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April 01, 1949 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-04-01

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Border-line Case

HERE IS something strange about the
Rhineland decision made by a six-na-
tion commission. Nobody seems to be in
favor of the agreement, which proposes to
make 31 minor rectifications along Ger-
many's Western Front. About 52 square
miles would go to France, the Saar, and
the Benelux countries, on a provisional basis.
Not a word has been breathed charging that
the agreement is a compromise; yet-no-
body seems to be happy.
Members of the University's political
science department have called it "un-
fortunate" and a violation of the Atlantic
Charter. The "New York Times" ran a.
little dispatch Sunday next to its big
story reporting that public opinion (and
also governmental opinion) was antag-
onistic toward the proposed annexation.
However, no reason or concrete evidence
was presented for this surprising attitude.
German leaders were vociferous, however,
and on Tuesday an announcement was
made that 150 German plants would be
spared from being dismantled. Nobody
suggested that this move, might have
been timed to pacify the aroused Rhenish
We wonder what's actually wrong with
the agreement. Germans of the affected,
areas are to have an option on remaining
where they are. The alternative for the
13,500 Germans is repatriation to the Fa-
therland, with all their movable goods. This
may work hardship on a few people, but
an option is the fairest way of dealing with
shifted border people. Options were widely
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

practised after World War I, to the satis-
faction of most concerned. Eupen and Mal-
medy were then given to Belgium, for in-
stance. Belgium regards the people of that
area as equal citizens and permits such
things as the printing of German newspa-
pers in a section where the Malmedy mas-
sacre and other mass murders and burned
villages have not made the German cause
Ideally, a plebiscite would accompany
any proposed shifting of territory, and if
and when a peace treaty is negotiated,
a vote may well take place. Meanwhile,
it must be remembered that the present
action was taken because of "administra-
tive and communications necessities."
Anyone looking at the Aachen area on a
map can see the unfortunate position of
the Belgian and Dutch boundaries in the
Maastricht-Verviers-Aachen triangle. Af -
ter all, those boundaries may have to be
fortified again.
According to the political science depart-
ment, Germany's western frontier is almost
as arbitrary as its eastern one. Ever since
the empire of Charlemagne was split up by
the treaty of Verdun, the Franco-German
boundary lines were unstable. At one time,
the Holy Roman Empire included all of
the Low Countries and large parts of
northern and eastern France, while Na-
poleon made French departments (sic) out
of the Rhineland.
Of course there will be an increase of
German nationalism. But if Western Ger-
many is to be an integral part of the Mar-
shall Plan system and the North Atlantic
Pact, is it too much to expect that Germany
will make a few concessions in the interest
of peace? If Germany is to take her place
among the "peace-loving nations," she must
be willing to give as well as take..
Are 52 square miles too big a demand?
-John Neufeld.

At the Michigan . . . At the State ...,
THAT WONDERFUL URGE, to.leave "Belle Starr's Daughter" with George
The last time it was worth anybody's time Montgomery, who should be ashamed
to see Gene Tierney was in her first picture, It seems especially apt that this picture
"Shanghai Gesture," which was excellent, should come to town just as most of us are
Since that success, Hollywood feels ill at leaving.
ease unless they can continue to cast her Miss Roman-who may now return to the
as a very rich and presumably devastating chorus-is made an orphan early in the
example of elite society, picture, and thus spends ninety minutes
I suspect they do this for two reasons: with very little to do. George Montgomery,
(1) They are mad at someone who has probably the most inept town marshall in
money, and (2) They are trying to make the history of the horse opera, eases her
the lower and middle classes satisfied boredom not at all-but contributes greatly
with their own downtrodden lots, to the audience's.
If there is a plot to this movie, it concerns Rod Cameron (hiss at him), bumbling
a newspaper man who for no understandable though he is, is considerably sharper than
reason writes nasty articles about a rich George, who-like most movie law officers-
woman, who quite naturally objects, and to is unable to get a tight grip on his six-gun.
get back at Tyrone, Miss Tierney publicly There is an interesting glimpse of frontier
announces that she has married him, which social life: Miss Roman appears at a square
should be sufficient punishment. dance wearing a strapless
Perhaps some of us recall that when As Miss Roman, who somehow survives,
Mr. Power almost conunitted bigamy with starts her getaway, Montgomery says, "I'll
Linda Christian a few weeks back, he is- catch you if it takes me five years."
sued a statement that his wife would And it probably would have, too-except
henceforth give up her movie career. It that Miss Roman has meantime fallen in
seems a shame that that announcement love with him, and they thereupon ride off
concerned the wrong spouse. into the sunset.
-Perry Logan. -Bob White
AS INTEREST in the approaching local probably adopted new charters recently. This
elections increases, so also does the clearly indicates the trend toward non-
perennial debate of the merits of partisan partisan elections in cities. Similar figures
local elections as compared to non-partisan for county and township elections are not
municipal elections. available, but it is well known that the
There is much to be said for both sides trend toward non-partisan elections in these
of the issue, depending on the individual local government units is not comparable.
community involved in the discussion. The staunch supporters of partisan
The most commonly advanced argument elections maintain that party connections
favoring the adoption of non-partisan elec- are essential if officials are to be kept
tions is that local issues differ from na- responsible to the people. After a non-
tional issues. But when candidates are giver partisan election the officials are not
party labels, people vote for candidates who connected with any group or organization
do not represent the real interests of the and may act irresponsibly.
voters on local issues. If parties at the state and national levels
Advocates of non partisan elections point are to adequately reflect voters' interests,
with conviction toward "the statistics" of they must be strong at the local level.
the matter, which reveal a decided trend Through effective local party organization
toward the use of non-partisan ballots at "grass roots" attitudes have a much better
local levels. In 1948, 43 per cent of American chance of being noticed at higher levels.
cities over 5,000 governed by a mayor and Regardless of the names of the parties,
council used non-partican elections. there will always be two sides to issues. local
Over 75 per cent of the cities of a sim- as well as national. Therefore, the defend-
ilar size, possessing the commission or ers of partisan elections ask, why not en-
managerial forms of government also had courage voters to line up with one party
non-partisan elections. or the other and force the parties to take
These forms of municipal government are clear stands?!
relatively new, which means these cities -Joan Willens.
New Draft Dodging

City Editor's
The American State Department's action
in refusing permission for a group of
Russians to stump the country represents a
dangerous line of reasoning.
The Soviet Communists came here to
take part in the controversial "World
Peace" confab in New York last week. Now"
they want to join other delegates to the
conference in a nation-wide speaking
tour in behalf of "Peace".
But our State Department won't let the
Communists stay in this country any
longer. They have been ordered to get out
of the country within a week.
To me this seems a confession that some
elements in our Administration are afraid
to let our system of government stand on its
merits against the criticisms of Communists.
They would rather muzzle critics of America
and its policies.
This is where the hue and cry against
the "Red Menace" has carried us. Appar-
ently stuffy State Department officials
would rather negate our traditional con-
cepts of free discussion than allow Com-
munists to attack their policies.
This is the same kind of thinking that
now prevails in Russia. The top reds have
made it a policy since the 1917 Revolution in
Russia to ruthlessly suppress any internal
criticism of their system. They know that
Communism has never been able to stand
alone in a country where free discussion is
But just because Communists won't allow
anyone to criticize their system there's no
excuse for the leaders of a democracy to
adopt the same methods. Full discussion of
every issue is the essence of a democratic
I have the utmost faith in the ability of
our governmental system to withstand
criticism. The people of this country are
pretty quick to see through phony argu-
But when those people are prevented
from hearing a critic of our system they are
inclined to feel that maybe this critic has
something to say.
It would have been a lot better if the
State Department had placed its faith in
the American people's judgement and al-
lowed the Communists to take their speak-
ing tour of the country. By preventing the
talks they have only further widened the
breach between the two nations.
Water Level
WE ARE HEADING into the time of the
spring floods again. Soon the papers will
be filled with stories of rising rivers, and
you know in advance what these stories will
be like-you could write them yourself,
they're pretty much the same every year.
No other great nation seems to go awash
the way we do. The flood joke is a standard
article of American humor, and pictures of
houses taking footpaths, of rowboats docked
at second-story windows, are instantly rec-
ognizable by us, as quite familiar scenes, like
the trimming of the Christmas tree, or the
sleigh ride in winter. Floods, which in the
history and legend of the world have al-
ways been looked upon as unusual catas-
trophes are, with us, almost scheduled
Meanwhile of course there is, in na-
tional terms, a growing water shortage.

Whenever you have too much water in
one part of the dear you're going to have
too little in another part; you'll pay for
the waste. The water table is sinking in
large areas, and America is, to a degree,
becoming divided between citizens who
are afraid of being caught in water up to
their chins, and other citizens who are
digging for water as frantically and as
expensively as if it were oil. Yet, as I say,
there is surprisingly little sense of out-
rage. We simply endure these things. To
injure America physically is not a crime.
It is not even a social offense.
Something can be done about all this,
of course. and we have done some wonder-
ful things, as in the Tennessee Valley, and
in some other places.
The problem goes deeper, and I wouldn't
be surprised if, at bottom, it had something
to do with a fundamental misunderstanding
about the nature of freedom. To far too great
a degree, we have got it fixed in our heads
that freedom includes the right to injure
other people if you can get away with it.
Philosophically I would link the kind of
freedom that has allowed some of us to hurt
the American land, with the kind of free-
dom that sent us spinning carelessly into a
national inflation so that some of us could
be free of price control, and with the kind
of freedom that has led us to outrage the
colored half of this world so that some of
us can be free to ignore minority rights.
It is along this line that nations can lose
their way. I think. There can be no real
freedom to hurt anybody else. That's the

--. ,

"Wkhy Be 5o Negulive?"

' , _ .

The Daily accords Its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * *



Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 2552
Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m.
on the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LIX, No. 130
Men interested in work during
Spring vacation are advised to
make application at the Personnel
Office, 3012 Administration Build-
ing, 10 to 12 noon, and 3 to 5 p.m.
Men having experience in carpen-
try and painting are especially
Library Hours During Spring Re-
From Fri., Api'il 1, through
Sat., April 9, the General Library
will be open week-days from 8 a.m.
to 6 p.m. Study Halls within the
building and Angell Hall Study
Hall will be closed during this
time except on Sat., April 2, when
the hours will be 10 a.m. to 12
noon. Graduate Reading Rooms
will be open from 9 a.m. to 12 noon
and from 1 to 5 p.m., except on
Saturdays when they will close at
noon. There will be no Sunday
service on April 3 and 10.
In general, Divisional Libraries
will be open on short schedules,
i.e. 10-12 and 2-4 daily. Exceptions
are: the East and West Engineer-
ing Libraries which will be open
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily except
on Saturdays when they will close
at noon; the Physics Library, open
9 a.m. to 12 noon daily, closed af-
ternoons; the West Lodge Study
Hall at Willow Run which will be
Students, College of Engineering:
. The final day for DROPPING
will be Sat., April 2. A course may
be dropped only with the permis-
sion of the classifier after confer-
ence with the instructor.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final 'day for REMOVAL OF
INCOMPLETES will be Sat., April
1. Petitions for extension of time
must be on file in the Secretary's
Office on or before Sat., April 1.
Graduate students are remind-
ed that courses dropped after
noon of April 2 will be recorded
with the grade of E. Courses
dropped prior to this date will be
listed as dropped but no grade will
The Bureau of Appointments
announces that the following com-
panies will be here to interview
the week after vacation:
April 12, 13, and 14-The Gen-
eral Electric Co. will interview
business administration students
for whom there will be a compul-
sory meeting Tues., April 12, 7:30
p.m., 130 Business Administration
April 14-The American To-
bacco Co. will interview for sales
April 14 and 15-The Hazeltine
Electronics Corp. of New York
City will interview men for elec-
tronic research.
April 15-The Wilson Co. will
interview mechanical and indus-
trial engineers, including men for
purchasing positions.

Further information and ap-
pointments may be obtained any
time on or after April 11 by calling
Ext. 371, or stopping in the office,
3528 Admin. Bldg.
Camp Positions-Girls: A rep-
resentative of Camp Kitanniwa,
Hastings, Mich, (Battle Creek
Camp Fire Girls) will be at the
Bureau of Appointments Thurs.,
April 14, to interview experienced
girls for sports, dramatics, nature,
camp craft, archery, waterfront,
dietetics, nursing, music, riding.
cabin counselors, unit directors,
and craft directors. For appoint-
ment, call at 3528 Administration
Bldg. or call extension 2614.
Interviews by Boeing Airplane
Company (Seattle), (John C. San-
ders, Staff Engineer, and one
other representative) will be held
April 11 in Aeronautical Engineer-
ing -Department for Aeros and
Electricals. Sign schedule on Aero
bulletin board before vacation.
Application blanks in 1079 E. En-
The Bethlehem Steel Company
will have a representative here on
April 13 to interview engineers.
They require thpt a completed ap-
plication be sent to them before an
interview can be scheduled. These
applications may be picked up in
the office of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments this week.
Events Today
Student Religious Association
Coffee Hour: 4:30 p.m., Lane Hall.
German Coffee hour: 3-4:30
p.m., Russian Tea Room, League.
Westminster Guild: Informal
party, 8:30-11:30 p.m., Social hall,
church building.
Next Monday the foreign min-
isters sign the big Atlantic Pact
here in a fancy ceremony. Once
signed, it is almost unthinkable
that the Senate should decline to
ratify. If the alliance is to have
meaning, however, instead of be-
ing only another Kellogg Pact,
popular understanding of its awe-
inspiring responsibilities seems
necessary. Some sponsors seem to
want America to enter with eyes
closed. If the pact means any-
thing, it repudiates once and for
all the dogma against entangling
alliances as well as the constitu-
tional provision that it is the Sen-
ate which declares war, which
never meant much anyway.
When Senator Connally tried to
soft-soap the opposition last week
by saying that if an aggressor
once cuts loose, "It is entirely
within the wisdom of the U.S.
to decide what action to take-
if any," we think he actually did
the pact a disservice. He was pre-
tending there is no moral obliga-
tion when it is the essence of the
agreement that it does exist. The
pact will have more weight in the
long run if it gets a good thresh-
ing out in the Senate with, say,
20 intelligent dissenting votes
than if it is rubber-stamped with
a "boo" at Russia and only three
or four isolationist mossbacks like
Jenner. Watkins and Donnell vot-
ing "Nay".
-New Republic

To the Editor:
THE FOLLOWING resolution
was adopted by unanimous
vot'e at the annual meeting for
election of officers of the Young
Republicans Club of the Univer-
sity of Michigan Tuesday night:
Resolved that .while the Young
Republicans Club of the University
of Michigan is as much interested
in improving the welfare of the
American people as any other
group, the club believes that there
is serious danger to the American
way of life, and to individual free-
dom in the continuing growth of
the size, power, high cost, wastes
and inefficiencies of the federal
government, and the club further
strongly believes in free enter-
prise, individual initiative, and the
basic responsibility of the indivi-
dual for his own welfare.
In the future, the club will dis-
cuss proposals for social legislation
that may come up from time to
time, but before supporting these
merely because they may seem to
benefit some groups in the pop-
ulation, the club will give serious
consideration to whether the
adoption of the proposals will lead
to reduction in. freedom or the
imposition of undue tax burdens
on the majority of the people.
The club invites all those with;
a serious interest in the issues
of the day and the dangers of ex-
cessive government control to at-
tend its meetings and join in dis-
cussion of these issues.
The above resolution was de-
signed to demonstrate clearly to
all those interested that the Young
Republican Club is not hopelessly
split into factions as some people
have implied, but is united in basic
and 'fundamental beliefs, and is
planning to go forward as an ac-
tive force on campus and will
make its contribution toward an
intelligent solution of the prob-
lems of the day.
-Stanley F. Dole,
For the Young Republican
, *
?lV indszenty
To the Editor:

Reit (ontirol
To the Editor:
REGARDING Mr. Darnell Roa
en's letter regarding Mr. R
ger Wellington's editorial regarc
ing rent control:
Evidently Mr. Roaten overloo
one fact: There is more housi
per capita right now than the
was before the war. The only e
ruse for rent control is that it
to quote Mr. Roaten, "a tempoi
ary measure to keep landlorc
from profiting from a tempora
advantage . . . its aims are of t
purely short-run variety."
If that is so, pray tell. M
Roaten, why it should be co
tinned when the economic justif
cation for it no longer exists.
answer is quite simple: You don
want to have to pay more ient
nobody wants to have to pay mo
rent: and when you and all t
other nobodys add up to a sizeab
bloc of voters the politicians a
quite willing to disregard the cc
nomic facts of life.
The real reason for the hous
"shortage" is that rents have be
held down to an artificially lo
level by the government. Becau.
of this, the average tenant ca
and does, take up more housin
with less proportional income e
penditure. I don't say that
should all live in 9x7 rooms ju
so the housing "shortage" coul
be eliminated; but I do say th
if rent control were lifted toda
rents would not skyrocket upwar
as did the cost of living upon th
death of the OPA because there
no similarity between the two sit
cations. In 1946 consumer deman
Cat OPA prices) vastly exceede
supply. Hence, when controls wer
lifted, supply and price rose to
balancing point which it appear
we are just now reaching.
At present, housing demand (a
rent control prices) exceeds th
supply, but not to such a great ex
tent. If rent controls were lifte,
rents would rise, there is no us
trying to deny that. But the;
would not rise very far because th
present supply is greater than i
was before the war, both absolute
ly and relatively.
And speaking of the rising cos
of living, what has been done ti
alleviate it? Well, the factor
workers have had their wage in.
creases, the coal miners have hac
their wage increases, and the rail-
road workers, etc.. have had theirs
I could go on and on with this
but then you would have to prini
a twelve page Daily to take car
of it all, so I'll stop writing anc
see if I can't find a copy of "In-
tellectual Honesty in the Discover3
and Interpretation of Facts o
How Not To Be a Reactionary,'
written by Darnell Roaten, I pre
sume .. .
-Harry McCreary.

Letters to the Editor-



UNDER the title "Newer Facts,"
Hy Bershad recently quoted
the New York Times (April 5,
1944): "Cardinal Seredi was ar-
rested for protecting the (fascist)
programs occurring at that period.
Mindszenty, a bishop at that time,
was not arrested at this time or
at any time before this."
Previously Bershad quoted
George Seldes' "In Fact" wherein
the Communist Boldizar, Hungar-
ian Undersecretary of Foreign Af-
fairs, said, "Cardinal Mindszenty,
like his predecessor, Cardinal Ser-
'di, is a fascist and an anti-
A comparison of these two
quotes makes it obvious exactly
how much Seldes' rantings and
ravings are worth.
Seldes attempted to smear both
of these men, yet Bershad's own
quotes exonerates one of them.
How much value then can we
place on anything that this distor-
tionist Seldes writes?
That you may be better ac-
quainted with what type man Car-1
dinal Seredi really was, I refer
you to The New York Times ( Jan-
uary 23, 1943) :
"Justinian Cardinal Seredi, the
Roman Catholic Prince primate of
Hungary, declared in a recent
speech in the presence of the
Papal Nuncio that Christ's teach-
ings donot acknowledge differ-
ences between men, and men do
not know prerogatives which
would entitle a man or nation to
oppress another man or nation on
racial or national basis."
Does this sound like a vicious
anti-semite? It is unfortunate
that, at a time when we so des-
perately need the truth,emen like
Seldes seem so anxious to deceive
the truth seeking public.
Let us hope that in the future
no one will turn to George Seldes
and his yellow sheet "In Fact" for
the facts.
Mr. Bershad, this is no time to
allow vicious men to play our dif-
ferent religions against one an-
other. Let us instead unite to ex-
pose these wolves in "peace" cloth-
ing for what they are.
-Richard F. Schults.


Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ....Managlng Editor
Dick Maloy ................City Editor
Naomi Stern.......Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ...Associate Editor
Al Blumrosen.......Associate Editor
Leon Jaroff ..........Associate Editor
Robert C. White ......Associate Editor
B. S. Brown...........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed
Bev Bussey .....Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery ......Women's Editor
Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editor
Bess Hayes................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Hait.......Business Manager
Jean Leonard . . ..Advertising Manager
William Culman ....Finance Manager
Cole Christian ...Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusiv'sly
entitled to the use for republlrotion
of all news dispatches credited to It or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00. by mail.

T HIS MIGHT BE entitled "How to keep
out of the Army." In which case there
is a simple enough answer. Join the Com-
munist Party. But we are not issuing a call
for party members. Rather, we are pointing
out the double standard methods now adopt-
ed by the Armed Forces for screening out
"disloyal Americans."
To the Army, a draftee can be disloyal

groups. The argument for this, according to
one article in The Nation, as given by De-
fense Department officials, is that "After all,
we have to take somebody into the Army."
The Communists, according to the re-
ports, are in a different situation, The
Army would rather they weren't drafted.
But if the Selective Service should pass
oil them, Defense Officials will either keep




E - -- - -


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