Trounce Spartans,
7 -2
Wolverines Battle Gopher
Nine Today at Minneapolis
Transport the game of paddle-
tennis to a handball court, mix
thoroughly with squash, sprinkle
liberally with jai alai, add a pinch
of tennis for flavor, shake well be-
fgre using, and you'll have Earl
Riskey's recipe for paddleball-the
game which he invented here at
Michigan almost twenty years ago.
Riskey, known to most Mich-
iWan students merely as the boss
man down at the Intramural
Biilding, is really a national fig-
utre in the sporting world; the
game which he invented is fast
becoming THE game at colleges,
playgrounds, and athletic clubs
throughout the country.
WHEN THE I-M $uilding first its doors early in 1928,
Earl Riskey came to Michigan to
join the Intramural- staff. A
graduate of Michigan State Nor-
mal College at Ypsilanti, Riskey
had participated actively in col-
lege athletics there, and earned
himself quite a name, and lots of
varsity, letters.
One day in 1930, Riskey, the
champion paddle-tennis player
in these parts, picked up a
paddle-tennis racket and one
of the sponge balls used, in this
fascinating game, went out on
one of the I-M handball courts,
and, for the lack of anything
Metter to do, began to bat the
little ball around. He liked doing
this; so did the rest of the I-M
.ttt 'ftiey constructed heavier
paddles, wrote a set of rules very
similar to those used for hand-
ball, and began to indulge in
iUskey's creation every after-
noon after working hours.
Now, even such distinguished
men as United States Senators
have succumbed to the lure of
paddleball. Riskey, 'not too long
-ago, received a letter from then
Vice President Henry Wallace say-
ing that he, and his Senate col-
leagues, thought paddleball an ex-
cellent game, and enjoyed playing
it very much.
* * *
Idleb all Gets
Gene Estes, of Phi Psi fraternity,
shown above, attempts to re-
turn a fine placement by oppo-
nent Irv Stenn of Zeta Beta Tau,
In a close Intramural tennis
paddleball has its bad features.
The game's main fault is that
there is, really no official paddle
or ball. Riskey is trying to have
official equipment adopted; this,
he says, would save many argu-
ments as to what is, or what isn't,
regulation size.
Riskey regulations are short
and sweet. They call for a four-
walled handball court with a
paddle measuring fifteen inches
long, seven inches wide, and
weighing fourteen ounces. A
tennis ball, from which the out-
er cover has been removed,
makes the best ball. Otherwise,
rules are just like those of
So, next time you pick up some
old athletic equipment and put it
to some strange or novel use, re-
member you, too, may have some-
thing. You may go down in sport-
ing history as another James Nai-
smith, another Abner Doubleday,
or another Earl Riskey.
By The Associated Press
DETROIT-Johnny Groth, the
Detroit Tigers' sensational rookie,
hit his second grand slam homer
of the season yesterday but the
St. Louis Browns bounced back to
take the Tigers, 9-6.
Groth continued his impressive
hitting streak as he got two for
four today and batted in five of
Detroit's runs. It marked the
ninth straight game that Groth
came up wtih at least one hit.
* * *
BOSTON-Ted Williams had
a perfect day at the plate, belt-
ing his first 1949 homer, as the
Boston Red Sox swept a two-
game series from the Philadel-
phia Athletics, 12-5, ye erday
before a chilled 10,823 ladies'
day crowd at wind-swept Fen-
way Park.
S* * *
pat went the distance yesterday,
spacing eight hits for his third
straight victory as the New York
Yankees defeated the Washington
Senators, 6-2. The win evened the
current two-game series at one tri-
umph apiece.
NEW YORK-The Brooklyn
Dodgers used the New York
Giants as a stepping stone yes-
terday, climbing into a first
place tie with Boston in the Na-
tional League by virtue of a 15-2
thumping of their interborough
The Dodgers gained revenge
for their 11-3 loss of Wednesday
by shelling five Giant flingers
for 19 hits.
pitching by Vern Bickford and
timely hitting gave the Boston
Braves a 6-1 victory over the
Philadelphia Phillies yesterday.
CHICAGO -- Ken Raffens-
berger, veteran lefty, hurled a
masterful seven-hitter to give
the Cincinnati Reds a 2-0 vic-
tory over the Chicago Cubs yes-
terday before 7,582 chilled fans.
It was his second victory in
three starts.
ST. LOUIS - The steady pitch-
in% of Al Brazle who scattered
'M' Team Balance, Power
ell Victoryin First Match
Paton, Otto, Mikulich, MacKay Win Singles;
Wolverines Sweep Both Doubles Matches
(Special to The Daly~
Taking its first chance
the rest of the Big-Nine'
ing to be boss this season,
ful and well-balancedl
net squad squelched its
hosts, 7-2 in yesterday's
Rated by a Spartan ob
the most powerful net
'M' history, Coach Bill3
courtmen won four of th
gles matches and came of
in all of the doubles mat
* * *
tain for Michigan, And
was pressed to three set
first time in three years
petition with the Sparta
His opponent, Bob
captain of the MSC squi
up to his rating and gav
trouble, winning the f
6-2. Paton came back t
to show
who's go-
a power-
server as
squad in
e six sin-
ut on top
and cap-f
y Paton,"
s for the
of com-
ad, lived
ve Paton
irst set,
a hit his
Penn Relays
Begin Today
By The Associated Press
nual Penn Relays opening todayj
appears likely to write a nearly-
new roster of champions.'
More than 3,000 athletes are!
entered as representatives of some
500 schools and colleges in the'
two-day program at University of
Pennsylvania's spacious Franklin!
Field. Defending champions re-
turn in 14 of the 19 major events,
but only, six appear reasonably
probable winners.
MICHIGAN, which won two'
relays and the unofficial team'
title in 1948 figures to face a
stern test and may be upset.
Clear and cool weather is
forecast, with track conditions
close to Ideal.
These defending champions are
favored to repeat: Broad jump,
Lorenzo Wright, Wayne _ Univer-I
sity; 100-yard dash, Lt. William
G. Carter, now representing Lock-
bourne (0.) Air Force Base; Yale's
Vic Frank in the discus throw;
Penn State in both the distance
medley and four-mile relays; Pitt
in the 480-yard shuttle hurdles
and N.Y.U. in the mile.
Carter faces stiff competition,
including the fast Chuck Peters
of Indiana.
stride,-winning the next two
sets, 6-3, 6-3.
At the last moment a switch in
the Wolverine lineup moved soph
Al Hetzeck to the second berth
where he faced Bob Fleishman for
the Spartans. This was the tight-
est match of the day with many
games lasting 15 minutes or long-
* * *
FLEISHMAN TOOK the first set
with Hetzeck coming back to win
the second, 6-4. However, the
Spartan came out on top in the
third set 6-4, to take the match.
Moving up to the third slot,
Fred Otto dropped his first set,
6-1 to soph Tom Martin of MSC.
After this set however, Otto put-
on the steam and asserted his
three years' seniority to the
tune of 6-1, 6-2, giving Michi-
gan its second singles win.
Winning with no trouble in the
number four berth was former 'M'
captain Bill Mikulich, recently re-
turned to the team. He didn't give
his net opponent a chance, win-
ning easily, 6-2 and 6-0.
THE WOLVERINES were forced
to split in the fifth and sixth slots.
Number five for Michigan, Bob
MacKay, topped Jerry Teifer in
two easy sets, 6-3, 6-3. However
MSC's Bruce Brevitz came out
ahead of Gordie Naugle in three
long sets, 6-3, 5-7, 7-5.
Showing exceptional balance
and power the netters left no
question as to which was the
more powerful squad as they
breezed through the doubles
Paton and Mikulich, last year's
number one doubles pair, teamed
up again and topped Fleishman
and Malaga in three sets, 4-6, 6-4,
IN THE SECOND doubles Het-
zeck and Otto paired up to de-
feat Yatchman and Martin in two
sets as did MacKay and Naugle
over Brevitz and Teifer.
The net squad returns to Ann
Arbor to get set for their next
match Saturday, against the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin.
Michigan's baseball team re-
sumes its Conference schedule this
afternoon when it opens a two-
game series against Minnesota at
In Big Nine play the, Gophers
have lost one game to Illinois, the
defending co-champions, and tied
the Illini in a second contest.
Ferm, Bob Otness and Glenn Gos-
tic are all hitting better than .300
for the Northmen, there has been
no indication of power at the
The squad's 16 hits in the
pair of Conference starts were
all singles.
On the other hand, the Wolver-
ines, in their last three starts,
have pounded out 35 hits for 22
runs, including a variety of extra-
base blows.
IN CONFERENCE play, how-
ever, there are only two Maize and
Blue players batting more than
Life-Saving Starts
Tonight at YMCA
A National Senior Life Saving
Class is going to be given by the
local YMCA this semester, mainly
for the benefit of students who
wish to get summer camp jobs,
but lack the necessary life saving
The first class will be held to-
night at 7 p.m. in the YMCA pool.
The classes, under the direction of
Carl Conlon, will continue weekly
until June 1.
Inquiries should be made to
Paul Samuell at the YMCA build-
Ford ham University
Three-Year Day Course
Four-Year Evening Course
Member of Assn. of Amer. Law Schools
Matriculants must be college graduates
and present full transcript
of college record.
For further information address
Registrar, Fordham University
302 Broadway, New York 7, N.Y.
Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 2552
Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m.
on the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1949
VOL. LIX, No. 146
Honors Convocation: The an-
nual Convocation recognizing Uni-
versity honor students will be held
at 11 a.m. Friday, April 29, in Hill
Auditorium. Dr. James B. Conant,
President of Harvard University, ei
will speak on "Skepticism and St
Courage in the Modern World." ov
Classes, with the exception of clin-
ics, will be dismissed at 10:45. Se-
niors who are enrolled in clinics
may be excused to attend.
Academic costume will be worn
by faculty members, who will robe
backstage and proceed to their
seats on the stage. Honor students
are not required to wear caps and
gowns. Main floor seats will be
reserved for them and their fami-
lies and will be held until 10:55.
Doors of the Auditorium will open
at 10:30. The public is invited.-
(Continued on Page 4)
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ght Pittsburgh hits helped the
t. Louis Cardinals to a 4-2 verdict
ver the Pirates yesterday.
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