Political Science 52, Section 3:
Thursday, at 10 (Eldersveld) now
meets in 2215 Angell Hall.
Mathematics Concentration Ex-
amination: 4-6 p.m., Tues., Feb.
15, 3011 Angell Hall.
Con ce rts
Jascha hleifetz, will give the
fourth program in the Extra Con-
cert Series under the auspices of
the University Musical Society,
Sat.. Feb. 19, 8:30 p.m., Hill Audi-
Mr. Heifetz will play the Mozart
Sonata No. 8; Vieuvtemps' Con-
certo No. 5; Bach partita in E
major; Caprice No. 20 and No. 13,
Paganini-Kreisler; and Tziga'ne
by Ravel.
A limited number of tickets are
still available at the offices of the
S.t'udent Recital: Bette Linde-
mann will present a piano recital
in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Bach-I
eler of Music at 8 p.m., Tues., Feb.!
15. Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. A
pupil of Maud Okkelberg, Miss
Lindemann will include in her pro-!
gram works of Couperin, Bach,
Bach-Liszt, Mozart, Berners, anxe'
Schumann. The program wihi be
cpen to the general public.
Organ Recital by Marilyn Ma-
son, Instructor in the School of
Music. 4:15 p.m., Wed., Feb. 16,
Hill Auditorium. Miss Mason's
program will include compositions
by Bach, Durufle, Liszt, and1
Poulenc, and will be open to the
general public. She will be assist-
ed by the University String Or-
chestra, Emil Raab, Conductor. j
Student Recital: Genevieve
Shanklin, violinist, will present a
recital in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Music at 8 p.m.. Wed..
Feb. 16, Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre. Miss Shanklin, a pupil of Gil-
bert Ross, will be assisted by Mary'
Margaret Poole, pianist. Her pro-
gram will include compositions by
Tartini, Bach, Lalo, G inados,
and De Falla, and will be open to
the general public without charge.
(Continued on Page 5)
Lifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ...Manugag Eltor
Dick Malay ...............City Eliuor
Naomi Stern ........Editorial Director
.Allegra Pasqualetti ... Associate Editor
Al Bluinrosen.........Associate Editor
Leon Jaroff.........Associate Eiltor
Robert C. White ......Associate Editor
B. S. Brown...........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey .....Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery ......Women's Editor
Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ..................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Hait........Business Manager
Jean Leonard .....Advertising Manager
William Culman ... .Finance Manager
Cole Christian ...Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
inatters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mall
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mall,
V1a -).
OBS ARE BEING LOST; there is an eco-
nomic adjustment going on: and one of
the first serious steps we should take to meet
it is to stop issuing reassuring statements,
These (1o not good and, as one of the finan-
cial papers has noted, they alarm specula-
tors. To couple news of unemployment with
the declaration that there are still 57,000,000
or 58,000,000 people at work is about as
meaningful as to couple news of a train
crash with a Census Bureau report on how
many people are still left alive.
I would like to .ot down some concepts
that might be of belp in meeting whatever
- "ay lie ahead. I do not pr'etend to be
an expert on tlic subject. I know only that
I lived througl'h the last depression, th1at
I wrote a piee on it almost every day
for as long as it lasted, and that the
mnenmory of it is in my bones. Here arc
sone of the things I feel I have to say:
correct the current adjustment, So be it; let
us use more than we need, to make sure.
Let's really slug it; after all, we don't have
to be fair to recessions. The government's
experts have calculated that a depression
could cost us up to eight hundred billions.
Let us not depend on a repetition of past
accidents to avoid a decline, such as the
bad corn crop of two years ago, or the need
for a Marshall Plan for Europe last year.
Such thinking can lead us in the slovenly
direction of hoping for poor corn crops, or
for greater needs in Europe. It can end by
twisting the Marshall Plan into a device for
American recovery, rather than European-
that is, it can end by standing us on our
heads, a poor position from which to direct
wvorld events.
Above all, let us realize that the business
Cy('ce j; ,is the President, has said, man-
idi e. It is Ilot beyor-d control, like the
weather. It can, by massive effort, be han-
i-l rid 'Tn Innn finoar rv ,',,nc. cnrI I f .n xvlsi .t in
' Very inforoisfhg!
?otn~ ,4f~n of I. ae t
But sfs do n av
ri Ncifvry- afemvea i;
a) n
7.-t~hf t7va _.