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May 21, 1949 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-05-21

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SATURDAY; XiY- 21, 1949


Disciplinary Decision

N REVERSING the Men's Judiciary Coun-
cil and allowing the election of four stu-
.dents who received fraudulent ballots, the
University Disciplinary Committee has
dealt a powerful blow to responsible student
The committee ruled that, because the
candidates themselves were apparently
not at fault, they should not be penalized
for someone else's dishonesty.
There is something to be said for this
view, but the Disciplinary Committee ought
to have taken final action. For, in ruling on
the case, the committee has taken upon
itself the responsibility of deciding it.
There is no question about the commit-
tee's right to do this, although it seems to
me unwise for University authorities to get
entangled in purely student affairs.
It is not only unwise, it is inane for
them now to hand the matter back to
the Men's Judiciary "for such further
recommendation as it may caret make."
A final decision is needed, and if the
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Disciplinary Committee doesn't want to
make it they should have let the students
make it.
As the matter stands now, the four can-
didates for whom fraudulent ballots were
cast are to be allowed office; the Men's
Judiciary is to meet again and reach an-
other decision; then the Disciplinary Com-
mittee will look it over, and if the Judiciary's
decision is unsatisfactory a second time it
will presumably be reversed again. This
could go on all summer.
Meanwhile, confidence in the Men's Ju-
diciary Council has already been seriously
undermined by this reversal; confidence
in the Student Legislature will soon be
undermined by the knowldge that fraud-
ulent balloting may go unpunished; and
the Disciplinary Committee will hardly
rise in the esteem of the students-or the
faculty-if it cannot decide once and for
all a case that is appealed to it.
Perhaps the committee's decision, or, lack
of it, is based on a theory that the Men's
Judiciary will "profit" from its "mistake"
and come out all right on a second try.
Whatever the reason for the Disciplinary
Committee's action, it will have the effect
of making the Men's Judiciary a minor ad-
junct of University authority and lead to a
student government that is little more
than a feeble joke.
-Phil Dawson.

Beyond Court's Power

FREE SPEECH is sick in our country to-
day: it is at least suffering from scat-
tered local ailments, if not from a general
malaise-and it is not going to be cured
by the Supreme Court's decision in the case
of the Rev. Arthur W. Terminiello.
The Rev. Mr. Terminiello was con-
victed in Chicago of disorderly conduct in
breaching the peace by a sensational 1946
speech in which, according to a Supreme'
Court Justice's summary, he attacked Mrs.
Roosevelt, Wallace, Morgenthau and Jews.
The Supreme Court has reversed this con-
viction, rejecting the trial court's construc-
tion of a local ordinance on breach of the
peace, even though the Rev. Mr. Termin-
tello's speech was delivered in an atmo-
sphere of tension, with a hostile crowd
milling outside the hall, and responding
with great anger to the speaker's opin-
In delivering the 5-to-4 majority's deci-
sion, Mr. Justice Douglas nobly holds that
speech is "often provocative and challeng-
ing" and upsetting to people, "as it pesse
for acceptance of an idea," and that there-
fore it must be protected against punish-
ment unless the danger it seems likely to
produce "rises far above public inconven-
ience, annoyance or unrest."
Soviet Methods
CONGRESS'S DENIAL of federal scholar-
ships to American students who happen
to be Communists has wide-spread implica-
tions which need to be considered before
such an important step in education is
If this is to be the official policy, one
need only follow it to its logical conclusion
to see the Veterans Administration refusing
the G.I. Bill to anyone of Communist lean-
This of course leads to a loyalty check
on a great percentage of the student body,
which is perhaps what the mentors are
hinting at, anyway.
The way in which these investigations
snowball is alarming. A young veteran from
Chicago got a fellowship to study physics
and because of his party connections became
overnight a public figure. Not because of any
security regulations-he won't come within
remote contact with the atomic bomb proj-
ect-but apparently because he doesn't be-
long to the right party or parties and doesn't
deserve government aid.
David Lilienthal has led the rebuttal
to the Congressional action with a seem-
ingly unanswerable challenge that "One
never knows where Genius is. Political
beliefs of a student are irrelevant in judg-
ing his capabilities for advancing the cause
of science."
But so strong is the present fear of
Communism that some of our national lead-
ers seem to overlook the fact that atomic
energy is not exclusively a war making
weapon; that harnessed for peace time it
can be a tremendous boon to man.
Lilienthal says that this student may have
worked on atomic applications to medicine-
to cancer. Can we afford to reject the
eagerness of a student of any party to ex-
plore new fields and contribute their knowl-
edge to the nation?
But such reasoning was not even allowed
in the Congressional hearings. As a result we
have established another dangerous prece-
dent-the loyalty check of students getting
government aid.
This is not the atmosphere to promote
much needed research in atomic enrgy. It
may well deter students from applying for
the federal scholarships.
The National Research Council told the

tice Douglas and those who voted with
him, Justices Black, Murphy, Rutledge and
Reed, are not at all in sympathy with the
Rev. Mr. Terminiello's opinions, as expressed
in the Chicago speech, any more than are
the four minority justices, and thAt there-
fore the Court has given us a glowing re-
enactment of Voltaire's famous crack about
disagreeing, etc., but defending to the death,
etc., etc. Check. Very good. The decision is
a sound one, and I am happy it was handed
down. Love that free speech.
* * *
BUT THERE IS A danger involved in this
legal incident, taken as a whole, as a
social-judicial phenomenon, and I want to
point out what the danger is.
The danger is that we are going to be-
come too fond of ourselves because of this
decision, too proud of ourselves, too easily
convinced that free speech has been saved
in a different time-when, as a matter
of fact, the real, actually existing danger
to free speech today is not touched upon
in this decision at all.
The danger to free speech today is not
that the police will prosecute rightwing
speakers, but that, in increasing areas
around the country left wingers are, be-
cause of private opposition, being denied fo-
* * * ,
The Court has actedtonprotect a man's
right to speak freely when he sands on a
platform, but that must be small comfort
to followers of Wallace, for example, or dev-
otees of other pupopular causes, who find
themselves denied the use of platforms, as
in the case of campus speaking facilities, etc.
In a democracy, every citizen is a mem-
ber of a kind of larger supreme court,
handing down fundamental decisions by
his every act, and the orthodoxy which is
gradually creeping over us is limiting
freedom of speech in a way that no for-
mally constituted tribunal can counter-
I am in political opposition to Mr. Wallace,
but I often find myself feeling sick over the
humiliations to which he is subjected, and,
especially, the gleefulness with which, on
occasion, these seem to be administered. In
this area the Supreme Court cannot act at
all. The free speech problem of 1949 is not
that of overzealous police action against in-
dividuals; it is that of community unconcern
about the denial of rights and privileges
which were once taken for granted. Here
the decision has to be made within our-
selves, and in our rejoicing over the Court's
disposition of a 1946 free speech problem, let
us save a corner of our concern for the
special and characteristic free speech prob-
lems of 1949.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation)

No Master Plan
W ASHINGTON-Possibly the noise the
business forecasters and economists are
hearing is not the crash of surf on a reef
of bad times. But it must be said that when
so many of the chart-studiers think there is
depression ahead, it is a bit alarming to
find that the vast, cumbersome old ship of
state is perilously close to drifting.
What is frightening is not that the Presi-
dent and his advisers have adopted bad
plans for coping with a business recession,
but rather that there should be no plan at
all. The President is known to feel that the
increasingly widespread predictions of de-
pression contain an element of big business
propaganda, intended to defeat his economic
program in Congress. Probably there is some
justification for this view. But that does not
justify ignoring the problem altogether.
The treatment accorded the quarterly re-
port of the President's Economic Advisory
Council is highly symptomatic in this con-
nection. After frightful internal wrestlings
and disputes, Messrs. Nourse, Keyserling and
Baldwin submitted a unanimous report con-
taining one major admission and four sig-
nificant recommendations. The admission
was that the inflation danger was past,
and that a business recession must now be
regarded as a definite possibility.
THE' TWO MOST important recommen-
dations, which have been much misrepre-
sented in the press, were as follows: 1-
Since they were not immediately needed, the
inflation control provisions of the Presi-
dent's January request to Congress should
be temporarily shelved. 2-To encourage
business, the President's January demands
for new taxes should be revised downwards.
Specifically, the Council suggested jettison-
ing the $2 billion of proposed social security
tax increases, and lowering the original pro-
posed increase in corporate and income taxes
well below $4 billion.
Considering how seldom his experts are
unanimous, it is rather surprising that the
President should have ignored them when
they agreed for once. For in fact, there are
four separate and distinct theories about
how to deal with the depression now cur-
rent in the highest Administration quar-
THEORY ONE is that of Dr. Leon Key-
serling. Keyserling, a New Dealer, advo-
cates stabilizing the economy at its present
high level, by major governmental efforts
if necessary. Theory two is that of Dr. Key-
serling's chief, the chairman of the Eco-
nomic Advisory Council, Dr. Edwin Nourse.
Dr. Nourse advocates the policy popular
with business, of drastically reducing both
government expenditures and taxes.
Theory three is that of the Secretary
of the Treasury, John Snyder. He is close
to Nourse, but differs from him in Insist-
ing that business is still good and the
prospects are not alarming.
Finally, theory four is that propounded
at the Federal Reserve Board by Marriner
Eccles. Hepisclose to Keyserling, but be-
lieves the present economic level cannot be
maintained and accepts the inevitability of
considerable disinflation. Since Eccles thinks
the bump must come some day, he would
prefer it to happen now. But he too wants
the government to intervene massively be-
fore the readjustment becomes a serious
slump, stabilizing the economy at a level
lower than Keyserling advocates.
These are extremely brief and crude
summaries of complex and expert view-
points. Inevitably, they disort a little.
None the less, the divergence of the view-
points is sufficiently indicated to show
that the administration has nothing like
a master plan for dealing with a possible

There cannot be a master plan, when the
men who should be making it are all travel-
ing in different directions, without 'higher
direction from the President. In the end, of
course, political pressures are likely to rec-
ommend Dr. Keyserling's approach to the
White House. If the forecasters are correct,
and bad times really come, the Adminis-
tration will seek to promote to recovery
by spending. But even the spending theory
will not be given a fair trial, if it is applied
hapahzard and in crisis.
(Copyright. 1949. New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)


Publication in The Daily Officialj
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 2552
Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m.
on the day preceding publication
(11:00a.m. Saturdays).
SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1949
VOL. LIX, No. 165
Forestry Assembly: Mr. Newton
Drury, Director, U.S. National
Park Service, will address an as-
sembly of the School of Forestry
and Conservation in Kellogg Au-
ditorium, 11 a.m., Tuesday, May
24, on the subject "How the Na-
tional Parks are Run." All forestry
students are expected to attend'
and others who are interested are
The Personnel Office has a num-
ber of openings as kitchen assis-
tants on the staff of one of the
University summer campsfor
young men who are interested in
work of this nature. The camp is
located in northern Michigan in
an exceptionally fine resort area
and will be open from June 21 to
August 23. Compensation will in-
clude room and board.j
Women students attending the
Senior Ball, May 21, have 1:30
a.m. late permission. Calling hours
will not be extended.
Appeal of Student Election:
Messrs. Morgan Ramsay, Jr.,
Roger R. Vogel, Frederick P. Spar-
row, and James W. Morse, Jr.,
having appealed to this committee
from an order of the Men's Judi-
ciary Council disqualifying them
from taking office as that they
were guilty of conspiring to have
fraudulent ballots voted in that
election, and having appeared be-
fore the committee to give testi-
mony in relation to the matter, the1
committee, after hearing the tes-
timony of the appelants and after1
questioning the members of the1
Mens' Judiciary Council finds:
1) That there was evidence of
concerted fraudulent voting in the
aforesaid election; but
2) That there is no evidence
sufficient to justify a finding that
the appellants personally partici-
pated in such fraudulent voting
or that they conspired to bring it,
In view of these findings it is or-
dered that theappeal be allowed
and the order of the Men's Judi-
ciary Council set aside, and that
the whole matter be referred back
to the Men's Judiciary Council for1
such further recommendation as it
may care to make.
University Sub-Committee
on Discipline
Phi Eta Sigma: New initiates
may obtain copies of the latest is-
sue of Forum, the national maga-
zine of the fraternity, at the Of-
fice of Student Affairs.
Teaching Positions:
The Public Schools of Santa
Barbara, California, are in need of
elementary teachers in the early
and later grades. Teachers must
have 24 semester hours of educa-
tion including 8 hours of directed
, The Public Schools of Newark,
N.J. are interested in receiving ap-
plications from teachers who are

Study Date
-Daily-AI Jackson

interested in positions in the sys-
For further information con-
cerning the above, call at the Bu-
reau of Appointments.

University Community Center:
Willow Village
Sun., May 22, Interdenomina-
tional church program: 10:45 a.m.,
Church service and nursery; 4:30
p.m., Discussion group; 5:30 p.m.,
Pot-luck supper.
Mon., May 23, 8 p.m., Cosmo-
politan Club. Wives from other
lands and their friends invited; 8
p.m., Cooperative Nursery Study
Tues., May 24, 8 p.m., Wives'
Club party for the members who
are leaving. Make reservations at
the University Center. New mem-
bers invited.
Wed., May 25, 8 p.m., Bridge
group; 8 p.m., Studio Workshop
General Business Meeting. All
members urged to be present.
Thurs., May 26, 8 p.m., Ceramics.
Sun., May 29, 1045 a.m., Chil-
dren's Day Program - Interde-
nominational church.
Mon., May 30, 8 p.m., General
Meeting-Cooperative Nursery.
The University Community Cen-
ter will be open as usual between
Academic Notices
Electrical Engineering Collo-
gfluium: 4 p.m., Mon., May 23,
2084 E. Engineering Bldg. Prof.
L. L. Rauch of Aero. Eng. will
speak on "Analysis of Information
Transmission via Radio Teleme-
Departmental Honors: Teaching
departments wishing to recom-
mend tentative June graduates
from the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, and the
School of Education for depart-
mental honors should recommend
such students in a letter sent to
the Registrar's Office, 1513 Ad-
ministration Building, by noon of
June 1.
Attention June Graduates: Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts, School of Education, School
of Music, School of Public Health:
Students are advised not to re-
quest grades of I or X in June.
When such grades are absolutely
imperative, the work must be made
up in time to allow your instruc-
tor to report the make-up grade
not later thantnoon June 6, 1949.
Grades received after that time
may defer the student's gradua-
tion until a later date.
Carillon Recital: by Percival
Price, University Carillonneur,
2:15 Sunday afternoon, May 22.
Program: Ave Maria by Arcadelt,
The Lady Piper, by Chambon-
nieres, Preludium by Bull, Dead
March by Purcell, Courante; a
group of carillon compositions by
Wilhelm Bender, and four, of his
arrangements for carillon.
Student Recital: Allene Knight-
en, graduate student of organ
with Frederick Marriott will pre-
sent a program at 8 p.m., Mon.,
May 23, Hill Auditorium, in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Master of Music degree.
(Continued on Page 5)

Letters to the Editor-

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish.in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and Addres.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
Kucher Case .. .
To the Editor:
PLEASE FIND enclosed a copy
of a letter sent by me to Pres-
ident Truman. I would appreciate
it if you would publish this letter
in your letters to the editor col-
The President of the United
Washington, D.C.
Dear Mr. Truman:
I am writing you regarding the
case of James Kutcher, a legless
veteran, who was fired from his
Veterans Administration job at
Newark, New Jersey, for his mem-
bership in the Socialist Workers
His discharge was based on your
order to dismiss any federal em-
ploye who was a member of a
subversive organization. A subver-
sive organization is one which is
listed as such by the Department
of Justice. Please note that no
open hearings are held, nor are
the organizationsallowed to ap-
peal such listing. Also please note
that your order applies to any
federal position, regardless of
whether or not such a position
could be used to obtain informa-
tion detrimental to our national
The federal government, as an
employer, has the right to deny
employment to persons it believes
do not have the best interests of
the government at heart. However,
as is recognized in the principle
of civil service, the federal gov-
ernment is the government of all
the people, and must therefore
give all the people an even chance
at the jobs available. If member-
ship in an organization is prima
facie evidence that the person in-
volved seeks to harm the United
States. Even if this is shown,
denial of position should be lim-
ited to those positions where def-
inite harm couldbe done.
In view of the above I urge you
to consider this order. I further
urge you to require immediate re-
instatement of any persons who
have been fired without the above
considerations, as e.g. James Kut-
-Thomas F. Schatzki.
* * *
Liquor Ban . .
To the Editor:
The Dekes are closed out, in part
for an offense committed 20 years
ago. The attitude toward drinking
is as immature as it was during
prohibition, and in precisely the
same unrealistic way. This was
admitted by almost everyone, so a
committee was set up to study the
problem; it is doubtful, however,
that their accomplishments will
ensure the members of that com-
mittee a place in the Hall of
Fame. The SL's female members
are struggling in vain to be al-
lowed to stay out late enough to
do the job they were elected to
do; and, amazingly, their antag-
onists are, largely, the rest of the
coeds. School spirit exists in just
sufficient quantity to be laugh-
able. The University forbids "haz-
ing," but last week the campus
witnessed some mighty strange
goings-on, with no protest from
the front office. There is talk of

re-instituting the ancient "cut"
system; partly, at least, because
no one really understands the
present rulings on classroom at-
tendance. The political ban, an
unmitigated farce, was lifted amid
much ridicule, and now you can't
tell a dirty Red from a die-hard
Republican without a program.
Every group is so resentful of
every other group that investiga-
tions are being born like lrabbits.
Are these isolated phenomena?
NO! They are obviously the ante-
deluvian "System" of University
regulations; 21,000 college students
are being bogged down, in their
attempt to live normal social and
intellectual lives, by the absurd
concept that they must all be
governed as though they were chil-
dren. There is no salvage value
to this idea: let's scrap it en-
tirely, and let the students write
the rules, with the advice of the
The University is confessing its
nability to attract mature and ra-
;ional students; we will become a
laughing-stock, a center of pedes-

trianism and intolerance, if this
attitude is permitted to prevail as
embodied in these outrageous re-
strictions. This idiocy has simply
got t o stop.
--Harold T. Walsh,
* * *
To Jimersn ... :
To the Editor:
just don't let those nasty old
people who drink poison your
mind. The University Museum is
behind you.
-Jeannie Johnson.
Poesy. . .
To the Editor:
HEREIN LIES my epigram...
Oh, I'm a liberal, yes, by
Let all be free, goodwill to men;
Anathema be with a contrary
Love fellowman, that's para-
Rousseau, Spinoza, Sermon on
the Mount.
Freedom of action, freedom of
Freedom to catch and not to
get caught.
No dogmatist I, no creed or ism,
I ain't got no catechism.
A better life, that's what I'm
I've so much ahead, I'm a
As I look at it now, I really
should say
There are a few things that
stand in the way.
These several clogs I hasten t
Should be relieved in the fol-
lowing manner.
To hell with Taft, Hartley,
The NAM and the AMA,
Gerald Smith and the AP chai,
Father Coughlin and Franco
W. R. Hearst and others in tune,
Bertie McCormick's Chicago
Since down in bitter depths we
are wallowing,
I might also mention the
Fraternities, sororities, discrim-
P-Bell beer, constitutional limi-
The Republican Party, Demo-
crats too.
Hold on to your hats I'm not
quite through.
John L. Lewis, the Ku Klux
Wall Street Journal, the Boston
Pegler, Pearson, Leo Durocher
And ,everythingrelse that's not
quite Kosher,
Wherry, Rankin, Forrestal--

Say ..

. I ain't so liberal after
--Tom O'Toole,


j + CINEMA +

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students ofA
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control or
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman .... Managing Editor
Dick Maloy..............City Editor
Naomi Stern......Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ...Associate Editor
Al Blumrosen..........Associate Editor
Leon Jaroff ..,....... Associate Editor
Robert C. White ...Associate Editor
B. S. Brown ............. Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey ...Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery.......Women's Editor
Mary Ann Harris ...Asso. Wom's Editor
Bess Hayes ...................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Halt ........Business Manager
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
William Culmnan.. Finance Manager
Cole Christian .... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of: all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor,.Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,

A t theOr phe-...
LOST HORIZON, with Ronald Colman,
Jane Wyatt, and Thomas Mitchell.
FRANK CAPRA productions continue to
be exploited at the Orpheum. Re-
grettably, Lost Horizon, the second of the
series, fares not nearly as well as its prede-
cessor, It Happened One Night. There are
irrefutable evidences of advanced age.
Without laboring the point, I take ex-
ception to Mr. Hilton's thesis. Not only
do I think a Utopian Shangri-La based on
a "be kind" rule of thumb the worst kind

is restricted exclusively to chit-chat about
world-reform of grandiose proportions, illog-
ically motivated, the whole effect is mis-
erably dull.
Capra's Shangri-La is an inviting, if some-
what futuristic, looking place. Since it con-
tained Jane Wyatt, I was able to justify
Mr. Colman's preoccupation with the moun-
tain settlement . . . until he got that world-
reform gleam in iis eye. Neither Hilton nor
Capra, however, satisfactorily account for
Colman's being "the one" chosen to take
over the reigns of the "head-less" govern-
ment. Appearances or philosophy attributed
to Mr. Colman in the movie would never


FTakin~gthe situation in *at agcncE+

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