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February 15, 1949 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-02-15

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I -- _________________C__

Caduceus Ball Will Sparkle
With Gold Rush Decorations

A trip back to the days of the
covered wagon will be provided,
complete with gold nuggets, for
the dancers at the Caduceus Ball.
slated for Saturday in the League
The door of the ballroom will
represent the back of a '49 covered
wagon. In keeping with the Gold'
Rush theme, the bandstand will be
decorated as a bag of gold.
Dames Bridge
Q roup To Meet
Michigan Dames Bridge Group
will hold its monthly meeting at
8 p.m. tomorrow in the Hussey
Room of the League.
Hostesses for the evening will be
Mrs. Paul F. Chenea, Mrs. Robert1
Carter and Mrs. Charles Phillips.
The P aimes IDrama Group will
hold its meetig at 8 pan. Thurs-l
day in the home of the group's
sponsor, Mrs. L. Hart Wright, 2583
As part of the evening's pro-
gram, members will record their
voices on wire. Further work willj
be done on a play which the group
ns currently producing. f

Toward the middle of the eve-
ning, the crowd will have a chance
to grasp a few of those nuggets as
yellow balloons are released from
bags of gold attached to the ceil-
dance-floor, posters will represent
two journies-that of the '49 ers
of 110 years ago, traveling -to Cali-
fornia, and that of the senior
medical students of today, trav-
eling through four years in Medi-
cal School.
An annual event, Caduceus
Ball is sponsored ly the senior
medical class. It is open to all
medical students, faculty of the
Medical School, and doctors.
The dance will be semi-formal
and will last from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m-
Undergraduate women attending
will have 1:30 a.m. permission for
the affair.
KEN NORMAN and his to-piece
band will provide the music. Tick-
ets are on sale at the Galens booth
at University Hospital and in the MODEL
medical fraternities and sorority. 4-1l nal
In addition, they may be pur- she mad
chased from representatives of the professio
four medical classes. Tickets are (right).
$3.60 per couple. Flower favors are
included in the admission price.

Nursery Helps California
Parents Mold Ms Living I
Child Behavior --
Incrcasin ,informality of liv-
-Gnsanddecline in the popularity
By MARILYN JONBS of "formal clothes" has given Cali-1
Ann Arbor parents are very for- fornia a place of rising importance
tunate in having the able assis- in the clothing industry, a Univer-
tance of the Nursery of the Uni- sity business study points out.
versity Elementary School in
molding their children's behavior California's rise has been ac-
and character. companied by a relative decline in
Under the guidance of Mrs. the advantage of New York and
Roberta Johnson and Mrs. Gwen- Paris as fashion centers, the study
dolyn Groves, children from the notes.
ages of 31 months to 54 months k
work, plan and learn in a world "THE L CA'TION of Fashion
essentially their own during six Industries" has been published by
hours of each day. the University's Bureau of Busi-
They are given a great deal of ness Research. It was written by
freedom of expression and activ- Charles S. Goodman.
ity, both indoors and out. Still. Althogh the apparci indus-
they learn through experience h t tr.pard in .-
responsibilities of participation try pained a foothold inCal-
within a group. .fornia as early as 1850, it failed
to keep pace with growth of the
The two nursery classrooms are industry elsewhere, particularly
specially designed so that furni- in New York. until the depresy
ture and facilities are in accor- sion years. In that decade,
dance with the size and demands Goodman explains, California
of the children. An environment manufacturers turned their em-
is created particularly suited to phasis to production of casual
his age and his activities. clothes, and since 1939 the in-
The boys and girls receive small dustry has grown faster in Cali-
responsibilities as they show a de- fornia than elsewhere.
sire for them. No matter how me-
nial, they usually take the task~ "The tend away from correct!
quite seriously and take pride in formal wear to informal clothing I
performning it. They enjoy u has been long and marked," he
ing the library and are given a writes. "This change arises from
chance to assume responsibility by changes in the American way of
checking out their own books. life"-use of th automobile, more

lothing Industry Rises
3ecomes More Lax

leisure time. more travel and more
outdoor activity. A designing cen-
ter, to maintain its leading posi-
tion, must keep abreast of these

semination of fashions has re-
duced the advantages of New
York's nearness to Paris. Fashions
move to other. communities so
quickly that New York is no long-
er so far ahead as to provide ex-
chusip nadvanoe fasio n idl

"GREATER UNION and gov- u 'm ' '*" "lv" gi
working conditions are eliminat- California's advantages for fu-
ing the sweatshop and thus reduc- ture growth in the fashion and ap-
ing New York's economic advan- parel industries rest on the contin-
tage," Goodman relates. "The end uation of popularity informal
of large-scale immigration two clothes, on the motion picture in-
decades ago is having its effect on dustry as a means of popularizing
New York's advantageous posi- fashions, and on reductions in
tion in securing skilled labor. Fi- transportation costs to and from
nally, rapid and widespread dis-the California market.
1204 South University Ayenue


. ..serving .. .

WINNER-Seventeen-year-old Belva Lou Ross (center),
tional style review winner, displays her $26 suit which
de herself, alongside current Chicago fashions worn by
onal models, Dolores Mahan (left) and Florence Peller


A.M. to 1

:00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.
Closed Sundays

Travel Refreshed

Assembly Ball central commit-
tce will meet at 4 p.m. tomorrow
in the League.
Sheets have been posted in the'
Undergraduate Office of the
League and in women's dornito-
rics for womrun to sign up for con-
mnittee work on Assembly Ball. All
independent women are urged to
sign up, according to Pat Reed,
dance chairman.
There will be meetings of all'
dormitory and league house presi-
dents at 5 p.m. today.

idents will meet in the ABC Room
of the League.
SMake-up Committee of J.G.P.
will meet at 4:30 p.m. today in the
League. Anyone interested may
attend, according to the chair-
man, Nancy Williams. All commit-
tee members must bring their cli-
gibility cards.
Central Committee of J.G.P.
will meet at 4 p.m. tomorrow in
the League. The room will be post-
Those who ordered pictures of

Club To Elect
New Manager
The WAA Tennis Club will iieet,
at 5 p.m. tomorrowv in the WAB to
elect a new manager.
Due to the resignation of the
previous manager, the position
must be filled until spring peti-
tioning and appointment of a new
WAA Board.
The newly elected manager will
direct the pre-spring indoor prac-
tice sessions and organize tie
spring tennis season. The new
manager will also arrange the an-
nual spring tournaments if the
club decides in favor of its previ-
ous policy.

Dormitory presidents will meet Soph Cabaret rehearsals can now
in the Undergraduate Offices of pick them up in the Undergradu-
the League and league house pres- ate Office of the League.

t.. -t





(Continued from Page 4)
Feits I 00hiy
FC Glee Club: Practice, 7:30 to
8:30 p.m., League Ballroom.
American Institute of Electrical
Engineers and Institute of Radio
Engineers: Joint student Branch:
Joint meeting with the Michigan
Section of AIEE, 8 p.m., Kellogg
Auditorium. Mr. George W. Knapp
of G.E. will speak on "Electronic
Techniques in Paper Machine
Drices." Open meeting.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society:
Tryouts for principal singing roles
in "Patience," 7 p.m., 7th floor,
Burton Tower. All interested per-
sons, whether or not they have,

Ask for it either way... .bolk
trade-marks mean the same thing.

Sigmit Rho Tau, Stump Speak-
ers' Society : Meeting, 7 p.m., 2084
E. Engineering Bldg. General pro-
gram. Chances for all those who
wish to complete more of- their
remaining advancement require-
ments, also plans for "Smoker" on
Feb. 22.
Le Cercle Francais: First meet-
ing this semester, 8 p.m., Michigan
League. Students from France in
charge of the program. New mem-
bers admitted.
Polonia Club: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., International Center. Elec-
tions. All members are expected
to attend,
IZlFA : .Intermediate .Study
Group, 7:45 p.m,, Hillel Founda-
Squ;ar Dance Group: 7 p.m.,
Lane Hall.
Christian Science Organization:
Testimonial meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Upper Room, Lane Hall.
Cun'iii lug Fvents
Freshma ilopwood Prizes. Pre-
sc itaio n of the Freshman Hop-
wood Prizes for 1948-49; Dcan

Hayward Keniston, presiding; ad-
dress by Asst. Prof. Morris Green-
hut, 4:30 p.m., Wed., Feb. 16,
Rackham Amphitheatre. The pub -
lie is invited.
Sociedad Hispapica: "Pano-
rama de Mexico," a color film of
Mexico will be shown by Miss
Laura Cheney of Dearborn, 8 p.m.,
Wed., Feb. 16, Hussey Room,
Michigan League.
Delta Sigma Pi, Professional
business administration frater-
nity; Open House, 7-9 p.m., Wed.,
Feb. 16, Chapter House, 1212 Hill.
Welcome extended to all interest-
ed Business Administration and
Economic students.
Sigma Delta Chi: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Wed., Feb. 16, News room
Ensian picture will be taken.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Busi-
ness meeting, 12 noon, Wed., Feb.
16, 3056 Natural Science Bldg.
English Journal Club: 8 p.m.,
Wed., Feb. 16, West Conference
(Continued on Page 6)


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Left-Just one of many .
Monica's hip hugging success-peplum
of taffeta caught in free folds that
drape to flowing panels for exciting
back interest-Black or Navy.
Sizes 10--18.


SPRING as for as fashion is
concerned--making the most of your
every charm our collection of spring
dresses is truly enchanting-
soft pastels-dark sophisticates-
gay prints-for you, in sizes 9 to 15,
10 to 44, 12h to 24'12
agreeable to your budget--
$10.95 to $39,95

(C© 1949, The Coca-Cola Company

previotisly signed up
arc invited to attenid
National Student
Comnittcc: Meeting,
D, Michigan Union .

for tryouts,
these meet -
/Assovint infl
4 p.m., Rm.

, F ,f S
s Js/
® i

309 South State

AIM council: Meeting,
3C, Michigan Union.

7 p.m.,

?e d fl1C~ . o It1i'~
New 14eH1 li el C(i'


Undergraduate Physics ('11:)
Meetimg. 7:30 p.m., 2038 Randall.
'topic: "Theory of Relativity."

1 -
,- -,


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in supple white
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Another shipment of those Famous

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lightfooted saddle oxfords skillfully constructed for



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Soft box glove oxford
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