TIIfl E NMIC f 1CGA N -I-) i7 1 i MOI~O i4 Southerners' Club THE DEATH. of, thef Southerners' Club be- fore-( it had officiatlly been born means att the ve 'Ule1(1.A asllthe hurtfull defe'atof whate eou1l have bee n somethiiag new ,and very important In the f;ield of human under- Whiat.started as an innocent P~latt to bliring students, from a specific region to- gethelir ifor littl e tmore thtan purposes of self -enjoyment h.., grown to a Communist plot, an orga :niztlionr designed to per- lictutate ite~rmarriaget, or a. group designed to iic(riminato against Negroes-accord - ingf to whllich news, report you read or hetaIr. N ONE OF THIE students involved in the club's organizationi is sure what hap- pented. No one knows what the so-called 'suibversive" (and unfortunately widely pub- licizech forces were. No one is sure how they got started1. But the club's three officers suddcEnl y found themselves involved in a near- nationl1 controversy. And they could only stan(l by and.Newttch the props get kicked from under the club, letting the structure topple down on their own heads, The blame or even the cause for the series of fantastic events :since Tuesday night can- not be laid to one source. The meeting was conducted intelligently and calmly and was, as one member put it, "dry as dust." "'We read, and approved a constitution and elected officers--no arguments, no debates-what could be duller?" was his comment. THE, CNDUT- AND result of the meet- iiis Cam tonost is the revelation of somerthl~ztinn at tely fine and wonderful. To oter, who, A it ws haged cae to the mee ting looking for discrimination and readty to make trouble the result may have been disappointing, as it undoubtedly was to any who weire prepared to uphold white suplrem.ac°ist teets. When the meeting end- Editorials publisheJ in The Michigan Daily are -writ/en by mnembers of 't4he Daily staff and represent the 'iei s of the writers only. NIGH'T EDITOR : GEORGE WALTER ed, it looked as though Inthe two (extremes -the trouble-shooiting, ove--r. ealo' V refor ers and 1the whiite S, riac,!i s h i t aI t in t to If a Communist gover'nmnit, of"'stifle ier'it c a lt ad even a dictatorship like Russia's.fcut l .lty i-ubrs.[ I urge a