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March 31, 1949 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-03-31

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Latest Deadline in the State
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Bevin in U.s.
For Atlantic
Pact, Si in
Taft Says Treaty
May Inc ite Wfar
ish Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin,
having run an egg-and-tomato
barrage in New York, arrived in
Washington yesterday to join Sec-
retary of State Acheson and 10
other foreign ministers in signing
the North Atlantic Treaty here
next Monday.
The pact, he told reporters at
Union Station, "will mean the cre-
ation of real solidarity of the
West" and will provide the basis
for "peace for a very long time."
MEANWHILE, Sen. Robert A.
Taft (Rep., Ohio) said last night
that if Russia regards the Atlantic
alliance as an offensive threat, the
pact "might become an incitement
to war, and make it more probable
instead of less."
He stated in a speech broad-
cast over the Mutual network
that he has not decided whether,
or not he will vote for the pact
when it is presented to the Sen-
ate sometime after next Mon-
da 's signing.
Taft added that he is concerned
over the possibility"'that this na-
tion has made any commitments
to rearm the countries of Europe
and to take part in a European
land war.
SIGNING OF THE treaty by all
12 of the nations considered quali-
fied for membership was assured
only yesterday morning when Ice-
land's parliament approved that
country's membership, and the
foreign office at Lisbon announced
definitely that Portugal would
Bevin came to the capital im-
mediately after reaching New
York aboard the great liner
Queen Mary. More than 500
pickets marched near the pier as
the big ship was tied up along-
side. "They noisily protested
Bevin's Palestine policies and
when finally he left the pier for
Pennsylvania Station eggs and
tomatoes were hurled from the
crowd at his car.
Acheson said that he would talk
with visiting officials about any
subject they want to bring up.
Sen. Morse,
Prof. Chafee
To Talk Here
A U.S. Senator and a Harvard
law professor will speak before
Ann Arbor audiences next month.
They are Sen. Wayne Morse,
(Rep., Ore.) and Prof. Zechariah
Chafee, Jr., Langdell professor of
law. at Harvard University.
*~* *
stitutional Questions in the Senate
of the United States" on April 22.
A former professor and dean of
law at the University of Oregon,
Morse has been associated with
various government agencies for
the past 15 years and has been a
senator for four.
Chafee will give five lectures on
the general topic "Some Problems
of Equity," from April 18 'to 22.

He is one of the leading experts
in the field of Equity.
Morse will speak at the annual
Founders Day dinner of the Uni-
versity Lawyers Club. Chafee's
talks constitute the third series of
Thomas M. Cooley Lectures. The
series will be given at the Law
Tickets Available
For Spanish Play
Tickets are still available for
tonight's performance of "Puebla
de las Mujeres" and may be pur-
chased at the box office of the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The play, which is presented by
La Sociedad Hispanica, is a com-
edy by the Quintero brothers. It
is a portrayal of the power of
gossip in a small town in southern
Featured in the cast are Carlos
Soares '49 Grad, Nanette Emery
'49 Grad, and Joseph Plazonja

Army Overthrows
Syria Government
Interpret Revolution as Forerunner,
Of Proposed Armistice with Israel
DAMASCUS, Syria-(P)-The Syrian Army overthrew the gov-
ernment without a fight yesterday and arrested many high officials.
Brig. Husni Zayim, Chief of Staff of the Army, said the dawn
coup was to deliver Syria from "despotism" and would not interfere
with previous foreign engagements.
* * * *
HIS STATEMENT was taken to mean that Syria will go ahead
with negotiations for an armistice with Israel.
A curfew was clamped on the country at 6 p.m., the moment
the revolt was successful. A government of undersecretaries carried
on the administration while Zayim sought the advice of Faris El
Khouri, president of parliament Q

and former premier, on forma-
tion of a new cabinet.
At Rhodes the acting U.N. Me-
diator, Dr. Ralph J. Bunche, said
he assumed the Israeli-Syrian ar-
mistice negotiations would proceed
as scheduled. Bunche's aides left
for Damascus yesterday to begin
Lhe work.
U.S. MINISTER James Hugh
Keeley, Jr., reported to Washing-
ton from Damascus that President
Al Sayed Shukri Al Kuwatly, pre-
mier Khaled Bey Azem and the
entire cabinet were arrested.
In Washington it was pointed
out that the revolt posed a ques-
tion of what will happen to the
proposal, which was to be
brought before the Syrian par-
liament soon, for construction
by the Arabian-American Oil
Company of a Trans-Arabian
pipeline from the Persian Gulf
across Syria to the Mediterran-
A high Syrian source in Cairo
said the People's Party of Syria,
proposed tohthe president two
weeks ago that Syria be annexed
to Iraq.
Speaker Says
Education Is
Key to Peace
"Since wars and peace originate
in the minds of the people, our
best chance for a lasting peace will
come through education."
These words sounded the key-
note of Mary Ellen Lewis' lecture
on the role of teachers in profes-
sional organizations. The lecture
was one of the current special se-
ries of talks on education spon-
sored by the education school.
MISS LEWIS, former President
of the Michigan Educational Asso-
ciation, emphasized the advan-
tages to be gained by group action
on the part of the nations' teach-
"You can't do things alone,"
she said, "but if you represent a
large group of teachers, school
administrators will listen to you
when you make requests for bet-
ter pay and working conditions."
A live-wire local unit of the
Michigan Educational Association
can do much toward bringing
about higher pay scales and elimi-
nating heavy teaching loads due
to crowded conditions, according
to Miss Lewis. Research done by
the Association can provide much
valuable background material on
these problems.
* * *
MISS LEWIS expressed the hope
that work done by teachers in co-
operation with UNESCO will fos-
ter international good will on the
part of teachers and pupils the
world over, thereby promoting
world peace.

Lectures on
Planet Life
"If on any other world, condi-
tions are such that life can sur-
vive, it will somehow come into
existence" Sir Harold Spencer
Jones, Astronomer Royal of Eng-
land said in a University lecture
last night.
There are probably other plan-
ets in the hundred million solar
systems with conditions similar to
our own where life can exist, but i:4
our own universe, only Mars shows
any signs of life, he added.
* * *
SMALL BODIES, like the moon
and Mercury have no atmosphere
at all, and are dead, according to
the British astronomer.
On the other hand, the largest
planets, such as Jupiter and
Saturn have so much gravita-
tional pull that the atmosphere
cannot lose any of the poison
gases which make life impossi-
Only on the medium sized plan-
ets, earth, Venus and Mars could
there be any possibilities of life
having developed. .
VENUS IS ruled out because of
its extreme heat and meager oxy-
gen supply, but large patches of
colorswhich change with the sea-
sons suggest that primitive vege-
tation exists on Mars, the astrono-
mer pointed out. There is no scien-
tific evidence to indicate that hu-
man life could be found on this
planet, he remarked.
* * *
Disc Donated
For Telescope
A mirror for a 98-inch reflecting
telescope-one of the world's larg-
est-has been presented to an Eng-
lish observatory by the McGregor
fund of Detroit.
Visiting lecturer Sir Harold
Spencer Jones accepted the gift on
behalf of all British astronomers
while in Ann Arbor yesterday.
slab of glass is currently valued at
$30,000. It was poured in 1936,
along with the 200-inch mirror in
California's Mt. Palomar observa-
Since completion of the Mt.
Palomar project made it unnec-
essary to have two large reflecting
telescopes in this country, the
University Regents voted to return
the disk to the McGregor fund.

"American Prosperity is already
walking on the crutch of an arm-
aments race," Norman Thomas,
veteran Socialist leader declared
last night.
Speaking to an overflow crowd
at the Architecture Auditorium,
Thomas said that the armaments
race caused by the ever-present!
shadow of the cold war, has great-
ly hampered our judgement of
economic factors.
* * *
THOMAS, long-famed for his
sparkling oratory, received con-
tinual ovations from an over-
whelmingly sympathetic Univer-
sity audience.
He offered Democratic So-
cialism, which "has the distinct
advantage of saying let's look
over the problem and see what
we can do about it," as a solu-
tion to America's problems.
"We have gone so far in plan-
ning for war that the only pos-
sible substitute is planning for
* * *
DECLARING that all planning
can-and must be done under the
democratic process, Thomas cited
housing, farming, banking, credit,
public utilities and natural re-
sources as areas where "reforms
are impossible if you trust to tt
literal free enterprise system."
Thomas proposed that plan-
ning be handled by a public
authority on which consumers
and workers are represented.
Praising the "remarkable per-
formance taking place in Great
Britain, Thomas declared that
British socialism has been pos-
sible only because of a "frank
adoption of planning and appre-
ciation of the importance of co-
* * *
"COMMUNISM is one reaction
to the problems of our times, but
it is a solution which free men
must reject."
Future Planes
May Operate
On Jet Engines
Compactness, Power
Lauded by Col. Minty
Gas turbine engines may even-
tually replace the present type of
piston engines in all airplanes,
large and small, making them
speedier and more powerful, ac-
cording to Col. R. J. Minty, of the
United States Air Force.
Col. Minty, chief of the Air
Force Laboratories at Wright-
Patterson Field, said that jet en-
gines pack a powerful wallop in
a small package.
* * *
HE SPOKE in an exclusive
Daily interview at a reception in
his honor at Rackham. He is at-
tending the Conference ending
here today on Fuel Sprays spon-
sored by the Engineering Re-
search Institute of the University
and the Air Material Command
of the Air Force. The parley is
top secret for security reasons.
In the military sense, the re-
cent non-stop flight of the
"Lucky Lady II" around the
world shows the tremendous
possibilities of long range bomb-
ers in special applications in air
warfare, Col. Minty said.
But in commercial flying, in-

volving passengers and freight,
the refueling - in - air techniques
utilized by the "Lucky Lady" may
never prove practical because al-
ready existing airports do not
necessitate them, he added.
* * *
COL. MINTY alleged that car-
rying passengers over the North
Pole as a short cut to Europe and
Asia will probably never come
about because commercial airlines
must look after the comfort as
well as the safety of their pas-
Because of the expense of gov-
ernment-financed modern engine
development, their use in com-
'ercial airlines may never prove
practical until developed for mili-
tary operations in which speed
is more important, he declared.
Four Petitioners
Affirm Candidacy

* * * *


- Thomas

'Home Rule' Bill
Becomes Law As
President Signs
Truman CallIs Measure Crushillg
Defeat for Real Estate Lobbyists
WASHINGTON-(P)--President Truman yesterday forecast a
crackdown on a "black market in rents" as he signed the new "home
rule" measure extending rent controls 15 months longer.
Although it is not as strong as he had asked, Mr. Truman said
passage of the act was a "crushing defeat for the real estate lobby."
* * * *
THE PRESIDENT SIGNED THE BILL into law only a day before
the old rent law was due to expire. Congress only Tuesday had ap-
proved the extension after weeks of bitter debate.
In a statement issued after the brief signing ceremony at the
White House, Mr. Truman picked out specific provisions which he
said "strengthens rent controls."
These are the major ones heJf1 T
cited: s l I
G f D f O

SOCIALIST LEADER-Norman Thomas, six-time presidential
candidate on the Socialist ticket, charged last night before an
overflow crowd that American prosperity is walking on an arma-
ments race crutch. The campus Democratic Socialists Club spon-
sored his talk. He will round out his visit today with classroom
discussions in political science and sociology courses.
* * * *
"A totalitarian state has in eof a bankrupt and broken order
no case evolved out of demo- which has not prevented war, and
cratic socialism, but rather in will come in time in America un-
opposition to it." less we do some serious thinking
"Totalitarianism develops out and basic planning."
** * *
Thomas Warns Against
Re'd StandonWold tate

"The men in the Kremlin won't
accept world government unless
they are convinced it will be com-
munistic," Norman Thomas told
guests at a dinner sponsored by
the Democratic Socialist club yes-
Thomas lashed out at members
of the United World Federalists
who "use the words 'world gov-
ernment' as an escape from fac-
ing international problems."
Fleming Says
He's Not GuiltyW
Clyde D. Fleming, former Wash-
tenaw county treasurer accused
of forgery of public records,
pleaded not guilty when he was ar-
raigned yesterday afternoon in
Circuit Court here.
Fleming's arraignment came as
a result of a grand jury investiga-
tion of alleged defalcations in the
treasurer's office between 1941 and
Visiting Judge Raymond W. Fox
of Kalamazoo ordered Fleming's
$10,000 bond continued, although
he set no date for the trial. Fox
conducted the hearing after Cir-
cuit Judge James R. Breakey, Jr.
removed himself from the hearing
by postponing it from Monday to
Negro Wins Case
LEXINGTON, Ky.-(AP)-Feder-
al Judge H. Church Ford ruled
here yesterday that Lyman John-
son, Louisville Negro, was entitled
to admission to the University of
Kentucky's Graduate School.
Judge Ford said the defense had
failed to prove that facilities at
Kentucky State College for Ne-
groes at Frankfort provided op-
portunities for Negroes equal to
those of white students at the

"BUT I HAVE not given up
hope for peace; I think it is pos-
sible to strengthen the UN and
reach a state where the nations
of the world will adopt a disarm-
ament program.'
He opposed a plan which
would make a tight government
out of the western democracies
but declared that a United
States of Europe would have "a
rational, regional and economic
basis for success."
"The Atlantic Pact should not
be put into effect unless a general
appeal to the UN for disarmament
fails," he said.
* * *
"I REGRET that the Pact was
negotiated, because all that it
hopes to accomplish could have
beep done without it."
Thomas stated that he would
like assurance that Franco
Spain will not be asked to join,
and that no bases will be estab-
lished in Norway.
"Such a move would force Rus-
sia to establish bases in Finland
and Sweden," he declared.
More NSA
Cards on Sale
More than 1,000 NSA Purchase
Cards will be rushed to Ann Arbor
today and go on sale from 1 to
4:30 p.m., in the lobby of the Ad-
ministration Building.
Long lines of students quickly
bought up all available cards yes-
terday. The more than 350 cards
were expected to last out the
week, according to Cathy Hous-
ton, '49, chairman of the Student
Legislature committee handling,
the cards.
The cards, which sell for $1,
will be available tomorrow and
after Spring vacation.

. . .*
1. AUTHORIZING 'the federal
Housing Expediter to regulate
evictions, making it "possible" to
curb a "black market in rents."
2. Empowering the U.S. rent
boss to sue landlords for treble
damages on the tenant's behalf
in case of a rent overcharge.
3. Eliminating the "much-
abused procedure permitting so-
called voluntary leases with rent
increases up to 15. per cent." The
President said this removed the
"possibility of coercion by land-
lords to make tenants sign such
leases in the future."
"THIS ACT," he said, "is the
result of the joint efforts of the
Congress and the administration
to find an equitable solution for a
difficult problem."
Mr. Truman went on to say
that "while affording more ef-
fective protection to tenants
against illegal or unjustified in-
creases, the act also facilitates
the making of adjustments nec-
essary to correct injustices
against landlords."
He said the provision to give
owners a "fair net operating in-
come" will be particularly "help-
ful" to small landlords who may
not be getting an "adequate" re-
turn on their investment.
* * *
ALTHOUGH many Congress
members objected to this section
as being too vague, Mr. Truman
said it "does not create an ad-
ministratively unworkable stand-
ard of 'fair return."
'U' Receives
Smith Bequest
of Loan Funds
Probate proceedings on the
estate of Crapo C. Smith, who
willed more than $1,250,000 to the
Regents of the University to be
used for the benefit of the stu-
dents, have been completed and
the capital sum has been given to
the University.
Under the terms of the will the
money was left by Smith to be
used by the Regents as a "re-
volving" loan fund for University
student scholarships and for
grants-in-aid to those with special
Smith also stipulated that his
name not be connected with the
grants and loans in any way, as
he wished to avoid "undue pub-
licity." All awards and loans, to be
granted on the basis of need and
merit, are to be strictly confiden-
President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven was named administrator of
the estate and on his petition the
Ann Arbor Trust Company was
named co-administrator.
Dean Visits MIT
Dean Ivan Crawford of the en-
gineering college will represent
the University at the Massachu-
setts Institute of Technology Mid-
Century Convocation today and
tomorrow, which celebrates the
inauguration if MIT's new presi-
dent, James Killian.

U.S. General
Under Fie
Maj. Gen. Clayton L. Bissell of
the U.S. Air Force, charged with
dealing illegally in coffee in Ger-
many, was described as "an ex-
tremely untouchable, incorrupt-
ible individual" by Prof. Otto Graf
of the German department.
During the war, Gen. Bissell
frequently inspected intelligence
research operations to which Prof.
Graf was attached.
." * *
the general was a "strict discip-
linarian, a very efficient officer
who was famous throughout the
War Department for his inquisi-
torial technique. He was fond of
forcing a man, in the presence of
others, to explain his mission in
irreducibly simple terms."
Meanwhile the U.S. Air Force
announced earlier_ yesterdi.y
that charges had been filed con-
cerning "acts allegedly com-
mitted while Bissell was military
and air attache at the United
Stages Embassy in London from
May, 1946, to July, 1948."
It said these were being investi-
gated to determine whether he
should be brought before a court-
martial. The investigation is being
made by Maj. Gen. Edwin B. Lyon.
THE AIR FORCE withheld de-
tails. It would not even say what
article of war Bissell was accused
of violating.
Bissell, who served in World
War II as commander of the U.S.
10th Air Force in , the India-
Burma-China Theatre and later
as chief of army intelligence, ar-
rived in Germany yesterday for
the investigation.
"I have no comment on the Air
Force announcement," he said.
"The fact that there is an in-
vestigatin has been previously
published. The investigation is
continuing. That is the situation."
Peace Group
To Tour U.S.
NEW YORK-(4P)-A "World
Peace" rally will go on the road
across the U.S., its sponsors said
yesterday, but there will be no
Russians in the cast.
Immigration officials gave 18
Eastern European delegates "a
weekat the most" to leave the
THE 18 CAME here with repre-
sentatives of other nations last
week for a cultural and scientific
conference on "world peace" in
New York. The State Department
now says the visas of the "iron
curtain" delegates were good for
the New York meeting only.
The sessions at the Waldorf-
Astoria Hotel were sponsored by
the National Council of Arts,
Sciences and Professions. It
drew several thousand delegates
and almost as many pickets.
The State Department's "go
home" order, the council said, will
"convince more and more Amei-

Fadiman, Noted Critic,
.To Speak at Hill Today


* *

Clifton Fadiman, widely known
literary critic, will close the 1948-
49 Oratorical Series at 8:30 p.m.
today when he speaks on "Our
Writers, Our Country and Our
Planet" at Hill Auditorium.
The native New Yorker is per-
haps best known for his sparkling
comment as master of ceremonies
of "Information Please", a post
he has held since 1938.
FADIAN entered literary cir-
cles immediately after his gradu-

Technical Schools Take Spotlight

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the twelfth

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