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March 20, 1949 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-03-20

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Campus Liquor Laws

SL Keeps President, JiminJaiis I

Tickets for 'Tovarieci' G o on Salde Tomor-1-rowv
Final bustling is in progress for ! A mr atiiiee :,h i d ft 2:: 0l)it as"" lh l i dlightful plajY

Most students will struggle to
the end. for liquor--aipparently it
..ubricates their gregariousness.
College newspapers give top play
to proposals which would make it
easier for students to drink, bu~t,
usually the wet forces arc beaten
back and university communities
are likely to be dry-in theory at
kS i* k*
SOMETIMES, however, the stu-!
dents themselves are opposed. At
'Pittsburgh University, for instance,
the Student Congress voted down
a motion calling for beer to be
served at University functions.
This was after the Dean of Men
informed the legislators that thme
university's present policy would
stand anyway.
At the University of Colorado,
the city council was considering
the problem of whether to grant
beer licenses in the vicinity of the
University. Four student pastors
requested prohibition of beer sales
near the University, and a 3.2
beer license application was',+abled.
THEt WISCONSIN legislature
was meanwhile asked to prohibit
18-year-olds from buying beer
and make the age limit 21 for all
forms of liquor. At the University
of Wisconsin, the Daily Cardinal,
headlined : "Water Isn't Bad."
At the University of T'exas pass-{
ers-by at a pep rally noticed a {
student with a bottle protrudingl

from his hip pocket weaving
through the crowd. He wasn't
palralyzed, however; he was stagt-
gertng under the we-4iht: of the
infant on his shoulder who was to
(drunk the milk in the bottle.
Faculty Recital-Three sonatas,
for piano and cello, played by Mrs.
Marian Owen and Prof. Oliver
Edel, 8 p).mf., fRackham Assembly
Organ Recital--Miss Claire Coci,
4:15 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
jStudent Recital -- Miss Doris
Hays, soprano, 8 p.m.. Hussey Rm.,
Newman Club-Concluding mar-
riage lecture by Dr. Hugh Ma-
honey, 2:30 p.m.. 4 p.m., and 7:30
p.m., clubrooms, St. Mary's Chapel.
Psychology Lecture-Prof. Er -
nest R. Hlilgard, chairman of the
psychology department at Stan-
ford University. will speak on "The
Measurement of Habit Strength,"
8 p.m., Rackhiam Amphitheatre.I
French Lecture--Prof. Jean Er-
hard, director of foreign students
in Prance, will discuss "Jean Paul
Sartre et la naissance de l'cxisten-
tialsme francais," 4:15 p.m., Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.

We rushed over to The Daily of-
fice the other day to keep an apj
pointment with -Jim Jans, but in- #

Ilie( :,pcl h departmnit's newes t pm~ livV> Ia pci In
elffort , *'tcruiicli,''a com~edy to 0!l 1il'.wIil(alo n ir~
17e prescentetl at 8 p.m. Thursday, teTtrdvproume
: riday(. and Saturday v n the I lydiai
\lIT '1s i htre. After more tl' _ i l 'Jtr .
(R aebgn Lf~''Wa leesin P~i' fl .1 . W
I ' l r.U t'box office. Ad1:11 ]. ie]lay. ,'1 a.} h1 .1>v
aL pri(cd at$1.20, HOC and Gc.1lVt (cied lvLodn'n xYr
0111 nj rate is 48c. TheN'' 'r:P I*;-r :'

Y' \ork h1 id :11 ic iime
i'nlIovin :1 a. b11litrnooii
I~~ILy :' w~ ~aeIsxiilihb' William
B~ ont'ielF'1-PrinceAlexandro-
xii U naif MrlnBegol"
<a .,.' (i:rand Duchess Ta'tiana,:
ta 1(.d : 1,4 hrdi"tlinger a ls theCorn

stead of findin ; him th ei'e, rec'eiv-
ed a message that he was avid bl dtan-.
SO we waited, thinking of the1
many things-,; hat could detain thle
tall, amiable president of Student-
PERHAPS HE was conferring
awith President Ruthven about SL's
plans for a students-regents meet-
ing, or attending a meeting of the
committee on Student Affais.
Maybe he was at SL cabinet
meeting reviewing and clarify-
ing the issues to, be brought up
at the next legislature meeting.
Finally Jim, witlh an ID card in
one hand and a green paper hat
in the other, sauntered through
the door.
He had been busily partaking of
green beer in a local tavern and
asserting his right to join in the
day's festivities because his middle
name was Patrick.
JIM, a 21-year-old senior from
Detroit, finds his jcb as president
of Student Legislature is a big,
but interesting job.
"The legislature serves a func-
tion that no other campus group
can. fulfill. Only at an SL meet-
ing do you find all shades of stu-
dent opinion represented," hie
Jim. was elected to SL last
spring, and chosen President at
the beginning of this semester.
Other SL officers describe him as
cooperative, considerate of opin-1


hs -.


OF SIYl iI p 1rescnts

4 4
:: it I cli

E E G I, IIl I tfi I I).TjIl( I
T 1ickets 1. 20, t (c, (taxinrc.

.'> s
f:' , "y: ,.:
, ,
s ,,
, , . _ i=
1j/ " -- -. .
+ .

B3ox Ofr iceOCper-~is orn1,r. x I 10 /.M. - Phone 6300

MATHEMATIICALLY M'INltlDI---Jim Jtans, '49, when hie's not
performing one of the many duties required of the president of
the Student Legislature, delves into his calculus and trigonomietry
books. Pictured Avith fans is his always-hiandy rop~y of Robert's
Rules for parliamentary procedure and a gavel, which hie says
hie rarely uses.

Everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything
about it. M.T. This is addressed to whoever may want to leave
off smoking without discomfort, All others are asked kindly
to overlook and ignore.





Will power' is bunk. All that is
necessary is a sincere desire to0 quit
for any of several reasons. Under
this system one is permitted to
smoke any time of the day or night
but only once an' hour. Only "~on
the houir" or within five minutes
can you light up. If you forget, you
must wait until the next hour.
That's all there is to it. Try this for
one week. Next obtain a special
cigarette holder. It's made of a
stemn and tube as illustrated. Don't
pay more than 35c for it. Use a
pencil to stuff cotton in it and for
the second week smoke through cot-
ton. After every smoke you will pull
off the tube and push out the cot-!

ton with a pencil. Third week nark
each cigarette one inch from the
end with an ink spot. Smoke the
longer part through cotton. Fourth
week, mnark as usual and smoke the
short part through cotton. Always
use fresh stock -- never try to
smoke saved butts. Almost done
no*. Lengthen your hours between
smokes. Once every two hours, then
every three hours, etc. The above
regimen is remarkable for its lack of
discomfort though you'll find your-
self drinking a lot of water. You
will find it welcome to cut down as
the steps arrive. Helpful hint-buy
mnink with the $600 you save.

ions of othiers, and sincere in his French, the engine school influ- -"that there aren't enough womenI
beliefs. ence prevailed enough to. make around.
-~,.him a math major. d' I "That disturbs me ver'y miuch,"
HIE STARTED school as an en- "'Th~e only thing h o' ie le added.
gineer, following a tradition set about the Legislature is that it For recreation, Jim turns toI
by his father and uncles, but wa~s keps me poa tr"afro!ygah Si~ljl.lakt~l n ls
so impressed with essays on lib- papemandngrotbasket"bhalsid.ncl 1fl15i('
feral education which he read for paper ! After graduatio, ie w ill :spend
fan English class in engine school JIM HAS SPENT, the last few wo monrths workint. in Detroit.
that he switched to lit school. suimmners going to school, andI but next fal a1wh will be Wick in
And although lie has taken claims Ann Arbor is a fine laeinaCnrort , -ri o
many courses in philosophy and the summer, except for the fac master's degree inii athi.
ity Control will hold' its March P a " r i ' iv' '
meeting, Mon., the 21st, in the .~a
tDAILY Union, 7:30 p.m. "'Board of Qual- B p ns
OF IC A ity Control Experience," panel yS ai1 1i
OFFI IALdiscussion of questions raised by La Sociedad Hispanica will pre-
pr 1 Tseparating gage variability from sent its annual play March 30 and
B ULLETIN product variability. 31 atit,Lydia 1\ endelssohn The-
IT. of M. Dames Child Study This year ":Puel de las Mu- I
(Continued from Page 3) Gr'oup will meet at the home of jeres," a comiedy b:, the brothers
-- ----------- --- --- - -- - -Mrs. Deborah Philbrick, 2107 Hill Quintero has been ,choseni.
Unitarian Student 'Group: 6:30 St. on March 21, 8 p.m. Discus-( Because of th1e un usual demand
p.m. Theme: "Group Dynamics." sion: "Creative Arts for Young for tick('ts fioz-othla-i',srools,.
Games andi iefreslimentis. i Children." Hostesses will be Mrs. throse xviw1 A-t:ish t (. t sire a''ad-
l William Wilson, Mrs. Carl Peter- ised clto liilIL( ikt soon
IceSktig lu: quredac-son, an-d Mrs. William Michael, 1 =ipossible.,i''iti~ to Arn
Ing pkatyg WomenSqur d Mrs. Murray M. Gilkeson. Jr., 1:33 l Z i.'1 ul i i aimn
AtltcE. Williami is (-iiairnati. Phrone T 0ickets go on the 1 200pu.z
Building Lotunge., 8-10::10 p.in, 2-2046. Mac 8ati:: 1-bxotic



Autgr PADelINs.G5.0ec
Autograph Model Wroos... $8.00 each
Start a set now and fill out
as you need them
MU Et£AMP,~ 4p
711 NORTH UNIVERSITY . ,.... Phone 6915-
902 SOUTH STATE . .. Phone 7296






SNtvles First at WILDS


pola is to

' '
, }


U. of M. Hot Record Society:
Program of Omar Simion recor°ds,
8 p.m., Michigan League Ballroom.
Coining E'vents
May Festival Tickets for the
season are on sale, from 9 a.m.- 12
noon -and 1-5 p.m. (Saturdays--
morning only) ; and Monday
morning, March 28, at 9 o'clock
the sale of tickets for the indi-
vidual concerts will begin, at the
offices of the University Musicall
Society, Burton Memorial 'Toy ev.
Sociedad Hispanic-a: Social
Hour, Mon., March 21, 4 to G p.m.,
International Center.
The Undergraduate Psycholog-
ical Society, coffee hour in Rus-
sian Tea Room at the League 4
to 5 p.m., Mon., March 21.
Arniya Chakravarty, India rep-
resentative at the Asian Relations
Conference at Delhi, April, 1947,
will be the guest at a reception to
be held at Lane Hall, 4:15 p.m.,
at which time he will speak on
the subject: "India's Place in
World Literature."}
The Michigan Society for +Qual-{

Sigmna, Iho TIau, Engineering
Speech Society: Tites., March 22,
7 p.m., 2084 E. Entgineering Bldg.
Pi'eparation foi'Hll of Fame Con-
test:. T1he U. of Det. (debate, squnadI
will be prCeent.
U. of Mi. Young Republican!
Club membership meeting, Tues.,
March 22. 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3A,
Mich. Union. Candidate for the
Board of Regents, Alfred B. Con-
nable, Jr., will lead a discussion.
on "The Board of Regzents and
University Affairs."
. U. of M1.lDames Interior Dec-
orating Group will mneet; in the',i
E. Conferenice in., Rackhani
Bldg. at 8 p.m., March 22. A rep-
resentative from the MichiganI
Consolidated Gas Co., will discuss
"Kitchen Design." Mrs. George
Luther, is chairman, phone 2-6987. 1
"Tovarich" will be presented by
the Department of Speech Thurs.,
through Sat., 8 p.m., Sat, matinee
2:30 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. A special rate for stu-
dents will be given for the Thurs.
evening and- Sat, matinee per -
formances. Tickets go on sale to-f
morrow at 10 a.m. in the theatre
{box office.

_ , .. _ _ _ _
, . .
' _. m _ _ _ . --



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