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March 06, 1949 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-03-06

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_____________________________________________________________________ U ______________________________________ -

Religion-in-Life Week

TODAY MARKS the beginning of Reli-
gion-in-Life Week here in Ann Arbor.
In local churches of all faiths and creeds
students, faculty and townspeople will pause
for a few moments, forgetting for the time
their own petty personal problems, and turn
their attention toward the important part
religion can and should play in our modern
At a time when men the world over
are tottering on the brink of total despair
it is essential that we reinforce our faith
in the oneness of man. Religion is some-
thing individual-something which each
person must develop within himself. For
some people it is expressed in specific doc-
trines and a historic church creed. For
others it is seen in the works of nature or
nerely a belief in something undefinable
above. But regardless of its form, faith
in our own personal religion gives us
something on which to anchor our be-
wildered thoughts.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

The University has shown remarkable
foresight in cooperating with the Religion-
in-Life program. Not only have speaking
facilities been granted the distinguished
guest lecturers from all over the country,
but }the administration has taken an active
part in helping to promote a week which
they feel will help cultivate and stimulate
the life of the University.
A second phase of the program has re-
ceived the valuable support of many pro-
fessors who have invited the guest speak-
ers to lecture in their own classes. In
this way students will not only have an
opportunity to hear a group of outstand-
ing men lecture on recent developments
in their own specific fields, but they will
also be shown how religion can play an
important part in current affairs.
The final phases of Religion-in-Life Week
will bring the guest lecturers into the homes
and dormitories of students themselves.
Through informal discussions around the
dinner table or in house lounges, these men
will be able to impart to individuals a small
part of the deep consecration which has
characterized their lives.
With such a united effort as this on the
part of students, faculty and religious lead-
ers, Religion-in-Life Week can contribute
materially to the life of the community.
-Jim Brown

Freedom 13usiness

E HAVE JUST extended another Mar-
shall Plan credit of $49,500,000 to the
Netherlands. This brings to $129,500,000 the
credits we've turned over to the Netherlands
so far under the Plan. This money is sup-
posed to safeguard the freedom of the
Netherlands against Communism. "
But Holland has invaded the Indones-
ian Republic, and arrested its leaders, and
In so doing has defied the orders of the
Security Council. Therefore Representa-
tive Javits, of New York, has introduced
an amendment to the next Marshall Plan
appropriation Bill which would have the
effect of banning additional credits to
Holland until she decides to show respect
for the UN.
The position of the Dutch is that if we
give them enough money to safeguard their
freedom, they will ultimately safeguard the
freedom of the Indonesians, in their own
t1one, in their own way. In other words, they
want to be wholesalers in the freedom busv
mess, jobbers of independence, with exclu-
sive territory. Our answer must be that we
refuse to deal with wholesalers of freedom,
that ours is a retail blusiness, direct with the
ultimate consumer, and that the Indones-
ia -ap our customers, just as well as the
And now, to change the subject com-
pletely (but without changing it at all)
I would like to take up for a minute a
domestic situation. Mr. Walter Lippmann
has just written an earnest column, sol-
emxnly warning against summarily over-
riding the South on the civil liberties is-
sue, on the ground that liberty is endan-
gered when a majority coerces, rather
than persuades "an important minority."
1Current Movies]
At the Michigan ...
THE SNAKE PIT, with Olivia de Hav-
illand and Leo Genn.
LEAVING THE validity of medical matters
and the accuracy of their presentation
aside, we may discuss this movie for its
entertainment value. And immediately, "en-
tertainment" is the wrong word. If you have
a giggly girl friend, please don't take her
to see this.
"The Snake Pit" suffers from trying to
tell two stories at the same time-doing
neither one justice, and thereby failing to
convince on either side.
The picture wants to be a realistic inter-
pretation of too many sides of mental dis-.
orders. But, the forces of Good, and the
forces of Evil have been crystallized herein
almost as polar opposites, thereby side-
slipping the human qualities of the Real
World, which demands an admixture of
Yet neither side is intrinsically convinc-
ing. Each achieves its effect solely by un-
believable contrast. Thus, whatever mes-
sages they have are alternately erected and
destroyed. Are weto believe in the sympa-
theticefficacy of psychoanalytic treatment?
Virginia Cunningham was cured-but many
of her sufferings were cruel and unneces-
sary and a bevy of Hollywood horror-movie
techniques effectively frightened the Un-
knowing into never entrusting themselves to
mental diagnoses.
Are we to believe that mental insti-
tutions are writhing snake pits? The
nurses were callous and the patients
moaned piteously-but no one was tor-
tured, none of the patients behaved any
worse than his own personality disorder
would demand, and throughout the pic-
ture Virrinia is teted ike ra sennsitive hu-

But Mr. Lippmann has not stressed ade-
quately the fact that the Negroes are an
"important minority," too. Is it wrong for
a majority to coerce a minority, but right
for a minority to coerce another minority,
however temporarily? Mr. Lippmann would,
apparently protect the filibuster, in order to
protect the minority rights of the South.
But Southern Negroes don't have the vote,
and don't even have the right to filibuster.
Here again we have a case of one group,
the white South, seeking to be a wholesaler
of freedom, distributing it in its own time,
in its own way, to the Negroes. Here again
the answer must be that freedom is a retail
business, and that we must give it to the
Negro while we save it for the South. There
is no other key to our troubles, no other
signpost that can keep is straight.
(Copyright, 1949, New YXork Post Corporation)
Work IGovernment
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a se-
ries of articles on the state of the world gov-
enmnent movement written by the president of
the University chapter of United 'world Feder-
THERE IS A strong feeling on this campus
that any discussion of world government
today is a mere academic exercise in politi-
cal philosophy. Yet the movement is gaining
strength in the world. Political leaders and
governments of other countries have come
out in favor of the program, as have many
Congressmen in the United States., Every
public opinion poll shows a large majority
in favor of world government.
It is difficult .for a federalist to be com-
pletely objective in reviewing his own case,
but it is the purpose of these articles to
tell about the state of the world government
movement. What is being done in the
world? What can we expect? What is
our chance of success?
Let us start by taking a quick look at
the rest of the world. In India the Indians
are looking for economic security. The
Far last wants political freedom. Europe
wants economic security and freedom
from war. America wants security from
war. When world government is given as
the means of satisfying these wants then
the people want world government. The
whole world is seeking security and, in
some cases, salvation. World government
is being championd as the last best hope.
Look at the situation in America. Accord-
ing to the Gallup Poll, the majority of the
people in this country are in favor of world
government. Most of them arrive at that
belief by some variation of the following
They become convinced that the pres-
ent state of world anarchy will lead to
war; maybe not for fifty years, but anar-
chy always leads to war. All are in agree-
ment that when war comes it will be like
nothing the world has ever seen, or may
see again.
If world anarchy means war, then the
best method of preventing war is world gov-
ernment. As the United World Federalists
state, "Peace is not just the absence of
war, but the presence of justice, of law, of
order-in short of government and institu-
tions of government." Up to this point there
is perfect agreement. Nobody wants war.
The transition is easy. Practically everybody
wants world government.
World government is an abstraction.
It is the twentieth century Utopia. Like
so many abstractions, it loses much of
its appeal when given a physical defini-
tion, It is difficult to judge how much
support comes from people who see world
government as a vague but wonderful
panacea. There is no doubt but what it
makes up a sizeable portion of the move-
, of.An,, .3i 113ntin a+ fth State. o the

WHAT ARE THE "educational interests
of the academic community?"
This is the question that the University
Lecture Committee will have to answer in
the future as it applies the new Regent by-
law in regard to political speakers.
This is the place where the Lecture'
Committee will need the "wisdom and
courage" that President Ruthven and the
rest of the campus wished them when the
Regents tossed the speakers issue into
their laps.
And this is the place where the Lecture
Committee's first tentative answer, in reply
to the Young Progressives' request that
Zarichny be allowed to speak here, did not
reflect that wisdom.
But the Committee,evidently realizing
that they might have been wrong allowed
the Progressives to submit a protest. The
Progressives did so. They submitted a real
protest, full of the stirring phrases which
helped work up student interest in the
speakers ban in the first place.
The progressives failed to realize that
they should have presented a solid, sensible
case to thesLecture Committee. One of the
Progressives admitted to me that the YP
was more interested in arousing students
than in convincing the Lecture Committee.
This is obviously the wrong approach
for a student organization to take at this
point. For now we must approach the
Lecture Committee on the ground where
they will have to work.
None of us were satisfied with their de-
cision on Zarichny, but that was because
we do not agree with their tentative defini-
tion of "educational interests."
The definition that is most reasonable
from my point of view would read: "Any
discussion involving personalities which
would shed light on issues of interest to
students is educational in nature" under this
definition, Zarichny would be allowed to
speak. Interested students would be able
to find for themselves the arguments and
facts on one side of the story. If the Admin-
istration of Michigan State wants to send
a representative o tell their side of the
story, he could also speak.
THE STUDENT Legislature will have to
deal with the speakers issue at its meet-
ing next Wednesday. The interests of the
students demand that their voice be repre-
sented to the Lecture Committee.
The first thought and in the long run,
the most appropriate would be student
representation on the committee, but
this would have to go through the Regents
and would take time. The issue must be
faced now.
The alternative solution, which the Legis-
lature should adopt Wednesday is the ap-
pointment of a committee to act in an
unofficial advisory capacity to the Lecture
Committee. While it would have no official
voice, the SL committee could present the
view of the students to the Lecture commit-
The SL committee would make public
its recommendations and act as the SOLE
student advisory group to the Lecture Com-
mittee. This would avoid such incidents
as the Young Progressives' protest and
provide a broad basis for the action by the
Lecture Committee.
Coming from a Student Legislature which
has matured rapidly in the past months as
the organ of campus opinion, its recom-
mendations would fill the gap in the "Wis-
dom" of the Lecture Committee where stu-

dents are concerned.
The legislature group would be respon-
sible to the SL and through them to the
entire student body.
The Lecture Committee would profit in
having the feelings of the campus presented
to it, but most important of all, the SL com-
mittee would fill the gap now growing
between students and administration on the
definition of "educational interest."
-Al Blumrosen
Luxury LOgic1

. all*

, a 0 . I -

EL EL; 9
rI 4


Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the Nniversity. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of
the Assistant to the President, Room
552 Administration Building, by 3:00
p.m. on the day preceding publica-
tion (11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LIX, No. 108
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to stu-
dents from 4 to 6 o'clock Wed.,
March 9.

"But They're So Efficient"

dents wishing to compete should
get application blank and further
information immediately in 12
University Hall.
American Indian Scholarship.
This scholarship is available to
American Indians of either sex
who are selected on the basis of
worthiness, need, and academic
performance. Further information
and application forms are avail-
able in the Scholarship Division,
Office of Student Affairs.
Ben and Lucille Braun Scholar-
ship. Application forms for the I
Braun Scholarships are now avail-
able in the Scholarship Division,

The Daily accords its readers the
privilego of submitting letters for
publiciaon in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to p~ublishl in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters ofta defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any ,other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * s
To the Editor:,
ALTHOUGH it is mere coinci-
dence that World Government
and Religion in Life Week here
in Ann Arbor have come at the
same time, the interrelation is
quite unavoidable. Despite what
some of our more idealistic friends
will say, it is becoming increas-
ingly apparent day by day that
unless we achieve world govern-
ment soon, there will be neither
Religion nor Life on this earth at
least. Rather than continue this
discussion in order to prove our
point, may I take the liberty of
inviting all our campus idealists,
those who oppose world govern-
ment now, to attend a very sig-
nificant lecture on world federa-
tion to be given by Dr. Paul Arthur
Schlipp of Northwestern Univer-
sity thistafternoon, March 6. at
3:00 in the Architecture Auditor-
ium. Dr. Schlipp has just return-
ed from a seven month trip to
Europe where he saw both religion
and life slowly but surely crumb-
ling away because of the lack of
world government. If you are dar-
ing enough to listen to the truth,
you should be eminently qualified
to hear Dr. Schlipp speak it this
-Irwin Robinson
(Gone Astray
To the Editor:

Letters to the Editor-

tional. The only catch there is
that it's not. educational to have
someone talk about academic free-
dom and free specch or the lack
thereof) especially if it reflects
on our sister institution MSC; just
as it wouldn't be fair for MSC to
discuss infringements of academic
freedom here at good old MU, be-
ing that we're both sister institu-
tions, weaned at the same teat
as it were.
But let's not focus too long on
this sham concern for MSC or
we'd be missing the main point of
the whole incident. We find that
despite any "ban" that may have
been lifted there still remains an
educational clause in the adminis-
trative code of MU which seems to
apply to campus speakers. Is the
narrow interpretation put to this
clause in the Zarichny affair
merely a semantic problem con-
cerning the meaning of the word
"educational"? Or is there a deep-
er meaning. The deeper meaning
is that the heavy hand of censor-
ship and thought control so duti-
fully wielded in the past by the
board of regents will still be bran-
dished over us by the U. Lecture
Committee. The Board of Regents
has removed itself from the hot-
seat created by the pressure of an
indignant student body. It has
shifted the "responsibility of
maintaining a "healthy" campus
atmosphere to the University Lec-
ture Committee who through the
arbitrary use of the "educational"
clause will shield us from any con-
taminating influences that may
agitate for academic freedom,
freedom of speech and thought,
and similar subversions .. .
-Ed Freeman
* * *,
To the Editor:
KNOWING the calibre of people
that work on The Daily's staff
it is hard for me to believe that
you are leaving yourselves wide
open to George Selde's accusa-
tion that 99, of the daily press
is false.
I am hoping that the story you
printed on James Zarichny last
week was written in ignorance of
What I am referring to is a
story you ran saying that Zar-
ichny was refused readmittance
to MSC for attending an off-cam-
pus meeting at which a Commu-
nist spoke.
Zarichiny was refused readmit-
tance because he violated his dis-
ciplinary probation. He organized
that meeting held at the College
House, traditionally considered an
integral part of the campus. That
meeting was attended by students
with a few town 'people present.
Your stogy gave the opposite im-
-Roy Linton
Michigan State College



Will all members of the faculty Office of Student Affairs. This wnoie cap
and staff who are entitled to park scholarship is available to under- phrasing.
in the restricted areas on the cam- graduate students of the Univer- fact issue
pus please call at the Information sity without regard to sex, race, for inst
Desk, Second Floor Lobby, Ao- religion, or school enrollment. One states th(
ministration Building, and apply $400 scholarship will be awarded 12 Com
for 1949 parking permit plates to annually. any subv
correspond to 1949 automobile li- Applications must be on file to overth
cense plates. Hereafter all cars by March 31. just char
must carry permit plates on both --I cation."
the front andrear; ca's bearing The Eugene G. Fassett Scholar- advocatio
but one permit plate will be con- ship. Application forms for the to say,
sidered as being illegally parked Eugene G. Fassett Scholarship, Howev
which is available to students in 1
and will be treated accordingly. whcisailbetsudnsn of July 2,
Herbert . Watkins, Secretary undergraduate colleges and schoolsI as follo v:
of the University who have been "That
in residence at least one semester'
Faculty Meeting, College of, Lit- ma1b6 o ed _h 1945, and
erature, Science, and the Arts: arship Division of the Office of up to and
4:10 p.m., Mon., March 7, 1025 An- Student Affairs. All applications filing of
gell Hall. must be filed by March 31. fendants
AGENDA knowingl
1. Consideration of the minutes The Emma M. and Florence L. other, an
of the meeting of Feb. 7 (pp. 1482- Abbott Scholarship. Application sons to
1486). forms for the Emma M. and Flor- known, t
2. Memorial for Acssoiate Prof. ence L. Abbott Scholarship ar- munist p
Warner F. Patterson. available at the Scholarship Divi- j a society
a. Executive Committee-Prof. sion of the Office of Student Af- persons)
L.G. Vander Velde. fairs and should be filed in this the over
b. Executive Board of the Grad- office no later than March 31. 1 the Gov
uate School-Prof. K. K. Lan- Undergraduate women of high States by
des. scholastic standing enrolled in any I knowingl
c. Senate Advisory Committee University unit who are "caucas- cate and
on University Affairs -.Prof. ian, protestant females of Ameri- cessity o
Shorey Peterson. No. report. can parentage needing financial ernment
d. Deans' Conference - Dean assistance" are eligible to apply. ( force and
Hayward Keniston. These scholarships carry a sti- are prohi
4. Special Order. Resolution pend of $500 each for the Univer- Surely,
concernig abolition of combined sity year. It is expected that the the overt
curriculums, recipients will recognize the moral, overnm
5. Special Order. Resolution if not the legal obligation, to re- poses kn
concerning changes i new cur- pay the stipend in whole or in sedition
iculum to admit two Speech part in the future as they may be I methods
able. tent o
6. Announcements.tof
7. New business, since Co
Occupational Information Con- and nec
. ference: Mrs. Marian C. Hunter, governm
Engineering students expectingDirector, Women's Division, De-
to be interviewed by Hamilton troit Police Department, will dis- Gladst
Standard Propellers on Thurs., cuss police work for women; and -if thej
March 10, check the schedule on Gertrude Bogart and Jeane God- party is
the Aero Bulletin board for your frey, Personnel and Recruitment violently
appointment. Interviews begin at Committee, American Society of represent
9 a~m m the Unite
9 am. Social Workers, will discuss op-
poitunities in social work for both most cer
Women students wishing to ap- m and w n Wed., rch 9 inal acti
men and women. We.,March ,
ply for Residence Hall scholar- 4:10 p.m., 231 Angell Hall. All preme C
ships for the academic year 1949- students invited. There will be and mu
50 may do so through the office opportunity for discussion.*'Spon- before a
of the Dean of Women. Applica- sored by University Bureau of Ap-
tions will close April 1. Students pointments.,
already living in residence halls
and those wishing to live in resi- University Community Center,
dence halls next fall are eligible Willow Village. To the E
to apply. Qualifications consid- Sun., Mar. 6, Interdenomina- N SU
ei'ed are academic standing ("B" tional church program: [ U
average required), need and citi- 10:45 a.m. Church ervice and lines r
10:4 a~. CurchsericeandBan."' Ir
zenship. nursery; large h
4:30 p.m. Discussion group; Refgsed
Bronson-Thomas Annual Ger- 5:30 p.m. Pot-luck supper. Why?,
man Language Award open to Mon., March 7. 8 p.m., Wives' Committ
juniors and seniors now taking Club Interest Groups - open to can find
courses in German. The contest everybody-ConversationalFrench, can fin
will be held at 3 p.m., Wed., March chairman Mrs. Marcel Denis. Sew- that will
30, 12 University Hall. The award, ing, chairman Mrs. Leland A. Hic- Unmvesi
interest on $1,000, will be present- kox. of this
ed to the student writing the best Tues., Mar. 8, 8 p.m., General tion." T
essay dealing with some phase of I Meeting, Cooperative Nursery. free spc
the development of German lit- I Wed., Mar. 9, 8 p.m., Bridge- you can
erature from 1750 to 1900. Stu- (continued on Page 6) want, i.e

IMES even good men go
y, They champion the
use of "liberalism" by re-
half the facts on a whole
. Take Marvin Gladstone
ance. Consistently, he
e indictments against the
munists "do not charge
'ersive act nor any plot
row the government" but
rge "teachingand advo-
What this teaching and
n included he neglected
er, the New York Times
1948, quotes the incident
from on or about April 1,
d continuously thereafter
Iincluding the date of the
this indictment the de-
unlawfully, wilfully and
y did conspire with each
ad with divers other per-
the Grand Jurors un-
o organize as the Com-
arty of the United States
, group and assembly of
who teach and advocate
throw and destruction of
ernment of the United
y force and violence, and
y and wilfully to advo-
teach the duty and ne-
f overthrowing the Gov-
of the United States by
d violence, which said acts
ibited by the Smith Act."
teaching and advocating
hrow of the United States
ent by violence presup-
owledge and training in
and other subversive
with, evidently, the in-
using them, particularly
mmunsts preach the duty
essity of destroying our
one ignores the fact that
purpose of the Communist,
to organize methods to
overthrow the elected
tatives of the people of
ed States-then this group
tainly is involved in crim-
ion contrary to the Su-
ourt-approved Smith Act
st account for its action
criminal court.
--Richard F. Schults
ny !Cse
DAY'S Daily huge head-
'ead, "Regents End Speech
n Thursday's Daily not so
eadlines read, "Zarichny
Speaking Bid Here."
The University Lecture
ee says, "The Committee
no educational purpose
l be served by the use of
ty facilities for an attack
kind on a sister institu-
hat's right, you can have
ech on the campus and
listen to any speaker you
., as long as he's educa-


13f lt Zfle '
t C~t tt tt1

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
"larriett Friedman . ...Managug Editor
Dick Maloy ................City Editor
Naomi Stern ........Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ...Associate Editor
Al Blumrosen.......Associate Editor
Leon Jaroff.........Associate Editor
Robert C. White ......Associate Editor
B. S. Brown...........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey .....Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery.......Women's Editor
Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ..................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Halt .......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
william Cuinan ....Finance Manager
Cole Christian ...Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The AssociateduPress isexclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.44, by mail,

A T A RECENT policy
Republican leaders,
cise taxes was made
of 1949.

conference of House
the lowering of cx-
the chief objective

The Republicans feel that by lowering
taxes on luxury goods such as jewelry,
luggage and rail and airline tickets, busi-
ness will be encouraged, jobs for the un-
employed would be provided, and total
Federal revenues would be increased.
But the logic of this reasoning is rather
1. Lowering excise taxes will have no
effect on business. Businesses which are
now in the luxury trade are encouraged
enough by consumer demand which is
higher now than it has ever been.
2. If business is not going to be stimulated
by the proposed tax cut our present unem-
ployment situation will remain static. The
iinnnlonvment nroblem. however, is nothina


e.,n.. ..ru...s..... sia _.

K T Mr. Discvs Thrower,

There! Been wonting to


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