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April 29, 1949 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-04-29

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Our Best Chance
THE UNITED STATES has recently taken
a big step toward answering the "What-
Shall-we-do-about-Germany" question by
making plans to permit students from that
and other conquered nations to enter Amer-
ican universities next fall.
The Institute of International Educa-
tion, in cooperation with the Army De-
partment intends to finance 300 college
students from Germany, Austria and
Japan for one year's study in the United
States. The program will begin in Sep-
By this action the government has finally
shown that it realizes that something more
than a short term economic reconstruc-
tion program is needed to assure the con-
tinuance of faith in our way of life by the
conquered people. The government finally
has found a method which can insure that
our ideas will not be discarded when the
German has a roof over his head, a full
belly and a firm economy. This same meth-
od will plant our ideals so firmly in their
minds that they can withstand all attacks
from any outside influence.
This method is education. The best type
of education the German can receive is that
which gives him a first hand knowledge of
our people and their way of living. The
proposed educational program is the be-
ginning of such a long term system.
The beginning, however, is destined to
be the end. As the plan now stands it can
never accomplish its aims of teaching
the foreign students our brand of democ-
racy. And the fact that these students will
be admitted for one year only is the whole
The students will have just begun to gain
a knowledge of America when they will be
told to pack their bags. They will have only
a tourist's view of the United States.
The Institute must either raise more
funds or admit fewer students to be allowed
to complete their studies here. If this is not
done, we will be passing up our best chance
to show Germany, Austria and Japan
democracy in action.
-Vernon Emerson.
THERE is the faint suspicion in my mind
that were this play not about the cher-
ished character of Abraham Lincoln, there
would be no reason for anyone to see it. Did
we not all know that the hero of the piece
was ready one of our most venerated na-
tional gods, we might suppose he was a
gangling bumpkin about whom it was silly
for anyone to make a fuss. However, it is
impossible to see the character of Lincoln
objectively-he is at all times viewed through
love-colored glasses, and can do no wrong.
Dramatically speaking, the play does
gather momentum as it approaches its
climax, and as the democratic ideals of
our nation come more clearly into focus
in the person of Lincoln. This movement
seems to have escaped the attention of the
cast, however, for the characters as played
last evening were set and static. Even
though some 30 years elapsed in this tale
of Lincoln's relationship to his friends
and to his nation, none of the characters
matured in the way the play did ... how
they would play their roles throughout
was decided in their very first lines.
I had the uncomfortable feeling that many
of the players were uncomfortable and in-
secure in their roles-as if they were small
boys who had burst into the parlor with a
wild tale to tell, while their mother was
entertaining the minister and his wife at
tea-and they were looking for some easy

way to hide their embarrassment. It was as
if the audience had inadvertently shown up
at the dress rehearsal.
Praise for performances that stood out in
an ununified production must go to Ted
Teusel as Lincoln, and to Nafe Katter, John
Sargent, Stan Challis, and Carl Teitelbaum
if he would get in character.
This is not a poor production, but it is
rather flat, although it is true the audience
was very kind. I do not feel that the fact
that the players are students is sufficied
excuse, since I am generally most enthus-
iastic about the work of Play Production.
-Perry Logan.
Wireless telegraphy has made great strides
in the past few years, according to a Uni-
versity professor, who recently made a
report to the emperor of Germany. The
distances from station to station are grow-
ing bigger and signals are clearer by the
erection of metallic towers at each station,
he reported.
The University hit the top of its Liberty
Loan to the tune of $42,000, and without
faculty help. The 40-piece varsity band
helped the national drive by playing in
Chicago, Detroit and Saginaw.

Letters to the Editor-

-Daily-Bill Hampton
"Well, whaddya know, Ed! It looks as though you can go to
school AND eat nowadays!"

(Continued from Page 3)
Approved Student Sponsored
Social Events for the following
Friday, April 29, 1949
Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Rho
Chi, Congregational-Disciples
Guild, Gamma Phi Beta, Jordan
Hall, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa
Delta, Kappa Sigma, Lutheran
Student Assn., Phi Delta Phi, Phi
Sigma Kappa.
Saturday, April 30, 1949
Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Epsilon
Phi, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha
Rho Chi, Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi,
Delta Kappa Epsilon, Delta Tau
Delta, Hawaii Club, Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Kappa Nu, Lambda Chi
Alpha, Lawyer's Club, Nu Sigma
Nu, Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi Delta
Phi, Phi Gamma Delta, Psi Upsi-
lon, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma
Chi, Winchell House, Zeta Psi,
Zeta Beta Tau.
Sunday, May 1, 1949
Deutscher Verein, Helen New-
berry Residence, New Women's
Residence Hall, Phi Delta Phi,
Phi Sigma Delta, Zeta Tau Alpha.
Women students attending the
Crease Ball on April 29 have 1:30
a.m. late permission. Calling hours
will not be extended.
Women students attending the
movie "Hamlet" must apply in
person at the Office of the Dean
of Women for late permission.
Employment Notices:
The Pacific Mutual Life Insur-
ance Company of Los Angeles, is
interested in considering a limited
number of applicants for entrance
into their group insurance school.
The Detroit Civil Service Com-
mission announces the examina-
tions for Architectural Engineer,
Civil Engineer, Electrical Engi-
neer, Mechanical Engineer, Struc-
tural Engineer.
The Mathieson Chemical Co.:
Mr. George Bramann will be here
on Friday, April 29th, to interview
chemical engineers with BS and
MS degrees. Positions will be in
Niagara Falls, N.Y., Louisiana,
Houston, Texas, Little Rock, Ar-
kansas, Baltimore, Md., and Salt-
ville, Va. They are also interested
in interviewing PhD's in physical
chemistry. For appointments, call
Ext. 371, or stop in the office of
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Admin. Bldg.
Junior Mechanical & Industrial-
Mechanical Engineers: A repre-
sentative of General Motors Cor-
poration Foundry Plants will in-
terview applicants for 1949 sum-
mer employment for foundry work
leading to supervisory positions.
See Bulletin Board at Room 225
West Engineering Bldg. for speci-
fications. You may make appoint-
ment in the Mechanical Engineer-
ing Office for interview Friday,
April 29.
North American Aviation, Inc.,
will interview Aeronautical, Me-
chanical, and Electrical Engineer-
ing summer graduates (BS and
MS degrees) on Tuesday, May 3, in
Rm. 1523 E. E. Application blanks
in Rm. 1079 E. E. Sign schedule on
Aero bulletin board.
Minneapolis, Minnesota, Public
Schools: Mrs. Luella Cook will be
at the Bureau of Appointments, on
Saturday morning, April 30, to in-
terview ELEMENTARY teachers.
All those interested should call
the Bureau Ext. 489 immediately,
for an appointment.

Academic Notices
Astronomical Seminar: Satur-
day, April 30, 10 a.m., MaMath-
Hulbert Observatory, Lake An-
gelus. Speaker: Dr. Leo Goldberg,
Director University Observatory.
Subject: "The Near Infra-Red
Spectrum of Carbon Dioxide."
Education F-218, Seminar in
Tests and Measurements, will
meet Friday, April 29, 8:00 a.m. to
10:00 a.m., Room 2532, U.H.S.
French 294 will not meet today.
University Lepture: Professor
Karl von Frisch, formerly of the
University of Munich, will lecture
on "The Language of the Bees,"
Friday, April 29, 4:15 p.m., Natural
Science Auditorium. Auspices of
the Department of Zoology. The
public is invited to attend.
Lecture: Dr. John F. Flagg of
the General Electric Company will
lecture Friday at 4:00 p.m. in
Room 1400, Chemistry Building on
the subject, "What Lies Ahead for
Organic Reagents"?
Forest Management Group: Mr.
Russell Watson will speak on
"Case Studies of Two Commercial
Forestry Operations in the Lake
States" Monday, May 2, at 7:30
p.m. in the East Lecture Room on
the Mezzanine of the Rackham
Building. All those interested are
welcome to attend.
West Quad Glee Club will pre-
sent its Annual Spring Concert at
4:00 p.m. Sunday, May 1, in the
Michigan Union Ballroom. Admis-
sion is free and everyone is invited'
to attend.
Student Recital: Harriet Risk,
student of cello with Oliver Edel,
will present a program in the Hus-
sey Room of the Michigan League
at 8:00 Sunday evening, May 1.
Given in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Music, it will include
Suite No. 1 in G major by Bach,
Sonata in E minor, Op. 38 by
Brahms, and the first American
performance of Concerto in C mi-
nor, Op. 66, by Miaskovsky. The
general public is invited.
Events Today
Panel Discussion: "Cooperative
Business Education in the Michi-
gan High Schools," School of Bus-
iness Education in the Michigan
High Schools," School of Business
Administration, Room 130, 7:30
p.m., Friday, April 29. Students of
education and teachers are espe-
cially invited.
Graduate Students interested in
planning a twilight picnic should
attend a meeting Friday, April 29
at 4:15 in the Periodical Room of
the Study Hall in Rackham.
The Westminster Guild of the
Presbyterian Church: "Open
House" party Friday, April 29th,
8:30 to 11:30 p.m. in the social hall
of the church building. Dancing,
games, and refreshments.
Deutscher Verein Picnic, Sun-
day, May 1, 3 p.m., on the Island.
Tickets available in 204 Univ. Hall
prior to noon Friday.

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject#
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which1
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repet-i
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * *,
Decorum Pledge
To the Editor:
the "decorum pledge" at
Martha Cook was incomplete and
inaccurate. It did not concern;
the "traditional closing hour cere-a
monies" at all which practically
none of us would want to see done
away with, but instead the monop-
olization all evening of the living;
room by several couples who made
the use of the room by "first
daters" and girls with parents
and friends an uncomfortable sit-
uation. The informal pledge was;
not expected to bind anyone to a;
state of high-button shoes and
chaperones but to suggest to the
minority offenders that there is a
certain amount of social pressure
against such displays. I disagree
that "most of the signers are
hypocrites," as you quoted Marge
Kalbfleisch, because this meeting
came about after a long period
of individual voiced disapproval
Club Europa will hold Open
House Friday night from 9 to 12.
Members and everyone interested
are invited to attend.
German Coffee Hour: Friday,
3:00-4:30 p.m. Russian Tea Room.
All interested students and faculty
members are invited.
The Geological-Mineralogical
Journal Club will hold a regular
meeting at 12:25 in Room 2054,
N.S. Bldg. on Friday, April 29, to
hear Mr. Daniel Bradley on Wis-
consin Glaciation of Newfound-
land and Mr. John J. Hayes on
The influence of orogeny on struc-
ture and sedimentation in North-
ern Newfoundland. This is an open
Barbour Scholarship Party on
Friday, April 29, at 8:00 p.m. in
East Conf. Room, Rackham Bldg.
Roger Williams Guild-Michi-
gan Baptist Student Commission
meeting at Guild House, 7 p.m.
Guild Party in honor of visiting
commissioners, 8:30 p.m.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation-
Kappa Nu Fraternity will act as
hosts for Friday Evening Services,
7:45 at the Hillel Foundation.
Prof. Morris Greenhut, of the
English Department, will be the
fireside speaker.
Hillel Foundation: There will
be a -meeting of the UJA Central
Committee today in the Betsy Bar-
bour Lounge at 4:15 promptly for
all captains.
Club Europa: Open House.
Dance, and refreshments. Interna-
tional Center, 8:30 p.m.
Association Coffee Hour, Lane
Hall; 4:00 p.m.
There will be a'meeting of the
Committee to End Discrimination,
sub-committee of the IRA, Friday,
4 p.m., at the Union.
Coming Events
Lutheran Student Association
Outdoor Party -Friday evening.

Meet at the Student Center, 1304
Hill Street at 7:30 to go to East
Riverside Park. In case of rain
party will be held at Lane Hall.
Le Cerele Francais will have a
big soiree Monday, May 2, at 8
p.m., in the Michigan League. All
members are urged to attend.
Guests of honor: actors of "La
Belle Aventure" and all those who
helped in its performance. A spe-
cial program will be presented.
Songs. Refreshments.
Phi Sigma Society: 8 p.m., May
2, 1949, Rackham Amphitheatre.
Program: Professor Norman R. F.
Maier of the Psychology Depart-
ment. Subject: "Animal Studies
in Frustration."
Graduating Outing Club meet
Sunday, May 2, at 2:15 p.m. at
northwest entrance to Rackham
building for bicycling or hiking.
Please sign supper list at Rackham
checkroom desk before noon Sat-

about the monopolized living room
and the meeting was an effort
to amplify the expression. The
pledge carries no police power and
was only to publicize the opinion.
Incidentally, we have no inten-
tion of stifling Spring.
-Audrey Riddell.
To the Editor:
In response to the article April
28. 1949. concerning our "deco-
rum pledge" we feel you unfortu-
nately misrepresented our aims
and intentions. By over-emphasiz-
ing the means you have obscured
the ends. We definitely had a
problem and handled it as intelli-
gently as we could. Instead of re-
sorting to a "police policy" or
some similar form of authority to
regiment our behavior, we, as a
group, thought it to be more in
accord with our age and intelli-
gence to depend on our own ideas
and innate values.
We regret that you handled this
matter of serious importance to us
in such a light manner. We did not
intend for our actions to be inter-
preted as a universal moral les-
son. but rather as an attempt to
find some solution to the problem
that we have encountered.
As eight chaperones of Martha
Cook we find that this pledge has
fundamentally been adhered to
and has proven most effective.
-Adele Hager
Margaret Martin
Night Chaperones,
Martha Cook Bldg.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily be-
lieves that it reported the facts
about the Margia Cook pledge ac-
curately and in straight-forward
feature style. It is a known fact
that "closing hour ceremonies" be-
gin early in the afternoon lit many
women's residence halls.)
To the Editor:
ists: We wish to commend
wholeheartedly your fine effort to
rid your house of superfluous "af-
fection." It's not every day that
the female asserts herself in order
to remove what is obviously ob-
noxious to her. This school has
long been renowned for its out-
standing scholarship, athletic at-
tainments and female pulchritude.
And now thanks to your chaste ef-
forts, we are assured that only
the highest type coed will be at-
tracted to Ann Arbor.
We must realize the implica-
tions of the other (Stockwellian)
conduct. Why, what would our
parents (friends, or girls) say if
they heard that such things were
going on at Michigan? I fear the
majority of us would be forced to
withdraw from the University.
What this chaotic world indeed
needs is an uplifting of morals
and, a further segregation of the
sexes. We, the males of the Uni-
versity of Michigan, are proud of
you. At last, night baseball has
-George H. Meyer,
Bob Lamb.

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under th
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ....Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ................City Editor
Naomi Stern.......Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ...Associate Editor
Al Blumrosen ........Associate Editor
Leon Jaroff ..........Associate Editor
Robert C. White ......Associate Editor
B. S. Brown...........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey ... Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery ......Women's Editor
Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editoi
Bess Hayes ..................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Halt .......Business Manager
Jean Leonard. ....Advertising Manager
William Culman ....Finance Manager
Cole Christian ... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mall
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by enail.


But Miss Dixon wants me to help her to

And, of course, you'll have your

Imagine a biographer actually being able

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