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March 06, 1949 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-03-06

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Engineer Ev Ellin Works 254Tori' Day

A volume of the encyclopedia
takes less time to read than a
complete list of Ev Ellin's activi-
Ellin, a graduate engineer, has
run the gamut of campus organi-
zations from the Publications
Building to the Engineering Coun-
ci, with a detour to the Union
and Student Government and a
generous sprinkling of honorary
* * *
HIS THEORY for keeping track
of his many positions while still
getting school work done is that
the more things you do, the more
time you have.
"When you're busy, you don't
waste time," he says.
Ellin's extra - curricular life
began when he was still a fresh-
man, with work on The Daily
and election to the Engineering
He soon became president of the
Engineering Council, but trans-
ferred his writing abilities to the
'Ensian. As sports editor, he put
out a 56 page sports section in the
1948 issue, commemorating Mich-
igan's greatest athletic year. The
Athletic department is planning
to reprint this section for national
EX-PRESIDENT of Men's Judi-
ciary council, Ellin was one of the
organizers of that group, and Ju-
die's representative on the Student
Affairs Committee, Committee on
Discipline, and the Board of Dir-
ectors of the Union.
A folk song enthusiast, VIlin
needs only a stetson hat and a
guitar to make him happy, but
beer or scotch improve his play-
ing. Musical plus art interests
Polie kWeig'h
Testimony of
Local officials who may have a
say in the fight of William
"Shorty" Padgett for freedom
from South Michigan Prison heard
a wire record of his testimony
while under the influence of truth
serum, Friday.
Police Chief Casper Enkemann,
one of the officials, then an-
nounced yesterday that he would
not oppose a parole or pardon.
Others reserved theirdecisions un-
til receiving word from the State
Corrections Commission.
* *I *
PADGETT consistently denied,
although under the influence of
the drug, that he had been in
Ann Arbor on the date which he
is supposed to have killed Police
,Officer Clifford Stang. He main-
tained he had never been in Ann
Arbor previous to his extradition
here from California in 1936 to
face first degree murder charges.
He insisted that the proprie-
tors of the store in which the
shooting occurred during an at-
tempted robbery, "made a mis-
take," when they positively iden-
tified him.
Padgett has presented affidavits
from Pennsylvania to the effect
that he was in Harrisburg, Pa., on
March 19 and 20, and insists he
was in York, Pa., on the day of
the shooting, although there is no
written proof of this assertion.

Daily- Ohlinger
SLIDE-RULE SENSATION-Ev Ellin, pictured above, might be
checking over a report for Men's Judic, or the Engineering Coun-
cil. or looking over last year's 'Ensiati. for which he was sports
editor. In the background, out of camera ringe, is a victrola play-
ing Burl Ives records, a pair of shiny unused skis, a beer bottle,
and an application blank for a sinmmer Euaropean tour.
* * ,

Prof. Davison
ill Gii e wo
IPoetiy 1adhs
Former Review Editor
TO Speak' "I oluorrow
Prof. Edward Dv icon, chair-
man of the English department at
Washington and Jefferson Col-
lege, will deliver two lectures on
poetry here tomorrow and Tues-
The first lecture, entitled "Po-
etry in Spite of Ourselves," will
be given at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow,
in the auditorium of the Archi-
tecture Building.
PROF. DAVISON will deliver
his second lecture at 4:15 p.m.
Tuesday at Rackham Amphithe-
ater. Subject of his second talk
will be "The Poet in Any World."
Prof. Davison has a varied
background in literary endea-.
vor. Born i Scotland, lie at-
tended St. John's College, Cam-
bridge, and edited "The Cam-
bridge Review" as an under-
After graduation, he edited "The
Challenge" in London before com-
ing to this country in 1925. Soon
he was editing the Wit's Weekly
page in "The Sa turday Review of
IE BECAME professor of Eng-
lish at the University of Colorado
shortly after winning a Guggen-
heim Foundation fellowship in po-
etry. Prof. Davison was also di-
rector of the Writer's Conference
in the Rocky Mouniains for eight
His "Collected Poems" was
published in 1940,
During the war, Prof. Davison
served as director of a re-educa-
tion program for 370,000 German
prisoners of war in U.S. camps.
He received the Legion of Merit
and the Army Commendation
Ribbon for his work.
UW F ToHold
Meetins Scheduled
Is world government possible
tomorrow, in twenty years, or is
the whole idea just an idealistic
day dream?
Members of the United World
Federalists have invited anyone
interested in obtaining more in-
formation about world govern-
ment, or in discussing any aspect
of it to attend "gripe sessions"
from 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. any day
this week in the Union.
The "gripe sessions" are being
held in connection with nation-
wide observance of World Gov-
ernment Week from March 6-12.
A few UWF members will be on
hand every day to discuss foreign
relations, international affairs,
the UN and world government.
UWF has described this ven-
ture as an international indoor
version of the diag debates held
last semester.

RABBI LVMON-Rabbi Herschel Lymon, director of Hillel Foun-
dation for three years, finds his experience as an army chaplain
has provided him with a fitting background for his work at the
clatin fhor ,leish !students.
Hilll DiOector LAmo
C uIs 144-ork Stimtulatinig

combine to make him a Burl n'
Ives and Currier and Ives col-
Ellis claims he likes skiing, but
his roommates say that although
he shellacs and waxes his skis
every week, he never uses them.
This they attribute to Ellin's fear
that snow may wear the shellac
* *' *
HIS FRIENDS describe him as
likeable, tactful and level headed.
He has the courage of his convic-
tions, they say and will fight for
what he believes in, but is never
dogmatic or bull headed about
Ellin has been elected to three
honorary societies, Tau Beta Pi
and Vulcans in Engine school,

Michigamua, all


Prof. Arthur Schilpp, recently
returned from a seven month tour
of Europe, will speak at 3 p.m.
today in the Architectural Audi-
His talk, "Has the Church a
Message? A Duty?" sponsored by
the United World Federalists, will
mark the beginning of World Gov-
ernment Week.
* * *
SCHILPP, a retired Methodist
minister, and member of the phi-
losophy department at Northwest-
ern University, has toured Eu-
rope speaking for world govern-

senior honorary society.
He is taking graduate work this
semester, and teaching a class in
the Engineering school.
Europe this summer, either on a
study scholarship, or on a tour,
and is thinking of attending Law
School next fall.
Ellin hails from Chicago, where
his favorite pastime is trips to the
art museum. In high school his
activities included work on the
school newspaper and tennis,
which he finds little time for here.
Ellin has spent several summers
in Colorado and Montana, which
probably explains his propensity
for guitar playing.

Guiding students or soldiers in
religious and moral problems is
almost the same kind of work ex-
cept "it's more comfortable on theI
At lea:st that's the opinion of a
man who knows,, Rabbi Herschel
1 ymen, former armiy chaplain and
director of Hillel Foundation,
campus organization for Jewish
"stu i i t,
RABBI LYMON finds directing
Millel activities is interesting work
because "young people are stim-
ulating-they're always looking
for new ideas."
Established by the national
B'nai B'rith, Hillel has been of-
fering religious, social and cul-
tural services to Michigan stu-
dents for 22 years.
Each Friday Rabbi Lymon is
assisted by students in the reg-
ular worship services held in the
Hillel Building at 2101 Hill Street.
Special holiday services are held
at the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
students can enjoy the privileges
of Hillel's music library, one of
the best on campus. The group
also brings in well known national
and campus authorities to dis-
cuss current problems.
Rabbi Leon Fram, of Temple
Israel of Detroit, will speak at
3:30 today in connection with
Hillel's observance of Religion
in Life Week.
For the socially minded, Hillel
sponsors weekly dances and par-
ties. Biggest event on the social
vchedule now is their annual six
skit show, "Hillelzapoppin'." With
production set for March 26, all
proceeds are earmarked for the
United Jewish Appeal.
these activities, Rabbi Lymon has
served as Hillel director for three
Born in Cleveland, Ohio, he
studied at Western Reserve Col-
lege, University of Cincinnati
and Hebrew Union College.

ie served for a year as assist-
ant at Temple Beth El in Detroit
before entering the Army. He still
continues a friendship with Ar-
thur Eastman, of the English de-
partment whom he met while
serving overseas with the Army.
V eterans May
Lose RIi ts to
By July of the present year more
than 200,000 Michigan state vet-
erans may no longer be covered
by provisions of the Michigan Un-
employment Compensation Act.
Governor G. Mennen Williams re-
cently told the Ann Arbor chapter,
American Veterans Committee.
The situation that will face
many vets if the Servicemen's
Readjustment Act is allowed to
elapse on July 24 was discussed
at a conference of representatives
of state veterans' organizations
and Michigan Unemployment
Compensation Commission mem-
Governor Williams noted that
without benefits, of the Readjust-
ment Act, many ex-servicemen
will have no protection at all,
other than direct relief.
HE WARNED that "failure to
extend the provisions of the act
will defeat the original intent and
meaning for vets by failing to
provide a cushion against unem-
ployment during the present pe-
riod of adjustment and assimila-
According to the Governor,
graduating veterans must face
labor market competition with
no. safeguards from either the
MUCA or the SRA, if the latter
is allowed to fold in July.
He then advocated immediate
action to get a bill, extending the
SRA functional period, to the
floor of Congress.


Campus Buildings May Spot
Heated Sidewalks at Doors

o'/ 89


Now we're going to have elec-
trically heated sidewalks!
According to the current issue
of "Mademoiselle" magazine, the
University has already installed
electrical wiring underneath some
of the campus sidewalks to melt
the snow.
* * * -
WHEN ASKED about the arti-
cle, Lynn W. Fry, supervising ar-
chitect of the Plant Department,
said no such wiring has been in-
stalled yet, but tentative plans
call for heated sidewalks at the
entrances of several campus build-
He pointed out that the cam-
pus is already criss-crossed with

heating tunnels and that where
they near the surface of the
ground, the snow was melted.
Included in the group of build-
ings whose entrances may be elec-
trically heated are Angell Hall
and its proposed addition; the
General Library and its proposed
addition; and the basement load-
ing entrance to the Library.
* * *
ACCORDING to Fry, the cur-
rent expense of keeping the heav-
ily used entrance walks clean and
the damage done to the floors of
these buildings by students track-
ing in salt and water indicates
that the proposed heated side-
walks would be profitable in the
long run.

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