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February 27, 1949 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-02-27

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'Battle of Sexes' Raging on Campuses


Schultz To Give

North and South Organizing

By PHIL DAWSON Clad in the usual costume-
All the old jokes ana a few nlew skirt, sweater, layers of powder
ones about the war between the and rouge and a brace of golf-
sexes are to be found in college balls - this renegade male
newspapers-that proves some- slipped past doorkeepers and
thing about the editors, if not poll-watchers to cast a girlish
about the readers. ballot, the O-SU Lantern report-
Students like other people are ed,.
even more interested in what sci- At the University of Indiana,
entists call heterosexual problems four men dreamed up another
than they were in the years be- stunt. They got themselves ar-
fore Kinsey. rested on the night of a major
*~ * * dance. Their dates had to go
SOMETIMES this interest is down to the local lock-up and
purely humorous, as when a "male -bail them out at $50 each.
coed" voted in the King of the * * *
Gold Diggers election at Ohio DATING PROBLEMS rated top
State University. concern at Dartmouth, where two

Reeent Year's
Draft Situation
In Retrospet
Army, a few short months ago
crying for men and spending mil-
lions preparing to handle them, is
now turning away volunteers and
cutting down its size.
And the Selective Service Sys-
tem, mobilized last June to supply
the prmy with as many as 30,000
meri monthly, is now drafting no
* * *
GO BACK to last spring, just
before Congress enacted the draft
law. At that time the army was
down to a post-war low of 560,000.
The re-enlistment rate had
fallen to a low point upon the
discharge of many soldiers who
had enlisted two, years or more
earlier to reap G.I. Bill benefits
and wanted no more army.
President Truman and Congress
said we should act fast to get our
war fist cocked into position.
the draft would stim ulate eni st-
ments. As it turned out, the army
has drafted only 25,000 men and it
may not have to draft any more at
The Army simply underesti--
mated what its recruiting serv-
ice could do with the draft as a
selling pint. Vonardy enlist-
tween May and July and they
have stayed around the 35,000
a month level ever since.
Today the Army has had to abol-
ish two-year enlistments and put
a ceiling on the number of men
who may enlist for three, four, five
and six year terms. Its re-enlist-
ment rate is running high (more
than 40 per cent) and a proposed
pay raise won't discourage volun-
* *
ARMY statisticians figure that
at n~o time during the war-time
draft or the present draft has the
rate or voluntary enlistments fal-
len below the level needed to keep
army strength at 677,000.
But if the voluntary enlistment
curve should suddenly plummet
the army has the draft to fall back

Suspense-full! That's why it
always has been and still is tops
among radio mysteries.
Steering away from the conven-
tional "blood and guts" sagas and
the proverbial "who-dunnit" se-
ries that inevitably remind me of
the soap box operas that are the
scourge of every radio listener,
Suspense has been presenting
mysteries with a twist-the type
of story you might find in a col-
lection of 0 Henry or DeMaupas-
sant or to bring the analogy up
to date, something from the pages
of the New Yorker.
most famed production was Lucil-
le Ylctcher's original radio script,
"Sorry, Wrong Number" in which
Agnes Morehead made radio his-
tory with her magnificent por-
trayal of a bed-ridden neurotic.
Miss Morehead has since repeated
h1er memorable performance of
Leona on three occasions, in re-
sponse to the countless requests
from Suspense fans.
Last week's show chalked up
another hit for radio's top mys-
tery theatre. "Where There's A
Will," the wierd, mystical tale
of a man, dangerously indebted
to a stubborn gambler, and who
The General Library is filling
up the gaps caused by the war in
its collection of German period-
During the war the periodicals,
mostly of a scientific and tech-
nological nature, were bought and
stored in Germany by an agent of
the University-.
After the war the periodicals
were shipped to the U.S. from the
Russian Zone of Germany through
the Library of Congress. The last
shipment of about 1,000 journals
has just been received.
Gaps in the collection are being
filled by exchanging duplicates
with other universities and by
having photostat and lithoprint

students first published a guide
to women's colleges, "For Men
Lonely," and then reversed the
English to produce "Weekend, a
Girl's Guide 10 the College Week-
Said the authors: "No one wiell
ever know all the blood, sweat and
Martinis" that wvent into the prod-
FINAL NOTE on beauty con-
tests: The chairman of the Cam-
pus Chest fund drive committee
at the University of Utah an-
nounced that film star Jane Rus-
sell had been chosen "Miss Cam-
pus Chest."'
- r - - r r' 9 ~f-rr
with Herb Rovner
calls upon the supernatural to
aid in the murder of a wealthy
aunt, was brilliantly enacted by
English cinema, stars, James
Mason and Pamela Caleno (Mr's.
Joan Fontaine will open the
March thrill series with "The Love
Birds" while the following week,
Van Heflin will star in Cornell
Woolrich's "Three O'Clock." The
latter is a fine reason why the
program is so aptly called "Sus-
pense." It is the story of a watch-.
maker (letermined to blow up his
home. lie fashions a timne bomnb
set to go off at. three o'clock but,
soon af ter, he is set upon by thugs
ransacking his home. The in-
truders tie him tip and make aoodt
their escape . . . while the clock
ticks on.
* * *
TONY LEADER is the producer-
director of the series, while Lu-
cien Morawek furnishes the or-
iginal and appropriately eel'ie
mood music.
For lucky students with 'Tv sets
Sspense wlmake itsratelevisisn
debut with an adaptation of Wool-
rich's short story, "Revenge,"
Tuesday. Margo and Eddie Al_-
bert, prornient Hollywood person-
alities, will be the featured play-
.' ". *
The New York Philharmonic un-
der' the baton of Bruno Walter
commences t he Beethoven cycle
this week. Deems Taylor is the
musical commentator (Sun., 3 p.m.
WJR); Boston Pops (Sun., 5:30
p.m. WWJ); Spike Jones will wage
"la guer re" with his special guest,
Hildegarde (Sun., 6:30 p.m. WJR);
My Friend Irma (Mon., 10 p.m.
WJR); America's Town Meeting
("Should Communists Be Allowed
To Teach in Our College?" is this
week's subject of debate.) (Tues.,
8:30 p.m. WHRV); Suspense
(Thurs., 9 p.m. WJR); Screen
Guild Players (Clark Gable, Wal_-
ter Pidgeon, Van Johnson and
others of the original cast in Red-
book Magazine's 10th Annual
Award winner, "Command Deci-
sion") (Thurs., 10 p.m. WWJ).;
Metropolitan Opera (The produc-
ton willhbe Bizet' colorful Cr-s
Stevens in the title role and Kurt
Baum, tenor as her Don Jose.
(Sat., 2 p.m. WHRV). The times
are all Eastern Standard. WWJ
(NBC)-950 KC; WJR (CBS)-
760 KC; WHRV (ABC)-1600 KC;
CKLW (MBS)-800 KC.

(EITOI'WS NOTE: Contributors
to What's Up in the 1)ormns should
contact Dolores Palanker at Trhe Daily
or 10i Betsy Barhour.)
Hayden House, East Quad, had
a v'ery sucessful hayride Friday
evening at the Circle 7 Ranch with
24 couples attending.
Square and round dancing fol-
lowed the ride as well as refresh-
ments. Harry hliliman acted as
House, East Quad, are Bill O'Hern,
president; Mason DeCamillis, vice-
president; Alex MeKeen, secre-
tary; Bill Joselyn, treasurer; Al
Atwood, athletic director; Dick
Flanagan, social chairman; Ken
Waltz, scholastic chairman; Jim
Gallardo, member-at-large.
The, Tyler House Bridge Team
wil play Winchell House Monday
evening at Winchell.
'TODAY, THlE sixth concert in
the West Quad series will take
place from 1:45 to 2:15 p.m. in
the Quad's Main Lounge.
The program is as follows:
Robert Sohn, bass clarinet,
accompanied by Patricia Pen-
man, piano-Fiorello's "Adagio",
and Bernstein's "Sonata for
Clarinet and IPiano."
Patricia Penman, piano-De-
bussy's "Las Terasse des audi-
ences du clair de lune" and "Re-
flets dans l'eau."
String' Quartet: Haydn's
"Quartet, O. Mj7 N. I first
These concerts are .sponsored
jointly by Kappa Kappa Psi and
the Louis A. strauss Memorial
* * *
WOMEN OF Martha Cook will
be guests of their respective .stuff-
ed animals at a "Stuffed Animal
Party" Tuesday evening, The par-
ty's motto is. "An animal of china
ware is just a shell of what ain't
Refreshments consisting of
animal crackers and poohberry
juice will be served and prizes
will be awarded for the most
repulsive, the oldest and the
dirtiest animal.
Chairman of the affair is Adele
Hager, with Marion Hardy hand-
ling refreshments and Janet Gil-
dersleeve building the fire.
To Tadk Here
One of the top ranking civilian
advisors for the Navy's atomic en-
ergy experiments at Bikini will
explain the relation of religion to
science here during Religion in
Life Week, March 6-10.
Dr. Raymond John Seeger was
a member of the Bureau of Ord-
nance advisory committee which
gave essential instrument data to
Navy chiefs for the important ex-
sToda Dr.l 1Seeger coniust
as a research consultant in the-
oretical physics. In addition he
lectures on lphysics at George
Washington University.
Dr. Seeger was educated at Rut-
gers University and received his
doctorate from Yale.

Lectures Here
On Lcnoic
Prof. Theodore W. Schultz,
chairman of the economics de-
partment at the University of Chi-
cago, wil lecture here Monday andi
Tuesday in the Rackham amphi-
The noted agricultural econo-
mist will speak at 7:45 p.m. to-
morrow before the Economics
club on "Pricing Farm Products."
Prof. Schultz will speak again
at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday on "Land
and Food-The Long View."
Chairman of the American
Famine Mission to India, and
prominent in the Hot Springs
Conference on Food, Prof. Schults
is distinguished for his long range
view of the world food problem.
He has edited the book entitig-d
"Food for the World", which is a
realistic approach to the current
CANADA-Don't disturb hiber-
nating animals, says the World
Book Encyclopedia. Their meta-
bolism operates at a, very slow
r'ate and they may die if awak-
ened roughly, according to the

Extremes in t mnperad ore wxill be
i'egistere(l on the et4mflU 4 her-
mometer tomorrowv when two sec-
tional groups band together at or-
ganizational meetings.
Northerners and Soul herners
wvill follow the path of the Texas
and Toledo Clubs to promote the
interests of their sections of die
* * *
Peninsula will draw up plans for
an Ishpeming Club at 7 p.m. in
the Garden Room of the League.
The Southerners' Club meeting is
sheduled for 7:30 in Rnm. :iA of
te Union.
Ishpeming Club members will
pass on a proposed club consti-
tution, drawn up by Iloward
Bennetts, '50, William Naut,
Grad, and Frank Butorac, '51.
Meanwhile, Ann Cotton and Ted
Simon, co-founders of the South-
erners, hope to have all 700 stu-
dents whose homes are below I le
Mason-Dixon line to appear at the
first meeting.
According to the co-Lounder's,
the purpose of the club is to
bring the southerners on cam-

pus closer togethier so they may ei'ners have about our section of
ct'oitinu~e tiril assoc*iationi after thle couintry, thiey said,
leaingtheUniersty.* * *
leavng te Unversty.TOPPING the list of tentative
"We also hope to correct the social events are a Mardi Gras
false impression that most north- ball and a Cotton carnival.
Join our celebration!
It's the Golden Jubilee of
ANOX i the time to replenish
your towelc suppiy. You won't be
abeto resist the lovely Marte; .
ftowel sets that wc aire now fea--
tu ring~ in 11 i beutiful shades.
I(All solid eniors' too! ) Do stop
ii to seour comrplete select ion.8
A/u ays' rteasonjab1y Prged ait
Te Gage Linen Sop
Open9:3-5:3 11Nickels Arcade

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