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March 20, 1949 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-03-20

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TIIfl E NMIC f 1CGA N -I-)

i7 1 i MOI~O i4

Southerners' Club

THE DEATH. of, thef Southerners' Club be-
fore-( it had officiatlly been born means
att the ve 'Ule1(1.A asllthe hurtfull defe'atof whate
eou1l have bee n somethiiag new ,and very
important In the f;ield of human under-
Whiat.started as an innocent P~latt to
bliring students, from a specific region to-
gethelir ifor littl e tmore thtan purposes of
self -enjoyment h.., grown to a Communist
plot, an orga :niztlionr designed to per-
lictutate ite~rmarriaget, or a. group designed
to iic(riminato against Negroes-accord -
ingf to whllich news, report you read or
N ONE OF THIE students involved in the
club's organizationi is sure what hap-
pented. No one knows what the so-called
'suibversive" (and unfortunately widely pub-
licizech forces were. No one is sure how they
got started1. But the club's three officers
suddcEnl y found themselves involved in a
near- nationl1 controversy. And they could
only stan(l by and.Newttch the props get
kicked from under the club, letting the
structure topple down on their own heads,
The blame or even the cause for the series
of fantastic events :since Tuesday night can-
not be laid to one source.
The meeting was conducted intelligently
and calmly and was, as one member put
it, "dry as dust." "'We read, and approved
a constitution and elected officers--no
arguments, no debates-what could be
duller?" was his comment.
THE, CNDUT- AND result of the meet-
iiis Cam tonost is the revelation of
somerthl~ztinn at tely fine and wonderful. To
oter, who, A it ws haged cae to the
mee ting looking for discrimination and
readty to make trouble the result may have
been disappointing, as it undoubtedly was to
any who weire prepared to uphold white
suplrem.ac°ist teets. When the meeting end-
Editorials publisheJ in The Michigan Daily
are -writ/en by mnembers of 't4he Daily staff
and represent the 'iei s of the writers only.

ed, it looked as though Inthe two (extremes
-the trouble-shooiting, ove--r. ealo' V refor
ers and 1the whiite S, riac,!i s h i <i 1 r
cast out in favcIorfla p t.o Mt1
But Wednesday morning the entire
situation was reversed. Ne wspa).iper s
throughout the South. printed stories s o
gar-bled and misleadlingz, so libelous in some
cases, that one club mnember was worried
about thne Safety of his family. Others, felt
that therir own reputations and thevir famn-
ily prestige in the S outh wtas~ T4 irrarbly
damaged. How the(,papers got the stories
is not lknown--nor hether they v, erO
twisted unwittingly or with iitietitmal
Under the circumstances, the mrost cour-
ageous, and in the long run the most ex-
pedient thing to do would 1have been to
simply issue a statement preslentin, the realt
purposes of the club. The stories would heave
been denied, the publicity would have blown
over, and the club would have been success
fully conltinuedC(.
But the two young organizers of the club,
understandably frightened and confuseld by
what they had started, albeit with only the
purest motives, and besieged with social
pressure from all sides, felt that the best
solution was to withdraw the club's petition
for SAC recognition as quickly as possible.
Subsequently, they issued a state~meint to~
that effect, charing "deliberimtely inatro"-
duced subversive influences" as the de-
stroying element. The unofortunate word -
ing of the statermennt served only to further
complicate the situation I'mr other club
members who were not niotified of the
withdrawal until much later,
At an informal ineetine" at Tllie 001y,
Fr~iday night,, a new statement, was isstied
exempting fromn the ch arge "any persoun
who was present at the (previous) meeting."
The damage was done, however, and the
future of a Southerners' Club on this cam-
pus is dark. The genuine tragedy , h
situation sterns from the innocence of the
students involved, from thP terfyn(rai
zation that: vicious lies weretce e n
believed and from the qal[ihrun
indication of the i[ftluencethe Milvrnunci at
attitude in the South wields In even tliits
great Northern educationral inestil t LoIL
-Natomi Ste ii.

Democratizin'g Educati~on

TSHE LACK OF FUNDS even today is de-
privi' an appalling number of children
in 'the United States of their educational
Senator :flbert B. Thomas of Utalt has
reitrodulced at federal aid to education
bill in the 81st Congress. This, same bill
was reatdily ,passed by the Senate of the
prvviou, (oni'ss but was allowed to dice
iiinthe otse of 1Representatives last April.
The propos.eld imeasure involves the d is-
tributioii of 300 million dollars each year to
help states provide elementary and secon-
daary schools for all children. This would
insure the annual expenditure of no less
than 50 dollars for the education of every
chtild in the United States. This is, indeed,
a smnall amount. In fact, some educators
declare, that 200 dollars per child is the
smallest possible outlay if children are to
be properly prepared for citizenship in a
Accor'ding to the termns of the bill, all
the states would share in the funds, but
the largest amounts would be allocated to
the poorer s t at-;. No state will receive less
than five dollars for each school child.
It sems paradoxical that the states which
spend the least money on public education
are actually devoting a much larger per-
centage of their state; income to schools.
But income and wealth are not distributed
evenly. The low average earnings of people
in the south naturally causes the amount
spent on the education of each child to be
much lower.

Some figures might illustrate this point
more clearly. It is this sharp contrast be-
tween the type of education available in
the wealthy states as compared with what
the less fortunate states trust put up with.
that makes federal am id to schools so nec-
In New Jersey 1.74 per , cntothe 1 hic itine
allows an expenditure of l idollars ct:i
Year for eachi school child. Onl tho otheri
hand, in Mississippi, the ise of nearly I~
per cent of the income on education results
in a total of 44 dollars spent per pupil. The
average for the United. States is 1:34 dollars,
but twenty states are below that level.
Should the children of these states suffer
just because they happened to be born inl
the wrong state?
The bill requires that the states coni-
tinue local and state support At present
levels. Assistance is given to a state after
it has provided two percent of its income
(or. 120 dollars per pupil) to educa lion.
Those who oppose federal aid to eduation
fear federal control of schlool a dministr'ation,
But the bill Specifically states that. control
of educational policies and school adminis-
tration shall continue to be the lirero at lye
of local and state governments. Federal
interference or control is prohibited.
If children in all sections of' the country
are to have an equal opportunity to receive
the proper kind of education and adequate
training so they may intelligently assume
the responsibilities of citizenship, the fed-
eral aid to education bill must be passed.
-Joan Willens

Giess work
IT APPFEARIS ITHAT experience is no the
:rca cedi e" for thlat has formerly been
Sartcely hav~e the hackles on the ack
of' many a nmis-guided citizen settled,
than th,, polsters are at it again. And to
add insult to injury, this time they are
lIsy locturing that same Republican party
which they lulled into such an enervating
slambier of aiffltiiation jst four months
a ga.
M r. lino R~oer, whose 37 per-cent pre-
diclioti on the Truman vote was one of the
biigg ?est eletion fizzles, has come upl with
somonz bj(ctive advice for Old Guard Repub-
lictam.;ini the( ci rrentiissue51of a nat ional
nhi s aiir e, en ti tied "The Only Hope
for the GOP", lE combines statistical proof
with canalytical reasoning (based on current
public o)iuion.t as the editor's note optimis-
tichally reassures 1us) to support Gov. Dewey's
inteiliicui that what the Repbican party
needs is ca ood five-cent liberal.
Th'lrough a synathesis of two-year oild
sur ey tfi oes and voting statistics from
the list election, Mr. Ropecr has discovered
that the great majority of Republicrlla
voters favor such former GOP anathema
as the TVA, low cost federal housing, the
extension of social' security benefits and
othier Ne 'A'healimea su'es.
As much a:. one may welcome this eti-
mat ion surely there must be some question
as to the validity of conclusions reached
I hi ouch a sstenm which has been so tbior-
oughly discrutit ed ot late.
'1c, he hcn'menl irehabilitation of tne
po)s1c1 ens aal-art of the American scene,
when critics were so recently predicting their
Vii'u ai ~l xtli ct ioi i.at least tnt il thyde-
v't'hello 1v0 accu(rte satlplin{,,methods,
rises Som1e1 tlerestilug Qustions.
;dtoralists wiell, no doubt, interpret this
as another' proof of' the American public's
desire to have their intellectual problems
simplified to the p)oint of absurdity. On
thet other hand, there will be those who
will see' the traditional Yankee compassion
for the underdog til this case the poll-
ste'rs) Shillig throug i.
\Vlia t 'v c thie rca rca son, (Ihis restoaion
of h le remit a b art of statist ical augury has
no0 doubt1) .riven rise to quite( a few guffaws
am I not ;a litle bilter recollection.
---'ave Thomas
Fi nII Tactics
irEOPEN re-establishment of the alli-
anc'e liciweeittde Republicans and the
soiitlicnii txt'niorats makes it folly to as-
sume that the Republicans will, at any time
in t lie prediict able ftut re, launch or support
any sig ni ficait derive on)it bhalf of civil lib-
erieis in the .South. The alliance with the
South,. now freshly rebuilt, represents the
G.O.P.'s last. remaining hope for power on
the national scene. T1o expect the Republi-
can party to kick out one of the two props
on which its power now tests is to credit it
with self-sacrificial tendencies of anl ex-
t.renmely unlikely sot.
TIhose R~epublicans who are chortling
abtlitt their party's amazing come-back
to Congressional power ater tie Novem-
ber election disaster have not, perhaps,,
traced out the meanings of that comeback,
or' its pI'0tle l~CconisequeceCs. TIhey are
talking about the miracle which sees the
party back in effective control of Congress
aft'tr losinig the election. But what is the
nature of that miracle? '
The ie aniuig of the miracle is that the
Republicans have found a substitute for
having a majority. The G.O.P. has accomn-
pisheci a tremendous shift between the

Eightieth and the Eighty-First Congt'esses
--operationally, it has given up whatever
'b a -e it had among the people, in exchange
for a pow;er. base in the poll-taxed boroughs
below Mason and Dixon's line.
In a wordc, the Solid South has replaced
Northern majorities in thne Republican pow-
ci' appa ratuts.
'R'is means that Re-publican power.
wh~lich once& rested on reality, now rests,
like Southerit power. on purely technical
siotuations. It nowv roes on rigid Senate
rides, on oc~ter°-represenztation of poll-taxed
c'oi'stitueieltic,, on the country's inalbility
to prov-ide those free elections in the'
Southi which ni-lht sweep away muclh of
the' So .thern representation in Congress
w~itti whose help the G~.O.P. is today deal-
ingstag'-niugblows to the re-elected
Preside nt.
And ibris means something else--that the
Repuiblic ans have practically given utp hope
oi \\ ining!_ the 1-r1esidency in the foresee-
Sablefuur.Thle damnage done to the party
iby the new Southern alliance amiong liberal,
trade u tnion, Negro and other groups in the
North must be (enormous. The incredulous
ceclam ation of Senator Lucas during the
{filibuster B lilt--'If the Republicans want
to c'ommi, political suicide, let theme do this!''
-_..is vecry signrificant. It is as if Republican
hope in reg ard to te White House had fi-
nally cra ckedl at the last election, and ats
if the party' novw['eels that its only chance
t) kcep )c nseri At isme going is to ensconce
it self in :t dc;ieiisive posit ion amng ;the
tec('llic aiit ics ,.di tthe roles of the kind

Li brry floohsole:

'I it, I).il~y ac'oiit treidrsI tiert
privilege of subit ig lttrs for
pullblication in 1hik co'lun, t. ii f
to space t' limift i IIns, I lie germI I po Itl
bis ito plibli-4 lin therer ~ill titict
tI hy aro e rci~rdi:11I lette r',bering
he1 i rt's Si r nat tire and (1:i tid r '
TLetterr 4.(1'editug.:,lilt %I',, rep't -
lI hutsIltter's :ndl letters of a.It1ItIInia-
tory vcharacteor u cuh Iletters t Ibac
forl :ny otherr reason arr nt lin good
ftaste il I tril h ta I .i ed'h a. 'I lie-
edfift'irs re erle flit'- pvIt g.' ut4 t
titensingl lettr,;,

! !o.,s tllI o :live I tat t'
0 :i 1'u ct sli.bt,1 ra1oft her
:1!!iittllllh.,,Ill a d be tin t
thXr11a v 01 dl tili t'y\

To the Editor: .i t51h~ ts1leoio
cused (1Inc of condemning]:', in m in t i tnIit-,t'-isd snot
letter of March 3rd, pe-ople ,swho l'ih : io - theii:t ;to Present lila
believe in "'that which is not, conm-'Ie1li-a'i'. hv har
mnyaccepted.'' I don't Se''Ellhw'mr . ti'iiuys cske'siat I heievt'
anyone could get that, idea fti'oillit o ivi n it ' . Il aml sure'('if
my letter. Also. I did notLtlee et ot' t(iwe St titwti tiody woldl
any part icular philosophy of gov-lltesi-it, t'ilt \ olt are mwth
er-iment. not' did I coildd'nlt any-it(,.
one else's as hie said I did. Lot t't ,1 ()t) l11 ii> t aI t in t to
If a Communist gover'nmnit, of"'stifle ier'it c a lt ad
even a dictatorship like Russia's.fcut l .lty i-ubrs.[ I urge a<ll cof you
were voted into power I woulll' t 1c;t) tett Dean('we a11id Pres -
have no complaint. (Indeed. I 'i(C'tentanaa t M~l .l 1ich11?ian'S tate
wouldn't be allowed to, anywvay)' College i gig imm ntot) rinsta te
But I will not sit back and idlyeJattes Zaric, h1 . I furl t-i ak yu
watch a subvei'sive group work to) join in t i - 1 g lt omainain1
towards,,the overthi-owing ofou cd icI'-'(Olsol-tatry
government by forc. Since the ititelle(-tltad I;ill'll li ol a aveoti-1til t1 1 id tci t l ~:iOl l a
against these subversive clentt s lAnmei'ium enitie
is by helping to point ott theirs- -Martin Ef. CGltiekste in.
lies and false lines of reasoing,.
that is what I am doing and will
continue to do. ttfl (ISIC l fi 'r'urc
y-l-Dave IV. !'etecrson. I.


"No, this is all I need. The table legs is about this much too
short . ..

Publication in The D a'llyOfficial1
Bulletin is constructive notice to alt
members of the Ifi'vcr i, ti otices
for tile lulletil In tomuhl 1w ,iset f
typewritten 1or 111t40 1111°Oltwe -~oft
thle Asslitant. to t he Presidetl, ICoonau
2.W2.1Adlministration Bilnlg. by :1:00 1
p.m. on the day preceding Imblic;'-
lion (11:60 a.m. Saturdays).
SUTNDAY, MARCHI 20, 1949!)
VOL. LIX, No. 124)
Seniors- Collegecof l,. S. r A..
an1d Schools oif Educat ion, music,
and PubliecIlealthI : '"rent a tive lists1
of seniors foi' Jine graduai;ont,
have been posted onl the Rgs
trar's bulletin beard in the tb-rst1
floor cor-iidor', A d i i i ,I a t io n
Bldg. If your name is misspelledI]
or the degree expected incorirect-1
please notify the Counter' Cler-klt

Committee oilt
Meeting will be
March 22, 3 p.nm.,

Student Aiffairs.
held on Vires..
Ram. 1011, Angell

lFening Petitions. All petitlions'
are to be tur-nedl in to Ed. Miellef,
209 Winchell Ilouse--V r.i-ti
lafter than Thur's., Mai:l2.
Frater'ni t y residernts:
Addressed postal cards will be
given you at tihe next I.F.C. Presi- '
dents' meeting, oni whichiyolt are
asked Ito specify ivefr-ateinity
with which you will sliatr- a 1)0(1111
at thelT'.F.C. BAL. T t is inij)(ero-
tlve that. you tiiahke your tltc isa,) i
and mail it as soonl as;hpossiblte. '
Bureaui of' Appointnits: 'Thli
Aetna G vemait3-and .Sur'ety Co. ivill
have i'epr-esentat ives luie' ili
Trues., Marchi 22, I) to i ieww cain-l
didates for- salaried sales trehriseli-t
Ittive positions.'
The Kroger ('o . nill. ha ve Nr'li.t
McCaffery of Oli D etr-oit ofiie {
here' on caniplus We'd., tnd 'lhtu's.,
Mar-ci 23 and 24 to internvi(-w sltu-
dents for theii- executive ti-siining?
program 'for positions thirol iit I
the United States.
Further information and ap-
pointments may be obtained byl
calling Ext. :371, 01' at 3528 Admiin.
1U.S. Civil Service ('omomissionl
announces an examina tioni for
museum art specialist. Fiu-theri'nll-
for-mation may be obtained atthie
office of thle Bureau of Appoin t -
Occupational Information Con -1
ference: Mr. J. W. Tuttle, Wtes-1
tinghouse Air Brake Co., Wilmer-t
dling, Pa., and Mr. Richard Leuthi-l
euser, Ford Motor Co., will discuss
opportunities and r-ecluirenrientIs
for' college graduates with their
respective organ izatlions. Wed.,
Marc-h 23. 4:10 p.m., PRm. 231 An-
Bell Hall. Opportunity for clues-'
tionis. Sponsor'ed by U. Bureau of
Camp Positions, Menl: Repre-]
sentative of Camp Nissokone, De-
troit YMCA camp, will be hei'ec
Saturday AM to intel-view men for-
lpositions in atletics,swmig
nature studly, photography,- riding,
dramatics, journalism, bookkeep -'
ing. For appointment call at Bu-1
reau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-i
mmi. Bldg., or call Ext. 2614.
Th le Westinghouse Air Brake C'o.I

will have a representative here on
Wed. and Thun's., March 23 and
'A4 to initerview mehanical. ele--
tic, n al. d 1Kaerionaittical enginees
for t heii'pnieulm'a tice engineei'ig
p~rogr-amn.'rho nline months train-
ing' pr'ogi'am starts July 1, 1949.
For furither in formation and ap-
plication blanks, call at office of
B~iueau of Appointments, 3528
Admin. Bldg.
I 1tiv sity ( oiuitiity ('enter,
Stitl., maur. 20,.Tit t'dnon ida r-
tioa iclu Iiartchi pograni:1(:45 am.
Churchi ser'vicetuaid nursery, 4:30
p).mu. Diiss ioni grloup, 5:30 p.ml.
Pot -luck suipper-, 7 :30 p.m. Chis-,
tian edticatioii commi-itte.
M~on., Mat- .21, 8 p.m. Cosmo-
politan Club. Sewing class.
rues., Mar. 22, 3 p.m. Garden
Club. Mr's. John Condon, Jr. will
giye suggestions to Village garden-
ers for spring planting. New mem-
bers welcome.
Wed.. Mar. 23. 8 pa. Bridge1
pai'ty. Wives' Club Board. French
elatss. Ceramics.
'luirs., Mar. 24, 8 p.mu. Ceratm-ics.
Water - color. Textile, painting.
Vll~t lal wor-k.
I - ivemsity Lecture Lin Frech):
"Je-au-Paul Sartre et la naissanlce
de- I Ex istei-it s isme." Professor
it-an Elhhioid. Director of Foreign
St ttent.5illii Fratie, Visiting Pro-
fit-asor atIithe Un tivrsity of Illinois;
aw ic; oflit thit'tDe'par-tnent of Ro-
nilru L hit-I algtlagis. 4 :15 pam. Mon.,
Marc ii 21.- ? rwkh ni utAmphitha -
University Lecture: "The Meas-
tirement of Habit Srength." Dr.
Ernest R. I'ilgai'd, Chairman of
the Departnment of Psychology.
St auford University, and Presi-
dent of tile American Psychologi-
cal Association: auspices of the
Department of Psychology, 8
p.mi., Mon., March 21, Rakham
Am philtheatrec.
Amer ican Chemical Society Le-
ture: Pr-ofessot- L. H. Biggs, Auck-
land University Collegte, New Zea-
land. "Chemical Substances from
New Zealand Plants." 8 p.m. Mon.,
Marc-l 21, 1300 Chemistry Bldg.
Acadlenti Notices
IDoctoral Examination for FPank
chnevese, Physics; thesis: "An In-
vestig[ion of the Angular Distri-
butlion of Neutrons from the Pho-
to-Diintegration of the Deuter-
on", Trues., March 22, E. Council
Rnro.,. ackhatn Bld.. 1:30 p.m.
Chainian, H. R. Crane.
Org-an Reital: Claie Coi, Con-
icrt organist will appear in Ann
Arbor on Sun.. March 20, 4:15
p.m1., IHill Auditorium. Composi-
tionis by Bach, Vivaldi Daydn,
Kar-, - Eleit, Reger, and Dupre.
Elie putblic is invited without
Student Recital: Pearl Francis,
student of organ utnder Marilyn
Mason. will present a iecital in
p~artial fulfilment of the require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor
of Music, at 8 p.m.. Ties., March
24, Hill Atuditorium. Compositions
byv Couperirti, Bach, Brahms,

D~ef iit ion

Tro the Editor: bven wtoikini-1tii c ntly and effi-
PERHAPS it would be well for-cien'itly fora year'si tindier- t' abl'
the University Lect'e Coi- ti-ecionhlofsam ao u'cyas:irco-
mittee to give its definition of ftrueft iopi olc it urvetead ftil-d
"educational." Whlen tCht'former srcto t ll. -fdea fud
Attor'ney Genei'al ofth~e }Statet'of1-for-new hosp) itls in IMiltdita. 'lie
Michligani adresses thit'Young lb- l'ro:liii is pr t tsi ig well, anmd
liutblidns onl the 'F-'iiti'- of the t mt at vt'Plat, ha vt'heelt laiI fon
Republican Pa tt v i Iin t'Sto t' t of i ' II'A0 tals
Michigan'' the tdueati onaIl it cc- I Ai, heI 'lst ilt-cii .of'te
easts of the tcommutnit y are b'i,,- groupIthe it oit ters wtre -sudden-
served. but when the Yotung Pro- ,hIN told thait Governor t'Williatms
gressives apply to have Mi. James had aired Ithi-i diretr'. who as
Zanichmiy speak, the appl~icationi wll tiatitfieil for thel psit on be-
is tui'ned down. This is not a ca-:use of ext ensivet hospital adli-
condemlnation of the Lecture- istrtive experienice, and had aip
Committee's favorable action in poin'td inl his teiad t he-thai-
gmanting Mr. Black the necessary man tf the Yout;ii Democrats of
---------- ~ -Wayne Coumty, a young marl
Frank, Bach nd owery. oen host- chitf qualiitation for the
Franckpubeach n owmb. ypu ob appears to be that lit'has
to t~lepublic.served as ani X-may tehtician.
~ ,Political pachtice petrmifits the
-FxI iftti'*iS girat'io 10thsciiti'gi'men and
Itaciclium (Galleries: Exhibition to maIke h)ohitll 51poiltlelt s
of Children's Paintitng throughl 'withiout i lfint etplnatiois n-
Mau'ch 30. Nur'ser-y School to Hiigh gat-dless o tiai Ii liatiouatofIthe
Schol wrk:shon i al me ins lua inoleid. bitt is it, ainy won-
Schol wo-k shiwtiin at m der t--ChVa I tysiiai's eal- a t-giuw
- ""'~' 'oh'social izdtiteicine with tits
1University Iluseutuns, Rotundla: wat'fttt bueaut'rady ard patr on-
Eau'le Iidian Pipes, Beads and age system o which they would
Wampum from the Northeasten be- complle'tly asubsetvient?
United States. Daily 8-5: Sun- -Il. T ~ .JhsoII).
days 2-5. Descriptive leaflet for ~ . -
free distribution. "
Museum of Art: Five Anmerican' iij
Painters, thr'oughm Mai'ch 22; For-
ty Modern Drawings, thi-oughi
Apmil 4. Some Recent Accessions, J44j j jp f
through April 8. Alumni Memoial .
Hall, daily 9-5, Sundays. 2-5. Tie
public is invited.
F-vents Today 1
Roger Williams Guild: Supper, L'i.
fellowship and worship at Guild 'c
Hlouse, 6 p.m. Sttudent panel will ~ -
discuss "Camrpus Social Action.' .'
Canterbury Club: Supper, 5:30-
p.m. followed by first in a series ti//tNinth Year
of taks etitld "Rligin Aplied Edited rindotna-ed by students of
of tlksentiled"Relgio Appiedthe Universiy of Mithigan under te
to Everyday Life." Speaker: P. authoitty of ti'Jord inControl oft
Rear-don Peir'sol.- CoffeeHthiri'at 'i deo 1. 'utctiois.
9 p.m. _
Evangelical and Re formined Ed//OK/l Staff
Guild: 5:30 p.m. Chinese supper. hartt'htFi-htdan . .. .ManinngEitor
Lydia Tang will speak on "China.", Dick Maloy ................City Editor
Gammta Dlta: Supper' and pro- Al i iiiuos,i..........Assoc'ifo Etitot
gram,. 5:30 p.m. Speakers: Mr. S. lIeon Jttrof ......... .Assot~t Edtor
J. Roth and Prof. A. Hyma on the Rober-t; C. Wite ......Asscto Editor
subject: "Shall Parochial Schools It. S. Briown. ........ ... sports' Editor
Receive Public Tax Money?' Itd W-denthal . .Assoelate Sports Et.
Box,-v ll ia~ey'....Sprts Fea-tre Writer
Att y hitii'i v . ".....Wotxeu s Eitr
Wesleyan Guild: 5:30 p.m. Stui Mary Anni Itaris Asso. Wte tititdui
dent- Panel will discuss the United ue&-i fays .,................ Lrtrrnr.
Nations appi'oach to Christian1 /f
world citizenship. Sutppei-and fl- uics l
Iowshi, 6:30p~m.lichard iHlt .....nttsiess Manlget
howship, 6:30 p~m.Jea:n L1.-ora-t . . . Au verti-hg Maiagr
Willii 'tiiiiin . . - .lalnee Manager
Michigan Christian Fellowship: Cole Crt Min.. .tireoclato Manager
Miss Cathie Nicoll, I.V.C.F. Staff224
member, Canada, will speak onIcf ,ate232-
"The Living God." 4:30 p.m. Lane
Hall. MAl c btr of 1Ih' Asocia/d Pres
Westminster Guild: Regular- fe- -li i hti to te ue foi'r 'iirTltc t)li
tof s it lws ttit i'l s ceditedto ii or
lowship meetinlg, 6:30 p.m. Mr. o- el itxt.-e 'ctu-ui to this lnewsppler
William Hender-son, Ass i st a rittj All rghts of rt-pihllaiin of all other
Minister, will speak on "The Quest. mnoAcia lit-nina re aso r-eri'd.
for Certainty." Informal supper, E-nteud at the Post Offic at Ann
5:30 p.m. Fromn 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Aibor. Michigan, a secod-clasa malt
Mm'. Henderson will conduct a 1111(1 tt ivigte eua
Bible seminar'. Coffee and ro-lls .el rptn du~g te eua
(Continieri OnPage scoit yer by carrier, *.0, by min,


Letersto the Edc it or



- -I .1--l...

To the Editor:

p. ;:lu'snIsi's S lit'] ('it i'tis hiss~l

Money Trouble

'J'HE CONSERVATIVE coalitioni which
nlow cleai-ly coininaids an effective ma-
jo'lrity inugii :wl soon be faced withua
daneros coic'.Such men as Senator
Walter F,. George and Senatom' Rober-t A.
Taft, who bitterly oppose any tax increase.
miust either stamid forth incongruously as
the chamo~ens of deficit financing, or they
flitst fic cin e way really decisively to
r'educe :,.ov'r-nm era spending.
Tihe Budgeo't 111eaut estimates that with-
c ultnow t h ie minimum deficit will
iw in the newighborhood of six or seven
fwndre-d million dollars. In view of the
size of the budget and thme national debt,
thfis would be. no great shakes. But this
inimnum is based onm all sorts of assump-
tion, :osme of them demonstrabily falIse.
Th'le firs;t aatinipt ion is that, 'the national
int-omeD(' rill hocld tip. Even the mildest whis-
pci' of a rces o utldlknot-k all tihe esti-

mates of receilpts anti expenditures into a
cocked flat. Thae hiuge gox-erninenl; incomet
wvhich the Tr'easur-y is now t-olhcctiii' wtould
plummnet down'i. Al Ille sairnet' ime expenldi-
tures wo~uld shiarply increase.
'lhe secotnd asstumptiotn is thiat it w ill
be possible to fig-nt off such raid-.;on thet
Treasury as that embodied in Rep;:resentaa-
tive Jhmn Itanklu's bill fot vitter ans' pena-
sions, which wvould t-venttually cast tlme
unbelievable suma of tine hitaudcred aItmid
twenty-five billion dollar-s.
Third, it is virtually ecci'hain that Congtress
will authorize a Seventy-group Ai- Forae.
Last but not least, theire is tme rearimot-
ment of Westein Euro'dpe. f'iual estimastes of
the first year's cost sbt itmd be ready v-ery
Ishortly. The' figure is expecttt' to co' Lto
between a billion and a qiter i--andh aibillion
and a half dollai's.
Senator Taft has already pointedc to onte
amrea 1' reduction. Ilet'las said t hA t al-
!though he is inclined to tavor the ;atlantic
Pact, lhe is extremiely skeptical :about
European rearnawu'ut. And Seni.:tor



rJ ,, T§m lleI18YO31, aAa, $b0..

Barnabyp! Thotf's7

Why it's the discus1

rIs THAT what Mr. O'Malley


i I



i ._. . ... .e . x 1 i Y t t b i1r


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