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February 15, 1949 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-02-15

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by b. s. brown, sports editor
THE BIG-WIGS in the Michigan athletic department have some
bridge time on their hands before they begin discussing director
Crisler's proposals for expansion of the University athletic facilities.
Fritz is in Boston at present discussing grid rule changes at a meeting
of the collegiate football mentors, but he'll be back in Ann Arbor any
day now and the big talks will get underway.
The Board in Control of Inter-Collegiate Athletics doesn't have
far to look if they are interested in bettering the athletic plants on
campus. Number one on the agenda should be the antiquated hockey
Vic ileylinger, the man who has made collegiate hockey-
throughout the United States as well as in Michigan-a big-time
sport deserves a better deal than he has been getting from the
Ann Arbor institution.
With the first national championship in the ice sport as one of
his major accomplishments, Heylinger is constantly striving to make
the spectator sport-and you can't call it anything but-pay off at
Michigan, but excluding a top-notch club, he has nothing at all to
work with.
There is tremendous interest in hockey in these parts and a
puny, dilapidated rink which only seats 1200 is a crime, especially
when you consider the teams Vic has been turning out since he took
over as ice pilot a few years back. The consistent sell-outs indicate
that hockey reigns supreme at Michigan during the winter months.
Coliseum Makes Jericho Mild
But with all the interest, and the fact that the fans who want
to see the games ought to be given some consideration, there is another
important point. I've called the Coliseum dilapidated; that is't
the half of it. One of these days the joint is going to make like
the walls of Jericho. The ceiling in the dressing room has already
started the downward journey. There, are openings in the walls
which, if they get any wider, will solve another problem-ventilation.
After the first period, the circulation of air is so poor a for
begins rolling in, and by the middle frame, it's "ceiling zero."
And that's not all. Certainly the appeal of hockey would be
greatly increased if the fans didn't have to suffer through three
hours of refrigeration. The rink is consistently 10 degrees lower
than on the outside and since the fans start arriving at the Coli-
seum one hour before the opening whistle (in order to assure
themselves of a seat), the "deep freeze" certainly isn't conducive
to even the rabid followers.
And then there's the little matter of the sieve-like roof. During
several of the contests last year, the smart onlookers had provided
themselves with umbrellas to shed off the downpour from the melting
snow on the roof. And the water that falls ruins the ice-the 'best
around-by causing ruts which are hazardous to the players.
The fans deserve a break and so do the players. Present plans
call for the building of a new field house which would house facilities
for hockey and basketball with a seating arrangement of 15,000 for
hockey and 16,500 for the cage contests.
Other Schools Look to Needs
Marquette doesn't even have a varsity hockey team (the Golden
Avalanche will enter competition next year) but the Milwaukee school
has already completed a 6,000 seat arena. Michigan State is in the
same boat. The Spartans will have a varsity aggregation next year
for the first time and they, too, have a 6,000 seat rink already com-
pleted. Minnesota, Michigan's big rival on the ice, is now building a
new rink with a tremendously increased seating capacity. The Goph-
ers are also enlarging the field house to hold 20,000 fans (in spite of
the reported dislike for Ozzie Cowles' braid of ball.)
The Board will be meeting any day now, and when the mem-
bers discuss Crisler's recommendations, I hope they take into
serious consideration all the factors which demand the building
of a new rink or a combined field house.
It won't be long before hockey is a major sport in the Conference.
Wisconsin and Illinois have indicated that hockey will soon be re-
established, which means that there will be at least five Big Ten
schools represented, wth the probability that the others will follow
And It'll Bring in the Shekels
Michigan couldn't lose with a combination hockey-basketball
field house. The recreational facilities for pleasure skaters would be
greatly improved and bring an added revenue to the athletic fund;
track, tennis, wrestling, boxing, gymnastics, and ice carnivals could
be held at the field house and, just as an added thought, roller skating
for the students could be arranged for with the new set-up. The
Wolverines could even play host to the National Collegiate Athletic
Association hockey tourney (and that would really make the all-

powerful shekels roll in).
So everybody gains; no one loses. Hockey would be taken care of;
so would basketball; so would a lot of the other sports. I hope the
Board does right by everyone, especially Heyliger and the hockey fans.
It's about time they got a break.

LIT Downs




Nodak (oach
Praises Play
Of M' Sextet
"Michigan has the best hockey
team we have playedin our two
years of hockey and should have
no trouble going through and win-
ning the National Championship."
This is on the authority of
North Dakota coach Don Norman
who had nothing but praise for
Michigan's performances in beat-
ing his Nodak squad twice over
the weekend.
Nordan, who in his two season's
of coaching at North Dakota, has
sent his team against most of the
hockey powers in the country,
continued by comparing the Wol-
verines to Minnesota.
"The two teams don't even
belong in the same rink and
Michigan should beat them," he
He had special praise for the
Maize and Blue's job of Friday
when they mowed down the No-
daks, 14-7, saying that nothing
short of a miracle could have
stopped the-Wolverines that night.
"THEY HAD everything, accur-
ate passing, good stickhandling,
PRES HOLMES Night Editor
and a scoring punch, what more
could you ask," he concluded.
North Dakota acted as a tune-
up game for the Wolverines who
now go into the thick of the
fight for the mid-western bid to
the National Championship
tourney in March. They received
some help from Michigan Tech
Saturday night, when the
Husky's, swamped Minnesota
As things stand right now,
Michigan and Minnesota have
each lost one game, both to Michi-
gan Tech, while Tech has lost
four times, once to the Wolverines
and three times to the Gophers.
The Wolverines journey to Min-
neapolis this weekend for a duo
of games with their arch rivals,
Minnesota. Last year, Michigan
defeated the Gophers three times
in their four game series.
Then the Gophers return to
Ann Arbor to wind up the year's
work and Michigan Tech closes
the season with two games on
March 4th and 5th.
Down Badgers
LAFAYETTE, Ind. - (P) - Pur-
due's Boilermakers extended their
iasketball winning streak to five
games last night with a 53-38 vic-
tory over Wisconsin.
Purdue center Andy Butchko
led the scoring parade with 19
points followed closely by team-
mate Howie Williams with 17.
Don Rehfeldt led the Badger scor-
ing with 16 points.
ST. LOUIS-(IP)-An under-
dog quintet of Ohio State Buck-
eyes staged a major basketball
upset last night when they top-
pled the St. Louis Billikens, who

are ranked second nationally,
68 to 60. It was the Bills' second
defeat in 18 games.
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. - (/P) -
Indiana University's basketball
team last night stuffed North-
western's Wildcats deeper into the
Big Nine cellar, 56-41, after piling
up a 14-point lead in the first half.
eurrent rate on
Insured savings
Extra earnings on Bonus
Savings Accounts

Smith Scores 15 Points
To Lead Blue Devil Five
A fast breaking Lawrence Tech ward Bill Bauerle and guar
"B" quintet defeated the Wol Jerry Burns Michigan car
verine Jayvee basketball team 59- within four points of overcom
49 yesterday afternoon at Yost ing the Blue Devils' lead. Her
Field House. their attack began to bog dow
The visitors drew first blood on and Lawrence Tech, in a las
a foul shot by forward Blane minute show of power, increase
Denning, and held the lead for their lead to sew up the gain
the rest of the game. The Jayvees,
were unable to organize a scoring High scorer for the Blue Dex
campaign against the Blue Devils was Sam Smith with 15 poin
fast break style of play and the Center Lee Houtteman gather
half ended 28-20, with the visitors 13 tallies from the pivot positi
holding the edge. The rest of the total was co
* tributed by: Denning, Barr
THE WOLVERINE cagers be- Petty, Roger Adams, Bob McMa
gan to click early in the second amay, and Ben Wagner.
half and it looked as if they had Center Bill Eggenberger a
found the spark which they had Bauerle shared high scoring hc
lacked in the first session. ors for the Michigan Jayvees w
Led by the fine play of for- ten points each. Eggenberg
Ledby he inepla offor scored on two free throws ai
four shots from the floor. Baue
Regattas Set also clicked on two free thrc
and four field goals. Other mi
who figured in the scoring wer
M idwestPete Palmer, Bud Royce, Burt
Hal Pink, and Thurman Hol
Salig lus way _ ___
Representatives of the Midwest H oos er Fan
Collegiate Sailing Association met
Saturday at the Union to draw
up the regatta schedule for the f
season which begins in April.
Four Western Conference
schools as well as Michigan State By SY SONKIN
and Notre Dame were among the Officiating a basketball game
12 of the 25 member schools who the cage-happy state of Indian
had representatives here. One of at best a thankless job, and, wh,
the highlights of the Michigan things aren't going well for
schedule is the meet with the home team, the referees had b
Notre Dame team to take place ter run for cover.
here April 30 and May 1. At Bloomington, for instan
MIfCHIGAN was named host of the fans spent over 10 minutes
theNAN Lonal Champi oshipsthe second half in the Michiga
which re to be held at Whitmore Indiana fracas jeering intern:
Lake June 21-25. For the first tently, but little of it was dire
time in the twenty-odd years of ed at the Wolverines.
the history of the association, the
championships will not be held on THE ONLY TIME, as a mat
the east coast. of fact, when the target was a vi
f or camne with slightly more th2
There will be three sectional 11 minutes left in the secc
eliminations held to narrow the stanza.
field of entries to the Nationals. Bob Harrison was awarded
Whitmore Lake will be the scene foul shot when he was shove(
of one of these preliminaries and the 9,000 people wh
also, on May 7 and 8. jammed the field house stoo
None of the teams of the as- up and showed their disapprov
sociation are recognized by their with all the vocal power at the
schools as varsity squads. The command.
students doing the sailing have One gentleman, sitting direc
to bear all their expenses. in front of the press box, deci

r e

4 Natalors' Ti
Now when times mean more
than wins, anybody who is any
kind of a prognoisticator starts
5 ;figuring out just who is going to
win what when the Big Nine
Championships roll around.
Saturday night Michigan fans
not only saw some close races but
also some remarkable perform-
ances by Wolverine natators.
the 50 and 100-yard free style
events were excellent, Matt Mann
III swam one of the finest races
of his career to win going away
in the 440, and the 400 yard relay
team turned in an excellent job in
the final event.
This year's Big Nine Cham-
pionships will take place in a
short pool similar to that the
Wolverines are used to while
last year they were run off in a
long pool.
Since last year's NCAA Cham-
pionships were run off here and
these two individual events were
won by Big Nine teams and the
relay by MSC a comparison of
II this year's early times and the best
ime the collegiates could do last spring
- -- is in order.
IN THE 50-YARD free style,
) Ve Bob Anderson of Stanford was the
winner in :23.3 while Weinberg
" was finishing fourth in the NCAA
I)1 event. Saturday night Weinberg

tines Drop
Tilt Nears

... making ti


ls Disappn(
ials' Deei'

a~l .i. V,,.J .H. i. K.../

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"stop throwing pennies onto the
court because one of the boys
Smight get hurt."
Apparently it worked, because'
the noise subsided-until the ball
was given to Harrison for his foul
IWSPITE TlEW pressure on h i
cliie to the five ifliiilitotume kw,
Iand t he jeer5s inhewas shtiootng.
the Maize and Blhi guard d(umped
the ball cleanly through the hoop
thus quieting down the crowd.
A minute later, however, it
started all over again when the
ball was given to Michigan after
an Indiana player had been
caught traveling.
But it was nowhere near as bad
as it had been earlier, and play
was able to go on without inter-
JUST 10 SECONDS later center
Leo VanderKuy hooked a two-
pointer, and Mack Suprunowicz
caged his last fielder of the night
after another half minute had
gone, and the crowd was thro':2h
with its verbal castigation for the
But there was ample oppor-
tunity for the fans to cheer later
With eight minutes to go and
the score 45-30 against the Red
and White, the Hoosiers' fine
soph forward, Bill Toshaff, got
Within two minutes, he sank a
basket and a pair of free throws,
saw center Tom Schwartz drop
one in, and then netted another to
close the gap to seven points.
But it turned out to be too
late as far as Indiana was con-'
. Although there were still over
three and a half minutes to be
played, the Hoosiers couldn't close
the gap as Michigan matched
them point for point.

,et a new pool record as he cov-
ered the course in :22.8, five
tenths of a second better than
last year's NCAA mark.
In the 100-yard free style,
Weinberg came back to win in
:51.7 while last year Ris' :51.5
was good enough to get an
NCAA Championship.
Then Matt Mann IT gave his
dad something to smile about
when fie raced to an easy 4:48.2
win in the 440-ya id free style.
L st yeari Bill SmithI led thei way
to the finish line with a 4:43.8
while third place was captured in



"A" League
Wenley 25, Tyler 18.
Winchell 29, Chicago 27.
Greene 47, Allen Rumsey 23.
Adams 34, Michigan 30.
Lloyd 43, Prescott 41.
Hayden 37, Strauss 26.
Vaughan 41, Cooley 20.
Anderson 45, Fletcher 34.
"B" League
Lloyd 30, Strauss 19.
Adams 20, Vaughan 18.
Cooley 38, Tyler 16.
Allen Ramsey 20, Hayden 18.
Hinsdale 58, Anderson 10.
Prescott 36, Williams 12.
Wenley 21, Winchell 20.
Michigan 30, Chicago 22.

to further demonstrate his dis-
satisfaction with the calling of
the play, so he reached into his
pocket, pulled out a penny, wound
up like a pitcher and let fly.
HIS DONATION almost hit a
high school spectator sitting at
the "ringside," but, fortunately,
it missed and went onto the court.
In the meantime, other fans
had taken the hint, and the
pennies began to come from all
Obviously, the teams couldn't'
play under such conditions, so the
Indiana cheerleaders ran out onto
the center of the court, but there
was no visible effect.
IF ANYTHING, their appear-
ance aggravated the situation.
Then came an announcement
over the loudspeaker asking the
crowd to quiet down, and to


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