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April 29, 1949 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-04-29

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.Debate Fi

lists -7

HIGH SCHOOL DEBATERS-Climax of high school Forensics
Day here will be the annual state championship debate, at 8 p.m.
today in Rackham Lecture Hall, on the topic: "Resolved, That
the United Nations Now Be Revised Into a Federal World Govern-
ment." For the affirmative: Grand Rapids Union High, represented
by David Noorthoek (upper left) and Jack Roh (lower left).
For the negative: Lansing Eastern High, represented by Ted
Wuerthner (upper right) and James Starr (lower right). The
contest will follow a debate banquet at the Wethodist Church,
where awards will be made to high school teams which won pre-
liminary rounds.
U.S., German Students Differ
In Religious Interests---Bethge

Reds Coui
Take China,
ElfF eld Says
"Communists can and probably
will overrun China, but adminis-
tering the country will present a
more difficult task than conquer-
ing it"
This was the comment of Prof.
Russell H. Fifield of the political
science department when queried
on the current Communist ad-
vances on the Chinese front.
" s *
completely controlled by a central
government, and is really only a
loose union of provinces. Commu-
nist control in the West will prob-
ably be merely nominal as the war
lords in that area are very strong."
"They have always tried to
get along with the winning side,
however, and will probably co-
operate with the Communists,"
he noted.
"And there is nothing we can
do to save the Nationalists," Prof.
Fifield believes. "The fundamental
reason for their defeat is a col-
lapse in morale, more arms won't
do the trick."
"IN FACT, Maj. Gen. David G.
Barr, who was recent head of
American military advisers in
China, testified before a congres-
sional committee that the Nation-
alists have never lost a battle for
lack of arms or munitions."
"Most of the arms we have
sent them has fallen into Com-
munist hands," Prof. Fifield
The only place the Nationalists
could possibly hold out is Formosa.
"The Communists have neither a
navy or air force strong enough to
take the island," he said.
* * *
ready moved the best parts of his
navy and air force there," he
noted, "and has large stocks of
gold and silver on the island."
"He may gamble on American
support of his position there be-
cause the U.S. has a stake in the
islands off Asia."
"China has a permanent seat on
the Security Council and can use
the Veto power. If the U.S. rec-
ognizes a Chinese government
base on Formosa, the Russian gov-
ernment might oppose this move
and try to get the seat on the Se-
curity Council for a Communist
controlled government of China."
AIEE Meeting
Begins Today
Student and faculty represen-
tatives from 19 schools;will as-
semble herd for the Great Lakes
District Student Branch Confer-
ence of the AIEE, today and to-
Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the
engineering school will give the
welcoming address at the morning
session of the electrical engineer-
ing conference.
Graduate and undergraduate
papers will be presented by stu-
dents in competition with the
other schools and prizes will be
Al Forman, '50E, will represent
the University in the presentation
of his paper on the construction
and testing of magnetrons, for

which he recently won an AIEE

Is the pen really mightier than
the sword?
Twenty love-sick maidens seem
to think that it is. At least, their
activities in the Gilbert and Sul-
livan operetta "Patience" bear out
the truth of this time-honored
"Patience," which will be pre-
sented by the University Gilbert
and Sullivan Society on May 12,
13, and 14, satirizes the activities
of long-haired intellectual in typ-
ical Gilbert and Sullivan fashion.
The maidens spurn the affec-
tions of a company of Her Maj-
esty's finest dragoon guards and
fall in love, all 20 of them, with

local Gilbert and Sullivan society by Jimmie Lobaugh, who scored
productions. a big hit in "Froggy Bottom", a
ane Reginald Bunthorne, an aes- few weeks ago.
thetic poet. e er ksslr
The forthcoming production of General ticket sales for "Pa-
"Patience" will feature a danc- tience" open Monday at the Ad-
ing chorus, a new innovation for ministration Building. Mail orders
Choreography is being directed are being accepted now.

in Ann Arbor
508 E. Williams

The Big Three

Opera 'Patience' To Satirize Longhairs

American students are con-
cerned about the application of
Christian ideals but German stu-
dents want to know about specific
theological doctrines.
That's the observation of Eber-
hard Bethge, of the University of
Berlin, one of 100 German leaders
sent to this country by the United
States military government.
Says College
Should Make,
Universities should produce edu-
cational films for the public school
system, Kenneth Macgowan, movie
producer and head of the theatre
arts department at UCLA, declared
yesterday in a speech called "The
Screen-A Better Blackboard."
"Films for educational purposes
cannotbe produced profitably be-
cause there is not a large enough
market," Macgowan =pointed ut.r
GRANTS FROM foundations
are tied up in social and global
projects, Macgowan said. "So, the
logical place to turn to promote
educational films is the University
"I don't propose that universities
compete with commercial produc-
tion of educational films," Mac-
gowan declared. "But colleges
could go into the fields which
these producers won't touch," he,
Films won't replace teachers
but we can teach more students
faster by means of films, Mac-
gowan concluded.

BETHGE WILL tour American
universities to study the develop-
ment of religious leadership
among students. He was a guest
of the national chaplains' confer-.
ence which ended yesterday.
At the University of Berlin lo-
cated in the Russian zone where
Bethge is the Lutheran 'chap-
lain, there is a sharp division
between church and state.
Although the Lutheran organi-
zation is made up only of students,
it has no official connection with
the university, Bethge said.
"There are three acepted
groups in Germany: the political
parties, the trade unions and the
free German youth. It is difficult
for independent groups ith dis-
senting ideas to get approval," he
pointed out.
While at the University, Bethge
plans to visit many of the student
organizations on campus. Stu-
dents who wish to ask him ques-
tions personally about his work in
Germany may contact him at
Lane Hall, he said. He will be here,
until May 7.
Speech 31 Contest
Won by Norwood
Charles Norwood, '51, won the
Speech 31 Extemporaneous Speak-
ing Contest yesterday with his
talk entitled "Let's Be Selfish."
Norwood discussed the misuse
of power in a democracy.
Second place winner was Tor-
come Sahakian, '49BAd., who
spoke on "An American Attitude."
Others in the final round of the
contest were: Allan Kidston, '52,
William Storey, '51, Roland Ger-
son, '50, and Hugh Greenberg, '51.

Drive In at
Beer Vault
OPEN 10-10
303 North Fifth Ave.

Read and. Use The Daily Classified.,


We Now Have Tickets For All
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