Blue Team Informal Dance
Initiates First Frosh Weekend
Otn the oue
Visitors Meet
For Play Day
The Diag is still the scene of the
antics of vivacious freshmen wom-
en, dressed as couples, cigarette
girls and clowns today for the last
day of campus ticket sales for the
"Frosh Weekend" dances.
Tickets will continue to be on
sale from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the
League, the Union, on the Diag
and in the Engine Arch. Latepur-
chasers may also buy tickets at
the door for the dances both
"Frosh Weekend" will high-
light this weekend's social calen-
dar of events with three days of
entertainment sponsored by fresh-
men women.
clude two informal dances, one to
be presented today in the League
Ballroom by the Blue Team, and
one to be held tomorrow sponsored
by the Maize Team.
Also included in "Frosh Week-
end" festivities will be "Frosh
Fantasy," a fashion show to be
held at 3 p.m. Sunday in the
League Ballroom.
The central committee of the
dances has been divided into the
Mu Phi Epsilon, national music
sorority, recently honored eleven
freshmen women for scholastic
achievement at a formal musicale.
Patricia Joy received the Mu
Phi medal for the highest grades.
Others honored were Mary Bal-
lard, Carol Eagle, Frances Hans-
lovsky, Lillian Johnson, Barbara
McGoey, Marilyn Palm, Jeanie
Parker, Margaret Strand, Kather-
ine Tabern and Faith Zeeuw.
Maize and Blue Teams which are
working in competition for an en-
graved plaque which will be passed
down from year to year to the
winning team.
* * *
THE TEAM will be judged or
decorations, floorshow, entertain-
ment, program and ticket designs,
dues collected and total dance
"Deuces Wild" will be the
theme of the Blue Team's dance
tonight. The life and loves of a
deck of cards will be featured in
intermission entertainment,
with a Joker acting as master of
Giant sea shells, underwater
specimens and even mermaids will
add to the atmosphere of "Com-
motion in the Ocean," the dance
sponsored by the Maize Team to-
ACCORDING TO publicity
chairman, Janice James, plans for
the Maize Team's decorations have
been upset, so the outcome may be
a little surprising.
Joyce Howard is general
chairman of the Blue Team,
Mary Muller is assistant chair-
man, Tracy Redfield is in
charge of floorshow entertain-
ment and is being assisted by
Helen Yeager.
Other committee members are
Sue Sears, who is handling pub-
licity, Sally Fish, in charge of
tickets, Nancy Watkins, decora-
tions chairman, Margaret Ryburn,
in charge of programs, Nancy Por-
ter, patrons chairman and Beverly
Young, in charge of awards and
-Daily-Wally Barth
COEDS SUMMONED--Law students Jack Reinhart and Art Prine
serve summonses on Karin Lindh and Barbara Sickels, ordering
them to appear at Crease Ball tonight.
Law Students PresentBall
Serving Coca-Cola
Serves Hospitality
Surrounded by traditional court-
room atmosphere, law students
will present their annual Crease
Ball from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. tonight.
The lawyers, in true legal fash-
ion, have served summonses on
their dates, ordering them to ap-
pear at Crease Ball. The theme of
the semi-formal dance will center
around a satire of legal practices.
The theme will carry out a mate-
rialized play on law terms.
Crease Ball has a long, tradi-
tion-filled history, much of which
is based on the long-standing ri-
valry between the lawyers and the
engineers, who sponsor Slide Rule
Music will be provided by Frank
Tinker's Union orchestra.
Women attending the dance
will be granted 1:30 a.m. permis-
sion. No corsages are to be worn.
Lorne MacDonald is general
chairman of Crease Ball. Chaper-
ons will be Prof. and Mrs. L. H.
Wright, Prof. and Mrs. C. Joiner
and Prof. and Mrs. A. F. Smith.
TIS WEEKEND will see a great influx of parents. especially moth-
ers, to campus town where they will be honored at house parties
and pre-Mother's Day celebrations.
The ZBT house will be filled to overflowing with 40 to 50 pairs'
of these watchful, loving eyes. The men have planned a banquet for
tomorrow evening to be followed by a Monte Carlo gambling party,
which will be for dates as well as family. A prize will be given tol
the largest money-holder.
MEN OF PHI GAMMA DELTA plan to initiate their mothers to
campus "spirits" by adjourning to a popular tavern at 4 p.m. tomor-
row.. After dinner at the chapter house, there will be a program
dance at which time Fiji sons will request the honor of signing for
dances on the mothers' programs.
After the Phi Gam mothers have retired in the evening, they
will be serenaded in true campus style. Following church on Sun-
day the mothers will be served a real home-cooked meal-away
from home-with no after-dinner dishes!
If one should see such strange sights as zebra-painted horses,
rainbow-colored goats, French poodles or baby alligators being led
across the threshold of the Sigma Chi house tomorrow night they
won't need a second guess to know that the Sig Brothers Circus
has come to town.
CANDY COTTON MACHINES, popcorn and candy-apple booths
will be tucked into various corners of the "Big Top." Sideshows,
including a magician act, a burlesque show, the tall man and the
fat man, complete with barkers, will add to the constant din.
Guests will come dressed as "kiddies" and the most ingenious
costume will gain its owner a real, live, baby alligator. Losers of
this cuddly prize may drown their sorrows in pink lemonade.
The SAE's Waterfront Dive will take the men and their dates
back to the days of the Barbary Coast. Costuming can range from
the cut-throat sailor's to the Diamond Jim top hat and tails. Art
Starr's five-piece combo will play mood music in an atmosphere of
sawdust and smoke.
TOMORROW NIGHT those who visit the Lambda Chi's Davy
Jones Locker may also find themselves on the better end of a "Strike
It Rich" theme. Sometime during the evening they will be presented
with the nautical $64 question, and to the winner will go wealth
Their spokesman said, "It will be the most knock-down-drag-
out affair since the Bikini test in the Pacific." The women, clad
in replicas of early-century bathing suits, will be presented with
seaweed corsages.
Tomorrow afternoon, a tea honoring the Kappa Alpha Theta
pledges will be the beginning of a big weekend for them. In the eve-
ning the girls and their dates will have dinner at the Stage Coach
Inn and then return to dance amidst a garden atmosphere to the
music of Del Elliot.
THE ZETA PSI'S will throw an Apache "Brawl" tomorrow eve-
ning at their "Lucky Pierre's Cafe." Slit skirts, T-shirts, bell-bottoms
and Apache doin's will be the theme of the night.
Preceding Crease Ball tonight the Phi Delta Phi's will give
a dinner for the members honoring the seniors and their dates.
This is to be followed by a record dance tomorrow from 9 p.m.
until midnight, and on Sunday with a charcoal broiled steak
Winchell House plans to take over the generous facilities of the
Fresh Air Camp tomorrow from 2:30 until 10:30 p.m. Square dancing,
picnicing and baseball will be the reverse order of the day.
* * * *
THIS WEEKEND ALSO will bring another round of pledge for-
mals. "Flamingo Isle" will be the theme of the Alpha Gam formal
tonight which will be preceded by a dinner at the Allenel. Dancers
will find themselves amidst volcanoes, Budas and palm trees frolicing
to the strains of Doug Lent's music.
The KD's plan to hold their pledge formal tonight at the
home of Jan Nickelsen in Barton Hills. The girls will have dinner
at the League beforehand. Al Rice's orchestra will do the musical
Program Includes
Tennis andArchery
Women Physical Education ma-
jors from campus and surrounding
colleges will take aver Palmer
Field tomorrow with a "Play Day"
of sports.
Coeds will arrive at WAB early
in the morning from Michigan
State, Michigan State Normal,
Western Michigan. Wayne Univer-
sity, Adrian College, the Univer-
sity of Toledo and Mt. Pleasant.
As hostesses, the Michigan ma-
jors have planned tennis matches,
archery, golf and softball games
with luncheon in WAB and an
informal tea to end the after-
"PLAY DAY" is a revision of
the "Major Day" held last spring
when the Women's Physical Edu-
women from near-by high-schools
who were interested in the pro-
gram. If tomorrow is a success, the
department will alternate "Major
Day" and "Play Day" each spring.
Registration will begin festivi-
ties when guests receive both
name tags and team numbers.
Dr. Margaret Bell, chairman of
the Program of Physical Educa-
tion for Women, will welcome
participants to the campus.
At 10 a.m. the sports will begin
with each team moving from one
activity to another, matching wits
and training with the bow, bat and
* * *
SUE ROSE, chairman of post-
luncheon entertainment, has
planned a midget comedian act,
a dance duet by Virginia Seput
and Edith Daniels, a dance num-
ber centered around "The Dark
Town Strutter's Ball," group sing-
ing, mixers and a square dance.
At 1 p.m. the coeds will re-
turn to Palmer Field to renew
the competition until 3:30 p.m.
when tea will be served, inter-
spersed with a general exchange
of ideas and questions which
may have gone unanswered.
Faculty members will also come
from each school to watch the ac-
tivity and enter into discussion
with the younger guests.
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Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. English
of Urbana, Ohio have announced
the engagement of their daughter,
Virginia Anne, to Roy D. Boucher
of Dayton, Ohio, son of Mr. and
Mrs. E. James Boucher, of Gata-
sauqua, Pa.
Miss English was graduated
from Sullins School, Bristol, Va.
and attended the University and
Miami University. She is a mem-
ber of Pi Beta Phi and Phi Up-
silon Omicron.
Mr. Boucher attended the Uni-
versity where he received his
Bachelor of Laws degree in June,
1947. He is a member of Phi Delta
Theta and Phi Delta Phi. During
his undergraduate years at the
University, Mr. Boucher was affili-
ated with Phi Eta Sigma, Phi
Kappa Phi and Kappa PhiSigma.
He was president of the' Michi-
gan Union and a member of the
Western Conference champion
tennis teams for two years.
The wedding will be an event of
The engagement of Sigrid Nel-
son to Allan Duncan was an-
nounced by her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Nelson of Berkley dur-
ing dinner at the Alpha Chi
Omega House.
The news was received in the
form of a miniature newspaper
bearing pictures of the couple.
Miss Nelson is a senior in the
literary college and affiliated with
Alpha Chi Omega and Theta Sig-
ma Phi.
Mr. Duncan, the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Duncan of South
Bend, nd., was graduated from
Kalamazoo'College and is attend-
ing Northwestern Dental School.
He is a member of Psi Omega.
Barker-Kal Istrom
Announcement has been made
of the engagement of Barbara Lou
Barker to Robert Donald Kall-
strom by her parents, Dr. and Mrs.
Vincent L. Barker of Monroe.
Mr. Kallstrom is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Gustav R. Kallstrom of
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.
Miss Barker is a junior in the
literary, college and is affiliated
with Alpha Phi.
Mr.AKallstrom is a senior at
Yale University and is a member
of Sigma Nu.
The couple plans a September
Dr. and Mrs. Hazen P. Cole of
Ithaca, Michigan have announced
the engagement of their daughter,
Betty, to William Lindhout, son
of Mrs. Pierre Lindhout of Grand
Rapids, Michigan.
Miss Cole is a senior in the
School of Literature, Science and
the Arts and is affiliated with
Gamma Phi Beta.
Mr. Lindhout is a junior in the
School of Architecture and Design
and is affiliated with Sigma Phi.
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