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April 23, 1949 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-04-23

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La test Deadline in the State

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Truman Asks,
Approval of
Medical Plan
Would Lay Taxes
On AllPayrolls
WASHINGTON-4A)l -President
Truman asked Congress yesterday
to help end "unnecessary human
suffering" by approving a com-
pulsory medical insurance plan
which, officials said, might cost
$6,000,000,000 a year.
WORKERS PAY checks and
employers payrolls would be taxed
to finance the program.
Declaring that "good health
is the foundation of a nation's
strength," President Truman
appealed anew for adoption of
the broad 10-year health pro-
gram he previously had outlined
to the lawmakers.
This calls for a vast expansion
of the country's medical services
and hospital .facilities, plus in-
creased numbers of doctors, dent-
ists and nurses.
major stress on the Compulsory
Health Insurance Program in his
3,000-word message to Congress.
President Truman, however,
pointed to the recent spread of
voluntary medical insurance
plans as "proof that our people
understand the advantages of
health insurance and desire its
"Unfortupately," he, added,
"voluntary plans have proved in-
adequate to meet the need." He
said that while some 50,000,000
Americans now have "some form
of health insurance" only "three
and one-half million of our peo-
ple have insurance which provides
anything approaching adequate
health protection."
charges that the Federal Insur-
ance project would be too costly,
President Truman said "the truth
is that we will save a great deal
more than it costs."
"The real cost of our present
inadequate medical care," the
President said, "is not measured
merely by doctors' bills and hos-
pital bills. The real cost to so-
ciety is in unnecessary human
suffering and the yearly loss of
hundreds of millions of produc-
tive working days."
"It is plain common sense," he
said, "that we should not permit
these needless costs to continue
when we have it within our power
to reduce them with a practical
health program."
Big 3 Offers
To Germans
American trouble-shooter, Robert
D. Murphy, rushed overseas last
night to sell a "compromise" plan
of limited self - government to
balking Germans and thus pre-
vent Russia from winning a big
round in the cold war.
ed by the big three-the United
States, Britain and France-after
the powerful German Socialist
Party turned thumbs down on a

big three offer for a federal Ger-
man state with limited powers.
-i nthe compromise, made pub-
lic tonight, the three powers
gave in slightly to the Socialists'
demand for more centralized
control of the finances of the
proposed West German regime.
Secretary of State Acheson
picked Murphy, his top expert on
German affairs, to puf the com-
promise across. Murphy is Amer-
ican Political Adviser for the oc-
* * *
THE URGENT reason for the
_. . 4;r T I2 t 4. ±1n

Atlantic Pact Obligates
U.S. To Fight ---Morse

"America will be obligated to go to war if
Atlantic pact," Senator Wayne Morse, (Rep., Ore.)
He defended the pact as "America's only hope

she signs the
said last night.
for peace."

SPEAKING to an attentive group of three hundred law school
students and faculty at the Lawyers Club founders banquet, Sen.
Morse also attacked the Administration's proposed labor law in
regard to the use of emergency injunctions.
"Let's not kid the American people about our moral re-
sponsibilities under the Atlantic Pact," Sen. Morse said.
He placed the blame for the present state of world peace largely
on the Soviet Union, but said that the United States also had its
share of responsibility.

-Daily-Don Howe
* *' *
"WE CAN'T take chances w4h
America's security," Sen. Morse
declared; saying that he hoped
Russia would come back and ne-
gotiate through the United Na-
tions when she saw the strength
in the Atlantic Pact.
Sen. Morse is a member of the
Senate Armed Services Commit-
Speaking on "Constitutional;
Questions Before the Senate,"
Sen. Morse condemned the stand
of the Attorney-General that the
president has inherent powers to
issue an injunction in a labor
dispute that becomes a national
point out that injunctions are not'
mentioned in the bill, but the Jus-
tice Department Attorney General
has come out with this claim for
inherent presidential powers.
"This is working both sides of
the street," he said.
The Senator said he was help-
ing draft new emergency labor
legislation which would let the
President issue a proclamation
and set up an emergency board
with power to render a decision
in 30 days.
If in that sixty days, either par-
ty defies the board, the president
would place the matter before
Congress and let them take ac-
tion, he noted.
The Senator said that Sena-
tor Robert A. Taft and Sen. Ives
were in agreement with him but
wanted President to have injunc-
tion power.

Morse Sees
Fight for
School Aid
Federal aid to education will
face a tough battle in Congress,
Senator Wayne Morse, (Rep., Ore-
gon) said in an interview yester-
The Senator was "hopeful that
some sort of aid bill would be
passed," but said that strong op-
position would come from "those
who do not understand the need
for federal aid."
THE PRESENT Congress shows
a poor record on a large number
of issues before it, Sen. Morse
said. "Nothing could be as bad
as the previous Congress," he add-
ed, but predicted that no action
would be taken on civil rights leg-
islation, income tax revision or
national health legislation..
"A lot of the legislation pass-
ed will be watered down," he
Sen. Morse anticipated that
most of the 1950 political cam-
paign would be fought on the
question of "Who was responsible
for the failure of the present
* * *
HE PLACED MOST of the re-
sponsibility on the men who made
up the Republican - Southern
Democrat coalition which broke
the recent Senate filibuster.
Sen. Morse called the coali-
tion one of the "greatest mis-
takes that the Republican par-
ty could have made." The GOP
is "only kidding the American
people" when it says an effec-
tive anti-filibuster rule has been
adopted, he added.
"Actually, the rule strengthens
the power of a minority to block
the will of the majority." (The
recently adopted rule calls for a
vote of 64 Senators to cut off de-
Calling the rule a "backward
step," Sen. Morse pointed out that
the coalition could not even mus-
ter 64 votes to get it passed. "The
rule was passed by 63 votes."
The Senator accused both
Republicans and Democrats of
using the income tax issue for
political vote getting purposes.

UN Probe
In Bulgaria
Voted Down
Issue Postponed
Until Next Fall
United Nations voted last night
against any UN inquiry now into
the trials of Josef Cardinal Minds-
zenty and 15 Bulgarian Protestant
churchmen but decided to keep
the issue alive until next fall.
THE UN ,approved instead an
American-supported plan to in-
voke peace treaty guarantees of
human rights and freedoms in
those Soviet satellite countries.
A Cuban-Australian plan for
an 11-nation commission to in-
vestigate charges of violations of
human rights growing out of the
trials was defeated, 30 to 4, in
the 58-nation special political
committee of the UN Assembly.
Only Australia, Cuba, Lebanon
and New Zealand voted for the
The winning resolution-offered
by Bolivia and backed by the
United States, France and Britain
-urged Hungary and Bulgaria to
cooperate toward settling the is-
sue under the peace treaties.
THE VOTE for this was 34 to 6
(the six were the Russian bloc).
The special committee also rec-
ommended that the issue stay on
the UN books until the regular as-
sembly meeting next September t
see what had been done.
A Chilean proposal to censure
Hungary and Bulgaria at this
stage was withdrawn in the face
of certain defeat.
The Bolivian resolution now
goes to the full assembly, where
its final approval is expected over
strong Slav objections.,
* * * .
headed opposition to the Cuban-
Australian proposal for a commis-
sion to go to Europe and investi-
gate accusations of violations of
human rights in Hungary and
These charges grew out of the
trials of the Hungarian primate
and the Bulgarian religious fig-
World News
DETROIT-Kaiser-Frazer Corp.
closed its huge Willow Run plant
for an indefinite period.
A company spokesman said 7,000
production and salary workers
were being laid off until further
notice because of the strike at the
Bendix Aviation Corp. plant in
South Bend, Ind.
The Willow Run factory will re-
main closed until K-F can obtain
a supply of brake equipment, the
corporation announced.
PARIS - Foreign Minister
Robert Schuman indicated a
four-power conference on Ger-
many may be held soon.
* * *
DARTMOUTH, Eng. - An en-
raged crowd drove Britain's No. 1
Communist, Harry Pollitt, to cover
in a house here after breaking up
a political meeting where he dis-
cussed the shelling of four British

warships by Chinese Reds.
* * *
DETROIT-Thomas Thomp-
son, president of Ford Local 600,
UAW-CIO, said partial returns
from a local election indicate
"overwhelming approval" of a
strike at the Ford Motor Co.
ANNAPOLIS, Md.-The Mary-
land legislature made it a prison
offense to belong to a subversive
ters onf thepAmeric~an Re'volution

High School
Visitors Go on
'U1' DayTour
Michigan, Ohio Pupils
Get View of Campus
More than 1,100 high schoolers
swarmed about the campus yester-
day, inspected classrooms, wan-
dered wide-eyed through dorms,
and went back to their homes with
a seven hour impression of life on
the Michigan campus.
They were guests of the Univer-
sity's Seventh Annual University
Day, and they came from high
schools all over Michigan and
northern Ohio to breathe briefly
the college atmosphere.
All the wonders of New York,
the most sight-seeable city in the
world, couldn't have drawn more
exclamations of awe than did the
minor marvels of the Michigan
* * .*
GUIDES, volunteers trained by
the Union which sponsored the af-
fair, were harassed with all sorts
of questions-reported all kinds of
One potential coed-some-
where in the vicinity of the En-
gine Arch "narrows"-blushed
her first observation of the Uni-
versity's campus. It was a sneer-
ing "Gee! Look at the pretty
flowers along the sidewalk."
In front of the General Library,
one group listened intently as their
guide explained that the library
contains "a main reading room,
basement study hall, first floor
reading room, grad reading
* * *
"BUT," PROTESTED someone,
"where do they keep the books"?+
One guide, explaining the vi-
cissitudes of fraternity life, was
greeted with almost complete
"When you pick a fraternity, is
the mortgage on the house the
most important thing to find out
* * *
IN THE afternoon, the visitors
inspected the Engineering Open
House and saw movies of the Rose
Bowl game.
Most of them, guides reported,
left with a favorable impression
of the University, gripes being
few and far between.
One-from a forward looking
senior: "Where are all the wom-

Engineering Open House
Called Biggest in History

Strange noises emerged from
the College of Engineering and vi-
cinity as the "biggest Engineering
Open House in history" attracted
more than 10,000 high school and
college students, townspeople and
grade school children.
Though heavy morning rains
put a damper on the outside pro-
ceedings, the sun came out after
noon to brighten the hopes of
spectators who spent the day vis-
iting exhibits, models, machines
Men's Judie
Continues Vote
Men's Judiciary Council con-
tinued its probe yesterday into
the stuffing of the engine arch
ballot box, but the guilty party
remains unknown and three elec-
tion races are still unsettled.
* * *
continue early next week, Judi-
ciary President Bill Reitzer, '51L,
said, but he did not reveal who
wlil be questioned.
Those questioned yesterday
were the students who manned
the voting booths on both days
of the election as well as candi-
dates for the unsettled races-
none, however, gave any infor-
mation leading to a solution
of the mystery.
Don Calhoun, IFC Council mem-
ber in charge of placing IFC vot-
ing attendants and Tom Sparrow,
newly-elected SL member, were
also questioned.
* * *
THE UNSETTLED elections are
for vice-presidency of the com-
bined schools and presidencies of
the junior and sophomore engi-
neering classes.
None of those questioned said
he noticed any "irregularities"
in the voting. But one poll
watcher said he caught one stu-
dent who had run to the ballot
box, stuffed in two ballots and
then darted away. He said the
ballots never got all the way in
the box.
Another said she had observed
active campaigning within 50 feet
of the poll.

and other facilities of the College.
THE OPEN HOUSE was to close
at 6 p.m., but popular demand kept
it going till 9 when 500 townspeo-
ple and late-arriving students in-
spected the exhibits that re-
mained open.
Wally Dublanica, chairman off
the affair, said this Open House
was the "best yet," and exceeded
1947's by 2,000 persons. About
8,000 programs were printed,
and all were gone by 5:30.
Strains of "Casey Jones" and
the clanging of a Civil War vin-
tage locomotive bell echoed from
the transportations lab, visited by
more than 4,000 persons.
* * *
THE NAVAL testing tank car-
ried 3,000 spectators in 75 trips,
while 900 enjoyed the blasts of the
Visitors were constantly baf-
fled by the "perpetual water
flow" from a tap that hung from
the sanitary lab ceiling. A guide
commented, "You won't know
the secret till you've become an
engineer." But some figured out
that a glass tube brought the
water up to the tap nozzle, sim-
ulating the perpetual flow.
The U of M amateur radio sta-
tion W8AXZ sent out 80 messages
to friends and families of students,
to Germany, Alaska, the Virgin
Islands and most of the states.
* * *
VISITORS TO most of the ex-
hibits were not prevented by "keep
off" signs from experimenting
with the machines, although some
labs did not allow cameras and
others were restricted for security.
The Metalurgy and Metal Pro-
cessing Department sold all of
their souvenir paperweights and
ash trays at a handsome profit.
Toward 3 p.m. grade school
teachers came over with classes to
give their students an "extra-
early" look at the University. Some
of the onlookers even brought pea-
nuts to feed the squirrels.
Exam Schedule
Spring semester examination
schedules for literary and en-
gineering colleges will appear
in tomorrow's Daily,

-Daily-Don Howe
"IT LOOKS LIKE BREAD-MIXER"-Two high school students from Bath, Mich., view one of the
engineering college's prize marvels-a device that separates non-soluble substances from water.
Marjorie Brandt, left and Jo Ann Tropatter, stumbled on the machine during yesterday's tour of
the Engineering Open House.

Chiang Joins
Pres. Li in
'Fight to End'
Capital Capture
Seen Imminent
NANKING - (3) - The fall of
China's capital was reported im-
minent last night as an estimated
100,000 Nationalist troops clogged
the roads in disorderly retreat
from the city.
IN THE HOUR of Nationalist
China's extremity, Chiang Ka-
Shek came out of retirement to
The Associated Press office in
Shanghai reports that the tele-
phone line to Nanking over
which AP dispatches were being
sent ceased operating shrtly
after 1 a.m. this morning. Last
word received was that the Reds
had not yet entered.
join with acting President Li
Taung-Jen in declaring a "fight to
the end."
But meeting almost no opo-
sition, the Reds are intent on
dealing the reeling regime its
death blow quickly. The flight
of government soldiers led to
belief that their commanders
have lost control.
Nanking's gates are open and
unguarded. The Red forces have
landed in the vicinity of the Nan
king railroad station, immediately
outside the high sitone walls of the
* * *
INSIDE THE walls, looters are
helping themselves, starting with
the mayor's house and hognep 4
government and city officials.
Pukow, the railway city across
the Yangtze from Nanking,
was being abandoned by Its Na-
tionalist garrison. Red shells
already were plummeting into
the Yangtze between the two
Chiang, president and for 22
years the No. 1 man in China, "re-
tired" Jan. 21 to let Vice-presi-
dent Li try to negotiate peace with
the Communists. That effort
failed finally on Wednesday and
the Reds attacked across the
* * *
CHIANG, Li, Premier Ho Ying-
Chin, former Premier Chang
Chun and Gen. Pal Chung-Hsi
conferred at Hangchow, on the
coast 100 miles south of Shanghai.
It was announced that Chiang
and Li had decided the govern-
ment "must fight for the peo-
ple's freedom and national in-
dependence to the end."
Premier Ho was placed in com-
mand of all Nationalist forces and
took over the National Defense
FRB Changes
Time Limit,
Credit Control
eral Reserve Board lengthened to
24 months, last night, the time
limit ' for completing installment
purchase payments and simultan-
eously cut down payment to 10 per
cent for everything but automo-

THE NEW regulations with b-
come effective April 27, markhig
,he second time the board has re-
laxed credit controls in less than
two months.
The new 24-month time limit
replaces the 21-month limit that
has been in effect since March 7.
The 10 per cent cash down pay-
ment replaces a 15 per cent re-
quirement also in effect since
March 7.
Thomas B. McCabe, Chairman
of the Board, declared that any
increase in credit which may re-
sult from this new relaxation
"would not under present cir-

School Spirit Comeback
Waits for SA C Approval

Revival of school spirit will be-
gin as soon as the nod is given by
the Student Affairs Committee.
Final results of the Student
Legislature referendum gave over-
whelming support to the entire
program-with the exception of
Freshmen beanies, which lost
3,072 to 2,893, a narrow 179 votes.
PEP RALLIES won 4,489 to
1,274. The tug-of-war was sup-
Ned Hess has been elected sec-
retary of the Engineering Jun-
ior class-not Tom McCann, as

of the program and I will try to
get them accepted," he said.
* * *
HOWEVER, he explained that
no plans had been made yet to
bring beanies back into the pro-
Students also approved use of
upperclass coordinators in
dorms to work with small groups
of Freshmen. The vote was 4,783
to 717. Dramatization of extra-
curricular activities at a Fresh-
man assembly at the end of the
first semester also won, 4,292
to 831.
Exact figures on the remainder
of *knP nr.narrnmtilfl hPcaivnt

Earth Rotation Affects Alarm Clocks


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