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May 21, 1949 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-05-21

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Y 21, 1949


'SeniorSwing Out' To Climax Spring Social Calendar PIPE

Theme To Recall M' Traditions;
McKinley To Occupy Bandstand

Lauds U.S. Physical Education

Ray McKinley and his band will
set the musical tempo for couples
attending the Class of 1949's "Sen-
ior Swing Out" from 9 p.m. to 1
a.m. today in the IM Building.
The theme of the semi-formal
dance, Michigan tradition, will re-
call campus customs of the past
and remind seniors of those of the
present which have surrounded
them for the past four years. Most
of the reminiscing will be done
Large scenes depicting typical
traditions will cover the walls of
the IM ballroom and special light-
ing effects will augment the at-

Hillel Slates
Awards Tea


THE CENTRAL committee
dubbed the dance "Senior Swing
ZDut" in honor of memorable sen-
ior traditionwhich began at the
turn of the century.
Years ago Swing Out was the
last senior assembly and cele-
bration preceding graduation. It
was regarded as a very solemn,
long-remembered occasion.
McKinley and his band were
Uhosen to play at the dance be-
mause their reputation as a "tradi-
tional" campus favorite comple-
ments the dance's theme.
* C. *
TO ALLOW couples to enjoy the
spring weather in combination
with the orchestra's music, the
doors which lead from the IM
dance floor will be opened: Tables
will be set up so that dancers may
rest and enjoy refreshments out in
the open.
Co-chairmen for this year's
senior event are Joan Slater and
Walt Shaffer.
Other committee members who
planned the dance are:. George
Whitehorne, publicity Sally Stan-
ton, secretary; Betty Claryg, pa-
trons; Ann Griffin, tickets and
programs; Cathy Houston, fi-
nance; Mary Urban, music and
John Post, building and grounds.
Tickets for "Senior Swing
Out" will be on sale today from
9 a.m. to noon on the Diag and
also at the Administration
Any remaining tickets may be
purchased at the door.

"I can see some advantages in
the formal approach in teaching
physical education, but I person-
ally favor the informal method'
employed in the United States."
This is the opinion of Miss Lela
Ray, graduate student from Cal-L
cutta, India, who passed through
Ann Arbor Thursday on her tour'
of the physical education depart-
ments of colleges and universities
throughout the middle west.
When queried as to how the two
methods of teaching differed, Miss
Ray said that in India, where the
formal British system dominates,
emphasis is placed on the disci-
plinary and developmental aspects
of physical education. Only the
physical development of the indi-
vidual is considered.

LONG-LOST ART-A 13th cen-
tury statue of the Virgin, miss-
ing for two centuries, is studied
by two girls at the Cloisers of
the New York Metropolitan Mu-
seum of Art.

attempt is made to develop the to-,
tal individual, both the physical
and mental sides, she said.
Miss Ray, selected on the basis
of a competitive examination,
has the distinction of being the
only woman sent by the Indian
government to .udy the physi-
cal education set-ups in the
United States.
She received her BA and a
Teachers Certificate at the Uni-
versity of Calcutta. Upon arriving
in the United States she studied
for five months at the University
of Toronto, and then enrolled in
the University of Utah. She will
get her master's degree next
month from that institution.
'* * *
THE PURPOSE of the tour
which started three weeks ago is
to study physical education, rec-
reation, the youth welfare move-
ment for women, camping and
health education, Miss Ray said.
She expects to spend an addi-
tional three weeks visiting colleges
in Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Col-
orado and Nebraska.
"This is my chance to contact
the national le;iders in the field

of physical education4" Miss Ray
She said that she feels the
American physical education sys-
tem could be improved if a well-
organized program was started in'
the elementary grades and contin-
ued throughout high school, in-
stead of waiting until the college
AFTER SPENDING several days
at New York University, Miss Ray
will travel to Copenhagen where
she will speak at the International
Convention of Physical Education,
July 18-23. As the official delegate
from India she will lecture on the
physical education program for In-
dian women.
From Copenhagen she will pro-
ceed to Stockholm for Sweden's
annual gymnastic festival, "Lin-
giad." Miss Ray remarked that the
United States is one of a few coun-
tries which do not place much am-
phasis on gymnastics.
When she returns to India, Miss
Ray plans to assist the government
in it's large scale project of reor-
ganizing the whole educational
system and setting up an effective
elementary school physical educa-
tion program.

Hillel Foundation will hold its
annual Awards Tea at 4:30 p.m.
tomorrow .
Students, organizations and city
residents who have rendered out-
standing service during the past
yeatr will receive recognition. Spe-
cial honor will be given to the two
individuals who have been most
active at Hillel for the months of
April and May.
As special guest speaker the
Foundation has invited Philip
Slomovitz, journalist, editor and
publisher of the Detroit Jewish
Hillel's social committee has
extended the invitation to the
Honor's Tea to all students.

(Continued from Page 1)



by Du-

Mage, Bach, Franck, Karg-Elert,
Vierne, Marriott and Dupre. Open
to the public.
Student Recital: Jean Lyman,
Soprano, will present a program at
8 p.m., Mon., May 23, Kellogg Au-
ditorium, in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Music. Miss Lyman is
a pupil of Arthur Hackett. Pro-
gram: German, Italian, French
and English songs. Open to the

Events Today
Westminster Guild, First Pres-
byterian Church: "Cabinet Re-
treat." Meet at 1 p.m.aatchurch
building and then proceed to Dex-
ter-Huron Park.
Saturday Luncheon Discussion
Group: 12:15 p.m., Lane Hall.
Spring Dance Concert presented
by the Modern Dance and Ballet
Clubs, under W.A.A. at Barbour
Gym Dance Studio. A special chil-
dren's performance will be held at
2:30 p.m. and a regular evening
performance at 8 p.m. Admission
Coming Events
Senior Society: Meeting for new
members, 2 p.m., Sun., May 22,
ABC Room, League.
Trip to Mexico: Anyone wanting
tips on what to do in Mexico,
where to stay, etc., can get them
in 408 Romance Language Bldg.,
Mon., May 23, at 4 p.m. Last year's
scholarship holders will be there
to give information on the Uni-
versity of Mexico Summer School.
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
Business meeting, including elec-
tion of officers and a program fea-
turing such jazz immortals as Bix
Beiderbecke, Louis Armstrong and
Richard Garet, 8 p.m., Sun., May
22, League Ballroom. Everyone in-

.. ..

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A Classified Ad Can Sell Unused Items for You


We now hove all of your
favorite Columbia LP Records
Stop in and hear these sensational
longer playing non-breakable records.
Your East-of-the-campus store
with everything in records
114 S. University Ave Next to Carlson Drug

Reading Room, 211 East Washington
Michigan League Ballroom
10:30 A.M.: Sunday Lesson Sermon.
May 22: Soul and Body.
11:45 A.M.: Sunday Schoor.
8:00 P.M: Wednesday evening Testimonial
University Community Center
Willow Run Village
Rev. J. Edgar Edwards, Chaplain
DivinerWorship, 10:45 A.M.: Rural Life Sunday.
Sermon: "The Seed and the Soil."
Church School and Nursery some hour.
Episcopal Communion Service, 9:00 A.M.
512 East Huron
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister
Roger Williams Guild House
502 East Huron
10:00 A.M.: Bible Study. A study of the teach-
ings of Jesus.
11:00 A.M.: Morning Worship. Sermon, "Con-
clusions," by Mr. Loucks.
6:00 P.M.: Guild, Program. Kenneth Sisson,
President of the Local CIO, will speak on
"Goals of Labor."
YMCA Bldg., Fourth Ave.
Carl York Smith, Minister
10:15 A.M.: Bible Study.
11:00 A.M.: "To Know and Not to Do, Is Sin."
7:30 P.M.: "Healed By the Shadow of Peter."
1917 Washtenaw Avenue
Edward H. Redman, Minister
10:00 A.M.: Adult Study Group with Mrs. Charles
Stevenson on: "Michigan and Foreign Trade."
11:00 A.M.: Services: Edward H. Redman preach-
on "Man, the Measure."
6:30 P.M.: Unitarian Students-Discussion and
Planning of Organization and Program for
next season, announcing of summer confer-
ences and workcamps offered by Channing

423 South Fourth Ave.
Theodore R. Schmale, D.D.,
Walter S. Press, Ministers
Irene Applin Boice, Director of Music
9:30 A.M.: Church School.
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. Sermon by Rev.
Press, "The Good Shepherd"
1511 Washtenaw Ave.
Alfred Scheips, Pastor
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
Saturday at 6:00: Gamma Delta Steak Fry at
Center's Fireplace.
Sunday at 9:45 and 11:00: Identical Services,
with sermon by the pastor, "Solving Prayer
Life Problems."
Sunday at 5:30: Supper and Program of Gamma
Delta, Lutheran Student Club.
Corner State and Huron
Harold J. DeVries, Pastor
9:15 A.M.: "Your Radio Choir" WPAG.
10:00 and 12:00 Noon: Bible School.
11:00 A.M.: "Does it pay to pray?"
6:15 P.M.: Grbce Bible Church Guild Supper.
7:30 P.M.: "We Beg to Differ with the Mor-
State and Washington
Ministers: James Brett Kenna and
Erland J. Wang
Music: Lester McCoy, director
Mary McCall Stubbins, organist
Student Activities: Doris Reed, associate
10:45 A.M.: Worship Service. Dr. Kenna's ser-
mon topic: "Creative Living."
5:30 P.M.: Dr. Roy Teele will speak to the Wes-
leyan Guild on "Four Christian Workers at
6:30 P.M.: Supper and Fellowship.
N. Division at Catherine
8:00 A.M.: Holy Communion.
9:00 A.M.: Holy Communion (followed by Stu-
dent Breakfast at Canterbury House).
11:00 A.M.: Junior Church.
11:00 A.M.: Morning Prayer. Sermon by the Rev.
Henry Lewis, S.T.D.
12:15 P.M.: After-Service Fellowship.
5:30 P.M.: Cranmer Guild, Page Hall.
5:30 P.M.: Canterbury Club Picnic and Panel
Discussion on "Christianity and Vocation" at
the Peirsol residence, 625 Oxford Road.
8:00 P.M.: Evening Prayer. Sermon by the
Rev. John Burt. (This will be the final evening
service of the season. They will be resumed
next October.)
Wednesday, 7:15 A.M.: Holy Communion (fol-
lowed by Student Breakfast).
Thursday (Ascension Day), 7:15 and 10:00 A.M.:


Go ing to Gradua"te?.
Friendly greetings of welcome and a helping hand of assistance await you in the
more than 200 cities and communities all over the world where alumni and alumnae of
the University have formed into active University of Michigan Clubs.
FROM MILWAUKEE TO MANILA, from Buffalo to Brazil, from Cleveland to
Cuba-and in scores of intermediate points where you may choose to embark upon
your life's work-a University of Michigan Club will welcome your fellowship and
your participation in a varied program of activities.
A few of you, perhaps will settle in Cheyenne, Wyoming. You will assuredly
want to affiliate with the University of Michigan Club of Cheyenne, whose Secretary
wrote this letter to the Alumni Association following a Club meeting last Fall:
Cheyenne, Wyoming
To The Editor, Michigan Alumnus:
Since I saw you at the Illinois game certain facts seem to have become
pretty well established. For instance, if a mother wishes her son to become
President she shouldn't send him to Ann Arbor. And again, if she would
like him to grow up to be an offensive right end, Michigan is the spot.
Despite what Mr. Brownell, Mr. Gallup, et al, had to offer concerning
where they were when the lights went out, I have about reached the conclu-
sion that the University shouldn't admit prospective presidential aspirants to
the courses in economics. A little instruction in pulling rabbits out of hats
would come in a lot handie'
Concerning the offensive right end, he gave me a bad afternoon when
he was helping entertain the Illini. I rubbed myself full of slivers before the
party was over, but I realized he was suffering more than I was, so I had no
hard feelings-just sort of a veneered rudder. He finally made out alright,
and so did I with the help of a good pair of tweezers
The University of Michigan Club of Cheyenne met at the Cheyenne
Country Club to follow the Ohio State game. A nice assortment of refugees
of various vintages showed up to spend a spine-tingling afternoon. Because
there were too few of us to set up offensive and defensive units, we all had to
play the entire sixty minutes. As nearly as could be discerned from Mr. Wismer's
remarks, the offensive right end was again having a busy afternoon. Until
Peterson made the second touchdown, our meeting resembled the waiting bench
outside the delivery room in a maternity ward. Then we passed the stethoscope
around and found that nobody needed a nurse.
A group of University of Wyoming alumni were at the club listening
to their team lose a game by one point. One of them strolled over and said:
"Golly I wish I had gone to Michigan." I had never looked at the matter in
just that light before, but it made me realize how much more a Michigan
man enjoys the autumn scenery than does the alumnus of any other school
in the land .
Between halves we held an election with the following results: James
Horiskey, '38L, President; Fred Marble, '16, Treasurer; and Andy Roedel,
'16P, Secretary. There being no pollsters around, nobody was surprised . . .
We'll have to figure out from the almanac when the signs will be right
for the next meeting.

Minister-Rev. Leonard A. Parr
Student Directors-Rev. H. L. Pickerill;
Miss Jean Garee
Music-Wayne Dunlap; J. Bertram Strickland
9:30 to 10,:45: Church School.
10:45: Morning Worship. Dr. Parr will speak on
"How They Built It."
5:30: Congregational-Disciples Guild will have
e *.e. A n ..



Andy Roedel, '16p





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